RA1998/06/16ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 16, 1998 PRESENT:CHAIRMAN: Tom Daly PRESENT:AGENCY MEMBERS: Shirley McCracken, Tom Tait, Bob Zemel, Lou Lopez ABSENT:AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT:CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich REDEVELOPMENT AND PROPERTY SERVICES MANAGER: Brad Hobson A complete copy of the agenda for the meeing of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 2:25 p.m. on June 12, 1998, at the City Hall Bulletin Board, (both outside and inside the entrance to City Hall) containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5:41 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $775,625.00 for the period ending June 15, 1998 in accordance with the 1997-98 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. 5:00 P.M. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE WEST ANAHEIM COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT: A joint public hearing is to be conducted, and if written objections are received, the hearing will be continued one week for response to the objections. If there are no objections, the actions will be taken to complete the process of project adoption will be taken: The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:41 p.m. and announced that this is a joint session of the Redevelopment and Housing Commission of the City of Anaheim, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency; and the City Council of the City of Anaheim. Chairman Karczynski called the Redevelopment and Housing Commission to order. Present: J. Karczynski, M. Pinson, C. Proussalis, D. Romero, J. Wohlwend and D. Yvaska, (one vacancy). Absent: None The Mayor declared the purpose of the session is to conduct a joint public hearing to consider the proposed amended Redevelopment Plan for the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project and the Final Environmental Impact Report. The City Clerk swore in all those who wished to speak at the joint hearing. Mayor Daly opened the joint public hearing on the proposed West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Plan and asked for the Executive Director’s staff report. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director, Community Development, indicated that the rules for the hearing and establishment of the Plan are in the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. Notices of this hearing have been published and mailed as required. The affidavits and proof of mailing have been submitted to the City Clerk and are part of the record of the proceedings. ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 16, 1998 Mrs. Stipkovich noted that in response to concerns of residents and businesses located in the western portion of the city, the Community Development Department took the existing Brookhurst Commercial Corridor Redevelopment Project and amended it to add over 700 acres of property in the western portion of Anaheim and renamed it the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project. The project will be in place for 30 years and will make additional tools available in Redevelopment Law to be used in this area. The area was selected based on input from area residents and businesses, City departments such as Police, Planning and research and field work by Agency staff and consultants. The statistics and prominent features of blight in this area are as follows: this area is only 2.6 percent of the City land area and accounts for 30% of all code violations; 14% of Fire Department calls; 15% of serious crimes; property values are 59% lower than elsewhere in Anaheim. Ms. Stipkovich related some of the kinds of improvements which redevelopment funding could provide such as a police station, fire station, community meeting center, improvements to street scape, school facilities and other infrastructure improvements. Ms. Stipkovich explained that the Project Area Committee, a volunteer group of area citizens and businesses, elected by their peers, voted unanimously in favor of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. To date, there are no objections and strong community support for the plan. The Mayor asked the Clerk to read into the record the names of those persons submitting written comments, and it was reported that none were received. It was clarified that the one letter given to Council from Mr. Dave Hunter had been withdrawn in writing by Mr. Hunter, that he did not wish to file a written objection. The Mayor invited members of the PAC to speak. Joan Oakley, Business Representative, West Anaheim PAC. She works for the largest employer in the area, West Anaheim Medical Center, 3033 West Orange Avenue and serves as a Business Representative on the PAC. She voiced the opinion that the area needs business that supports the residents, such as an anchor bank, coffee shops, more senior housing. She suggested that large parcels be packaged together for business, that blighted motels be purchased and combined into larger parcels. Esther Wallace, 604 Scott Lane, representing community organizations on the PAC, stated she is interested in retrofitting this community and making it a better place to live. She feels they need a community center, combined with a police and fire station. There are many seniors in need of senior living facilities. She also wants to focus on young people and young families to move into West Anaheim. Because of high density apartments and families living in motels there is a need to improve parks and provide after school activities. Mike Reetz, 2776 West Yale Avenue, is a member of WAND and is the elected representative of residents on the PAC. He is concerned that values of resale homes in the 92801 zip code are lower in comparison to other areas. He feels both upscale and entry homes are needed. He would also like to see bike trails and bike lanes, and more code enforcement activity in the motels along Beach Boulevard. The PAC is committed to monitoring the execution of the plan over the next three decades, and recommends approval of the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Plan. The Mayor opened the hearing to comments from the public at large and asked that prior to speaking, in addition to name and address would they please advise whether they are representing any organization, or whether they own or rent or operate a business in the Project Area. There were five members of the Public to speak as follows: Jeff Kirsch, 2661 West Palais Road, Anaheim. He indicated he had neither a business nor did he reside within the Project Area. He does however live within the sphere of influence of this project and will be 2 ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 16, 1998 affected by its success or failure. He is concerned because of the funding mechanism to be used. Historically, he is not convinced that redevelopment incremental financing is successful since it takes away correspondingly from other public needs which have to be made up by the taxpayer. Further it is his opinion that the build up of incremental funds puts pressure on the public agency to spend them, sometimes on projects which do not accomplish results. Lysa M. Saltzman, Attorney, Best, Best & Krieger, 402 West Broadway, San Diego CA 92101-3542. Ms. Saltzman read into the record a prepared statement on behalf of the Anaheim Union High School District, the Anaheim City School District, the Centralia School District, the Magnolia School District, the Savanna School District and the Orange County Department of Education. She indicated that she wished her written statement to be incorporated into the record, but it does not serve as an objection. The statement submitted (on file in the office of the City Clerk) highlights certain other exchanges of correspondence during this process which Ms. Saltzman also wishes to appear in this record. The Anaheim Union High School District looks forward to the benefits of the Corridor Project, however the District continues to encourage the City Council and Redevelopment Agency to incorporate into the mitigation measures language to the effect that all subsequent land use decisions concerning developments to be built within the Project Area will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine specific impact on the high school district facilities so that appropriate mitigation measures can be implemented at the time these projects are approved. Sam Powers, 938 North Gilbert, stated his concern that the Redevelopment Project will generate low cost housing and create a slum. Katherine Ticker, tenant at 3427 W. Canoga, Anaheim, has lived in west Anaheim since 1948 and watched it grow into a deteriorating urban environment, mainly because of a lack of decent affordable housing stock in Orange County, and therefore the working poor are using motels as homes. She urged approval of this plan to progressively plan for urban renewal and urban growth. Leonard Lahtinen, 2731 West Savoy Place, Anaheim, indicated he has lived in west Anaheim for over 30 years. He is present to encourage the City Council’s support of this program. He has worked with the BBC for improvements in their area. There were no additional members of the public to speak. Staff and Consultant Comments: The Mayor asked that staff respond to the comment concerning the development of low cost housing. Lisa Stipkovich advised that there is no proposal included in the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Plan for low cost housing. The only reference in the plan to affordable or low-cost housing is with regard to the 20% set-aside to provide assistance to low and moderate income for adequate housing, but this is not restricted to this area, it may occur anywhere in the City. There were no further staff or consultant comments. Mayor Daly called for questions from the Council/Agency Members. There were no questions. Mayor Daly declared the joint public hearing before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, and City Council closed. Council Members Lopez and Zemel and Mayor Daly thanked the staff members of Community Development and the citizens who participated, for their diligence and hard work in coming forward with the plan. 3 ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 16, 1998 Chairman Karczynski called the Anaheim Redevelopment and Housing Commission public hearing closed. Chairman Daly offered Resolution No. ARA98-5 for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. ARA98-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project, and making certain findings. Roll Call Vote on Resolution No. ARA98-5for adoption: AYES:CHAIRMAN/AGENCY MEMBERS:McCracken, Tait, Zemel, Lopez, Daly NOES:CHAIRMAN/AGENCY MEMBERS:None ABSENT:CHAIRMAN/AGENCY MEMBERS:None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA98-5 duly passed and adopted. Chairman Karczynski offered Resolution Nos. 98RHC-6 and 98RHC-7 for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 98RHC-6 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING COMMISSION approving the Final Environmental Impact Report for the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project, and making certain findings thereon. RESOLUTION NO. 98RHC-7 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING COMMISSION approving the Redevelopment Plan for the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project, and recommending that the Anaheim City Council adopt the same. Roll Call Vote on Resolution Nos. 98RHC-6 and 98RHC-7 for adoption: AYES:COMMISSION MEMBERS:Karczynski, Pinson, Proussalis, Romero, Wohlwend, Yvaska NOES:COMMISSION MEMBERS:None ABSENT:COMMISSION MEMBERS:(One Vacancy) The Chairman declared Resolution No. 98RHC-6 and 98RHC-7 duly passed and adopted. MOTION was made by Agency Member Zemel and seconded by Chairman Daly ratifying the actions of the Redevelopment and Housing Commission adopting the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project, based on its review and consideration of the administrative record before it, including the Report to Council, and all supporting documentation. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Daly offered Resolution No. 98R-108 for adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving the Final Environmental Impact Report for the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project based on its review and consideration of the administrative record before it, including the Report to Council, and all supporting documentation, and making certain findings therewith. 4 ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 16, 1998 Roll Call Vote on Resolution No. 98R-108 for adoption: AYES:MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: McCracken, Tait, Zemel, Lopez, Daly NOES:MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT:MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 98R-108 duly passed and adopted. Mayor Daly offered Ordinance No. 5637 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE AMENDED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE WEST ANAHEIM COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. On motion by Chairman Karczynski seconded by Commissioner Yvaska, Anaheim Redevelopment and Housing Commission adjourned their meeting. MOTION CARRIED (6:30 p.m.) On motion by Chairman Daly seconded by Agency Member Tait, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency adjourned their meeting. MOTION CARRIED (6:30 p.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL SECRETARY 5