AA 10 10 2022.pdf CITY OF ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA OCTOBER 10, 2022, 5:00 P.M. Council Chamber 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California CALL TO ORDER – 5:03 P.M. Chairperson Vadodaria presented the 10-day appeal rights for all public hearing items. The appeal period for the public hearing items ends on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. Welcome Audio PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Commissioner Meeks ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Chairperson: Dave Vadodaria Chairperson Pro-Tempore: Lucille Kring Commissioners: LuisAndres Perez, Michael Mouawad, Natalie Meeks, Christopher Walker, and Steve White Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Ted White, Planning and Building Director Sergio Ramirez, Economic Development Director Niki Wetzel, Deputy Planning and Building Director Kevin Clausen, Senior Project Manager Leonie Mulvihill, Assistant City Attorney Mike Eskander, Development Services Manager Scott Koehm, Principal Planner Rafael Cobian, City Traffic Engineer Ivan Orozco, Associate Planner Shawn Azarhoosh, Principal Civil Engineer Sean Nicholas, Principal Planner David Kennedy, Associate Transportation Planner Mark Dickinson, Code Enforcement Supervisor Cesar Morales, Associate Engineer Susana Barrios, PC Secretary ITEM OF PUBLIC INTEREST Laura Lopez, Administrative Assistant, administered the Oath of Affirmation of Allegiance to newly appointed Planning Commissioner Christopher Walker. Audio 2 October 10, 2022 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. 2021-00123 Location: 1200 – 1320 South Anaheim Boulevard, 200 E. Ball Road, and 1207 S. Claudina Street Request: The applicant requests approval to construct a total of 223 residential units and 4,586 square feet of commercial space, with 15-percent of the units affordable to moderate income buyers, with an affordable housing development incentive and density bonus on an approximately 8.3-acre property. A General Plan Amendment, Reclassification, Conditional Use Permit, Minor Conditional Use Permit, and Tentative Tract Map are being requested. Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project is the appropriate environmental documentation for this request under the California Environmental Quality Act. Recommended City Council approval of the project and approved Resolution Nos. PC2022-085 and PC2022-086 MOTION: (Meeks/Kring) VOTE: 6-1 Chairperson Vadodaria, Chairperson Pro-Tem Kring, and Commissioners Meeks, Mouawad, Perez, and Walker voted yes. Commissioner White voted no. Project Planner: Ivan Orozco IOrozco@anaheim.net Item 1 Audio IN GENERAL: One person spoke on the subject request. One comment letter was received via email, and a response from the City’s environmental consultant was provided to the Planning Commission at the meeting. An executed housing incentives memorandum of understanding, and a revised operation plan for garage parking were also provided to the Planning Commission at the meeting. These items are located at the following link: www.anaheim.net/planningcommisisonpubliccomments DISCUSSION TIME: 33 minutes (5:09 p.m. to 5:42 p.m.) Commissioner Meeks left the Council Chamber at 5:42 p.m. due to a scheduling conflict. 3 October 10, 2022 COMMISSION UPDATES Principal Planner Koehm noted that on October 4, 2022, the City Council held the second reading of the OC Vibe project, and the applicant will be submitting plans for building permits soon. He provided an update on agenda items for the October 24 and November 7, 2022, Planning Commission meetings. He noted there are no Planning items currently scheduled for the City Council meeting on October 25, 2022. Commission Updates Audio ADJOURNMENT – 5:45 P.M. Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Anaheim Planning Commission meeting on October 24, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California. Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2022, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber and in the outside display kiosk.