Resolution-PC 89-121yjI*~,rn~rfia;~a:sirxa.r „~~u:~+~ .. _;.~.If+.1,~htit~. .,~~:~~'~~xrrsi.•vy.~ t i~ .yt~~~cit-r,,t.,r{~erKR ~ i'i`* ~',i~ i 1~~t.~ti~D'~~ r r I~.~~.~;, ~ M,~ :,v^ •,~,v~ g~~~ .. . .. . . 1 i~F!.~..! . ..~.)'? . , ._- 4 ~, , ~ . i i ~ ~ Mh iti 4~ r hyt~ ~ ~., ~ ~;7. j r~ -}~~r~Y71~ ~ nY~,,S~ ~1'il.jl~;~~i~~~i~{~ ~"1f R~, . .. , . . f 1 ~~,~~ ~,y~ r /I' ~~ h~~ s '1'~ ~ " c ~' ~ ~~1 ~~~i . o $.~1d~N NO ,~e~~,h ~~ , ,~i~,1~ "`,7 A NU~1C PRO TUNC RESOLITT'ION OF THE ANAHEIM CYTY PLAN1tING (:Ot~h:ISSION AMENAING R~Sbi,UTTUN N0. nC88-2$9 GRANTED ` IN CONJUNCTZON WITH CONQ7~IONAL USE PERMTT N0. 3071 .~:.`I WHER~;AS, the Anaheim City Planninq Commisaion g~an~,e~ ~'~' Conditional Use Permit fio. 3071, by Rasolution No. P~Sg-289, on ,;;; Ockober 10, 1989, t;o construct a 2-story, 11-unit "af,Eordable" sonior ' ;~ citi~en's apurlmen~ com lex with wai ~' dwelling unf t, maxirnwn truatural heigh~ ~nc9f ma imnm lot lcovQ ag~ on prn $p~r '' consi.stfn c~f a ,Y 9 pproximatc~ly Q.23 acre on tk.e west ~ide of Kathryn Drive~ ' `;,t ap~roximately 150 P~~~t north uf the centerlina of Lincoln Avenuo and Further ' descrabed as 121 Narth Kathr•yn Drif~e. ~;~~ ;; W~~R~~~~, the 1ega1 duscription contained in ~t~solution No. ~ YCtlB-289 was incorrect ~snd should be ama~ncied in its enti.rety to read as '~ follok•s t ~~~' LOTS :l AND 2 Of TRA~T 1633, IN fHE C:1'S.- l1F ~ ANAHEIM, COUN1'Y O~' ORI~NGEr $TATE OF 1 ~ CA~,IFOHNIA, A5 PER MAP RECORAED ZN BOOK 47, L'AGE ~0, OE' MISCELC,ANEOUS t~,I~PS, RECORbS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EX~EPT TH~F{EFROM THE SOUTH nn FGET rr" SATD L' (7'T 1, THE FOREGOIN~ RESOLUT:UN is signed and approved by mQ this 24th day of Apri'l, 1989. ' ~ ~~ .~, ,:/', ~; ~,'~:i... .. ~%- ~T''-,~ ~ CHATRWOMAN; RNAHgYM CITY PT.ANNING COMMISSION ATTESTt ~ ..-._ ~ ~-C'.~.~_._._ ' ~' _._.~-~ SECRETARX, ANAHEiM CITY pLA2~NTNG COMMISSYpN STAT~ UF CAt.IFCRNIA ) COUNTY. OF ORANGE ) yg, CIT't OF ANAHEIM ) I, EdIL-h L. Fiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim Cit P1 C;,mmission, do hareby cerCity that the foregotna, resolutfon .ras ypasse8 nand a1~oFted ~+t a meeting of thR Anahoim Cfty Planning Commission held on , 19d9, by the tollowinq ~ote of. tho members thereof: AYESs COFIIdISSIONERS: BOUAS, EOYDSTUN, FF.LDH.AUS, HERBST, M~SS~: NOE$: COMMISSYONERSs NON~ ABSENT: COhAfISSIONERS: CARUSILGO, MC BURNEX xN WITNESS WHEREOF, 7 have }:ereunto set my hand thls 74th 6ay of April, 1ggg~ ~, ~~ _ '~ . SECRETI-RY, ANAHg M ~' ~~ „ITY PLANNING CQI~QrlISSION 0832r PC89-121 " ~ ,; ; ; - ~ . , ~ s ~, _~