Resolution-PC 89-218~ ~ a~ ~~ u ~Gtl~L~4.e~1~~.L~ ~ v ~=..~Y. ~~' A RESO'LUTYON Ok' TFiE ANAF~FItd CITY PLANNYNG CO[~41ISSION TERMINATING ALL PROCE;EBINGS IN CONNECTI~N WITH VARII-NCE N0. 1185 . . , 1.':~ ~t,re~ ~I , . ,.~..,,,~ ~' . . . . . ~%:i. WHER~AS, on Janut~ry 4, 1960, Variance No. ],1a5 +~~ss gr~nt~d under Resolution No. 145, Serias 1959-60 by tho Anaheim Planning Commission to ~; pPrmit a second single-fam3.ly ii~~sllinq on an R-A zaraod lo~ located at 362J and ;', 3633 W~st Savanna Streeti; WHE}2EA5, Jennifer J. Christlo (representative of Newport Paci.fic Develupment CorporaL-i.on), has submittr~d a 1Qtter requesting •termination of Varianco No. 1185 to comply with th~ conc~iti.ans of ap~roval of Reclassification No. aR-89-31. NOW, THEREFURE, BE I'P PESOLVED~ that the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission do~r~ hereby terminate all proceedings in con:iec~ion with Variance ~To. 1.185 on the bt~si.s of the Poregoing fand3ngs. THE I'OREGOI2dG R~SQL'IIT.tON is signed and approved by me thin 28th day of Auyusc, 19d9. ~y, ~ /~,`,f,~~~~, ~;~,-I~~:t ~.::C~ ..,.c.~..J,, ,~~ ,~-- ~-., t CFiAIRWOrSAN PRO TEMPO E~ AFAN IEIM C7TY PL~A?INING COhQ+iIS5I0N ATTF,ST: . ~ . r._ ._ r~t~'1-...~. _.__~ SECRETAKY, A-`IAHEItd CIT'Y PLANN:NG CO2~fTSSION ~; : :. ; ~;a ~ ~, STAT~ OF CALIFORtJIA ~ COUN~'Y UF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANA.FiCIM ) I, Editli L. H~,rris, Secr.etary of tha Anaheim City Planning Commission, do tiereby certify ttiat rho f.oregoing resalutfon was passod anU adopted at a masting oE the Anahefm City Pl,:~nning Corrw~it~sinn neld cn AuquRt 28, 1989, by the following vote of thQ membc~rs thereof; AXES: COt~tiSStONERS: IIOYD5'rUN, FELDFiAUS, DOUA3, MC BURNEY, MES~E NOES: CqARrIISSIONERS: NOlJE J-f3SEPiT: COMMYSSIONB125: HERBST, FICI,LYEt{ IN WITN~SS WFiEREOF, T have hersunto set m,y hand this 28L•h day of August. 1989, ') .~cQ~t~ ~ ~ . __.._.. tC _- „~ ~'1,'`.r --- SECRETAItY, ANAHCIM CI'lX P AN*TING CO'tYtMI~S20N 1027r f~C Sg-2 i 8 _ ,