Resolution-PC 89-96~~'~`~ RESOI~ TI N' N~_PC~$.~_~. ~ A RESOLUT7'JN Or THE ANAHEIM GIT'Y PL7~NNING COMMISSIUN TFTA7' 1'ETT~TON FOR ~?CLAS5IcICATION N0. 88-39-46 33E GRANTED, A5 MUD7.FIED ( ~l`f , .~~ , ~ `~ ~ ;..G. `~ ~ ~':~+ .;:x ~~ i ~~ WIiEREAi;, ttie AnaP~oim City P].anning (`.ommi~si.on did receivo a verified petition Fox Lceclassif~catinn from MICHAEL~ DOUCE'~TE, P.Q. BOX 6582, Buena Yark, CA 9U622, owner aE certain re~l property situa~ed xn the City of Anahoim, County of t?xange, State of California, described as ~~.llaws: LOT 122 OP' TRACT N0. 1451 AS PER MAP P.FCQI2UED TN BQOK 50, PAGES 28-29 MISCELLAIIEUUS IJAPS QF SAID CUUNTX WHEREAu, the City Plar~ning Commisaion did hUld ~ public heari~g at th~ Ci~~ic Center in the City of Anaheim an March 2%, 19$9 ac 1:3C p.m., nc~tice of said public hearii~g havinc~ be~n duly given as requirecl by law an3 in accordance w.L-h the provisions oZ the bnaheim rcun:.cipai God~. ChaQter 18.03, to hear and conss.der evidence £or and aga.inst saicl pruposecl reclassifir.ation and to investigate and make finclinqs and re,co~runond~:tions in conn~cCion therewith;, and WHi~:REA.S, said CommissiQn, aftar due in:;pection, inv~sti~ai:ian and s~udv ma3e by itself and in its behalf, and a£ter due consideration of all evidence a~~d reports offered at said hearing, doos find and clotermine t:he foliowing facts: l. ThaC the r~eL•itioner proposes recla~siEicatlon of ~ubject property from th~ RS-7200 (Residential, Single Famil.y) zone to tk~e CL (Commercial, Lxmited) Zone; however, the Planning Commission determine8 that the participants should be rc~classi£i~sd to CU (Commercial, Office/Professional~ Zone. 2. That tho Anahcim General Plnn 8+~signates subject proporty Eor General Commercia:l. land uses. 3. That the approved reela~sification of subject prr~par~y is nec~ssary and/~r dQSirable for 'the ~rderly and propar dQVelopment of the conununx ty . ~-4 4. That the approvod recla~sification o£ ~ubjec~ proper.ty daes ,;~ properly relate to th~ zones and their pe,rmittAd uses lo~~ally estabYished in close pror.imity to aubjoct property and +co the zcae~ and their permitted uses ~' gene.ra].ly establi~hed tihroughout. the aonununity. `' ,. ~ ,~:'~ri 5. Thar the approved reclassificatiun of. subjec~ properL-y 'r~ requires tho dedi.cation of abuttir~g stceety in acc~rdance with the Circulation :~ Element of the General Plan, due to the anti~ipated increase in traffic whzch ' will be generated by the intensiEic:atioYi of land use. i; 6. That five (5) people ~ndicated their pres~nce at said . ,,: -.. Qublic hearing in oppositian; and that a petition containing approximat~ly •~ eiqhtaen (13) signa~.uras in opposition to subject petition was r~ceived. ~ '• '~=: 0759r -1-- PC89-96 :t. ,- ;, ~ ; :~ ;ri 1 .. . .. .. .. .. . . .......... ~.,... ~.~.~. .,-..,.;~- .a1~~xl~vwnb{ / ~~ .. , . . . . ~ ~ ' . . ~ . . . . . . .. . .. _. ... . . ~ I ~ ~•:~i';!'~ I~IRhS7 CALYFORNIA ~NVTRQNMENTAL Q^ UAL,I~y ACT _k'T~~~ That the Anaheim Ci~ty Planning Commiss.ion has reviewod the p:ropcy~al to reclassi£y sub3ect pruperty i'rom the RS-7200 (Residen~i~l, Single iamily) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limit~d) Zo:ie and to pr~rm3.t the commercial uso nf a residenL•ial str~.~cture with waivers of maximum st;ructural height and minimwYS structural ;,e tback on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land coxisisting ~~ approxirnately 0.2 acre lecated on the :~outhwest coriier of Redwoad Avenue and State College Buulevard, having appro~:~.mate frontago5 af 62 teet on the south si~le ot' R~:dwood Avenue and 194 feet on the west sid~ of. State College Boulevard and further described a~ 1945 East Redwor~d Avenue; and does hsroby approve the Nagative Declaration upon tinding that it has considerec] the Negati~cre Declaration together with any comments received during the public review pro cess and £urther findiny on lize basis of i:he initial sCud~ and any commenCs rLCeivod tria~ there i~ no substantial evidence that the project wx1.I have a significant eff~ct on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE Tm R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Plar~ning Commi,ssion doos hereby grant subject Petition for Feclas;tificati~n, as modified, and, by so doing, that 'itle 18-Zoning of the Anal~eim Munioipal Code be amended to exc3.~:de t.ie ~bove-de~cribed proparty from ~he RS~7200 ~.Residential, Single T'amily) 7one and to incorporate sr~id described prQperty into the CO (Commercial, Oftice/ProfessionaJ.) Zone u~on the following conditions wtiich are hereby found t~ be a n~:~essa:y prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order ~a preserve the safety and gt~neral welfaro oE the Citizens of the C.:.,r of Anak~eim: 1• That the legal owner of subject ~~roperty shall irrevocablp offer to dedicatg to the City of Anaheim a:;trip AL lana fifty three (53) feet in width from +:he cen.terline of the street along StaL•e College Boulevard, including ~~iftean (7.5) foot radius corner reY.urn for street widening purposes. 2. That prior to the ir.troducti~~n of an ordinance rezc,;zing subject property, Condition Nn. 1, above-mantioned, sha~1 be campleted. The provis.~ons or rights yranted by ~his ^esnlution ~hall becomR null and voxd bp acrioY~ ot th~s Planning Commissiu:~ unless ;,~i~ conditions are compli,ed witih within on~ year from the date of t:~is resolution, or such f~zrther time ~ts the Planning Cornmission may qrant. 3• T}-at ap~rova~. of th3s application con~titu~es appraval of tY~e pr~posed request ~nly to thr; ~stent that it. complies w.xi;h the Anaheim Municipal 7onir.~ Code and any otk~er appiicable Cirx regulatio;ns. Ak~proval does not include any action or finclings as to c:ompliance or apk~rovaZ of the request regarding any othe~r applicable ordinaiice, regulation or requiremant. BE IT FURTHr^,R RESOLVED that the Anah~im City Planning Co:nmission dc~es hereby Find and de~ermir~o that adoption of this Resoluti.on is expressly predicated upon applican~'s c.ompliar.r.e with o~ch anci all of the cond.itions hereinabove s~t forth. Should any such conclit.ians, or any part thereoF, ~,Q deal ared invalid ox unen£orceablc~ by the final judgmen~ of any court of competu~it jurisdiction, ~hen t:zi~ Resolution, and ang approvals herein contained, shall be deemad null and vofd. -2- PC89-96 ii ,'~;. 1 J~ (F f ;it~r:a . ., .,:~~ ~`_.:r:~r` ~P~ ~.~^~~;, ~~~.~ -~~~~~ ~}t'~1 ~ ~ ~'HF. rOItEG4ING RESOLUTION is 3ignad and approv~ed by me ~hiA 27th day o£ Marcti, ].989. ,' ii~r~• ~ ~ ~:~~~' ~~ ' ~:i ,t-•,~,~ _ CHATRWOMAN,~ ANAHEIM ClTY PY,ANNrNG COA4rlYS5ION /~ ATT~ST; _.__ ~ ~-•-~-- ._ ~ -~'t~,.~.,~...., ~ ~ ~ -- SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING CODIIrlISSION , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ; COUNTY UI' ORANGE ) ss. ! CITY OF ANAFIRII~~ ) 1 1 T. Edith L. .Iarris, Secre~tary o~ the Anak-oim City P)anning ~ Commis~ion, do hereby cortify thut the fnregoing reso2ution was pass~d and i aduptec~ at• a meetinq of fche Anaheim City Plann3ng Commission hslcl on March 27, ; 1989, by tho following vote oi' khe meicbers thereo~: 4 t AYES: COI~fIS5IONERS: BO(TAS, BQYDSTUN,. CARUSILL,U, c^GI~DFIATJS, HERBRT, , MC BURNEY, M~SSF. i 270ES: CONQriISSIONEkS: NONE ADSENT: COMMISSTONERS: N027E J t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hz~vR herQUnto ~et my hand tl~is 27th day of ~ March, 19A9. ; i `~~~~~ ~ / 1 _y~-"`.u.~ ~ 4~t~~.~ SECRETARY, ANAEIBIM CITY PLANNING COF~AiISSION . _,.' -3- PC89-46 n°,°rt,° y~?yt7{d~~~ s-,~}: (i+ ; ~r ~< ;~ '-:,s ,;?~a ,., ~: ~ :.r~