Item No. 3 - DEV2021-00180 -(2420-2450 East Lincoln Avenue) from California Renters Legal Advocacy and Education FundDecember 2, 2022
City of Anaheim
200 S Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92805
Re: Proposed Housing at 2420-2450 East Lincoln Avenue.
Dear Planning Commission and City Attorney:
The California Renters Legal Advocacy and Education Fund (CaRLA) submits this letter to
inform the Anaheim Planning Commission that they have an obligation to abide by all
relevant state housing laws when evaluating the proposed 2420-2450 East Lincoln Avenue
housing development. The Housing Accountability Act (GOV 65589.5) requires approval of
zoning and general plan compliant projects unless indings can be made regarding speci ic,
objective, written health and safety hazards.
As you are well aware, California remains in the throes of a statewide crisis-level housing
shortage. New housing such as this is a public bene it; it will bring increased tax revenue,
new customers to local businesses, decarbonization in the face of climate crisis, but most
importantly it will reduce displacement of existing residents into homelessness or
carbon-heavy car commutes.
CaRLA is a 501(c)3 non-pro it corporation whose mission includes advocating for increased
access to housing for Californians at all income levels, including low-income households.
Consistent with the general plan, the proposed development will provide badly needed
housing and promote community interaction through the provision of a new landscaped
parkway and sidewalk improvements that encourage walkability. In addition, the proposed
development will provide residents with various well-designed common and private open
space amenities, such as a dog park, community gardens, balconies, and patios.
While no one project will solve the regional housing crisis, the proposed development
located at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Sunkist Street is the kind of housing
Anaheim needs to mitigate displacement, provide shelter for its growing population, and
arrest unsustainable housing price appreciation. You may learn more about CaRLA at
360 Grand Ave #323, Oakland 94610
Missed Submission (Email Routed to Spam Folder) – Not
Considered by Planning Commission.
Dylan Casey
CaRLA Executive Director
Courtney Welch
CaRLA Director of Planning and Investigation