Library 2020/10/12ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME Central Library October 12, 2020 500 W. Broadway 4:00 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER – The agenda having been posted on October 8, 2020, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Laviguer at 4:02 p.m. PRESENT:Shelby Hogan, David Laviguer, Linda Newby, Stan Oftelie ABSENT:Rose Chen STAFF:Audrey Lujan, City Librarian; Jennifer Foxx, PT Management Assistant; Scott Fretwell, Library Services Coordinator I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A.FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: The Friends of Anaheim Public Library will meet on October 26, 2020, when the Library reopens. They will be wearing masks and social distancing. Items are needed for the book nook, especially magazines, paper backs, and children’s books. B.FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY: Friends of Canyon Hills Library (FOCAL) met outdoors, physically distanced, last month to elect officers and confirm committee chairpersons for 2021. Leading FOCAL next year will be: President – Karen Lockwood, Vice President – Cindy Guziak, Secretary – Kris Lasher, Treasurer – Berdella Smith, Membership – Louise Fry, 2021 Chairpersons: Inventory & Selling: Betsy Kasten & Donna Clark, Book Sales: Peggy Markson & Judy Buechler, and Publicity – Peggy Markson. They look forward to resuming services and selling of donated books when the Library reopens. C.ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: The Foundation thanked the Board for their membership and donations. D.UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: None. E.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: None. II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A.Anaheim Public Library Report to City Council on the condition of the libraries for Fiscal Year 2019/20 per ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, Section 908: MOTION: THAT THE LIBRARY BOARD APPROVE THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AS PRESENTED: M/S LN/SH, 4 AYES ITEM # 01 Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting October 12, 2020 Page 2 IV.NEW BUSINESS: A.LIBRARY STATISTICS: Scott Fretwell presented the new format for the Library Statistics. The new format includes adding columns for outreach, in-house counts, and COVID related services such as due date extensions, etc. B.FACEBOOK/SOCIAL MEDIA: Linda encouraged all Board members that have social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. to share Anaheim Public Library programs/posts with their followers. C.ELECTION OF CHAIR: MOTION: That the Library Board nominate and elect David Laviguer as Chair of the Library Board to a term of October 2021. M/S: LN/SO 4ayes D.ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR: MOTION: Linda Newby and Shelby Hogan declined their nomination. The item will be postponed to the November meeting. V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Audrey reported that the Central Library will reopen on Monday, October 26th. Hours of operation will be 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to best meet the needs of the community. Haskett Library and Canyon Library will reopen on November 9th. Haskett and Canyon Libraries are vote centers. Staff will be having meetings with CDBG to discuss separating the Central Library and Euclid Library capital projects for bidding purposes. Audrey has requested CDBG money to restore the windows that are slipping at the Carnegie Building. The new City Manager will be touring Central Library and visiting Haskett Library to see the Grandma’s House of Hope food distribution partnership. C.BUDGET: The reopening of libraries will cost additional money for PPE, signage, and cleaning supplies. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.STATISTICS: The Board noted the high attendance at the programs. B.ACTIVITY REPORTS: None. C.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting October 12, 2020 Page 3 VII.BOARD ITEMS MEMBER SHELBY HOGAN: Stated that Anaheim Public Library is leaps and bounds above any other library in the country as far as the programs and services being offered. MEMBER LINDA NEWBY: Recognized that the Senior Kindness Kits contained donated items from the Disneyland Resort that were very much appreciated. VICE CHAIR STAN OFTELIE: None. CHAIR LAVIGUER: David recognized the Library staff for all of their hard work during this time. VIII.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be November 9, 2020, at the Central Library. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Laviguer adjourned the meeting at 4:57 p.m.