Public Utilities 2020/09/23ITEM # 04 2. PRESENTATION: REVENUE PROTECTION. C. Dalton, Interim Electric Field Superintendent, gave a presentation on the Anaheim Public Utilities Department's (APU) Revenue Protection efforts to identify and prevent theft of services or tampering with utility equipment. C. Dalton provided an overview on the financial impact of diversion to other customers, where diversion leads come from, and the process for investigating those leads. He indicated that in Fiscal Year 2019/20 over 5,000 inspections were conducted, and the resulting activities to prevent diversion are projected to save ratepayers nearly $2 million in lost revenue. C. Dalton presented the Board with examples of diversions that APU discovered and discussed efforts to help Code Enforcement and the Anaheim Police Department eliminate illegal businesses in Anaheim —particularly marijuana dispensaries and unpermitted short term rentals. The Board asked how APU staff identify themselves when approaching residences and businesses. C. Dalton explained that staff first attempts to introduce themselves; however, there are instances during the investigative process where they approach the property unannounced to gather evidence once tampering is suspected. C. Dalton explained that a high percentage of field investigations result in either a malfunctioning meter, a vacant structure, or water leak. The Board expressed concern that staff is not adequately providing customers with identification, and recommends staff identify their presence. J. Lonneker indicated that she will review with staff to adjust practices for approaching private property, especially during instances of low probability of theft. Lastly, the Board inquired about terminating services to un- permitted short-term rentals as they related to "party houses" to which staff clarified that these locations were AirBNB/VRBO-type businesses and that due process was fully afforded to the operator prior to the disconnection of any service. 3. PRESENTATION: POWER SUPPLY PORTFOLIO MIX. J. Stambler, Integrated Resources Planner II, gave a presentation to the Board about the APU Power Supply Portfolio Mix has evolved from 2010 to 2020 and what the portfolio is projected to look like by 2030. He gave an overview of Senate Bill (SB) 100 and APU's compliance plans and efforts to reduce portfolio emissions through coal divestiture and renewable purchases over time. J. Stambler then described how the utility provides a Power Content Label (PCL) to customers each year that provides a nutrition -like label that reflects the resource mix of electricity used to serve customers. He explained how the California Energy Commission (CEC) modified the PCL calculation method at the end of 2019 that appears to increase APU's 2019 PCL coal 2020 - 54 percentage even though energy delivered from coal resources did not increase. The Board requested a presentation at a future Board meeting that projects the potential cost impacts of legislation on power resources over the next 10 years. 4. PRESENTATION: EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING. D. Schmidt, NERC Compliance and Emergency Response Planning Manager, provided an update and overview of APU's emergency response planning activities for the year. D. Schmidt discussed the activation of the City's Emergency Operation Center (EOC) related to COVID, provided a description of some of the resources created to support these EOC operations, and mentioned the annual update of APU's Emergency Response Plan. 5. FY 19/20 ANNUAL REPORT FOR DEPARTMENT ORDER 310 — EXTRA WORK / CHANGE ORDERS. J. Lonneker, Assistant General Manager — Electric Services, explained to the Board the purpose of Department Order (DO) 310 to document the procedures APU follows for approval of extra work scope and cost changes on construction projects and professional services. J. Lonneker indicated that this report is provided to the Board to summarize such changes for both electric and water projects for the Fiscal Year 2019/20. The total contract amount for 19 awards was $75.3M and total expenditures were $74.5M, or a 1% differential. J. Lonneker and M. Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, highlighted some of the larger change order amounts explaining the added or removed work scope affecting the total cost of the project and noted the change orders previously approved by City Council, such as on Harbor Substation related to unforeseen site conditions and design changes. 6. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. J. Lonneker informed the Board on the high number of power outages resulting from record temperatures that occurred on September 5 and 6, 2020. J. Lonneker explained that heat -related outages typically involve burned -out equipment and require multiple crews, doing more repairs, even though fewer customers are impacted. She noted that there were 29 outages over a 3-day period, when the average is 15 outages over an entire month. J. Lonneker indicated that 360 customers were affected. she explained that in preparation for the heat wave, crews were stationed at the APU yard both days but could not keep up with the number of outages and therefore APU contractors and mutual aid was requested from nearby utilities. J. Lonneker mentioned that two contractors (Asplundh and Parkia) as well as Burbank Staff will make a future presentation on the projected cost impacts of legislation on power resources. 2020 - 55 Water and Power were able to assist. J. Lonneker and staff will identify equipment in need of accelerated replacement and present that replacement program to the Board at a future meeting. The Board asked a series of questions regarding the lifespan of transformers and average age of the equipment. They also inquired about whether the ongoing pandemic added to the outages because more people are at home using their equipment. Staff provided brief responses and will incorporate additional information into the future presentation on the replacement program. J. Lonneker shared with the Board a letter sent by the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) addressed to F. Barvarz, Transmission and Distribution Engineering Manager, in appreciation for serving on the OCBC 5G wireless panel at their 2020 Economic Development Forum on August 4, 2020. J. Lonneker indicated that F. Barvarz manages the APU fiber and telecommunication units and is the subject matter expert on developing standards and best practices for wireless carriers deploying 5G throughout Anaheim. F. Barvarz shared lessons learned with public agencies in the early stages of deployment. J. Lonneker recognized F. Barvarz before the Board. Lastly, J. Lonneker updated the Board regarding the residential pull -box replacement request made during public comments at the August 24, 2020 Board meeting. The pull -box replacement was completed in coordination with the customer. 7. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. M. Moore provided the Board with an update on APU's water supply. He indicated that the new water year starts in October and will begin the year with good water storage levels. This is primarily due to lower demands in the region, including Anaheim. M. Moore then mentioned that September is the beginning of fire season. He noted that the fires in the San Gabriel Mountains have deposited ash in the Metropolitan Water District reservoir in Riverside, which has changed the incoming water quality to the Lenain Water Treatment Plant. M. Moore mentioned that APU staff is treating water to ensure it is clean and safe to drink. In addition, field staff inspected all the fire hydrants in the wildfire area to make sure they are working properly. 8. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. B. Beelner, Assistant General Manager -Finance and Administration, discussed the monthly dashboard with the Board indicating that the fiscal year-to-date electric revenue through August 31, 2020 was 2.2% above budget ($1.7M) due to much higher than anticipated wholesales to other utilities during the Staff will develop an equipment replacement program and present the program at a future Board meeting. 2020 - 56 California Independent System Operator's (CAISO) stage 2 and stage 3 emergencies. Operating expenditures fell below budget by 3.8% ($2.4M) due to savings from labor vacancies and cutbacks to various other operating expenses causing a positive net budget variance $4.1M. B. Beelner then mentioned that year-to-date water revenue was 3.8% ($0.7M) below budget due to weaker than anticipated commercial/industrial demand related to the shelter in place orders. Costs were below budget as well by 8.4% ($1.2M) causing a positive net budget variance of $0.5M. Lastly, B. Beelner mentioned that Standard and Poor's recently affirmed the Electric Utility's credit rating at AA 9. UPDATE ON POWER SUPPLY ISSUES. G. Bowen, Assistant General Manager — Power Supply, provided the Board with a summary of the power supply portfolio for August. He explained that Canyon Power Plant supplied much of its energy to California's electric grid during the heatwave. G. Bowen noted that wholesale sales for the month of August surpassed the power supply forecast and that this trend continued into early September. G. Bowen went on to discuss the September heatwave. He indicated that the heatwave preparedness went smoother in September than in August and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), despite the heatwave, did not call for a Stage 3 Emergency. He mentioned that APU did have Magnolia Power Plant trip offline during the heatwave on the Saturday and into Sunday, September 6. The cause was a bad gas supply valve, which was repaired overnight. Magnolia Power Plant was brought back online, and dispatched into the market after its repairs were complete, to assist with the heatwave. 10. UPDATE ON ENTERPRISE RISK AND COMPLIANCE. J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, shared that Governor Newsom had issued an Executive Order stating that the goal of California to be at 100% of in -state sales of new passenger and light trucks be zero emission by 2035, and by 2045 for medium to heavy-duty vehicles, where feasible. She shared according to the Governor's order, this ban on sales of fossil fuel based cars is expected to cut future greenhouse gas emissions overall by 35% and nitrogen oxide emissions by 80%. J. Lehman indicated that this would likely increase the shift to electricity as a transportation fuel and the adoption of electric vehicle technology. J. Lehman then provided a brief legislative update, and mentioned that bills that had a chance of becoming law were with the Governor and that he has until the end of September to either pass or veto. 2020 - 57 In closing, J. Lehman shared that National Drug Take Back Day will be Saturday, October 24, 2020. She noted that this event provides an opportunity for the public to dispose of any unwanted prescription drugs in a safe manner that helps to prevent the drugs from entering into the environment and eventually into the water supplies. The drop off locations will be at Kaiser medical facility at 3440 E. La Palma, from 10 AM to 2 PM, and at all Walgreens locations and that, more information is available on the APU website. 11. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. D. Lee shared with the Board the items scheduled for the following Board meeting include: • Line of Credit • Participating Generator Agreement D. Lee reported the City implemented an internet rebate program for income qualified customers and that APU will be facilitating with the rebate processing. Funding for the rebate program is from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Lastly, D. Lee shared photos of a street lighting project that was recently completed on Cypress Street near downtown Anaheim, where the residents expressed their appreciation for the improvements. 12. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. R. Gaona thanked administration staff and field crews for their hard work. J. Showalter congratulated F. Barvarz for his recognition. A. Abdulrahman thanked everyone and expressed his appreciation for their hard work. J. Seymour commented on the undergrounding project on Royal Oak, and indicated that the contractors are doing a good job with traffic flow considering the complexity of the project. E. Medrano thanked APU field crews for their hard work during the power outages, as well as Burbank for their assistance. 2020 - 58 13. ADJOURNMENT: (NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON OCTOBER 28, 2020 AT 5:00 P.M. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT SOME BOARD MEMBERS WILL PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING REMOTELY.) Re ectfully mitted, Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager Vice Chairperson J. Seymour moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m. to the Board's Regular Meeting date of October 28, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. A. Abdulrahman seconded the motion. MOTION VIA ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED: 7-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. ** Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2020 - 59