General Public Comment From:leticia <letcstn@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, 45 PM To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Living conditions Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. I’ve been living in district #5 for 5 yrs now. I have sent emails regarding bad living conditions in what our neighborhood. Like alleys full of cars parked blocking garages, making it hard for people that park their cars in the garages. Also the trash is horrible the bins are full every 2-3 days. There are 2-5 families living in 1-3 bedroom apartments. There is no control from the apartment’s owners or the city. Making kids go on the streets to do drugs, and do bad things because they have no privacy in their own home. Also the parking is horrible people on E. Park ln park their cars in the middle of the streets the police officers drive by there and see that and they don’t care. People park their cars in red spots, in alleys because almost all people use their garage to put stuff there but not to park their cars. Furniture against the alley walls that stays there for weeks. I will keep on writing these emails until someone pays attention how people lives in district #5. Park ln, terrace st,lawrance, fashion e.t.c. I think is time for a change we don't want any more gangs, graffiti, kids doing drugs, the Miraloma park full of kids without an adult watching them everyday until 9pm. There is no control. I live in on with my 2 boys and my husband only. We work to keep it like that and for my kids to have their own privacy but not every parent thinks the same way. Thanks here is some pictures. 1 2 3 4 Sent from my iPhone 5 - �'t � .•, � t '. ; :"� p If• � i " �