General (3)Jennifer L. Hall From: Mary Dragieff < Sent: Friday, January 7, 2022 1:45 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Gloria S. Ma'ae; Jose Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Stephen Faessel; Ted White; City Manager Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Grandmas House at West and Pioneer Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Dear Mayor, City Council members, City Manager and Building Director, Where shall I start regarding the letter from David Zisser to James Vanderpool regarding Grandmas House? Perhaps such a letter is meant to be intimidating, rude or threatening. In this case, I found it to be all three, plus arrogant. HCD has interpreted the law as they see it, however is this how Anaheim perceives it, as well as other cities in the state? Is this the first CUP for transitional housing to be denied by the city? Why is the state saying a CUP is unnecessary for transitional housing, when the city obviously had many others from Grandmas House, and other group home businesses? Not only did planning and development unanimously deny the CUP, but you, our city officials agreed unanimously to deny. The reason was "over saturation." The state should recognize this reason as valid groups. According to the letter transitional home businesses are permitted to commercialize our communities. And, have the ability to put any size occupancy in these homes, including persons with severe mental illness. It seems to me the state cares nothing about the quality of life in our communities or the group homes. We saw yet another show of true arrogance by the founder of GHH. Contacting the news to do a follow up story on how she beat Anaheim and is moving into the property. She gave us the impression that she has a wonderful partnership with the city. This seems to be a case of throwing the city and the residents "under the bus." For her to say that once they move into these locations, everyone loves them when at all of the meetings held, neighbors complained about syringes thrown over walls, men and women arguing, loud noise, and trash. You have heard from many disgusted residents of the community over the past months. A half dozen people clearly stated said "enough is enough." Our Westmont Colony has enough! Several realtors told Jenet at meetings that they will help her find another location. But no, she wants 626 West St. so GHH can turn it in a MOTEL. And since there is currently no limit on occupants, it will grow to 25, 35, 45 or more than 55. If Anaheim does not stand up to the state now, this play will be coming to your street soon. I hope we can count on your support and challenge the state over their discrimination against homeowners, and families of this once great state. By the way, when we contacted our neighbors again to inform them of this latest stab in the back, two neighbors have moved out of the state. Both replied, but I think you can guess what they had to say. Permitting a huge number of these homes into our neighborhood was one of the reasons they gave. It is beyond comprehension what is happening. Sincerely, Mary Dragieff 43 year resident in our home Mag N