PC 1961-1962-81~ ~ ~ ~`. ~ ' ~ ,; ~ ~ ~ :L ` ~ ~ ~ -.~ ~. ,~ ?,~is h ~ ~ RHSOLUTION N0._ 81, SERISS 1961-62 A RHSOLUTI~I OP Tf~ CITY pIAHI~iING COi~QAISSI~I OP THS CITY OP ANAFiBIAI THAT PI~ITIO3N POR CONDITI~iAL U9B PBRMIT N0. 144 BB DBNIBD. W1~ffiRBA3, the City Planning Commiasion of the City of Anaheim did receive a perified Petition for Conditional Use Ptrmit froa ALBHRT B., A#tTHUR G., and ROBBRT R. BRANDT, 4440 Ambrose Avenue, Los Angeles 27, California, Owners of certain reai property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of California, as described in Bxhibit "A" or as folloms: Legal description, Hxhibit "A", on file in the office of the Planning Department ; and FfF~RBAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Citq 3:Ta11 ia the City of Anaheim on September 1H, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M.~ notice of said pu~Sic hearing having been duly given as required liy }a~v and in accordance Mi.th the proni- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear aad coasider evidence for aad against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make fiadings and reco~en- dations ia connection therewith; and fiiHBRBAS, said Commission, after due iaspection,investigetion, and studq made by it- self and in its behalf~ and after due consideration of all evidence aad reporta offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facta; 1. That the proposed use ~~_ properlq one for which a Conditional Uae Perait is suthorized by this Code, to wit: a trailer park. 2. That the proposed use will adversely affect the ad3oining land uses and the growth and developmeat of the area in which it ia proposed to be located. 3, That the subject'area is~projected for single family residential use and the proposed development of subject property would be incompatible with and detrimental to the projected development and land use pattern established for the subject area. 4. That verbal opposition, in addition ta letters of protest, were recorded against subject petition. C-1 _1_ _,.. _ ~ - - ...._. . _.---....____..--- _ . _. __ . _. , .. - -~ . i. ~ , .. . . _ . ~ . ~~:• ;. ' '}~ ~ f{;. ', .f ~ ~' c i t~ ~ ;~ NOW, Tf~RBPORS, BS IT RB90LVHD that the Anaheim City Pianning Commiasion hereby .~ deaies CONDITIONAL USH PBRMIT N0. 144 f~>^ a TRAILBR pA~tK, on the basis of the aforementioned findings. n . ~~ TFffi PORBGOING RB30LUTION is signed and approved by me this i8th day of September,1961. F CtiAIRMAH ANABEIM CI P ING C i ; i IN NITA1B33 WEiBRHC~P, I have hereuato aet aq haad this 18th clay of Septemb~r ~ 1961. ATTHST: ~ !~+'''1~ $BCR .1NAHBIM CITY P G COl+QIISSIOPI S OP CALIPORNIA ) COIJNTY OF OiWNGB ) as. CITY OP ANAE~IM ) • . I, JEAN PAGE ~ Secre~ary of the Citq Plaffiing Commisaion of the Citq of Anahein~ do hereby certify that the foregoiag reaolr~tion was pasaed and adop4ed at a meeting of the City Planni.ng Commissioa of the City of Anaheim~ heid on September 18,1961 at 2:00 o'Clock P.M.~ by the followiag vote of 4he members thereof: AYS3; COA44I3SIONffitS:Allred, Gauer~ Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, Summers. NQ~3: CQI~4lIS~YONIDtS:None. ABSflNT: C~lY33I0Nffil9: Morris, j ,~ I ..:f~:IEY.~S ~CITY p ING COM~lIS3I0N . ~ ,t. ~~ T .____-.;~, VC2-A _2_ RBSOLUTION N0.$1 _ . '".__....._._..'_' _I. . . .._.__._.. .._._ ....._. _ __"__"_ _._. ~' ` , ~ ' .... p~^~ ._-. ..., ... .. _""""' '. ._ _..., ~ ' .... . _.......___ .._.__' : ~. • "' . ._ . . .. . _. _ _... .