AA 08 29 2022.pdf CITY OF ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA AUGUST 29, 2022, 5:00 P.M. Council Chamber 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim , California CALL TO ORDER – 5:02 p.m. Chairperson Pro Tem Kring presented the 10-day appeal rights for all public hearing items. The appeal period for the public hearing items ends on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Welcome Audio PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Commissioner White ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Chairperson Pro-Tem: Lucille Kring Commissioners: David Heywood, LuisAndres Perez, Michael Mouawad, Steve White Commissioners Absent: Chairperson Dave Vadodaria and Commissioner Natalie Meeks Staff Present: Ted White, Planning and Building Director Mike Eskander, Development Services Manager Niki Wetzel, Deputy Planning and Building Director Rafael Cobian, City Traffic Engineer Leonie Mulvihill, Assistant City Attorney David Kennedy, Associate Transportation Planner Scott Koehm, Principal Planner Shawn Azarhoosh, Principal Civil Engineer Heather Allen, Principal Planner Naiim Khoury, Contract Engineer Susana Barrios, PC Secretary Monic Sary, Contract Engineer Ivan Orozco, Associate Planner Sjany Larson-Cash, Community Services Director Kevin Clausen, Senior Project Manager Jose Jimenez, Parks Manager Tom Morton, Convention, Sports & Entertainment Executive Director Andy Nogal, Housing & Community Development Director Brittney Malenofski, Community Preservation & Licensing Manager Lindsey Young, Fire Marshall PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 2 August 29, 2022 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. 2020-00125 Location: The approximately 100-acre ocV!be project site is generally bounded by State Route 57 (SR-57) to the west, (excluding the parcel at the southwest corner of Katella Avenue and Douglass Road), the Santa Ana River to the east, the confluence of the SR-57 and Santa Ana River to the south, and the Southern California Edison easement to the north. Off-site improvement areas include the State Route 57 (SR-57) northbound Katella Avenue off-ramp and intersection, SR-57 southbound Ball Road off-ramp and intersection, and dedication and improvements to River Road. Request: The applicant requests approval of the proposed ocV!BE project (DEV2020-00125) consisting of the following: 1,922,776 square feet (s.f.) of commercial uses including entertainment and commercial indoor and outdoor recreation venues (including new indoor and outdoor live performance theaters, bars and nightclubs, bowling lanes, dancing venues, an amphitheater and outdoor seasonal events), retail, and restaurant uses including the existing Honda Center; 961,055 s.f. of office uses including the existing Arena Corporate Center; 250,000 s.f. of institutional uses including the existing Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC); 1,500 residential dwelling units including 195 affordable dwelling units proposed in connection with a Density Bonus request; parks and open space including a new public park (Meadow Park); parking areas; pedestrian bridges crossing Katella Avenue and Douglass Road; and, changes to the roadway network (including a new public street between Katella Avenue and Ball Road proposed to be named River Road, the abandonment of Douglass Road between Katella Avenue and Cerritos Avenue and new private streets). Following are the proposed applications associated with this request: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA2020-00532): The applicant requests to amend the General Plan Land Use, Circulation and Green Elements to change the designation of parcels located north of Katella Avenue from Office-Low (approximately 31 acres) and Open Space (approximately 8 acres) to Mixed-Use Urban Core; modify the total amount of development permitted in the Platinum Triangle to increase the amount of residential development to 17,840 dwelling units, Recommended City Council approval of the project and approved Resolution Nos. PC2022-079, PC2022-080, PC2022-081 (as amended), PC2022-82 MOTION: (Heywood/Perez) ROLL CALL VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Pro-Tem Kring, and Commissioners Heywood, Mouawad, Perez, and White voted yes. Chairperson Vadodaria and Commissioner Meeks absent. Project Planner: Scott Koehm skoehm@anaheim.net Item 1 Audio 3 August 29, 2022 increase the amount of commercial development to 6,195,019 s.f., decrease the amount of office development to 11,659,338 s.f. and decrease the amount of institutional development to 250,000 s.f.; remove a portion of Douglass Road between Katella Avenue and Cerritos Avenue; add a new street named River Road between Katella Avenue and Ball Road (this includes Phoenix Club Drive south of Ball Road which is proposed to be renamed River Road); add a new approximately 4-acre Public Park (Meadow Park); amend the Bicycle Master Plan to reflect bicycle facility changes associated with the proposed removal and addition of streets; and, revise maps, figures, text, and tables throughout the General Plan to reflect these changes. PLATINUM TRIANGLE MASTER LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT (PTMLUP) (MIS2020-00739): The applicant requests to amend the PTMLUP to rename the ARTIC District to the Transit District; expand the boundaries of the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone by approximately 8 acres, change boundaries of the ARTIC (Transit), Katella Sub- Area D, Office and Arena Districts; modify the permitted amount of development within the PTMU Overlay Zone to up to 17,840 residential dwelling units, 6,195,019 s.f. of commercial development, 11,659,338 s.f. of office development and 250,000 s.f. of institutional development; add a new appendix for the ocV!BE Sign and Identity Program; and, revise figures, text, and tables throughout the PTMLUP associated with this request. RECLASSIFICATION (RCL2020-00333): The applicant proposes to reclassify parcels to apply the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone to the existing O-L (Low Intensity Office) Zone on approximately 31 acres and the existing C-G (General Commercial) Zone on approximately 8 acres, within the proposed Arena District north of Katella Avenue. ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS (ZCA2020- 00174): The applicant requests modifications to Chapter 18.20 (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone); Chapter 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations); Chapter 18.40 (General Development Standards); Chapter 18.60 (Procedures) and, Chapter 18.62 (Administrative Reviews). The proposed amendments are to amend use classifications, District names, development intensities, development standards, and procedures to allow development within the Arena and Transit Districts in the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use Overlay Zone. 4 August 29, 2022 SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICTS AMENDMENTS: The applicant requests to amend Chapters 4.04.400 (ARTIC Special Sign District), 4.04.401 (Arena/Stadium Special Sign District) and 4.08.020 (Advertising Signs Along Freeways) of Title 4 (Business Regulation) of the Anaheim Municipal Code to reflect proposed on- and off-site advertising signs for the ocV!be project. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DAG2020-00004): The applicant requests a development agreement between the City of Anaheim and Anaheim Real Estate Partners, LLC including a Master Site Plan (MIS2020-00751) and a request for Density Bonus and Development Incentives pursuant to Chapter 18.52 (Housing Incentives) of the Anaheim Municipal Code. FINAL SITE PLAN (FSP2020-00004): The applicant requests approval of a final site plan, which encompasses approximately 10.23 acres north of Katella Avenue in the Arena District, Sub- Area B, to construct two six-level parking structures (Parking Decks B and C) with 4,538 parking spaces and a 12,885 s.f., three-story security hub for police and security office space. FINAL SITE PLAN (FSP2020-00005): The applicant requests approval of a final site plan, which encompasses approximately 5.93 acres north of Katella Avenue in the Arena District, Sub- Area B, to construct 221,413 sf of commercial uses including an indoor live performance theater and outdoor entertainment areas; office, retail, and indoor and outdoor restaurant space; a private Urban Park (plaza); and, an outdoor Paseo (pedestrian corridor) adjacent to the Urban Park and Honda Center. FINAL SITE PLAN (FSP2020-00006): The applicant requests approval of a final site plan, which encompasses approximately 1.64 acres north of Katella Avenue in the Arena District, Sub- Area C, to construct 33,830 s.f. of commercial uses including a new lobby entrance to the west side of the Honda Center, retail shops, and, restaurants with indoor and outdoor dining areas. FINAL SITE PLAN (FSP2020-00007): The applicant requests approval of a final site plan, which encompasses approximately 2.93 acres north of Katella Avenue, east of the Honda Center, and adjacent to the new public road (River Road) in the Arena District, Sub-Area C, to construct a five-level parking structure (Parking Deck D) with 1,190 parking spaces. FINAL SITE PLAN (FSP2020-00008): The applicant requests approval of a final site plan, which encompasses approximately 7.77 acres within the Southern California Edison easement, adjacent to Phoenix Club Drive (to be renamed River Road) in 5 August 29, 2022 the Arena District, Sub-Area A, to construct a surface parking lot with approximately 938 employee parking spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP2010-05492) AMENDMENT: The applicant requests an amendment to the conditional use permit relating to parking and circulation for ARTIC. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: A request to permit the following conditionally permitted uses within the ocV!BE project including Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing, Alcoholic Beverage Sales-Off-Sale and On-Sale, Bars and Nightclubs, Entertainment Venues, Farmer’s Market, Recreation Commercial-Outdoor and -Indoor, Retail Sales-Outdoor, Murals, and Wine Bar. MINOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: A request to permit the ocV!BE Coordinated Sign Program and Valet Parking. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM NO. 19153): The applicant requests approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 19153, which encompasses approximately 70.7 acres north of Katella Avenue in the Arena District, to subdivide existing lots into 16 numbered lots (including two air-space lots) for the purpose of commercial development and seven lettered lots for private streets (Douglass Road, Stanley Cup Way, and Cerritos Avenue) including landscape areas, and to dedicate public streets right-of-way (Katella Avenue and River Road). Environmental Determination: This project was reviewed using the standards contained in the CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). The Planning Commission will consider whether Addendum No. 11 to Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No. 339 (FSEIR No. 339), Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMP) No. 106C and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan No. 383 (MMP No. 383), together with other previously approved environmental documents for development in the Platinum Triangle area, is the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. IN SUPPORT: Three persons spoke in support of the request. IN GENERAL: Two persons spoke on the subject request, and one person spoke regarding a different topic. Two comment letters received via email and are located at the following link: www.anaheim.net/planningcommissionpubliccomments DISCUSSION TIME: 1 hour 34 minutes (5:06 p.m. to 6:40 p.m.) 6 August 29, 2022 COMMISSION UPDATES Deputy Director Wetzel provided an update on an agenda item for the September 12, 2022 Planning Commission meeting. She also provided an update on agenda items for the September 13 and September 27, 2022 City Council meetings. Commission Updates Audio ADJOURNMENT – 6:42 P.M. Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Anaheim Planning Commission meeting on September 12, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California. Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber and in the outside display kiosk.