Parks & Recreation 2021/07/28MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION DOWNTOWN ANAHEIM COMMUNITY CENTER, ASSEMBLY HALL 250 E CENTER ST., ANAHEIM, CA 92805 July 28, 2021 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Lynn Cudd, Chair Sjany Larson-Cash, Director Nichole Rupp, Vice Chair Pamela Galera, Parks Manager Ryan Balius JJ Jimenez, Principal Project Planner James Cook Eleanor Granflor, Senior Secretary John Elwell Tony Flores COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Yogesh Shah A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cudd called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Cook led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Cudd presented the June 23, 2021 minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Eleanor Granflor stated there will be a change made to Agenda Item 2 to remove the word ‘Vice’ to read “Chair Cudd led the Pledge of Allegiance.” Vice Chair Rupp made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Cook. The motion was approved with six votes in favor; Chair Cudd accepted the minutes. 6. REPORTS a) Parks Activity Report – May/June: Pamela Galera presented the report and highlighted the improvements completed at Cottonwood Park, fire clearance, sidewalk improvements at Willow Park, Beautification Day at Ponderosa Park, the Juneteenth Event held at Center Greens, and Facility Reservations. Questions were answered regarding bees at the parks, online reservations for picnic shelters, and resident/non-residents’ reservations. b) Park Ranger Report – June: Sjany Larson-Cash presented the report and highlighted the number of patrols, patrons, and public contacts made by Park Rangers. There was a 14% decline in the number of patrons and a 16% decline in public contacts made in June compared to the previous month. In June, the Park Rangers assisted with the July 4th event at Peralta Park, Concerts in the Canyon and various food distribution events. Park Rangers have also completed a 45-day detail of overnight patrols for active overnight parks. Sjany also reported Lyons Security has been hired on a limited basis to assist with the overnight patrols. Questions were answered regarding the budget for Lyons Security. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes July 28, 2021 Page 2 2 c) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: Pamela Galera presented a brief overview of the OC River Walk project and JJ Jimenez provided a brief overview of the Yorba Regional Park project. Questions were answered regarding the OC River Walk, the location of the Yorba Regional Park project, and how the Yorba Regional Park project came about. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a) Selection of Chair: Nominations for Chair were made: Vice Chair Rupp nominated Chair Cudd to remain as Chair. Chair Cudd received five votes in favor and one abstention by Commissioner Balius. Chair Cudd will remain as Chair. b) Selection of Vice Chair: Chair Cudd nominated Vice Chair Rupp to remain as Vice Chair; there were six votes in favor. Vice Chair Rupp will remain as Vice Chair. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Eleanor Granflor presented the meeting schedule for the remainder of 2021 . Sjany Larson-Cash shared information on the following:  The Pacific Symphony will be hosting a free concert “Symphony on the Go” at Twila Reid Park on July 31 st at 7:00 p.m.  The last of the Concerts in the Canyon series will be held at Ronald Reagan Park on July 29 th at 6:30 p.m.  75 Ways to Celebrate Summer Anaheim. Commissioner Balius congratulated Sjany Larson-Cash on her promotion to Director. Commissioner Balius requested for a presentation on Online Facility Reservation to be added to next month’s Agenda. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Cudd adjourned the meeting at 6:36 p.m.