PC 87-79MK'~, ' i ~,:, ; f H~sor,u~riaN rro. ~c~37-7~ A RESOLUTTON UC' THE A[J11i~lEIM CiTY P[,ANNTN~~ Ct)b1h1:[SSIQ[~ TC:kMItIAT.iNG AI,L P120CGEDINGS IN CpNIVEC'!'ION WI'.`H CJMDITIONAL IJSG PCRMIT N0. 851 i ~'. k" 'r~fii~i~t;:~5, or~ ..TUrie 20, 196G, Cond.itionai Use Permit No. 851 was g:-ant.cd '' `' undEr R~so7.i~tion tJ~. 2078, SEri.es 1965-5G hy the Anaheim Planning Commission '~; to per.mit a walk-up resL•ai.irank on an irregularJ.y-sha~ed ~arcel of :L~~~d ;'; cons.i.^.,ting cE approxi.ma~~ly 1.1 acres located at the soutl~east corner. of. Romneya .nr. ive and [~arbcr eoulevar.d. WH1:i2F.AS, applic~nt, Brent R. Oyclen (flarboc Anaheirn Associat~~s) r Pias sub~ni~ted ~~ letter requestiny tcrminution of Conditional U~e ~ecmit [~o. 851 to c'~mpl~f wi.l:h ~;~~ condition:> oE a~~rovai o~ Variance No. 3617. P]0'sJ, THEH~;PORE, E3G IT Ri;SOLVED that the Anaheim City l~l.anning Comtnission d~es her.fyby L~tminake all prur_~~~,~ngs in connection with Conditional Use Permit No. a51 on the basis of thc~ foregoing L-indinys. THt; FGI2E~JOING RI,SOLUTI~N is ;;igned and ap~ruv~~l by me this 30th day of March. 1987. ~~ ~ f~ L'~~-~ ;~, ~`/ ~:~.:~.. ~~ , . .. -~ CNAI MAN, ANA,H ~, M CTTY ~LANI1 IG CUMMISSION Al''lEST : , ' -=~~~._ c. ~ ,~LCI2E'PARY, ANAH~IM Ci CY PLANNINC CQMMISStON STA'PE i)'r' CALIE'ORNTA ) COU[d'PY UC URANCE ) ~,, CTTY OF ANAHGIM ) ;:., 7:, P•.dikh L, yarris, Secr~tarl of the l~n~~heim Ci.ty Plann~ny Commi;;sion, clu tiereby c~artif:y Lh1t the f:oregoing re~olutiun was Passed ancl ' adopked ~t a meetincJ oE the Anaheim Ci,ty Planning Cumrnission hcld on March 30 ~ 193 %, by the Eo].3.owing , vote oE ~he ~~embers kheceoE : `~`~ ~ A,YrS: COMMTSSTU[JERS: 130Ut~S, E'RY, HERE3ST, LAWICKI, yC BURN~Y, iNL•'SSE ~~ . t10ES : COMMISSIONF I2S : NONE `f~ A[3SEN'C: COMMiSSI0P7ER5: LA CLATRF IP~ WI'i'NLSS WEIEREOE, l: have h~reunto ~et my hand th.is 30th da!i oc Marc.h, 1987. ~ . ~ .G~ .C ~~C .C C ~~a~ - ... ... . . v ~. , SEC.f?F:TARY, ANAHE.IM CITX ~LANN_TNG COMM:'SSTON , 'r' ' 1091r. PC87-79 '; r ,,~; ; ' ~ ;:~ 'i 1 ~<~,_..~. _....,,.._.._ _ . . . . ... ..... ... _. .. . ---- ' ~~ s