RES-2022-018RESOLUTION NO. 2022- 018 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM MODIFYING THE RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS, WHICH DO NOT MATERIALLY INCREASE RATE -RELATED REVENUES, FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 71R-478 AND MOST RECENTLY AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 2021-013 AND DETERMINING THAT SAID ACTIONS ARE EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21080(B)(8) AND SECTIONS 15061(B)(3) AND 15273(A) OF TITLE 14 OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim ("Anaheim") maintains an electric generation and distribution system for the furnishing of electricity to residents and businesses of Anaheim and has adopted the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations for the sale and distribution of electricity; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim Municipal Code authorizes the City Council of Anaheim ("Anaheim City Council") to approve reasonable Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations for electric services, which are provided by the Anaheim Public Utilities Department ("APU"); and WHEREAS, APU is a publicly owned utility, but nonetheless strives to operate like a business and continuously seeks opportunities to minimize administrative and fiscal burdens while remaining in a position to maintain service reliability and high industry standards; and WHEREAS, in support of the foregoing, APU staff reviewed and recommends (1) the adoption of modifications to Schedule GS-2, Schedule TOU, Schedule TES, Schedule FIT, Developmental Schedule D-TOU-L, Developmental Schedule D-NEM, Developmental Schedule D-EV, and Developmental Schedule D-EV-2 of the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations, as set forth in Attachment A; (2) the conversion of Developmental Schedule D-TOU-2 to Schedule TOU-2, and the adoption of modifications as set forth in Attachment A; and (3) the adoption of new Rule No. 25 and modifications to Rule Nos. 11 and 29 of the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations, as set forth in Attachment B; and WHEREAS, on January 6, 2022, and January 13, 2022, notice of the public hearing regarding modifications to the electric rate schedules of the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations was published in the Anaheim Bulletin and proof thereof is on file with the Secretary of the Public Utilities Board; and WHEREAS, on January 11, 2022, and January 18, 2022, notice of the public hearing regarding modifications to the electric rate schedules of the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations was published in the Orange County Register and proof thereof is on file with the Secretary of the Public Utilities Board; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Board held a public hearing for the electric rate schedule modifications on January 26, 2022, and evidence was presented in support of the modifications to the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Board considered the proposals of APU and considered the evidence presented at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Board made the following findings with respect to the need for the proposed rate modifications to the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations: Section 1221 of the City Charter provides that utility rates charged to a class of customers shall be uniform within the class and shall be based on the cost of service revenue requirement for the class. 2. Section 1221 of the City Charter requires that utility rates shall be sufficient in order to allow the utility to pay for operations and maintenance of the system; for payment of principal and interest on debt; for creation and maintenance of financial reserves adequate to assure debt service on bonds outstanding; for capital construction of new facilities and improvements of existing facilities, or maintenance of a reserve fund for that purpose; and for payments to the general fund of the City in the amounts set forth in the City Charter. 3. Section 1221 of the City Charter also provides that the Anaheim City Council shall periodically review rates to insure that financial goals are being accomplished. 4. Section 1221 of the City Charter provides that the Anaheim City Council may establish and revise ratepayer discounts and other programs to assist residential customers in the payment of their utility bills. 5. In setting rates, it is reasonable and appropriate to recognize the benefits that APU customers will realize through having rates for domestic and non -domestic customers remain competitive with other local providers. 6. It is reasonable and appropriate to (1) modify Developmental Schedule D-NEM to allow for more flexible use of energy credits; (2) convert Developmental Schedule D-TOU-2 and modify this converted rate schedules to eliminate outdated language and adjust summer and winter seasons; (3) modify Schedule GS-2, Schedule TOU, Schedule TES, and Developmental Schedule D-TOU-L to eliminate outdated language; (4) modify on -peak, mid -peak, and off-peak time periods in Schedule TOU, , Developmental Schedule D-TOU-L, and Developmental Schedule D-EV; and (5) modify the months assigned to the summer and winter seasons in Schedule TOU, Schedule TES, Schedule FIT, Developmental Schedule D-TOU-L, Developmental Schedule D-NEM, Developmental Schedule D-EV, and Developmental Schedule D-EV-2. 2 WHEREAS, it is reasonable and appropriate to modify the rules as set forth in Attachment B to (1) implement a Green Power Option Program to allow residential and commercial customers to purchase more renewable energy than mandated by the State of California; (2) provide faster response times to customer requests for connection and disconnection; and (3) provide more customer participation flexibility in the Solar Power Program; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Board considered the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and found that the proposed modifications to the electric rate schedules and rules, as set forth in Attachment A and Attachment B, come within Public Resources Code section 21080(b)(8) and Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, sections 15061(b)(3) and 15273(a). Thus, the modifications are exempt from CEQA; and WHEREAS, based on the findings hereinabove made and the public hearing record, the Public Utilities Board recommended that the Anaheim City Council determine that the modifications to the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations are exempt under CEQA, Public Resources Code section 21080(b)(8) and Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, sections 15061(b)(3) and 15273(a); and WHEREAS, based on the findings hereinabove made, the Public Utilities Board recommended that the Anaheim City Council adopt the findings of the Public Utilities Board with respect to the matters contained herein and adopt the modifications to the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations as set forth in Attachment A and Attachment B, which are on file with the Office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Council has considered the evidence and concurs with the findings of the Public Utilities Board as set forth hereinabove. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Anaheim City Council as follows: The findings set forth herein are hereby adopted by the Anaheim City Council. 2. The Anaheim City Council hereby determines that, in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, the modifications to the electric rate schedules and rules of the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations, as set forth in Attachment A and Attachment B, are exempt from CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080(b)(8) and sections 15061(b)(3) and 15273(a) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed modifications will have a significant effect on the environment as the modifications primarily recover costs and are administrative in nature. 3. The Anaheim City Council hereby adopts the modifications to the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations, as set forth in Attachment A and Attachment B. These modifications shall be effective March 1, 2022. 3 4. The Anaheim Public Utilities General Manager is hereby authorized and directed to prepare, promulgate, publish, and implement changes to the Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations as set forth herein. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 15 day of February , 2022, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mayor Sidhu and Council Members O'Neil, Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia and Faessel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None CITY CL K OF THE CITY OF 144783 ANAHEIM 0 Attachment A Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations Rate Schedules effective March 1, 2022 CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 APPLICABILITY ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE GS-2 GENERAL SERVICE Page No. 2.3.1 Applicable to single and three phase General Service including lighting and power. This Rate Schedule is mandatory for all Customers whose monthly Maximum Demand has exceeded 200 kW for any three (3) Months during the preceding twelve (12) Months and whose average demand for the preceding twelve (12) Months also exceeds 200 kW. Any Customer whose monthly Maximum Demand has fallen below 200 kW for any three (3) Months during the preceding twelve (12) Months and whose average demand for the preceding twelve (12) Months also is less than 200 kW may elect to take service under Rate B of Schedule GS-1. RATE (21) Per Meter, Per Month Service delivered at voltaues of 50 kV and below Customer Charge: Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): First 200 kW or less of Billing Demand All excess kW of Billing Demand, per kW Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): First 540 kWh per kW of Billing Demand, per kWh All excess kWh, per kWh Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. Service delivered at volta es above 50 kV Customer Charge Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): First 200 kW or less of Billing Demand All excess kW of Billing Demand, per kW Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): First 540 kWh per kW of Billing Demand, per kWh All excess kWh, per kWh Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Service voltage in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. (Continued) $ 360.91 $ 2,769.00 $ 15.65 11.35¢ 8.130 $ 360.91 $ 1,971.38 $ 11.56 10.830 7.770 ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) C. w E. F G. Billing Demand ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE GS-2 GENERAL SERVICE Page No. 2.3.2 Billing Demand will be measured at fifteen (15) minute intervals, by instruments supplied, owned, and maintained by the City at the City's expense upon the Customer's Premises. Where Customer's demand is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the Maximum Demand may be based on a shorter interval. The Billing Demand will be the greater of 1) the highest metered kilowatt input for the Billing Period; 2) 50% of the contracted for or connected load; or 3) 50% of the highest Billing Demand in the preceding eleven (11) Billing Periods. Power Factor Adjustment The charges will be adjusted each Month for the Power Factor as follows: The charges will be increased by thirty-one (31) cents per kilovar of reactive demand. The kilovars of reactive demand shall be calculated by multiplying the kilowatts of measured Maximum Demand by the ratio of the kilovar-hours to kilowatt-hours. Voltage Discount The charges, excluding the Customer Charge, Power Factor and Rate Stabilization Adjustment, will be reduced by three percent (3%) for service delivered at voltages from 2 kV to 10 kV and by six percent (6%) for service delivered at voltages from 11 kV to 50 kV; Customer equipment and metering per Utility standards. For service delivered at voltage levels above 50 kV, all charges will be assessed as set forth in the Rate Schedule above. Temporary Discontinuance of Service Where the use of energy is seasonal or intermittent, no adjustment will be made for a temporary reduction of load. Any Customer who resumes service within twelve (12) Months must pay all charges that would have been billed had service been continuous. Rate Stabilization Adjustment The rates above are subject to adjustment as provided for in Schedule RSA. The applicable billing factor set forth therein will be applied to all kilowatt-hours billed under this Rate Schedule. X-Ray Installation Where the City installs the standard transformer capacity requested by a Customer to service separately an X-ray installation, the Customer Charge will be increased by $1.00 per kva of transformer capacity requested. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTRIC RATES, RULES Utilities Financial Services AND REGULATIONS 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Page No. 2.4.1 Anaheim, CA 92805 SCHEDULE TOU TIME -OF -USE APPLICABILITY Applicable to three-phase electric service of Customers whose monthly Maximum Demand was 500 kW or greater for any three (3) Months during the preceding twelve (12) Months or, if no prior billing history is available, whose total connected lighting and equipment load is 750 kW or greater. Also applicable to Customers who meet eligibility requirements prior to installation of load management and conservation measures included in the Utility's Demand Side Management programs. AVAILABILITY A Customer desiring service under this Rate Schedule or currently served under this Rate Schedule and desiring service under a different Rate Schedule shall notify the City in writing at least ninety (90) days in advance of the Customer's intended change in Rate Schedule (unless Meter availability allows less notice), and will be restricted from exercising the option to switch Rate Schedules more than once in any twelve (12) month period. Service under this Rate Schedule is subject to Meter availability. Per Meter, Per Month Per Meter, Per Month RATES Summer Winter Service delivered at voltazes of 50 kV and below Customer Charge: $342.12 $342.12 Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): Non -time related Maximum Demand, per kW $ 8.66 $ 8.66 Plus all on -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 15.68 N/A Plus all mid -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 5.47 $ 5.74 Plus all off-peak Billing Demand, per kW N/A N/A Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh 14.800 N/A Plus all mid -peak energy, per kWh 11.710 12.480 Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh 7.870 7.870 Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly non -time related Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. Service delivered at voltages above 50 kV Customer Charge: $342.12 $342.12 Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): Non -time related Maximum Demand, per kW $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Plus all on -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 14.84 N/A Plus all mid -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 5.18 $ 5.43 Plus all off-peak Billing Demand, per kW N/A N/A Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh 13.640 N/A Plus all mid -peak energy, per kWh 10.72¢ 11.45¢ Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh 7.080 7.080 Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly non -time related Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TOU TIME -OF -USE A. Service voltage in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. Page No. 2.4.2 B. Customers currently served under this Rate Schedule shall continue to be billed according to the transitional time periods specified in B.1, unless Customer elects to be billed according to the successor time periods specified in B.2. Successor time periods apply to all new Customers taking service under this Rate Schedule effective March 1, 2022. Transitional time periods will be eliminated from the Rates, Rules, and Regulations effective March 1, 2023, at which time the successor time periods will apply to all Customers taking service under this Rate Schedule. 1. Transitional time periods are defined as follows: On -Peak: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays Mid -Peak: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., winter weekdays except holidays Off -Peak: All other hours Weekdays Summer Hours Winter Hours Weekends Summer Hours Winte r Hours It ro W CS a Cd a Cd a a o a M 0. a., Ci n. a a 0. 0. 0. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O .-. N M 7 Vt b r w 6, O .--. N -+ N m 4 - b O M1 w O, O Mid -Peak Hours Off -Peak Hours O 2. Successor time periods are defined as follows: On Peak: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays Mid Peak: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., winter weekdays except holidays Off Peak: All other hours Weekdays Summer Hours Winter Hours _ We a ke nds Summer Hours Winter Hours E G E E 8 Fa i! 6 8 o E E 8 E E E E E E Ei E z O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Or' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C Mid -Peak Hours Off Peak Hours O (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TOU TIME -OF -USE Page No. 2.4.3 Holidays are New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be recognized as an off-peak period. No change in off-peak hours will be made for holidays falling on Saturday. The summer season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year. The winter season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year. C. Billing Demand Billing Demand will be measured at fifteen (15) minute intervals, by instruments supplied, owned, and maintained by the City at the City's expense upon the Customer's Premises. Where Customer's demand is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the Maximum Demand may be based on a shorter interval. Separate Billing Demands shall be determined for the Maximum Demand, and for the on -peak, mid -peak, and off-peak time periods. The Demand Charge for non -time related Maximum Demand will be the greater of: 1) the highest metered kilowatt input for the Billing Period; 2) 50% of the contracted for or connected load; or 3) 50% of the highest Billing Demand in the preceding eleven (11) Billing Periods. Billing Demand for on -peak, mid -peak, and off- peak time periods shall be the highest metered kilowatt input for the applicable Billing Period. D. Power Factor Adjustment The charges will be adjusted each Month for the Power Factor as follows: The charges will be increased by thirty-one (31) cents per kilovar of reactive demand. The kilovars of reactive demand shall be calculated by multiplying the kilowatts of measured Maximum Demand by the ratio of the kilovar-hours to the kilowatt-hours. E. Voltage Discount The charges, excluding the Customer Charge, Power Factor and Rate Stabilization Adjustment, will be reduced by three percent (3%) for service delivered at voltages from 2 kV to 10 kV and by six percent (6%) for service delivered at voltages from 11 kV to 50 kV; Customer equipment and metering per Utility standards. For service delivered at voltage levels above 50 kV, all charges will be assessed as set forth in the Rate Schedule above. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) F. Temporary Discontinuance of Service ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TOU TIME -OF -USE Page No. 2.4.4 Where the use of energy is seasonal or intermittent, no adjustment will be made for a temporary reduction of load. Any Customer who resumes service within twelve (12) Months must pay all charges that would have been billed had service been continuous. G. Rate Stabilization Adjustment The rates above are subject to adjustment as provided for in Schedule RSA. The applicable billing factor set forth therein will be applied to all kilowatt-hours billed under this Rate Schedule. H. Applicable to this Rate Schedule only, if after twelve (12) months of service the Customer would have preferred service under Schedule GS-2, General Service, appropriate billing adjustments for the twelve (12) Month period will be made and the Customer will be returned to Schedule GS-2, General Service. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: N/A Dated: N/A General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 APPLICABILITY ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TES THERMA I. ENERGY STORAGE Page No. 2.5.1 Applicable to electric service for load in a facility with a monthly Maximum Demand of 500 kW per Meter for which the Customer installs and utilizes thermal energy storage (TES) equipment for air conditioning. Customers must submit an Application to the Utility and be approved for service under this Rate Schedule. For a Customer whose monthly maximum demand is between 200 kW and 500 kW for a given Meter, the Customer must shift a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the monthly maximum on -peak demand for a given Meter to off-peak demand as a result of the installation and utilization of TES equipment for air conditioning. If the Customer fails to shift twenty percent (20%) of the monthly maximum on -peak demand for a given Meter and/or exceeds 500 kW for a given Meter for any three (3) Months during the preceding twelve (12) Months, the Customer will be ineligible for service under this Rate Schedule and the Customer's account for that Meter shall transfer immediately to the otherwise applicable Rate Schedule based on commercial energy usage. This Rate Schedule will not be available to any additional Customer participants effective March 1, 2020. RATES Per Meter, Per Month Per Meter, Per Month Summer Winter Customer Charge: $104.89 $104.89 Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): Non -time related Maximum Demand, per kW $9.43 $ 9.43 Plus all on -peak Billing Demand, per kW $14.15 N/A Plus all mid -peak Billing Demand, per kW $7.87 $ 8.20 Plus all off-peak Billing Demand, per kW N/A N/A Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh 25.260 N/A Plus all mid -peak energy, per kWh 7.210 8.030 Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh 5.40¢ 5.400 Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly non -rime related Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Rate Stabilization Adjustment The rates above are subject to adjustment as provided for in Schedule RSA. The applicable billing factor set forth therein will be applied to all kilowatt-hours billed under this Rate Schedule. B. Service voltage in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) C. Time periods are defined as follows: ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TES THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE Page No. 2.5.2 Summer: Commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year On -peak: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. weekdays Mid -peak: 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. weekdays Off-peak: All other hours Winter: Commence at 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year On -peak: Not applicable Mid -peak: 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. weekdays Off-peak: All other hours Holidays are New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be recognized as an off-peak period. No change in off-peak hours will be made for holidays falling on Saturday. Weekdays Summer Hours f Winter Hours Weekends Summer Hours Winter Hours td ed cd cd «i cd cd ce ed ai cd q 71. C+. f3. G. C. C. i1. i]. C LL i]. !�[1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O :d Mid -Peak Howl Off -Peak Hours O O When, in the sole opinion of the Utility, it is impractical to provide single phase service under this Rate Schedule, three phase service will be provided. D. Determination of Monthly Usage The Customer must provide the Utility information from which the Utility can determine the level of kWh usage to be consumed and/or the level of service to be provided, such as a TES unit nameplate raring and the number of units to be installed. The Utility will place the Customer in the appropriate usage tier and charge the Customer the maximum value of that tier. The Utility retains the right to perform on -site inspections to verify the energy consumption of the TES unit(s). E. Billing A Customer's bill is calculated according to the rates and conditions listed in this Rate Schedule. The Customer is responsible, subject to Utility audit, for reporting all additions or removals of TES units from the Customer's facilities. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) F. Billing Demand ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TES THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE Page No. 2.5.3 Billing Demand will be measured at fifteen (15) minute intervals, by instruments supplied, owned, and maintained by the City at the City's expense upon the Customer's Premises. Where Customer's demand is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the Maximum Demand may be based on a shorter interval. Separate Billing Demands shall be determined for the Maximum Demand, and for the on -peak, mid -peak, and off-peak time periods. The Demand Charge for the non -time related Maximum Demand will be the greater of. 1) the highest metered kilowatt input for the Billing Period; 2) 50% of the contracted for or connected load; or 3) 50% of the highest Billing Demand in the preceding eleven (11) Billing Periods. Billing Demand for on -peak, mid -peak, and off-peak time periods shall be the highest metered kilowatt input for the applicable Billing Period. G. Power Factor Adjustment The charges will be adjusted each Month for the Power Factor as follows: The charges will be increased by thirty-one (31) cents per kilovar of reactive demand. The kilovars of reactive demand shall be calculated by multiplying the kilowatts of measured Maximum Demand by the ratio of the kilovar- hours to kilowatt-hours. H. Temporary Discontinuation of Service Where the use of energy is seasonal or intermittent, no adjustment will be made for a temporary reduction of load. Any Customer who resumes service within twelve (12) Months must pay all charges that would have been billed had the service been continuous. I. Voltage Discount The charges, excluding the Customer Charge, Power Factor, and Rate Stabilization Adjustment, will be reduced by three percent (3%) for service delivered at voltages from 2 kV to 10 kV and by six percent (6%) for service delivered at voltages from 11 kV to 50 kV; Customer equipment and metering per Utility standards. Service at voltage levels above 50 kV will be by contract. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 APPLICABILITY ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE FIT FEED -IN TARIFF Page No, 2.9.1 Applicable to owners and operators of electric generation facilities located within the City's service territory who wish to sell to the City the renewable power output from an eligible small-scale Distributed Generation Resource, with capacity of not more than 3 MW. AVAILABILITY This Rate Schedule is available on a first -come, first -served basis until the combined rated generation capacity within the City's service territory reaches 8 MW. RATES Once both parties have executed a Standard Fonn Feed -In Tariff Power Purchase Agreement ("Agreement"), the City shall pay the owner or operator ("Distributed Generator") for each megawatt -hour ("MWh") of energy and associated capacity delivered to the City during each contract year for the delivery term. The Annual Offer Price ("AOP") shall be updated and become effective July 1 of each year. The AOP shall be calculated as follows based on the sum of the prior Calendar Year averages for the following rate components: AOP = Avoided Energy Charges + Avoided Transmission Charges + Renewable Energy Adder AOP Rate Component Calculation Utility's annual weighted average cost of energy purchased from the California Avoided Energy Charges Independent System Operator (CAISO) at the Default Load Aggregation Point (DLAP) at the Southern California Edison service area, or its successor Avoided Transmission Charges Utility's annual weighted average CAISO High Voltage Access Charge, or its successor Value of renewable energy credits based on the Utility's most recently Renewable Energy Adder executed renewable power purchase contractual commitment of ten years or more The AOP determined by this calculation as well as the rate components shall be posted on the Utility's website. The AOP shall be multiplied by the applicable Time of Delivery Factor below; the appropriate factor shall be determined based on the time which the Distributed Generator delivers energy to the Utility's electric distribution system. Time of Delivery Factor Season On -Peak Mid -Peak Off -Peak Summer 1.50 1.00 0.60 Winter N/A 1.00 0.60 Time periods are defined as follows: On -Peak: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays Mid -Peak: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays 6:00 a.m, to 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., winter weekdays except holidays Off -Peak: All other hours Holidays are New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2018-047 Dated: 04-24-18 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 AVAILABILITY (Continued) ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE FIT FEED -IN TARIFF Page No. 2.9.2 When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be recognized as an off-peak period. No change in off-peak hours shall be made for holidays falling on Saturday. The summer season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year. The winter season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Distributed Generators that develop Distributed Generation Resources to sell renewable power to the City under this Rate Schedule shall execute an Agreement with the City. B. The Rate Schedule shall be offered for Agreement durations of 10, 15, or 20 years at the option of the Distributed Generator. C. Distributed Generators seeking this Rate Schedule are not eligible and may not also obtain benefits from any of the following: 1. A power purchase agreement with the City for deliveries from the same facility; 2. Incentives from the City under customer programs implemented in compliance with requirements of Senate Bill 1 (Murray) or such successor statutes as amended from time to time, or similar programs; or The net metering option for energy deliveries from the same facility. D. A Distributed Generation Resource eligible under this Rate Schedule shall deliver to the City both the energy generated and any environmental attributes associated with that energy. E. Distributed Generation Resources eligible under this Rate Schedule shall be interconnected within the City's service territory and shall be required to comply with the City's process for interconnection. Any resources not meeting these requirements shall not be eligible for this Rate Schedule. F. Distributed Generation Resources eligible under this Rate Schedule shall comply with all applicable rules in installing a Meter appropriate for full buy/sell or excess sale agreements, and which can be read by electronic means acceptable to the City. The Distributed Generator shall be responsible for procuring and maintaining any communication link required by the City for retrieving Meter data. G. The City shall pay the eligible Distributed Generator the applicable price for metered energy delivered during the time periods specified for the chosen Agreement term and start year. The start year is the fiscal year in which commercial operation actually begins. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2018-047 Dated: 04-24-18 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 APPLICABILITY ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TOU-2 DOMESTIC TIME -OF -USE Page No. 2.10. l Applicable to domestic electric service including lighting, air conditioning, heating, cooking, electric vehicle charging, and power, or a combination thereof, in a Single -Family Accommodation, as well as to domestic electric service including lighting, air conditioning, heating, cooking, electric vehicle charging, and power, or a combination thereof, in a Multi -family Accommodation on a single Premises where all of the Single -Family Accommodations are separately Sub -metered. AVAILABILITY A Customer receiving service under this Rate Schedule and desiring service under a different Rate Schedule shall be eligible to switch Rate Schedules no more than once in any twelve-month period. In the event that a Customer elects to discontinue service under this Rate Schedule, the Customer may be eligible for compensation per Special Condition D of this Rate Schedule. Service under this Rate Schedule is subject to Meter availability or other constraints related to this Rate Schedule. RATES Per Meter, Per Month Per Meter, Per Month Summer Winter Customer Charge: Energy Charge (added to Customer Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh Plus all super off-peak energy, per kWh Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly Customer Charge. * There are no super off-peak hours during the summer. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Service voltage in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. B. Time periods are defined as follows: $5.00 $5.00 30.45¢ 26.350 13.850 13.450 * 9.95¢ On -Peak: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., summer and winter weekdays except holidays Super Off -Peak: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., winter weekdays 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., winter weekends and winter holidays Off -Peak: All other hours Holidays are New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be billed at holiday rates for that season. No changes will be made for holidays falling on Saturday. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2019-038 Dated: 04-16-19 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE TOU-2 DOMESTIC TIME -OF -USE Page No. 2.10.2 The summer season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year. The winter season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on November I of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year. Weekdays Summer Hours C Winter Hours Weekends Summer Hours � 4 Winter Hours E E E E E E E E E E E °o E E E E E E E E E E E� 6 6 6 �+ 6 c d. 6. a c, a c, a a ci. o cL 0 0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 O 0 o p 0 O O p O O O o 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 o O O O O O O O :fl N M l-- 00 ON O ti �--i N M C E O O Off -Peak Hours Super Off -Peak Hours C. Rate Stabilization Adjustment The rates above are subject to adjustment as provided for in Schedule RSA. The applicable billing factor set forth therein will be applied to kilowatt-hours billed under this Rate Schedule as follows: The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) will be applied to all kilowatt-hours (kWh) billed under this Rate Schedule in excess of 10 kWh per day. The Environmental Mitigation Adjustment (EMA) will be applied to all kWh billed under this Rate Schedule. D. Applicable to This Rate Schedule Only If, within four (4) Months of first receiving electric service under this Rate Schedule, a Customer notifies the Utility that the Customer desires instead to take service under Schedule D, Domestic Service, the Utility will execute the change and determine whether a billing adjustment shall be made for this period. This determination will be based on whether there is a difference between amounts billed to the Customer under this Rate Schedule and the amount that would have been billed under Schedule D, Domestic Service. If the Utility determines the Customer paid more under this Rate Schedule during the first four (4) Months, the Utility will provide a billing credit to the Customer for this difference. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2019-038 Dated: 04-16-19 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 APPLICABILITY ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-TOU-L DEVELOPMENTAL TIME -OF -USE - LARGE Page No. 2.14.1 Applicable to three-phase electric service of Customers whose monthly Maximum Demand was 4,000 kW or greater with a Load Factor of 65% or greater for any three (3) months during the preceding twelve (12) Months or, if no prior billing history is available, whose total connected lighting and equipment load is 6,000 kW or greater. Applicable to Customers who meet eligibility requirements prior to installation of load management and conservation measures included in the Utility's demand side management programs. Only approved and applicable Rate Schedules may be applied in conjunction with the Developmental Time -of -Use - Large rate. This developmental Rate Schedule will be closed once a permanent Time -of -Use - Large Rate Schedule is developed. AVAILABILITY Service under this developmental Rate Schedule is subject to Meter availability. Per Meter, Per Month Per Meter, Per Month RATES Summer Winter Service delivered at voltages of 50 kV and below Customer Charge: $696.83 $696.83 Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): Non -time related Maximum Demand, per kW $ 7.32 $ 7.32 Plus all on -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 28.46 N/A Plus all mid -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 17.21 $ 17.21 Plus all off-peak Billing Demand, per kW N/A N/A Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh 11.470 N/A Plus all mid -peak energy, per kWh 6.300 6.85¢ Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh 4.600 4.600 Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly non -time related Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. Service delivered at voltages above 50 kV Customer Charge: $696.83 $696.83 Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): Non -time related Maximum Demand, per kW $ 2.78 $ 2.78 Plus all on -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 26.94 N/A Plus all mid -peak Billing Demand, per kW $ 16.31 $ 16.29 Plus all off-peak Billing Demand, per kW N/A N/A Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh 10.86¢ N/A Plus all mid -peak energy, per kWh 5.970 6.490 Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh 4.360 4.360 Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly non -time related Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-TOU-L DEVELOPMENTAL TIME-O&USE - LARGE A. Service voltage in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. Page No. 2.14.2 B. Customers currently served under this developmental Rate Schedule shall continue to be billed according to the transitional time periods specified in B.1, unless Customer elects to be billed according to the successor time periods specified in B.2. Successor time periods apply to all new Customers taking service under this developmental Rate Schedule effective March 1, 2022. Transitional time periods will be eliminated from the Rates, Rules, and Regulations effective March 1, 2023, at which time the successor time periods will apply to all Customers taking service under this developmental Rate Schedule. 1. Transitional time periods are defined as follows: On -Peak: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays Mid -Peak: 8:00 a.m, to 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., winter weekdays except holidays Off -Peak: All other hours Weekda%% Summer Hours Winter Hours Weekends Sunune r Hours Winter Hours t~ E E E E a E E E o E E E E E 0 E E E E E d Id i Ili � Ili Id o a c. a d, ci a, C. ci. ci. d d .E O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 O 0 o 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 ° o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o d R vi 10 t� oo a\ O .-. N .--� N ri V vi �D r oo D\ O Mid -Peak Hours Off -Peak Hours O 2. Successor time periods are defined as follows: On Peak: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays Mid Peak: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., winter weekdays except holidays Off Peak: All other hours Weekdays Summer Hours Winter Hours ; Weekends Summer Hours Winter Hours E E E E E E E E E E E o E E E E E E E E E E E r e a o a o d c. a, ci. ci. C. ci c. 0. ci. C . en Mid -Peak Hours Off -Peak Hours O (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.. Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-TOU-L DEVELOPMENTAL TIME -OF -USE - LARGE SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) Page No. 2.14.3 Holidays are New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be recognized as an off-peak period. No change in off-peak hours will be made for holidays falling on Saturday. The summer season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year. The winter season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year. C. Billing Demand Billing Demand will be measured at fifteen (15) minute intervals, by instruments supplied, owned, and maintained by the City at the City's expense upon the Customer's Premises. Where Customer's demand is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the Maximum Demand may be based on a shorter interval. Separate Billing Demands shall be determined for the Maximum Demand, and for the on -peak, mid -peak, and off-peak time periods. The Demand Charge for non -time related Maximum Demand will be the greater of: 1) the highest metered kilowatt input for the Billing Period; 2) 50% of the contracted for or connected load; or 3) 50% of the highest Billing Demand in the preceding eleven (11) Billing Periods. Billing Demand for on -peak, mid -peak, and off- peak time periods shall be the highest metered kilowatt input for the applicable Billing Period. D. Power Factor Adjustment The charges will be adjusted each Month for the Power Factor as follows: The charges will be increased by thirty-one (31) cents per kilovar of reactive demand. The kilovars of reactive demand shall be calculated by multiplying the kilowatts of measured Maximum Demand by the ratio of the kilovar-hours to the kilowatt-hours. E. Voltage Discount The charges, excluding the Customer Charge, Power Factor and Rate Stabilization Adjustment, will be reduced by three percent (3%) for service delivered at voltages from 2 kV to 10 kV and by six percent (6%) for service delivered at voltages from 11 kV to 50 kV; Customer equipment and metering shall be per Utility standards. For service delivered at voltage levels above 50 kV, all charges will be assessed as set forth in this developmental Rate Schedule. F. Temporary Discontinuance of Service Where the use of energy is seasonal or intermittent, no adjustment will be made for a temporary reduction of load. Any Customer who resumes service within twelve (12) Months must pay all charges that would have been billed had service been continuous. G. Rate Stabilization Adjustment The rates above are subject to adjustment as provided for in Schedule RSA. The applicable billing factor set forth therein will be applied to all kilowatt-hours billed under this developmental Rate Schedule. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-TOU-L DEVELOPMENTAL TIME -OF -USE - LARGE SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) Page No. 2.14A H. Applicable to this Rate Schedule only, if after twelve (12) Months of service the Customer would have preferred service under another applicable Rate Schedule, appropriate billing adjustments for the twelve-(12) Month period will be made and the Customer will be returned to the other applicable Rate Schedule. I. General Manager As with all developmental Rate Schedules, the General Manager, at his or her sole discretion, may implement, modify, restrict, or close this developmental Rate Schedule upon notification and approval of City Council. This developmental Rate Schedule shall be implemented per Rule No. 12. J. Failure of Demand Shifting Equipment Should Customer demand shifting equipment, such as Thermal Energy Storage equipment or other type of equipment, fail for a period of thirty (30) continuous days and be repaired or replaced within sixty (60) days of initial failure with Customer proof satisfactory to the General Manager, appropriate demand charge billing adjustments will be made to the Customer's bill as if that equipment had been operational. If the General Manager does not receive satisfactory proof within this time frame, the Customer will be charged the rates included in this developmental Rate Schedule without any billing adjustments. The Customer may choose another applicable Rate Schedule for future service, but may not return to this developmental Rate Schedule within a twelve (12) Month period. K. Totalized Metering and Billing Should the Customer have multiple Meters for a single Premises, the Meters may be totalized for billing purposes at the convenience of the Utility. Totalized billing shall include a single Customer Charge for all Meters, totalized demand, which is the concurrent demand of all Meters, and totalized energy, which is the sum of all energy measured for all Meters. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 APPLICABILITY ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-NEM DEVELOPMENTAL NET ENERGY METERING Applicable to Eligible Customer -Generators within the Utility's service area. Page No. 2.16.1 This developmental Rate Schedule will be closed once a permanent Net Energy Metering Rate Schedule is developed. AVAILABILITY All rates under this Developmental Schedule D-NEM shall be in accordance with an Eligible Customer -Generator's otherwise applicable Rate Schedule; furthermore, the Customer shall be responsible for all charges in that Rate Schedule. A Customer may be removed from this developmental Rate Schedule for any violation of the Rates, Rules and Regulations. A Customer who desires to switch their service to or from this Developmental Schedule D-NEM shall notify the Utility in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Customer's intended change in Rate Schedule. A Customer shall be eligible for the NEM 1.0 compensation rate (NEM 1.0), as set forth below, provided the Customer has received final approval of all required building permit applications from the City's Planning and Building Department ("Final Permit Approval") for their Renewable Generating Facility no later than December 31, 2020 ("NEM 1.0 Deadline"). Any Customer who is eligible for NEM 1.0, shall remain on the NEM 1.0 rate until either the Customer ceases to receive electric service at the Premises where the Renewable Generating Facility is located or installs a new Renewable Generating Facility, whichever is earlier. In addition, an NEM 1.0 Customer may elect to permanently switch to the NEM 2.0 compensation rate (NEM 2.0), or available successor rate, at any time. Customers who receive Final Permit Approval for their Renewable Generating Facility subsequent to the NEM 1.0 Deadline, shall not be eligible for NEM 1.0; however, these Customers shall be eligible for NEM 2.0, subject to the terms and conditions herein. RATES NEM 1.0 An Eligible Customer -Generator, who is eligible for NEM 1.0, must execute the applicable standard net energy metering contract ("NEM Contract") and comply with any applicable federal, state, and local laws, including the Rates, Rules and Regulations and the Electric Utility's current standards and guidelines. Under NEM 1.0, each Eligible Customer -Generator will elect whether to receive a credit or compensation for any net energy produced by their Renewable Generating Facility. The Eligible Customer -Generator shall make their credit or compensation election at the time of their execution of an NEM Contract and may subsequently change their election once per fiscal year between June I and June 30, or as otherwise allowed under their NEM Contract. If the Eligible Customer -Generator does not make an election at NEM Contract execution, the default election will be the credit option. Under the credit option, the Eligible Customer -Generator will receive a net energy credit on their electric bill for excess energy supplied by their Renewable Generating Facility to the Utility during a Billing Period. This energy credit will be carried forward in kilowatt-hours (kWh) on the electric portion of their bill and will be valued at the rate applicable at the time the credits are used to offset energy charges. Under the compensation option, the Eligible Customer -Generator will receive net energy compensation for excess energy supplied by their Renewable Generating Facility during the periods set forth in the NEM Contract to be paid at the end of the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The net energy compensation shall be calculated by multiplying the supplied excess kilowatt-hours by the Annual Cash Compensation ("ACC") rate. The ACC rate shall be calculated as follows and adjusted July 1 of each year: ACC = Avoided Energy Charges + Avoided Transmission Charges + Renewable Energy Adder (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 AVAILABILITY (Continued) ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-NEM DEVELOPMENTAL NET ENERGY METERING Page No. 2.16.2 The ACC components, described below, shall be adjusted annually on July Ist based on the prior calendar year averages. ACC Rate Component Definition Utility's annual weighted average cost of energy purchased from the California Avoided Energy Charges Independent System Operator (CAISO) at the Default Load Aggregation Point DLAP) at the Southern California Edison service area, or its successor Avoided Transmission Charges Utility's annual weighted average CAISO High Voltage Access Charge, or its successor _ Renewable Energy Adder Value of renewable energy credits based on the Utility's most recently executed renewable power purchase contractual commitment of ten years or more The ACC rate determined by this calculation as well as the rate components will be posted on the Utility's website. NEM 2.0 Under NEM 2.0, an Eligible Customer -Generator will receive a bill credit for each kilowatt-hour of energy supplied by their Renewable Generating Facility to the Utility. For each supplied kilowatt-hour of energy, the energy credit shall be calculated by multiplying the ACC rate and the applicable time of delivery factor ("Time of Delivery Factor") for that supplied kilowatt hour. Each Billing Period, the bill credit will be used to offset the electric bill of the Eligible Customer -Generator and, if there are any remaining energy credits, these energy credits will be applied to subsequent electric bills until the earlier of (1) the exhaustion of the energy credit; (2) the termination of electric service; or (3) Customer's election to receive compensation at the end of a fiscal year when their energy credit value equals not less than ten dollars ($10.00). If any net energy credits exist at the termination of service or end of a fiscal year, the Utility will pay the Eligible Customer -Generator the value of the remaining energy credits. Time of Delivery Factor The Time of Delivery Factor shall be a value that is dependent upon the time period in which the Renewable Generating Facility of the Eligible Customer -Generator supplied energy to the Utility. If the Eligible Customer -Generator's otherwise applicable Rate Schedule is a time -based Rate Schedule, the time periods shall correspond to those time periods contained in their otherwise applicable Rate Schedule. The Time of Delivery Factor for each of those discrete time periods shall be as follows: (1) 1.50 on -peak; 1.00 mid -peak; 0.60 off- peak; or (2) 1.50 on -peak; 1.00 off-peak; 0.60 super off-peak, as applicable. If the Eligible Customer -Generator's otherwise applicable Rate Schedule is not a time -based Rate Schedule, the Time of Delivery Factors shall equal the values set forth below. eason On -Peak Mid -Peak Off -Peak ummer 1.50 1.00 0.60 inter N/A 1.00 0.60 (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 AVAILABILITY (Continued) ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-NEM DEVELOPMENTAL NET ENERGY METERING Page No. 2.16.3 Time periods are defined as follows: On -peak: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays Mid -Peak: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., winter weekdays except holidays Off -Peak All other hours Holidays are New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be recognized as an off-peak period. No change in off-peak hours shall be made for holidays falling on Saturday. The summer season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year. The winter season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year. Weekdays Summer Hours F Winter Hours 4 f 4 Weekends Summer Hours Winter Hours E 5 o 5 E El 5 � E E E a R � a c. a a ci. a P� a a, a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 c :d -� N Cn 7 'n �0 r- 00 C� N M 7 vi i0 t-- 00 O, O O O Nlid=Peak Hours Off -Peak Hours SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. NEM 1.0: Credit/Compensation and Billing 1. The net energy metering calculation shall be made by measuring the difference between the electricity supplied to the Eligible Customer -Generator and the electricity generated by the Eligible Customer -Generator and fed back to the grid during a Billing Period, fiscal year, or such period indicated in their NEM Contract. At the end of each applicable period, the Utility shall determine if the Eligible Customer -Generator was a net consumer or a net generator of electricity. In the event that the electricity supplied by the Utility during the applicable period exceeds the electricity generated and supplied back to the grid by the Eligible Customer - Generator during the same period, the Customer is a net energy consumer. 2. For each Billing Period that the Eligible Customer -Generator is a net energy consumer, the Utility shall bill the Eligible Customer -Generator for the net energy consumption based on their otherwise applicable Rate Schedule, and the Eligible Customer -Generator shall pay for such net energy consumption in accordance with their electric billing statement. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-NEM DEVELOPMENTAL NET ENERGY METERING SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) Page No. 2.16.4 3. Credit Option. If an Eligible Customer -Generator has selected the credit option (or does not make an election) and supplies the Utility with more energy than the Eligible Customer -Generator consumes during a Billing Period, the Utility will provide the Eligible Customer -Generator a credit reflected in kilowatt-hours to offset the electric portion of their bill. Any excess kilowatt-hours generated by the Eligible Customer -Generator shall be carried over to the following Billing Period. 4. Compensation Option. If an Eligible Customer -Generator has selected the compensation option and supplies the Utility with more energy than the Eligible Customer -Generator consumes during a fiscal year or such other period set forth in their NEM Contract, the Utility will provide the Eligible Customer -Generator with compensation at the ACC rate as set forth above. S. If an Eligible Customer -Generator has selected annual billing under their NEM Contract, the Eligible Customer -Generator shall receive compensation or credit for excess energy delivered to the Utility in accordance with the terms of that contract. 6. The Utility shall provide each Eligible Customer -Generator with net energy metering consumption information on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Such updates shall include the current accrued balance owed to the Utility, or current accrued credits for net energy metering generation, whichever applies. 7. If an Eligible Customer -Generator terminates service under this developmental Rate Schedule as a net energy generator, the Utility shall offset the Eligible Customer -Generator's final electric bill to the extent of their net energy credit or net surplus compensation. Other than this offset, no compensation shall be paid to an Eligible Customer -Generator. 8. If a Customer's Renewable Generating Facility supplies energy to the Utility's electric grid, any environmental attributes associated with each supplied kilowatt-hour shall automatically transfer to the Utility. Environmental attributes include, but are not limited to, renewal energy certificates and green tags. B. NEM 2.0: Billing and Compensation 1. For each Billing Period, the Utility shall bill the Eligible Customer -Generator for all (a) energy supplied to their Premises by the Utility and (b) other charges contained in their otherwise applicable Rate Schedule. 2. The Utility shall credit or pay the Eligible Customer -Generator for each kilowatt-hour of energy supplied by their Renewable Generating Facility in accordance with the above NEM 2.0 provisions. 3. The Utility shall provide each Eligible Customer -Generator with delivered and supplied energy information on each bill. 4. Each Eligible Customer -Generator shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including applicable Rates, Rules and Regulations and the Electric Utility's current standards and guidelines. 5. If a Customer's Renewable Generating Facility supplies energy to the Utility's electric grid, any environmental attributes associated with each supplied kilowatt-hour shall automatically transfer to the Utility. Environmental attributes include, but are not limited to, renewal energy certificates and green tags. C. A bi-directional Meter will be used by an Eligible Customer -Generator under this developmental Rate Schedule. The Utility shall own, operate, and maintain this Meter on the Premises of the Eligible Customer -Generator. If the existing Meter at the Premises is not capable of measuring the flow of electricity in two directions, the Eligible Customer -Generator shall be responsible for all costs associated with the Utility's purchase and installation of a bi-directional Meter. If additional Meters are installed, the net energy metering calculation shall yield a result identical to that of a single Meter. The Utility, at its expense, may purchase and install additional Meters with the consent of the Eligible Customer -Generator to provide the information necessary to accurately credit or bill the Eligible Customer -Generator or to collect generating system performance information for research purposes. D. General Manager As with all developmental Rate Schedules, the General Manager, at his or her sole discretion, may implement, modify, restrict, or close this developmental Rate Schedule upon notification and approval of City Council. This developmental Rate Schedule shall be implemented per Rule No. 12. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTRIC RATES, RULES Utilities Financial Services AND REGULATIONS 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Page No. 2.17.1 Anaheim, CA 92805 DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-EV DEVELOPMENTAL DOMESTIC ELECTRIC VEHICLES APPLICABILITY Applicable to charging of electric vehicles ("EV") on a Meter provided by the Utility in Single -Family Accommodations concurrently serviced on a separate Meter under a Domestic Service Rate Schedule. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the acquisition and installation of EV charging facilities and equipment. This developmental Rate Schedule will be closed once a permanent Domestic Electric Vehicles Rate Schedule is developed. AVAILABILITY Service under this developmental Rate Schedule is subject to Meter availability or other constraints related to this developmental Rate Schedule, RATES Customer Charge: Energy Charge (added to Customer Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh Per Meter, Per Month Per Meter, Per Month Summer Winter Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly Customer Charge. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Service voltage in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. B. Time periods are defined as follows: On -Peak: 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. all year, every day Off -Peak: All other hours $5.00 $5.00 26.340 25.63¢ 11.17¢ 10.560 The summer season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year. The winter season shall continence at 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year. C. Metering The Customer's equipment must include provisions to separately meter EV charging facilities. The Customer shall supply, at no expense to the Utility, a suitable location for Meters and associated equipment used for billing, subject to the approval of the Utility. Charges associated with supplying service shall be per Rule No. 16. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2015-237 Dated: 08-18-15 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-EV DEVELOPMENTAL DOMESTIC ELECTRIC VEHICLES SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) Page No. 2.17.2 Summer Hours —Weekdays Winter Hours Weekends Summe r Hours Winter Hours Elm E E E E E E E E E E c E E E E E E E E E E E n t1i Cd ed 0i c ei 6 1� Cd �d 0 a. c. a a. a = cL a a ra. o. d ep 0 0 O I? 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 vi O M l- 00 01 O .--i N .-r N m -,t Vn �o r- o0 O, O = E O Off -Peak Hours D. Terms of Service A Customer receiving service under this developmental Rate Schedule may elect to change to another applicable Rate Schedule but only after receiving service under this developmental Rate Schedule for at least twelve (12) consecutive months. If a Customer elects to discontinue service under this developmental Rate Schedule, the Customer shall not be permitted to return to this developmental Rate Schedule for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months from the discontinued service date. E. Interconnection Customers taking service under this developmental Rate Schedule shall have electrical interconnections only upon approval by the Utility for billing purposes, and by the City Planning Department for building code compliance. The electrical interconnection shall be configured in order to prevent or protect against adverse conditions on the Utility's system that may cause harm to persons, equipment damage, electric service degradation, or result in metering errors. Unauthorized interconnections beyond the Utility's Point of Delivery between electrical loads eligible for service under this Rate Schedule and any other electrical loads are prohibited. F. Rate Stabilization Adjustment The rates above are subject to adjustment as provided for in Schedule RSA. The applicable billing factor set forth therein will be applied to all on -peak kilowatt-hours billed under this developmental Rate Schedule and will not be applied to off-peak kilowatt-hours. G. General Manager As with all developmental Rate Schedules, the General Manager, at his or her sole discretion, may implement, modify, restrict, or close this developmental Rate Schedule upon notification and approval of City Council. This developmental Rate Schedule shall be implemented per Rule No. 12. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2013-116 Dated: 07-23-13 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTRIC RATES, RULES Utilities Financial Services AND REGULATIONS 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Page No. 2.18.1 Anaheim, CA 92805 DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-EV 2 DEVELOPMENTAL NON -DOMESTIC ELECTRIC VEHICLES APPLICABILITY Applicable to non -Domestic Service solely for the charging of electric vehicles ("EV") on a Premises or public right of way serviced by a separate Meter provided by the Utility. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the acquisition and installation of EV charging facilities or equipment. This developmental Rate Schedule will be closed once a permanent Non -Domestic Electric Vehicles Rate Schedule is developed. AVAILABILITY Service under this developmental Rate Schedule is subject to Meter availability or other constraints related to this developmental Rate Schedule. This schedule contains two rate structures: Option A and Option B. Per Meter, Per Month Per Meter, Per Month RATES Summer Winter Option A Customer Charge: $37.05 $37.05 Energy Charge (added to Customer Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh 30.880 N/A Plus all mid -peak energy, per kWh 13.750 14.520 Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh 9.910 9.910 Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly Customer Charge. Option B Customer Charge: $37.05 $37.05 Demand Charge (added to Customer Charge): Non -time related Maximum Demand, per kW $8.00 $8.00 Plus all on -peak Billing Demand, per kW $10.94 N/A Plus all mid -peak Billing Demand, per kW $5.06 $6.07 Plus all off-peak Billing Demand, per kW N/A N/A Energy Charge (added to Demand Charge): All on -peak energy, per kWh 26.34¢ N/A Plus all mid -peak energy, per kWh 9.210 9.980 Plus all off-peak energy, per kWh 5.37¢ 5.37¢ Minimum Charge: The minimum charge is the monthly non -time related Demand Charge and the monthly Customer Charge. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2018-047 Dated: 04-24-18 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTRIC RATES, RULES Utilities Financial Services AND REGULATIONS 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Page No. 2.18.2 Anaheim, CA 92805 DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-EV 2 DEVELOPMENTAL NON -DOMESTIC ELECTRIC VEHICLES SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Service voltage in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. B. Time periods are defined as follows: On -Peak: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays Mid -Peak: 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., summer weekdays except holidays 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., winter weekdays except holidays Off -Peak: All other hours G Summer Hours Winter Hours E E E 8 E E 8 E o E E E E E E E E a E E Z Ca Cd � Cd M M "d a a. a a C:L a a a. a CL rL a o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --N M 7 �0 r N M 7 Vi 10 r- co p) (:> E O N Holidays are New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be recognized as an off-peak period. No change in off-peak hours will be made for holidays falling on Saturday. The summer season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on July 1 and continue until 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year. The winter season shall commence at 12:00 a.m. on November 1 of each year and continue until 12:00 a.m. on July 1 of the following year. C. Billing Demand Billing Demand will be measured at fifteen (15) minute intervals, by instruments supplied, owned, and maintained by the City at the City's expense upon the Customer's Premises. Where Customer's demand is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the Maximum Demand may be based on a shorter interval. Separate Billing Demands shall be determined for the Maximum Demand, and for the on -peak, mid -peak, and off-peak time periods. The Demand Charge for non -time related Maximum Demand will be the greater of. 1) the highest metered kilowatt input for the Billing Period; 2) 50% of the contracted for or connected load; or 3) 50% of the highest Billing Demand in the preceding eleven (11) Billing Periods. Billing Demand for on -peak, mid -peak, and off-peak time periods shall be the highest metered kilowatt input for the applicable Billing Period. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2018-047 Dated: 04-24-18 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTRIC RATES, RULES Utilities Financial Services AND REGULATIONS 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 DEVELOPMENTAL SCHEDULE D-EV 2 DEVELOPMENTAL NON -DOMESTIC ELECTRIC VEHICLES SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) D. Voltage Discount Page No. 2.18.3 The charges, excluding the Customer Charge and Rate Stabilization Adjustment, will be reduced by three percent (3%) for service delivered at voltages from 2 kV to 10 kV and by six percent (6%) for service delivered at voltages above 10 kV; Customer equipment and metering shall be per Utility standards. E. Metering The Customer's equipment must include provisions to separately meter EV charging facilities. The Customer shall supply, at no expense to the Utility, a suitable location for Meters and associated equipment used for billing, subject to the approval of the Utility. Charges associated with supplying service shall be per Rule No. 16. F. Terms of Service A Customer receiving service under this developmental Rate Schedule may elect to change to another applicable Rate Schedule but only after receiving service under this developmental Rate Schedule for at least twelve (12) consecutive months. If a Customer elects to discontinue service under this developmental Rate Schedule, the Customer shall not be permitted to return to this developmental Rate Schedule for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months from the discontinued service date. G. Interconnection Customers taking service under this developmental Rate Schedule shall have electrical interconnection only upon approval by the Utility for billing purposes, and by the City Planning Department for building code compliance. The electrical interconnection shall be configured in order to prevent or protect against adverse conditions on the Utility's system that may cause harm to persons, equipment damage, electric service degradation, or result in metering errors. Unauthorized interconnections beyond the Utility's Point of Delivery between electrical loads eligible for service under this Rate Schedule and any other electrical loads are prohibited. H. Rate Stabilization Adjustment The rates above are subject to adjustment as provided for in Schedule RSA. The applicable billing factor set forth therein will be applied to only on -peak and mid -peak kilowatt-hours billed under this developmental Rate Schedule and will not be applied to off-peak kilowatt-hours. I. General Manager As with all developmental Rate Schedules, the General Manager, at his or her sole discretion, may implement, modify, restrict, or close this developmental Rate Schedule upon notification and approval of City Council. This developmental Rate Schedule shall be implemented per Rule No. 12. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2018-047 Dated: 04-24-18 General Manager Attachment B Electric Rates, Rules and Regulations Rule Nos. 11, 25, and 29, effective March 1, 2022 CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE NO. 11 DISCONTINUANCE AND RESTORATION OF SERVICE A. PAST DUE BILLS OR SUMMARY BILLS Page No. 3.11.1 Bills or Summary Bills rendered will be considered past due if not paid within fifteen (15) business days of the bill or Summary Bill issuance date. B. NONPAYMENT OF BILLS When a bill or Summary Bill for electric service has become past due and an overdue notice and final notice have been issued, service may be discontinued if the bill or Summary Bill is not paid within the time required by such notice. Service shall not be disconnected for charges due to, and billed by, an Energy Service Provider (ESP). Any Customer who contests billed consumption and has initiated a complaint or requested an investigation in accordance with Rule No. 10, shall not have electric service discontinued for nonpayment during the pendency of an investigation by the City of the Customer's dispute or complaint provided the Customer also keeps current the account for electric services as charges accrue in each subsequent billing period. Services shall not be discontinued for nonpayment for any Customer complying with an amortization agreement entered into with the City, provided the Customer also keeps current the account for electric services as charges accrue in each subsequent billing period. If in a landlord/residential tenant relationship a landlord is responsible for payment of the electric utility bill and the electric service is through a master Meter, the Utility shall not terminate residential occupant's (i.e., tenant) electric service during the pendency of an investigation by the Utility ofa Customer dispute or complaint, even if the Customer does not keep current the account for electric services or if the Customer has been granted an extension of the period for payment of a bill. Electric services to a domestic Customer will not be discontinued for non-payment when the Customer has established to the satisfaction of the City that such termination would be especially dangerous to the health of the Customer or a full-time resident of the Customer's household. Certification from a licensed physician, public health nurse, or a social worker may be required by the City. The City shall make available to Customers, upon request, information regarding agencies and/or organizations that may provide financial assistance. If in a landlord/residential tenant relationship a landlord is responsible for payment of the electric utility bill and the electric service is through a master Meter, the Utility shall not terminate residential occupant's (i.e., tenant) electric service if a public health or building officer certifies that termination would result in a significant threat to the health or safety of the residential occupants or the public. 3. If a bill or Summary Bill is past due as set forth in Section A above, a Customer's electric service may be discontinued for nonpayment of a bill or Summary Bill for service previously rendered to the Customer at any location served by the Utility provided the Utility first gives a notice of discontinuance to the Customer at least ten (10) business days prior to the proposed discontinuance. Such ten-day period shall not commence until five (5) business days after the mailing of the notice. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: 03-01-20 by Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2017-068 Dated: 04-25-17 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE NO. 11 DISCONTINUANCE AND RESTORATION OF SERVICE B. NONPAYMENT OF BILLS (Continued) Page No. 3.11.2 4. If a Customer is receiving more than one service, any or all services may be discontinued when any service, regardless of location, is discontinued for nonpayment. However, residential service will not be discontinued because of nonpayment of bills or Summary Bills for other Classes of Service. 5. The Utility shall not terminate residential occupant's (i.e., tenant) electric service if a delinquent account relates to another property owned, managed, or operated by the Customer. 6. Under no circumstances may service be discontinued for nonpayment of a bill or Summary Bill to correct previously billed incorrect charges for a period in excess of the preceding three months, unless such incorrect charges have resulted from the Customer not abiding by the applicable Tariff Schedules. 7. On any Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday recognized by the City, or at any time during which the business office of the City is not open to the public, electric service will not be discontinued on those days by reason of delinquency in payment for services. C. UNSAFE EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE DETRIMENTAL TO OTHER CUSTOMERS The Utility may refuse or immediately discontinue service to a Customer if the Utility determines (1) that any part of their wiring or other equipment, or the use thereof, is unsafe or in violation of applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of public authorities, or (2) that any condition or use existing upon the Customer's Premises is detrimental to the Utility's facilities or impairs the ability of the Utility to provide service to its Customers. The Utility shall not provide service or continue electric service until the conditions described in (1) and (2) of the previous sentence no longer exist. The Utility may provide written or telephonic notice prior to discontinuation of service when the Utility determines circumstances allow for such notice. The Utility does not assume any responsibility for inspecting or repairing the Customer's wiring or other equipment or any part thereof and assumes no liability therefor. The Utility will not provide electric service to any equipment, the operation of which will be detrimental to the service of the Utility or its other Customers, and will discontinue electric service to any Customer who continues to operate such equipment after having been given written or telephonic notice by the Utility to cease doing so. The Utility may discontinue or suspend electric services should there be a declared emergency or conditions determined to be detrimental to public health, safety, and welfare including, but not limited to, heat storms or fires. For emergency events, the Anaheim Fire & Rescue Department in conjunction with the Utility is authorized to perform immediate disconnections to protect the public, fire personnel, and property. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE NO. 11 DISCONTINUANCE AND RESTORATION OF SERVICE Page No. 3.11.3 D. FRAUD 1. The Utility may refuse or discontinue service if the Utility determines the acts of the Customer or the conditions upon their Premises indicate (1) an intent to defraud the Utility, or (2) the occurrence of a Diversion. A fee will be collected for the investigation of acts of fraud and/or Diversion as set forth in Rule No. 23; provided, however, that said fee shall not limit Customer's liability for any fraud or other Diversion. The Utility may provide written notice prior to discontinuation of electric service when the Utility determines circumstances allow for such notice. In addition to D.1, the following provisions shall apply when a Diversion involves an ESP: 2. An ESP must immediately upon request from the Utility supply all Customer information deemed pertinent to a Diversion investigation. 3. An ESP must immediately notify the Utility of any evidence of Diversion. 4. An ESP must maintain strict confidentiality of all Diversion investigations. 5. Once the Utility detects a Diversion, all investigations of unauthorized use of energy will be conducted by the City, in accordance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations, regardless of ownership of the Meter or provisions of billing or metering services. Customers, ESPs and their agents are required to properly maintain the chain of evidence of any Diversion or other unauthorized use and cooperate in such investigation. 6. Once the Utility detects a Diversion, the Utility may, at its discretion, (a) retain the existing Meter, regardless of ownership, and (b) install a temporary Utility Meter and charge for its use. 7. In cases of Diversion, the City shall have the legal right to recover, from any Customer, ESP, or other person who caused or benefited from such Diversion or other unauthorized use the total estimated amount of the undercharge, including the direct access energy supply component and all associated costs incurred during the investigation of the Diversion, for the full period of the investigation and the Diversion or other unauthorized use. 8. The City reserves all evidentiary privileges and rights. 9. The City retains the right to collect from an ESP, the Customer or other persons causing or benefiting from the Diversion or other unauthorized use of power, interest on the unauthorized use billings and associated costs resulting from the Diversion or other unauthorized use of power. 10. Diversion or other unauthorized energy use relating to direct access service shall include failure by an ESP to submit schedules in good faith to a scheduling coordinator or ISO for a service account. 11. The Utility reserves the right to collect from an ESP, the Customer or responsible party for any damaged City equipment. 12. The Utility reserves the right to collect from an ESP, the Customer or responsible party for all consumption recorded on idle Meters. E. FAILURE TO ESTABLISH OR REESTABLISH CREDIT If, in its sole discretion, the Utility provides electric service before an Applicant establishes creditworthiness, the Utility may discontinue electric service consistent with the Rates, Rules and Regulations if the Applicant fails to establish creditworthiness and provide security in accordance with Rule No. 6-A. If a Customer fails to reestablish their creditworthiness or provide security in accordance with Rule No. 6-B, the Utility may discontinue electric service consistent with the Rates, Rules and Regulations. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM ELECTRIC RATES, RULES Utilities Financial Services AND REGULATIONS 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 RULE NO. 11 DISCONTINUANCE AND RESTORATION OF SERVICE F. NONCOMPLIANCE G H. K. Page No. 3.11.4 Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Rule No. 11, the Utility may discontinue electric service for a Customer's noncompliance with the Rates, Rules and Regulations if, after at least five (5) business days written notice to the Customer, the Customer has not corrected the noncompliance as required by the notice. The Utility may dispense with the giving of such notice in the event the Utility determines the existence of dangerous conditions or other circumstances that require the immediate discontinuation of electric service. CUSTOMER'S REQUEST FOR SERVICE DISCONTINUANCE When a Customer desires to terminate electric service, the Customer shall give the Utility not less than two (2) business days notice of their intention, and provide (1) the date on which the Customer wishes the termination to become effective, and (2) the address to which the closing bill or Summary Bill is to be mailed. Should a Customer request accelerated discontinuation of electric service, the Utility may accommodate the Customer's request provided that resources are available. A Customer is responsible for all electric service furnished at the Customer's Premises until two (2) business days after receipt of such notice by the Utility or until the date of termination specified in the notice, whichever date is later. RESTORATION - RECONNECTION CHARGE Prior to restoring electric service that has been discontinued for nonpayment of bills or Summary Bills or for failure otherwise to comply with the Rates, Rules and Regulations, the Customer shall pay a reconnection charge for each incident in which the electric service(s) was disconnected. In the event that the Utility determines that the Customer is not at fault, including situations such as a payment being lost in the mail or other such situations, the Utility in its sole discretion may waive the reconnection charge. If Service(s) has been restored illegally or damaged due to tampering, the Customer shall compensate the Utility for all damage incurred by the Utility prior to reconnection. The Customer remains responsible for all damage incurred by the Utility whether or not electric service is reconnected. If the Customer makes a request to expedite the restoration or reconnection of electric service, the Utility may accommodate the Customer's request after the Utility's regular restoration or reconnection hours to the extent resources are available. In such cases, an additional charge will be assessed on the Customer in the amount set forth in Rule No. 23. REQUEST FROM RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANT (TENANT) TO BECOME CUSTOMER If a landlord in a landlord/residential tenant relationship is responsible for the payment of the electric utility bill and the account is in arrears, the residential occupant (i.e., tenant) shall have the right to become the Customer without being required to pay the amount due on the landlord's delinquent account. In order for the Utility to make electric service available, the residential occupant (i.e., tenant) must agree to the terms and conditions of electric service. REMOTE DISCONTINUANCE AND RESTORATION OF SERVICE The Utility may discontinue or restore electric service remotely through electronic means when available, provided that notice is given to the Customer no less than two (2) business days in advance. STATE LAW Should there be a conflict between this Rule No. 11 and State law, as amended from time to time, State law shall govern, except to the extent that the provisions of this Rule are more favorable for the Customer or residential occupants of a detached Single -Family Dwelling or Multi -family Accommodation. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2020-019 Dated: 02-11-20 General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 A. GENERAL ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE NO.25 GREEN POWER OPTION Page No. 3.25.1 APU provides renewable energy to Customers in compliance with applicable legislative and regulatory requirements, including serving Customers with renewable energy in amounts established in the State of California's Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) or successor. The Green Power Option Program ("Program") provides Customers with the option to have their energy needs served with more renewable energy than the RPS. Customers who voluntarily elect to participate in the Program shall pay an additional charge on their electric bills to recover APU's costs to procure the Customer's requested share of renewable energy. This Rule sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customers may participate in the Program. B. TERMS OF PROGRAM 1. Program participation is optional for all Customers. Customers who elect to participate in the Program shall submit a completed application to APU during a two -month time period designated by APU ("Open Enrollment"). 2. Within the application, the Customer shall select the available percentage of total energy consumption that the Customer would like APU to serve with renewable energy ("Selected Renewable Energy Share"). APU will designate the available percentage options. 3. Participating Customers shall pay an additional charge on their bill ("Green Power Adjustment") for the incremental renewable energy required to meet their Selected Renewable Energy Share. The Green Power Adjustment will be determined by multiplying the current Customer Participation Factor by the current Green Power Adjustment Factor. The Customer Participation Factor shall be the difference between the Selected Renewable Energy Share percentage and the current RPS target percentage multiplied by all kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy delivered to the Customer by APU in a Billing Period, The Green Power Adjustment Factor shall be the sum of the weighted average cost of Program -designated renewable energy credits on a per kWh basis over a prior twelve-month period plus the average administrative Program costs on a per kWh basis for the same period. 4. Participating Customers shall pay the Green Power Adjustment in addition to, not in lieu of, their regular billing under the Rates, Rules and Regulations. The Green Power Adjustment shall appear as a separate line item under electric charges on the Customer's bill. 5. Participating Customers shall commit to participation in the Program for twelve (12) months and shall be reenrolled in the Program automatically each year unless they choose to discontinue their participation during Open Enrollment or adjust their participation. 6. The Green Power Adjustment Factor and Selected Renewable Energy Share options will be posted on APU's website at least thirty (30) days prior to Open Enrollment and annually updated, if necessary. 7. APU will determine the mix of available renewable power in compliance with RPS requirements. Participating Customers may not elect electrical energy from a specific renewable energy resource as the selection of renewable resources may be dependent on availability, cost, interconnection location, or other factors. Renewable resources procured for Customers does not imply that the actual energy delivered at the Premises is from the same resource. Electrical metering will be used to measure and validate the production of renewable power procured on behalf of participating Customers. (Continued) ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: N/A Dated: N/A General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 B. TERMS OF PROGRAM (Continued) ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE NO.25 GREEN POWER OPTION Page No. 3.25.2 8. Program renewable energy credits cannot be claimed under any other State program including, but not limited to, the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program implemented by the California Air Resources Board. 9. APU reserves the right to suspend the Program, either temporarily or permanently, at any time should APU be at risk of non-compliance with the RPS or other applicable state or federal legislative and regulatory requirements. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: N/A Dated: N/A General Manager CITY OF ANAHEIM Utilities Financial Services 201 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 A. GENERAL ELECTRIC RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE NO.29 SOLAR POWER PROGRAM Page No. 3.29.1 The Solar Power Program (Program) provides income -qualified residential Customers access to a limited amount of solar energy derived from Utility -owned solar facilities located on public school sites. The Program is designed to extend the benefits of solar energy to Customers who may not otherwise have access to solar energy due to financial circumstances. This Rule sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customers may participate in the Program. B. TERMS OF PROGRAM 1. Participation in the Program is voluntary and available to income -qualified residential Customers. Customers must apply for the Program by submitting a completed application. Program participation shall be granted on a first -come first -served basis, based on the date that a completed application is received by the Utility, contingent upon meeting the qualification criteria outlined below. The number of Customers who may participate in the Program at any given time shall be limited to the expected energy output of Utility -owned solar facilities located on public school sites divided by 200 kWh per month. Due to the variability of the amount of solar energy available from such facilities, the General Manager may impose Program participation limits, including limiting the period a Customer may participate in the Program ("Participation Period"). In the event a Participation Period is established, Customers will automatically be taken off the Program at the end of the Participation Period; however, Customers may reapply for the Program to participate for another Participation Period, subject to any limitations imposed by the General Manager. 3. To qualify for participation in the Program, Customers must meet all of the following requirements: i) Not exceed the annual household income levels established for the Solar Power Program by the Utility; ii) Be a residential electric Customer of record or Sub -metered, master -metered Customer; iii) Not concurrently be receiving an energy discount for income -qualified seniors, long-term disabled, or military veterans; and iv) Submit a complete Program application. C. BILLING Participating Customers shall receive a billing discount equal to $10.00 per month. This billing discount shall appear as a separate line item on the Customer's bill. Master -Metered Customers that provide electric Sub -metering for qualified tenants shall be issued a billing discount equal to $10.00 per month multiplied by the number of qualified tenants who are Sub -metered to the master Meter and participating in the Program. A qualified tenant shall be any person who meets the requirements of B.3(i)7(iv) of this Rule. The master -Metered Customer shall pass the discount directly to the qualified tenants. The master -Metered Customer shall maintain records for a period five (5) years of proof of Customer's payment or a billing credit allocation to qualifying tenants. The master -Metered Customer's Program related records are subject to periodic review and audit by the Utility. Payment or billing credit allocations that are not disbursed to the Sub -metered tenant as required herein are subject to recapture by the Utility. ISSUED BY: Effective: by Resolution No.: Dated: Dukku Lee Superseding Resolution No.: 2019-038 Dated: 04-16-19 General Manager CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, THERESA BASS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Resolution No. 2022-018 adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim City Council held on the 15th day of February 2022 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Mayor Sidhu and Council Members O'Neil, Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia, and Faessel NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of February, 2022. 00f CITY C ERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL)