13 (3) Public Comment From:Stephanie Krystal Palomares <spalomar@uci.edu> Sent:Tuesday, June 7, 2022 12:47 To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] 6/7 Council Meeting- Agenda Item #13 Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hello City Council Members, I am a doctoral student that is a product of my wonderful upbringing in Anaheim. However, the acts committed by our Mayor and those close to him were disgraceful and disrespectful to the residents of Anaheim. As a proud resident, I would like to know that my representatives are not influenced by the big money influences in Anaheim that have already corrupted our city leadership. Our community would like to regain faith in our council members and city leadership but we have reason to believe that our representatives may be untrustworthy as Mayor Sidhu was. Please demonstrate your commitment to an honest and transparent city council by supporting agenda item #13. Thank you for your time. 1