General (2) Theresa Bass From:durfeycraig778@gmail.com Sent:Thursday, 31 AM To:rosielyn.pulmano@asm.ca.gov; judy.babcock@asm.ca.gov; lara.flynn@asm.ca.gov; kristene.mapile@asm.ca.gov; patty.rodgers@asm.ca.gov; Don Barnes; fganzales@ocsheriff.gov; 'GGEA President'; GGDPIO@GGCITY.ORG; Theresa Bass; Public Comment; publiccomment@sdcounty.ca.gov; 'Public Records Request'; City Manager Cc:cadurfey@gmail.com; durfeycraig778@gmail.com; 'GGEA President'; David. gov Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] FW: Regarding the CDPH Begins $100 Million Youth Behavioral Health Stigma Reduction and Public Awareness Campaign Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. From: Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 1:26 AM To: cjones@edsource.org; CYBHI@chhs.ca.gov; timothy.henderson@cdph.ca.gov; clayton.heard@asm.ca.gov; SEDN.committee@senate.ca.gov; SHEA.Committee@senate.ca.gov; sarah.mason@sen.ca.gov; dana.shaker@sen.ca.gov; elissa.silva@sen.ca.gov; alexandria.smith-davis@sen.ca.gov; krimilda.mckenzie@sen.ca.gov; Assemblymember.Davies@assembly.ca.gov; assemblymember.rendon@assembly.ca.gov; assemblymember.fong@assembly.ca.gov; assemblymember.friedman@assembly.ca.gov Cc: cadurfey@gmail. durfeycraig778@gmail. 'Nick Dibs' <nickdibs1@gmail.com>; senator.umberg@senate.ca.gov; SENATOR.GONZALEZ@senate.ca.gov; Christopher.Aguilera@asm.ca.gov; response@ocgov.com; ocbe@ocde.us Subject: Regarding the CDPH Begins $100 Million Youth Behavioral Health Stigma Reduction and Public Awareness Campaign 01-26-2023 (P.R.D.D.C.) PARENTS FOR THE RIGHTS OF DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED CHILDREN CRAIG A. DURFEY FOUNDER OF P.R.D.D.C. P.O.BOX 937 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92842 CELL SOCIALEMOTIONALPAWS.COM FACEBOOK: CRAIG DURFEY U.S. HOUSE OF CONGRESS H2404 - HONORING CRAIG DURFEY FOR HIS FIGHT AGAINST AUTISM ... Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CREC-2003-03-27/pdf/CREC-2003-03-27.pdf 1 new website socialemotionalpaws.org The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Timothy Henderson Email: timothy.henderson@cdph.ca.gov Carolyn Jones Ed Sources 436 14th St. Suite 310 Oakland, CA 94612 PHONE 510-433-0421 | FAX 510-433-0422 Secretary of CalHHS California Health & Human Services Agency 1215 O Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Nora Hana, MA. Ed, PPSC, Certified Youth Mental Health Specialist Director II California Healthy Kids Resource Center Substance Use Disorder Prevention nhana@sjcoe. 209-468-9089 Office Cell Assemblymember Ta,Tri Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 5540 P.O. Box 942849-0070; (916) 319-2070 Senator Janet Nguyen 1021 O Street, Suite 7130, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4036 Ca State Assembly CA State Senate To whom it may concern. Dear Assemblymember Ta, Tri. Requesting a meeting by phone with listed agencies to consider greater collaboration partnership to share information, to strengthen the CA State investments early prevention digital wellness as digital literacy . It has been on going researching social media addiction combing the internet creating two websites the past five years. As the Founder of P.R.D.D.C. RESEARCHER IN FINDING SOLUTION: DEDICATED TO OUR SCHOOLS AND COUNTRY AND THE CHALLENGES OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND SUICIDE PREVENTION AWARENESS. 2 BULLYING,EMPATHY,HOPE4UTAH.COM https://hopesquad.com/hope4utah/ , SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL, Song for Charlie.org is a national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about ‘fentapills’ https://www.songforcharlie.org/ YOUTUBE VIDEOS FROM EXPERTS,ALL KIDS BIKE https://allkidsbike.org, t he All Kids Bike Learn-to-Ride Kindergarten PE Program helps students develop physically and mentally, gives them greater confidence, reduces stress, and Screenagersmovie.com https://www.screenagersmovie.com/ , ScreenStrong gives you the reasons WHY and HOW to remove access to toxic screens (video games, social media, pornography) from developing brains. https://screenstrong.org/ MUCH WORK STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE THROUGH AWARENESS IN PRESCHOOL-K-12 STUDENTS,HOMES ALONG WITH INTERACTIONS WITH DOGS TO TEACH EMPATHY AND HUMANE EDUCATION TO ANIMALS, AS WELL AS MENTAL HEALTH THERAPY BY STATE MANDATES IN SCHOOL WITH THERAPY DOGS,AND PAWS READING PROGRAMS.. TO MEET THE GROWING NEED FOR MORE HUMAN INTERACTION CONNECTION WITH LESS SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION THAT LESSEN SUICIDES.WE NEED MORE SCHOOL DOG CLUBS IM FINDING THEM IN DIFFERENT SCHOOLS ON THE INTERNET .MAY BE CREATING A 4H PROGRAM OR DOG HUMAN SOCIETY CLUBS PROGRAM WILL TEACH THEM EMPATHY. Savethekids.org AS FOUNDER FROM THE VARY BEGINNING TO HELP CHILDREN THROUGH RESEARCHING TO FIND A SOLUTION. LEGISLATION. HAS BEEN ONE TOOL WHICH I SEEK TO HELP WITH AN ISSUE THAT LEADS TO BETTER RESULTS.!! "President John F. Kennedy said technology ‘has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man.’ Yet swayed by digital-age myths, we are providing our children with remarkably little guidance on their use of technology.” Quotations by John F. Kennedy, “Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future. Wired Child: Reclaiming Childhood in a Digital Age – Unabridged Richard Freed A practical guide to building your child’s bond with family and fostering school success amid the allure of digital screens. Kids’ obsessive use of video games, social media, and texting is eclipsing their connections with family and school - the two most important contributors to their well-being. The result: a generation of kids who suffer from soaring rates of emotional and academic problems, with many falling prey to an epidemic of video game and Internet addictions. In Wired Child, learn why a bevy of social media friends won’t keep teens from feeling empty inside and turning to cutting for relief. See how our kids have become smartphone 3 experts who struggle in reading, math, and the other educational basics that colleges consider in deciding admissions. Discover how many “child-friendly” technologies are depriving kids of joy in the real world, putting them at risk for device addictions. Wired Child gives you the confidence and skills you need to safely navigate your children through a rapidly shifting media landscape. Dr. Freed offers concrete parenting strategies that will help you create the strong family kids need and encourage their school success. You’ll also learn how to protect kids from destructive tech addictions and instead guide them to use technology productively as a positive force for their future. https://richardfreed.com/ Dr. Dunckley has found that everyday use of interactive screen devices — such as computers, video games, smartphones, and tablets — can easily overstimulate a child’s nervous system, triggering a variety of stubborn symptoms. In contrast, she’s discovered that a strict electronic fast single-handedly improves mood, focus, sleep, and behavior, regardless of the child’s diagnosis. https://drdunckley.com/reset-your-childs-brain/ Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids - and How to Break the Trance From addiction expert Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, a startling argument that technology has profoundly affected the brains of children―and not for the better. We’ve all seen them: kids hypnotically staring at glowing screens in restaurants, in playgrounds and in friends' houses―and the numbers are growing. Like a virtual scourge, the illuminated glowing faces―the Glow Kids―are multiplying. But at what cost? Is this just a harmless indulgence or fad like some sort of digital hula-hoop? Some say that glowing screens might even be good for kids―a form of interactive educational tool. Don’t believe it. In Glow Kids, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras will examine how technology―more specifically, age- inappropriate screen tech, with all of its glowing ubiquity―has profoundly affected the brains of an entire generation. Brain imaging research is showing that stimulating glowing screens are as dopaminergic (dopamine activating) to the brain’s pleasure center as sex. And a growing mountain of clinical research correlates screen tech with disorders like ADHD, addiction, anxiety, depression, increased aggression, and even psychosis. Most shocking of all, recent brain imaging studies conclusively show that excessive screen exposure can neurologically damage a young person’s developing brain in the same way that cocaine addiction can. Kardaras will dive into the sociological, psychological, cultural, and economic factors involved in the global tech epidemic with one major goal: to explore the effect all of our wonderful shiny new technology is having on kids. Glow Kids also includes an opt-out letter and a "quiz" for parents in the back of the book. 4 Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids - and How to Break the Trance: Kardaras, Nicholas: 9781250097996: Amazon.com: Books GAMING, SOCIAL MEDIA AND MENTAL WELLNESS PRESENTED BY SINA SAFAHIE MD is a double board-certified child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist. He graduated with a medical degree from University of Texas Medical Branch and completed an adult psychiatric residency and child & adolescent fellowship at UC Irvine. Dr. Safahieh has a private practice in Newport Beach and has staff privileges at Hoag Hospitals and CHOC. He is medical director of the ASPIRE program at Newport and Irvine Hoag Hospitals, team psychiatrist for the Los Angeles Chargers and a Major These links represent a small portion from my socialemotionalpaws.com not included socialemotionalpaws.org the need is creating an awareness through various forms as like a car seat for infants, seat belts, cell phones, tobacco addiction ect. By asking legislators to address the flaws from the research such as professional standards, accountability, the flaws with public Records act, to having youth bring awareness under CA State AB 24 year 2016. League Baseball certified clinician. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/gaming-social-media-and-mental-wellness- presented-bysina-safahie Garden Grove Police Department support for students dealing with https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/garden-grove-high-school-coach-arrested- accused-of-soliciting-pr Police to support students’ mental health in Garden Grove Unified https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/police-to-support-students%E2%80%99- mental-health-in-garden-grove-unified Paws4Students team hosted the first (ever) West Coast Support K9 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/paws4students-team-hosted-the-first-ever- west-coast-support-k9 Growing need for dog therapy in schools, and police prevention https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/growing-need-for-dog-therapy-in-schools- and-police-prevention Why Dogs Can Be So Healing for Kids https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/why-dogs-can-be-so-healing-for-kids 30 years indicates that therapy dogs may offer physiological, emo 5 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/30-years-indicates-that-therapy-dogs-may- offer-physiological-emo The Effect of Dog-Assisted Intervention on Student Well-Being, Mo https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/the-effect-of-dog-assisted-intervention-on- student-well-being-mo Canine Companionship and Human Mental Health. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/canine-companionship-and-human-mental- health How Blue Light Is Impacting Your Child's Development, Health, & S https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/how-blue-light-is-impacting-your-childs- development-health-s https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/blue-light-and-your-eyes-causes-myopia- with-sleep-dipravation Lenovo: Smarter technology for all eyes. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/lenovo-smarter-technology-for-all-eyes Resolution SCR-73 sponsored by Dr. Richard Pan, Chair of the California Senate Committee on Health was introduced on August 21, 2019 for the purpose of bringing public awareness to the growing body of evidence coming out from the medical community regarding the impacts of extended exposure to artificial high-energy visible (HEV) blue light emitted from consumer electronic devices. In addition to unanimous passage by the California Senate, the Blue Light Awareness Resolution for October 10, 2019, was ratified by the California Assembly on a vote of 70-0. https://eyesafe.com/scr73/ blue light summit 2021 https://www.google.com/search?q=blue+light+summit+2021&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1031US 1031&oq=BLUE+LIGHT+SUM&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0i22i30l3j0i15i22i30l2j0i22i30l4.1805 8j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Computer screen time is damaging eyes — especially for children https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/computer-screen-time-is-damaging-eyes- %E2%80%94-especially-for-children-3 GGUSD SCR 73 2019 BLUE LIGHT NO PROTECTION CAUSES PHSYICAL HARM https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/ggusd-scr-73-2019-blue-light-protection- causes-phsyical-harm IUSD and Hoag to Host Gaming, Social Media and Mental Wellness Pr 6 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/iusd-and-hoag-to-host-gaming-social-media- and-mental-wellness-pr . parents concerned about teens’ gaming and social media habits. Panelists Sina Safahieh, Prerna Rao and Valeri Trezise from Hoag’s ASPIRE program speak during the Hoag and CUSD Speaker Series: “Gaming, Social Media and Mental Wellness” discussion at Capistrano High School on Sept. 11. The event is intended to help teens and families navigate mental health issues as it pertains to gaming and social media https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/parents-concerned-about- teens%E2%80%99-gaming-and-social-media-habits Al Muratsuchi's Assembly Bill (AB) 272, Banning Smartphones in Sc https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/al-muratsuchis-assembly-bill-ab-272- banning-smartphones-in-sc Parents who say their kids are addicted to 'Fortnite' slam Epic G https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/parents-who-say-their-kids-are-addicted-to- fortnite-slam-epic-g Ralph Nader Radio “Who’s Raising the Kids? Big Business by Susan https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/ralph-nader-radio- %E2%80%9Cwho%E2%80%99s-raising-the-kids-big-business-by-susan SCREENAGERS PODCAST Delaney Ruston, MD, a leading authority on pa https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/screenagers-podcast-delaney-ruston-md-a- leading-authority-on-pa Families Sue Meta, Alleging It Knew Its Apps Harm Teen Mental Health. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/families-sue-meta-alleging-it-knew-its-apps- harm-teen-mental-hea . 3 reasons why Seattle schools are suing Big Tech over a youth men https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/3-reasons-why-seattle-schools-are-suing- big-tech-over-a-youth-men Schools sue social media companies for targeting children. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/schools-sue-social-media-companies-for- targeting-children Should TikTok be forced to pay for teen mental health services? T https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/should-tiktok-be-forced-to-pay-for-teen- mental-health-services-t https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.wawd.317950/gov.uscourts.wawd.3 17950.1.0.pdf 7 World Health Organization Recommends Against Screen Time for Infa https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/world-health-organization-recommends- against-screen-time-for-infa Ecotherapy / Nature Therapy/green therapy https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/ecotherapy-nature-therapygreen-therapy The WHO is recommending video games as an effective way to stop t https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/the-who-is-recommending-video-games-as- an-effective-way-to-stop-t Federal And State of California Definitions of Child Abuse Neglec https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/federal-and-state-of-california-definitions- of-child-abuse-neglec What to Know About Child Emotional Abuse https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/what-to-know-about-child-emotional-abuse- 1 MRIs show screen time linked to lower brain development in presch https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/mris-show-screen-time-linked-to-lower- brain-development-in-presch-3 Melinda Gates: I spent my career in technology. I wasn’t prepared https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/melinda-gates-i-spent-my-career-in- technology-i-wasn%E2%80%99t-prepared-1 Screen time is rising, reading is falling, and it’s not young peo https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/screen-time-is-rising-reading-is-falling-and- it%E2%80%99s-not-young-peo Press Release will Esports recognized as Child Abuse brain injury https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/press-release-will-esports-recognized-as- child-abuse-brain-injury Teens who spend less time in front of screens are happier — up to https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/teens-who-spend-less-time-in-front-of- screens-are-happier-%E2%80%94-up-to-1 WHO Guidelines: Children and Screen Time https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/who-guidelines-children-and-screen-time World health officials take a hardline on-screen time for kids. 8 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/world-health-officials-take-a-hard-line-on- screen-time-for-kids-1 62% Of Young Gamers Experience Abuse Online, According To Study https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/62%25-of-young-gamers-experience-abuse- online-according-to-study ‘Reuben never misses.’ Prep esports teams like Quartz Hill are pr https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/%E2%80%98reuben-never- misses%E2%80%99-prep-esports-teams-like-quartz-hill-are-pr How Gambling Disorder Is Defined in the DSM-5 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/how-gambling-disorder-is-defined-in-the- dsm-5 Open letter E-Sports Harms Childs Brain Gray Matter to Addiction. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/open-letter-e-sports-harms-childs-brain- gray-matter-to-addiction American children have quietly become hooked on video game supple https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/american-children-have-quietly-become- hooked-on-video-game-supple U.S. SURGEN GENERAL SPEAKS AFTER COVID ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH SCHOOL https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/us-surgen-general-speaks-after-covid- about-mental-health-school https://hopesquad.com/hope-squad-featured-in-abc-news-special/ "I am terrified of the effects technology addiction and saturation The challenge of protecting children online resonated personally with Newsom's wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and Wicks, who are both mothers of young children. "I am terrified of the effects technology addiction and saturation are having on our children and their mental health," Siebel Newsom said in supporting the bill, though she acknowledged that "social media and the internet are integral to the way we as a global community connect and https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/i-am-terrified-of-the-effects-technology- addiction-and-saturatio When Kids Are Home From School, Pornography Searches Increase4700 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/when-kids-are-home-from-school- pornography-searches-increase4700 9 Teen suicides have spiked, particularly in Orange County, but new https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/teen-suicides-have-spiked-particularly-in- orange-county-but-new Internet a ‘Lord of the Flies’: Teen suicide rise started after Instagram, Snapchat began https://www.ocregister.com/2018/03/21/teen-suicide-can-be-reduced-if-parents-educators- change-social-media-culture/ New pressures for perfection contribute to rise in teen suicide https://www.ocregister.com/2018/03/16/new-pressures-for-perfection-contribute-to-rise-in- teen-suicide/ The 14th annual National Day of Unplugging 2023 is March 3-4 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/the-14th-annual-national-day-of-unplugging- 2023-is-march-3-4 Well-Being and Civic Engagement better mental health, reduced de https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/well-being-and-civic-engagement-better- mental-health-reduced-de AB-24 Instructional programs: State Seal of Civic Engagement.(2017-2018) https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB24 I hope to see greater collaboration, as of now the silos are high at all CA State levels of government, to address epidemic of our youth who are being overwhelmed with addictions, blue light from medical reports. Washington State school suing the developers of social media tobacco addiction that will be heard at the highest court the U.S. Supreme Court in February 2023. Request consideration all levels local, county, CA State agency to collaboration and be very willing to offer what I’ve have learned now going on six years, request by phone unable to attend meetings at 714-321-8238. Thank You Craig A Durfey 10 11