General (22) Theresa Bass From:Test Test <Test+gmail.com@advocateslink.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Do the Study - Protect funding for Anaheim's neighborhoods and services Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Dear Anaheim City Council, On May 16 you are slated to certify the petition to adopt an ordinance which would drastically impact hotels throughout the City of Anaheim. While promoted as a measure to increase hotel worker safety, this poorly drafted proposal contains wage and work rules requirements that would devastate Anaheim hotels, with ripple effects that would gut Anaheim’s budget. Hotels throughout Anaheim, and especially in the Anaheim Resort area, are responsible for generating millions of dollars in revenue for the city. According to the city’s own estimate, Anaheim Resort hotels will generate $172 million for 2022- 2023. Those dollars are critical to funding Anaheim services such as parks and recreation, maintaining and repairing roads and infrastructure, community and senior services, and the public safety services like police and fire that Anaheim residents rely on. Imposing the pending wage and work rules on Anaheim hotels will be a costly new mandate. Many workers who were supposed to benefit will likely see their hours reduced, or their jobs eliminated. Larger hotels will raise their prices for rooms, amenities, and services, resulting in fewer hotel stays and less tax revenue for the city. Smaller hotels, including family owned “mom and pop” hotels will likely just go out of business. Plus, the increased costs of doing business in Anaheim overall will make it tougher for Anaheim to attract and retain the big trade shows and conventions like NAMM and Natural Products, and make it tougher for families and tourists to justify the costs of a vacation to the Anaheim Resort. And those increased costs could also result in a chilling effect on business development throughout Anaheim, but especially where tourism matters most: in the Anaheim Resort. Tourism developments, including new hotels, could slow down or be canceled outright because no business will want to make a significant investment in a city where costs are going to skyrocket. This measure is too terrible in its potential consequences to move forward with unless we know all the facts. As the City Council, you have the authority to ask city staff to perform a study of the proposal so that we can find out the facts. We urge you to do so! Perform the study, gather all the information and facts about the impact of this measure, and don’t move forward until we know all the ways in which it will impact the finances of our city and the quality of life we’ve come to expect from Anaheim Test Test 1