General (2) Theresa Bass From:Theresa Bass Sent:Friday, February 10, 2023 2:53 PM To:Public Comment Subject:FW: \[EXTERNAL\] Can Technology Encourage Mass Shootings? with Dr. Lisa Strohman From: durfeycraig778@gmail. Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 12:24 PM To: 'Nick Dibs' < ; senator.umberg@senate.ca.gov; SENATOR.GONZALEZ@senate.ca.gov; ADAM.BOMAN@ASM.CA.GOV; David.Ochoa@sen.ca.gov; Assemblymember.Davies@assembly.ca.gov; SEDN.committee@senate.ca.gov; assemblymember.rendon@assembly.ca.gov; Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>; clayton.heard@asm.ca.gov Cc: cadurfey@gmail. 'Nick Dibs' < ; assemblymember.rendon@assembly.ca.gov; assemblymember.quirk-silva@assembly.ca.gov; clerk@cityofirvine.org; assemblymember.fong@assembly.ca.gov; Christopher.Aguilera@asm.ca.gov; GGDPIO@GGCITY.ORG; fganzales@ocsheriff.gov; Don Barnes <ddbarnes@ocsd.org>; Whill@Cityofirvine.org; mkent@cityofirvine.org; tpetropulos@cityofirvine.org; STunnicliffe@cityofirvine.org Subject: \[EXTERNAL\] Can Technology Encourage Mass Shootings? with Dr. Lisa Strohman Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. 02-09-2023 (P.R.D.D.C.) PARENTS FOR THE RIGHTS OF DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED CHILDREN CRAIG A. DURFEY FOUNDER OF P.R.D.D.C. CELL SOCIALEMOTIONALPAWS.COM FACEBOOK: CRAIG DURFEY U.S. HOUSE OF CONGRESS H2404 - HONORING CRAIG DURFEY FOR HIS FIGHT AGAINST AUTISM ... Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CREC-2003-03-27/pdf/CREC-2003-03-27.pdf new website socialemotionalpaws.org To whom it may concern. Request to address the serious risk with children social media unbridle at an age is not suitable for consumption, the U.S. Surgeon General no under the age of 13 years old yet the school districts promote Esports with the Orange County Board of education under 1 13 years old. The resources below will by well-known in their field have identified the serious harm to a child this falls under federal with CA State laws as child abuse request quick response action by police, district Attorney, CA State Attorney. Digital Addiction with Dr. Nicholas Kardaras \[Podcast\] https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/digital-addiction-with-dr-nicholas-kardaras- podcast How Does Social Media Affect Children's Everyday Lives? https://brainwarriorswaypodcast.com › how-does-social... In part 2 of a series with child psychiatrist Dr. Jay Faber, Tana Amen and Dr. Faber dig into the topic of social media, and how it affects today's youth. https://brainwarriorswaypodcast.com/how-does-social-media-affect-childrens-everyday- lives/ Every waking hour those temptations are largely things that are highly addictive by nature. Video games, Youtube videos, social media outlets and yes, even pornography. Screen time dependency is damaging not only to our children now but as they grow up into adults. Nicholas Kardaras is an Ivy-League educated psychologist, an internationally renowned speaker, and one of the country’s foremost addiction experts. He is the CEO and Chief Clinical Officer of Maui Recovery in Hawaii and Omega Recovery in Austin, Texas. He also the author of Glow Kids, a book on how screen addiction is highjacking our kids. Beware of Digital Addiction Episode Highlights: Do you feel like you can not live without your digital devices? Is digital technology tied to anxiety, addiction and suicide in teens? Is this informational age that we live in dumbing down our youth? Are digital devices being used as babysitters because of the belief that it’s educational? Are parents blinded to the fact that use of technology can become and is an addiction? DO parents consider time in front of the screen damaging to their children? 2 Can Technology Encourage Mass Shootings? with Dr. Lisa Strohman. This week’s guest on The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Lisa Strohman, was working with the profiling unit of the FBI when one of the most horrific events in our nation’s history occurred. This event sparked her passion to educate parents and children on the dangers of technology. In this episode, Dr. Strohman shares some of her most surprising revelations from her life’s journey with Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen. For more free brain health information listen to The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast: https://brainwarriorswaypodcast.com/e... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xez6D8IlTE8 https://www.google.com/search?q=%2Fbrainwarriorswaypodcast+childern+social+media ++Lisa+K.+Strohman&client=firefox-b-1- d&sxsrf=AJOqlzUWlVnK7tEYi_V8B5pFRWRWjJ9XBg%3A1675971978177&ei=ik3lY4q8CtH 9kPIPwMqF6AY&ved=0ahUKEwiKqaaTmon9AhXRPkQIHUBlAW0Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq= %2Fbrainwarriorswaypodcast+childern+social+media++Lisa+K.+Strohman&gs_lcp=Cgxn d3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzoECCMQJ0oECEEYAUoECEYYAFDSBljf7wVgmvsFaAJwAHgAgAFdi AH3AZIBATOYAQCgAQGgAQLAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#ip=1 E-KIDS E-kids is our month-to-month project-based class to introduce students to the world of esports, technology, and computer literacy. Our September curriculum focuses on game design. Students will create their own video game characters, and levels, and learn to pitch a game to possible investors. What is the Esports Program? The YMCA Esports program serves today’s youth (8-14 years old) by providing opportunities for ALL students to use Esports as a platform to acquire critical communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills needed to thrive in work and in life. How Can Esports Benefit My Child? Our curriculum supports students with a wide variety of roles, expands their skills, and helps them to gain real-life experience for future career aspirations within esports, or outside of it. The class is a great chance for your child to connect with like-minded kids, with similar interests, while still following their passion, and staying on a steady path towards growth. Participants will learn strong character values in an educational environment supported by the esports ecosystem pictured below. 3 https://ymcaoc.org/esports/ https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1- d&q=orange+county+ymca+esport#ip=1 Petition Orange County CA Superintendent of Schools to ban Esport https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/petition-orange-county-ca-superintendent- of-schools-to-ban-esport # 15 Parents who say their kids are addicted to 'Fortnite' slam Epic Games with lawsuit — and research shows it's not the only game people are worried about. Parents are arguing their children experienced symptoms of addiction to the game "Fortnite." https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/%E2%80%98addictive-as- cocaine%E2%80%99-parents-sue-fortnite-creators # 16 GAMING, SOCIAL MEDIA AND MENTAL WELLNESS PRESENTED BY SINA SAFAHIE MD PRESENTED BY: SINA SAFAHIEH, MD BACKGROUND: • Sina Safahieh, MD is a double board certified child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist. He graduated with a medical degree from University of Texas Medical Branch and completed an adult psychiatric residency and child & adolescent fellowship at UC Irvine. Dr. Safahieh has a private practice in Newport Beach and has staff privileges at Hoag Hospitals and CHOC. He is medical director of the ASPIRE program at Newport and Irvine Hoag Hospitals, team psychiatrist for the Los Angeles Chargers and a Major League Baseball certified clinician. https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/gaming-social-media-and-mental-wellness- presented-bysina-safahie The United State definition description for child abuse as followed: “Definitions of Child Abuse & Neglect Learn how child abuse and neglect are defined in Federal law and State 4 laws and find resources that distinguish between discipline and abuse. Discipline versus abuse Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. “ The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm." # 21 China bans kids from playing online video games during the week https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/china-bans-kids-from-playing-online-video- games-during-the-week # 22 Federal And State of California Definitions of Child Abuse Neglec https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/federal-and-state-of-california-definitions- of-child-abuse-neglec # 31 IUSD and Hoag to Host Gaming, Social Media and Mental Wellness Pr https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/iusd-and-hoag-to-host-gaming-social-media- and-mental-wellness-pr # 32 62% Of Young Gamers Experience Abuse Online, According To Study https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/62%25-of-young-gamers-experience-abuse- online-according-to-study # 34 How Gambling Disorder Is Defined in the DSM-5 https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/how-gambling-disorder-is-defined-in-the- dsm-5 # 37 ‘Reuben never misses.’ Prep esports teams like Quartz Hill are pr https://socialemotionalpaws.com/blog-post-1/f/%E2%80%98reuben-never- misses%E2%80%99-prep-esports-teams-like-quartz-hill-are-pr Request for your consideration to address the epsorts in schools as well as the Orange County YMCA under federal laws describe as child abuse. To blue light legislation to address a serious gap on very critical mater of eye sight for all. To have members from Orange County hold a hearing as why schools promote esports with federal uniformed complaint to CA State unattainable to attempt to file a complaint to local LEA with any 5 social media concern. To a federal awareness radio,TV campaign with local coalition to cross aboard silos that are currently prevent wellness. Thank You Craig A Durfey 6