General (17) Theresa Bass From:durfeycraig778@gmail.com Sent:Sunday, PM To:'Nick Dibs'; 'GGEA President'; SENATOR.GONZALEZ@senate.ca.gov; David.Ochoa@sen.ca.gov; Assemblymember.Davies@assembly.ca.gov; assemblymember.rendon@assembly.ca.gov; ADAM.BOMAN@ASM.CA.GOV; fganzales@ocsheriff.gov; GGDPIO@GGCITY.ORG; Christopher.Aguilera@asm.ca.gov; Theresa Bass; Public Comment; 'Teresa Pomeroy'; response@ocgov.com Cc:cadurfey@gmail.com; durfeycraig778@gmail.com; SEDN.committee@senate.ca.gov; friedman@assembly. assemblymember.fong@assembly.ca.gov; alejandro.cardenas@mail.house.gov; salome@mail.house.gov; ADAM.BOMAN@ASM.CA.GOV; SHEA.Committee@senate.ca.gov Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Request a meeting by phone to address are local, state, federal issues with children impacted with social media harm to their welfare best interest, esports, Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. 02-05-2023 (P.R.D.D.C.) PARENTS FOR THE RIGHTS OF DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED CHILDREN CRAIG A. DURFEY FOUNDER OF P.R.D.D.C. P.O.BOX 937 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92842 CELL SOCIALEMOTIONALPAWS.COM FACEBOOK: CRAIG DURFEY U.S. HOUSE OF CONGRESS H2404 - HONORING CRAIG DURFEY FOR HIS FIGHT AGAINST AUTISM ... Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CREC-2003-03-27/pdf/CREC-2003-03-27.pdf new website socialemotionalpaws.org To whom it may concern. Request a meeting by phone to address are local, state, federal issues with children impacted with social media harm to there welfare best interest, esports ,blue light from devices causing mental illness, sleep deprivation, blindness currently we as a nation have not enacted laws to protect all who use any devices emits blue light that blue light summit 2021,2022 has resolved the safety concern 1 https://www.google.com/search?q=blue+light+summit+2022&client=firefox-b-1- d&sxsrf=AJOqlzUa08lUpuJcazgHIVGK- hacwii3rA%3A1675648803100&ei=I1_gY6jqBaXhkPIPl6qG6AE&ved=0ahUKEwjoh7Wd5v_ 8AhWlMEQIHReVAR0Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=blue+light+summit+2022&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3M td2l6LXNlcnAQAzIGCAAQFhAeMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6BwgAEB4QsAM6BAgjECdKBAhB GAFKBAhGGABQngxYvBhgmiRoAXAAeACAAUSIAYYBkgEBMpgBAKABAcgBAcABAQ&scli ent=gws-wiz-serp#ip=1 . #1 WASHINGTON (Nexstar) – A Republican congressman says social media is so harmful for kids and teens that they should be banned from using it, just like kids aren’t allowed to drink or smoke. Congressman Chris Stewart says he hasn’t officially introduced his bill to ban social media for kids under 16 because he’s working on building up support behind the scenes first. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/republican-congressman-calls-for- nationwide-social-media-ban-for # 2 A new bill would ban anyone under 16 from using social media. A growing number of U.S. policymakers and federal officials are angling to keep children and young teenagers off social media entirely, citing mounting concerns that the platforms may harm their well-being and mental health. It's a notable escalation in the rhetoric around keeping kids safe online, which has largely focused on setting new digital protections. The push gained traction after the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy told CNN on Sunday that he believes 13 is “too early” for kids to be joining apps like Instagram and TikTok, which he said can create a “distorted environment” that “often does a disservice” to kids. Since then, other officials including Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and the Federal Trade Commission’s Alvaro Bedoya have either voiced support or shared the remarks on Twitter. Jim Steyer, a prominent children’s safety advocate, called the comments “a huge deal.”https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/a-new-bill-would-ban-anyone- under-16-from-using-social-media # 3 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/rep-stewart-introduces-social-media- ban-for-kids-under-16 # 4 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/utah-congressman-discusses-his-bill- to-ban-us-teens-under-16-from #5 Biden Calls for Limiting Tech Companies’ Use of Personal Data, Targeted Ad Republicans and Democrats, Unite Against Big Tech Abuses Congress can find common ground on the protection of privacy, competition and American children. can find common ground on the protection of privacy, competition and American children. By Joe Biden 2 Jan. 11, 2023 12:00 pm ET The American tech industry is the most innovative in the world. I’m proud of what it has accomplished, and of the many talented, committed people who work in this industry every day. But like many Americans, I’m concerned about how some in the industry collect, share and exploit our most personal data, deepen extremism and polarization in our country, tilt our economy’s playing field, violate the civil rights of women and minorities, and even put our children at risk. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/biden-calls-for-limiting-tech- companies%E2%80%99-use-of-personal-data-ta #6 Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah. (Spenser Heaps/Deseret News) What is this about? Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, joins KSL NewsRadio’s Dave and Dujanovic with Dave Noriega and Debbie Dujanovic to discuss his new bill that would make it illegal for social media platforms to provide access to children younger than 16. Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah. (Spenser Heaps/Deseret News) Why the ban? “More than 40% of our young people aged 14 to 24 are diagnosed either with anxiety or depression,” Stewart said, adding almost one-third of this group have not only contemplated suicide but discussed how they would kill themselves with a friend or someone they know.https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/utah-congressman- discusses-his-bill-to-ban-us-teens-under-16-from # 7 GOP bill bans kids under 16 from social media to save them from dangerous ‘emotional distresses’ Rep. Chris Stewart is leading the charge to stop the declining mental health of America's youth https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/gop-bill-bans-kids-under-16-from-social- media-to-save-them-from-d # 8 But how is this connected to social media? Stewart said this phenomenon started in 2012 when Facebook bought Instagram.But how is this connected to social media? Stewart said this phenomenon started in 2012 when Facebook bought Instagram. “They started marketing — not to adults, not to older teenagers — they started marketing to 9-, 10- 11-, 12- and 13-year-old girls.Jan 19, 2023 Utah congressman discusses his bill to ban US teens under ... https://kslnewsradio.com › utah-congressman-discusses-hi.. https://kslnewsradio.com/1982474/utah-congressman-discusses-his-bill-to-ban-us-teens- under-16-from-using-social-media/ # 9 Florida bill aims to ban TikTok, other social media apps from schools. TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — A pair of bills filed in the Florida House and Senate seek to block social media apps, including TikTok, from being accessed on school internet. Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis announced his support for the bills (HB 379 and SB 52) Wednesday that would require Florida school districts to “prohibit and prevent students from accessing social media platforms through the use of internet access provided by each district.” 3 Bill would ban TikTok in US, citing Chinese data mining The bills would also require in-school instruction on social media safety and how students can utilize the app in their personal and professional lives. “Children are the future, so I’m not sure why we would ever allow something as addicting and useless as TikTok to be allowed in our K-12 institutions,” Patrronis said. “I call it digital fentanyl because you can see how addicting it is – and it especially targets our children.”https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/florida-bill-aims-to-ban- tiktokother-social-media-apps-from-scho # 10 Republican congressman calls for nationwide social media ban for kids, teens. WASHINGTON (Nexstar) – A Republican congressman says social media is so harmful for kids and teens that they should be banned from using it, just like kids aren’t allowed to drink or smoke. Congressman Chris Stewart says he hasn’t officially introduced his bill to ban social media for kids under 16 because he’s working on building up support behind the scenes first. Califorina Democratic Congressman Lou Correa is open to the idea. “There’s very few checks and balances, so this is an area we need to look at,” Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA) said. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/republican-congressman-calls-for- nationwide-social-media-ban-for-1 # 11 Recent research has shown frequent checking of social media can affect the development of adolescent brains. WASHINGTON — U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said Sunday he believes 13-year-olds shouldn't have access to social media, citing the damaging effects the platforms can have on their mental health.3 days ago https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/should-social-media-be-banned-for- children-under-13-take-our-pol # 12 Surgeon general warns 13 is too young for children to be on social media. Pause those downloads. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warned that children join social media too early and believe they should only be allowed to access the platforms once they’re between 16 and 18. Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitter currently allow users to join as long as they are at least 13 years old. Murthy believes this can cause adolescents to have a “distorted’ sense of self during their crucial developmental years. https://www.king5.com/article/news/nation-world/surgeon-general-13-year-olds-social- media/507-da307061-9097-4931-a85f-ae5e105905d3 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/surgeon-general-warns-13-is-too-young-for- children-to-be-on-socia Should social media be BANNED for children under 13? Take our poll and tell us why... Dr Vivek Murthy is urging parents to keep their teens off of social media apps Teen social use is linked to increased rates of anxiety, depression and more Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warned Sunday that children under 16 should not be allowed on social media. 4 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/surgeon-general-warns-13-is-too-young-for- children-to-be-on-socia # 13 please click on image. video!!! US Surgeon General says 13 is too young to join social media. Hear why! US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy says he believes that age 13 is too early for kids to be using social media and that there should be safety standards implemented. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/us-surgeon-general-says-13- is-too-young-to-join-social-media-hea # 14 Surgeon General: We shouldn't allow 13-year-olds on social media. Recent research has shown frequent checking of social media can affect the development of adolescent brains. WASHINGTON — U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said Sunday he believes 13-year- olds shouldn't have access to social media, citing the damaging effects the platforms can have on their mental health. Most social media platforms, including major ones such as Twitter and Instagram, currently require users to be 13 or older to make an account. But most sites rely on the honor system to verify age, meaning younger children often have accounts. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/surgeon-general-we-shouldnt-allow-13- year-olds-on-social-media # 15 Parents who say their kids are addicted to 'Fortnite' slam Epic Games with lawsuit — and research shows it's not the only game people are worried about. Parents are arguing their children experienced symptoms of addiction to the game "Fortnite." In a statement, Epic Games said it believed "the evidence will show that this case is meritless." The service Rehabs UK identified several games for which people had sought addiction support online. A Quebec Superior Court judge authorized a lawsuit earlier this month against the maker of "Fortnite," filed by parents who say their children became addicted to the video game. In July, three parents in Quebec told Justice Sylvain Lussier that their children appeared to be severely dependent on "Fortnite" and had passed up eating, sleeping, and showering as a result, BBC News reported. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/parents-who-say-their-kids-are-addicted-to- fortnite-slam-epic-g # 16 GAMING, SOCIAL MEDIA AND MENTAL WELLNESS PRESENTED BY SINA SAFAHIE MD PRESENTED BY: SINA SAFAHIEH, MD BACKGROUND: • Sina Safahieh, MD is a double board certified child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist. He graduated with a medical degree from University of Texas Medical Branch and completed an adult psychiatric residency and child & adolescent fellowship at UC Irvine. Dr. Safahieh has a private practice in Newport Beach and has staff privileges at Hoag Hospitals and CHOC. He is medical director of 5 the ASPIRE program at Newport and Irvine Hoag Hospitals, team psychiatrist for the Los Angeles Chargers and a Major League Baseball certified clinician. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/gaming-social-media-and-mental-wellness- presented-bysina-safahie # 17 Esports: Petition Orange County CA Superintendent of Schools to ban Esport Request to petition Al Mijares, Ph.D. Orange County Superintendent support to end Esports under 18 years old on Schools, nonprofits organizations below sound research demonstrates harm under federal child abuse with CA State this activity The United State definition description for child abuse as followed: “Definitions of Child Abuse & Neglect Learn how child abuse and neglect are defined in Federal law and State laws and find resources that distinguish between discipline and abuse. Discipline versus abuse Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. “ The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm." https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/petition-orange-county-ca-superintendent- of-schools-to-ban-esport # 18 Ralph Nader Radio “Who’s Raising the Kids? Big Business by Susan https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/ralph-nader-radio- %E2%80%9Cwho%E2%80%99s-raising-the-kids-big-business-by-susan # 19 Dr. Susan Linn Discusses Who's Raising the Kids: Big Tech Big Bus https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/dr-susan-linn-discusses-whos-raising-the- kids-big-tech-big-bus # 20 parents concerned about teens’ gaming and social media habits By age 21, the average young person spends 10,000 hours playing video games, roughly the same amount of time they spend for all of middle school and high school, said Dr. Sina Safahieh, a child psychiatrist who oversees an Orange County program specializing in mental health treatment of adolescents. At a Sept. 11 panel discussion at Capistrano Valley High School in Mission Viejo titled “Gaming, Social Media and Mental Wellness,” Safahieh, along with other mental health clinicians, spoke to parents about the consequences of overuse of technology by teens and adolescents. The presentation was the first in a speaker series being hosted by Hoag Hospital and the Capistrano Unified School District titled “Helping Teens and Families Navigate Mental Health and Wellness.” https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/parents-concerned-about- teens%E2%80%99-gaming-and-social-media-habits # 21 China bans kids from playing online video games during the week 6 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/china-bans-kids-from-playing-online-video- games-during-the-week # 22 Federal And State of California Definitions of Child Abuse Neglec https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/federal-and-state-of-california-definitions- of-child-abuse-neglec # 23 World Health Organization Recommends Against Screen Time for Infa https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/world-health-organization-recommends- against-screen-time-for-infa # 24 MRIs show screen time linked to lower brain development in presch https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/mris-show-screen-time-linked-to-lower- brain-development-in-presch-3 # 25 Press Release will Esports recognized as Child Abuse brain injury https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/press-release-will-esports-recognized-as- child-abuse-brain-injury # 26 World health officials take a hard line on screen time for kids. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/world-health-officials-take-a-hard-line-on- screen-time-for-kids-1 # 27 S.C.R. 9 Concurrent Resolution on the Public Health Crisis Porn. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/scr-9-concurrent-resolution-on-the-public- health-crisis-porn # 28 The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was enacted by Cong https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/the-childrens-internet-protection-act-cipa- was-enacted-by-cong # 29 When Kids Are Home From School, Pornography Searches Increase4700 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/when-kids-are-home-from-school- pornography-searches-increase4700 # 30 Utah's governor vetoes social media moderation bill, signs porn f https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/utahs-governor-vetoes-social-media- moderation-bill-signs-porn-f # 31 IUSD and Hoag to Host Gaming, Social Media and Mental Wellness Pr https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/iusd-and-hoag-to-host-gaming-social-media- and-mental-wellness-pr # 32 62% Of Young Gamers Experience Abuse Online, According To Study https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/62%25-of-young-gamers-experience-abuse- online-according-to-study # 33 A growing number of states call porn a public health crisis. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/a-growing-number-of-states-call-porn-a- public-health-crisis # 34 How Gambling Disorder Is Defined in the DSM-5 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/how-gambling-disorder-is-defined-in-the- dsm-5 7 # 35 Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Amendment to Section https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/protecting-children-in-the-21st-century-act- amendment-to-section # 36 EVEN COLLEGES California’s esports powerhouse isn’t USC or UCLA. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/even-colleges-california%E2%80%99s- esports-powerhouse-isn%E2%80%99t-usc-or-ucla # 37 ‘Reuben never misses.’ Prep esports teams like Quartz Hill are pr https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/%E2%80%98reuben-never- misses%E2%80%99-prep-esports-teams-like-quartz-hill-are-pr # 38 Lee Bill Protects Victims of Image-Based Sexual Abuse https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/lee-bill-protects-victims-of-image-based- sexual-abuse Request for your consideration to address the epsorts in schools as well as the Orange County YMCA under federal laws describe as child abuse. To blue light legislation to address a serious gap on very critical mater of eye sight for all. To have members from Orange County hold a hearing as why schools promote esports with federal uniformed complaint to CA State unattainable to attempt to file a complaint to local LEA with any social media concern. To a federal awareness radio,TV campaign with local coalition to cross aboard silos that are currently prevent wellness. Thank You Craig A Durfey 8 9