RES-2022-139RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -13 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING AMENDED PERSONNEL RULES AND POLICIES FOR NON - REPRESENTED FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES INCLUDING MODIFICATION OF PAY POLICIES, DELETING CERTAIN CLASSIFICATIONS DESIGNATED AS NON -REPRESENTED PART-TIME, ESTABLISHING RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR CERTAIN CLASSIFICATIONS DESIGNATED AS NON - REPRESENTED FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME; AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NOS. 2005-109, 2006- 116, 2007-098, 2016-033, 2017-038, 2021-006, 2021-122 AND 2022-017 AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO WHEREAS, terms and conditions of employment for employees serving in classifications that are not represented by a recognized bargaining unit are set forth in the Personnel Rules Covering Non -Represented Full -Time and Part -Time Employees (Personnel Rules) last updated in its entirety by City Council Resolution No. 2021-122; and WHEREAS, previously action by the City Council to establish terms and conditions of employees serving in classifications that are not represented by a recognized bargaining unit by way of Resolution Nos. 2005-109, 2006-116, 2007-098, 2017-038, 2021- 006, and 2022-017 and such terms and conditions are appropriately replaced by or incorporated into the proposed amendments to the Personnel Rules Covering Non - Represented Full -Time and Part -Time Employees; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Director has recommended in a staff report dated November 15, 2022, that the need exists to further amend the Personnel Rules to remove all references to formerly unrepresented classifications, to update and correct provisions throughout the agreement consistent with changes in the law or prior City Council action and to otherwise make changes to improve clarity; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim finds it appropriate to provide changes to terms and conditions of employment and compensation for employees serving in Non -Represented Fire Management classifications; and WHEREAS, the minimum wage mandated by the State of California increases from $15.00 per hour to $15.50 per hour effective January 1, 2023; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim finds that establishing new rates of compensation and pay policies for certain unrepresented part time job classifications to ensure compliance with changes to minimum wage law is in the best interest of the City of Anaheim; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim as follows: SECTION 1. The Personnel Rules Covering Non -Represented Full -Time and Part -Time Employees, as set forth in the document attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, be and the same is hereby adopted and that the effective date of such Personnel Rules Covering Non -Represented Full -Time and Part -Time Employees shall be November 25, 2022. SECTION 2. That effective the pay period beginning November 25, 2022, the position classification plan within the City's personnel system shall be amended to reflect the deletion of the following job classifications: Head Usher Council Assistant II Council Assistant I Mayor's Assistant Staff Aide BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Human Resources Director shall be delegated with the authority to publish the authorized salary schedules in Personnel Rules and Policies Covering Non -Represented Full -Time and Part -Time Employees in any format meeting the requirements of California Code of Regulations section 570.5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution Nos. 2005-109, 2006-116, 2007- 098, 2016-033, 2017-038, 2021-006, 2021-122 and 2022-017 and all amendments thereto be repealed effective November 15, 2022. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 15 day of November 2022, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem O'Neil and Council Members Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia and Faessel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None [Mayoral vacancy] r _1 f MA O PRO TEM OF TH CITY ITY OF IM AT CITY CLE K OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Personnel Rules and Policies Covering Non -Represented Full -Time and Part -Time Employees Created: February 9, 2016 — by City Council Action Resolution 2016-033 Amended : April 16, 2019 — by City Council Action Resolution 2019-036 Amended : February 25, 2021 — by City Council Action Resolution 2021-007 Amended : December 21, 2021 —by City Council Action Resolution 2021-122 Amended: November 15, 2022 —by City Council Action Resolution 20224#4 [Page Intentionally deft Blank] TABLE OF CONTENTS RULE 1 PURPOSE AND GENERAL PROVISIONS.............................................................................. 5 RULE 2 CLASSIFICATION..........................................................................................................................9 RULE 3 COMPENSATION PLAN........................................................................................................... 11 RULE 4 SALARY ADMINISTRATION.................................................................................................. 13 RULE 5 HOURS OF WORK AND PAYDAY......................................................................................... 23 RULE6 PREMIUM PAY........................................................................................................................... 26 RULE 7 APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS............................................................................... 31 RULE 8 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS......................................................................................................... 39 RULE9 PROBATION................................................................................................................................ 40 RULE 10 SALARY REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, DEMOTION, AND DISMISSAL ...................... 42 RULE 11 LAYOFF, REASSIGNMENT, AND REEMPLOYMENT..................................................... 44 RULE12 REINSTATEMENT..................................................................................................................... 46 RULE 13 VOLUNTARY DEMOTION...................................................................................................... 47 RULE14 TRANSFER................................................................................................................................... 48 RULE15 HOLIDAYS.................................................................................................................................... 49 RULE 16 VACATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE.................................................................... 52 RULE17 SICK LEAVE................................................................................................................................. 59 RULE18 PAID LEAVE................................................................................................................................ 64 RULE 19 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT LEAVE.......................................................................................... 69 RULE 20 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE.......................................................................................................... 71 RULE 21 MILITARY LEAVE...................................................................................................................... 72 RULE 22 JURY DUTY AND COURT APPEARANCES........................................................................ 73 RULE 23 UNPAID LEAVE.......................................................................................................................... 74 RULE 24 INSURANCE AND PENSIONS................................................................................................ 76 RULE 25 MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS AND SERVICE AWARDS ............................................... 82 RULE 26 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS......................................................................................................... 83 RULE 27 POST -OFFER MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS ........................................ 84 RULE 28 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE...................................................................................................... 85 RULE 29 POST RETIREMENT MEDICAL BENEFITS....................................................................... 90 APPENDIXA - EXECUTIVE........................................................................................................................ 94 APPENDIX B - NON -REPRESENTED NON -SWORN MANAGEMENT ........................................... 95 APPENDIX C - NON -REPRESENTED POLICE MANAGEMENT........................................................ 96 APPENDIX D - NON -REPRESENTED FIRE MANAGEMENT............................................................. 97 APPENDIX E -.AMBULANCE OPERATOR............................................................................................... 98 APPENDIX F - NON -REPRESENTED PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS .......................................... 99 APPENDIX G - SALARY RELATIONSHIPS............................................................................................101 4 RULE 1 PURPOSE AND GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.0 Purpose (a) These Rules establish specific procedures and regulations governing the operation of the City's Personnel System for Non -Represented Full -Time and Part -Time employees. These Rules provide equitable and uniform procedures for dealing with personnel matters and are intended to attract to municipal service the best and most competent persons available; retain and develop those employees to ensure quality and continuity of service to the public; assure that appointments and promotions of employees are based on merit and fitness; and provide a reasonable degree of security for qualified employees. Section 1.1 Responsibility (a) The Human Resources Director, under the direction of the City Manager, is responsible for the administration and interpretation of these Rules. Section 1.2 Scone (a) These Rules define the obligations, rights, privileges, benefits, and prohibitions which accrue to and are placed upon all employees in classifications designated as Non -Represented Full -Time or Part -Time. Such classifications are listed in Appendices A through F. As used herein, Management includes all employees serving in classifications listed in Appendices A, B, C, D. (b) The classifications of City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Chief Policy Advisor to the Mayor, Senior Policy Aide, City Council Aide I, City Council Aide II, Administrative Intern I and Administrative Intern II, and Ambulance Operator, are specifically exempted from the provisions of the Personnel System by Anaheim Municipal Code (hereinafter, "AMC") Chapters,, and Employees appointed to a classification assigned to the Executive Management Unit on or after January 1, 2016 are also exempt from the provisions of the Personnel System by AMC Chapters and Positions involving seasonal or part-time employment specifically placed in the exempt service by the Human Resources Director are exempt from the provisions of the Personnel System by AMC Chapter Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter and in accordance with Chapter of the AMC, unless otherwise specifically provided herein, these Rules shall apply to employees in the classifications of City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Treasurer and to exempted employees in classifications assigned to the Executive Management unit as well as those serving as Chief Policy Advisor to the Mayor, Senior Policy Aide, City Council Aide I, City Council Aide II, Ambulance Operator, Administrative Intern I, Administrative 5 Intern 11 and positions involving seasonal or part-time employment specifically placed in the exempt service by the Human Resources Director in accordance with AMC Chapter (c) At -Will Appointments (1) The City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Treasurer shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed from their position(s) at any time and for any reason by majority vote of the City Council, provided that such removal does not violate the Anaheim City Charter or applicable law. (2) The Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, and exempt employees in classifications assigned to the Executive Management unit shall serve at the pleasure of the City Manager and may be removed from their position(s) at any time and for any reason by the City Manager, subject to the ratification by majority vote of the City Council, provided that such removal does not violate the Anaheim City Charter or applicable law. (3) The Chief Policy Advisor to the Mayor, and any employee appointed by a member of the City Council to the classifications of Senior Policy Aide, City Council Aide II and City Council Aide I shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor or other City Council Member who appointed such employee and may be removed from their position at any time and for any reason by such appointing authority. Further, any such employee shall be deemed to be terminated from appointment concurrent with the end of service on the City Council of the appointing member of City Council. (4) Ambulance Operators shall serve at the pleasure of the Fire Chief and may be removed from their position(s) at any time and for any reason by the Fire Chief, provided that such removal does not violate the Anaheim City Charter or applicable law. Employees serving as Ambulance Operator shall be appointed as limited -term employees with the term of the employment to be a period of seventy-eight (78) consecutive pay periods. The Fire Chief shall have sole discretion to extend the limited -term for no more than thirteen (13) additional pay periods. The limited -term provision shall apply separately to periods of full-time service in the Ambulance Operator classification and part-time service in the Ambulance Operator classification. (5) Employees serving in positions involving seasonal or part-time employment as may be specifically placed in the exempt service by the Human Resources Director in accordance with provision shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Director of the department in which the employee serves and may be removed from their position at any time and for any reason by such appointing authority. (d) Employment Agreements (1) Nothing contained in these Rules shall be deemed to prevent the City Council from entering into a written agreement concerning the employment or separation from employment of any employee with regard to whom the power of appointment or removal or the approval thereof is vested in the City Council. In the event a conflict arises between any provision in such written employment or separation agreement approved by the City Council and any provision of these Rules, the said agreement shall control. Section 1.3 Merit System (a) These Rules are promulgated in accordance with the provisions of Article X of the Anaheim City Charter and the provisions of AMC Chapters 1.05 and 1.06 and are based upon established merit principles governing municipal employment. The City's Personnel System shall be administered in accordance with the following standards: (1) Employment by the City of Anaheim shall be based on merit and fitness, free of personal, political, and protected class considerations. (2) Appointments, promotions, and other actions requiring the application of the merit principle shall be based on systematic tests and/or evaluations. (3) Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated on a uniform basis. (4) Tenure of employees covered by these Rules shall be subject to good behavior, satisfactory work performance, necessity for the performance of work, the availability of funds, and, when applicable, to a limited -term of service provision provided herein. (5) Improvement of service is encouraged by providing employees with opportunities for training, including training for advancement and general fitness for public service. (6) Employees have the right to pursue work place complaints and shall be protected from retaliation or adverse employment actions for the pursuit of a legitimate work place grievance. (7) The City of Anaheim is committed to the principles of progressive discipline, and such discipline may be imposed in accordance with these Rules shall be designed to be corrective rather than punitive in nature. Section 1.4 Nepotism (a) The City Council shall not appoint to any City government position any person who is a relative by blood or marriage within the third degree of any one (1) or 7 more City Council members, nor shall the City Manager or any Executive Manager or other officer having appointive power appoint any relative of his or hers or of any Council Member within such degree to any such position. Section 1.5 Personnel Actions (a) Any action concerning an employee's status of employment shall be processed by a personnel action. Such status shall become effective upon action by the City Manager or designee. All full-time and part-time employees shall receive a true copy of any personnel action taken concerning their status of employment. Section 1.6 Severability (a) If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of these Rules is found to be illegal, or contrary to any law by any court of proper jurisdiction, such findings shall not affect the validity of the remainder of these Rules. E3 RULE 2 CLASSIFICATION Section 2.0 Purpose (a) The Classification Plan promotes the attraction and retention of qualified employees by providing a structure in which positions having similar duties and responsibilities are classified and compensated on a uniform basis through the use of a consistent methodology for classifying jobs and allocating positions Citywide. The plan supports and facilitates understanding between employees and their supervisors regarding job expectations; establishes consistent entrance qualifications; and ensures equitable compensation for similar work. Section 2.1 Responsibility (a) The Human Resources Director shall be responsible for recommending classification of all positions on the basis of the kind and level of duties and responsibilities, to the end that all positions in the same class shall be sufficiently alike to permit use of a single descriptive title; the same qualification requirements; the same test of competency; and the same salary schedule or salary range. Section 2.2 Allocation of Positions (a) The Human Resources Director is responsible for reviewing, creating, and approving proposed changes to classification specifications in consultation with the appropriate department manager or supervisor. Classification specifications are to be interpreted in their entirety and in relation to other classification specifications within the Classification Plan. Particular phrases or examples are not to be isolated and treated as a full definition of the class. Classification specifications are intended to be descriptive and explanatory of the kind of work performed by all employees in the classification. (1) A job class may contain one (1) or more positions. (2) Creation or deletion of a classification(s) or modifications to the salary schedule shall require City Council approval. (3) All classification specifications must be reviewed by the respective Executive Manager and approved by the Human Resources Director prior to implementation. (4) Executive Managers may request a review if they do not agree with a Human Resources Department classification determination. i. Such review must be submitted in writing to the City Manager within thirty (30) days of the final Human Resources Department's recommendation, including justification for a different determination, for final consideration. I (5) All employees having supervisory and/or managerial responsibilities shall have access to the current classification specifications for their own position, and any position they supervise or manage. Section 2.3 Reclassification (a) A position may be reclassified on the basis of changes in or re-evaluation of the duties, responsibilities, and/or requirements of the position. (1) The Human Resources Director shall be responsible for recommending and approving such reclassifications. (2) Incumbents may or may not be reclassified with their positions, based upon the recommendation and approval of the Human Resources Director. 10 RULE 3 COMPENSATION PLAN Section 3.0 Purpose (a) The City's Compensation Plan promotes the attraction and retention of qualified employees by ensuring that employee compensation is internally equitable and competitive with market place practices. Section 3.1 Compensation Plan (a) The Human Resources Director shall be responsible for recommending wages, rates, and salary schedules and/or salary ranges for each Non -Represented Full - Time and Part -Time classifications, and for the job classifications of City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Treasurer. (1) Salary structure adjustments adopted by City Council action shall apply to Council Appointees, unless a motion by Council to deny or modify such adjustment is taken. (2) Employees hired to work in any Non -Represented Part -Time classification with a full-time equivalent, or as Part -Time Ambulance Operator, shall be compensated at an hourly rate of pay within the salary range or on the salary schedule established for the equivalent full-time classification. Section 3.2 Job Evaluation (a) The City shall utilize a formal job evaluation system to establish the relative worth of individual jobs; ensure appropriate internal pay relationships; and determine the appropriate leveling of job classifications within the pay structure. (1) The job analysis process shall be the responsibility of the Human Resources Department. (2) Factors to be considered in the evaluation of the relative worth of individual jobs may include, but is not limited to, an assessment of. level of organizational responsibility; required job knowledge (education, experience, and training); supervision, exercised and received; scope of fiscal accountability; and necessity for written and/or oral communication skills. (3) As part of the job evaluation process, internal salary relationships will also be reviewed in an effort to address specific compaction issues in individual operating departments or occupational groupings. Section 3.3 Market Compensation Analyses (a) The City's optimal market positioning is to be competitive with the prevailing market practices for fully qualified employees when base pay, incentive pay, and/or total compensation comparisons are made. The relative positioning to the market will vary for each position, job classification, and occupational grouping that is compared and may change at different points in time. The definition of comparable labor market agencies will be evaluated over time and change as the labor market changes. 12 RULE 4 SALARY ADMINISTRATION Section 4.0 PurUose (a) The purpose of this Section is to maintain a compensation program that will attract and retain qualified employees at all levels of responsibility. Employee compensation shall be externally competitive and internally consistent and fair. In addition, the salary structure shall provide the flexibility required (based upon availability of funds) to reward employees on the basis of individual performance and contribution. City of Anaheim employees shall be paid a salary or wage within the classification range established by salary resolution(s) recommended by the Human Resources Director and approved by City Council. Section 4.1 General (a) Employees shall be assigned to classifications that are compensated on an hourly or an annual basis. Employees compensated on an hourly basis shall be designated "Hourly Employees" and employees compensated on an annual basis shall be designated "Salaried Employees." Hourly Employees shall be assigned to a classification in which the pay rate is determined by placement on a step in the applicable salary schedule. Salaried Employees shall be assigned to a classification in which the pay rate is any annual amount within a specified salary range. (b) A Salaried Employee's placement within a salary range is referred to as the employee's compa-ratio, which is determined by dividing the employee's annual rate of pay into the market point of the applicable salary range. For Salaried Employees, the frequency and amount of increases is partially dependent upon the employee's compa-ratio. Section 4.2 New Hires — Hourly Employees (a) Newly hired Hourly Employees shall normally be compensated at the lowest step of the salary schedule of the job class for which they are hired. When a prospective employee's experience and qualifications require special consideration, an Executive Manager may authorize the Human Resources Department to offer a higher step in the salary schedule. Salary steps greater than the seventh (7,') step require approval of the Human Resources Director. (b) The provisions of this Rule may also apply to reemployed and reinstated employees in accordance with Rule 11 — Layoff, Reassignment, and Reemployment and/or Rule 12 — Reinstatement. Section 4.3 New Hires — Salaried Emplov ees (a) Salary offers shall be between the "Minimum" and "Market" of the applicable salary range and shall reflect the prospective employee's experience and qualifications. Employees hired at the Minimum are presumed to be qualified to 13 perform the duties and responsibilities of the job classification into which they are hired. If external considerations require hiring an employee at a higher rate, the Human Resources Director may approve a rate above the Market of the salary range. Appointments above the Control Point are subject to the recommendation of the Human Resources Director and the approval of the City Manager. Under no circumstances may the salary offer exceed the "Maximum Point." (1) The City Manager may appoint persons to an Administrative or Executive level position at any salary within the applicable Administrative or Executive salary range. (2) New employees shall be paid at no less than the Minimum of the salary range. New employees may be hired above the Minimum of the range only if they possess experience, education, and/or qualifications that exceed the minimum standards established for the position. (3) As set forth in Rule 16 "Vacation," the Human Resources Director may approve a one-time crediting of a vacation time bank and/or may approve an increase in service credits for vacation accrual rates for new hires to Management level job classes. Section 4.4 Merit Increases — Hourh' Employees (a) Regular, full-time hourly employees serving in classifications other than Ambulance Operator are eligible for individual merit increases effective on their merit review date. Merit increases are not automatically granted. Employees may be determined to be ineligible to receive a merit increase based upon their overall performance rating. Regular, full-time hourly employees shall be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases as follows: (1) To the second (2°d) step of the salary schedule after completion of six (6) months of service in the first (P) step. (2) To the third (3`d) step after completion of six (6) months of service in the second (2nd) step. (3) To the fourth (4th) step after completion of six (6) months of service in the third (3`d) step. (4) To the fifth (51h) step after completion of six (6) months of service in the fourth (41h) step. (5) To the sixth (6th) step after completion of six (6) months of service in the fifth (5th) step. (6) To the seventh (71h) step after completion of six (6) months of service in the sixth (6th) step. (7) To the eighth (8th) step after completion of twelve (12) months of service 14 in the seventh (7th) step. (8) To the ninth (9th) step after completion of twelve (12) months of service in the eighth (8th) step. (9) To the tenth (loth) step after completion of twelve (12) months of service in the ninth (91h) step. (b) Ambulance Operators (1) Regular, full-time hourly employees serving in classification of Ambulance Operator are eligible for individual merit increases effective on their merit review date. Merit increases are not automatically granted. Employees may be determined to be ineligible to receive a merit increase based upon their overall performance rating. Regular, full-time hourly employees shall be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases as follows: i. To the second (2nd) step of the salary schedule after completion of twelve (12) months of service in the first (0) step. ii. To the third (3rd) step after completion of twelve (12) months of service in the second (2nd) step. (c) For purposes of this Rule, "six (6) months" shall be construed to mean thirteen (13) complete biweekly pay periods; and "twelve (12) months" shall be construed to mean twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods. (d) Merit pay increases shall be granted upon approval of the employee's Executive Manager for continued meritorious and efficient service and continued improvement by the employee in the effective performance of duties. (e) The effective date of the merit pay increase shall be the first (I") day of the pay period following approval as provided above and completion of the minimum required service in the next lower step as provided in Section 4.4(a). Section 4.5 Merit Increases — All Salaried Employees with the Exce tion of Executive Management (a) Salaried Employees are eligible for individual merit increases in accordance with the current "Merit Matrix" within their pay range effective on the first (P) day of the pay period following their merit review date. Merit increases are not automatically granted. Employees may be determined to be ineligible to receive a merit increase based upon their overall performance rating as stated in the employee's Performance Review Plan. (b) The City Manager shall determine the Merit Matrix each fiscal year based upon the City's financial condition; the City's ability to pay; market conditions; and any other factors the City Manager may deem appropriate. 15 (c) Merit increases shall be based upon an employee's overall performance rating as demonstrated in the Performance Review Plan and in accordance with the Merit Matrix. The employee's Executive Manager shall certify an employee's overall rating to the Human Resources Director for implementation of a merit increase. (d) Employees are eligible for individual merit increases within their pay range effective on the first (I") day of the pay period following their merit review date. Compa-ratio between 80.00%-99.99% Once every six (6) months until attaining a compa-ratio of 100.00%. Compa-ratio at or above 100.00% Once every twelve (12) months. (e) An employee shall be eligible to receive a merit increase as follows: a. An increase up to a compa-ratio of 120.00% shall be paid to the employee's base salary. b. Any portion of a merit increase that would result in a compa-ratio above 120.00% shall be paid as a lump sum payment. Base salaries shall not exceed a 120% compa-ratio. c. Lump sum payments are not added to the employee's base pay and are not used in determining highest year compensation for the California Public Employee's Retirement System (hereinafter, "PERS") or for any leave bank payoffs. Section 4.6 Merit Increases — Executive Manay_ement (a) Merit increases for employees in classifications assigned to an Executive Salary Range shall be based upon the employee's overall performance rating as demonstrated in the employee's Performance Review Plan and in accordance with the current Merit Matrix. The City Manager shall certify an employee's overall rating to the Human Resources Director for implementation of the appropriate merit increase. (b) Employees in classifications assigned to an Executive Salary Range shall be eligible for a merit increase every six (6) months while in the lower third of the salary range. Eligibility for a merit increase shall be annually thereafter. (c) Merit increases shall be paid to base salary. Any portion of an increase that would exceed the salary Maximum shall be paid as a lump sum. (d) Lump sum payments are not added to the employee's base pay and are not used in determining the highest year of compensation for PERS or for any leave bank payoffs. 16 Section 4.7 Merit Increases — City Council Appointees (a) Between July 1 and September 1 of each year, the City Council shall conduct and complete a Performance Review Plan for each City Council appointee (City Manager, City Attorney, City Treasurer, and City Clerk). The City Council shall evaluate the performance of each appointee for the period of the preceding fiscal year. The City Council may also elect to conduct a mid -year progress update to determine how effectively the appointee is meeting performance expectations and to discuss goals and objectives. Upon completion of each Performance Review Plan, the City Council, by a majority vote of its entire membership, shall rate the performance of each appointee for such period. The City Council shall meet with each appointee and discuss the employee's Performance Review Plan rating. The City Council shall also inform the Human Resources Director for such purpose. Failure of the City Council to conduct or complete any Performance Review Plan on time shall not affect any merit pay increase otherwise authorized. (1) Except as set forth in paragraph 4.7(a)(2) below, each appointee may qualify to receive a merit pay increase, in accordance with the Merit Matrix as established for other members of the Executive Management Group pursuant to Salary Resolution. Any merit pay increase authorized by the City Council shall be effective on the first day of the bi-weekly pay period following July 1. Appointees with a pay rate in the lower third of their range may also be eligible for consideration for an additional merit increase effective on the first (1") day of the bi-weekly pay period following January 1. The Human Resources Director is directed to implement such merit increases in accordance with these policies. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4.7(a)(1) above, an appointee shall not receive the annual merit increase if the City Council, by majority vote of its entire membership, establishes a different date for or a different amount of such merit increases, or determines to grant no merit increase for such appointee. (b) Nothing contained in Section 4.6 in its entirety shall prevent or restrict the City Council, at its sole and absolute discretion and by a majority vote of its entire membership, from taking any other action at any time with regard to increasing or decreasing the amount of compensation payable to any City Council appointee (City Manager, City Attorney, City Treasurer, and City Clerk). Section 4.8 Merit Increases Non -Represented Part -Time Employees and Part -Time Ambulance Operator (a) Non -Represented Part -Time hourly employees (see (4.8(b) for Part -Time Ambulance Operators) are eligible for individual merit increases effective on their merit review date. Merit increases are not automatically granted. Employees may be determined to be ineligible to receive a merit increase based upon their overall performance rating. Non -Represented Part -Time hourly employees shall be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases as follows: 17 (1) Part-time employees in job classes designated in the Resolution establishing rates for job classes by an "A" shall be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases as follows: To the second (2"d) step of the salary range after completion of five hundred and twenty (520) work hours in the first (1s) step. ii. To .the third (3rd) step after completion of five hundred twenty (520) work hours in the second (2nd) step. iii. To the fourth (4th) step after completion of five hundred twenty (520) work hours in the third (3rd) step. iv. To the fifth (5th) step after completion of five hundred twenty (520) work hours in the fourth (4th) step. V. To the sixth (6th) step after completion of five hundred twenty (520) work hours in the fifth (5th) step. vi. To the seventh (7th) step after completion of five hundred twenty (520) work hours in the sixth (6th) step. vii. To the eighth (8th) step after completion of five hundred twenty (520) work hours in the seventh (7th) step. viii. To the ninth (9th) step after completion of five hundred twenty (520) work hours in the eighth (8th) step. (2) Part -Time employees in job classes designated in the Resolution establishing rates for job classes by a "B" before grade codes shall be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases as follows: i. To the second (2nd) step of the salary range after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the first (1st) step. ii. To the third (3rd) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the second (2nd) step. iii. To the fourth (4th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the third (3rd) step. iv. To the fifth (5th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the fourth (4th) step. V. To the sixth (6th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the fifth (5th) step. vi. To the seventh (7t) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the sixth (61) step. 18 vii. To the eighth (81) step after completion of two thousand eighty (2080) work hours in the seventh (71) step. viii. To the ninth (9th) step after completion of two thousand eighty (2080) work hours in the eighth (8t) step. (3) Part -Time employees in job classes designated in the Resolution establishing rates for job classes by a "C" before grade codes shall be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases as follows: To the second (2nd) step of the salary range after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the first (1st) step. ii. To the third (3�d) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the second (2nd) step. iii. To the fourth (4th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the third (3�d) step. iv. To the fifth (5th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the fourth (4th) step. V. To the sixth (6th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the fifth (5th) step. vi. To the seventh (7th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the sixth (6th) step. vii. To the eighth (8th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the seventh (7t) step. viii. To the ninth (9th) step after completion of one thousand forty (1040) work hours in the eighth (8th) step. (4) Part -Time employees in job classes designated in the Resolution establishing rates for job classes by a "D" before grade codes shall be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases as follows: To the second (2"d) step of the salary range after completion of seven hundred eighty (780) work hours in the first (1st) step. ii. To the third (3rd) step after completion of seven hundred eighty (780) work hours in the second (2nd) step. iii. To the fourth (4th) step after completion of seven hundred eighty (780) work hours in the third (3�d) step. iv. To the fifth (5t) step after completion of seven hundred eighty 19 (780) work hours in the fourth (4th) step. V. To the sixth (61) step after completion of seven hundred eighty (780) work hours in the fifth (5th) step. vi. To the seventh (7th) step after completion of seven hundred eighty (780) work hours in the sixth (6th) step. vii. To the eighth (8th) step after comphletion of seven hundred eighty (780) work hours in the seventh (7t ) step. viii. To the ninth (91h) step after completion of seven hundred eighty (780) work hours in the eighth (8th) step. (b) Part-time employees serving in the Ambulance Operator classification will be eligible for consideration for an individual merit increase after completion of two - thousand eighty (2,080) work hours in the prior step. Section 4.9 Special Merit Increases — Non -Represented Part -Time Em to ees (a) When a Non -Represented Part-time employee demonstrates exceptional ability and proficiency in the performance of assigned duties, the employee may be given a special merit advancement to the next higher step without regard to the minimum length of service provisions contained in these Rules upon the recommendation of the employee's Executive Manager and the approval of the Human Resources Director. Probationary employees shall not be considered for a special merit. Section 4.10 Special Adjustments — Management (a) Management employees maybe eligible for a special salary adjustment, as approved by the City Manager, with the recommendation of the Human Resources Director. Requests for special salary and equity adjustments must be submitted in writing to the Human Resources Director; state the rationale for special salary adjustment; and be signed by the employee's Executive Manager. Salary and equity adjustments must be supported in writing and shall only be granted to address significant variances unrelated to tenure or performance among employees in the same or similar job classification. Section 4.11 Management Salary Structure Adiustments (a) Management salary ranges are adjusted from time to time to ensure pay remains competitive and the City continues to attract and retain highly qualified employees. At the time of a salary structure adjustment, employees (including Executive Managers and Council Appointees) may be provided a pay adjustment in an amount equal to the structure adjustments. These adjustments shall require a performance rating of Valued Contributor or better during the employee's previous rating period. 20 (1) For an employee with a performance rating of less than Valued Contributor, the Executive Manager (City Manager for Executives and City Council for Council Appointees) may deny the structure adjustment; grant a portion of the adjustment; or postpone the adjustment for up to six (6) months to allow for reassessment of the employee's performance. If a merit is due to an employee during the time of the delayed structure adjustment, the merit date shall be extended for the same amount of time. At the conclusion of the reassessment period, the Executive Manager shall deny an increase or grant all/or a portion of the structure adjustment. (2) In no case shall denial of a salary structure adjustment result in an employee being compensated below the salary range Minimum. (b) The Human Resources Director will review the various salary structures in January of each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, to determine whether to recommend to the City Council that the pay ranges for these structures be adjusted, and if so, by what percentage factor(s). A recommendation to adjust the pay structures, and by what percentage(s), will be based upon specific market data, employment cost indices, and/or internal factors and will be subject to the City's financial condition, the City's ability to pay, market conditions, and other factors. Section 4.12 Reclassification —Non-Represented Part -Time Employees (a) An employee who is reclassified to a higher job classification shall be placed in the lowest salary step of the salary schedule that provides an increase of at least four percent (4%). (b) An employee who is reclassified to a lower job classification shall be placed in the salary step of the lower salary schedule closest to the employee's rate of pay that does not provide an increase. (c) An incumbent employee reclassified with to an equivalent job classification shall retain the same rate of pay and merit review date for purposes of merit pay increases. (d) An incumbent employee reclassified to a higher job classification shall retain the same step and merit review date for purposes of merit pay increases. (e) An incumbent employee reclassified to a lower job classification shall be placed in the step of the lower salary schedule closest to the employee's rate of pay. If the top step of the salary schedule of the lower job classification is lower than the incumbent's rate of pay, the rate of pay shall be identified as the "Y" step of the lower salary range. An employee compensated at the "Y" step because of a downward reclassification shall remain in the "Y" step until such time as the employee's job classification is assigned to a salary schedule in which the top step is equivalent to or higher than the "Y" step, at which time the employee 21 shall be placed in the top step. (f) An incumbent who is reclassified does not begin a new probationary period. Section 4.13 Reclassification — Management (a) An incumbent who is reclassified to a job classification at a higher range shall be placed at the Minimum of the new range or at a rate in the range which provides a ten percent (10%) pay increase, provided the rate does not exceed a compa-ratio of 105.00%. If a ten percent (10%) increase places the employee's salary beyond the 105.00% compa-ratio, the employee shall receive a minimum of five percent (5%) increase or an increase between five percent (5%) and ten percent (10%) in order to bring the employee to 105.00% compa-ratio; however, in no case shall the employee's salary exceed the Control Point. The employee shall be given a new merit review date in accordance with Section 4.5 of these Policies. (b) An incumbent who is reclassified to a job classification with no change in range shall retain the same rate of pay and merit review date. (c) An incumbent who is reclassified to a job classification at a lower range shall retain the same rate of pay in the new range. If the current rate is higher than the new range Control Point, the employee's pay rate shall be frozen until such time as the Control Point of the range for the position exceeds the employee's rate of pay. (d) An incumbent who is reclassified does not begin a new probationary period. (e) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules. Section 4.14 Ineligibili!j for Special Merit Increases and Reclassification —Ambulance Operator (a) Employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator are not eligible for Special Merit Increases or Reclassification. Section 4.15 Order of Precedence — Personnel Actions for Non- Represented Part -Time Employees (a) When more than one (1) personnel action involving changes to an employee's salary step status become effective on the same day, the actions shall take place in the following order of precedence: (1) Adjustment to same salary step in newly authorized salary schedule; (2) Merit pay advancement or reduction in salary step; and (3) Promotion, demotion, or reclassification. 22 RULE 5 HOURS OF WORK AND PAYDAY Section 5.0 PuMose (a) This section establishes regular work periods and regular work hours for all employees in classifications designated as Management, Non- Represented Part - Time, or Ambulance Operator. Section 5.1 Foray (40) Hour Work Week (a) The average regular work week for full-time Management employees with the exception of certain designated personnel in the Fire Department, shall be forty (40) hours. (1) For all Management employees with an average regular work week of forty (40) hours, the monthly rate shall be the annual rate divided by twelve (12). (b) Non -Represented Part -Time employees shall be assigned a work week of seven (7) consecutive days for the purpose of overtime. Non -Represented Part -Time employees shall have no guarantee of hours of work in any given work week. Section 5.2 Fifty -Six (56) Hour Work Week (a) The regular work schedule for "Suppression Personnel" in the Fire Department in classifications designated as Management shall be eight (8) twenty-four (24) hour shifts in a twenty-four (24) day cycle. The average work week of such designated personnel shall be defined as a fifty-six (56) hour work week. (1) For employees with an average work week of fifty-six (56) hours the monthly rate shall be the annual rate divided by twelve (12). For the purposes of Suppression overtime, authorized in accordance with Rule 6, the hourly rate shall be the annual rate divided by two thousand nine hundred twelve (2912). (2) An employee with an average regular work week of fifty-six (56) hours shall be eligible for one hundred twelve (112) hours biweekly pay when the employee is at work or on paid leave for all regularly scheduled work shifts during the pay period. Such employees on leave without pay shall have twenty-four (24) hours pay deducted from the one hundred twelve (112) hours biweekly pay each work shift not worked during a pay period. Such employees appointed other than at the beginning of a pay period, or separated other than at the end of a pay period, shall be paid for actual hours worked or a maximum of one hundred twelve (112) hours, whichever is less. Section 5.3 Ambulance Operator (a) The regular work schedule for an employee serving in a full-time Ambulance Operator position may be either equivalent to a fire suppression twenty-four (24) hour shift schedule or forty (40) hours per week, depending on assignment. (b) Employees in the Ambulance Operator classification deemed part-time shall work limited and intermittent hours. Part-time Ambulance Operator employees shall have no guarantee of hours of work in any given work week. (c) Employees shall have a designated seven (7) day work period under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), beginning at 12:01 AM on Friday through midnight the following Thursday. Any hours worked within the designated work period in excess of forty (40) hours shall be paid in accordance with the requirements of the FLSA. Section 5.4 Alternative Work Schedules (a) In certain instances alternatives to the traditional work schedule may be appropriate. Such schedules may be implemented under the following guidelines: (1) Such schedules may be implemented at the request of the employee subject to City approval or by management when it is determined that a non- traditional work schedule serves the public interest. (2) Alternate work schedules shall not reduce service to the public. (3) Alternate schedules approved at the request of the employee may be adjusted or revoked by either party upon adequate notice to the other party. Adequate notice is understood to mean at least one (1) full pay period. (4) Alternate work schedules implemented by management may be revoked by the City upon adequate notice to all affected employees. Adequate notice is understood to mean at least one (1) full pay period. (5) Employees who perform authorized work in excess of the defined alternate work day or work week and who are otherwise eligible for overtime pay shall be compensated for such work at the rate of one and one-half (1 %z) times their regular hourly rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of Personnel Rule 6 - Premium Pay. (6) Employees may be assigned to or revoked from an alternate work schedule only effective at the beginning of a biweekly pay period. Section 5.5 Pav Days (a) Regular salaries and compensation of all Management, and Non- 24 Represented Part -Time employees, and employees serving in the Ambulance Operator classification, shall be paid on a biweekly basis. (b) All holiday, vacation, and sick leave payments shall be at the employee's regular rate of pay. 25 RULE 6 PREMIUM PAY Section 6.0 Purnose (a) This Rule establishes the conditions under which various premium payments are added to an employees' base salary. Premium payments authorized by this Rule are intended to ensure the City's compliance with state and federal labor law, and to support the City in its efforts to attract and retain highly qualified employees. Section 6.1 Exemptions from Overtime (a) No employee shall receive overtime pay for the time spent, outside normal work hours, in attending meetings of any kind which are for the purpose of education or training unless the employee's Executive Manager specifically requires the employee's attendance and the employee is otherwise eligible for overtime compensation. Section 6.2 Overtime - General (a) A full-time employee who performs authorized work in excess of the employee's normal work period, regular work week, work day, or shift and is otherwise eligible for overtime shall be compensated for such work at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay. (1) All overtime must be authorized by the appropriate Administrative Manager and/or designee. (2) Overtime of less than one-half (I/2) hour duration shall be calculated as one-half (%2) hour. Overtime of one-half (%2) hour or more shall be calculated to the nearest one -quarter (1/4) hour of time worked. (b) A Non -Represented Part -Time employee who performs authorized work in excess of forty (40) hours during the employee's regular work week and is otherwise eligible for overtime shall be compensated for such work at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times regular rate of pay. (1) All overtime must be authorized by the appropriate Administrative Manager and/or designee. (2) Certain part-time "Recreation" classifications shall be exempt from overtime in accordance with applicable law. Employees in those classifications shall be compensated at the straight time hourly rate for all hours worked. (3) Overtime of less than one-half ('/2) hour duration shall be calculated as one-half (1/2) hour. Overtime of one-half (%2) hour or more shall be calculated to the nearest one -quarter (1/4) hour of time worked. (4) A Non -Represented Part -Time employee in a classification listed below 26 shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the employee's regular hourly rate, upon reporting to work as scheduled. For time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours in one (1) week, the employee shall be paid time and one-half (%) based on the applicable hourly rates to be computed to the nearest one -quarter (1/4) hour of time worked. Part -Time Assistant Box Office Treasurer— Convention Center Part -Time Box Office Treasurer — Convention Center Part -Time Crowd Control Supervisor Part -Time Guest Services Specialist 1/II Section 6.3 Overtime — Exceptions (a) A Fire Battalion Chief assigned to "Situational Manning" shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (11/z) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all overtime hours worked while serving in that capacity. (b) Fire Division Chiefs and Battalion Chiefs not assigned to Situational Manning may be compensated for overtime work authorized by the Fire Chief at the rate of one and one-half (11/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay provided that such employees have been assigned by the Fire Chief to perform work normally performed by employees assigned to Situational Manning and provided that Anaheim receives reimbursement for the overtime worked from outside government agencies. (c) Management employees in exempt job classes may be compensated for overtime work authorized by the appropriate Executive Manager at the rate of one and one- half (11/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay provided that such employees have been assigned by the appropriate Executive Manager to perform work normally performed by employees in non-exempt job classes. Section 6.4 Standby (a) Certain Management employees may be paid "Management Standby Pay" based upon the recommendation of the Human Resources Director and the appropriate Executive Manager with approval of the City Manager. (1) Management Standby Pay will be either seventy-five dollars ($75), one hundred fifty dollars ($150), or two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225) per a seven (7) consecutive day standby assignment as determined by the Human Resources Director. (2) Standby pay eligibility will be evaluated on an individual basis. Section 6.5 Call Out (a) Employees subpoenaed to appear during off duty hours as a prosecution witness for court matters within the scope of their employment and who receive such 27 subpoenas after 5:00 p.m. of the calendar day prior to the date of court appearance shall receive overtime compensation according to emergency call out provisions. Section 6.6 Temporary Upgrade — Manap-ement Employees (a) A Management employee temporarily upgraded to another management job class at a higher salary range shall receive a seven and one-half (71/2%) pay differential if they are assigned to work in the higher classification for a minimum of one (1) complete work shift, except as noted below. (1) Employees temporarily upgraded to the position of Fire Marshal shall receive a seven and one-half percent (71/2%) pay differential for all time worked during normal work hours if they are assigned to work in the higher classification for a period of one (1) complete work shift (eight (8) working hours) or longer. Employees upgraded to the position of Fire Marshal shall not receive upgrade pay for any hours worked outside the regular work shift. (2) Employees temporarily upgraded to Fire Battalion Chief shall receive a seven and one-half percent (71/2%) pay differential for all time worked in the higher job class during normal working hours if they are assigned to work in the higher job class for a period of four (4) working hours or longer. (b) Employees temporarily upgraded under this Section must be qualified for the higher position and must also be responsible for the full range of duties assigned to the higher level classification in order to be paid for the upgrade. The determination of those persons qualified to work in higher rated classifications shall be made by the City. (c) Upgrade pay is not available for Executive positions. Temporary coverage for such positions shall be in accordance with Section 7.6 — Acting Appointments and shall require pre -approval of the City Manager. Section 6.7 Bilingual Pav (a) Employees required to speak, read, and/or write in Spanish or other languages, as well as English, as part of their regular duties of their position may be compensated, in addition to their base pay, at the appropriate rate set forth in Section 6.7 (a) (5) through (9). Employees on Short -Term Disability ("STD") or Leave Without Pay for over forty (40) hours in a pay period shall not receive bilingual pay. (1) The appropriate Executive Manager shall designate which positions shall be assigned bilingual duties and which language shall be eligible for bilingual pay. (2) The Human Resources Department shall conduct a competency test for employees whose positions have been assigned bilingual duties to certify 28 these employees are eligible for bilingual pay. However, where operating departments have authorized bilingual certifiers, they may conduct their own bilingual competency testing and notify the Human Resources Director of such results. (3) The effective date of bilingual pay certification shall be the first (I") day of the pay period following the passing of the bilingual test by the employee as provided in Section 6.7(a)(2). Bilingual pay eligibility shall continue in accordance with the above provisions during any period of leave with pay. (4) Bilingual pay eligibility shall continue only as long as the employee's Executive Manager affirms an ongoing need for the bilingual duties, and only so long as the employee demonstrates continuing competency through a proficiency examination every three (3) years or as deemed appropriate by the Human Resources Department. (5) Full-time employees serving in the classifications listed on Appendix B, C or D who are designated and certified as eligible for bilingual pay in accordance with Section 6.7 (a) (1) and (2) and are required to speak in Spanish or other languages (including sign language) in addition to speaking in English, as part of their regular duties, shall be compensated at the rate of seventy dollars ($70.00) per pay period. (6) Full-time employees serving in the classifications listed on Appendix B, C or D who are designated and certified as eligible for bilingual pay in accordance with Section 6.7 (a) (1) and (2) and are required to speak, read and/or write in Spanish or other languages (including sign language) in addition to speaking in English, as part of their regular duties, shall be compensated at the rate of ninety dollars ($90.00) per pay period. (7) Part -Time employees serving in the classifications listed on Appendix F required to speak Spanish or other languages (including sign language), as well as English as part of the regular duties of their position will be compensated at the rate of eighty-five cents ($.85) per hour to be included in the regular hourly rate of pay. (8) Employees required to speak, read, and/or write Spanish or other languages (including sign language), as well as English as part of the regular duties of their position will be compensated at the rate of ninety-five cents ($.95) per hour to be included in the regular hourly rate of pay. (9) Full-time employees serving in the Ambulance Operator classification who are designated and certified as eligible for bilingual pay in accordance with Section 6.7 (a) (1) and (2), shall be pay a bilingual stipend in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) per pay period for any pay period the employee works at least forty (40) hours. (10) Part-time employees serving in the Part -Time Ambulance Operator 29 classification who are designated and certified as eligible for bilingual pay in accordance with Section 6.7 (a) (1) and (2), shall be pay a bilingual stipend at the rate of fifty cents (0.50) per hour worked. Section 6.8 Exemption (a) Executive Management shall be exempt from Rule 6 — Premium Pay in its entirety. (b) Employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator shall be exempt from all provisions of Rule 6 -- Premium Pay except Section 6.10 Bilingual Pay. Employees serving in this classification will be entitled to overtime pay in accordance with the FLSA. 30 RULE 7 APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS Section 7.0 Purpose (a) This Rule establishes equitable and uniform procedures intended to attract to municipal service the best and most competent persons available, and to assure that appointments and promotions of employees are based on merit and fitness. Examinations shall be used and conducted to aid in the selection of qualified employees, and shall consist of recognized selection techniques which will, in the opinion of the Human Resources Director, test fairly the qualifications of candidates. Appointments and promotions will be solely based on qualifications without regard to any protected category under state or federal law, including race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, and military and veteran status, except where age or lack of physical disability is a bona fide occupational qualification. Section 7.1 Recruitment — General (a) The Human Resources Department is the only department authorized to conduct recruitments and make job offers on behalf of all City departments. The Human Resources Department will consult with operating departments on the specifics of each recruitment, including but not limited to: the type of recruitment (e.g. open, ranked promotional, or unranked promotional); content of the job announcement; desired qualifications; and the structure and content of examinations. Only those individuals who possess the minimum qualifications for the position and who successfully complete the examination process may be considered for appointment or promotion. (1) All examinations shall include a structured oral interview in which each job applicant is evaluated on responses to the same series of job- related questions. Examinations may also include job -related competency tests (e.g. typing, writing, and/or computer skills), assessment centers, or other valid, job -related examinations appropriate to the position and authorized by the Human Resources Director. (b) Authorization to conduct recruitments and make job offers may be delegated to operating departments when, in the opinion of the Human Resources Director, such delegation will not diminish public service and will enhance operational efficiencies. Such determination requires a "Delegated Employment Agreement" between the Human Resources Department and the operating department that specifies for which classifications and recruitment functions the operating department is responsible. The Human Resources Department shall periodically audit operating departments to ensure compliance with the Delegated Employment Agreement, Personnel Rules, and/or applicable/relevant Memorandum of Understandings. 31 Section 7.2 Recruitment — Open (a) Unless otherwise indicated at the time a recruitment is announced, recruitments are open to the general public. Recruitment announcements shall be distributed widely enough to ensure a diverse and qualified applicant pool, and shall, at a minimum, include the following information: (1) Title, pay -rate and pay range, minimum requirements, and general description of the classification for which the recruitment is conducted. (2) Description of the specific duties of the position for which the recruitment is conducted. (3) Any desirable qualifications in addition to the minimum qualifications for the position (e.g. bilingual skills). (4) Application procedures including last day to apply or a statement that the recruitment shall remain open on a continuous basis until the position is filled. (5) Type of eligibility list that will be created from the recruitment (i.e., position, department, or classification). (b) At the conclusion of the filing period (or periodically for a continuous recruitment), an applicant who has failed to demonstrate possession of the minimum requirements for the position shall be removed from further consideration. For open recruitments for a classification, the remaining applicants shall be placed on an eligibility list; however, only those remaining applicants whose qualifications best fit the position shall be referred for consideration. Eligibility lists for open recruitments for specific positions will include solely those candidates that have been interviewed. Multiple eligibility lists may exist for a recruitment. (c) City employees who submit an application in an open recruitment shall be evaluated on the same basis as external applicants, including reference and/or background checks. (d) Eligibility lists created from an open recruitment shall not be ranked. Such lists may be restricted to the position for which the recruitment is conducted, or may apply to any vacancies within the City in the specified classification. (1) The recruitment announcement shall include a statement specifying which type of eligibility list will be established (i.e., position, department, or classification). 32 (2) Eligibility lists shall remain in effect for a period of six (6) months or until depleted. Lists containing three (3) or fewer names may be considered depleted. (3) Eligibility lists may be extended by the Human Resources Director for a period not to exceed an additional six (6) months. (4) Eligibility lists shall not be created for any "Intern" classification. (e) Executive Managers may recommend new hire rates. However, only the Human Resources Department has the authority to extend offers of employment and to negotiate wages and benefits. (f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Rule, vacant positions which would otherwise be filled by an open recruitment may be filled by appointing a Part - Time employee who is currently employed in a Part -Time classification to a comparable full-time classification without qualifying the employee through the competitive process. Section 7.3 Recruitment - Promotional (a) At such times as the "Appointing Authority," with concurrence of the Human Resources Director, determines that it is in the best interests of the City to promote from within, promotions shall be on a competitive basis except when the Human Resources Director finds that the number of employees qualified for promotion is insufficient to justify competition. (b) When the Human Resources Director has determined that the number of employees qualified for promotion is sufficient to justify competition, a promotional announcement shall be distributed to the organization and shall, at a minimum, include the following information: (1) Title, pay -rate, minimum requirements, and general description of the classification for which the promotional recruitment is conducted. (2) Description of the specific duties of the position for which the promotional recruitment is conducted. (3) Any desirable qualifications in addition to the minimum qualifications for the position (e.g. bilingual skills). (4) Application procedures including last day to apply. (5) Type of promotional eligibility list that will be created from the promotional recruitment (i.e. ranked or unranked, position, department, or classification). 33 (c) At the conclusion of the filing period, an applicant who has failed to demonstrate possession of the minimum requirements for the position shall be removed from further consideration. Of the remaining applicants, only those whose qualifications best fit the position shall be referred for consideration. (d) Promotional eligibility lists may be ranked. Such lists may also be restricted to the position for which the promotional recruitment is conducted, or may apply to any vacancies within the City in the specified classification. (1) The recruitment announcement shall include a statement specifying which type of promotional eligibility list will be established (i.e. ranked or unranked, position, department, or classification). (2) When creating a ranked list, eligible candidates shall be listed in the order of final evaluation and appointments from that list shall normally follow rank order. When ranking a promotional eligibility list, appropriate consideration shall be given to promotional candidates' qualifications, record of performance, and seniority, in that order. (3) Promotional eligibility lists shall remain in effect for a period of six (6) months, or until depleted. Lists containing three (3) or fewer names may be considered depleted. (4) Promotional eligibility lists may be extended by the Human Resources Director for a period not to exceed an additional six (6) months. (5) The appropriate Executive Manager, with the concurrence of the Human Resources Director, may order names removed from a promotional eligibility list for good and sufficient reasons. Employees shall be given written notice of removal of their names from eligibility lists. Section 7.4 Promotion Without Com etition (a) An employee may be promoted without qualifying through the competitive process when such employee is in a classification with a recognized career progression (e.g. from Management Analyst I to Management Analyst I1), or when the Human Resources Director determines that the number of employees qualified for promotion is insufficient to justify competition. (b) When the position is one with a recognized career progression, the employee's Executive Manager need only notify the Human Resources Director, in writing, that the employee meets all of the minimum requirements for the higher level position. 34 (c) When the Human Resources Director determines that that the number of employees qualified for promotion is insufficient to justify competition, the Executive Manager of the department with the vacancy shall informally solicit interest among department employees; discuss the position and its requirements with all qualified employees who indicate interest; and consider an employee's record of performance. The Executive Manager shall provide the results of the informal process and recommendation for promotion to the Human Resources Director. Section 7.5 Promotions — General (a) An employee promoted to a Non -Represented Part -Time classification assigned to salary schedule shall be placed in the step of the higher salary schedule that will provide a pay increase of not less than four percent (4%), except when the top step of the higher salary schedule provides a pay increase of less than four percent (4%). When the lowest step of the higher salary schedule is more than four percent (4%) higher than the employee's current rate of pay, the new rate of pay shall be the lowest step of the higher salary schedule. The employee shall be given a new merit review date for purposes of merit pay increases. (b) An employee promoted to a Management or Non -Represented Part -Time Management classification assigned to a salary range shall be placed at any rate within the designated salary range which provides a minimum ten percent (10%) increase. With the approval of the Human Resources Director, an employee who is promoted to a classification that is assigned field responsibilities shall be placed at a rate in the range which provides a minimum fifteen percent (15%) pay increase. In no case may the increase cause the employee's salary to exceed the Control Point. A new merit review date shall be established in accordance with Rule 4 — Salary Administration. (1) The new pay rate for promotion to Fire Battalion Chief or Deputy Chief of Police shall be calculated using the base hourly rate plus any special pay the employee was receiving in the bargaining unit classification at the time of promotion. (2) Under special circumstances, a new pay rate may be calculated using other forms of pay recommended by the Human Resources Director and approved by the City Manager. However, under no circumstances may the new pay rate exceed the "Maximum Point" of the salary range. (c) Promotions to Administrative Management positions must be approved by the City Manager. (d) The City Manager may appoint a current City employee to an Administrative Management position at any rate within the designated salary range. (e) The City Manager has sole discretion to provide additional vacation accrual or vacation balance in accordance with the provisions of Personnel Rule 16 — Vacation to an employee appointed to a higher level management position. 35 (f) The Human Resources Director may recommend pay adjustments or other remedies to correct pay inequities arising out of the application of these promotional policies where pay rates are not internally equitable. All recommendations shall require the approval of the City Manager. Section 7.6 Acting Appointments — Manaaement (a) An "Acting Appointment" is the appointment of an employee to a management position on a temporary basis for an indefinite duration when a legitimate need exists due to a vacancy or an extended absence of another employee such as illness, vacation, prolonged jury duty service, military leave, etc. Not all long term vacancies require an acting appointment; such appointments are reserved for positions that must be filled by law or Charter, or for those positions that are essential to maintain public services and/or efficiency of operations within the City. (b) An Acting Appointment of a person meeting the minimum qualifications for the position may be made by the appropriate Executive Manager with the approval of the City Manager for "Administrative Management" positions. Acting appointments to all other management positions shall only be made with the approval of the Human Resources Director under special circumstances pursuant to Section 7.6(a). Requests for Acting Appointments must be submitted in writing and must include justification for the appointment. (c) Acting Appointments are subject to the following: (1) An Acting Appointment must cover a period of at least thirty (30) days. (2) A request for an Acting Appointment should be submitted to the Human Resources Department prior to instituting the acting period. An acting appointment is not posted. (3) The Acting Appointment must involve the assignment of duties and responsibilities corresponding to those included in the job description for the acting position and must be assumed on a full-time basis. However, in some departments, individuals may take on additional assignments and responsibilities at a higher level while maintaining their current job for a limited duration. (4) The appointee in all cases must meet the requirements as provided in the job description of the acting title. The appointee's background will be reviewed to ensure that the appointee meets the minimum requirements. (5) If an incumbent fails to meet the minimum requirements for an acting appointment, but is performing duties associated with the position, an appropriate acting classification and level of pay, if warranted, will be determined. 36 (6) The normal promotional salary progression will apply in accordance with Section 7.5. If the employee is placed in the position through a competitive process after serving in an acting capacity, the resulting action will be a status change from acting to probationary and the employee's merit review date will remain the same. (d) For Management classifications, an eligibility list shall normally be established within twelve (12) months of the effective date of the acting appointment. (1) In the event that any acting appointee fails to qualify for placement on the eligibility list, the employee shall be removed from the acting appointment no later than the close of the first (1s) complete biweekly pay period following the establishment of the eligibility list. Section 7.7 Provisional Appointments (a) A "Provisional Appointment" is the appointment of a person from outside the organization to a position on a temporary basis for a limited duration when a legitimate need exists to fill a vacancy prior to the establishment of an eligibility list. The Provisional Appointment of a person meeting the minimum qualifications for an Administrative Management vacancy requires the prior approval of the City Manager and for all other vacancies, the prior approval of the Human Resources Director. (b) A Provisional Appointment shall only be allowed in the absence of an eligibility list. All Provisional Appointments shall be temporary and shall be valid only until an eligibility list is established for the position. No Provisional Appointment shall be valid beyond six (6) months without the approval of the City Manager. In no case shall a Provisional Appointment exceed twelve (12) months. (c) A Provisional Appointment may be permitted to occupy a vacant position provided that the appointing authority certifies that the nominee is qualified for appointment based on an evaluation of experience, training or education, and there are no reemployment lists for the position. (d) For purposes of computing the appropriate pay rate, Provisional Appointments shall be considered new appointments. If the provisional appointee is placed in the position through a competitive process after serving in a provisional capacity, the action will be a status change from provisional to probationary and the appointee's merit review date will remain the same. (e) In the event that any provisional appointee fails to qualify on the eligibility list or is not selected as established within the appropriate time frames of the provisional appointment, said provisional appointment shall end and the provisional appointee shall be terminated. (f) If it is not possible to establish an eligibility list for any reason, the City Manager, upon recommendation from the Human Resources Director, may approve a provisional appointee to a probationary appointment provided that the department 37 has interviewed available candidates and determined that the candidates do not possess the skills needed to fill the vacancy and the Human Resources Director concurs with such determination. Section 7.8 Grant -funded Positions (a) Appointments to certain grant -funded and/or limited -term positions as designated by the City Manager may be made without competitive examinations and/or evaluations. Such appointments may be made by the appropriate Executive Manager with the approval of the Human Resources Director. In the event that a grant -funded and/or limited -term appointee fails to complete competitive examinations and/or evaluations and is not appointed to a City -funded position during the period of employment under the grant or limited -term position, said appointee shall be terminated from City employment. Section 7.9 Exemptions (a) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules except that Section 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 shall apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. 38 RULE 8 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS Section 8.0 Purpose (a) Special assignments under the provisions of this Rule allow the Police and Fire Chiefs to configure their command staff to ensure effective and efficient response to critical public safety emergencies. Section 8.1 Special Assignment — Fire Battalion Chief (a) Employees shall be placed in the position of Fire Battalion Chief — 40 Hour by "Special Assignment" only. Positions of Fire Battalion Chief — 40 Hour shall be filled by employees at the rank of Fire Battalion Chief. (b) The Fire Chief shall assign employees to the special assignments of Fire Battalion Chief — 40 Hour, and persons so assigned shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Fire Chief while in such Special Assignment. Incumbents do not have vested rights to these positions. The Fire Chief may end a Special Assignment at any time. (1) An employee who is assigned to the classification of Fire Battalion Chief — 40 Hour shall be placed in the "FR30" salary range which provides the same compa-ratio. The employee shall retain the same merit review date. (2) Any specialty pay provided to an employee shall be considered part of the employee's base salary for the purpose of calculating the pay increases described above. (c) When returned to the classification of Fire Battalion Chief — 56 Hour, the employee's rate of pay shall be the same current compa-ratio. However, the employee's rate of pay cannot exceed the Control Point of the salary range for Fire Battalion Chief — 56 Hour when recalculated, unless the employee's rate of pay exceeded Control Point prior to the special assignment. M RULE 9 PROBATION Section 9.0 Pur ose (a) This Rule allows the Appointing Authority to subject newly hired or promoted employees to heightened scrutiny, and to reject such an employee at any time during the probationary period if the employee's work and conduct is determined to be below standards. Section 9.1 General (a) Newly appointed employees; employees promoted; employees reinstated after thirty (30) days in accordance with Rule 12 — Reinstatement; employees reassigned according to the Vocational Rehabilitation Administrative Regulation; and employees transferred in accordance with Rule 14 — Transfer shall be subject to a period of probation. The regular period of probation shall be twelve (12) months. (1) In the event an employee is assigned to light duty status or is absent from work due to a lengthy illness or injury during the probationary period, said employee's probationary status may be extended beyond the regular period of probation in the amount of one (1) complete biweekly pay period for each complete biweekly pay period the employee was assigned to light duty status or loss of service time due to such illness or injury. (2) Subject to the discretion of the appropriate Department Head, an employee's probationary status may be extended beyond the regular probationary period for reasons other than those addressed in Section 9.1 (a)(1) by providing the employee advanced written notice. In no event shall a probationary extension under this provision exceed six (6) months. (3) Upon successful completion of a probationary period, an employee shall be granted regular status in the classification in which the probationary period is served. Section 9.2 Evaluation (a) The work and conduct of probationary employees shall be subject to close scrutiny and evaluation and, if found to be below standards satisfactory to the Appointing Authority, the appropriate Executive Manager may reject the probationer at any time during the probationary period. Such rejections shall not be subject to review or appeal unless such a rejection is alleged to be contrary to the provisions of any state or federal law or Chapter 1.05 of the City of Anaheim Municipal Code (Personnel System). (b) An employee shall be retained beyond the end of the probationary period only if the appropriate Executive Manager affirms that the services of the employee have been found to be satisfactory. However, in the event the Executive Manager fails 40 to either affirm or reject a probationary employee prior to the end of the employee's probationary period, the employee will be considered to have satisfactorily completed the probationary period and shall be granted regular status in the classification in which the probationary period is served. Section 9.3 Probationary Reiection (a) A Management, or Non -Represented Part -Time employee rejected or laid off during the probationary period from a position to which the employee has been appointed from outside the organization shall be separated from City service. (b) A Management employee rejected or laid off during the probationary period from a position to which the employee had been promoted or transferred shall be returned to the classification in which the employee had regular status unless the reasons for failure to complete the probationary period would be cause for dismissal from City service. (c) Anaheim will make every reasonable effort to return a Non -Represented Part - Time employee rejected or laid off from a position to which the employee had been promoted or transferred to during the probationary period to the classification in which the employee had regular status unless the reasons for the employee's failure to complete the probationary period would be cause for dismissal. If not returned to the former classification, the employee shall be separated from City service/employment. (d) The appropriate Executive Manager shall request the Human Resources Department to prepare a Personnel Action Form to separate or return to a former classification any employee to be rejected during a probationary period. Section 9.4 Exemlations (a) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules 41 RULE 10 SALARY REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, DEMOTION, AND DISMISSAL Section 10.0 Purpose (a) This Rule establishes the procedures through which an employee may be disciplined for unsatisfactory performance or conduct when the level of discipline proposed requires Skelly due process. Any employee may be suspended, reduced in salary, demoted, or dismissed for good and sufficient cause provided the employee has received appropriate notification of the proposed disciplinary action and has been provided an opportunity to respond. (b) This Rule does not preclude the use of other forms of less severe discipline that do not require Skelly due process such as verbal or written reprimands. Section 10.1 Level of Disc line (a) When, in the judgment of the appropriate Executive Manager, Non -Represented Part -Time employee's work performance or conduct justifies disciplinary action short of demotion or dismissal, the employee may be suspended without pay in any number of full work -day increments up to thirty (30) calendar days at any one time or reduced in pay for up to six (6) consecutive calendar months. (b) When an employee in a Management classification has been determined by the appropriate Executive Manager to have violated workplace conduct rules or committed major safety violations, the Executive Manager may suspend such employee without pay in any number of full work -day increments up to sixty (60) calendar days at any one time. Alternatively, the salary of an FLSA exempt employee found to have violated workplace conduct rules may be reduced, provided that the reduced salary is not below the minimum salary required by applicable law or regulation. Section 10.2 Procedure (a) An employee may be reduced in pay; suspended without pay; demoted; or dismissed upon recommendation by an Administrative Manager or other appropriate supervisor whenever, in the judgment of the appropriate Executive Manager, the employee's work performance or misconduct so warrants. Such actions must be reviewed by the Human Resources Department. Prior to imposing any discipline, authorized under the provisions of this Rule, the appropriate Executive Manager or Administrative Manager, at a minimum, shall: (1) Provide written notification to the employee of the proposed discipline at least six (6) working days prior to the date the discipline is proposed to be implemented. The notification shall include: i. The discipline that is proposed. 42 ii. The grounds for imposing disciplinary action. The actions, omissions, or conduct of the employee upon which the proposed discipline is based. iv. An invitation to respond either orally or in writing prior to the proposed effective date of the discipline. (2) Provide copies of documents that were considered in determining the proposed discipline. (3) Provide written notification of the final determination after consideration of the employee's response or after the response deadline if the employee chooses not to right to respond. (b) Upon taking action in accordance with this Rule, the Executive Manager shall file with the employee and the Human Resources Director, a written notification containing a statement of the substantial reasons for the action and the effective date of the action. Section 10.3 Exemptions (a) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules. 43 RULE 11 LAYOFF, REASSIGNMENT, AND REEMPLOYMENT Section 11.0 Purpos (a) The purpose of this Rule is to establish consistent procedures when implementing a reduction in the City's work force in response to changes in economic conditions or City Council priorities. Layoffs shall be implemented for a lack of work or lack of funds and shall be on the basis of an evaluation of employee qualifications and seniority within the affected job class. Section 11.1 Procedure (a) An employee whose position has been abolished due to lack of work or lack of funds shall be reassigned by the employee's Executive Manager to the position within the same division or department in an equivalent or lower job class closest to the employee's current classification for which the employee meets the minimum requirements and has City seniority over other employees in the job class. In the case of employees having equal City seniority, the tie -breaker will be resolved by a random lottery. If the employee whose position has been abolished does not have City seniority over other employees in equivalent or lower classes, the employee may be reassigned by the Executive Manager to any vacant position within the department in an equivalent or lower job class, for which the employee meets the minimum requirements. (1) Employees in Management job classes reassigned to another Management job class shall retain their current merit review date and their current rate of pay if it falls within the salary range of the classification reassigned. Otherwise, their rate of pay will be adjusted to the Control Point of the salary range for the new classification. In no case shall the management employee's rate of pay exceed the Control Point as a result of such reassignment in lieu of layoff. (2) Employees in Management job classes reassigned to a bargaining unit classification will be placed in the closest salary step of the new job class which does not provide an increase. The employee's base hourly rate will be used in calculating the appropriate rate of pay. (3) Employees in bargaining units job classifications who are reassigned to a management job classification where the salary range Market Point is equal to or less than the top step of the bargaining unit job classification shall retain their current rate of pay provided it falls between the salary range minimum and market points of the management classification. Otherwise, the rate of pay will be adjusted to the Market Point of the salary range. The base hourly rate will be used in calculating the appropriate rate of pay. (b) Whenever an employee, whose position has been abolished cannot be reassigned to a position within the same department, the employee may be reassigned by 44 the City Manager to any vacant position in any other department in the same job class or in an equivalent or lower job class for which the employee meets the minimum qualifications for employment. Employees reassigned to vacant positions in an equivalent or lower job class in any other department shall be reinstated to their former job class and salary step status if positions in their former job class (within their former department) become vacant within one year of reassignment. Such reassignment shall be on the basis of City seniority. (c) An employee who is reassigned in lieu of layoff to a job classification at the same salary range shall retain the same rate of pay and merit review date. (d) Whenever an employee is reassigned to a vacant position in the same class, an equivalent class, or lower class as herein provided, the employee shall retain the same anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases. (e) Whenever an employee is reinstated to a vacant position in a former job class held by the employee, or re-employed as herein provided, the employee shall be given a new anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases in accordance with the provisions of Rule 4 — Salary Administration. Section 11.2 Reemployment (a) Whenever an employee whose position has been abolished is not reassigned to another position, the employee shall be separated from City service and placed on the reemployment list for the job class held at the time the position was abolished. Persons on the reemployment list shall be reemployed with their former salary step status when positions in their job class (within the department from which they were laid off) become vacant. Reemployment shall be on the basis of City seniority. (b) Reemployment lists shall contain the names of regular, full-time employees laid off in good standing for lack of funds. (1) Reemployment lists shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year. Reemployment lists shall not be extended. (c) An employee reinstated from a reemployment list shall be considered to have continuous service and shall be credited with the amount of accumulated sick leave the employee had accrued at the time of layoff if the employee elects to remit to the City any payment received under the provisions of Rule 17 — Sick Leave. Section 11.3 Exemptions (a) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules, Non - Represented Part -Time employees, and employees appointed to certain grant - funded and/or limited -term positions as designated by the City Manager under Rule 7.8. 45 RULE 12 REINSTATEMENT Section 12.0 Purpose (a) This Rule establishes provisions that allow the reinstatement of employees who terminated employment in good standing without requiring such employees to re - qualify for employment through a competitive process. Section 12.1 Procedure (a) Upon recommendation of the Executive Manager and with approval of the Human Resources Director, an employee may be reinstated to a vacant position in such employee's former job classification or job family within one (1) year of the employee's termination date without re -qualifying for employment by competitive process. (1) A full-time employee reinstated within thirty (30) days of termination shall be considered to have continuous service; shall not serve a new probationary period; and shall be credited with the amount of accumulated sick leave the employee had at the time of termination. The employee shall be placed in the same salary status step/range as at the time of termination and shall retain the same anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases. If the anniversary date occurred during the period of absence, the employee shall be given a new anniversary day set to the first (P) day of the next biweekly pay period following reinstatement. (2) A Non -Represented Part -Time employee reinstated within thirty (30) days of termination shall be considered to have continuous service and shall not serve a new probationary period. The employee shall be placed in the same salary step/range as at the time of termination and shall retain the previous record of step hours worked for purposes of merit pay increases. (3) A full-time employee or a Non -Represented Part -Time employee reinstated after thirty (30) days of termination date shall serve a new probationary period; may be considered to have broken service for purposes of salary status; and shall be considered to have broken service for all other employee benefits. (b) An employee may be reinstated under the provisions of the Vocational Rehabilitation Administrative Regulation to any vacant position for which the employee meets the minimum qualifications. Section 12.2 Exemptions (a) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules. 46 RULE 13 VOLUNTARY DEMOTION Section 13.0 Purilos (a) This Rule provides procedures for those instances when, for any reason, an employee requests a voluntary demotion. Section 13.1 Definition (a) A voluntary demotion is the movement of an employee into a classification with a lower salary schedule or salary range at the request of the employee. Section 13.2 Procedur (a) A voluntary demotion shall require the approval of the Executive Manager under whom the employee will serve and the Human Resources Director. An employee taking a voluntary demotion may be placed in any salary of the appropriate salary range that does not provide an increase in salary. A new anniversary date shall be given for purposes of merit pay increases in accordance with provisions of Rule 4 — Salary Administration. (1) Voluntary demotions authorized under the provisions of the Vocational Rehabilitation Administrative Regulation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Rule. (b) Upon recommendation of the Executive Manager and with approval of the Human Resources Director, an employee who has taken a voluntary demotion to a lower job class may be reinstated to a vacant position in a former job class held by the employee, which the employee had regular status, within one (1) year of the effective date of the voluntary demotion without re -qualifying by competitive processes. (1) An employee reinstated to a former job class from a voluntary demotion shall be placed in the salary range at the same rate of pay or on the salary schedule of the former job class closest to the employee's current rate of pay. The employee shall retain the same anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases; however, if the employee is placed in the first (I") through sixth (6th) step of a salary schedule or below market in a salary range, the employee shall be eligible for a merit pay increase after six (6) months or the employee's regular anniversary date, whichever is sooner. Section 13.3 Exemptions (a) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules. 47 RULE 14 TRANSFER Section 14.0 Purpose (a) This Rule sets forth procedures for the transfer of employees in order to meet business needs; ensure efficiency and effectiveness of operations; train employees; and retain a quality workforce. Section 14.1 Definition (a) A change of an employee's place of employment from one division to another or from one department to another shall be considered a "Transfer." Movement of an employee to a vacant position in a job classification on the same salary range as the employee's current job class shall also be considered a transfer. Section 14.2 Procedure (a) A Transfer requires the approval of the Executive Manager to which the employee is transferring and the Human Resources Director. A Transfer may be initiated by the City Manager, Executive Manager, or by request of the employee to the Human Resources Director. (1) A transferred employee shall retain the same rate of pay and anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases. (2) If a Transfer is initiated by request of an employee to a job class with minimum standards of employment substantially different from those of the employee's current job class, the employee shall be required to demonstrate eligibility for employment in accordance with the provisions of Rule 7 — Appointments and Promotions and shall serve a new probationary period in accordance with the provisions of Rule 9 — Probation. (3) A scheduled merit increase may be deferred at the discretion of the Executive Manager for a period of up to six (6) months to allow management to properly evaluate the transferred employee's work performance and conduct. (b) Transfers for the betterment of employees and the best interests of the City shall be encouraged by all echelons of management. Section 14.3 Exemntiops (a) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules. 48 RULE 15 HOLIDAYS Section 15.0 Purpose (a) This Rule enumerates City observed holidays and the manner in which those holidays are adhered to by employees. Section 15.1 Holidays — General (a) The following days shall be recognized as holidays, for full-time Management employees in the classified service with the exception of Fire Battalion Chief(s) assigned to Suppression as outlined in Section 15.2, shall have these holidays off with pay: (1) January 1 st, New Year's Day (2) Third Monday in January, Martin Luther King's Birthday (3) Third Monday in February, Presidents' Day (4) Last Monday in May, Memorial Day (5) July 4th, Independence Day (6) First Monday in September, Labor Day (7) November 11th, Veteran's Day (8) Fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day (9) Friday after Thanksgiving (10) December 25, Christmas Day (11) Every day designated by the City Council for a public feast, thanksgiving, or holiday (b) In the event that any of the above holidays fall on an employee's scheduled day off, said employee shall observe the holiday on work day preceding the holiday or the following work day as scheduled by the Executive Manager to provide maximum regular service to the public. (c) Any employee, otherwise eligible for overtime, required to work on any of the above holidays or days observed in lieu of those holidays shall receive additional compensation equivalent to one and one-half (11/2 ) times the employee's regular rate of pay for each hour worked. (d) Fire Battalion Chiefs assigned to Suppression and job classes exempt from overtime provisions of Rule 6 — Premium Pay shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section. (e) In order to be eligible for holiday pay, an employee must be either at work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly scheduled work day immediately preceding the holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday and the regularly scheduled work day immediately following the holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday. No employee who is on suspension or unpaid leave of absence on either the regularly scheduled work day immediately preceding or immediately following the holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday shall receive compensation for said holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday. (f) In addition to the holidays listed in 15.1(a), each full-time employee serving in a classification included in Appendix A through C will receive one (1) eight (8) hour floating holiday per calendar year. The employee will be eligible to use the annual floating holiday on or after January 1" of each year. This leave time has no monetary value, cannot be cashed out and must be used by the end of the calendar year. The floating holiday shall be scheduled and taken in accordance with the best interests of the City and the department and division in which the employee is assigned. Section 15.2 Holidays — Suppression Employees (a) Fire Battalion Chiefs assigned to Suppression shall receive additional compensation equivalent to 13.4 hours of the employee's regular bi- weekly compensation for each holiday listed in Section 15.1. Employees in these classifications shall have the option to accumulate 13.4 hours per holiday (for a maximum of 134 hours per year). Under this option, any hours accrued will be paid off at the employee's regular hourly rate of pay as of the end of the pay period, including October 1st. Selection of the "Holiday Option" shall be made on September 1 of each year. (b) Upon termination, a Fire Battalion Chief assigned to Suppression shall be compensated in cash at the employee's current rate of pay for any hours accrued but not taken. (c) No employee who is on suspension or unpaid leave of absence during a holiday pay period shall receive additional compensation or accumulate hours during that pay period. Section 15.4 Part -Time Emplm ees excluding Part -Time Ambulance Operators (a) Non -Represented Part -Time employees in specified classifications shall receive pay at the rate of one and one-half (1'/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay for working the following: (1) January 1 st, New Year's Day (2) Third Monday in January, Martin Luther King's Birthday (3) Last Monday in May, Memorial Day (4) July 4th, Independence Day (5) First Monday in September, Labor Day (6) Fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day (7) December 25, Christmas Day (b) Non -Represented Part -Time employees in the classifications listed below shall receive pay at the rate of one and one-half (1 11/2) times their regular hourly rate of 50 pay for all hours worked on the holidays enumerated in Section 15.4(a) above: Part -Time Assistant Box Office Treasurer Part -Time Box Office Treasurer Part -Time Crowd Control Supervisor Part -Time Guest Services Specialist I/II Section 15.5 Ambulance Operators (a) An employee serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator or PT Ambulance Operator who works eight (8) hours or more on a recognized City Holiday as specified in 15.1(a) shall be paid a Holiday Stipend of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). 51 RULE 16 VACATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Section 16.0 Purpose (a) The purpose of this Rule is to describe the provisions for Vacation usage and Vacation accruals for Management and Non -Represented Part- Time employees. Section 16.1 General Provisions (a) All vacations shall be scheduled and taken in accordance with the best interests of the City and the department or division in which the employee is employed. (b) An employee shall be eligible to take any accrued vacation upon completion of six (6) months of service. (c) The maximum amount of vacation that may be taken at any given time shall be that amount that has accrued to the employee concerned. (d) In the event that any recognized holiday occurs during an employee's vacation, the holiday shall not be charged against the employee's accrued vacation. The only vacation hours that shall be charged against any employee's accrued vacation shall be those hours that the employee is regularly scheduled to work. (e) Paid vacation shall continue to accrue in accordance with the provisions of this Rule under any period of leave with pay, except that Public Safety employees who remain on Industrial Accident Leave in accordance with Rule 19 — Industrial Accident Leave after exhausting State mandated §4850 benefits shall not accumulate vacation. Employees shall not accrue vacation while on Short -Term Disability or Long -Term Disability. Section 16.2 Paid Vacation Accruals: Full -Time Management 16.2.1 Full -Time Management employees serving in classifications listed in Appendices A, B and C shall accrue vacation in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Paid vacations shall continue to accrue in accordance with the provisions below during any period of leave with pay. (b) Employees covered by this rule with an average work week of forty (40) hours shall receive annual vacation with pay in accordance with the following provisions: (1) For the first four (4) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of four (4) hours for each complete biweekly pay period plus two (2) hours for paid vacation at the close of the final complete biweekly pay period of each fiscal year (one hundred six (106) hours per year). 52 (2) Upon completion of four (4) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of period (one hundred thirty (130) hours per year). (3) Upon completion of eight (8) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of six (6) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (one hundred fifty- six (156) hours per year). (4) Upon completion of fourteen (14) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of seven (7) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (one hundred eighty-two (182) hours per year). (5) Upon completion of nineteen (19) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of eight (8) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (two hundred eight (208) hours per year). (6) Upon completion of twenty-four (24) years of continuous, fiill- time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of nine (9) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (two hundred thirty-four (234) hours per year). 16.2.2 Full -Time Non -Represented employees serving in classifications included in Appendix D serving in a 40-hours-per-week schedule shall accrue vacation in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Paid vacations shall continue to accrue in accordance with the provisions below during any period of leave with pay. (b) Full-time employees covered by this rule with an average work week of forty (40) hours shall receive annual vacation with pay in accordance with the following provisions: (1) For the first four (4) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of five and a quarter (5.25) hours for each complete biweekly pay period plus two (2) hours for paid vacation at the close of the final complete biweekly pay period of each fiscal year (138.5 hours or 17.3 working days per year). (2) Upon completion of four (4) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of six and a quarter (6.25) hours for each complete biweekly pay period 162.5 hours or 20.3 working days per year). 53 (3) Upon completion of eight (8) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of seven and a quarter (7.25) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (188.5 hours or 23.6 working days per year). (4) Upon completion of fourteen (14) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of eight and a quarter (8.25) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (214.5 hours or 26.8 working days per year). (5) Upon completion of nineteen (19) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of ten (10) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (260 hours or 32.5 working days per year). (6) Upon completion of twenty-four (24) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate of eleven (11) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (286 hours or 3 5.7 5 working days per year). Section 16.3 Maximum Paid Vacation Accumulations (a) Maximum vacation accumulations for employees covered in Section 16.2.1 employees with an average regular work week of forty (40) hours shall be as follows (except as provided for in Section 16.1): (1) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred six (106) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be two hundred twelve (212) hours. (2) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred thirty (130) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be two hundred sixty (260) hours. (3) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred fifty-six (156) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be three hundred twelve (312) hours. (4) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred eighty-two (182) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be three hundred sixty-four (364) hours. (5) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of two hundred eight (208) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the 54 maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be four hundred sixteen (416) hours. (6) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of two hundred thirty-four (234) hours every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be four hundred sixty-eight (468) hours. (b) Maximum vacation accumulations for employees covered in Section 16.2.2 employees with an average regular work week of forty (40) hours shall be as follows (except as provided for in Section 16.1): (1) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of five and a quarter (5.25) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be two hundred and seventy-seven (277) hours. (2) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of six and a quarter (6.25) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be three hundred and twenty-five (325) hours. (3) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of seven and a quarter (7.25) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be three hundred and seventy-seven (377) hours. (4) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of eight and a quarter (8.25) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be four hundred and twenty-nine (429) hours. (5) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of ten (10) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be five hundred and twenty (520) hours. (6) For employees accruing vacation at the rate of eleven (11) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may be accumulated shall be five hundred and seventy-two (572) hours. Section 16.4 Paid Vacation: Full -Time Non -Represented Excludin Ambulance Operators (a) The minimum amount of vacation that may be taken at any given time shall be one (1) day. 55 (b) Management employees shall have the number of hours of their regular work day deducted from their accrued vacation time for each day of vacation taken. Section 16.5 Paid Vacation Pa► out (a) Upon termination, an employee eligible for vacation accrual under Section 16.2 shall be compensated through payroll at the employee's current base rate of pay for any vacation accrued but not taken. Upon termination, the employee shall be compensated for the full accrual for the final pay period. (b) Upon retirement or layoff, in lieu of compensation, the employee may elect to defer the full accrual into the 457 deferred compensation plan, subject to the annual maximum amount limitation. If the full accrual exceeds the annual maximum amount, then any remaining balance shall be paid in cash. Section 16.6 Accrued Vacation Pay ments (a) Any employee eligible for vacation accrual under Section 16.2, with the exception of those employees identified in Section 16.6(b) below, shall have the ability to be compensated for accrued vacation hours at any time throughout the year, subject to the following provisions: (1) The employee must have used forty (40) hours of vacation during the previous twelve (12) months; (2) The employee's vacation balance cannot drop below forty (40) hours as a result of the request; (3) The employee's Executive Manager must approve the employee's request for the vacation pay-off. The City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall be the approving authority for requests under this provision by Executive Managers; and (4) Management employees are not eligible for vacation pay-off as defined in Section 16.9 of this Rule. (b) Management employees in the classifications of Fire Chief, Fire Division Chief, Fire Marshal, Fire Battalion Chief - 40 Hour, and Deputy Fire Marshal may request to be compensated for accrued vacation hours at any time throughout the year subject to the following provisions: (1) The employee must have used a minimum of forty (40) hours of vacation during the preceding twelve (12) months; (2) The employee's vacation balance cannot drop below eighty (80) hours as a result of the request; (3) The Fire Chief or the Chief s designee must approve the respective 56 employee's request for vacation pay-off. The City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall be the approving authority for requests under this provision by the Fire Chief; and (4) Employees covered under Section 16.10 shall not be eligible for provisions stated under Section 16.7. Section 16.7 Paid Vacation Credits (a) The Human Resources Director may recommend, and the City Manager may approve, a one-time crediting of the vacation time bank for new hires for use upon completion of six (6) months in the position. (1) For new hires or promotions assigned to Executive, Administrative, or high level Management positions, the Human Resources Director may recommend and the City Manager may approve an alternate vacation accrual rate at the time of hire or promotion. Section 168 Compensation in Lieu of Paid Vacation: Part -Time Special Classifications (a) Employees working in the Non -Represented Part -Time classifications listed below who work eight hundred (800) or more hours in any calendar year shall be paid three percent (3%) of their gross earnings as vacation benefits. The calendar year shall be defined as the period for which wages earned are reported for tax purposes. Part -Time Assistant Box Office Treasurer Part -Time Box Office Treasurer Part -Time Crowd Control Supervisor Part -Time Guest Services Specialist II Section 16.9 Administrative Leave (a) Effective January 7, 2022 and each January 1 st thereafter, full-time employees serving in classifications included on Appendices A through C shall receive sixteen (16) hours of administrative leave. (b) Full-time employees who begin employment after January 1st in any calendar year but on or before June 30th of such calendar year shall receive eight (8) hours of administrative leave for that calendar year. Full-time employees who begin employment on July 1st through December 3 1 " in ay calendar year shall not receive administrative leave until January 1 st of the following year. (c) Administrative leave has no monetary value, cannot be cashed -out and must be used by the end of the calendar year. (d) Administrative leave shall be scheduled and taken in accordance with the best interests of the City and the department or division in which the employee is employed. 57 (e) Employees will be eligible to use administrative leave hours upon completion of six (6) months of service with the City. (f) Use of administrative leave does not count towards usage criteria for the cash out of vacation hours pursuant to Rule 16. Section 16.10 Exceptions (a) This Rule does not apply to Management employees with an average work week of fifty-six (56) hours or to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator; refer to Rule 18 — Paid Leave. 58 RULE 17 SICK LEAVE Section 17.0 Pur1lose (a) This Rule describes the provision for Sick Leave usage and accruals for Non -Represented Full -Time and Part -Time employees and describes disability eligibility and benefits for full-time employees serving in the Ambulance Operator classification. Section 17.1 Sick Leave Accruals (a) Full-time Management employees shall accrue annual sick leave with pay in accordance with the following provisions: (1) Full-time employees with an average regular work week of forty (40) hours shall accrue paid sick leave at the rate of three (3) hours for each complete biweekly pay period. Employees serving in classifications listed in Appendix D with a regular work week of fifty-six (56) hours are excluded from sick leave accruals under Section 17.1. Refer to Section 18.1 for Paid Leave benefits for such employees. (2) Paid sick leave shall continue to accrue in accordance with the above provisions during any period of leave with pay, except that Public Safety employees who remain on Industrial Accident Leave in accordance with Personnel Rule 19 — Industrial Accident Leave after exhausting State mandated §4850 benefits shall accumulate no sick leave. (3) Employees shall not accrue sick leave while on Short -Term Disability or Long -Term Disability. (4) An employee requesting sick leave for an absence from work as a result of any injury or disease, which is compensable under the State of California Labor Code, after eligibility for Industrial Accident Leave has ended, shall receive maximum compensation from the City in an amount equal to the difference between temporary disability payments mandated by the State of California Labor Code and the employee's regular base rate of pay. Section 17.2 Sick leave Usape/Deductions (a) For employees eligible for sick leave accruals under Section 17.1, for each day an employee is on paid sick leave, the employee's accrued sick leave balance shall be reduced in an amount equivalent to the number of hours the employee was scheduled to work on such day.. (b) Employees eligible for sick leave accruals under Section 17.1 shall take sick leave in full day increments except only in cases where Family Medical Leave or Short -Term Disability situations exist. (1) An employee may, at the employee's option, elect to use vacation time to 59 bridge the period after sick leave is exhausted and prior to Short -Term Disability commencing. Section 17.3 Unused Sick Leave Accruals (a) For employees eligible for sick leave accruals under Section 17.1, sick leave that is accrued, but not taken, shall be accumulated. (1) Regular, full-time Management employees with an average regular work week of forty (40) hours shall be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay for all sick leave hours accumulated beyond one hundred seventy-five (175) hours in each calendar year. Payment shall be made in January of each year, or upon the employee's termination of employment for any reason. ii. A maximum of one hundred seventy-five (175) hours shall carry over from year to year. (2) Upon an employee's termination of employment due to retirement or layoff in accordance with Rule 11 — Layoff, all hours accumulated up to the maximum of one hundred seventy-five (175) hours that may be carried over from year to year shall be paid to regular, full-time eligible employees. (3) Upon retirement or layoff, in lieu of compensation, the employee may elect to defer the entire accrual into the 457 deferred compensation plan, subject to the annual maximum amount limitation, or convert up to one hundred seventy-five (175) hours to PERS service credit. i. If the entire accrual shall exceed the annual maximum amount, then any balance would be paid to the employee. (4) If an employee dies while employed, the City shall pay to the employee's beneficiary, as designated by the PERS records, the cash equivalent (paid at base salary rate) of all hours accumulated up to the maximum of one hundred seventy-five (175) hours. Section 17.4 Sick Leave and Holiday Pay (a) In the event that any paid holiday occurs during a period when an employee eligible for sick leave accruals under Section 17.1 is on paid sick leave, the holiday shall not be charged against the employee's accrued sick leave. The only sick leave hours that shall be charged against any employee's accrued sick leave shall be those hours that the employee is regularly scheduled to work. Section 17.5 Requirements/Conditions (a) An employee eligible for paid sick leave under Section 17.1 shall be granted such leave for the following reasons: M (1) Illness of the employee or physical incapacity of the employee due to illness or injury. (2) Enforced quarantine of the employee in accordance with community health regulations. (3) Medical and dental appointments during work hours. Use of sick leave for scheduled medical and dental appointments shall require prior approval of the employee's supervisor and will be granted in accordance with the best interests of the City and the employee's department or division. (4) Temporary disabilities caused by pregnancy and childbirth. (5) To attend to the illness of the employee's immediate family member. "Immediate family" means a child, parent, spouse, or registered domestic partner of the employee regardless of residence. As used in this Rule, registered domestic partner means that a Declaration of Domestic Partnership has been filed with the California Secretary of State. (6) Any and all other reasons as required by law (b) Employees eligible for sick leave accruals under Section 17.1 who cannot perform their assigned duties due to illness or physical incapacity shall inform their immediate supervisor of the fact and the reason therefore as soon as possible. Failure to do so within a reasonable time may be cause for denial of sick leave with pay- (c) In the event that an employee is absent in excess of three (3) or more consecutive working days, the employee's Executive Manager or Administrative Manager may require that the employee submit a written statement by a physician licensed by the State of California certifying that the employee's condition prevented the employee from performing the duties of the employee's position. Failure on the part of the employee to comply with such a requirement may be considered cause for disciplinary action. Section 17.6 Short -Term Disability (a) A Non -Represented Full -Time employee, who has completed six (6) months as a regular, full-time employee and is continuously totally disabled due to a health condition for more than one (1) calendar month, may be eligible under the terms of the City's program to receive a Short -Term Disability benefit of net sixty percent (60%) of the employee's base rate of pay, after withholding taxes, and less deductible benefits. (1) Such disability benefit shall continue during total disability up to a maximum of six (6) months, including the thirty (30) day elimination period, from date of disability. 61 (2) Payment of Short -Term Disability benefits is contingent upon the continuation of on -going medical treatment. (3) Short -Term Disability benefits shall continue beyond sixty (60) and/or one hundred twenty (120) days of absence only upon submission of a "Report of Physical Examination" by the treating physician or medical practitioner, including certification of continuing disability and expected return date. (4) Deductible benefits include salary or other compensation paid by any employer; Workers' Compensation Act or similar law including benefits for partial or total disability, whether permanent or temporary, if benefits being received are for the current disabling condition; and a pension plan toward which the City contributed. (b) Payment of employee premiums shall be waived for any Anaheim sponsored medical, dental, and life insurance benefit plans during any biweekly pay period during which Short -Term Disability benefits are paid. (1) Benefits are not payable unless the employee is regularly seen and treated by a licensed physician or medical practitioner who certifies the continuing disability. Section 17.7 Long -Term Disability (a) A Non -Represented Full -Time employee, other than an employee serving in a classification listed on Appendix D with an average regular work week of fifty-six (56) hours, who is continuously and totally disabled for more than six (6) months shall receive Long -Term Disability benefits in accordance with the provisions of this Rule. (b) If two (2) or more periods of total disability occur during a specific six (6) month elimination period for the insured Long -Term Disability plan, all such periods shall be considered as one (1) period of continuous total disability under the following conditions: (1) All periods of total disability must be due to the same cause or causes; (2) All recurring periods of total disability that qualify as one period of continuous total disability for the insured Long -Term Disability plan, shall qualify as one (1) period of continuous total disability for the Anaheim Disability Plan and shall not require a new one (1) month waiting period before Anaheim disability benefits will be paid; and (3) Commencement of the benefit period for the insured Long -Term Disability plan shall automatically terminate benefits from the Anaheim Disability Plan. 62 Section 17.8 Non -Rep resented Part -Time Employees and Part -Time Ambulance Qj2erator Employees (a) Non -Represented Part -Time Employees, and part-time employees serving in Ambulance Operator classification shall be provided sick leave in accordance with applicable law. 63 RULE 18 PAID LEAVE Section 18.0 Purpose (a) The purpose of this Rule is to describe the provisions for Paid Leave (Vacation and Sick Leave) usage and accruals for Full -Time employees serving in classifications listed on Appendix D or E with an average, regular work week of fifty-six (56) hours. Section 18.1 Accruals (a) Full-time employees serving in a classification listed on Appendix D with an average regular work week of fifty-six (56) hours shall accrue paid leave time in accordance with the following conditions: (1) For the first four (4) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid leave at the rate of twelve and one-half (12.5) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (325 hours per year). (2) Upon completion of four (4) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid leave at the rate of thirteen and one quarter (13.25) hours for each complete biweekly pay (344.50 hours per year). (3) Upon completion of eight (8) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid leave at the rate of fourteen and three quarters (14.75) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (383.50 hours per year). (4) Upon completion of fourteen (14) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid leave at the rate of sixteen (16.00) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (416 hours per year). (5) Upon completion of nineteen (19) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid leave at the rate of eighteen and one- half (18.50) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (481 hours per year). (6) Upon completion of nineteen (24) years of continuous, full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid leave at the rate of nineteen and one- half (19.50) hours for each complete biweekly pay period (507 hours per year). (b) Employees serving in full-time Ambulance Operator classifications shall accrue paid leave time at the rate of 4.62 hours per pay period. Use of the paid leave time shall be subject to the following: (1) An employee may take paid leave upon ninety (90) days of employment for employee's own health condition or a family member for the diagnosis, care or treatment of an existing health condition, or other reason provided under the law. Family member shall include spouse, child, parent, step- parent, grandparent, or other person as required under state or federal law. (2) Employees shall be eligible to take paid leave for the purposes of personal leave upon completion of six (6) months of full-time service. Time for this purpose will be scheduled in accordance with the best interests of the Fire Department and upon supervisory approval. (3) The maximum number of hours an employee shall be eligible to accrue is one hundred twenty (120) hours. Employees at the maximum accrual shall not accrue beyond the cap or be eligible for additional pay in -lieu of accrued time. (4) Any employee on unpaid leave of absence for forty (40) hours or more per pay period shall not accrue paid leave time for the pay period. (5) Paid Leave shall not be eligible to be cashed -out, except upon employee's separation from employment. Cash -out of paid leave upon separation will be paid at the base rate of pay. Section 18.2 General (a) An employee requesting paid leave time for an absence from work as a result of any injury or illness which comes under the State of California Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act, after eligibility for Industrial Accident Leave has ended, shall receive maximum compensation from the City in an amount equal to the difference between temporary disability payments mandated by the State of California Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act and the employee's regular base rate of pay. This provision (Section 18.2(a)) shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. (b) Paid leave time shall continue to accrue in accordance with the above provisions during any period of paid leave, except that employees who remain on Industrial Accident Leave after exhausting State mandated §4850 benefits shall accumulate no paid leave time. Employees shall not accrue paid leave while on Short -Term Disability or Long -Term Disability. This provision (Section 18.2(b)) shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. (c) Paid leave time in excess of three (3) or more consecutive work shifts shall require the prior authorization of the Fire Chief or a certification from a licensed medical practitioner that the employee is disabled and unable to work. Paid leave time for reasons other than illness or injury shall be scheduled and taken in the best interests of the City and the Fire Department. Failure on the part of the employee to comply with these requirements may be considered cause for disciplinary action. 65 (d) One (1) hour shall be deducted from an employee's accrued paid leave time for each one (1) hour of paid leave time taken. (e) The minimum amount of paid leave time that may be taken at any time is one (1) hour. (f) The maximum amount of paid leave time that may be taken at any time shall be the amount that has accrued to the employee. (g) An employee who utilizes paid leave time under the provisions of this Rule shall inform the employee's immediate supervisor of the fact and the reason as soon as possible and shall ensure that their position is manned in accordance with Fire Department operating policies. (h) In the event that an employee leaves work during working hours and is placed on paid leave time prior to the close of the work day, such paid leave time shall be calculated to the nearest hour. Section 18.3 Paid Leave Pay out — (a) Paid leave time which is accrued but not taken shall be paid under the following conditions: (1) Upon termination, the employee shall be paid for all hours accrued but not used in excess of two hundred forty-five (245) hours. In the event the employee retires from City service, Anaheim shall pay all hours accrued but not used up to a maximum of two hundred forty-five (245) hours. (2) Upon retirement or layoff, in lieu of compensation, the employee may elect to defer the entire paid leave accrual into the employee's 457 deferred compensation plan, subject to the annual maximum amount limitation. If the entire accrual exceeds the annual maximum amount, then any balance will be paid in cash. (3) An employee shall be paid at the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all paid leave time/hours accrued but not used in excess of three hundred fifty (350) hours (or at the employee's option in excess of seven hundred fifty (750) hours) in each calendar year. Payment shall be made in January of each year. (4) An employee may be paid at the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all or a portion of paid leave time hours accrued but not used in excess of two hundred forty-five (245) hours upon submission of a written and signed request to the Finance Department, Payroll Office. Requests submitted during any biweekly pay period shall be paid on the payday for that pay period. A maximum of four (4) such payments shall be 66 allowed each calendar year. When requested, such payments may be made to the employee's Deferred Compensation Account, within limits established by law. (5) This Section 18.3 in its entirety shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. Section 18.4 Conversion of Paid Leave Balance: Forty (40) Hour to Fifty -Six (56)1Hour (a) In the event an employee's work schedule changes from a forty (40) hour assignment to a fifty-six (56) hour assignment, the paid leave account shall be established as follows: (1) Sick leave and vacation hours accumulated shall be added together, multiplied by the ratio of 56/40 (1.4), and rounded to the next highest whole hour. i. In the event an employee's work schedule changes, the employee's paid leave account shall be credited with one (1) hour of paid leave for each complete pay period the employee was assigned to the forty (40) hour assignment, except that there shall be no credit for time in a forty (40) hour assignment. (2) The employee's paid leave account shall be credited with the hours resulting from this calculation and shall be immediately available for use. (b) This Section 18.4 in its entirety shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. Section 18.5 Conversion of Paid Leave Balance: Fifty -Six (56) Hour to Forty (40) Hour (a) In the event an employee's work schedule changes from a fifty-six (56) hour assignment to a forty (40) hour assignment, paid leave time accrued but not taken shall be converted as follows: (1) Hours in the employee's paid leave time account shall be reduced by multiplying the balance by the ratio of 40/56 (.7143) and rounded to the next highest whole hour. (2) The employee's account balance for sick leave with pay shall be credited with all hours to a maximum of one hundred seventy-five (175) hours and shall be available for immediate use. (3) The employee's account balance for paid vacation shall be credited with any hours remaining and shall be immediately available for use. 67 Section 18.6 Non -Industrial Disability Leaves (a) Paid leave time shall be used under the provisions of this Rule for absences as the result of a non -occupational illness or injury for up to ten (10) regularly scheduled work shifts per occurrence. In the event such an absence exceeds ten (10) regularly scheduled work shifts, an employee may, at their option, use accrued paid leave time in lieu of the disability benefit described in Section 18.6(a). When exercising such an option, the employee shall exhaust all accrued paid leave time prior to receiving any disability benefit for the remainder of the Short- Term Disability benefit period. (b) This Section 18.6 in its entirety shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. Section 18.7 Short -Term Disability (a) An employee who is continuously and totally disabled for more than ten (10) regularly scheduled work shifts shall be eligible to receive a Short -Term Disability benefit of net sixty percent (60%) of the employee's base rate of pay, after withholding taxes and less deductible benefits. Such disability benefit shall continue during total disability up to a maximum of six (6) months, including the ten (10) shift elimination period, from date of disability. (1) Deductible benefits include salary or other compensation paid by any employer, Workers' Compensation Act, or similar law including benefits for partial or total disability, whether permanent or temporary, if benefits being received are for the current disabling condition; and a pension plan toward which the City contributed. (2) "Total Disability" means an employee's complete inability to engage in their regular occupation. (3) Benefits are not payable unless the employee is regularly seen and treated by a licensed physician or medical practitioner who certifies to the continuing disability. (b) This Section 18.7 in its entirety shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. Section 18.8 Lona-Term Disability (a) An employee who is continuously and totally disabled for more than six (6) months shall receive Long -Term disability benefits in accordance with the provisions of Rule 17. (b) This Section 18.8 in its entirety shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. 68 RULE 19 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT LEAVE Section 19.0 Purpose (a) This Rule describes the parameters under which Industrial Accident Leave is allowed for full-time Management employees serving in the classifications listed in Appendix A, B, C and D. Section 19.1 General (a) In the event that any eligible employee is absent from work as a result of any injury or disease which is found to be compensable under the State of California Labor Code, such absence shall be considered Industrial Accident Leave. (b) Industrial Accident Leave shall begin on the first (P) day of such absence as defined in Section19.0. (1) Industrial Accident Leave shall continue during all absences due to a single injury, but not to exceed one (1) year of accumulated absence. (2) Industrial Accident Leave benefits provided by this Rule shall apply to each injury or disease as defined in Section 19.0. (3) The effective date of a permanent disability rating as awarded by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board ends eligibility for Industrial Accident Leave for that particular injury or disease. (4) A written statement from the treating physician that the employee's condition is "Permanent and Stationary" or separation from City service ends eligibility for Industrial Accident Leave for that particular injury or disease. (5) Industrial Accident Leave for absence due to injury or disease as defined in Section 19.0 shall be granted to employees only upon presentation of a physician's certificate of treatment. Section 19.2 Salary Continuation (a) Any eligible full-time employee on Industrial Accident Leave shall receive compensation from the City in an amount equal to the difference between temporary disability payments mandated by the State of California Labor Code and the employee's regular base rate of pay. Section 19.3 Notification (a) In the event that an employee who has received or is receiving Industrial Accident Leave benefits files a civil action in state or federal court against a third party for allegedly causing or contributing to the cause of the employee's injury which resulted in the absence from work, the employee is required to inform the Risk Management Division of such filing. Section 19.4 Sick Leave Accruals (a) No employee shall have accrued sick leave deducted while on Industrial Accident Leave. Vacation and Sick Leave or Paid Leave shall continue to accrue for any employee on Industrial Accident Leave in accordance with the provisions of Rule 16 — Vacation, Rule 17 — Sick Leave, and Rule 18 — Paid Leave. 70 RULE 20 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Section 20.0 Pur o e (a) This Rule establishes the circumstances for which the City provides paid and unpaid protected bereavement leave. (b) For purposes of this Rule, "Registered Domestic Partner" means that a Declaration of Domestic Partnership has been filed with the California Secretary of State. Section 20.1 Protected Bereavement Leave (a) Protected bereavement leave may be taken for the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, domestic partner, or parent -in-law of an employee. (b) Protected bereavement leave may be used at the time a death of a family member identified in 20.1 (a) occurs or within three (3) months of the date of death. Use of bereavement leave under 20.1(c) need not be taken consecutively. (c) Employees who have been employed for at least 30 days may use any unused sick, vacation or other paid leave hours up to a total of five (5) working days for protected bereavement purposes. If an employee has no sick, vacation, or paid leave on the books, the employee may utilize leave without pay for these five (5) days. (d) The City may require documentation of the death of the family members for which the employee is requesting protected bereavement leave in accordance with the law. Section 20.2 Paid Bereavement Leave (a) In the event a death occurs of afamily member as defined in 20.2 (a)(1) of a full- time Management employee, the employee shall be granted bereavement leave with pay for up to a maximum of three (3) consecutive work days. (1) "Family member" shall be defined for purposes of 20.2(a) as the employee's spouse or registered domestic partner, as well as a child (including stillborn), parent, foster parent, stepparent, stepchild, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, parent -in-law, daughter-in-law, or son-in-law of the employee or the spouse or domestic partner of the employee. . 71 RULE 21 MILITARY LEAVE Section 21.0 ur )ose (a) This Rule prescribes City policy relating to military leave and compensation in accordance with the provisions of the Military and Veterans Code of the State of California §389-999.5, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), 38 U.S.C. §4301-4335, and with all federal provisions (Public Law §93-508). Section 21.1 Requirements (a) An employee requesting leave under this provision shall provide their Department Head and the Human Resources Department with a copy of the military orders specifying the date(s), site, and purpose of the activity or mission. (b) Within the limits of such orders, the Department Head may determine when the leave is to be taken and may modify the employee's work schedule to accommodate the request for leave. Section 21.2 Salary Administration (a) An employee who is on active duty and has been employed for at least one (1) year will receive continuation of pay for the first thirty (30) days of military duty. (b) An employee who is a member of the California National Guard will receive continuation of regular pay for the first thirty (3 0) days of active service regardless of the employee's length of service with the City. (c) An employee who is on temporary military duty and has been employed for at least one (1) year or at least one (1) year of combined military/employment service will receive continuation of regular pay for the first thirty (30) days of duty. (d) Pay shall not exceed thirty (30) days in any fiscal year. 72 RULE 22 JURY DUTY AND COURT APPEARANCES Section 22.0 Purpose (a) This Rule describes the parameters under which Jury Duty and Court Appearances are allowed for full-time Management employees. Section 22.1 General (a) In the event any full-time Management employee is duly summoned to any court for the purpose of performing jury duty, the employee shall receive regular compensation for any regularly scheduled working hours spent in actual performance of such service. (1) In the event any fifty-six (56) hour Fire Suppression employee is duly summoned to any court for the purpose of performing jury duty, such employee's schedule shall be temporarily converted to a forty (40) hour schedule and the employee shall maintain the fifty-six (56) hour rate of pay. If a holiday occurs while the employee is performing jury duty, the employee shall be charged eleven and two -tenths (11.2) hours of paid leave for such holiday. (b) Whenever an employee is duly summoned to appear as a witness, except where the employee is a litigant or a defendant in a criminal case or any action brought about as a result of the employee's own misconduct, such employee shall receive regular compensation for any regularly scheduled working hours spent in actual performance of such service. (1) Whenever an employee is summoned to appear as a witness for court matters within the scope of employment, the employee shall be compensated in accordance with provisions concerning compensation for normal performance of duties. (2) Employees receiving witness fees shall remit such fees to the City Treasurer in order to be considered at work for payroll purposes during time spent as such witnesses. (3) In the event any Fifty -Six (56) Hour Fire Suppression employee is duly summoned to appear as a witness, except where the employee is a litigant or a defendant in a criminal case or any action brought about as a result of the employee's own misconduct, such employee's schedule and pay shall be as provided in 22.1 (a)(1). (c) In the event any employee serving as an Ambulance Operator or Part -Time employee of the City of Anaheim is summoned to any court for the purpose of performing jury duty, the employee is released from regularly scheduled working hours during the duration of the jury service and shall not be compensated for such service. 73 RULE 23 UNPAID LEAVE Section 23.0 Purilose (a) This Rule describes the provisions of leave without pay for all employees in classifications covered under these Rules . Section 23.1 General (a) Any full-time employee who is absent from work and who is not on leave with pay shall be considered to be on leave without pay. An employee on leave without pay shall receive no compensation. (b) An employee on leave without pay for over forty (40) consecutive hours in a pay period shall not accumulate vacation or sick leave while on such leave. Section 23.2 Non -Medical Leave Without Pay (a) An employee who has a need to be absent from work and who is not eligible for leave with pay may request to be placed on leave without pay. Under no circumstances shall such leave exceed six (6) months. (b) Leave without pay for a period not to exceed forty (40) working hours may be granted by the employee's Administrative Manager or Executive Manager. For employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator, the Administrative Manager's authority to grant leave without pay is for a period not to exceed seven (7) consecutive calendar days. (c) Leave without pay in excess of forty (40) hours (seven (7) consecutive calendar days for employees serving as Ambulance Operators) shall require the approval of the employee's Executive Manager. (d) An employee on non -medical leave without pay in excess of two (2) complete bi- weekly pay periods shall be responsible for the full cost of all benefits the employees is enrolled in. Section 23.3 Medical Leave Without Par• (a) In the event that leave without pay is granted to an employee for reasons of illness or physical incapacity due to illness or injury: (i) the City shall continue to pay for all health benefit premiums previously paid for by the City, for a maximum of six (6) complete months. (ii) The City shall waive the payment of employee contribution to premiums for any City sponsored medical, dental, and life insurance benefit plans for a maximum of six (6) months. (b) An employee may be granted leave without pay not to exceed six (6) months. An extension of leave without pay beyond six (6) months is permitted only when leave without pay is granted to an employee for reasons of illness or physical incapacity and a determination has been made by the Human Resources Director that return to work is likely. Section 23.4 Return From Leave (a) An employee returning to work from leave without pay shall be placed in the same salary step (or range/hourly rate for management employees) the employee was in prior to such leave, absent any agreement or imposed disciplinary action to the contrary. (1) If such leave was in excess of two (2) complete biweekly pay periods, the employee's anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases shall be changed to conform with the provisions of Rule 4 — Salary Administration provided that the employee returns to a position in the same job class. (2) If the employee returns to a position in a lower job class, the salary step/range status shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Rule 13 — Voluntary 75 RULE 24 INSURANCE AND PENSIONS Section 24.0 Purpose (a) This Rule describes the insurance and pension provisions for employees in classifications designated as Management, and Non -Represented Part -Time, and employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. (b) City Council members may elect to participate in the provisions of this Rule. When a City Council member elects to participate, they shall be treated the same as other employees unless otherwise stipulated by this Rule. Section 24.1 General Provisions (a) The City Council shall set plan rates and employee contributions for City health and wellness plans annually. (b) The master contract between the City and plan administrator shall govern in the event any disputes arise over any matter within a provision of the contract. (c) Proof of eligibility will be required of all employees enrolled in any City insurance plan to enroll a dependent. Section 24.2 Health Insurance (a) Full-time employees in classifications designated as Management, or Ambulance Operator: (1) The City shall offer prepaid and/or insured health plans recommended by the Anaheim Health Council and approved by the City Council. (2) Employees become eligible for coverage on the first (1") day of the month following one (1) complete calendar month after hire date. (3) Employee Contributions: i. The employee shall contribute the difference between the City contribution and the total premium costs. ii. Employees, who are covered by another health plan including the dependent spouse of married City employee couples, may present proof of such coverage in order to opt -out of City coverage and receive one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) per month in lieu of City provided health benefits. In the event an employee who has elected this option loses health coverage for any reason and notifies the City of such loss within fourteen (14) calendar days, the employee may enroll in any City plan when the alternate health 76 coverage ceases. An employee may re-elect the opt -out option annually during open enrollment or may enroll in a City plan. iii. For all medical plans, married City employee couples shall be allowed only one (1) medical plan and only one (1) dental plan to cover all family members. Married City employee couples covered by a single two-party or family plan while both spouses are employed by the City may elect the opt -out option for the dependent employee. (b) Non -Represented Part -Time Employees and Part -Time Ambulance Operator: (1) Non -Represented Part -Time and Part -Time Ambulance Operator employees who remain employed and are eligible for work shall be eligible for health insurance pursuant to the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA). (2) Non -Represented Part -Time and Part -Time Ambulance Operator employees become eligible for coverage on the first (1') day of the month following one (1) complete calendar month after meeting eligibility requirements in accordance with this Rule. Section 24.3 Dental Insurance (a) The City shall sponsor prepaid and/or insured dental plans recommended by the Anaheim Health Council and approved by the City Council for all full-time Management employees, and full-time Ambulance Operators. (b) The City's contribution towards the cost of Dental plans shall be set annually by the City Council. Employees shall be required to contribute one hundred percent (100%) of any excess amount over the contribution set by the City Council. Section 24.4 Life Insurance (a) Basic Life Group Term Life Insurance for Basic, Dependent, and Supplemental Life Insurance Coverage: (1) The City shall make available group term life insurance for basic life, dependent life, and supplemental life insurance coverage for full-time employees in classifications designated as Management. (2) The City's dollar contribution to the program and benefits of such program are specified in the Life Insurance Plan agreed upon by the City and the City's insurance provider. (b) Voluntary Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance: (1) The City shall make available voluntary accidental death and 77 dismemberment insurance coverage for full-time employees in classifications designated as Management and for City Council members. (2) The City's dollar contribution to the program and benefits of such program are specified in the Life Insurance Plan agreed upon by the City and the City's insurance provider. (c) Paid -up Life Insurance (1) Any full-time employee who retires shall receive a Paid -up Life Insurance Policy, paid for wholly by the City, with a face value of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each complete continuous year of service and fifty dollars ($50.00) for more than six (6) months, but less than a complete year of service up to a maximum of two thousand dollars ($2,000). (d) Permanent and Total Disability Life Insurance (1) Full-time employees who are permanently and totally disabled shall receive a waiver of premium for life insurance coverage elected prior to the disability. (2) Waiver of premiums and continuation of coverage will continue as specified in the Life Insurance Plan agreed upon by the City and the City's insurance provider. (e) Employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator shall not be eligible for benefits provided under Section 24.4. Section 24.5 Pension and Deferred Compensation (a) California Public Employee's Retirement System (Ca1PERS): For the purpose of Section 24.5, employees whose PERS membership began prior to January 1, 2013 are designated "Classic" members and those employees whose PERS membership began on or after January 1, 2013 are designated as Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (hereinafter, "PEPRA") members. (1) Full-time Management, and Ambulance Operator employees immediately become members of CaIPERS in accordance with the contract between the City and Ca1PERS and subject to the California Public Employees' Retirement Law (hereinafter, "PERL" ). (2) Non -Represented Part -Time employees and employees serving part-time in the classification of Ambulance Operator working an average of thirty (30) hours per week on an ongoing basis or who work more than one thousand (1,000) hours in any given fiscal year may be eligible to become members of PERS in accordance with and subject to the exclusions in the contract between the City and PERS and subject to PERL. 78 (3) Eligible employees serving in a classification listed in Appendices A, B, E, and F are considered Miscellaneous members in accordance with PERL. i. Employees who are "Classic" PERS members as defined by PERL shall be enrolled in the Ca1PERS defined benefit plan of 2.7% at 55 and shall contribute the statutory eight percent (8%) member contribution rate for this benefit. . (a) A portion of the employer rate shall be paid by the employee. The employee contribution to the employer rate shall be four percent (4%). ii. Employees who are PEPRA members as defined by PERL shall be enrolled in the Ca1PERS defined benefit plan of two percent at 62 (2% @ 62) and shall contribute the minimum member rate determined by Ca1PERS in accordance PERL. . (4) Safety Plan Employees assigned to the Fire Safety Management Unit, Appendix D classifications i. Employees who are "Classic" Ca1PERS members as defined by PERL and were hired prior to January 10, 2012 are enrolled in the CalPERS defined benefit plan of three percent at fifty (3% @ 50) and shall contribute the statutory nine percent (9%) member contribution rate for this benefit. (a) A portion of the employer rate shall be paid by the employee. The employee contribution to the employer rate shall be three percent (3 %). ii. Employees who are "Classic" Ca1PERS members as defined by PERL and are hired on or after January 10, 2012, shall be enrolled in the Ca1PERS defined benefit plan of two percent at fifty (2% @ 50) and shall contribute the statutory nine percent (9%) m e m b e r contribution rate for this benefit. (a) A portion of the employer rate shall be paid by the employee. The employee contribution to the employer contribution rate shall be three percent (3%). iii. Employees who are PEPRA members as determined by PERL shall be enrolled in the Public Employee's Retirement defined benefit plan of 2.7% at 57 and shall contribute the minimum rate determined by Ca1PERS in accordance with PERL for this benefit. (5) Safety Plan Employees assigned to the Police Safety Management Unit, Appendix C classifications 79 i. Employees who are "Classic" PERS members as defined by PERL shall be enrolled in the Ca1PERS defined benefit plan of three percent at fifty (3% @ 50) and shall contribute the statutory nine percent (9%) member contribution rate this benefit. (a) A portion of the employer rate shall be paid by the employee. The employee contribution to the employer contribution rate shall be three percent (3%). ii. Employees, who are PEPRA members as defined by PERL shall be enrolled in the CaIPERS defined benefit plan of 2.7% at 57 and shall contribute the minimum rate determined by CalPERS in accordance with PERL . (b) Deferred Compensation Plan for employees not covered by PERS (1) Non -Represented Part -Time employees and part-time employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator who are not eligible to enroll in PERS are mandatorily enrolled in the City's deferred compensation plan in accordance with the Deferred Compensation Plan document. (2) Employees mandatorily enrolled in the plan shall contribute seven and one-half percent (7 %%) of their gross pay. (c) Employees hired with compensation limits that exceed the maximums reportable to Ca1PERS, shall participate in a supplemental savings plan established by the City pursuant to Resolution No. 2010-079. Section 24.6 Retirement Health Savings Plan (a) The City established the Retirement Health Savings plan to provide for reimbursement of eligible medical expenses as defined by the Retirement Health Savings plan document. (b) Full-time Management employees shall be enrolled in the City's Retirement Health Savings plan. (1) The City shall contribute two percent (2%) of each employee's base pay to the applicable employee's individual member account. (2) The employee shall contribute one percent (1%) of gross pay to the employee's individual member account. (c) There are no vesting requirements for contributions made to an employee's individual member account. 80 (d) Employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operators are not eligible to participate in the Retiree Health Savings Plan 81 RULE 25 MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS AND SERVICE AWARDS Section 25.0 Purpose (a) This Rule describes additional benefits, not previously noted in other Rules, which are provided to particular groups of employees. Section 25.1 Miscellaneous Benefits (a) Executive Management and certain Administrative Management classifications as designated in the Salary Resolutions are eligible to receive either a City -owned vehicle or an automobile allowance in an amount approved by City Council. (b) Uniformed personnel of the Police and Fire Departments and certain other designated personnel shall be furnished uniforms in accordance with regulations established by the City Manager. (c) Service awards shall be presented to Full -Time Management employees for: (1) Five (5) years of service (2) Ten (10) years of service (3) Fifteen (15) years of service (4) Twenty (20) years of service (5) Twenty-five (25) years of service (6) Thirty (30) years of service (7) Thirty-five (35) years of service (8) Forty (40) years of service (d) Such service awards shall also be presented to any eligible full-time employee in the classified service upon retirement. (e) For purposes of this Rule, the term "years of service," shall be defined as continuous, full-time service. 82 RULE 26 Section 26.0 (a) (b) (c) PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Purpose The purpose of this Rule is to identify the deductions from wages which are authorized for the convenience of employees. Deductions of authorized amounts may be made from employee's pay for the following purposes: (1) Federal, State, and Medicare tax withholding; (2) Contribution to retirement benefits, including retiree health savings; (3) Contribution to survivors' benefits; (4) Payment of life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance premium; (5) Payment of non -industrial disability insurance premium; (6) Payment of hospitalization and major medical insurance premium; (7) Contributions to the City Employees Annual Charities Fund Drive; (8) Payment of Personal Computer Purchase Program Loan; (9) Payment of Tuition Assistance; (10) Payment of Deferred Compensation Loans; and (11) Other purposes as may be authorized by the City Council All employees must make and maintain arrangements for the direct deposit of paychecks into the financial institution of their choice via electronic fund transfer. 83 RULE 27 POST -OFFER MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Section 27.0 Purnose (a) This Rule establishes provisions for employment -related medical and physical examinations. Section 27.1 General (a) In order to be eligible for employment with the City, candidates shall be required to pass a medical evaluation, the character of which is in accordance with the standards established by the Human Resources Director. (b) In order to be eligible for promotion or transfer to a job class in a category requiring substantially different physical qualifications than the employee's present job class, such employee must pass the appropriate medical examination. (c) All physical and medical examinations required under the provisions of this Rule shall be performed by a physician in active practice licensed by California State Law and within the scope of physician's practice as defined by California State Law. (1) Exceptions to the provisions of Section 27.1(c) may be made only in the case of out-of-state candidates for employment. In such cases, the physician performing the examination may be a physician licensed by the state in which the candidate resides. (d) The City shall pay for any physical and medical examination required under the provisions of this Rule. Section 27.2 Annual Medical Examinations (a) Members of the City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, City Treasurer, City Clerk, Executive Managers, and Administrative Managers may undergo a medical examination once a year. Middle Managers or other employees as designated by the City Manager may undergo a medical examination in accordance with guidelines established by the City Manager. Section 27.3 Return to Duty Examinations (a) Any full-time Management, Non -Represented Part -Time employee, or employee serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator, who returns to work after an absence in excess of forty (40) consecutive working hours due to illness or physical incapacity or who has been removed from the workplace under provisions of Administrative Regulation 277, may be required by the employee's Executive Manager to undergo a medical examination prior to returning to work. (b) Any employee who fails to pass a medical examination required under the provisions of this Rule may be transferred or demoted to a position requiring lesser physical qualifications, recommended for disability retirement, or terminated. 84 RULE 28 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 28.0 Purpose (a) The purpose of this Rule is to provide an orderly, peaceful means for Management, and Non -Represented Part -Time employees to resolve disputes or conflicts. Section 28.1 Scone (a) Any alleged improper treatment of an employee, any alleged violations of the Personnel Ordinance or the Personnel Rules, or any alleged violation of commonly accepted safety practices and procedures shall be considered to be a matter subject to review through the Grievance Procedure. (1) Alleged improper treatment of an employee shall be considered to be a matter subject to review up to and including Step II of the Grievance Procedure. (2) Any alleged violation of the Personnel Ordinance or Personnel Rules; any alleged violation of commonly accepted safety practices and procedures; or any discipline imposed under the provisions of Rule 10 — Salary Reduction, Suspension, Demotion, and Dismissal shall be considered to be matters subject to review through the Grievance Procedure up to and including Step III thereof. (3) In those instances where discipline is imposed other than salary step reduction, suspension, demotion, or dismissal, an employee may submit a written request for a review of the disciplinary action through an "Administrative Review Procedure." i. Administrative Review Procedure: The written request must be submitted to the Human Resources Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of notice by the employee of the disciplinary action. The Department Head under which the discipline was administered shall conduct an administrative review within fourteen (14) calendar days of submission of the written request. The Department Head shall review the disciplinary action and may affirm, reverse, or modify, as deemed appropriate, the disciplinary action. The Department Head's determination shall be delivered in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after the administrative review. The Department Head's determination shall be final and binding. 85 Section 28.2 Representation (a) No supervisor shall be represented in grievance matters by an employee whom they may supervise. (b) No employee shall be represented in grievance matters by a supervisor for whom they may work. Section 28.3 Grievance Procedure -Internal (a) Step I: An attempt shall be made to address all grievances on an informal basis between the employee and a supervisor in the employee's chain of command, up to and including the employee's Administrative Manager, within seven (7) working days after the occurrence of the incident involved in the grievance. (1) The Administrative Manager shall deliver an answer to the employee within seven (7) working days after submission of the grievance to him/her. (2) Grievances resulting from the actions of a department other than an employee's work unit shall be heard by an appropriate Administrative Manager from that department. (b) Step II: If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at Step I, it shall be submitted in writing to the employee's Executive Manager within seven (7) working days after the Step I response is received by the employee. (1) The Executive Manager shall meet with the employee within ten (10) working days after submission of the grievance to Step II. (2) The Executive Manager shall review the disposition of the grievance made at Step I and may affirm, reverse, or modify it, and shall deliver an answer to the employee within seven (7) working days after said meeting. (3) Grievances resulting from the actions of a department other than an employee's work unit shall be heard by the Executive Manager from that department. Section 28.4 Arbitration (a) Grievances alleging violations of the Personnel Ordinance or Personnel Rules; any alleged violation of commonly accepted safety practices and procedures; or any discipline imposed under the provisions of the Rule 10 — Salary Reduction, Suspension, Demotion, and Dismissal that are not satisfactorily resolved at Step II shall be submitted to arbitration. (1) In order to request arbitration, the grievant shall serve written notice to the Human Resources Director and/or Employee Relations Manager specifying the grievance to be submitted. (2) Submission must occur within thirty (30) days after the Executive Manager's answer is received by the grievant. i. Failure by the grievant to request arbitration within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Step II response will conclusively be deemed abandonment of the right to arbitration. (3) Within sixty (60) days thereafter, the parties shall attempt to agree to the issue to be submitted for arbitration and select the arbitrator. If an employee submits for arbitration for receiving any discipline imposed under the provisions of Rule 10 — Salary Reduction, Suspension, Demotion, and Dismissal, the following language shall be submitted to an arbitrator: "Was (name of employee) (suspended, demoted, or dismissed) for good and sufficient cause? If not, what shall the remedy be?" ii. If an employee refuses or fails to participate in the selection of the arbitrator, the City shall select an arbitrator. (4) Failure to take action to compel arbitration within ninety (90) days of the date the grievant submits the request to arbitrate will conclusively be deemed abandonment of the right to compel arbitration. (5) The arbitrator will be requested by the parties to render a decision in writing as quickly as possible but in no event later than sixty (60) days after the conclusion of the hearings or filing of closing briefs, if applicable, unless the parties agree otherwise. (6) All administrative expenses of arbitration shall be borne by the City. Administrative expenses shall include: the arbitrator's fee; costs for a court reporter and transcripts from the hearing; and rental of any facilities to conduct the arbitration. (7) Administrative fees shall not include any costs or fees related in any manner to the representation of the grievant at the arbitration or otherwise. (b) Final & Binding Arbitration: If the grievant affirmatively agrees in writing, to final and binding arbitration, it shall be submitted to an impartial arbitrator. The arbitrator's award shall be final and binding on both parties and shall be consistent with and controlled by the City Ordinance, Personnel Rules, Charter, and the laws and Constitution of the State of California. The standards of review of the arbitrator's final and binding award shall be in accordance with California 87 Code of Civil Procedure § 1285. (c) Advisory Arbitration: If the grievant rejects final and binding arbitration, it shall be submitted to an impartial arbitrator for an advisory award. The arbitrator's award shall be submitted to the City Manager for a final determination and shall not be binding on either party. The City Manager may affirm, reverse, or modify the impartial arbitrator's advisory award, and the City Manager's decision shall be final and binding on the parties. The standards of review of the City Manager's final decision shall be in accordance with California Code of Civil Procedure § 1094.5. Section 28.5 Arbitration Awards (a) An employee who has been suspended, demoted, or dismissed may be reinstated to the employee's position as a result of a successful appeal through the grievance procedure. In the event of such reinstatement, the employee shall be returned to the former status of employment, including reinstatement of seniority and accrued fringe benefits. (1) In such cases, the City Manager, has discretion to order the payment of back pay to a reinstated employee in any amount up to payment for the full period of time involved. (b) In implementing an arbitrator's final and binding award, the City Manager shall order the payment of back pay to a reinstated employee in the amount provided in the arbitrator's award. (1) Any earnings of the reinstated employee from other employment during a period of suspension shall be deducted from the amount of back pay ordered by the City Manager unless contrary to the provisions of an arbitrator's award. (c) In the event of an Advisory Arbitration Award, the City Manager, has discretion to may order the payment of back pay to a reinstated employee in any amount up to the payment for the full period of time involved. It shall be conclusively presumed that there shall be no award of back pay to a reinstated employee unless specifically set forth in the written order of the City Manager. (1) Any earnings of the reinstated employee from other employment during his/her period of suspension shall be deducted from the amount of back pay ordered by the City Manager unless contrary to the provisions of the City Manager's written order. 88 Section 28.6 Time Limits (a) Any grievance not presented and/or carried forward by the employee within the time limits specified in Section 28 shall be deemed null and void; provided however, the employee and the City representative may agree to extend said time limits. Section 28.7 Exceptions (a) Any adoption, deletion, or review of City policy as may be suggested or recommended by an employee shall not be considered to be a matter subject to review through the grievance procedure. (b) The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to employees in classifications designated exempt in accordance with Section 1.2 (b) of these Rules. 89 RULE 29 POST RETIREMENT MEDICAL BENEFITS Section 29.0 Purpose (a) This Rule establishes requirements and parameters for post -retirement medical benefits for retired Miscellaneous and Safety employees. (b) An employee (as defined in this Rule) who serves in one (1) or more additional positions also eligible for benefits under this Rule, shall be entitled to a single benefit hereunder. (c) Miscellaneous and Safety employees who are receiving a post -retirement medical benefit from the City shall continue to receive such benefits in accordance with the post -retirement medical benefits provisions that were in effect at the time of their retirement. Section 29.1 Benefit Requirements (a) Regular, full-time employees (Miscellaneous and Safety) covered by this Rule who are enrolled as a subscriber in a City -sponsored health plan at the time of separation from Anaheim service shall be eligible to participate in any City sponsored health plan (medical and dental) as a retiree subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) The employee must be credited with at least five (5) years of continuous, full-time City service on the date of retirement, and (2) The employee must have been awarded a retirement from PERS as the reason for separation from City service, and (3) PERS retirement benefits must commence no later than the first (P) day of the month following the date of separation from City service, or (4) The employee must have been awarded a disability retirement (Ordinary or Industrial) from PERS as the reason for separation from Anaheim service. (5) An employee who has completed twenty (20) consecutive years of service with Anaheim as a certified Firefighter or Sworn Police Officer and who has prior service as a certified Firefighter or sworn Police Officer with another California Fire Agency or Law Enforcement Agency shall receive up to three (3) years of additional service credit for the purpose of calculating Anaheim's contribution towards post -retirement medical benefits. Fire Safety Management employees who have completed five (5) or more years of continuous full-time City service and who terminate employment with the City and are subsequently reinstated within three (3) years of their date of separation shall be credited with prior service for the purpose of calculating continuous full-time City service upon completion of all of the vesting requirements of Section 29.2. Section 29.2 Contributions (a) For all regular, full-time employees hired prior to January 1, 1996 who meet the requirements for participation in any City sponsored health plan as a retiree, the City shall provide separate contributions towards the premium costs of the City sponsored medical and/or dental plans elected by the employee according to the following schedule: (1) Notwithstanding Section 29.2(a) above, the City shall provide separate contributions towards the premium costs of the City sponsored medical and/or dental plans in accordance with Section 29.2 for full-time Safety Management employees in the Fire Department, who were hired between January 1, 1996 and November 9, 2001 into a classification represented by the Anaheim Firefighters Association (AFA), who are otherwise eligible to participate in any ANAHEIM sponsored health plan as a retiree pursuant to ARTICLE 53.2 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Anaheim and AFA, and who promote out of an AFA classification directly into a fulltime Safety Management classification. (2) Notwithstanding Section 29.2(a) above, the City shall provide separate contributions towards the premium costs of the City sponsored medical and/or dental plans in accordance with Section 29.2 for full-time Safety Management employees in the Police Department, who were hired between January 1, 1996 and July 6, 2001 into a classification represented by the Anaheim Police Association (APA), who are otherwise eligible to participate in any ANAHEIM sponsored health plan as a retiree pursuant to ARTICLE 57.6 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Anaheim and APA, and who promote into a full-time Safety Management classification. (3) For service retirements, the contributions shall be a percentage of the annual contributions made by Anaheim on behalf of active employees, the percentage equal to one and one-half (1 1/2) times the miscellaneous two percent at sixty (2% @ 60) PERS retirement schedule to a maximum contribution of ninety-five percent (95%) based on the employee's age at retirement and City service accrued through December 31, 2005. City service shall be calculated to the nearest complete one -quarter (1/4) year. (4) The percentage shall be one and two -tenths (1.2) times the two percent at fifty (2% @ 50) Local Public Agency Safety Public Employees' Retirement System retirement schedule for employees in classifications assigned to the Safety retirement group. Such percentage shall not exceed ninety-five percent (95%) and shall be based on the employee's age and consecutive years of City service at the time of retirement. City service shall be calculated to the nearest complete one quarter (1/4) year. (5) For Disability Retirements, the contribution shall be a percentage of the 91 annual contributions made by Anaheim on behalf of active employees, the percentage equal to two percent (2%) for each year of service to a maximum contribution of ninety-five percent (95%) based on the employee's consecutive years of City service for Safety and on City service accrued through December 31, 2005 for Miscellaneous. City service shall be calculated to the nearest complete one quarter (1/4) year. (6) In the event an employee is eligible for both a Service and a Disability Retirement benefit under this Rule, the employee shall receive the Service Retirement benefit. (7) The Anaheim contribution shall be based on the Two -Party or Family rate only for those employees who properly enroll a dependent spouse or registered domestic partner and/or other family members prior to retirement and shall continue only as long as the retiree maintains coverage for such dependents in City sponsored health plans. Nothing in this Rule shall prevent a retiree from properly enrolling new dependents at the retiree's cost. Section 29.3 Health Plans (a) The following conditions shall apply to all retirees (Miscellaneous and Safety) who are participating in City sponsored health plans: (1) Retirees shall be required to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B upon establishing eligibility. Failure to enroll when eligible will result in cancellation of coverage. (2) The full value of any Medicare credits provided to the City or Medicare surcharges imposed on the City by virtue of a retiree's participation or non -participation in Medicare shall be passed on to the retiree in the form of reduced or increased premium costs. (3) The surviving spouse or registered domestic partner of the retiree may continue coverage under the same terms and conditions provided that the surviving spouse or registered domestic partner was properly enrolled at the time of the employee's retirement and that dependent coverage was continuously maintained during the employee's retirement. (4) Once cancelled for any reason, coverage shall not be reinstated. (5) Coverage shall be cancelled for non-payment of fees after three (3) months in arrears. (6) There shall be "Coordination of Benefits" where other insurance exists. (7) Retirees may change plans and add dependents only during an open enrollment period, except that the surviving spouse or registered domestic partner of a retiree may not enroll a new spouse or registered domestic 92 partner. Section 29.4 Exemptions (a) This Rule shall not apply to employees serving in the classification of Ambulance Operator. 93 APPENDIX A - EXECUTIVE EFFECTIVE JULY 8, 2022 INCORPORATING 3.0% INCREASE FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL SALARY RANGES T1tTL Ac Ti ? . MINIMUM LOWER lti>pPlEi2 'CONTROL, MAXIMUM 041 Assistant City Manager 192.368 224.429 256A91 288.552 317-407 425 Chief of Police 174.880 204.027 233.173 262.320 288-552 105 Citv AttorneN 192.368 224.429 256.491 288.552 317A07 107 Citv Clerk 153.895 179.544 205.193 230.842 253.926 111 Citv Manager 211.605 246.872 282.140 317.407 349.148 113 Citv Treasurer 123.116 143.635 164.155 184.674 203.141 M50 Community Services Director 153.895 179.544 205.193 230,842 253.926 OOA De utv Citv Man+er 174.880 204.027 233.173 262,320 288.552 265 Economic Development Director 153,895 179.544 205.193 230.842 253.926 228 Executive Director of Community Development 153,895 179,544 205,193 230,842 253,926 M47 Executive Director of Convention, Sports &Entertainment 153,895 179,544 1 205,193 230,842 253,926 235 Finance Director 153.895 179.544 205.193 230,842 253.926 245 Fire Chief 174.880 204.027 233.173 262.320 288.552 413 1-luman Resources Director 153,895 179.544 205.193 230.842 253.926 181 Plannine and Buildina Director 153.895 179.544 205.193 230.842 253.926 H52 Public Works Director 153.895 1 179.544 1 205.193 1 230.842 1 253.926 M49 Special Projects Director 153.895 179.544 205.193 230,842 253,926 669 Utilities General Manager 211.605 1 246.872 1 282.140 317,407 349.148 PART-TIME CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RANGES UiIE, 'IITI MINIMUM >E:clWI� ,k T1i1"' .. bi�k R T4l7RI] QN'IRL L MAX1iV�i7l f J03 PT Chief of Police 84.08 98.09 112.10 126.12 138.73 S67 PT Cit • Clerk 73.99 86.32 98.65 110.98 122.08 S96 PT De utv City Manager 84.08 98.09 112.10 126.12 138.73 R81 PT Human Resources Director 73.99 86.32 98.65 110.98 122.08 B16 IPart Time S ecial Projects Director 1 73.99 86.32 98.65 110.98 122.08 94 APPENDIX B - NON -REPRESENTED NON -SWORN MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVE JULY S, 2022 INCORPORATING 3.0% INCREASE FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL SALARY RANGES TITL, - `C0l) TT.E,; _. MINIM -UM �. sa r 1VIEARKET �, u 4 CONTROL. 1140 MAC°IMtYIVI 1 is 233 Chief Assistant City Attornev - Civil 164.078 205.097 225,607 246.116 179 Chief Polic` Advisor to the Mavor 78,924 98.655 108.521 108.521 232 De ut V CitV Attorney IV - Confidential 141.736 177,170 194,887 212,604 AD3 Deputy Human Resources Director 134.986 168.733 185.606 202.480 240 E lovee Relations Analvst I 64.931 81.164 89.280 97,397 241 Employee Relations Analvst II 78,924 98.655 108.521 118.386 152 Empl2yee Relations Mana�_,er 122.437 153.046 168.351 183.655 274 Executive Coordinator 71.586 89,483 98.431 107.380 252 Human Resources Business Systems Administrator 95,932 119,915 131,907 143,898 266 Management Assistant I - Employee Relations 58,894 73,618 80,980 88,342 270 Management Assistant II - Employee Relations 64,931 81,164 89,280 97,397 159 Personnel Services Manager 122.437 153.046 168,351 183.655 250 Principal Pm lovee Relations Analvst 105,766 132,207 145,428 158.648 243 Senior Em lovee Relations Analvst 91,364 114.205 125.626 13T046 PART-TIME CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RANGES TIT`L ' TITy1 ,. M°ININIt1M Q1 .�o.r�,m M, ikKF, Lf1,v�o O N>['ItOL MIAXTII B60 PT Em lovee Relations ManaL-er 58.86 73.58 80.94 88.30 APPENDIX C - NON -REPRESENTED POLICE MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVE JULY 89 2022 INCORPORATING 3.0% INCREASE FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL SALARY RANGES DE 3'E!`I E MT7$0NIUIkI 1 �AWKET. $ 'CONTR It airs.. 1 VIt1 I 12f1"l N29 Corrections FacilitN Manau,er 101.313 126,641 139.305 151,969 N26 Deputy Chief of Police 184.231 230.289 253.318 276.347 PART-TIME CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RANGES t)C'1CLE M NI'iJM :`lYIAR'K»'Il�flt ,, )CJ i1IAX-MCI-i CODE TITHE ,,W , p� 0, 1"90% , . 1 S 12 PT Depun Chief of Police 88.57 110.72 121.79 132.86 APPENDIX D - NON -REPRESENTED FIRE MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVE JUNE 249 2022 INCORPORATING 3.5% INCREASE FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL SALARY RANGES TITLE ";CODE TITLE 1MIINIMtIIYI 80% MARKET,. , loq%� CONTWI. 10% MAXIMUM 1"0°/a . 731 De put Fire Chief 173.414 216.768 238,445 260.122 732 Fire Battalion Chief 147.586 184.483 202.931 221.380 H82 Fire Battalion Chief - 40 hrs 154,966 193.707 213,078 232.448 218 lFire Division Chief 158.655 198,319 218,151 237.993 PART-TIME CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RANGES TITLE TITLE MINIMUM MARKET.'` CO 9,1 L 1MIA IMUM COPE 80%, 1,00m% _ 120%- . B68 Part Time Deputy Fire Chief 83.37 104.22 114.64 125.06 B05 Part Time Fire Battalion Chief 74.50 93.13 102.44 111.75 EFFECTIVE JUNE 239 2023 INCORPORATING 3.5% INCREASE FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL SALARY RANGES CUDE TITLE MIN8IIMLUM 'MARKET 100 �lA CONTkbt tio,% / MAXIMtJM 731 De utN Fire Chief 179,484 224,355 246,791 269,226 732 Fire Battalion Chief 152,752 190,940 210,034 229,128 H82 Fire Battalion Chief - 40 hrs 160,390 200,487 220,536 240,584 218 Fire Division Chief 164,209 205,261 225,787 4 246,313 PART-TIME CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RANGES TITLE MINIMUM MARKET WNtROL MAX MIl1M% co" �`��ITLE __. 1 80%0 100%_ 1T0�%a 420% B68 Part Time Deputy Fire Chief 86.29 107.86 118.65 129.44 B05 Part Time Fire Battalion Chief 77.11 96.39 106.03 115.67 EFFECTIVE JUNE 219 2024 INCORPORATING 3.5% INCREASE FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATION ANNUAL SALARY RANGES TITLE' COVETITLI" y MINIMUM 811%a MARKET I00%o'_ . CONTROL 110%, MAXIMUM, t2lo% 731 De utv Fire Chief 185,766 232,207 255,428 278,648 732 Fire Battalion Chief 158,098 197,623 217,385 237,148 H82 Fire Battalion Chief - 40 hrs 166,003 207,504 228,254 249,005 218 1 Fire Division Chief 169,956 212,445 233,690 254,934 PART-TIME CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RANGES 1IT"Li✓ 1MIARKET' CONTROL MAXIMUM TITLE ,MINIMUM C4IIE 80"!a 100%a 111Nq _ lzo% B68 Part Time Deputy Fire Chief 89.31 111.64 122.80 133.97 B05 Part Time Fire Battalion Chief 79.81 99.76 109.74 119.71 97 APPENDIX E - AMBULANCE OPERATOR EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 23, 2022 TIT I= TITLE GRADE Mllf4 MAX M14 MAX STEP STEP HOU$!R X Houikty 264 Ambulance Operator G1000 1 3 18.00 19.10 B69 PT Ambulance Operator G1000 1 3 18.00 19.10 98 APPENDIX F - NON -REPRESENTED PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 25, 2022 *Unit: 97-PT UNREP Event I 99-PT UNREP I 98-PT UNREP with Full -Time Equivalent TITLE CODE TITLE - GRADE MIN STEP MAX STEP MIN .M H©U, RLY . HOURLY : UNIT* C22 Crowd Control Supervisor PE120 9 9 16.16 16.16 97 C47 Assistant Box Office Treasurer PE150 9 9 18.86 18.86 97 C46 Box Office Treasurer PE160 9 9 20.24 20.24 97 C90 Conv Ctr Relief Events Supervisor PE 170 9 9 21.84 21.84 97 954 Administrative Intern I P 1000 2 9 15.00 15.00 99 B22 Fire Cadet P 1020 7 9 15.00 15.50 99 803 Law Clerk P 1040 5 9 16.20 19.69 99 R36 Administrative Intern lI P1050 1 9 15.00 20.04 99 991 Office Assistant P 1400 1 9 15.00 15.00 99 990 General Services Worker P1410 7 9 15.00 15.00 99 P50 SCBA Maintenance/Repair Specialist P 1440 5 9 20.51 24.93 99 843 Police Reserve Level I P 1500 9 9 25.20 25.20 99 J97 Parking Citation Hearing Officer P 1510 7 9 29.71 32.76 99 853 Police Reservist Special P1520 9 9 36.79 36.79 99 P44 Police Reserve Level II P 1600 9 9 15.00 15.00 99 840 Recreation Leader II P 1700 9 12 16.00 16.75 99 841 Recreation Leader I P 1710 9 12 15.00 15.75 99 R92 Public Education Program Assistant P1750 7 9 17.40 19.18 99 P37 Park Programs Coordinator P 1760 4 9 17.26 22.03 99 K44 TMC Event Systems Operator P1900 4 9 20.32 25.93 99 R51 EMS -RN P2000 7 9 44.70 49.28 99 BO 1 Security Systems Technician P4000 4 9 24.11 30.77 99 B13 City Council Aide I PX100 n/a n/a 15.00 17.43 99 B14 City Council Aide II PX110 n/a n/a 17.68 22.66 99 P08 Recreation Class Instructor PX130 n/a n/a 15.00 50.00 99 B26 Part Time Emergency Management Officer PX140 n/a n/a 15.00 70.00 99 B 15 Senior Policy Aide PX300 n/a n/a 30.32 41.69 99 * See footnote below for other Non -Rep P/T Refer to Rule 3, Section 3.1(a)(2) for compensation rules for employees hired to work in any Non - Represented Part -Time classification with a full-time equivalent. 99 APPENDIX F - NON -REPRESENTED PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 23, 2022 *Unit: 97-PT UNREP Event I 99-PT UNREP I 98-PT UNREP with Full -Time Equivalent TMr "P A081 ' STEP MAX, STEP ,' XJN"` "110,1V'RLY, -M C22 Crowd Control Supervisor PE120 9 9 16.16 16.16 97 C47 Assistant Box Office Treasurer PE150 9 9 18.86 18.86 97 C46 Box Office Treasurer PE160 9 9 20.24 20.24 97 C90 Conv Ctr Relief Events Supervisor PE170 9 9 21.84 21.84 97 954 Administrative Intern 1 131000 2 9 15.50 15.50 99 B22 Fire Cadet P 1020 7 9 18.00 19.10 99 803 Law Clerk P 1040 5 9 16.20 19.69 99 R36 Administrative Intern 11 P1050 1 9 15.50 20.04 99 991 Office Assistant P 1400 1 9 15.50 15.50 99 990 General Services Worker P1410 7 9 15.50 15.50 99 P50 SCBA Maintenance/Repair Specialist P 1440 5 9 20.51 24.93 99 843 Police Reserve Level 1 P1500 9 9 25.20 25.20 99 J97 Parking Citation Hearing Officer P1510 7 9 29.71 32.76 99 853 Police Reservist Special P1520 9 9 36.79 36.79 99 P44 Police Reserve Level 11 P1600 9 9 15.50 15.50 99 840 Recreation Leader 11 P1700 9 12 16.50 17.25 99 841 Recreation Leader I P1710 9 12 15.50 16.25 99 R92 Public Education Program Assistant P 1750 7 9 17.40 19.18 99 P37 Park Programs Coordinator P 1760 4 9 17.26 22.03 99 K44 TMC Event Systems Operator P1900 4 9 20.32 25.93 99 R51 EMS -RN P2000 7 9 44.70 49.28 99 BOI Security Systems Technician P4000 4 9 24.11 30.77 99 B13 City Council Aide I PX100 n/a n/a 15.50 17.43 99 B14 City Council Aide 11 PX110 n/a n/a 17.68 22.66 99 P08 Recreation Class Instructor PX130 n/a n/a 15.50 50.00 99 B26 Part Time Emergency Management Officer PX140 n/a n/a 15.50 70.00 99 B15 Senior Policy Aide PX300 n/a n/a 30.32 41.69 99 * I See footnote below for other Non -Rep P/T Refer to Rule 3, Section 3.1(a)(2) for compensation rules for employees hired to work in any Non - Represented Part -Time classification with a full-time equivalent. APPENDIX G - SALARY RELATIONSHIPS Police Reserve Level I Parking Citation Hearing Officer............................................1.300 x Police Reserve Level I Police Reservist Special ...................................................... 1.460 x Police Reserve Level I Police Reserve Level II....................................................................... Minimum Wage RecreationLeader I........................................................................... Minimum Wage Recreation Leader II..............................................................1.0610 x Recreation Leader Refer to Rule 3, Section 3.1(a)(2) for compensation rules for employees hired to work in any Non - Represented Part -Time classification with a full-time equivalent. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, THERESA BASS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Resolution No. 2022-139 adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim City Council held on the 151 day of November. 2022 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem O'Neil and Council Members Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia and Faessel NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None [Mayoral vacancy] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 161 day of November, 2022. r CITY CLE K OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL)