Resolution-PC 89-242, r ~~~ R E~QLU~ z~~_~4~~~~} 9-• 2~ ^~«tq' i ' ~ . ! I( `~i~i! i~ , . ~ , . I,r~ ~ A RESOL,UTION OF' THE ANI~II~IM CTtY PGANNING COMMISSION THAT PGTITION FOR CONUITIONAL USE PCRMIT N0. 3200 HE GRANxED WEiEIt~AS, the Anaheim C3.ty Plannirig Ccmmission did receiv~ a varified E~Qti*_ion for Conditianal Usc~ Perr~it from VTNCENT C. TAORMINA I~D SVILLIAN, C. TAORMINA, P.O. Box 309, Anaheim, CA 92a].5, awner~ ttnd KARRN R. PBTEP.S, 180 S. " Water Stree~, UrangQ, CA 92666, agent for certain r.eal proporty satuated in the City of Anaheim, County o~ Orange, SL-ate of Californi~, de;scribod as: I~ARCEL 1: ~3EGINNING AT A PU.T`.IT ON THE SOUTHEASTERIaY LI~TE UF LOT 10, RLOCK 11 UF? THE GOLDEN STATC TRAC~, CITY OF AL7,'~HETtQ, AS 1'EFt MAP RRCORDED IN DOUK A, PAGES 66 AND 67, ~QISCELLANEOiJS b!APS, RECORDS OF ORANGG CAUNTY SAID SOUTH~ASTERLY LtNE BEING THC CENTERLINE OS LA PALMA AVENCiE ( NOW KNOWN AS WF~ITE STAR AVE2~TUE ) AnD SHOFIN AS AN UNNAMED STR~ET ON SAID MAP, 40 FEET WILF, SOUTH 51 DEG. 21' S4" WEST, 155.00 FEET FROM ~ THE MOST EASTEF2LY CORNER OF S;.Ill G01', SAID CORNElt BEIN(' 'PHE C'ENTERLINE INTEkSEC'~TON OF SATD LA PALMA ~ AVENU3 WITH 23LUE GJM STREET, 40 Fr,ET WInE, SHOWN A5 AN liNNAMED STREET ON SAID MAP. '1`::e;DICE NOItTH 5~1 L~EG. 53' 00" WFST, 3E37.31 FGET 1'0 A POINT, xHENCF. *IORTH 16 DFG. 22' 09" WEST 186.94 I'~ET TO A POIN1 TN THE N~RTHERLX LINE OF SAID LQT; THT:HCE; SOUTH 73 Df:G. 3'1' 51" WBST ALONG SAIU NORTHEI<t..Y LINE 2T5.00 FGET TO THE NORTFiWEST CORNF:R OF SATU LOT; THENCE uOUTH i6 DEG. I9' 43" EAST ALQN~ T1iE WF.STERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 35A.22 FE~T TU TH~~ SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OI' SAI~ LO'S, BBING A POINT IN THE CI;NTERLINE OF STATE STftEET, 40 FEET WIDE, SHOV~N 11S AN UNNAhfED STREET ON SAID MAP; THENCE SOUTH 61 DF,C. 00' 00" EAST F-LONG rftE SOUTHWBSTERLY LINE OF ~AID LOT AND THE CENTERLINE OF SAJD STF+TE STREET 347,47 FEET TO THB MOST SOUTHERLY COBNER QF SAiD LOT; THENrE NORT1i 51 DE;G. 21~ 54~~ EAST ALOltG THE BEE'ORE 5AID SOUTHEARSTc'.RLY LINE OP SAID LOx :.ND CENTERI.INE: OF GA PALMA AVF.NUE 294.27 FEET TO 'rHE , POINT OF BEGINNING. ~XCGPT TH~RFC•itOM TFIE REAL PROFERT~I DESCRFBED AS F. OLLOh7S : ALT, THAT REAL PROPERTY IN TfIE i'OUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFOttNIh, pESCRYBED AS: ~. THAT PORTTON OF LOT J.0 IN BLUCK 1l. OF TFIE GO:.DEN STATE TRACT, CITY OF I~IvAHEiM, AS SHUWN Oti MAP RECORDED IN NOUK 4, YAG~S 66 A2dD G7 OF idI5CELLhNEOUS t+fAP5, IN THE OFCIC~ OF TiiE COJNTY RECORDEEt 0~ SAID CUUNTY, DBSCRIDF.D AS FOLLOWS: q1073r PC89-292 v '~ `~~' :~'-~i ' ex"il t ~~}:~: i~,^rrwitiV ~ ,1._ , . ~ .~ ..~ i r.ti~ ~`,1'F ~ f ~.>il,' i ~ '. t .,i~. ~ . . .. ,. . _ .._ ^, 'Y t' ","i' '.{,•j , c ~~ yi~C~~ r:•,~ ~ ~ Fr ~~y ~ - _ . . . . , . l . .1h,'~ f1 Y,n;.y l ~"V:~~,~AI7(Ip~ .. '. r1 ~ . •n} 1 ' 1 ~` ~i .' ( P hM ~~~ (f~ )i ~ ;'_ ~' r~ ~~ ~~ij , ~,,,. BEGl'N'NIN~, AT TEIE MOST E~ST::RL'Y COFtNER OF ~AID LOT, B~ING 'rFi~ INTERSECTION OF THG CENTER LINES OF LA FALMA. AVENUE AATD BLUB CUM STI2EE'!', SAl'U uTREET. AND AVENUE BEITTG SHOFiN AS UNNAMEU STT2~~7~'S ON SAID MAP~ THENCE ALONG SAID CrNZ'~R LINE OF LA PALMA AVENUE, SOi'1TH ~al DEG. A].' 38" WEST, 170.92 FE~T TO THE ~RLTE ~` POIN'.~ QF BEGTNNINGI THBNCE NORTIi 3A DEG. 18' 22" r ~., WEST, 30.00 FECT TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND nIS'rANT NORTHWESTCRLY 30.OQ ~'EET, MEASUR~D AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM SAID CF.NTER LINF OF LA PALMA AVENUE; THEHCE ALONG SAIU PARALLEL LINE SOLiTH 51 DEG. 97.' 3$" WEST, 25.00 k'EET; TFiFNCE SOUTH 7~1 DEG. 04' 27" WES:I', 91.92 FGET TO A LIN~ PARALLFL WITH A.ND DISTI~NT 270k~KW~STERLX, 65,Q0 FEET, MEASUI2ED AT ~IGHT ANGLES, FROM SAID CENTER GINE OF LA PALMA AVENUE; THENCE ALONG SD.ID LAST MENTIOZTED FARALLEL LING SUifTFi 51 DEG. 41' 38" WEST, 91.76 FI:ET; THENCE YCIRTFI 51 DEG. 55' 29" W~S1', 255.59 FEET; THENCE N~RTFI 43 D~G. Q6' 50" WEST, 288.43 F~ET; THENCE NORTH 39 DE~G. 2i' 50" WEST, 17.81 FEET Td THE WEST~RLY L.l'NL OF SAID LOT, TH~NCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, SOUTH 16 DEG. 07' 40" GAST, 324.30 FEGT TO T.KE SOUTIiWESTGR~X LINF: OF SAIA LQT BFING SEiOWN ON SATD MAP AS TH~ CENTER LIidE OF LA PALMA A.VGNUE; TH~NCE AL.OtlG SP.ID CENTER I,lNE OF LA PALMA AVENtJE, ~IORTH 51 DEG. 41' 32" EAST, 277.90 FE~T TU SAID TRUF POINT OF BEGIt1NZNG. ' PARCE'L 2: THAT PQHTION OF WHITE S'rAR AV6NUE VACA~c^,D FEBRUARY 1, J.989 BY R~SOLUTTAN Np. 98R-441 THAT WOULD PASS BY A CONV~YANCE OF PARCEL 1 A~OVE-•DESCRIBED. A ('APY OF THL RESOLUTION WAS RECORDEl3 F~BRIIARY l, 1989 AS INSTRUMENT N0. 89-56701, OFF.tCIAL RECORUS. WHGREAS, th~ C:ity P.lanning Cammission did hold a public hearinq at thc Civic Cpnter in tnc~ City of Anaheim on Ocrober 9, 19F39 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearinq havinq been duly yivan as required by law and in accord~nce with thQ provisions of the AnahPim Municipal Code, ChapGer 18.03, ~o hear and consider evidence for and again,l: said proposed coGditional use ~ermit and to investigate and make findings and recommenaations in connoction therewith; and WHEKEAS, said Commission, zL•ter due inspecti.on, invesL•igai_ion and "~ study made by it~elf and in its behalf, and after due considera~iun of all evidence and reports ofiHred at saxd kiQaring, doos fin8 and determi.ne lhe following facts: 1. Petitioner requests a~proval of a condztionnl usc~ permit under auttiority of Code Section :L8.61.050.612 to pormit ho+xsehold hazardous materials collection in conjunction with an ~xisting rer,ycling/rr.source recovory transfer facili~y. >.. 2. That thQ proposed use r+i11 not advers~sly affect the adjoining , land usas and th~ growth and dEVelopment of the ~rea in which i~ is prop~tae~i ' to be located. r ~r ~ -~- PC89-242 : z. ,>, ;~ , ;: ~ ; ;;. ,,;~ --- _ ~:'r;r~ 1' ,1 ~ ~l~ti , . Y ~Y;y'~+~ ~,?} . ~ ~ ~ . _ .. ~:;yJ~i +y 3. 'rhaL ~,he sizo and shape oE the site proposed Eor. the uso 3s ~ adequate to allow the fu11 clAVelopmen~ of rhe proposad use :ln a manner not detr.imentnl to thc~ ~azticular area nor to the peaoe, heal~h, safoty and gsneral welfare of the Cit:i,~ns o£ i:he City oE Ar.aheim. 4. That tho granting of tho Conditior~a:1 Use Permit unr~er the conditions imposad, if any, wi11 noL be dot.rimental to thQ reace, health, ' safety and ganeral wQlfaro ut the Citizon~ of tho City of AnaheSm. i 5. That the rr~,ffi.c gQnarated by ~he proposed use will not impose an undtie burden upon the stroets and highways design,ed and improved to carry th~ traF.tic in the area. 6. That xio one indicated thoir presencQ at said public hearing in oppositior.; az,d thaL• no correspondenco was received in oppasirion to trze sub;ject petition. ~AI3T:;Q~NIA ENVTRQNMEN~AL Qi)ALITY ACT FYNpTNG: That i:he Anahefm Cit.y Ylanning Commissi.on has roviewed the pxoposa:l to permit household hazardous materials collection in conjunctfor~ with an existing ' recycling/resource recovory tr~nsfor. facility on a i.rregularly-shaped parcel ' of land consinting of approximateiy 2.6 acres located at t,he westerly j terminus of White Star Avenue, havin a fronta e oP ~ x 5 q pproximately 10 fQet on the north sidH o£ Vihite Star Avenue, having ~ maximum dt~pth o£ approximate~y 685 feet, and f:urtl~or describod as 2761 Erast White Star Avenue; and does hQreby approve t~ rnitigated Negative D~r,laration upor. findiny that it has _ coiisidered tl~e mitigatad Negative Declarat.ian L•ogether with any comments receiv3d dv.ring the pu~:lic revi~w procoss and further tindinq on the basis oF ~ Lhe initiul st+zdy and any comments received that Chere is n~ substantial evidence that tho proj~ct will have a s.ignificant effoct on the Qnvironment. ~ That mitiga*_ion measures relating to County-pravided and FirQ DapartmenC- ~ approved sto~.age conhainers and inh.erzial contair.monC system have been li3ted ~ as conditians of approva]. for ths projQCt and are subjc~ct to the y cnonitnring/reporting program as sot fort:~ by Section 21081.f.~ of the Ptiblic 12QSOUrces Code. NOW, THEREFnkE, EtE TT RESOLVED thaL• the Anaheim City Planning Commission does horeby grant subject Poti~ion for Condition~sl Use Permit, upun the fallowing ccnditions which are t~ereby found to be a nect~ssary prerequisite to the proposed usQ of: tha subject property in order to preserve the safety and genoral welEare of thc Citizens of the City ot: Anaheim: 1.* 'Ph~t the appropriat•e Laes iiue for primary mains shall be paid to Cha Water Utility Aivision in ac~c~rclance witil Ru1.PS 15A and 20 of tY~o Wa~er Ut.ility Rates, Rules and Re~uiations. 2. That the legal owner of subje~ct property sha11 declicate to the City of Anaheim public utili.ty easements aa required by tho Watdr Ut~ilit~- D.ivis.tan. 3. That tho area of ~he faci]ity ~roposod ~or hazardous w~ste collection shall be firQ sprinklered as required by the City F~re Departrnent. -3- PC84-242 , ~ k yw.Y_" 9 . '~~:/f - 7 -.~'I 4 ! ~, ~ ~. ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . f ~ , . . . . ~ .. ~ ~~ ' ,:~~ri ~~;~~. „r',A; ~ f~ ~ ~~s' 7. ThaC subjoct property sh~ll be developed substa~ltiall~ in accordanc:e with plan~ and specific~-tions aubmitted to the City of Ax~ahefm by th~ pstii:z~ner and which p1~r~s ~re an Eile wi.th ~ha Planning Da~artmenC m~srked Exh:ibif: No~. 1 throuc~h 3. 8. That pxa~r to commencemen~ aE th~ activi~y authorized by this rc~solution or within a per.iod af ane (1) yesr from tho dato of this resolu~ion, wlai.chever occur.s first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7, above-mant:Ione~, shall be complie~ wi~h. ~xtensions for further tima to compleCe said coYiditions may be granted in aceordance with SecL-ion 18.03.090 of th~ Anaheirn MuYlic;ipal Code. 9.* That approval of this application eonstitute~s appr~val ot the proposod request nn'ly to tlie extent that it complzos with the An;~haim Municipal ~c~ning Code and any other applzcable City, S*ato ancl k'ederal regulatians. Ap~roval does r~ot i;nclude any action or findings as to compliance or approval ot the request regarc~ing any othe~- applicable ordinance, regixlation or rec;uirement. C~nditions marked ~~ith an asterisk (*) are required by established laws, codes, regulations and/or agreemo~ts, and arg not 3ubject to nt~got.iation. HE IT FURTHFR RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plaiinixig Commission dr~as hereby find and 3etermine thak adoption of Y.his Resol~ition is expressly predicated upon applicnnt's complianco with each and ~11 of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any ~uch conditions, o~• any ~art thereof, bc declared invali.d or unanforceabl~ by the final judgment uf any court of compatent juriscliction, th~n tnis Reso:~ution, and ~+ny appsovals herein ontained, shall be deemed nu31 and voici. TEiE F~REGUING RrSOLUTION is signed ¢r,c1 approvod by me this 9th day of Octobe•r, 19II9. ~ ;.~ j ~` `; ~-C. ~ c' - .%L~ ~~~ / . CHAl~ANAHEI CITY PL~ANNING CON4r(ISSION ATTEST: ~///~ 4 ~~~ ~/~` r ~-'/ - ~..l~ + _ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CZTY PLANNING C02YC~tISSIUN .~ ~ -5- PC89-242 "i i:~ ~ s ~si .~,.~RNYtn. ii~.J'.'•:L'~~ r , ~,d~ 7; ~..'~t i~i~!~"t; '! ',!i:, ^!tl tP~',~~~ ~i> ~ Y 1" r pp ~ i~ . . .... . ~'~J,. v . . .. , . . 4..,.,, 1 . ~ ~~ , y i ',~'.ry 1 ' 'n'nr~! ii - Sit 1 /:":4/ J~YI~ ~t. ~~ ! f~ ! d..~5" d ~ ~~~ ~'! ~ ~ ~i ~~ . . . ~ , . . . ~1~~~~; ~ ~ .~ ~~ . j y:;1~~ `~ ' ,~ ~l ~~': A ~. xhat tr.e folluwing are requ3.red as ident.i£ied in the Initial Study o£ Fnvironment l I a mpaet: a• C~unty of Oran~e a ~ provided and City of Anahoim Fire Department ppr~ ved ator,g~a mater ial container(s) sha11 be iises3 to sCore ~ho hazardous ;i, . s. The fo11ow1nq: internal conraisiment system shall znclude Che (1) Non•-spark/false Elaoring desiqned for specifac material storagp. (2) Secondary sump consisting of matexial impQrvioiis t h one-piece pan constructed of o t e mater (3) Spi].l c:ontainmant drain(s); ~nd ial(s) being stored. , (4) Minamum c;o:itainment s:apacity of a minimu f storage containers shall equr~l m o 1Q~, of storage ur,{r capacity by vo.lume. b• Berming or diking, appr.c~ved by thQ ,, hazardous material i Fire Department, shall contain s n th~, evpnt eZ.iminate any real and potent.ial ~ of an acci.dental s~ill to adverse ~nvironmental im act resultittg therefrom. p s ~; c. ~iazard~us materials shall be handle~l by t~ount;y traiiied parsonnel and r~irnoved from subjact site by a licettsed hauler, con~Cr.actod for by the County, for di.sposal. ` d. On-si'te staffing at the collection ~tation shaJl be trained ~n ; ~applicable law~, toxiaolu p y pi ~ safet~, chPmis~r s 11 cont ols nettralizersrand absorbants,tlanci ~ basic HA7,CAT (identificaL-i.on, handlinc~ ~nd segregation of household hazardous mater.ials by L•ype of hazard by the County of Orange). e• A hazai•dous materials operation superuiaor shall bc~ responsible for collection operations. Thi~ pos.ition sha11 coardinate with site st2Ef ar~d the cor.t~ctor in all areas of material/waste management. f• An omergency coorc~inaror shall b~ respousible for the implementation znd managoment of smergency procedures at the ragional co:l.lection center. Responsibilitips shall includE: ~, ~ ~ ~C ~.y ~} •i;ky <t',J ;'.+;b ,!';1, (1) Periodic review o.E contingoncy plaa to ens~xre adequacy; (2) ~mple~nentation of ~smergonc,y procedures; (3) Cnsuring propez~ evaciaation nrocedurss; (4) Review/scl~edule training programs; and (5) Site securicy development. Ii 5.* That the proposal sh~ll comp2y with all signing requirements of ~he ML "I:idustrial, Limited" Zone, unless a varianee allowing sign waivers is approved by the City Council, Planning Commission or 2oning l~dministrator. G. Th~t the petiti.onQr shall bQ r3sponsible for any direct costs associated with tlis monitoring and/or reportiny requirQd aa set forth by Sectiott 21081.6 of the Fublic Resources Code to ensure implementation of thoso mitigation measurQS identified in the mitiga~ed Negative Daclaration t~at have bean inc:orporated ~s conditinns af approv~l £or, sL+bject propc~rty. .; '' i: ~ -4- FC$9-•242 92 . . , :~E, 5 ~~~i ~ i J ~ ~ STA.TE GF CAGIrORNTA ) COUNTY Ok' URI~NC,E ) ~~ , CI:CY pF ANAHBTM ) . ' ~ ~ ~ ~,~, ~ ! ~` /5~ ~ ) IQ' 1{17!['1°O~J~ L~ # ~.; Y . '±+~'~ jjr~'~ t 1,~(J~'S I ~ ,r ~~. ~ ' i'.~ :, ,, y~ '>,~ , ,~,,: i '~;; i',', z, ~dith L. Fiarr.is~ aecrotHry of the Anaheim City Plannir.g '°. Cnmmission, do hereby certify that tr~e foregoiny rasolution u,-;~s passed and '~~ adoptod a~ a medtinq of tho A.naheim Cit~ Pl~anning Comm3ssion h~ld on Qc~ober ':~~ 9, 1989, by the Pollowinq vo~e of the membbrs thero4f: -~;t4. `~. Al'ES: COMMISSZONERS: HERBST, SOl'DSTUN, HEL~,YER, FELDHATJg, $OUAS, "' bIC ~3URNEY ~ ~ ~~~~~° NOES. COMMISSIONERS: NONE ;~~ AASENT: C02~tISSIONERS: ME5SE ,~; -; ,: f I1~ WTTNESS WHGREOF, T have hergunto set my hand this 9tY~ day p~ October, 1989. - c '.tz ~ ~ ~, _ ~ ^--~.~! ~,~~'F~t S~CRETARY, ANAfIETM CIT`1 PLANNING COMMISSION 'r~i ~: --6- ,~ ';,: -'. r ~ ~ ":~ ~ FC89-742 .. .. . . ~ ~ Y., '_ ': ;, ,~,~i; ~;'i .s .~ y ~ . ~ I -„~' • r ay ~~~ :~, ''. ~ 'O ~,. f~ ~ ~ ~ N . ,~, N ~ .. s4e;r . ~?,M, ~,;,: ,. . ' _ . ,,.. , ~, . , . ,, ' ~'^;~• ,'~ ~1 ~t '~:;~~br iF , jy,~~ t ~t ._~. ~ i „i.4i~~ ~ ~~~~.~ y ,~ y ~~irF, r i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~j.yi'.v ~, , , 1 _,..,~ M ro ro W .~^y ~' "' "o ~ ro ~ fD I w ~ ~~ rt n r i M N n .. •• ° ' c ~ ~. ~ a ~ p~ o ~ p p O A y ~ d Q ~ "~'i a ~ o 0 . n p ~ w ~u a rs N n i I 1 1 I ~ ~ ~~ ~~ cx y~a 17 o co m hh tD FQ ~ ~ rtl 1 v, x ' cn m aro D ~ n f ~ ~ a ~ ~ fi w cn YY O o p rt ro M F-+ M N o a cr ~ • ~~ N a n a ti ~ n ~ tT m •"~w" awa~ ~c`~c°a c`~ua o~ `D°' a N~ n p n c~ o~ n ~~• a ~ N• ~r p' rt n~• H•n~•o rtw~, ~ r ~ rn W c~'o W~• ~ N• ~"~ "C rn n N t nj H h C ct is' q~ N• ~~~ ~ N n I-~ W M SL F'• H~ N rL7 ~ fD ~~ r.a,, A~ fD ]' rd ~ W O fD ~Lf ~ rtD ~"' f~ j M + O h V~, ro• p~.+ ~' R• p~ p ~ ~ n' ~a° Nn°w w•v~,~• ~. ~ a p. C fD p O N N fY f'r W M ~ d~-' ' rr rn n o w ° -t `~ ~ a F• C . rr d `n a co , ~, r• ~ r~n o ~~ p p' cD ~ N• ' ~ ro ° "' ` r r a a a n A r v' ~ ~ ~, N , n~ ~ a a u, rr O ?? 0 r c a~: o iD o ~ a ~ a r, M o ~ ~ w ~~ `° , ~r, ~ ~ ~ W • y rr W M.~ R'3 rn O (L o fD fA 1~• M kf fD a~ a d o ~ ro N. ~ ~* r ~o a r~ c ~. ,b ~a n N ~ w a ~ ~ •rt N w ,~ W , ~ ~1 Cs M ~ a F -~ .'7' ~ fA ' ~'" A 7~ ~J O ~ d b -1 ~ y 4 O y ~ H p ro~ ~ N O ~ ~ °~ ~ '"' p' ~ ~ a ro F' ~ (D ~ H~ N~ ~ D -~ :D rt m ~ ~4 f+. ~ ~ C ~ ~ N~ t n ~ p ~ ~ a n ~ r r N~ a N ~ r~ ; . ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ A Ct Q M ~ Q y ~~ ~ir ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3 ~ A ~D ~ a R ~ H a 0 p ~ ~ ~ h c~ N ~, `J' VI O N ~J ~ o ro v a C vl H H 1-~ t~D ~ m a a ~s a o ~ ~ a ~r `~ a r"n ~ ~ ~ ~w ~ ~''• N ~ ~y ~ N N W ~ (D rr h ~ ~ n m ~n owro ~n ~ ~ ~ `° w o~o ~C p ~~ h o y f'~ y ~ VI t~D O rh p ~ ~ M O f~U C~t ~, W 9 fD N ~ M ~ ~~a~~ c+ H ~t y+ n' H ~ c~D• r~' -„ `rr° N V~ (p (aj ` ar~~ o n ~ry^C W O O A1 ~' . ~ ~ m ~" n ~ ro N a m n1°i ~ h ~ tY O~ ~ W ~ a~ ~ f9 N • (p ~ R ~ N~ ~4 M C ryr w W~ N• t~ w p~i ~ c~p ~nmro ro ro n ~ ~ ts a ~ fr W K ~•droc~ N tA O ~ ('r R O rt fp rN K wn w n rr ~c i~ ft t+• W ~C ~ kf N ~ x ,ca~ a M~omH~ F~+• tA n N ~ M ~ ~ F ~ ~ y~ a a ro ~a~~cs ~ q N• R m a ~-n --~ a~ M~ ti: ~O ~. ~r o a i3' M cD r~,, ~, M ~ n ~ n ~ N ~~ h' r ~ ' ~ Q 'D' ~ , ~y n :r, ' M n ;? ; w ro rr ,9 , , p ~ , ~ p q p :` '~i O ; . ; ~ ~ ~.;I. ; ~. E,~, f%~ ry J r~i ~ ° ~ °o m ~ n ~, `° C~ N h+ N R' I~A' ~. ~ ~p n N ~ ro O ~ O ~ ~ n n a• `~ ~ ~ M ~ p~ C ~ F-~ ~ ~C ~ N !",' M\i O ~ A p c~ ~ ~ H • k n w o ~ N• ~~ y a N . ~ ro o ~ . w N ~ w Q0 o ~ `~ O ~ ~ri ~ H. rr ~ ~ n ~ ~ N. ~O ~ N w ~ n -~ n Vt ~p N ti fY O ~ m N~ N f'~ a~ w n 0 ~ M •°r• a N o ro~ ro ~ro M ~c° ~ F+~ F~-~ ~ ~-+ O CJ ~ M ~ n ~ ~ ~ N w ,~r ~. o ~. ~ O C N n r1 ~ fD N• ~ Ct n a k o M Q~ N• a 1-' N ~• a ~c a 0 C y g a rr ~ ~t -+• ~ ~ cn 0 ~ N ~o n O p F~~ a n O ts u. ~ Kf n r~ 0 d ~ ~ ~ c~ N~ ~ a w ~ ;;s :: i 1< , r:!'~Ct,~,r, H~ ~O F+ V ro ~,~ , ~; i,; ~J '1n'i}~,f~~~nf~ Wa~~~2it"'t +1^M,c(}r ~ ~.. ~ e~ . . . ~ .~ 'O c"~ w ~ ~ N .C' N r ~~~~'r }GirN~l~?d, ~i~ti~ ~~i:_' l.1^~,u~r ~ i ~ ~~'' ~. . , , ti ~'-.,1 - ~ w~:~ y 1~., ~ ~ ~ , r, ^ ,. . ~.~,~,.,: I 1 1 1 I ~~y ~ H ~~,, ~ ~ ~ ~ m p rl N~ ' ~v o c o D ~ tl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~ n a ~ I- ~• G I -+ N~ f '1 f 'r ( D n i (D ul O Al ~' ~ w a w -`~•."a~w ~ a ~a (D ~ p n u, ~1 N F+~ p n O 13 af p p Ci nc ~D O t n r, n c rn ~, p n• ~, a~ i aa ~ c ~ a~ w p a k r. ~cs o~• cr g o rt ti co ~ ~ ~"s ~ c~ ~ m w a M 4~ M o c o ~ ~ 0 M a N N F~+~ t D ~' 4 C ~ w a M ~ ~ a ~ a N ~' `~ ro a~ ~ c~o o ~ ~o c~ " ~' ~ w a h p n~ r~r h K p a d~q w m w °p o~ w m~ " r~ c ~ kf rs r~ u, rn cr ~ a ~ ~ ro b' tD N r j -~3 N o ro ~ o r~ ro v N. ~ ~., ~ M • "~ '°n ~ tr p ~ , ~ v Q, cnD ro ~ ro a ro ~ ~ {L y ~ 1-~ N fD ~ '1 ro C p ~ ~v,," C il ~~ ro W rt C t ir c D R :n o w a ~ o~~ ro 4 u , u ~n w y ~ ~ ~ ro e ~ ~ c o r n a tr~ m" m" Q ~ F-+ H Ul ~ ~ w v o a~ l rt ~? r'f O N a fD ~ n co ~ - -~ W N ''~ • ~ ~ a ro ~ a ~ v i ID p tt ul F+ ~ (D M ~ fT N ~Y fC ~ ~ ; Q ' ;,~"! ~4 a `t»" o ~n, M' i{); W ~ l; . ~ p ' ;`~ ~ :,, ;'7 ,?; • ~i:.~; ~!~.i ,!'; ;`{~? ;u~ , i:~s,i ~ :.~ ' .~,.;,y~~k ~'t i~' m W p N O ,' r r p N .~ .,, u , ~ .~ro ~ N F'1 U F+• I-~ Ut ,.:t: C ~ ~ . 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