15 Public Comment From:Vern Nelson <vernpnelson@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, June To:Loretta Day; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil; Avelino Valencia; Jose Diaz; Gloria S. Ma'ae Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Please appoint Dr Jose Moreno "interim mayor." Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hello Council! These are interesting times, for sure. Anaheim finds itself at a turning point where the manner of government that we've all become accustomed to, can change, and needs to change, dramatically. It is important to send a signal to Anaheim residents, and to the world, that this City is really changing. And we need an interim Mayor, a steady hand, over these next six months, to guide the Council through these turbulent times. The Interim Mayor should NOT be some outsider - it'll take too long for them to get "up to speed" with how the city government works and what the issues are. It should be a Council member. And the most qualified, indeed the ONLY qualified candidate for this temporary post is Councilman Jose Moreno. He is the only Anaheim citizen NOT eligible to run for Mayor in November, so he would not be using this as a stepping-stone to a permanent mayorship. He is the only Council member who hasn't received funding from the special interests involved in the current corruption scandal - Disney, SOAR, the Angels, the Chamber - and he is the only one never to have attended or been invited to any of the notorious Chamber "retreats." He is also the only Council member to have spoken out against this government-by-special-interests, regularly, for years. I appreciate that Mr. Valencia has at least been critical of the Angels deal, as a bad deal, but he was aware of all the secretive insider dealing and said nothing. Mr. O'Neil wrote recently in the Register that "History will judge us on how we respond," and pledged to "continue with the essential work of restoring trust and moving Anaheim forward." The best way to begin that process is to appoint Councilman Moreno interim mayor for the next six months. Thanks for your consideration, Vern Nelson Anna Drive 1