Public Utilities 2021/10/27ITEM # 01 MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 3 (Chairperson J. Seymour, R. Bhalla & R. Gaona). 4. APPOINTMENT OF THREE MEMBERS TO THE AD HOC SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS AWARD SELECTION COMMITTEE. Dukku Lee, Public Utilities General Manager, mentioned that up to three Board Members will be needed for the ad hoc Sustainable School Award Selection Committee. Two schools will receive a Sustainable School award based on the evaluation criteria of campus improvements and education curriculum. The winning schools will receive 30 Chromebooks for their students. Vice - Chairperson Baroldi appointed Board Members M. Lee and N. Campos -Kurtz, who volunteered to be part of the selection committee. He asked that staff contact Chairperson J. Seymour and see if he would like to also join the committee. 5. PRESENTATION: 2020 ELECTRIC SYSTEM RELIABILITY REPORT. Jared Martinez, Interim Operations Manager, presented the Electric System Reliability report for 2020. He first gave an overview of Anaheim Public Utilities' (APU) electric system and discussed how reliability performance is measured across the industry. J. Martinez also discussed APU's historical reliability and the five-year sustained outage trend. J. Martinez presented a summary of metrics which show that APU is in the 1 st Quartile (top 25%) of all Public Owned Utilities (POU) in the nation for electric reliability, including frequency of outages, duration of outages, and time to restore power. He also discussed reliability's most frequent offenders and reliability capital project initiatives. The Board inquired whether the APU was having difficulty procuring transformers. D. Lee answered affirmatively stating that the APU is addressing supply chain issues with Spot Bidding. He also mentioned the APU maintains minimal levels of stock for its needs, which can be adjusted as needed. The Board further inquired about specifications and staff confirmed that specifications for equipment are established to ensure compatibility with the system. 6. PRESENTATION: ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING. Agustin Torres, Utilities Analyst, presented APU's Emergency Response Planning (ERP) program. A. Torres mentioned that the ERP program helps to ensure APU staff is prepared to respond to 2021 - 72 natural disasters and other emergencies by providing the resources, tools, and the training staff needs, including annual exercises. A. Torres shared that there were no major outages last fiscal year. He also provided highlights on the COVID-19 mitigation measures put into effect for staff and on APU's annual exercise that was conducted in May. He provided a briefing on future changes planned to improve APU's emergency response capabilities. 7. PRESENTATION: CYBERSECURITY UPDATE. Bruce Fruchter, Enterprise Information Technology Manager, presented an overview on cybersecurity and how APU's systems and data are protected. B. Fruchter reviewed the cyber threat landscape, types of attacks, and some recent attacks on critical infrastructure that have garnered national attention. He shared some of the guiding principles and controls the City of Anaheim (City) employs to protect its systems. The Board inquired about the City's data backup process, how often cyber awareness training is provided, and if SharePoint in the cloud was used. B. Fruchter explained that backup for most systems are written to disk and then to tape which is stored offsite. He also responded that SharePoint is used, both on -premises and the cloud version. Staff explained emails are regularly sent to employees about cyber awareness topics. These emails include links to training videos. A phishing assessment is forthcoming. Brian Beelner, Assistant General Manager — Finance and Energy Resources, added that email alerts are sent to employees about vulnerabilities in mobile phone operating systems and actions to take. The Board further asked about the computer disposal process and data destruction. B. Fruchter explained that hard drive data is wiped prior to computer lease returns or surplus disposal. Board Member N. Kurtz also asked about cost increases for security. D. Lee explained that costs have increased, and the City pays for in-house and contract information technology (IT) resources. 8. QUARTERLY STATUS REPORTS ON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, MASTER AGREEMENTS, GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS, AND SPOT BID AWARDS. D. Lee provided an overview of spot bids and explained how the method is critical to ensure that sufficient quantities of materials and equipment are on -hand and available for projects as well as maintenance activities. Michael Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, and Janet Lonneker, Assistant General Manager — Electric Services, provided overviews of the Water and Electric Capital Improvement 2021 - 73 Project status highlighting several projects currently in progress and noting expenditures are on track for the current period. M. Moore summarized progress with the Water Design/Build awards for the water treatment facilities and J. Lonneker noted the challenges in purchasing electrical equipment given the current delays in supply chain impacting many utilities. The Board inquired about the attitude of meter readers as more automated equipment is installed. D. Lee responded that staff is provided training opportunities to transition into other aspects of the utility and increase their skill sets. 9. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEMS. J. Lonneker shared with the Board pictures from the October 2021 Public Power Week in Anaheim. Students from Maxwell Elementary School attended, along with the public, to see displays on energy efficiency and programs available by APU to lower costs on their bill. 10. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEMS. M. Moore reviewed the water supply dashboard for the month of October. Imported water storage levels remain low, but local groundwater levels remain healthy. Precipitation and snow levels will be closely monitored this winter to determine if Anaheim will need to take more steps to conserve water. A presentation will be made to the Board in November with more information on Anaheim's drought contingency plan. M. Moore provided an update on Water Services. Staff is reviewing proposals for the second phase of the groundwater treatment program. The project will be delivered using a design -build approach to expedite the completion of the treatment facilities. A recommendation will be made to the Board at the November meeting. The Phase A groundwater treatment program will be starting the construction phase soon. A groundbreaking ceremony is planned for November 16 and all Board Members are invited to attend. APU staff participated in a pipe tapping competition in September. The four -person team finished in first place. The team will be recognized at the November Board meeting. 11. UPDATE ON FINANCE & ENERGY RESOURCES ITEMS. B. Beelner discussed the monthly Finance dashboard with the Board. The year to date electric revenue through September, 2021 was 8.8% above budget ($10.2M), however the September revenue 2021 - 74 was nearly flat to budget. Electric costs for the fiscal year to date fell below budget by 2.7% ($2.6M) causing a net positive budget variance of $12.8M. B. Beelner also discussed how the warmer months of July through October produce a disproportionate share of electric revenue, and that the large budget variances typically shrink or disappear during the cooler months. B. Beelner then mentioned that year to date water revenue was 2.1 % ($0.6M) below budget. However, water operating costs fell below budget by 8.2% ($1.8M) causing a net positive budget variance of $1.2M. B. Beelner then presented the Power Supply dashboard and pointed out that the current share of coal generation, currently 50% of total generation, will shrink in the coming months as APU's sole coal unit will ramp down production due to shipping constraints in its coal supply caused by constricted rail capacity. B. Beelner mentioned that APU considers this a short term issue as train capacity should ramp back up in the coming months. 12. UPDATE ON ADMINISTRATION & RISK SERVICES ITEMS. Janis Lehman, Interim Assistant General Manager — Administration and Risk Services, provided the Board with several updates. She first invited the Board's attention to the 2021 Legislative Wrap Up Report which covers the first year of the two-year 2021-22 legislative session. She indicated that while it had been an interesting year due to the impacts of COVID-19, it had been an overall successful year. J. Lehman said that two key bills passed that provided assistance to certain customers for past due bill amounts. She also highlighted the potential bills that she expects to see next year. J. Lehman then provided an update on the State's customer arrearage assistance programs. She shared that she would be providing regular updates on it until the funding was dispersed which must occur by the end of January 2022. J. Lehman also shared that safety metrics are within the target ranges and that they are very similar to last years. 13. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. D. Lee shared with the Board the items scheduled for the following Board meeting include: • Design -build agreement for phase B of the Groundwater Treatment Program • Drought Update Presentation • Schedule a Public Hearing for Water and Electric Rates • Amendment to the Agreement with Southern California Gas Company for joint weatherization services to income - qualified customers 2021 - 75 D. Lee shared the outcome of our Community Art Day event. This event is held in partnership with the Muzeo. The artwork will be placed in homeless shelters throughout the City. D. Lee shared that APU had a Water Bottle Art Label contest and the winning participants were recognized at a City Council meeting and their artwork is featured on water bottles. D. Lee shared that APU's High School Mentoring program officially started in partnership with Anaheim Union High School District. D. Lee shared that APU held facility tours for the new Business Manager, Colin Lavin of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), as well as for Council Member Gloria Ma'ae. Lastly, D. Lee shared recent comments from customers based on various outreach methods. APU utilizes a variety of methods to obtain customers feedback and to provide information to the public. 14. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. M. Lee commented that he appreciates the explanation of spot bids. N. Campos Kurtz requested a tour of the APU Call Center. Staff will coordinate a tour with N. Campos Kurtz. A. Abdulrahman thanked staff for doing a good job. Vice -Chairperson V. Baroldi mentioned that his new level pay bill format is much easier to understand; he also thanked staff for doing a great job. 15. ADJOURNMENT: (REGULAR MEETING ON NOVEMBER N. Campos Kurtz moved to 17, 2021 AT 5:00 P.M.) adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:03 p.m., to the Board's Regular Meeting date of November 17, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. M. Lee seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 3 (Chairperson J. Seymour, R. Bhalla & R. Gaona). 2021 - 76 Respectfully s Witted, Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. * * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2021 - 77