Public Utilities 2020/12/16ITEM # 01 2. PRESENTATION: PROPOSED WATER RATE AND WATER AND ELECTRIC UTILITIES RULE MODIFICATIONS. J. McBride, Strategic Planning Manager, gave a presentation on the City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department's (APU) upcoming proposed Water Rate adjustment and Water and Electric Rule amendments. J. McBride indicated that the Water utility is subject to increasingly expensive water supply costs as a result of water quality regulations issued in 2019. Those regulations required APU to shut off most of its groundwater wells and APU has to make up for the lack of groundwater supply by using imported water. APU has access to imported water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) because of strategic investments approved by prior City Councils and Boards. However, the cost of imported water is significantly higher than the cost of groundwater, resulting in water supply costs that are forecasted approximately 41 % higher than they would be under normal pumping conditions. As a cost - of -service agency, a rate adjustment is necessary in order to recover those higher costs. J. McBride explained that the Water Commodity Adjustment (WCA) is designed to recover all water supply costs. However, J. McBride also noted that APU is proposing less than half the rate increase that is necessary to fully recover the water supply costs in order to mitigate the impact to customers' water bills. The Water utility will rely on financial reserves to make up the difference in the short term. J. McBride highlighted several other initiatives that APU has undertaken to assist customers during the pandemic as well as progress made to reduce APU's operating costs and conserve cash, including budget reductions, project deferrals, and staffing reductions. J. McBride described proposed rule modifications that formalize APU's authority to issue bill credits during declared emergencies, enhance bill credits for electric utility customers who experience unplanned extended electrical outages, and enhance the bill credits issued to customers who elect to receive electronic utility bills and set up automatic bill payments. These customer -focused proposals enhance APU's ability to serve its customers in a meaningful way both now and in the future. The Board asked about how reserves are impacted and staff explained that reserves will be reduced, but will still meet the 120 day target with the approach proposed. The Board further discussed that APU is helping customers by mitigating the water rate increase with the use of financial reserves and cutting costs but expressed concern that doing so potentially provides funding 2020 - 74 challenges in the future. Given the circumstances with the ongoing pandemic, the approach was discussed as a balanced approach. The Board inquired whether the proposed water rates are applicable to all water customers. D. Lee, Public Utilities General Manager, explained that APU's water rates are the same for all customer classes and therefore the proposed rates would apply to all customers. The Board expressed concern that some people may not fully understand the rationale for the proposed water rate increases based on the formal structure of the public hearing notice that was distributed to Anaheim property owners and customers. The Board recommended that APU provide additional community outreach to explain why the rate increase is needed. D. Lee shared with the Board that APU is preparing a bill insert that explains the situation in less formal terms. 3. APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE R. Gaona moved approval of METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA an agreement with the (MWD) AND MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF ORANGE Metropolitan Water District COUNTY (MWDOC) FOR IN -LIEU TREATED WATER of Orange County for in -lieu DELIVERIES TO RECEIVE WATER SUPPLIES TO treated water deliveries for PRESERVE GROUNDWATER SUPPLIES. * water supplies and groundwater preservation. M. Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, A. Abdulrahman seconded provided an overview of the proposed MWD in -lieu treated water the motion. deliveries to receive water supplies to preserve groundwater MOTION VIA ROLL supplies program and agreement. The proposed agreement would CALL VOTE CARRIED: allow APU to utilize MWD treated imported water instead of 6-0. pumping groundwater. The program would preserve the ABSTAINED: 0. groundwater in years when there is excess imported water ABSENT: 1 [Chairperson available from northern California that would otherwise be E. Medrano]. lost. The agreement allows APU to take the expensive imported water at the same cost as groundwater during these wet years, so there is no cost impact. 4. APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH HENKELS & R. Bhalla moved approval of MCCOY, INC. FOR UNDERGROUND AND SURFACE- an agreement with Henkels MOUNTED ELECTRIC SYSTEM INSPECTION SERVICES & McCoy Inc. for IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,861,100 PLUS A 15% underground and surface CONTINGENCY FOR AS -NEEDED EXTRA SERVICES, mounted electric system AND DETERMINE THAT THESE SERVICES ARE inspection services. A. CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA Abdulrahman seconded the ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT motion. TO SECTION 15301(B) OF TITLE 14 OF THE CALIFORNIA MOTION VIA ROLL CODE OF REGULATIONS. * CALL VOTE CARRIED: 6-0. J. Vu, Assistant Power Engineer, discussed APU's electric system ABSTAINED: 0. inspection process with the Board. J. Vu indicated that it is good 2020 - 75 industry practice to proactively identify degradation in electrical systems before they affect service reliability. J. Vu also explained that the inspection data and photos are stored in the City's Geographic Information System (GIS) for real-time access by engineering, field crews, and operations for routine maintenance and emergency restoration work, and to provide a basis to prioritize upgrades under the capital program. 5. APPROVAL OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (OCTA) FOR A WATER MAIN CROSSING AT TUSTIN AVENUE BETWEEN MIRALOMA AVENUE AND JEFFERSON STREET FOR A ONE-TIME LICENSE FEE OF $1,500. M. Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, indicated that OCTA is adding an additional rail line in Anaheim that will cross through APU's water pipelines. He explained the one-time license fee is needed to re -design APU's pipeline. 6. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. J. Lonneker, Assistant General Manager — Electric Services, made the Board aware that there were several outages resulting from the wind storm that occurred December 3, 2020. She indicated that the duration of the outages were less than six hours resulting from tree branches falling and damaging the overhead power lines. 7. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. M. Moore provided an overview of the water supply dashboard. He indicated that the region is in dry conditions and could be heading into a drought this year. However, water storage levels are still healthy. M. Moore updated the Board on a water outage that occurred in a residential neighborhood near Lakeview Avenue/Riverdale Road on December 5, 2020 that effected approximately 80 customers. The outage was due to a severe pipeline break that was deeper underground than normal. M. Moore explained that the nearest pipeline isolation valves were broken, so the outage was extended due to the valves not working properly. He mentioned customers that were affected would be given a bill credit due to the duration of the outage. M. Moore indicated that nearby customer was able to assist APU by lending staff his welding machine. In addition to the bill credit, APU staff thanked the customer with a small gift bag. The Board asked what preventative measures APU has in place to repair or replace broken valves in an effort to minimize ABSENT: 1 [Chairperson E. Medrano]. R. Bhalla moved approval of a license agreement with the Orange County Transportation Authority for a water main crossing and the one-time license fee. R. Gaona seconded the motion. MOTION VIA ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 [Chairperson E. Medrano]. 2020 - 76 future outages. M. Moore indicated that staff would be replacing the broken valves next year using the new design -build Master Construction Agreement. M. Moore then mentioned that the State Water Project identifies how much water MWD can import from northern California each year based on snowpack and water in reservoirs. The State notified MWD to initially plan for only 10% of their normal allocation due to dry conditions in northern California and that the allocation may increase over the winter if conditions improve. 8. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. B. Beelner, Assistant General Manager — Finance and Administration, shared with the Board that Fitch Ratings (Fitch) downgraded their rating for the Water utility from AAA to AA+. B. Beelner mentioned that Fitch discussed revenue softening, increased costs, the need for increased capital investment as the primary drivers for the decreased rating. B. Beelner then assured the Board that there would be no immediate change to the water utility's interest costs due to this rating change as APU currently only has fixed rate bonds with no variable rate debt in its water portfolio. 9. UPDATE ON POWER SUPPLY ISSUES. S. Smith, Integrated Resources Manager, provided an update on the Power Supply Portfolio for November. S. Smith discussed that the total generation was slightly down to projection, mainly due to the Bowerman Landfill Gas outage, which also accounted for the significant portion of the renewable generation drop. S. Smith indicated that the Bowerman outage began on October 26 and returned to service November 30, 2020. S. Smith discussed wholesale sales were slightly above budget because of increased gas prices, and that sales for the year are ahead of budget. 10. UPDATE ON ENTERPRISE RISK AND COMPLIANCE. J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, provided a brief update to the Board. She shared some of the new bills that have already been introduced as part of the 2021-22 legislative session. Additionally, she mentioned that COVID-19 continues to be forefront in the issues that APU is addressing. J. Lehman noted that comments were submitted on CalOSHA emergency rules, and that staff was working closely with the City to implement these new requirements that were passed as well as those of the new COVID- 19 related laws that were recently passed during this last legislative session. 11. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. 2020 - 77 D. Lee shared with the Board the items scheduled for the following Board meeting include: • Water Rate Public Hearing • Water and Electric Rule Modifications • Presentation on Transformer Replacement Program • Rebate Management Software System D. Lee shared photos of the artwork created by students for APU facemasks. D. Lee then shared photos of the holiday light exchange event. D. Lee recognized additional employees who participated in the City's Accelerated Separation Program. He then recognized L. Quiambao, Executive Assistant, for her many years of service, and shared that she would be retiring at the end of the month. 12. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. R. Gaona wished staff happy holidays and to stay safe. R. Bhalla wished staff a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. A. Abdulrahman wished staff happy holidays and congratulated staff on their retirements. J. Showalter congratulated L. Quiambao on her retirement and wished staff happy holidays. V. Baroldi also wished staff happy holidays and happy retirement. J. Seymour wished everyone happy holidays and to stay safe. 13. ADJOURNMENT: (NEXT REGULAR MEETING AND A. Abdulrahman moved to PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 27, 2021 AT 5:00 P.M. adjourn the Regular Meeting PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT SOME BOARD MEMBERS at 6:54 p.m. to the Board's WILL PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING REMOTELY.) Regular Meeting and Public Hearing date of January 27, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. R. Bhalla seconded the motion. MOTION VIA ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 [Chairperson E. Medrano]. 2020 - 78 Respectfully su mitted, Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. ** Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2020 - 79