Resolution-PC 89-304,~ ~ REaOL TI$,1N _~Q. P~fl9 3- .Q4 ~~~ ~": 1174r ~ N RESOLUTYON OF THL AIJAFIEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMYSSION TI3AT PETIT:[ON FOR VARIANCE N0. 4,iQ8 13~; GRANT~A WHEREAS, the AnnhF,im Cit~ planning Commisaion did receive a ver.ified Petition for Variance f'rom GEROLAINE JEWELL EXECUTOR~ GSTATE QF AY.FRCD S'~ECHER7', 6].J.1 E. Via S~aia, Analioim, CA, owner, arid MxCHAEL FRAIZER, 18200 Yorba Linda IIouJ.evard, N201, Xorba T~irida, CA 92686, agent for certain real property situated in the C.ity of A~iahein-, County of Orange, Sta~e of: Califorr~ia describ9d as• PARCEi. ONE : .~HAT PORTION OF SECTION l. TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAYJGE 9 WEST, TN THE T.AI~D AI'aL0'PTED TO JUAN YORBA, IN TfiE CITY' OF I~NAHE:IM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALrFORNIA, AS DESCRIBED IN THG FIl1AL DECR~F PAR'rITI011 OF THE RANCHU SANTIAGO DF SI~NTA ANA, WHICFI W7-S ENTERED SEPT~MAER 12, 19G8 IN BOOK "B", PAGE;S 410 Ok' ~U'DG~MBNTS OF THE DISTF2ICT C:OURT OF THE 17TH JUDTCIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR wOS ANGEI,ES rpUNxX, CALTFORNIA, DES~RiHED AS E'OLLOWu : BEGINNING AT TFIE SOUTIiERLY T~RMINU~ OI' T.HAT CERTAIN LINE, RHOWN ON SAID MAP AS HAVING BEARING OF NOR'PTi 4 DEGRE;ES 37' 3~" WGST; '.rHENCE *IORTH A DEGREE5 37' 20" WCST ALUNG SAID LINE 40.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85 DF.GREES 22' 40" EAST 148.OU FEETj THENCE N~RTH 4~6 D~GREES 30' 17" EAST 12:1..~0 FEET; TYiENCE NORTH 76 DFGRFES 07.' 1~" EAST '127.64 FF.ET) TFiBNCE N'ORTH 85 DEGR~:ES 48' 39" LAST 229.92 F~ET; THENCE NORTt~i 70 bEGREES 02' 35" EAST ALONG A RADIAL LINE 10.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A NOPI-TANGENT CURVE, ~ONCAVE SOUTfiWES'tERLY AND FIAVING A RADIUS OF 360.00 T'Ef:T; :CtI~NCE SOUTHELtLY I~ND EAS7'~RLY ALONG SATD CURVE THROIIGH A CENTRAL 1-NGLE OF 4 DEGREES 32' 16", AN ARC LEI~GTH OF 2851 FEETf THEIJCE LEI#VTNG SAID CURVE ON A NON-TANGENT LINE, SOUTH 85 AFGRELS 48' 30" WEST 84.00 FEETt THENCE SOU'Z'Fi 72 DEGRE~S 30' 27" WEST 45.60 FEETf THENCE SOUTH 6 DEGREES 33' 00" EAS2 311.67 FEE'P; T.HENCE SOUTH 82 DEGREGS 30' 21" WEST 53.05 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVB SOUTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 46.00 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY AND SOUTAFRLY AL~NG SAIU CURVE THROUGH A CENTR~.L ANGLE OF 53 DFGREES 14' 09", AN ARC L?,NGTH OI' 42.74 FGET TO A POINT, A RADiAL L7NE THROUGH WHI(;H BEA.RS NORT~I 6Q DEGRE;ES 43' 48" 41ESTt THEtJCE LEAVING SAID CURVE NORTH 66 DEC~REES 24' Q3" WEST 94.03 F~ET; TFIFNCE NORTIi 36 DEGREES 90' 34" WEST 62.22 FE~T; THENCE SOUTEI 82 DEGREES 12' 5'1" W~ST 123.22 FEET; TIiENCE NORTfi 30 UGGREES 32' 09" WE~T 162.51 F~ET TO THE POIliT OF BEGINNING. -1- PC 89-304 ~~:e ;; , ~~ ., .,...,..*~d ~ ,~.:,~~ ,,r ; ~: ~ `y,J~'iFp f'l~~etb~ Y 1 ~ . . . I'+y.;~l 1 0 PARCEL TWOc THAT PORTION OF TH.E ORIGTNaL LOT L70. 25, ~1tAC1` N0. 9217 IN THE ~2xY OF ANAHEZM PER MAP R~rORD~,D iN IIOOR 395, PAGES 5 TH120UGH F3 OF MI5C~LLANEOUS MAPS, RECOItDS 0~ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. DESCRIPED AS E'OLLOWS: IIEG:[NNING AT rHE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SATD ORIGINAL' LOT 25; THENCE NORTH 6r~ DEGREES 24' 03" WEST ALONG THE ORIGTIJAL NORTHERLY L~TN~ OF LOr ?.4, 94.03 PEET; T.HENCE NORTH 36 DEGREES 40' 34" WEST ALONG TFIE l)RIGINAL NORTHEASTEItL,Y LIN~ OF LOx 25, 62.22 FEET; THENC~ SOUTFi Fi2 DCUREES 12' 57" WGST ALANG THE ORIGINAL NORTHERLY LINE OF L~OT 25, 123.22 FEET; 'PHFNCE SOUTH 30 D~GREGS 32' 09" EAST ALONG TH~ ORTGINAL WESTERLY LIN~ OI' LOT 25, 2.85 FEE'P; THGNCE NORTH 81 DEGREES 49' 36" EAST :122.fi~. FEETf THENCE SOUTII 37 DEGREES 05' 32" EAST 61,68 FEET; ~HENCE SOUTH 66 DEGREES 95' 1]." EAST 93.OZ FEEx TO THE POINT nF HEGINNING. WIiER~AS, the City Planning Corrvnis3ion did hold a public hearing at the Civic: Center in the City of 1~nak~eim on Decrrn'ver 4, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., noticc~ of said public hearing havirig been duly givr~n as rc~quized by law and in accordanco with the pravisians oE the Anaheim MunicS.Qal Code, Chaptor 18.03, ta h~ar and cons.ider avidence for and against said Z~roposed variaiice and to investigate and make findinc~s and recommendations in connection thQrewath; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aft~r due inspocti.on, investigation and study made by itself anci in i~s bQhalf, and after cue consideration oF a11 evidenc~ and r~+ports offered at said hearing, does find and determine tlxe following facts: 1. That thQ peti~ioner requests waiver ~f the foliowing to establish a 3-lot RS-HS-22,Q00(SC; Zone subdivision: ~E T29~I_~~?,~_,_Q¢'1.020 - inimum,~.ot wir~tk~. (requireci: 100-foo~~vyr~q~ in subdlvis~.on with minimum Q~~~~ and 60 fag~ for cul-da-sa.: lotsi prOpoSC~u:~ ~f~ot averac~g ,~ith 2_?~z~ 2i~g~t) 2. Tht~t the above-mention~d waiver is hexeby graizted on the basis ~hat there are special cir.cumstances applica:,I~, to the proparMy cuch as size, st~ape, topography, locaL•ion and sur: oundings which do not apply t:v other identir_ally zoned property in tho same vicinityj and that str~r_k a~plication ~f the Zoning Code c~eprives thd property of privileges en;oyed ty other praperties in tlie identical zone and classificatian in the vic3.r.ity. 3. That the Praposed varfance is herc~by granted subject to the petitiox.or'3 stipulati~n at thQ public hearing t~ have only one access ta Via Sabia, with xe~:iseii plans b~in~ submitted tu and approved by the Planning Department; and f.urthgr that there shall be no consl•rur.tfon vehic].es or heavy Qqui.~ment permitted on Via`rSabia. -Z- 1'C 09-304 ~ ~~ ~ ,; ~ ~~"~ , , ~, , ' ~.,,r ~ 4. That tY-era are o~cceptinnal or extranrdi.naz~y ci.rcumstancoa or coriditions applicable to tho property involvod or, to tlYe intended use nf the ~roperty tihat: do not apply generally i:o ~I~e praper~,y or cla~s of use in the samP vicinity ana zono, 5. Th~t the roquosted variance fs nocefiaary for ~,he presarvation and enjoyment of a substantipl proporty right possesse~ by other property in tho same vici.nity ancl zoxie, and denied to the property in quest3.on. 6. That the requested v~riance will not be materially detrimental ~o the publ3c weltare ~r injur3.ous to the propprty nr improvements in such vicanity an~ zone in which thP proparty ie loratea. 7. That throe (3) persons indicatad their presenc:e at said public h~aring i~x~ oppasition; and t~i~t one 1eL•ter was received in oppo~it9.on to subject peti~ion. CALIFORNIA ~NVIRONMRNTAL~~UALITY A~T r~NDIN~: The Plannin,g Direct<~~r or his authorized roprosenCt~tive has iieterminer~ that tYze proposed proj~ct talls within tl-.e definitian of CategorS.eal Gxc~mpCions, Class 3, as defined in Yho State E:[R Guidelines nnd is, ~hereEor.~, categorically exempt 1°rom t;he requirementi to prepare an EIR. NOW, TEIEREFORE,, liE IT RE;SOLVFD thaL• r„he Aiiareim Cit~° Planning Commission dc+es hertl'~y gran~ .ubjPCt Petition ~or Varianc:e, upon the fol'lowing conditions whYCh ar~ heraby found te bo a nucessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subj'ect proper•ty in order ~o preservo the sai;ety a:nd general welf3re of the Citizens of the Ca t}• of AnahQim: 'l. * That prinr to issc~ance oE a buildi.ng permit, thQ appropriat~e m~jc~r thoroughPare and br:idge feQ s:~~'ll ba pa.id to tho CiL•y of Annheim ir~ e-n amnunt as specifind in the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge k'eo P.rogrram far th~- F~othill!Easter~i Transportatioi: Corri~or, as established ,~y City Cr~L~ncil resoluti~~n. 2.* Tha.r pri~r to 3~ssuanc~ of a bui].elinc,~ porn~~.~, the a~propriat~ traffi~c signal assessment fee sha11 be paid Ca thn Cit-~ of A~naheim in an amounl. as asL•ablished b;~ City Council resa:luti~n. + 3.* That the asphalt conc~•ete berm shal3 be z~e~aired aionq ~~ia SabiH e-ncl ',~ia, Montanera as re~quir.~:d by the Ciity ~nganeor and in n~cord~~na~3 with 3t:andard plans <ind :~pecifzca~ions on f ile in tlae Office af L-h~3 Ci~y ~ngi.neer. 4.* Thai gradinq and dra:lnage of subject property shaly confurm tr~ Ch~.pter 17.04 "~rading, Excavations, FAll~ ~nd Water Caurses" of the Aiiahoim Muni~ipa~ Cade. 5.* That prior to :i.ssuar~ce of buildir~g permiL•s, the appropri~te ~i;ainag~ assQSSment fee ;zhall be paid to tho Cit4• of Anaheim in an a-na~int determined ,by ~he Citx ~n~ineer. -3- 1'C 89-304 '~ .,_,,.. - , , .. . , ~; ~~~ ;~~r,~x;~ A"Y'tlYa,~ . . ~ °, ~ `~;~ :•~~i?jr ' , ~~ ~ 1i '~~i ~~{ ~,~ ~;;i 6. k That a n ~ Ana2~eim and~then be L' CJC the Ci~ o~' 1 ~e ~ ' a ,;~` y C CC lri he Ot fice of ~he 0 ange a oun~ y Recarder. ~•~ 7'ha'r prior ta assuance af a buildinq ~~rmit, thQ ~pprQpx~,ate fees d primary mains ~hall ua for be paid to rhe W,~~er Enqineexins~ bivision in accordance wi~h Ru1os 15A and 20 f ' ' o khe WatQr Utility Rates, Ru'les and RQgu~atians. ;. :; ~. 8. That w~ter service ~o subjQCt proporty shall be provided as required b, the Water Ene.~zrieerinc~ Division S '1!I ' , aid ser.vice m~y izxclude 1ao tn of the exa,sting water s,ystem. P~ g 9.* 7'hat the le~al owner of: subject property shall be ~ledicate to the City of Anahnim a five (5) foot wid e punlic utilil:y eas~emsnC as rnquxrQd ~+y thc~ ~lectrical ~ngirleering Divisi ~n ta provide e].ectrical service to t!~,Q proQoso3 subdivisicn. Said e asemert shall be dedicated to the City pric~r to release ~or e~,3ct•rical service, 10.* That: all lots within subject subdivisian shall be sPrved b utilities v d . y n ergrpuxid 11,. That the legal owr~er of subject property shal.l provide conduit substructures and s and pay feas for the extension of unclergr~und eleatriCal circuits, as requir~d by th~e E1 QCtrical Engxneering Dfvision ta pra~xde sexvice to the propc~sed subdivision. Y2. * That a fee sh~11 bra paid to Che C:ity o~E Anaheim for t Via MonCanera and Via Sabia in plan~ing alor~g g ~n amount as established b resolution, y City Council 13.* That prior t~o final parc~l map appro•~ aI' appLOZ~riste ~ark and r in-lieu fees sha12 ecreation be aid r P ~ the City of Anah~im in an amcunt as estabiished by City Council resolution, 14, Th~t the existing residence and any existing accessory buildings sha11 mainrain m.inimwn requireQ se~bnck distances Erom n~wly establ.ished property lines unless a variance i y approved bp the City Council, Planning Cammission or Zoning Administrator. 15.~ That fire s~rinklQrs shall be inst;aller] Departn,enL- . as requzred by the Fire 1F' * Th~t any spcaCimen L•ree removal shal? be subject tu l:he trea presarvation regulations uf Code Section 18.84,038 "Treo F.~re~orva~ion" in the in Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone. ' I 17•* That no rooE-mounted ~quigmont, whatsoever, rshall be pe:mi~tec~, as ~ specified in Ansheim Municipal Code Section 1t3.84.042.030, ~} S Y8. Th3t sub'scl p y ~~,~ ) pro ert shall be developad substantzally in accozdance with pl~sns and specifications aubmittod to the (:ity of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plsns ~re cn filc~ with the Plan.ning D~partr~ient marked Euhibit No. l; provided, howev~r, -~-~ access/6riveway onto Via Sabia ancl that r~ revisecteplan shall ba~gu~mftted ;,; to and aporuvea by t2-e Planning Uepartment. -~- k~ 89-3Q4 i. , ;,.~ ""^"'~~"__ „ ., ~a;~ ~ne;:rvRt'L; .:..~ :,,: ,i..;, . t.. fi _i;i:,. .. .. ~:? .. . .~ . . . . . .~. . . .i . . ~ .. . . .. . , ,~„ .. , ~ ~ ~ . ., . . , , ~ , . . I '- ' S '~ {!~'l 111r, Ui4 ~ yP!F~'"4 i~~..~~~'~ , ^~`,~1~, 1 Ir Cy ~ lul ~ '?~ ,~ i '19. Ttia~ prior L-o commencoment o£ the acCivit•y herein apprnved ~r within a i ~erzod of ono (1) year ~ram ~he da~e o£ thi.s rasolution, whichever ocr.urh first, ~ondition N~s. 9 arid 13, ~2~ove mentiorieda 8h811 bo complied with Extansians £or L•ur.ther time to com~lete said aondition;t amy be c~ranted inaccoxdance with Saclioiz 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Muncipal Code. ; 20. That prior to issuance of a builainc~ permit, Conditions Nos. l, 2, 5, 6, ' 7, 11 ~and 12, above-mentioned, ~h~11 b~ cc~mpliod w3.th. 21. That prior to final building and zonir.r~ inspections, Conditi.on Nos. 3, 8, 10, I.5 and 18~ abave-mentioned~ sha11 bp camplied witlz. 22. Tnat construction ve~~icles and heavy equipcnent shall be pr~hibited on Via Sahia, with revisgd plans showing Lhe nAw ace~ss being s~pproved hy the Planning Departmei-~. 23.* That approval o£ this applicatior. constirLr.•t~s npproval af the proposec't request onlp to the extent that il- complic~s ~a5.th tha Anaheim Municipa7. Zoning Cac1p and az~y othez~ applzcabl,: Cit,y, St~ke ~sn~3 Fedc~zal. regulations. A~Sproval does not inclu!~~ ary action or ~in~3inga as to compliance or approval of the requesi:, rPC~arding any other applicable ordinance, requl~tion or requiroment. Conditions marked with ~n a~t~erisk (k) are requiresl by established laws, codes, requlata.ons and, agreempnts and are not subjoct to nPgoL•i~tion. BE IT FURxI•IER Rr:SC~LVED that the Anahc~am Cit~~ Flanning Cai~unission does hereby find and dstecmine that adoptiun ~f t~is Resoluti~n 5.;. exgressly predicated upon applicant`s rnm~liance with eac2i and ~11 of the conditions herezn~bove sei: fart;h. Sho+~18 any sucti conditionri, or any part thereof, be dec].arod invalid or unenforceable by ~he iiral judgme~it oP any court of competAnt jurisdiction, tli~,n this Resolution, an~ any approvals herrain contained, shall be deemed nu11 and void. TiiE F~RF.GOING RESOLUTION i,s si~ned and appruvod by me this Ath day of December, 19ti9. > ~ .._-~~ / ~ f ~_ ~- ____._ ._ CFIA RhfAN, AIJA ~'.I•Nt CTTY PL'ANNING COIY4ytI^~aI023 ~:.TTES'1': , 1-NAHEIM Cl'7;~YPLANN7NG COI~44ISSIOI~ ~ ` ,~ L~J~?.i/ -i..... r -5- IC ~'':..':' .. ~ FC 89-304 ..;~ . ,;, ~~i: ~'r. :il~.`. ~ , . , , ~, ~~„ , ~~ ~r5'(y~,° ? i ~ ~ Y~,.r ~~}~ap y~' .: ~ t ~~ T~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: ; ,, 7 1 j'~i"i ~ ~, r:"i ~ .~~ ;~1. S'PATE OF CALZFORNIA J ~`~~~~~!%'r! COUNTY OF ORANG~, ) ~s. ~ ~ ~ '';`{; CI~Y OF ANAHEIM ? ~ ~.,'i I, ~c~tth L. Harris, Secretary oE the Anaheim City Planning ~~ Cornmi3sion, do her~;by corti.fy~ that ~he foregoiny res~lution was passed and ? adopt.ed at a mc~eting at the A,iahQim City Planning Commission hald on December ;,;;~ 4, 1989, by the Eollawing ~crote of tne members thereof: :;.~; , .,` ';i;~ A.YES: COMMISST.02?ERS: BCYDSTU~, AOUAS, FELDHAUS, HELLYER, HERBST~ `;':M1,'. MC Bi1RNE~'. MEfiSE ';;:':A ;?.,! NO~S: COMMISSIONERS: NON'E ,, ABSENT: CQMMTa~ZONERS: NONE `;'y ri ]:N WITNESS ViHEP,EOF, I have Yisreunto se~ my hand this 4th day of Dacember, 19t39. ~y /~/_1,-'-/~.v .i• ~•'r< f~, v i %~~J~~ ~ ~ -~ ' ~a~~ ~~~?~.~2u~...~ ;~ ~~C,ZE7:kf~', ANAHEIM CZ= Y PI~ANNIN'G COH(NIS5x0Ir' ,,`j . ~i ~ ~ : ;-i ~ ~ ';~~~ ;;' . . ;,~•?r', ,r4r .1;;`. S ;,rr ;: ~;,s ,, -p , ,~ •~,;: ';.,. , :,< , r; ~,,~~~4 ~ ,'.~~~ :;,, ~~: . , ,.,YT . . ~t '~ f 'r', ;, ,,i~} 'Ilt~ ~' ;~ ';:! ~ ~h . ~.. . if ' `.;~~ ,7r~ -~- Pc s4-se~ ;;:~ ~ ~ tfi~ ~ ;r. . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ` ~ ~~ ~h~ , . . ~`Yl,C~i'Ss91CY~F~I.tC.i~lfLGd%'r)1',~U~4'.~}~MUo.",HI1'x?,l~ s,,.r~~.rn. t i~.._ - . . . .;::"~.'r~~ a ~d::t. ,!, . ,. ~~.~..1. , , .~. -,~, - - - __._ d ~.!~. .. ;..~. ~)_r..:~e.:i1i5..~~~~~....t~r',.':~~~_r..~.,...-:~.~.i~4..1YYw_ ,^.r~..{eJJ,.. .41LR..:6~~ui~t?Jo