RES-2022-087RESOLUTION NO. 2022-087 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO RECOGNIZE AUGUST 2022 AS AMERICAN MUSLIM APPRECIATION AND AWARENESS MONTH WHEREAS, Freedom of religion holds the distinction of being a cherished right and a Fundamental value upon which the laws and ethics of the United States are based; and WHEREAS, Enriched by the unparalleled diversity of its residents, the State of California takes great pride in supporting individual religious freedoms and is strengthened by the diverse religious, political, and cultural traditions of its residents, including Americans who practice Islam; and WHEREAS, The history of Islam in this country dates back to before its founding, originating with enslaved Africans who brought their Muslim beliefs with them to the Americas and who later contributed in numerous ways to the founding of the nation, and there are today millions of American Muslims, both immigrant and native-born, of diverse backgrounds and beliefs. Approximately one million Muslims currently reside in California, the highest number of any state in the United States; and WHEREAS, American Muslims contribute greatly to charitable organizations that help people from all faiths and backgrounds in California, the United States, and around the world by providing medical assistance, family services, scholastic supplies, before- and after -school programs, feeding aid and emergency/disaster relief efforts; and WHEREAS, The Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) community and its allies have long considered the region between Crescent and Katella on Brookhurst as Little Arabia, an area in Anaheim that is the home to more than 100 Arab and Muslim owned businesses. Little Arabia is a hub for the AMEMSA community and other Anaheim residents to shop, eat, gather, and build community; and WHEREAS, The Council on American -Islamic Relations, Greater Los Angeles office is headquartered in Anaheim and is the largest Muslim legal services and advocacy organization in the United States and has been a valued partner organization within California, Orange County, and Anaheim on issues related to the Census, emergency response, pandemic relief and, responding to incidents of hate, and providing civil rights and immigration services to Muslim, immigrant, and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities; and WHEREAS, The City of Anaheim is home to mosques, Islamic schools, Muslim based and operated community organizations, and several prominent Muslim figures who continue to make significant contributions to the city and the State as business owners, legal professionals, doctors, engineers, teachers, farmers, civil rights leaders, humanitarians, athletes, and in many other great, notable capacities; and WHEREAS, The Islamic Institute of Orange County (IIOC) was established in 1991 to serve both the Muslim and non -Muslim community of Anaheim. In addition to the five daily prayers for Muslims, IIOC offers a variety of services that include weekly classes for women and family counseling. IIOC has an after -school program, a Saturday school, and a full-time academic school. For years, IIOC has also hosted a back -to -school program that includes providing Anaheim residents with free school supplies; and WHEREAS, Masjid Al-Ansar, located in an area in Anaheim recognized by the AMEMSA community as Little Arabia, was founded in 1997. Since its establishment, Masjid Al-Ansar has become a hub for Muslims in Anaheim to pray, gather with their neighbors, and gain knowledge through various lectures that are offered. Masjid Al-Ansar has quickly gained a reputation of assisting those in need within Anaheim by partnering with community organizations to provide food drives that benefit all Anaheim residents; and WHEREAS, Yaseen Education Foundation's (YEF) hosts weekly special events to honor Islam's rich history and traditions and their contributions to the city are invaluable; and WHEREAS, The Jafaria Islamic Society is one of the oldest Shia Islamic Centers in Southern California and is located in Anaheim; and WHEREAS, Access California was established in 1998 by Nahla Kayali to assist and serve the immigrant and refugee population in Anaheim and Southern California. The office has grown to become a culturally sensitive community -based organization that focuses on assisting Muslim - American and Arab -American communities. Access California offers a wide range of services including financial assistance, case management, healthcare access, citizenship services, counseling, and education. Through these services, Access California has worked to empower and create a new home for refugees and immigrants in Anaheim; and WHEREAS, Owaiz Dadabhoy co-founded Uplift Charity in 2006 to serve and empower the low-income Muslim community and has dedicated himself to providing tools and resources for immigrants and families within the region. Uplift Charity is headquartered in Anaheim and has expanded its support in 2021 to assist Afghan refugees and humanitarian parolees seeking safety within Southern California. Uplift Charity has played a crucial role within Orange County in responding to the large number of Afghan arrivals and is the first Muslim organization in the region to resettle refugees; and WHEREAS, Arab American Civic Council (AACC) is a grassroots organization that is dedicated to being a resource for the Arab American community in Anaheim by facilitating civic participation encouraging advancement of justice and equity. Through its work, the AACC aims to empower the Arab American community by encouraging active involvement in local and state politics. The AACC also empowers Arab American youth by offering fellowships that grant them the opportunity to grow in the field of advocacy, as well as serve their community; and WHEREAS, The Guide Academy is the first full-time Shia educational institute in Anaheim providing academic success to its students. Guide graduates lifelong leaders and learners with a sense of spiritual identity and cultural diversity; and WHEREAS, The Dar-e-Zehra Women's Foundation is the first and only Shia Muslim women -centric organization, providing religious education, cultural enrichment, and social support programs to cultivate a strong sense of sisterhood; and WHEREAS, It is appropriate to acknowledge and promote awareness of the myriad of invaluable contributions of American Muslims in Anaheim, and extend to them the respect and camaraderie every American deserves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Anaheim proclaim August 2022 as American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month in the City of Anaheim. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 23 day of August , 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem O'Neil and Council Members Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia and Faessel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None [Mayoral vacancy] CITY OF ANAHEIM By: MAYO RO �TEM O CITY OF ANAH IM ATTEST- 3E�iKOF THE CITY OF A AHEIM CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, THERESA BASS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Resolution No. 2022-087 adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim City Council held on the 23rd day of August 2022 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Mayor Pro Tern O'Neil and Council Members Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia and Faessel NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None [Mayoral vacancy] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of August, 2022. CITY ILERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL)