Resolution-PC 89-254~~ R~SQLUTI(~N.~~.~P &9-2 ~! ~ A R~,SOLUTTOtd OF TI-IE ANAHETM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION TF'fAT PETITIOIJ FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3208 f3E D~NIEA ~ ,, ,~,v~ ~;~ WI3EREAS, ~ho AnahQim ~:ity Planning Commissi.an did receive a verified Pel:itxo.n for Concli.tional Use Pex~mi~ from EAST ANAFT~,IM F.~NTERPRIS~S, A ~' NEVADA LIMITF:D PARTNERSFIIP, Attn: FRED SELIGMAN, 5100 E. La Palma Avenue, s :; ~202, Anaheim, CA 92807, o~~n~r, and PA.NIELLE K.EhIFIELD, 2650 ~. Gollege Placa, 1tH-30, Fu1ler.ton, CA 92631, agr:nt f~r certa~.n real property situated in ~he City nf An~heim, Caun~y af Orange, State of Califor.nia, clesr.ribed as: PAftCEI~ Z IN THE CITX OF ANAFIETM, COUNTY OF ORANGF, STA'~E OF CALIFOkNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAI~ FTLED '!AT BOOK 204, PAGES ~15 ANA 46 OF PARCEL 2•,APS, IN THE OFFTCE OF TFI~ COIJNTl' 12ECORDER OF URAN~E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission dzd h~1d a public hearing at the Giv=c Center in the City of Anaheim o: ~ctober 23, 1999 at~ 1:30 p.m., notice oi said public hearing having been duly given ;,s required by 3aw and in ~.,! ac~.ordance with tk~e provisions of the Anaheim Mun.ci~al Code, ~hapter 18.03, '". to hear and cansider ev3donce far and against s~ifl proposed cor~ditional use ,: ~' permit ancl to investigatQ and make findings and reconunendations in connect,ion therewith; and Wfi~RFAS, said Commission, aCter due ins~,~ection, invesL-igution and stuciy madQ by itself and in its behalf, and after due conside~-ation of all ' evidence and reports offE~red at said heariny, does £ir~d and determine thQ fnllowing FacLs: '~ 1, That the p~titio7xer requosts approval of a conditior~al use permit under autlior'_ty of Co~ie Se~~tion'r~ to permit a physical f5tness center (dance in;ttruction stuclio) in an sxis~.:ing industrial building wit'r- waiver of tne following under authority of Code SE:ction 18.06.080: ~~T?_2~?.~7~$~.~4.~2:.4?12 - I~Iinim~m n~rn ~+r ~f~''arkina sp.~~~,`~. ~$.Q6,_Q50•Q2? (4,~E} requ.ired; 444 exisCing) 18.06.05~.02~1 ~ ~~_:~ ~:_9 ~Q1SZz ~:~`~ ~~9S~Q , 031 t ~c~.~~G~~~~Q 2. That the proposed use is hereby den.ied on the basis that it does nct servi~e the indi~str.ial area and it wi11 bring additional non-industris~l LrafF c into tho area at peak traffic hours. 3. That thp proposed use wi13. adversely affect the adjofiiing land use:• ~nd the grow~h and devel~pment of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 4. That tho size and shape of thQ 3ite proposed for rr.hP use is not adequate to allow the full development of the proposed usP in a manner n~t detrimerital to tho particular area nar to the peace, health, safoC~ and ',, goneral welf~re uf Lhe Citizens of the City of Anaheim. :~• 1098r -1-• PC89-254 :~~ ~ , ,, F ". t ;.~ ,,,{ ~'~ -, ;ri~ ,.EI ~ ~,~~'+~F~'fiq i~ ~+fJ4Fi,, ""~~, ~ ' .~"a ;°;,q, ~tl~ ~~~; ~~i ,;"t '~1 r~,~,hv~ P~ r lqf'e^. ~ 4 tQ f~. r~~n~i 5. That the granting af ~he Conditional U~e P~rmit will be flst.rimental ~o ~he peace, health, safety and gene a1 walEaxo af the C3rizens of the Ci~y of Anaheim. 6. Tha~ the traffic generateci by tha pzo.posed use wi11 im~ose an undue buxden upor~ the streets and highways designec~ aiid i.mproved to carry the traPEic .L.ll the area. 7, Tha1: no ~ne ind:icated their presence at ;,aid pub~i,e hearing in opposition; and tha~ nu correspondencP was rec~ived in oppositian to tha subject petition. S~~LIF NzA ENVJRONM~;NTAL ~~ALITy A~T FINDTNG: That thQ Anahexm City Planning Commission has reviowed the proposal ~o ~ormit a physical L•itness centc~r (dar.ce instructio~~ studio) in an existinc~ industrial building with waiver of minimwn number of parking spacos on an irregul~rl~•_shaped parcel o~ land r.onsistanc~ of approximately b.3 acrey, having a frontage of approximatel~~ 402 Eeet on tk:c; south s.ide of La Palma Avanus, having a maximum c3eprYi of approximately G5~ ~eot, bei~zg locdted approximately 3,560 feet east of the centerline of Lakeview Avenue and furthc~r dc~scribgd as 5100 Fast La ~'alma Avenue, Suite 108 (Califarni.a Lance Acac~emy); and doPS heroby a~prove the Negative Declaration upon f:inding thaL- it has considered the Negative Declaration together with s~~zy eonunents receivQ3 during the pub?ic review process and furt:her E3.nding on the basis af the initia7. study and ~ny comments recAivoc~ thai there is no substantial evi~3ence that the project will have a signific2nk effec~_ o:~ the envirorunent. NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ciry Plar~ning Commission dpes hereby deziy subject Petition for Conditional UsE Permit, on th~ basis of tlie aforementzoned f.indings, TKE FOREGOING kESULUTION is signed and a~proved by me this 7.3rc1 day of October, 1989, , ~/ ~ .,`, ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ` ~ `~ CHA5:2MAN, ANAHEIM CITY F~LANNING COMtQIuSYON AT'fEST; _ - ~"`~`~ - 1F-1'~-~'"~J~-i1.-*~ SErRETARY, ?yNAHEIM CITY PL,ANNING COtrAiISSYON -2- ,.,w ,~ !;7 l :67. ,;:~ ;; , `; ;', „1, `;i3 i '~. '; PC89-254 ,-Yi ~ ~ .'.~~.t.`: . . . ~._,~ti. I , .:... ^ ; . .. ~,~f`Fh!i`I~'Mi~V~i~~1R"'~~fiPs~&.,`~4(f~tyj'1yi{;1:!C'XXh'J{~1tf ~S).~'z ~ ~' In"t' ~ 4+i1~b 'SS ~'~i2D~r o}'I'{~ ?~~'7k t' 4~,~ , i~•r i i ,ttX ~. ,. ~ "PI .~, ~.~~,~; : t~i, .~ . ,. ..4i „ r 1 e~, n~ ~xnv t ~Fi,i, e.ti F ? ~~ e ~ ~ .. , ,., , ..~,~+ ~~,~,a ~',~,- + ~~`~r;~`(Gre~;r„~,~w~>~~Y~1.'~~r~i'~~"~~ ~, r. ~~ r.. . ~ ~ t ~. ,. u r ~ ~~ M~ ~ ~. , . ~~ ,;~ ~ ~ .~~~~ ;;~, ~ ~,;~ SxATE OF CALIFORNIA ) - COUNTY QF QRANGE ) Ss. ,:;~~ ' CTTX OF .ANAIiEIM ) :r ; ,I ;,; I, Edith la. Harris, Secretar,y of the Ariahe.im City Planning . ~i , Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolution was p~ssed and i {i ~ adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on October „'' 23, 1.989, by the following vote of the mamb~rs thereof: -'"'~ ~ ~ AX~S: COMMISSIONEFS: HERFiST, BOYDSTUN, HEI~LYER, FELDHAUS, h ; r~ MC BURNEY, MES~E <=~i ~ NOES: COMMISSIONEIlS: NONE I ABSENT: COMldIs~SIONERS: ~OUAS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo here~.nho set my hand this 23z•d dap ~ o£ Octob~r, 1989. ; , ~ i /~~ ~ ~ r i L~c..~--e-~~'~..-~ .~:_... ~~ _.•(,,,e,.r.. i -~~~ ~ SECPETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COhiMISSTO~T ... ~;';r' ~ -3- PC89~254 ,: ~~: ~; ~ ,~,`~ "?<:;:~ ~: , a , ,; ~~~'r.