Public Utilities 2020/11/18CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES November 18, 2020 The agenda, including the Teleconference Notice, having been posted on Thursday, November 12, 2020, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chairperson E. Medrano at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18, 2020, in the 11 cn floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: Chairperson E. Medrano, Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour (via teleconference), A. Abdulrahman, R. Gaona (via teleconference), J. Showalter (via teleconference) Board Members Absent: V. Baroldi, R. Bhalla City Staff Present: D. Lee, P. Oviedo, A. Kott, M. Moore, J. Lonneker (via teleconference), B. Beelner (via teleconference), J. Lehman (via teleconference), S. Smith (via teleconference) Guest(s) Present: None. AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC COMMENTS. There being no oral public comments or public comments submitted pursuant to the Teleconference Notice, Chairperson E. Medrano closed the public comments portion of the meeting. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC A. Abdulrahman moved UTILITIES BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER approval of the Minutes of 28, 2020. * the Public Utilities Board Regular Meeting of October Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour made the Board aware of an 28, 2020, as amended. J. attendance discrepancy on the October minutes. A motion was Showalter seconded the made for the approval of the minutes as amended. motion. MOTION VIA ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 1 [J. Seymour]. 2020 - 67 ABSENT: 2 [R. Bhalla & V. Baroldi]. 2. ADOPT THE PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD Vice -Chairperson J. MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE 2021 CALENDAR YEAR. Seymour moved approval of the proposed Public Utilities Board Meeting Schedule for the 2021 Calendar year. R. Gaona seconded the motion. MOTION VIA ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED: 5-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 2 [R. Bhalla & V. Baroldi]. 3. PRESENTATION: WATER SYSTEM RELIABILITY. M. Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, gave a presentation on Anaheim Public Utilities Department's (APU) Water System Reliability. M. Moore indicated that the annual update looks at key metrics in the following areas: supply, availability, and efficiency. M. Moore explained each of the metrics in detail, noting that the metrics are compared against several industry benchmarks for water system performance. Availability for the Lenain Water Treatment plant was lower than the typical goal due to the rehabilitation project that took the facility offline during construction; and wells were below the goal due to the ongoing water quality issues and a higher dependence on imported water. The number of main breaks per 100 miles was better than the industry average; however, aging infrastructure remains a top priority for replacements. Therefore, an asset management system has been implemented identifying key pipelines that look beyond age and consider other key criteria. Another area of improvement has been in reducing water loss. New technologies and methods are being implemented such as portable meter calibration, leak sensors and pressure management. The Board asked if APU compared the results of this year's data to previous results. Staff indicated that annual data is being benchmarked, and will include a visual comparison in future presentations to show reliability trends. 4. SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION Vice -Chairperson J. TO CONSIDER PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO THE Seymour moved approval to WATER RATES, RULESAND REGULATIONS. set a public hearing date, time, and location to B. Beelner, Assistant General Manager of Finance and consider proposed Administration, explained APU's financial situation, and discussed modifications to the Water the need for changes to various water rates to recover increasing Rates, Rules, and 2020 - 68 costs due to changes in the City's water supply mix and to fund continued investment in water infrastructure. B. Beelner mentioned that the City Charter establishes that the Board conducts all APU related hearings, and in order to comply with the California Constitution, APU must send out a notice to all property owners 45 days prior to any such water public hearing. B. Beelner asked for approval to conduct a public hearing in accordance with these requirements on January 21, 2021. B. Beelner mentioned that APU would mail notices to all customers regarding the hearing on December 8, 2020. B. Beelner then mentioned that in addition to the detailed staff report provided to the Board this month, APU would provide the Board a full presentation detailing the specific need, cost drivers, and customer impacts of the proposed rate changes at the December Board meeting. The Board asked how much of APU's reserves are being used to avoid higher rate increases. Staff indicated that reserves are being utilized, and that minimum reserve levels must be held. The Board asked if there was a possibility to delay the rate increases by at least a year. Staff indicated that due to financial impacts, a delay would have long-term and adverse consequences, and that additional metrics would be provided during the presentation next month. 5. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. J. Lonneker, Assistant General Manager — Electric Services, made the Board aware that APU staff gave a presentation at the State of California Wildfire Safety Advisory Board (WSAB) workshop on specific elements within the APU 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Plan, which WSAB wished to positively emphasize to give guidance for plans in the future. J. Lonneker indicated that APU was one of the seven utilities requested to present out of the 50 Publicly Owned Utilities in the State. J. Lonneker mentioned that APU presented on the methods of asset inventory, power restoration after an incident, and identifying risks. The WSAB will continue to facilitate workshops intended to share best practices among utilities to develop comprehensive wildfire mitigation practices across the State. 6. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. M. Moore indicated that the Lenain Water Treatment plant was shut down for two weeks for bi-annual maintenance and cleaning and that the plant was thoroughly cleaned and inspected. He reported everything is in good working condition and that the plant is operational. M. Moore mentioned that many of the groundwater wells are offline, which has significantly increased the cost of water supply. He made the Board aware that APU is taking action to get the wells back online as quickly as possible in order to Regulations. R. Gaona seconded the motion. MOTION VIA ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED: 5-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 2 [R. Bhalla & V. Baroldil. 2020 - 69 minimize the cost impacts. M. Moore indicated that the first phase of construction for groundwater treatment is being accelerated as a design -build delivery and that the request for proposals was issued and will be presented to Board for recommendation of approval in Spring of 2021. M. Moore noted that the water system is relying heavily on seven imported water connections to Metropolitan Water District (MWD) which are normally used as a backup source. APU's Water Production staff is completing a thorough inspection and maintenance of those interconnections to ensure they remain a reliable source to Anaheim. 7. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. B. Beelner discussed the monthly dashboard with the Board. He indicated that the year to date electric revenue through October 31, 2020 was 2.7% above budget ($4.3M) due primarily to increased residential demand and increased wholesale sales caused by significant heat waves and shelter at home orders during the late summer months. Electric costs for the fiscal year fell below budget by 5.3% ($6.7M) causing a net positive budget variance of $11M. B. Beelner then mentioned that year to date water revenue was 3.8% ($1.4M) below budget due to weaker than anticipated commercial and industrial demand as a result of continued business restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Costs were below budget as well by 5.3% ($1.5M) causing a net positive budget variance of $0.1M. 8. UPDATE ON POWER SUPPLY ISSUES. S. Smith, Integrated Resources Manager, provided an update on the Power Supply Portfolio for October. He mentioned that the Canyon Power Plant Unit 4 repairs occurred in October and the unit quickly returned to service on October 23, 2020. Canyon Power Plant was heavily relied upon during the summer and having it available is critical for APU and regional reliability. S. Smith then discussed the Bowerman Power Plant (Bowerman) outage, which occurred on October 26, 2020 due to the Silverado fire. He noted that Bowerman remains offline due to the resulting outage, but that the generation equipment was not damaged. Lastly, S. Smith discussed the increase in wholesale sales compared to budget due to the residual heat wave and Silverado fire. 2020 - 70 9. UPDATE ON ENTERPRISE RISK AND COMPLIANCE. J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, discussed the 2020 Legislative Wrap-up Report with the Board. J. Lehman indicated that several key bills passed that were beneficial to APU customers, including Assembly Bill (AB) 2560 that establishes a transparent process to set drinking water notification and response limits for unregulated water contaminants, as well as Senate Bill (SB) 1386 that reinforces the authority in existing law that allows public water suppliers to include the costs associated with fire hydrants in their property -related service charges. She then mentioned that several troubling bills did not proceed, including two bills related to very expensive pumped hydro projects which could have potentially cost APU customers millions of dollars. J. Lehman noted that next year will likely be an active year due to the August blackouts and other utility issues. J. Lehman indicated that water bills related to the development of formal water quality standards for PFAS (Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are likely to be introduced. J. Lehman also shared that electric bills are likely to be related to legislation having to do with reforms for energy resource planning and resource adequacy, and possibly accelerating the adoption of zero -emission vehicles and the deployment of supporting infrastructure to implement the Governor's recent Executive Orders. 10. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. D. Lee shared with the Board the items scheduled for the following Board meeting include: • Presentation on Rates and Rules • Biomethane Management Agreement • Underground Electric Inspection Agreement D. Lee discussed the student mentoring program that is normally held in person has moved to a virtual format this year, and that 13 high school students from various campuses are participating with utility managers serving as mentors. Lastly, D. Lee shared pictures of employees who will be retiring through the City's Accelerated Separation Program. 11. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. J. Showalter indicated that her appointment as a Board member may be ending soon due to the election of a new councilmember for District 1. Staff provided clarification regarding future appointments and timeframe. The Board inquired about personnel plans given the number of retirements, and D. Lee explained that at a future meeting, a presentation will be provided to the Board. 2020 - 71 R. Gaona wished everyone Happy Holidays. J. Seymour thanked APU for the mask depicting a student's artwork. E. Medrano thanked APU retirees for their work and years of service. 12. ADJOURNMENT: (NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON DECEMBER 16, 2020 AT 5:00 P.M. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT SOME BOARD MEMBERS WILL PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING REMOTELY.) Respectfully - Lmitted, Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:25 p.m. to the Board's Regular Meeting date of December 16, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. A. Abdulrahman seconded the motion. MOTION VIA ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED: 5-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 2 [R. Bhalla & V. Baroldi]. * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. * * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2020 - 72