PC 84-105ftESOLU`1'InN N0. k~CF39-1.05 11 RESULU'rIUN Qh THL ANAHE:iM CI'i'X [~LANNING COMMISSiON THA'C PE`i'I`I'.TOtJ t'UR RECT,ASSIP'iCATInN N0. 83-$4-1.5 RE GItAN'1'ED WHER13A5, the Anaheim City Pl.annin~~ Commissi.on did r.eceivc a ver.tCi,ed ~~ettti.on Eor Rec,lass~if i.cat ion f rc~m WCa IN'CE:I~NATIONAL, A7'TN: GEORGE ADAM: , 32U0 La„t Fconter.a ~tr.eet, Anahei.m, Cal ifor.r~~i.a 92F306, owner. of ~.~rtain r.eal. proper.ty si_tuaked i-i the Ctty oC Anahei.m, County oL- pran~~e, State of Cal.iPor.nia, describec] as fo].lo~~s: f~OTS ].4 ANL~ l.5 OI' ORANGE GROVG ACRES N0. 2 AS SHOWN OP~ ?~ P1AP RECOftI)ED IN BDUI< 7, YAGk, 3G OP' MTS(:ELL~ANEOUS MAPB~ 7N 'I'Hf OFFICE UC Tk1E COUNTY RECORL~ER OI' ORAI3GB COUNTY, CALIFORNIA~ 'T.~GE'rHER WTTH 2'EiAT PORTTON OF 1~OMELO DF2IVE, ADJOIN:[NG, VACATED BY OI3DER C7F THE BOARU OF SUPERVISQRS OI' ORANGE C:OUNTY, A COPY ~E' WHICFi L4T1S RF.CORDGD MARCH 3]., J 93Q, ?.N IInf~K 932, PAGE 1.64 Oh' UEE'TCrAL RECOP,DS. EXCCPTING THEkEFROM THAZ' POk2TIUN DGSCRIE3E~ IN DE~D OF THE STATE OF CAL~EORNTA RECORllED ON FF'BRUARY 29, ].95G IN BOOK 341.U, PAGE ,1.24 ANU DEED TG THE STATE OE' CALI['OR.NIA RECORDEll IN APRIL J.7, 1969, IN E300K 70Q8, PAGF 52, BOTH OF OrI'ICIAL RECORDS OF SAID URANGE COUNTY. WHEFEAS, the CiL•y Plannir~q ~:ommzsston did hold a pub7.lc near.ing at t.he Ci.vxc Center in the City ~~f Anahei.m on l~pril ].n, 1.984 at 1.:30 p~m., noti.ce of said publ.ic hear.ing hav.ing be~n dul.y given as requir.ed by l.avr and in accor.danc:e with the provisin~is nf the Anahe:im Muntcipal Code. C}~apter. ].8.03, to hea~ and constder. evidence for, an~ agair-st sai..a prop~sed r.eclassi.fication and l•o inveatxgate ancl make f.indings anr] recommendations i,n connection therewi.th; said publ.ic hcar.ing haviny been c~ntin~ed Lo the PJ.anni.ng Commission meet:Lny of June ].I., ].98~1; and WHERGAS, said Commi.ssion, atter. due tn~pection, i.nvestig~tton and ctudy made by i.tsel.f and in its bzhal.r, and atter. due consi.deratton oF a1.1. evidence an9 z•epacts offer.eci at :~axd hear, iny, ~:3oes ftnd and detecm~_ne the Eallowing facl:s: l.. That the peti.ttaner. pr.opose; recl.assif icati.on oE sub ject property fcom the RS-A-43,000 (Re~iaenti.al, Agrir,ul.tur.al.) to the ML (industr.ia.l, Limite~:) Zone. 2. '1'har the Anaheim General Pl.a~ curren~3y destgnatea subiPct properc:y fox 7ener.,-~J. open sp~~~e ].anc~ u,ES bu~ that a gener.al plan amer.;~ment (Nc~. 1.93) to change the destgnation to gener.al tnd~lstci.~7. is pendinq before Ltie G.tty Council., !~aving k~~en approved by the Pl.anning Commissi.on. 3. Tt~at the Pr.uposed r.ec].assif tcatto~~ of subject pr.ope!'ty ts nece~sary and/ur. dzsir.ab.te L-c~ the order.J.y and pr.~per. c3evelopment of the community. 4. 'Ph~t: the ~r.npo~ed r.eclassiti.cati.on ~f subject proper.ty daes properly r.elate to the zon~s and r.h~fr. per.mi.~tc~d uses locally established tn close pr.oximity to suk,ject pr.oper.t,y and ko the zone:~ and tt-?i.r' permi.tred use~ y~ner.ail.y establ.i.r~hed tt:r,~uyhout the comrnuni.ty. ~0232r. PC84-].U5 } 5• Th~~t r.he pr.ou~s~d r.e~.i.assil:ica~:ion oC ~he impr.~vemer~t oE ~bul•ttn str.e subjecr.. proper.tY -'equires ~f the Gener.aJ. Pl.an, due t.o ~he ~1 hi.cipal.ed~ incCeaWeth the Cir.cu.l.a~7.~n El.emen~ ;~~ner.atc:c] b~ thE interisi.fi.ral-.i.ori oF J.and use. C n ~ra~~i,c whicr, wi I.]. be 6• '1'hat no one :ndicatc~cl their. pr.es~nce ar_ sa.id °~'~~'S'~'•on; and that no correspond~.~nc~ w~zs r.~~t,ived in ~ publ.ic heartng in peti.tzon. P~~Nit~on tu subject ENVTRUNMENTAL IMPAG'.[' b'~~~~; ~1'h:~t ttie Anal~eim Ci.t Cc~mmis~ion has r~v?.ewe~~ tlie pr.•oposa]. t~ recl.~ssi.f~ Y P.l.a~ning RS-A-~3,U00 lkesidential, Agr.icu].tural.) Zone to ~.he~ML]e~t property from the 7ane to per.tn:it exPans9.on of a resource r.ec~very ~nd ~r C uC~t~n a'!, Li.mited) Y g oper.at.ion, incl.udi.ny an autnmobil.e dismantli.ng busi.ness ~vith whol.e,aJ.e and r.e~a.{a, sa].es oL automob:ile p~,rts on a r.Q~tanguJ.arl.y-sh~ape~~ approximatel~ parcel of land consi.st.i.ng of 1)..85 acres hav:ing a fr.ontage o£ approximatel.y 47G F~~t on ~h~ ~ouL•h sidE oL FronLer.a Str~e~ and beiny located a , oE khe cent.erline ~f G1assE1,]. Street; and does hEC~b imatc.ly 2000 feet ea ~t Uecl.az•ati,on upon f.indzn9 tliaG it h~s consideced the Ne~ativ~ the Neaati.ve togethPr. with any comments rece.ived dur.in `~ Decl.ar.ation furthe~ firiding un the basis of the initia ] study ~and {any ecomments~c ecetved that tr~~r.e is no ~ubstantial evid~r. ~ that th~ pr_oject w.i].7. hav~ ~ signif.icant effect on kl~~ environment. NOW, THEREFORE, gE IT RESOI~VED that the Anaheim Cit Ca~nm.issi.on dees hereby grant subject• Pet.it•iun for Rec.l.~ssi.fi.ca~i.on ~il~ 1 bn.ing doxny, that iil•].e 1~3-7ori.~.ny of the A n a h e i m Mun:Ecipal. Code be amended to exclude the above-descr.ibed Agric;ultura.l) Zone and to i.ncorpo at~rtsa.id~ descr hed _~3+000 (Residenti.al., (Indust~:ial., Li.mited) ZonA F~~'operty a.nto khe ML upon the £ol.lowing coilditians which are her.eby found to be a n~cessar.y pr~zequi.stte l•o the pr.opoyed usa of subject proper.t .in order to pre~e~ve the safety and gencr.,~). wel.fare of the Cttizens of the City of Anahei.m: .~• That ytr.eet l.ighl•i.ng faciliti.es ,~l.ong Fronter.a Str.ePt Shd~~. be i.nstall.ed as r.equi.r.ec3 by the Utiliti.~; with spec.tfi.cations on f.il.e in the `ener.dl. Manager in aacordance Manager~ and thak securiL ffice of Util.ittes Gener.a] deposit, l.etter, y L~~ t~~~ F°~m of. a bohd, cer.titfcate of of cr.edit~ or. oash, i.n an ~mount ~nd form satisfactory to tl» C;,ty of Anaheim, ~hal..l. be to guarant~c~ the sattsfactory completion o£ Ftheedibov~ mentt~ned impr,~vem~nts. ~a:i.d secur. ity shal.l be Anahe.tm wiChin ~ ~°StP~ with the City o£ per.iod of 30 days fr.om the clate of thts Kesol.ut ion • ~l'1~:.~ above-r. equ i red impr. ov~ments ~ wi.thi.n a per.;od of 90 day;: from the daCe uE ~his r.e~5o'..ut~ion.inst~l.Ied 2• That al l. engineeriny rec~u i. r. ements of t.he Ci.t ~ Nr.unt:er.a 5tr.eet, i.nc.l.udin y°f An~,~eim al.arig inatalJ.~ti.on og ~ Prep.~~atiori c.~ i.m~rovement plans an~ al.l in~pr.ovements suc;~ as curr,q an~ sidcwalks, str.e~t gr.adi.r,g and yutters, facil.i.tiPS, or. ott~er. a ~'~~ement, s~wer and dra.i.nage r~quired by the City L••ny~in~ecnand ioraccor.dance ewi,thmspeci.fica'~ions on fil.e ir. the OEfice of rhe Ctry Gngincer. • ~ S F~r.m ~f a bond, ~e+r.rifxcate of. deE~c;sit, lett~a tha~ ~ecur.tty .trt tr~e in an arnoun,`. und cor.rn ~atistaclor.y ~o the ~ity uf Anahe,',m,~,,h~1.7~beh~ -2- PCB~-].OS '~^~ , ,» ~.~~. ~ostec9 VJll:h L-he Ci.ty ~o <~Llar.~antee the sati.s.factory comp:leti.on o£ saic! improv~ments. ~a.id sacuri.ty ;~l~~al.l. be o< within a p~~riod of 3U da ~ ~ f~ .~te~ with the City y-~ 1 rom L-h~. date c~E th~is r.~so].utton to yu~r.antPe the instal.l,ation ot l•.he ~bove-r~qutrecl im~r.ovements with:i.n a P~-:~od ol 9U da,ys fr.om th~ date ol L-hi.;; -:ESOluti.on. 3• ~'hat the a~propr:i.ate trafEic s.i.yn~]. ass~:;sment fe~ sha],l. be paid to the Ci ty of Anaheim in an amount as cleter.mi.n~d b~• the ri,ty Co~zncil ~c~r an outdoor (open s~pacc~) us~. 4. That pri.mar.y waL~r ni~ir ~'ees sha.1.J. be paid to th~+ City of Anahe:im, in an amount as de~er~~ir~~~ ~,~, ~he Offi.ce of the Uti.].itiFS Generai Manager. 5• That compl.etion oE these r.er.l.~ssi.fi.cation pr.oceedings is c~ntine~ent up~un the appr.oval ~f General P1an Arneridment No. ].93, 6• `.Chal• p-:ior, to Y.he introductian oE an ordi.nance ~ezoning subject property, ConcliL•ion Nos. 3, ~3 and 5, above-mentioned, shal.l !~e comp].eted. xhe pzovisions or. r.ights grantec] by rhis r.eso].ution slzal.]. become nul]. and void by ackion of the Plann.ir~g Commission unless s~id con~irior-s are compl.ied with within 90 days fcom the da~c; of this resolul-i.on, or sar,h fur.ther. ti.me aa the Pl.anning Cornmissi.on ma,y gr.ant. BE IT FURiHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City P).anning Commtssz.on does he~eby find ancl deter.mine that adopti.~ri of thi.s Reso.luli.on is expressl.y predtcated ugon appJ.ica~lt's compl~ance w.ith aach ar~d al..l af the c~nd.itions hereinabove set forth. ShouJ.d any such condition, or an dec7.ared invaJ.id or unenforceab].e by the fina]. judgment of r anyr cour,t of competent jur.i~diction, then thi~ Resolution, and ~ny approvals her.ein conta.in~d, shall be deemed nul..t and void. THE ~OREGOING RESOL,UTION is signeci and approved by me thi.s l.].th da,y o~ June, 1984. . ~ ~, ' / ~~ ~..~-~' ~' ,~- .~r.~~..~~. SCCRETAFtX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSiON - ll'' ~ C~'Zt.~'t o./ CHATRWQMAN,., AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS~ON A'r'rEST • ~/ -3- a ~ ~ i e i ~ FC84-].05 ^ ~.~,, ~`.I'nTC OF CAL~Z~ORh'IA ) COUNT'Y OF ORAI~VE ) SS~ CITY OF ANAElETM ) 1, Ed.ith L. Harris, SecreF~zr. Conrnissi~n, do hereb~ y ~£ rh~ Anah~:im City P7.anning adopted at a me~t.ing ofCth~tA~~he.im Cirx P).anninngrresoluti.on was passed and J.984~ by thP fU].l.owing vote o.E che memk~ers thereo=; °mm.ission he].d on June ].)., AY~S: COMMISSTONLRS; pp~pS IVOES • r BUSHORF., I'~2Y, II~R$S'„[~, K.ZNG, MC 13URNEY • COMMISSIONERS: N~NE ABSh'NT: COMMI~~IONLRS: LA C'LAIRE IN WI`1'NESS WHEREOF', I have hezeunto set my hand khis llth day o£ June, 19gq. ~.~.(_~ ,~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C T~ ~~~" - Y PLANNTNr, COMMiSSION -4- st!:;_ ~ ~.; .: , PC84-105