17 (9) Public Comment From:Aref Farahi <areffarahi@yahoo.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Public Comment Cc:Jose Moreno; Amin Nash Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Little Arabia District Designation Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message.  Introduction:  My name is Aref, and it’s an honor for me to be here today on this historic day of Little Arabia District Designation. I have been living and working in Anaheim for the last eight years, and now we call it home.   Economic Growth:  The Designation of Little Arabia will provide economic growth and improve the area's overall value. It will provide the community with a sense of heritage and pride.  The brand identity and promotions will attract more business to the area. Thus, it generates more revenues for the City of Anaheim.  The middle eastern community has been able to innovate and contribute to businesses and commerce. The designation of Little Arabia will be a recognition that will empower the community to do more and contribute more.  Public Safety and Security:   The local government should look into all possible ways to support the community to address the homeless and the dislocation of businesses.  Little Arabia has improved the quality of life, and the designation will help enhance the security and public safety in the area.  By designating Little Arabia, it will provide the community and the companies in the area with a sense of ownership. Thus, the stakeholders will work together to attract more commerce and consumers to the site rather than dislocate it to a different part of town. Closing:  Little Arabia is a special place for my family and me. Whenever we feel down, we visit it. It is a place that boosts our morale and recovers from a sense of loneliness. Therefore, I am requesting the honorable council members to officially Designate Little Arabia today to empower the community and contribute more to a place we call home. 1