RA1998/09/01ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 PRESENT:CHAIRMAN: Tom Daly PRESENT:AGENCY MEMBERS: Shirley McCracken, Tom Tait, Bob Zemel, Lou Lopez ABSENT:AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT:CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Ann Sauvageau EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 3:00 p.m. on August 28, 1998, at the City Hall Bulletin Board, (both outside and inside the entrance to City Hall) containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5:41 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $146,369.98, for period ending August 23, 1998 and $359,790.96 for period ending August 31, 1998 in accordance with the 1998-99 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: There were no public comments on Redevelopment Agency agenda items. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: On motion by Chairman Daly, seconded by Agency Member Zemel, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 1.107: Approving an Agreement in the amount of $110,710 for demolition services with Hintz Enterprises, Inc., and authorizing the Executive Director to execute said Agreement. 2. 161: Approving the Concept Plan for the Downtown Veterans’ Memorial to be located in the area north of the Anaheim Museum. Submitted was report dated August 18, 1998 from the Community Development Department recommending that the Agency approve the Concept Plan for the Downtown Veterans’ Memorial. Attached to the report was a copy of the plan. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. Before the Agency tonight is a request to approve the concept plan for the Veterans’ Memorial, a project suggested by one of Anaheim’s local Veterans organizations and subsequently staff directed by the City Manager’s Office to create a task force to find a suitable location in downtown. The area proposed is just north of the Anaheim Museum (Anaheim Blvd. and Broadway). It will be the size of the current parking lot adjacent to and west of the museum. The task force was made up of various members of the community -- the American Legion, Redevelopment and Housing Commission, Downtown Anaheim Association, Arts Council, Museum Board and City staff from Community Services and Community Development, City Manager’s Office and Council Member McCracken who was a member of the Committee. The Committee/Task Force unanimously supports the project. The artist is present to give a brief presentation and describe the proposed memorial, Mr. Richard Turner. ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 Chairman Daly noted that some of the Committee Members were present, noting that Mr. Don Ball was in the audience; Mrs. Stipkovich stated he was the man who suggested the memorial and through his efforts they are here tonight to present it. Mr. Richard Turner, working from posted drawings/plans then described the concept and details for the memorial which will undergo modification as it is finalized. A materials and color board was also presented. (Also see the submitted Concept Plan - made a part of the record.) Lisa Stipkovich, answering Chairman Daly, explained that relative to the design, it has been in process for about two to three months. It will be another three-month process to finalize the construction drawings. The one element not 100% completed relates to the actual figures that will be on the relief. That will come back to the Agency and will be under further discussion and finalized by the committee. Mr. Tucker, working from the drawing, pointed to the relief noting that the specific images are going to be coming from community members and pictures they are going to bring in. It will be tied specifically to citizens of Anaheim. Agency Member Tait asked if the images will be in bronze; Mr. Tucker answered that ideally they are looking at a low relief in bronze, but if bronze is beyond the budget, aluminum or some other metal will be used depending on budgetary constraints. Chairman Daly noted that Mrs. McCracken served on the committee; Council Member McCracken explained that Mr. Lopez also sat in on a number of meetings since they are both liaisons to the Redevelopment and Housing Commission. Community input was extensive. There was a great deal of discussion and there is still some input that has to take place relative to the relief. She believes they have developed a good plan and something that will incorporate the landscaping originally planned for that area along with fountains that will make it very special. The memorial will recognize those from the Anaheim community who have served in various capacities in major conflicts of the past century. Chairman Daly. The American Legion Chapter in Anaheim helped initiate the project many months ago and suggested an appropriate location be found. The City Manager worked with City staff and community leaders and representatives of community groups to select the location. This will be an ideal fit with all the other improvements, beautification, landscaping and monumentation that is occurring. He feels this is a perfect site. It is very accessible and very much in keeping with the spirit of the downtown rejuvenation and an especially appropriate salute to Anaheim’s Veterans. Agency Member Zemel. He agrees with the comments. He also noted a letter dated September 1, 1998 from Rudy Escalante, Commander, AGIF Region III, American GI Forum of the U.S. indicating he did not get a chance to give input. He asked if all Veterans’ organizations were contacted for their comments. Mrs. Stipkovich answered that they contacted the American Legion and the VFW. She was not aware of this particular organization. They tried to reach out to all the organizations known to them. They would be happy to contact the GI Forum. She wanted to emphasize, however, that what they are voting on tonight is the concept plan which has a lot to do with landscaping and site work. The one element still open is exactly what goes on the memorial itself. They are not asking for a determination on that and the committee will still be working on that portion. Mr. Tucker will be working with the committee to get some type of consensus and exactly what will be replicated. They specifically contacted the American Legion and VFW. Agency Member Zemel. Perhaps they ought to do a little research. He is certain the American Legion will have a list of any other groups. He does not want any others to feel left out. Agency Member Lopez. He received a lot of input from different veterans and is sorry if they didn’t get everyone. He is a Vietnam veteran and is very pleased they are going to be recognizing all veterans. 2 ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 This is a concept and the main thing is that the project is “off the ground” and hopefully Mr. Escalante and other veterans will come forward and help them finalize it. 3.161: Awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Urbantec Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $285,686 for the construction of the Downtown Plaza and Interactive Fountain; approving the Agreement and authorizing the Chairman to execute said Agreement, and waiving any irregularities in the bid; and in the event the low bidder fails to comply with the terms of the award, awarding the contract to the second low bidder, and waiving any irregularities in the second low bid; and authorizing the Agency Executive Director to approve construction change orders up to ten percent of the construction contract amount. 4.123: RESOLUTION NO. ARA98-7 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (I) approving and authorizing the execution of the Owner Participation Agreement by and between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and, jointly, the Yassini Management Company, Inc., and Changiz and Rebecca Zomorodian; and (II) making certain findings in connection therewith for the Brookhollow Retail Center (West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project). Chairman Daly offered Resolution No. ARA98-7 for adoption. Roll Call Vote on Resolution No. ARA98-7for adoption: AYES:CHAIRMAN/AGENCY MEMBERS:McCracken, Tait, Zemel, Lopez, Daly NOES:CHAIRMAN/AGENCY MEMBERS:None ABSENT:CHAIRMAN/AGENCY MEMBERS:None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA98-7 duly passed and adopted. End of Consent Calendar. MOTIONS CARRIED. ADJOURMENT: Chairman Daly moved to adjourn, Agency Member Lopez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (5:58 p.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL SECRETARY 3