PC 88-111~ 0 RESOLUTTON N0. PC88-111 1~ ~ ~-~ ~ ;~~rra , •,: ~:~ ;;, A. RESOLUTTON OF THF ANAHEIM CIxY PI.,ANNING COMMISSIOI3 THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE FERDSIT N0. 3~02 BE GF.ANTEP WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a ver,ified Petition for Conditionsl iJse Permit from hfARY E, POOLEX, G. CLINTON PQpLEY & CARMA M. POLFY, 5910 Courtland Drive, Rivc;rsi.c3e, CA 92506, owner and CHRISTOPHER ~. NAUIGATO~ 3399 Arlington A.venue, Riverside, CA 92506, agent fo: cPrtain real property situatec'i in l•he City of l~nahe~m, Ca~Tnty of Orange, Srate of. Cali~ornia, described as: THE WESTERr.,Y Z70.00 FEE'~ C~F THE S~UTH HALF ~E' TFiE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF TH~ ~OUTHWEST QLTARTER OF THE SOU:PIiEAST QUART.ER OF SECTION 14, IN TOWNSHZP 4 SOLTT~i, RANGE 11 WEST, IN TFIE RAN~HO LGS CUYOT~S, AS SHOY'J~T ON A MAP ~HER~OF RE~CIRDED IN BUOK 51, PAGE 11, MISCELLANEOUS MA~'S, RECORDS OF SAID COUPITY, EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 150.Q0 FGET THEREOF. WEIEREI~S, the Ci.ty Planning Commission did hold a public tieari.ig at the Civic Center in the City of Anahei.m on April 25, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing ha~~ing been dul~ given as required by law and in accardance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1t3.03, i:o hear. and consider evidence £ar and against saia proposed conditional use permit and to xnvest.igate and rnake fizidings and recommendztions in connecticn therewith; and WIiEREAS, said Com:nission, after due inspection, investigai:ion and study made by itsalf and in its behalf, and after dus consideration of all evidence and reports of£ored ar said hearing, dor~s fincl and de~ermine the fdllawing facts: I.. That the proposed u~e is properly one For which a condztional use permit is autk:orized by Anatieim Municipal Code Section to wit: permit- an auto-native iuLricating service center (Grease blonkey) i,. tha CL "Limited Commercial" 7.one. 2. That th~ p~•opased use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the grawth and developn~~nt of the area in which .it is proposed t~ be 1oca~.ecl, 3. That khe size and shape of the sit.e proposea far the usQ is adequate to a1].aw the full deve:topment oE the proposed use an a manner not detximenL-al to the particular area nor to the peace, health, sa£ety and general welfare of I:he Citizens r~:~ the City of Anaheim, 0271.r PC08-111 ~ ~;. ;i ~,i~. .. ~'-,~y'?, . . ~ . . ~ .i {~t. " 4 3S_CC~r:.I?~+?,"'.~^..v, c~ , - , ~~r:. ~. ~ ~ ~•-~.....:~.~.~~, ..,,... ,_.... . ...,.,, . ..,__. , ~ . ..~_..... ~. , ~ .. . ... .... .. .... , ~~ , ~ . • . . .... ., .~ . .. .. _ ... . . . .. . •_ y~"~~ , ~ ?` ~ 1 ~ ~'r ~ u 1 :1~ ~ , . ~ .; f ~` . i.!, ~i? ~ 4. That the crranting of the Condi.tional Use Permi~ under. the ;_.~; ' ' COa1C11L'IOriS imgosed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of th2 City of Anaheim. ''~ 5. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose ;.;~;; _ an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved tu carry ~;; :.`:; the traffic in the area. `;~:; 6. Tl:at no one indicated their presence at ~aid public hearing in oppositinn; ancl that no correspondence w~s received in opposition to the subject petition. CALI~OR*TIA_ ENVIR ,~lQENTAL OUALTTY A~_ FINDING: That Y,he Anaheirn Ci~y F~lanning Commission has reviewed the proposal. t~o permit azi automotive lub:icating ~ervice cente r(Grease hionkey) on a rectangularly-shaped parcel nf land r_onsistii~q o£ approacimately 0.96 acre locatecl at the northeast cor.ner of B~11 Road and We~tern Avenue having approximate frontages of ~.40 feet on 'che no;:th sidF o£ }3a11 Road ax~d 140 feet on the east side of WestE ~~ Avenue ancl furkher described a~ 3175 W. Ba1Z Rcad; anc~ do~s hereby approvQ the Negative Declara+:ion u~aon findi.zig that .it has considered the Negative Declara~ion together G.*ith any com:~~ents received durzx~g the public review process ar~d further findinq on che baais of tne znit5.a1 study and any c~mments received tnat there is na substantial evidence that •~he projQCt will have a significant effect on the eiivironmex~t. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEB tYiat the F~nah~im City Plannzng Commission does hereby grant subject Petition foz• C~nditional Use PermzL, upon the following cozzditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in o•rder to prese•cve i-.he safety and general ~;altare of the Citizen~s o£ the City oE Anaheim: 1. T.hai: prior to issuance of. a buiiding pe•rmit, the appropri.at~e traific signal assessment fee shall bc~ pai~ to tha City of Anaheim in an amount as determined by Lne City Council. 2. That the existing most srratherly drivewax on ~all Fo~d and the most westerly drivQway on 4~'e~tasn Avenue shall be removtaci and 1 d reg ace with a standard curb, qutter, s~.dewalk ana land~capang. - 3. That the most ~asterly drivoway on Nall Roacl and tr,7 most ;i~ northerly drive ~v~y on Wesi:ern Avenue sha11 be reconstructed to accommodate ten {10) foct rac~ius curb returns. `''''i;?; `i; ~4. ThaC the ovrner ~f subj~ct property shall dedicaLe to the City ?~~ of Anaheim a corner rQturn with a 25-toot radius for st;:eet '~'~~' ; purpose5. ~ . ;~ ``,:~ i~;~f7 ;:,~; ~~ ii~x , ;r t . 1$:N.t'~~SL t+;T.,:. ..•:::~ . ,-.. .,..-,. ~.~'-.~a~~~~~. .. .: .... : , .. . . .:~ ~ }'.~¢~~((~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 'Y~ ~ . ~.~.~ 5. ThaC thv owner of subjoct prop6rty shmll pay to tihe C~ty of ~~~ ~ Anahaim a feo for. stroet lighting along Western AvFnua in an ~mounC as dc~rerminecl by the City Cour.cil. 6, That strc~eL• lighti.ng i•acilities along Pa11 Road sha11 be insrnlled. as required by the Utiliti~e Genexal Ma:iagor in ._ ~ccordance wiLh specific~tions on file in the OEfi.ce of . Utilities Gonecal Manager, ancl that securit•y in Che foxm af a ;. bonc], certificate ~f deposit, letter oE credit, or cash, in an amount ar.d Lorm satisfactory L•o L•hc~ City of Anaheim, sht~ll be ~. posted with the City to guarantee the satis~E~-ctory complerion ; o~ the ab~~~e-mentioned improvemonts. S~id security shall be posr.e~~ with the City of Anaheim prior to issuanc:e of a building ~ permit. The above-requirod imprrvomc~nts shall be installeci , ~ pri~~r tu occupancy. 7. That suUject property shal] ne servod by underground utilities. 8. That the exi.sting undorgroiincl fuel lanks shall be removed to thQ sa~isfacLion of the l'.ity Fire Departmont. 9. Ttiat the nwner of subject pronorty shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee for ~ree plai:ting purposes alonq Ball Road and Western Avenua in an amount as determined by the City Council. lU. That ~ates shall no~ be ins*_alled across any drivaw~y in a manner which may adv~rs~sly affect vehi.cular traffic in thR ; adjacent public ~traets. Installation of any gat~s shall ?, conform to ~ngineQring St~ndard Plan ito. 402 and shall be . subject to thQ review and appr~vai of the Caty Tra~fic Engin4er~ ' 11. Tha~- drainage ~f subject property shall be disposed ot in a rr~annQr saCis£actory to the City Engineer. 12. That trash gt~ragQ areas shall be providoci and maintained in ~; ;; ~ accordance with approved plans on fi1Q with the Srreet ;~ Maix~tenancQ and Sanitation Divi~ion. ''r ,`~! 13. That ull air condition.ing facilities and other ro~£ ana ground ;~ mounted equinmont ~hall bo properly shiQ111ed from view, and the ' sound bufErred from adjacont rssidenti.al properties. ,~, lA. ?hat the praposal siiall comply r~ith all signing rRquirements of thQ CL Zone, uuless a variance allowin~ sign waivers is ; apprdved by the City Councfl, Planning Commission or 2oninq f Administrator. ~~' ~~.. ~;r ~!'' ~i'.:; ,;,,, ~-:; r _3_ PC88-111 t~ <~r' ^~(1 ~~ ~ ~, ::4'1 ~tte: .~' w , a i •._ ,.~~ ~tit~~%d9t,~' '~ ~`~"~> „r ~ ,;~;~ ~;~~ ,~ , :'~. ;x :~~; :,~ ].5. 'That a six (6)-f~ct high masonry block wa11 shalt be ?~ ' construatod ancl maintained ~long the n~ith and east proper~y '.~;~; ? .lfn~s excoptinq i:he f:ont 3etback wYiere the wall height ahall ~'`` not excc~ad three (3) foet. '':~~' 1G. That any propossd parking area lxghting fixtures adjncent to :; ally rasidantial property shall lau down-liqhted wiCh a maximum F'' hef tit of twel•~a ~ ''"' 9 (12) fea~, aaid lighting tix~ures shal:l be t- directed away from adjacont reszdantial property lines to protect t}ie r~sic~antial inlegrity of tha arQa, 17. That no outcloor storage of or work on vehicles or voh.icular parts sh311 bo permiLted. i. ~~. Ia. That minimum 15-gallon trees plantQd on mi;n3mum 20-foot centers, with appropri.~te .irrigation F.acilit:os, sha.11 be ~" install~d and maint;ained along the north and east property lines. 19. Tha~ the owner of subject property shall subtni~ ~ letter rnquer~ting tQrmina~ion of CnnBitional ~lso PPrmit No. 581 to the Zoning Di~~ision. ~, 20. That subjsct property sh37.1 bo dev~loped subsL-antially in accorclance with plans and speclficat.ions on file with the Ci~y of Anahelm marke~ Exh.ibit Nu. 1. 21. That: prior tr, t;he commencem~nt of th~: nctivity t~uthorized by this resr,lution, or prior to isauance of a builciing permit, ~r. wfthi.n a period ot• cne year from the date of this resolution, whichevor occurs fir.;~, Conciztion Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 19 above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Fxt~nsiony for furhher time to complpte said candition~ may be granted in accozdance with Section J.8.03.090 0~ the Anahaitt: Mcnicipal Code. 22. That prior tio final building and 2oning inspect:ions, Condition Nos. 2. 3, 6, 7, 8. 3.i. 12. 13, 1S, lb. 10 ~tid 20, above-mQntioned, ~ha11 be complied with. ;~ 7.3. That approval of this applfcation cor.stitutes approval of the proposed request onlx 1:o Llio axtent tnat it complies with tho Aziatiefm Municipal Zoning Code and any otlier applicable .~ity ~~ xegu]ations. AFproval does noL• include any actinn ~r findinge z:~ ~o compl~ance or aPproval ot the rec~uest ragardinq any other ;.: '~ app:icabls ordinanco, re~ulation or raquirement. ~~ , 71 ;•t; ..k;•+i 'r. . ~ . 'a' PC88-111 ~ ~• r (' 'l ~~; 'Y ~ ~ t~r,;~2~~~ Vr ~ t ~1 i ~; `?;''.~ ~~~~~ .,~i BG zx Ft1RTHER RESOL'VED thar thQ Anahoim City Planning Commission d:~ns }ieraby 1:ind and de~armine that ado~tion ~f this Resolution is axpressly prouicatod u;pon applicant's compliance with ear.h and all of the conditions k~arc~inabove tsot fortli. Should any such c~nditions, or any part L•hereoF, be cleclared inv~alid or unenforcoable by the Einal juc~yment aE an~ court of competent jurisdiction, then thi;, Resalution, and any approvals here3n S containad, sliall be dFemed nu11 and void. TFi'r. FOREGOING RESOLUTTON is signed and approved by mQ th3s 25L1i ~ay of April, I98ti. %1 , ..._ _~ .Lh'~`"/ `. ~.'~.~L,'' CHAIF;MADT, ANAFiGTM CIT PLANPiING COMMISSION ATTEST: J 4 ~ ~ I ~ , ~--~~...~ SECRETA , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~Ot+IIy(ISSION STATE 0~' CALIFORNIA ) CUUNTX OF ORANGE ) SS, CI'rl' OF 1-NAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Se4retary oE ~:he Ar~ahei~~i City Planning Commission, do herQby CP„Ctl~Y that kli~ foreqoing resolution was pcssed and adopted at a meet.in~ of ths Ana;i~,m City p].ar:ning Commis5ion held on April 25, r988, by the Eollofaing vote of the merobers fihereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: B~UAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSIL~.O, P'ETDFiA'CJ~, HERBST, M.C BURNEX, MES5E NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHFREOP', I have hereunto se~ my hand this 25th tlay of April, 19t3R. _._ ._ .~!~~ ~.~~..~:~_ ~Ey~RETA~ , A~'AHL:M CITY FG}1rINIi.TG COt~JISSION ~=e~ _ -5- PC88-111 ;iN c ~ „_ ;:, ~ , :.. . .: : ;; ,~ . , . . ...,, . + ,~.: ::, r> ,~,:,..... ,_ ,..,.... _ ;FF ",,i ;;~ l -,~ ~~~ ~.~ _, . ~. ~;~