PC 67-254RESOLUTION NO PC67-25~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 979 SE GRANTED E •- ~ ~~ WHEREAS, the City Plonning Commisaion oE the City of Maheim did receive a verified Petition for Coadition~l Use Permit from HAROLD I< MURRAY~ J.4MES L„ MURRAYy HARRY Te MURRAY9 B~.TI'Y Jo MURRAY AND ROSEMARY MORAN, 911 North Brookhurst Street9 Anaheim9 Caiifornia9 Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County af Orange, State of California9 described in ~xhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to n~ ein as though sei forth in f'ull ; ond WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Ansheim on November 209 ',~679 at 2;00 o'dock P.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly givm as required by lew and in accordance with the provisions of the Meheim Municipel code, Chepter 18.64, to heer and consider evidence for and a,;einst said proposed cronditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behalf, ond after due consideration af all evidence and reports offered et said hearing, does find end determine the following tacts: 1. That the proposed use is p~operly one for which a Conditionul .U~e Permit ia authorized by this Code Section 18,40,Oo0(h1 to wit: establish a iandscaping se:vice and olant nursery ?n an existino shopping center with outdoor disolay o;` p:ant materialse 2. That the proposed use will not adversely effect the edjoining lend uses and the growth and d~velopment ot the area in which it is propoaed to be located. 3. Thet the size ~nd shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a menner not detrimental to the pedicular area nor to the peace, health, sefety, end gmen! welfare of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. 4. Thet the granting of the Conditionel Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, sefety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5o That unde^ the authority o; Seciior i8,6-,0'09 walver of the requ'_red trash storage areas is qranted tor a period of one year, based on tne iact that the p~titioner stated he ~as contemolating a major expansion in th? flP3* future and the reouired trash storage areas shouid be developed afte: the exoansion p?ans are `inalizede o~ That the petitioner stipulated that oniy live piant mzterials would be disp:ayed out-oi-doors, Cl-G _1_ ~ i i - :~w ~ , i ~ '~ - ~ik~.aa portion of th~ sasL bs21' of tha northefls4 uartcr of the northoast quurtor oP ueaticn ;, :o:•m3hip u Scuth, Range 10 E~est, in LI:Q R3ne1:o I~oa Coyc~os eounty oP Oranbe, state ot Cu2lfornia, aa said cec~lon ia sho~m on a maD rccczded in book 51 page 10 cf rsecellnnecus l~I~ps, in tho oPfice of tho c~unty rscordor ot said county. • ~a3nnint; a~ tha floint of intsr~ection o: t3~.e sout2:c:ezterly . ~ ~ lins of the lpnd described in ~he :~eecl to Fie~tarn Devcslop~ent - ~. Co~nny, recorded Ju.zo 12, 1t376, S.n book 44 p~o k9u oP DaeEs, , x~ecord~ ct I.aa Angeles CoL:rity, Callfornia, ti:ith the euat line ; ~ e~' tY~3 nortreant Quartor ot cr~ld sectfon 7; thence South 0° ; ~ "~i3~ ~6" Eas~ along the ~ast 13ne o~ at31d aection 7 to the nor~h- •.' ' e~at aorr.er oP ~h3 soutt~east ~uart3r eF the norti:cast. qut~rter ' - ,~.~ aP tsald seetlorn 7; tYer.ce id_tst alcng tl,e north lina oi' ea19 ' -~ ,~~ .. Eoutheust quaz•ter ot ~ho ncrtre~st qv.~rter o~ caic'l see~ioa 7 to ~: tho xiorthtrest eornQr of tt:o Eaat half ~t'~~aid sou~theA~t quartEr '~~ ot'-L, 8 narthonsL quF;rter of oaic3 ~seation 7; tl:enr.e r?orth along,' ~ ~. thz nortt~erly exten~icn ar the SteGt Iine of tr~o ~~a~t r.air oP ~.-;~a3d Aoe:tt;eaot quarter af tY,o northe4~t qi:arter oS aaid section ~~' 7 to tre South line cr Parccsl 1 described in the dced ta Her~erL ~, .•~'~ ; A. Jobnston, reeordEd February 9~ 1942, 3n bc.bi: 1129 P~Se 33 cr '; ;~O~tiCial ACCOrdsT ~Y:enee 2tor~h 8~° 38~ !:0" r',as~ alcn~ caid ~~outh 1Sne Lo thE soULrea~~ cornc: of ouid Ptarcel 1 ae deocrit.ed ~~~ ,' ?`~~ 1~ t~sid ~eed to Narb~: t A. Jor~ns ~on= thenoe Pi~rth 0' ~t3' ~6° ~ ; Was~ along the F,4at ~ino oP ca,8 Parcel 1 to t2:e soutt-.c~esterly , ~' ,. , ; lin~ of sals~ land eor~vo~d to i~'eotern Develo~cnt Ccn~anyj ,. . ' LhenCe SouLh 57° 12~ 30~ ~s~L alcr~ said t~outhw~gterly line to ' ~~ Lha point ot beginning. ~ i; ~ I i ~~ \~.KC~PT those portion~ thereo~' conveyei3 to ~Late of California ~ ;i ' ~by de~d recorded Jsne 14, Ig;~O, in book 2C27.pagQ 125 of ~. ; p~'f3oial Recorda, ~n8 by dceC recorcled Peuruary 25, 1g55, Sa ,~ : ~ book 2973 p~ f>O. ai' Gfficia.l :uzcorda. " ~ ~.~.'.;~ ;' SaiQ land ie inclu8ed rri ~hin the ~rea ar.oi,rr- on a t~:p Piied tn .I ; j, ~~. boc!t 12 page 21 ot R~aord oS S~vvya. in tho ofPicct ot tt~o ~ NNIM~V fywnwAa~ wP ~~~~ ~••~~~• ~ 't,~3~ 23456` ~ I ~ ~' ~,9h1 `°o ~ 1 ~ oc~ \~~o ~ •, ~ + ~ • N~,~ R~o° So~ \~`~ ~ ~ ~ ~'2.. . a~`~/ R ~ '~_ ' CO^~D. USE PCRMIT N0. ~t"17R ! MO~. 'l11~P0lE. ~E fT R~DLVm 1l~t Me A~M~h Gt7 MWi~ C~wl~siM bw b~wY~ pMt wMect T~titiw~ 4 Ca~iltlw~l lJse Pu+~it, ~oa f!e b13~1~ o~Ifl~s w*ici ~e Mr~ Iw0 N M~ Ncw~r!' ~w~yYt b tM ~s~i w d d+e sebf~et ~q i~ ~u M~w IM r[~!f ~i lww+~ wl6w of W Cfti~w~ d~ Cit~ oE A~iein: la -hat the oN^=.s of' subjer,t prop~ ~y sh3i1 pay :o the City of Anaheim the sum or 15d per front f'oot aiong Sequoia Avenue and Brookhurst S±reet, for t:ee piantino purposes9 within a period of i80 days from date hrreof or such further time as the Commission or City Council may grant~ 2, That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans cn file Urith the office of the Di^ector of Public Works9 by November 20, i9689 or such further time as the Commission or City Council-~may gr3nte 3, That subject property shaii be developed substantially in accordance with plar.s and specifications on file with ihe City of Anaheim, marked Exnibit Plos, 1 and 2e ~~ ~~G R~'~ u~~ r!M~ b~ 1~1^ 30th oay o` Nov?mber9 i967, C^i--L-l1r ~ ,~L.i ~ qiA~lUNI ANAI{Ld C!'1'Y Pl. ATTCST: l- L 1-, ,, `~2: ~ f~ S~C~ETARY ANANElII Ci'IY -L.AlflfdG C~3~011 SlA1'L O!' CAL2RmfiA ) (:OIJNTY OF ORANGi j p, Cl'TY OF AKAML~i ) I9 Ann K: abs9 ~t~ry o( ~ dq,'rf~~ C,~reiMla d tL~ Ci ot ~ ~ps~a w~daf~ ~ pwd ~ dortd ~t a ~~Y~ e( ~ ~ ~~• ~ NwYy e«tlty cM~t ~!' ~~~ Cr~i~iM o( Ib~ City o[ A~ahd~. Ml~ ~e November 203 i 967s at ~6 ~'clei t,~,. bs. th~ ir;11~~i~~ vete o( ~ w~ ~~: AYES: CONIfISSiOtiERSe Ali=ed9 F~:;no~ Gauer, Herbst9 Mungall9 Rowiand, Camp, Na~: C~YMISSIGNERS: Nonee j ABSENT: COINlt1SSIONERS: Non e~ IN WITNESS Nt~EREOF, 1 Y~w ~~w~ Mt y, h~ IN~ 30th day o: November, i967, i / j / /L~7.~L l. ( - -, ~2! G~:3. ~CRL~'[ARY ANAHEl11 Cl2Y PLAlINDIG CO~ON ~ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 25; ~ ~ ~~ :~ ~* _~. __ . . _ ; ~_____~: ~