10 Theresa Bass From:Pantina RAHMANI YEGAN <rahmaniyegan@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 25, To:Ashleigh Aitken; Jose Diaz; Carlos A. Leon; Natalie Rubalcava; Stephen Faessel; Natalie Meeks; Theresa Bass Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Iran Resolution Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Dear Mayor & council members, My name is Sina Rahmani and I was at your city council meeting last night, 1/24/23, where my fellow Iranians spoke during public comments requesting the council to stand in solidarity with their Iranian community. It was extremely disheartening that not a single council member acknowledged the Iranian community present in the chambers nor did they mention their intention of wanting to support their Iranian constituents by passing a Resolution like your sister cities of Orange & Fullerton have already done. The city of Anaheim is home to many Iranians & Iranian owned businesses and we are all disappointed in the current council for their lack of support. Please let me know if and when the council will decide to stand in solidarity with us by passing the resolution that 12 other cities in Orange County have passed and adopted. Sincerely, Sina Rahmani Sent from my iPhone 1