General (3) Theresa Bass From:Aidagarcia Bx <aidagarcia1013@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, March To:cadtillo1garcia@yahoo.com; City Clerk Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] consideration Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. We kindly request consideration into reparations/amends retroactive to 2019. Continued from two weeks ago 2019 Rancho La paz a dual city mobile home park who requested city counsel assistance for rent gouging which at the time was at 67% of rent increase. Although a rent stabilization item was tabled during Sidhu"s mayoral seat, it was actually bias for seniors with limited income and special needs. In addition to the corruption that was uncovered by the FBI where unfair practices were prevalent. COVID hit and our voices were silenced. A statewide rent control law was enacted by Governor Newsom however we were blindsided again because we are homeowners with space rent. Renters who rent fixed land occupancies were the ones considered. Fast forward to present day rent increases are at 93% and climbing will more in October of the rent we paid in 2019. We should of got some govt considerations because our park was a senior park. Anaheim has a more than 51 majority constituency of seniors over 60. We were further hammered by current increases in our basic necessities food gas and utilities. 1