General (4) Theresa Bass From:james kim <jameskimoc@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Public Comment for City Council Meeting for 3/28/2023 Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Good evening Madam Mayor, City Councilmembers, and staff. I have been a homeowner and over two decades resident of the city of Anaheim. I have always appreciated all the hard work and effort that goes along running the city. I would like to bring to your attention regarding a property that is in the city of Anaheim. Currently, on the City of Anaheim Code Enforcement website there are 3 cases that are closed and one case that is open on North Downing St property. The cases are regarding Unpermitted interior modification due to a marijuana grow, possible group home without city permit, unpermitted building and overgrown vegetation. I believe there are still cases open regarding this property but the city cannot disclose to the public until the case is closed. I understand there are proper procedures and processes. However, even while cases are open, there are structures being built not only on the property of N downing st but on the property line of adjacent properties as well. I would like to emphasize not only illegal structures and modification to the buildings, there are physical safety issues as well. I would not only like to be heard on this matter for the city to take rapid action on this property but to be on record as well. Thank you for your time and appreciate your time and this opportunity to bring this issue to the city. 1