09/29/2020ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR AND REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 The regular meeting of September 29, 2020 was called to order at 3:00 P.M. and adjourned to 4:00 P.M. for lack of a quorum. The regular adjourned meeting of September 29, 2020 was called to order at 4:31 P.M. telephonically, pursuant to Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-29-20 (superseding the Brown Act related provisions of Executive Order N-25-20) in response to COVID-19. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on September 24, 2020. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Harry Sidhu and Council Members Stephen Faessel, Denise Barnes, Jordan Brandman, Lucille Kring, and Trevor O'Neil. Council Member Jose F. Moreno joined during Closed Session (all via teleconference). STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Jim Vanderpool, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and City Clerk Theresa Bass ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: None CLOSED SESSION: At 4:33 P.M., Mayor Sidhu recessed to closed session for consideration of the following: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Section 54957(b)(1) of the Government Code) Title: City Attorney and City Clerk 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Subdivision (a) of Section 54957.6 of the Government Code) Agency Designated Representative: Linda Andal, Human Resources Director Position: City Attorney and City Clerk At 5:48 P.M., Mayor Sidhu reconvened the Anaheim City Council. INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem Stephen Faessel FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Jose F. Moreno PRESENTATION Recognizing the 2020 Flag Day Essay Contest Winners Acceptance of Other Recognitions (To be presented at a later date): Recognizing October 4-10, 2020, as Public Power Week Recognizing October 2020, as Domestic Violence Awareness Month At 5:51 P.M., Mayor Sidhu called to order the Anaheim Public Financing Authority (in joint session with the City Council) City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 2 of 36 ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: City Clerk Theresa Bass reported that a total of 45 public comments were received electronically prior to 2:30 P.M. related to City Council agenda items and matters within the jurisdiction of the Anaheim City Council [A final total of 52 public comments were received electronically and distributed to the City Council related to City Council agenda items and matters within the jurisdiction of the Anaheim City Council and made part of the official record]. — See Appendix. CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE: City Manager Jim Vanderpool announced the City conducted its third scheduled mask giveaway last Saturday at Temple Beth Emet, bringing mask distribution to over 2,000 families and over 90,000 masks. He reported the City held a ground -breaking on September 28th at Ponderosa Park for the St. Jude Neighborhood Health Center to provide much-needed medical care to the community, with estimated completion in late 2021. He announced September 30th is the deadline for completing the 2020 Census and encouraged all residents who have not yet completed it to go online to www.2020census.gov to answer the brief questions and help allocate funding and resources to the City. At 5:55 P.M., Mayor Sidhu recessed the Anaheim Public Financing Authority. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 5:55 P.M., the consent calendar was considered with Council Member Moreno pulling Item Nos. 01 and 03 for separate discussion and consideration. MOTION: Council Member Kring moved to adopt the balance of the consent calendar as presented, in accordance with reports, certifications, and recommendations furnished each city council member and as listed on the consent calendar, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. M142 2. ORDINANCE NO. 6492 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapter 10.06 of Title 10 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to allow award of Design -Build Projects on a work order basis (Introduced at Council meeting of September 15, 2020, Item No. 22). C420 4. ORDINANCE NO. 6494 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending portions of Chapter 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP 92-2) Zoning and Development Standards) of Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code and the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan 92-2 (Amendment No. 16 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan; create new density category "Medium Density (Modified A);" Introduced at Council meeting of September 15, 2020, Public Hearing Item No. 27). Determine that the proposed amendment to the Specific Plan was adequately analyzed pursuant to the Mitigated Negative Declaration approved in conjunction with the project on September 15, 2020. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 3 of 36 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR: E150 1. Receive and file the Fair Political Practices Commission 2020 Local Agency Biennial Notice advising that the City's Conflict of Interest Code is currently under review. City Clerk Theresa Bass reported local agencies are required to review their Conflict of Interest Code every two years to ensure it is accurate and current under the Political Reform Act. She advised it reflects the structure of the agency and identifies officials and employees who make governmental decisions based on the positions they hold. She explained that individuals in the designated positions must disclose their financial interests specified in the Code on Form 700, which helps provide transparency in local government as required under the Political Reform Act. She reported the City adopted its first Conflict of Interest Code in 1988, which combined all City departments, and has been reviewed and amended at least every two years since. Ms. Bass reported staff is currently reviewing the City's current code and determining if any positions have been eliminated or renamed, if a new position has been added, or had any changes to its duties and responsibilities. She advised the revised code, upon completion, would be presented for City Council consideration and approval no later than December 31, 2020. DISCUSSION: In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Ms. Bass confirmed this review happens every two years and clarified the City's Conflict of Interest Code identifies positions within the City which are involved in making governmental decisions and thus required to file Form 700. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, City Attorney Robert Fabela clarified this Code does not include conflicts stemming from lobbyists and campaign contributions. He explained this item is an administrative procedure to determine which positions in the City need to file a Form 700 and which sections of Form 700 apply to their positions. He confirmed City Council Members are required to file Form 700. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Ms. Bass confirmed this matter concerns City administrative staff and not elected officials and clarified there is no annual review for elected officials because they are all obligated to constant full -disclosure under a different umbrella. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Fabela confirmed there are no restrictions on voting on items when an elected official has received a campaign contribution from an interested party. He confirmed there are no restrictions on contributions while negotiating a contract with the party, although they are required to be reported. MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to receive and file the Fair Political Practices Commission 2020 Local Agency Biennial Notice advising that the City's Conflict of Interest Code is currently under review, seconded by Council Member Kring. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. C280 3. ORDINANCE NO. 6493 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapters 18.04 (Single -Family Residential Zones); 18.06 (Multiple -Family Residential Zones); 18.08 (Commercial Zones); 18.14 (Public and Special -Purpose Zones); 18.16 (Regulatory Permits); 18.22 (Brookhurst Commercial Corridor (BCC) Overlay Zone); 18.24 (South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor (SABC) Overlay Zone; 18.36 (Types of Uses); 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations); 18.42 (Parking and Loading); 18.92 (Definitions); 18.112 (Mountain Park Specific Plan No. 90-4 (SP 90-4) Zoning and Development City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 4 of 36 Standards); 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP 92-2) Zoning and Development Standards); 18.120 (Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan No. 2015-1 (SP 2015-1) Zoning and Development Standards); and 18.122 (Beach Boulevard Specific Plan No. 2017-1 (SP 2017-1) Zoning and Development Standards) of the Anaheim Municipal Code and finding and determining that this ordinance is exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) because it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and it is not a project, as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines (Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00170) (DEV2020-00002) [includes determination that the ordinance is categorically exempt under Section 15301 of the CEQA guidelines; to provide standards and regulations for unlicensed community care facilities and sober living homes that are not operating as a single housekeeping unit); Introduced at Council meeting of September 15, 2020, Item No. 23]. Planning and Building Director Ted White reported the item is an amendment to Title 18 of the Zoning Code to provide standards and regulations for unlicensed community care facilities and sober living homes and, if adopted, would become effective on August 29, 2020. DISCUSSION: In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. White clarified the legal terms specifically applicable are "unlicensed community care facilities" and "sober living homes." He reported there are several colloquial terms for a variety of group homes and acknowledged it can be confusing. He noted the types of homes listed in the staff report are based on state law and staff tried to stay as close to the legal language as possible. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. White clarified the operational standards being introduced. He advised these facilities will require management of the property by a house manager either on-site or available within 45 minutes of the site 24 hours a day, require the facility to implement written policies and procedures related to operation and resident behavior, and require all vehicles to be parked on-site and operable. He advised separation requirements for unlicensed community care facilities are 300 feet of distance from any other community care facilities and 800 feet from any other sober living home or state -licensed recovery or treatment facility for sober living homes. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. White reported staff has consulted extensively with the City Attorney's office and believes the proposed ordinance is in full compliance with state and federal laws. He clarified 300 feet is an existing standard of the distance between licensed care facilities and advised this is approximately four lots of separation using the City average of 70 feet in width. He explained it would be about 12 average lots for the 800 feet required between sober living homes and advised 800 feet is inspired by a common length of a typical subdivision street. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. White confirmed the City responds to concerns from residents about any sort of congregate living facilities, noting they come most frequently during facility openings. He confirmed the City explains the applicable laws to neighboring residents about how the facility can legally operate. He reported the majority of inquires result in determining the facilities house less than six residents and therefore are not subject to City oversight. He did not have specific information on whether these types of facilities generate more calls to the City than others. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. White expressed his belief that a reasonable set of standards are generally welcomed by good operators. He advised he spoke with a local non- profit chief executive officer who believes standards like these benefit the industry by helping to weed City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 5 of 36 out potential bad apples. He stated his opinion that this set of standards is reasonable and noted separation exemptions were made for existing facilities based on feedback from operators. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Faessel moved to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6493 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapters 18.04 (Single -Family Residential Zones); 18.06 (Multiple -Family Residential Zones); 18.08 (Commercial Zones); 18.14 (Public and Special -Purpose Zones); 18.16 (Regulatory Permits); 18.22 (Brookhurst Commercial Corridor (BCC) Overlay Zone); 18.24 (South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor (SABC) Overlay Zone; 18.36 (Types of Uses); 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations); 18.42 (Parking and Loading); 18.92 (Definitions); 18.112 (Mountain Park Specific Plan No. 90-4 (SP 90-4) Zoning and Development Standards); 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP 92-2) Zoning and Development Standards); 18.120 (Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan No. 2015-1 (SP 2015-1) Zoning and Development Standards); and 18.122 (Beach Boulevard Specific Plan No. 2017-1 (SP 2017-1) Zoning and Development Standards) of the Anaheim Municipal Code and finding and determining that this ordinance is exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) because it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and it is not a project, as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines (Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00170) (DEV2020- 00002) [includes determination that the ordinance is categorically exempt under Section 15301 of the CEQA guidelines; to provide standards and regulations for unlicensed community care facilities and sober living homes that are not operating as a single housekeeping unit), seconded by Mayor Sidhu. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 5 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Brandman, Kring, and O'Neil); ABSTAIN — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Moreno). Motion carried. D116 5. Update on the City's Response to COVID-19. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu stressed the importance of making plans to reopen the economy while maintaining the best health care guidelines. He reported he appeared in a public service announcement earlier in the week, alongside all 34 Orange County mayors, for "Mask Up" which is being used to inform residents they must adhere to best practices if they want the City to reopen. Mayor Sidhu reported he sent a letter to Governor Gavin Newsom with the mayors of Buena Park and Garden Grove requesting theme park guidelines, not for the benefit of Disneyland, but rather for the small businesses and workers around it. He reported that due to a lack of theme park guidelines that would allow Disneyland to prepare for a staged reopening, The Walt Disney Company began to lay off 28,000 already furloughed employees from its theme parks division. He expressed his sympathies for the laid -off workers. Chief Communications Officer Mike Lyster reported Orange County was assessed to move from the Red Tier to the Orange Tier but chose not to because the case rate per 100,000 residents was off by 0.5%. He advised the next reassessment would be on October 13, 2020. He presented COVID-19 case and positivity rate results broken down by zip code, with a mixed collection of positive and negative trends. He noted the figures were an improvement from July. Mr. Lyster reported the City will launch a new COVID-19 website the next day, and while there are no significant content changes, the design is being refined to focus on services such as rent assistance and testing access. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel praised the existing website as being the best in the County and was pleased to hear it would be improved. He noted he often directs residents to the website where they City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 6 of 36 find the important information they need. He commended the zip code information and noted it gives residents the best information for their neighborhoods. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiry, Mr. Lyster advised he would look into adding an attachment to the City Council meeting agenda for the public to view. Council Member Moreno expressed concerns for Disneyland workers who form the backbone of the economy. He criticized the City Council for funneling relief money to Visit Anaheim as opposed to the workers directly. He advised the layoff total also includes workers at Walt Disney World in Florida. He stated Mayor Sidhu should have created a committee to directly address this shortly after the State of Emergency was declared on March 10, 2020. He criticized Mayor Sidhu for not encouraging COVID- 19 preventative measures with City ordinances until early summer. He praised staff for its efforts to provide community education but believed all of the visitors to the City helped push COVID-19 past Santa Ana to become the County's COVID-19 hotspot. Council Member Moreno reported the City of Irvine has had 1,683 confirmed COVD-19 cases, out of 280,000 residents. He advised Mayor Pro Tem Faessel and himself share zip code 92805, accounting for 2,248 cases, which is more than all of Irvine but out of just 75,000 residents. He remarked the 92804, 92801, and 92800 zip codes have seen comparable numbers as well. He disagreed with Mayor Sidhu for wanting to open up the City when numbers are already so high and remarked that Mayor Sidhu should be lobbying the federal government and Governor Newsom to award relief assistance disproportionally to Anaheim to help workers and small businesses. He stated reopening so soon during the pandemic would be irresponsible. Council Member Moreno noted Anaheim's case totals include over 900 children, noting that they bring the virus home to elderly parents and grandparents. He noted his district of zip code 92805 has the highest concentration of overcrowded housing, poverty, and people doing essential work. He encouraged highlighting keeping residents healthy instead of opening businesses. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Lyster confirmed case numbers have risen in the 92807 and 92808 zip codes over the past two weeks. He mentioned they remain the lowest zip codes for case totals per 100,000 residents and positivity rate but that they are increasing. Council Member Moreno warned the residents in those zip codes to remain vigilant. Council Member Kring clarified she never said the number of infected children was inconsequential, but that she stated kids are not as vulnerable to the virus. She expressed sympathy for the laid -off Disneyland workers and expressed her belief that the City should not have been closed down as long as it has been. She reported things have opened and closed like a yo-yo and many businesses will never come back. She remarked that if people do things like social distancing and wear masks, they would all be fine. She claimed almost 20% of kids have either attempted or committed suicide for lack of social activity leading to depression. She explained that virtual learning at schools is not learning but teachers may get COVID-19 from kids. She was discouraged about being misquoted and stated Irvine is different from Anaheim in many ways. She expressed sympathy for the numbers rising in the hills and noted many people who have died had underlying medical conditions but their deaths were attributed to COVID-19 for convenience despite the misdiagnosis. Council Member Moreno stood by his interpretation of Council Member Kring's comments about kids. He expressed surprise at her comment of incorrect data in regards to deaths from underlying conditions. He advised Anaheim has a disproportionate number of children and adults with Type 2 diabetes, asthma, and respiratory disease due to the freeways and industrial pollution in the area. He suggested that conditions in Anaheim, such as overcrowded housing and a high number of essential workers, are perfect for COVID-19 spread. He reported Mayor Sidhu ignored his request to require City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 7 of 36 masks and put up plastic barriers for workers' protection. He advised Irvine is different from Anaheim because it invests in itself through affordable housing and appropriate park space and does not give away money to corporations. He reiterated his analogy is based on the ratios between Irvine and his 92805 zip code mixed with Irvine not clamoring to have visitors from all over the world. Council Member Moreno suggested the City should not be arguing for Governor Newsom to reopen quicker but rather asking him for disproportionately increased recovery funds since the City contributes disproportionally more in good times. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, City Manager Jim Vanderpool reported he spoke to Visit Anaheim and they have committed to having a report on the status of the City's $6,500,000 investment by the end of the week. Council Member Moreno suggested any unspent funds should be redistributed to the laid -off workers. Council Member Moreno repeated his inquiry about redistributing the unspent funds with no response from any Council Member. Council Member Moreno requested Mr. Vanderpool redirect any remaining funds from the $6,500,000 given to Visit Anaheim to laid -off Disneyland workers since there was no opposition. City Attorney Robert Fabela advised this would not count as City Council direction because it is a non -action item. He reported the action can be agendized under Council Communications but otherwise it is simply a suggestion made by City Council for the City Manager to consider as opposed to formal direction per the Brown Act. Council Member Barnes advised if Mr. Vanderpool does not get an answer from Visit Anaheim by the end of the week she will approach them herself. She reported she has been asking for this update for three weeks and residents deserve to know what is happening. Mayor Sidhu ended the discussion and advised Council Member Moreno to address his agenda request during Agenda Requests later in the meeting instead of during this informational item. Informational item - No action taken. At 6:58 P.M., Mayor Sidhu recessed the City Council and reconvened at 7:04 P.M. AGR- 6. The City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider an Amended and Restated 11655.A Disposition and Development Agreement, in substantial form, with 39 Commons Partners, LLC for real property generally located at the northeast corner of Beach Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue (APN Nos. 258-011-17, -21, -23, -24, 25, -27, -29, -31, 258-021-028, and 258- 031-05; for the development of a mixed use project). RESOLUTION NO. 2020-115 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving an Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement by and between the City of Anaheim and 39 Commons Partners, LLC; authorizing the Director of Community and Economic Development to finalize such Disposition and Development Agreement; authorizing the Director of Community and Economic Development to implement such Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement; and making certain other findings in connection therewith (39 Commons Mixed Use Project). Director of Community and Economic Development John Woodhead reported on July 30, 2019, City Council approved a Disposition and Development Agreement and Ground Lease (DDA) with 39 City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 8 of 36 Common Partners, LLC for the development of the 39 Commons mixed-use project at the corner of Beach Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue. He advised the developer has engaged technical consultants to begin the design process for Phase 1 of the project, with up to 65 residential townhomes and approximately 38,000 square feet of restaurant and retail space. Mr. Woodhead reported the original site plan included the Davis Mud Pit; however, several landfill remediation issues were identified in the design process leading to changes proposed in the amended DDA. He advised, after environmental testing, the Orange County Environmental Health Division is requiring a Closure Plan be prepared and approved by both themselves and the Regional Water Quality Control Board before construction can proceed. He reported that site engineering for the residential parcel revealed monitoring wells needed to be relocated and replaced, along with revealing a need for new electrical panels to support the development. Mr. Woodhead advised the new project design called for further drainage studies, delaying the developer until the issues were analyzed and solved. He reported the cost of these remediation improvements have not been considered in the original DDA's purchase price. He advised it has been determined the most timely course of action is to revise the retail site plan to exclude the majority of the Davis Mud Pit and proceed with the residential construction ahead of the retail component. Mr. Woodhead reported the new site plan retains 35,087 square feet of retail and restaurant space and will improve the original plan's vehicular circulation and pedestrian experience. He reported the Planning Commission approved the entitlements for the residential component, including a Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Tract Map. He added revisions to the application for the retail component are in process and must be submitted by September 30, 2020. He noted the amended DDA calls for the developer to close escrow on both components no later than December 31, 2020. Mr. Woodhead reported the Davis Mud Pit covering 2.384 acres will be included in the Ground Lease, the prices have been adjusted accordingly, and noted all other provisions in the Ground Lease remain the same as the original DDA. He advised the revised grocery component parcel schedule has been adjusted from on or before July 31, 2022 to on or before December 31, 2022. Mr. Woodhead reported the removal of the majority of the Davis Mud Pit and other remediation improvements shifts the retail price from $5,600,000 to $5,697,237. He reported the City is now required to assume the $2,200,000 in costs associated with the added remediation improvements. He advised the Successor Agency to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency would be requesting reimbursement from the State Real Property Tax Trust Fund per the Redevelopment Dissolution Law. He noted budget authority was approved by the City Council on September 15, 2020, increasing the maximum compensation from $1,500,000 to $5,800,000. He reported the amendment was also approved last week by the Orange County Oversight Board. Mr. Woodhead reported the proposed amended DDA will allow the developer to begin site grading by the end of the year and possibly by the end of October. He advised there would be no additional environmental impacts associated with the amended DDA. DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Faessel remarked he looks forward to groundbreaking soon. Council Member Barnes thanked Mr. Woodhead and his staff for their work on this project and for communicating updates to residents. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 9 of 36 Council Member Kring remarked she is also looking forward to the groundbreaking on this project, which is 20 years in the making. Council Member Moreno thanked Mr. Woodhead for keeping the project moving forward. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Woodhead explained the site has long been viewed for commercial development and financing was secured on this assumption. He advised the City added a three -acre residential component at the request of those involved in the retail component, but since it is only three acres, they decided to leave it as market -rate driven housing. He advised the City looked across Lincoln Avenue to a larger site where they already planned to develop housing for mixed-use for the affordable housing component. He advised staff is currently negotiating with the developer relative to the number of affordable housing units and their cost. He advised they are looking at low and very -low components. He hoped to have at least the framework of an agreement available by the end of the year. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Woodhead explained the primary goal is always to develop the best -looking affordable housing in the entire neighborhood. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiry, Mr. Woodhead confirmed he is confident the project is ready to proceed with the main phases. He advised the retail has been ready to go for a while and the residential has received its entitlements and permit. He reiterated the developer has indicated he anticipates the first closing by the end of October. Mayor Sidhu disclosed he had ex parte communications with the applicants 6-8 months ago. Council Members O'Neil, Brandman, and Kring and Mayor Pro Tem Faessel also reported ex parte communications. Mayor Sidhu opened the public hearing. City Clerk Theresa Bass reported two public comments related to Public Hearing Item No. 06 were received, which were distributed to the City Council, posted to the City's website, and made part of the official record. — See Appendix. Mayor Sidhu closed the public hearing Mayor Pro Tem Faessel remarked he looks forward to the groundbreaking and was saddened the late Esther Wallace would not be there after working so hard for this project for West Anaheim. He hoped some of her family members could attend. Council Member Barnes also praised Ms. Wallace, calling this development a big effort from a little lady. She also praised others behind the project. Council Member Moreno congratulated Council Member Barnes for completing a major project for her district where some of her predecessors had failed. He praised former Mayor Tom Tait and Mayor Sidhu, along with the current and previous City Councils, for their efforts to move this project forward and give District 1 its due. Council Member Brandman noted he was happy this project was coming together and commended all involved. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 10 of 36 MOTION: Council Member Barnes moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-115 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving an Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement by and between the City of Anaheim and 39 Commons Partners, LLC; authorizing the Director of Community and Economic Development to finalize such Disposition and Development Agreement; authorizing the Director of Community and Economic Development to implement such Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement; and making certain other findings in connection therewith (39 Commons Mixed Use Project), seconded by Council Member Kring. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. AGR- 7. This City Council will conduct a public hearing related to the development of the Stadium 11860.A District Sub -Area A Project located at 2000 E. Gene Autry Way and 2200 E. Katella Ave. (Angel Stadium and City National Grove of Anaheim Properties) to consider the following: 1) AGR- the Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment, including the Updated and Modified 11860.A.O.H Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 106D; 2) the Summary Report prepared pursuant to California AGR- Government Code Section 52201 and a sale pursuant to an Amended and Restated Purchase 11860.A.0.1 and Sale Agreement with SRB Management, LLC; 3) a Disposition and Development Agreement, including the Master Site Plan, with SRB Management, LLC; and 4) Zoning Code AGR- Amendment No. 2020-00171 (DEV2020-00127). 11860.A.O.K PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed project is located at 2000 E. Gene Autry Way and 2200 AGR- E. Katella Ave. (Angel Stadium and City National Grove of Anaheim Properties). The property 1699.0.K.0.1 is approximately 151 -acres in size, and generally located south of Katella Avenue, east of AGR- State College Boulevard, North of Orangewood Avenue, and west of the Santa Ana River and 1699.0.T.0.2 State Route (SR) 57 (APN Nos. 232-011-02, 232-011-06, 232-011-35 through 44, 232-011- 47, 232-011-48, 232-011-50, and a portion of 083-270-47). C280 PROJECT OWNER/APPLICANT: Alex Winsberg, SRB Management, LLC, 2850 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89052; Rich Knowland, Brooks Street, 1300 Quail Street, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 REQUEST: The applicant requests approval of a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and a Zoning Code Amendment for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). The DDA would be between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management, LLC and includes a Master Site Plan that provides the framework for the development of the site with a mixed-use community of up to 5,175 residential dwelling units, 1.75 million square feet of commercial uses (including up to 943 new hotel rooms), 2.7 million square feet of office space, and public parks up to 12.2 acres. The City will retain ownership of an adjacent City -owned water utility plant and a site for a fire station. The proposed project provides for the retention and maintenance of the existing 45,500 -seat Angel Stadium, with an option for the applicant to replace the existing stadium with a new stadium of the same, or lesser, size and seating capacity. The Zoning Code Amendment would modify Title 18 (Zoning Code) of Anaheim Municipal Code to permit stadium and sports arena complexes within the Arena and Stadium Districts of the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use Overlay Zone, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City Council will consider whether a Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA), including the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 106D, is the appropriate environmental documentation for this request under the California Environmental Quality Act for the project. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Approved and recommended City Council approval of a Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment and Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 106D, Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171, and Development Agreement No. 2020-00002, including the Master Site Plan (PC2020-037). City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 11 of 36 VOTE: 6-1 (Chairperson Keys and Commissioners Armstrong, Lieberman, Meeks, Mulleady, and Vadodaria voted yes. Commissioner White voted no.) (Planning Commission meeting of September 9, 2020). 7.a. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARING 1) RESOLUTION NO. 2020-116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving and adopting a Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment for proposed Development Agreement No. 2020-00002 and Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171 (DEV2020-00127; 2000 East Gene Autry Way) [including the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 106D]. 2) RESOLUTION NO. 2020-117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving the Amended and Restated Purchase and Sale Agreement for the sale of approximately 151 acres of city -owned property generally located at 2000 E. Gene Autry Way and 2200 East Katella Ave. containing improvements including Angel Stadium of Anaheim and City National Grove of Anaheim and finding that the sale creates an economic opportunity pursuant to California Government Code Section 52201 [The proposed Amended and Restated Purchase and Sale Agreement updates terms related to purchase price, method of payment, closing schedule and conditions precedent for closing; adjusts the purchase price to $319,812,179 to reflect land that the City will retain for a future fire station as well as the City's retention of the municipal water utility building adjacent to Katella Avenue. The purchase price will be paid with a combination of pre-closing deposits totaling $50,000,000; SRB's obligation to construct 466 affordable housing units valued at $123,677,843; SRB's obligation to construct and maintain a 7 -acre Community Benefit Park valued at $46,233,094; and a note of $100,000,000 to be paid in five annual installments.] 3) ORDINANCE NO. 6497 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving Development Agreement No. 2020-00002 by and between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management Company, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City (Development Agreement No. 2020-00002; DEV2020-00127) [The Disposition and Development Agreement extends for a term of up to 55 years and would permit the applicant to develop the project site with uses and densities consistent with the General Plan, PTMLUP, and PTMU Overlay Zone; it also obligates the applicant to construct 466 affordable housing units pursuant to the Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement credit at escrow of $123,677,843, dedicate 15% of for -rent housing to affordable units, and to construct and maintain a Community Benefit Park, pursuant to the Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement credit at escrow of $46,233,094.] . 4) ORDINANCE NO. 6498 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapters 18.20 (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone) and 18.36 (Types of Uses) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code to allow arena/stadium use with a Conditional Use Permit within the Arena and Stadium Districts of PTMU Overlay Zone (Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171; DEV2020-00127). 7.b. SUBSEQUENT CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS In addition, the Anaheim City Council will consider taking the following actions related to the sale and development of the Angel Stadium Property: 1) approve the Angels Commitment Agreement; City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 12 of 36 2) approve a Lease Assignment Agreement; 3) approve a request to the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission to take proceedings pursuant to the Cortese -Knox -Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000; 4) approve a release of approximately 151 -acre site and facilities including Angel Stadium, adjacent surface parking and certain improvements; and 5) authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the agreements and any other related documents, take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreements, and authorize changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreements as determined by the City Attorney. 1) Approve the Angels Commitment Agreement between the City and Angels Baseball LP, to memorialize Angels Baseball's commitment to not relocate and to play its home games at Angel Stadium of Anaheim (or its replacement) until at least December 31, 2050, with options to extend for up to 25 additional years. 2) Approve the Assignment and Assumption of Stadium Lease between the City and SRB Management, LLC (SRB), to assign City's interest, as landlord, in the existing Stadium Lease between the City and Angels Baseball to SRB upon closing of the sale of the project site. 3) RESOLUTION NO. -2020-118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM making application to and requesting the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County to take proceeding pursuant to the Cortese - Knox -Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 for the City of Anaheim to annex approximately 9.8 acres of property within its sphere of influence and file Annexation No. RO 20-06. Determining that this action is exempt from further environmental review under Section 15319 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (Class 19, Annexations of Existing Facilities and Lots for Exempt Facilities). 4) RESOLUTION NO. -2020-119 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving the release of a portion of the leased premises leased under a 1997 Site and Facility Lease and a 1997 Lease Agreement, authorizing the execution and delivery of a Second Supplemental Site and Facility Lease and a Second Supplemental Lease Agreement in connection therewith and authorizing other matters related thereto. 5) Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the agreements and any other related documents, take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreements, and authorize changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreements as determined by the City Attorney. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu reported the proposal would keep Angels Baseball LP (Angels) in Anaheim for at least 30 years, sell Angel Stadium and the land around it, and develop the property into a mixed-use village. He advised it would bring an incredible opportunity to the City, including tens of thousands of jobs, tens of millions of dollars in tax revenue, incredible park space, affordable housing for working people, and shopping and entertainment for both residents and visitors. Mayor Sidhu emphasized the proposal keeps the Angels in Anaheim two years after the club opted out of its lease and actively looked to move to Long Beach. He called the proposal a tremendous City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 13 of 36 victory for Anaheim. He noted the Angels were committing to stay in Anaheim until 2050, with an option to stay through 2075. Mayor Sidhu reported the proposal would not leave taxpayers responsible for the cost of either renovating Angel Stadium or for the cost of building a new stadium. He noted Angel Stadium, owned by the City, is the fourth -oldest stadium in Major League Baseball and needs hundreds of millions of dollars of repair. He advised a new stadium could cost over $1 billion and cities around the country put their taxpayers in a position to pay for new stadiums to either attract or keep a team. Mayor Sidhu reported this proposal honors a commitment he and a majority of the City Council made to residents to only sell the stadium and surrounding land for fair market value. He cautioned residents they would hear talk about the land being worth anywhere from $500 million to $1 billion. He explained comments along these lines were misleading residents and being done for political purposes. He reported an appraisal commissioned by former Mayor Tait and the previous City Council, which had been provided to the public, determined the land is worth $320,000,000 and the City has negotiated a sales price of $325,000,000. He reported versions of the appraisal state if the Angels leave town, tear down the stadium, and sell the land to a high-density housing developer with no community benefits, the City might get $500 million but noted no one wanted that option. He remarked that anyone who claims the land is worth $1 billion wants residents to believe the value of the land has almost tripled in a year during the worst economic downtown in 100 years. Mayor Sidhu reported the proposal unlocks the land around the stadium so it can become what has been envisioned for 15 years, which is a vibrant, walkable community with housing, entertainment, shopping, dining, and offices around the stadium instead of an empty parking lot most days. He explained it would include housing at a variety of prices, with 15% certified as affordable for working families. He reported it will include 25 acres of parks, open space, and community gathering areas the Platinum Triangle area lacks. He expressed his belief the flagship park will be one of the finest urban parks in the nation. Mayor Sidhu reported the proposal would bring jobs and be a revenue -generating machine for the City at a time when it needs it the most. He advised the project will bring over 30,000 construction jobs with preference given to Anaheim residents and military veterans. He noted, upon completion, it would provide over 45,000 on-site jobs with a mix of professional and service jobs, which will help the City diversify its economy. He noted it would create over $1 billion in tax revenue for the City over the next 30 years with an annual positive annual cash flow of over $30,000,000. He stated it would only be exceeded by the Anaheim Resort in tax revenue generation for Anaheim. Mayor Sidhu believed any city in the country would like to have a Major League Baseball team commit to playing there for 55 years, have the team owners pay to repair a City -owned stadium or build a new one without taxpayer funding, double the park space required by law, provide hundreds of units of working-class housing, create 30,000 construction jobs with local and veteran preference, create 45,000 permanent jobs, and generate $1 billion in new tax revenue. Mayor Sidhu recalled the day two years ago when the Angels opted out of their lease and announced their intention to leave Anaheim. He advised he was in the midst of a hard campaign and all the voters wanted to talk about was how he planned to keep the Angels in Anaheim. He explained he would tell everyone, if elected, he would make it a top priority to figure out how to keep the Angels in Anaheim and noted he has been working on this for the past two years. He advised several previous negotiations with the club had fallen apart. He expressed hope that all of the hard work will have paid off after tonight with something which residents would be thankful for generations. He noted this City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 14 of 36 proposal benefits the entire City through the jobs and tax revenue generation which can be reinvested everywhere from West Anaheim to Anaheim Hills. Mayor Sidhu thanked City staff and the consulting team for their hard work on this proposal. He expressed his pride in the work Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia performed to drive the agreement home. Mr. Garcia recognized the extraordinary effort of City staff, outside counsel from Husch Blackwell LLP, and all of the consultants who have been working on this complex proposal for over a year. He explained establishing a long-term deal with the Angels has always been an important goal throughout his 15 years working for the City, including several previously unsuccessful negotiations. He advised this proposal meets the City's mantra of thinking big and creatively as it relates to the areas surrounding the stadium. Mr. Garcia reported the proposal to keep the Angels in Anaheim includes selling the stadium site to add homes, hotels, restaurants, shops, parks, and other public spaces. He explained the City will get out of the costly business of stadium ownership, generate new revenues through the development which will include high-quality affordable housing, and realize the long -sought Platinum Triangle Park. Mr. Garcia explained the City will sell the stadium site to SRB Management, LLC (SRB) except for the water well site and land for a future fire station. He advised the Angels are committing to play in Anaheim through at least 2050 with options to remain longer. He reported the City and SRB will enter into a Development Agreement for the land. Mr. Garcia clarified SRB is agreeing to buy the stadium site, enter into a development agreement with the City, and replace the City as the stadium landlord. He clarified the Angels are committing to playing at either Angel Stadium or an Anaheim -based replacement through 2050 with five five-year extensions, and will release the City from any stadium claims. He clarified the City is selling the stadium site, entering a Development Agreement with SRB, processing development applications, and assigning the stadium lease to SRB. Husch Blackwell Partner Kevin Kelley explained there are four legal agreements involved in this item: the Amended and Restated Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA), the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA), the Angels Commitment Agreement, and the Lease Assignment Agreement. Mr. Kelley detailed how the amended PSA is different from the one from December 2019. He reported the revised price is $319,800,000, reflecting the City's retention of the water well and land for a future fire station. He advised the deposits have been simplified to the $5,000,000 collected in December 2019 and $45,000,000 due 10 days after approval of the amended PSA. He explained the purchase price will be received through $123,700,000 in affordable housing, $46,200,000 in park construction, $50,000,000 at closing, and $100,000,000 split over five payments of $20,000,000 with the first one due the day after closing. He advised the $100,000,000 note has a 2.35% interest rate, which will generate an additional $4,700,000 for the City. Mr. Kelley advised the amended PSA accelerates the closing date to late 2021 or early 2022, as SRB has agreed to submit its Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) by March 2021 and the City agreeing to process it as quickly as possible. He reported a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and a multitude of title issues are also conditions for closing. He advised the City is selling the property to create an economic opportunity under Section 52201 of the California Government Code and consultants Kosmont Companies have prepared a report to confirm the economic opportunity through increased property tax revenue and affordable housing. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 15 of 36 Mr. Kelley reported the DDA has a 30 -year initial term and a maximum of 55 years should SRB pick up all of its options. He explained that if the DDA is extended, the Angels' commitment to playing in Anaheim is also extended. He reported the DDA contains project development milestones. He noted the project calls for a minimum of 466 affordable housing units for low or very low-income households with affordable units to account for 15% of the total residential units. He advised there are both hard deadlines for the completion of these units and interim milestones. Mr. Kelley explained the other non-cash payment is the community benefit of a seven -acre park. He advised the City will approve the design and it will be programmed under a Joint -Use Agreement between the City and SRB, with SRB being responsible for construction and maintenance. He noted SRB will also have to create up to 5.2 additional acres of park space based upon a standard of 44 square feet per residential unit. He explained SRB will end up paying about $20-30 million in park fees to the City, just like any other developer. Mr. Kelley reported the DDA would require SRB to use union labor for public infrastructure and large projects, like high-rises. He advised SRB will be responsible for mitigating its development impacts. Lastly, he advised the DDA gives the Angels the ability to replace Angel Stadium with a new one. Mr. Kelly reported the maximum development densities in the DDA are 5,175 apartments and condominiums, 777 affordable apartments, 2.7 million square feet of office space, 1.75 million square feet of commercial space, 943 rooms in two hotels, the seven -acre flagship park, and 5.2 acres of other community parks. He reported, should the Angels opt to build a new stadium, it can be placed into flexible space east of the existing one. Mr. Kelley reported the key terms of the Commitment Agreement include the Angels committing to play home games in Anaheim through 2050, with extension options, and allows for Major League Baseball -required special events such as an International Series. He advised there is a Contingency Plan so the Angels can play elsewhere should the stadium be temporarily unavailable due to matters like a State emergency. He reported the Angels have agreed to extend the Commitment Agreement by a year if the casualty to the ballpark is so severe as to force them to play more than half of their home games elsewhere. He noted the Angels have agreed to provide the City with 2,500 tickets a year for community use through 2029. He explained if the Angels threaten to leave, they would be taken to court. He reported that if the courts permit the team to leave, the City would receive between $100-300 million in liquidated damages depending on how many years remain on the Commitment Agreement. Mr. Kelley reported the Lease Assignment will have SRB assume all lease obligations including one where SRB must allow the Angels to play home games at either Angel Stadium or its replacement. He advised SRB must repair or replace the stadium after catastrophic damage. He noted should SRB fail to repair the stadium, the Angels would be obligated to do it. He advised the Angels and City have mutually agreed to release all lease -related claims against each other but noted this is in a separate document and not the Lease Assignment. Planning and Building Director Ted White reported the Planning Commission, on September 9, 2020, made recommended amendments to the Zoning Code to allow a stadium as a conditionally permitted use in the Platinum Triangle Mixed -Use Overlay Zone. He advised a new stadium would require a CUP. He reported the other recommendation from the Planning Commission is to find the Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA) is acceptable in determining the project complies with regulations including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 16 of 36 Mr. White reported the other action requested of the City Council is to realign the stadium property's boundary because a portion of it is within the City of Orange. He advised the proposal is to add 9.8 acres, including land owned by the Orange County Flood Control District, to make improvements along the Santa Ana River. He noted City and Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County (LAFCO) staff have held a pre -filing meeting and would hold a future meeting and public hearing. He advised the City of Orange is supportive of the proposed reorganization. Mr. Kelly summarized the actions detailed for City Council consideration. He requested Council by resolution certify the SCEA, by resolution approve the amended PSA with the 52201 report, by ordinance amend Title 18: Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code, by ordinance approve the DDA, by motion approve the Commitment Agreement and Lease Agreement, by resolution request LAFCO proceedings, by resolution release the stadium parcels from bond agreements, and by motion authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements, including minor changes as needed. Mr. Garcia concluded the presentation by noting it is a transformative moment in Anaheim's 54 -year Major League Baseball history. He reported it ends the City's expenses incurred through stadium ownership and noted the economic opportunities and significant community benefits. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiries, Mr. Kelley confirmed the language of the Commitment Agreement can be tweaked to make it crystal clear any replacement stadium must specifically be built on the stadium site in Anaheim. City Attorney Robert Fabela advised this has already been addressed with the other parties. He advised this is an example of one of the non - substantive changes the City Manager would be authorized to make independent of the City Council. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel echoed Mr. Garcia's comments that this is a transformative time in Anaheim and expressed his pride in being able to have some of his fingerprints on the new stadium area. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiry, Director of Community Services Larry Pasco stated there are four small developer -built and maintained parks in the Platinum Triangle. He advised the most recent is the one -acre Jacaranda Park, which includes a dog park that is highly used. He reported most of the developer -built parks in the Platinum Triangle are small. He noted his department has had a priority for a while to obtain a larger piece of land in this area to better serve residents and meet the need for more parks. He praised the parks component of the proposal, stating the Platinum Triangle is particularly park -deficient. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiries, Mr. Pasco clarified Platinum Triangle developers have to dedicate 44 square feet of land per dwelling unit for parks or pay In -Lieu Fees. He advised the City has both collected these fees and added smaller pocket parks in the Platinum Triangle. He confirmed some of the larger Platinum Triangle projects have paid a combination of the two. He clarified the parks included in the other 5.2 acres must be at least half an acre in size each. He noted staff works with developers to ensure these parks include the City's desired amenities. He clarified the 5.2 acre total depends on the eventual density of the future residential construction. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiries, Mr. Pasco reported the City expects to see in the flagship seven -acre park things currently not in the City. He advised the City is contemplating high- end amenities including water features, different types of topography, high-quality finishes, public art, play equipment, and other developments the City has not seen due to funding constraints. He cited Tongva Park in Santa Monica as a potential local blueprint for how he is thinking conceptually for the signature park many large cities have but Anaheim lacks. He confirmed it would be a public park and open to all, and given the contemplated budget, he hopes it would be one of the best parks in Orange County and beyond. He confirmed the City will be part of the design process with an opportunity for City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 17 of 36 community input. He remarked he is proud to be a part of this project and residents can expect to see something well worth the work and effort over the coming years as it is designed and constructed. He noted great cities need great parks and this park has the potential to revive Anaheim's pre -World War II reputation for being a City of parks. Council Member Barnes moved to table the discussion until there is a public workshop the public can attend via either video or in-person, seconded by Council Member Moreno. She explained she has heard many times from the public that they have not had their right to be heard. Mr. Fabela clarified there needed to be a public hearing before any motions could be made and advised her to wait. Mayor Sidhu clarified the public hearing has not yet been opened. In response to Council Member Barnes's inquiries, Mr. Kelley clarified parties to any contract can attempt to modify it over time. He advised this contract does not anticipate any changes to the purchase price or how it would be paid. He explained there is not a discount but rather the City is receiving the full purchase price through a combination of cash, a $100,000,000 note, delivery of housing, and delivery of a park. He confirmed, after closing, it becomes the buyer's property and can be sold and confirmed the City would not have to approve a future sale of the property. He advised that to the best of his knowledge, the buyer would not require State or federal assistance to complete the affordable housing component of the development. He confirmed the plan is for inclusionary affordable housing for which there are no tax credits or subsidies. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiry, Mr. Fabela advised the applicant could speak better to the logistics of meeting its obligation to hire local workers for the project. Council Member Barnes relayed comments from former Mayor and current Assemblymember Tom Daly questioning selling the stadium to SRB owned by Angels owner Arte Moreno, the property being undervalued through manipulation, and the $169,000,000 for parks and affordable housing counting towards the sale price when they are always the developer's responsibility. In response to her inquiry, Mr. Kelley advised he could not speak to any potential manipulation. He stated the $169,000,000 is an obligation of the buyer to deliver the affordable housing and park at its own expense with no reimbursement from the City. He further explained there is no inclusionary housing ordinance in the community so it is not required. He reiterated the developers are required to develop 44 square feet of park per residential unit, but the seven -acre park is in addition to that. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiries, Mr. Kelley explained there was no talk of a rebate because the concept was to pay a portion of the purchase price as the delivery of a park. He advised the City benefits from this because the cost of design, construction, and maintenance has been transferred to SRB. Additionally, he confirmed park cost overruns would be incurred by SRB and not the City. He confirmed SRB has 15 years to build the park but expressed his view SRB will build it much more quickly because it will help sell residential units. Mr. Garcia clarified the developer is meeting its 44 square foot obligation and paying park fees but also providing an additional flagship seven -acre park above standard requirements. Council Member Barnes stated she would rather take the money and upgrade existing parks in District 1 and elsewhere in the City. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiry, Mayor Sidhu clarified the City Council decides what happens in the City. He further explained that citizens have had an opportunity to engage for years on this issue but ultimately the City Council decides and not the voters because they were elected to do this job. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 18 of 36 Council Member Barnes remarked there needed to be more input and perspective after Mayor Sidhu appointed himself to the negotiating team. She cited the dismissal of former City Manager Chris Zapata who had experience in these matters. She expressed concern that the consultants and the Chamber of Commerce know more than City Council members who receive constant letters from residents asking why this sale is happening in this manner. She questioned why a billionaire who lives outside the city matters more than Anaheim voters and decried the sale as corporate welfare in a time of budget deficit. She remarked that the inability of citizens to make comments, either in person or via Zoom, was poor practice. She expressed her disappointment in City Council for operating without having the door open to residents urging the Council to vote no. In response to Council Member Kring's inquiries, Mr. White reported there are three potential sites for mobility hubs, which would be large parking structures to replace the existing surface lots, but deferred to the applicant to elaborate further on parking. He advised there would be access to mass - transit and Metrolink. He noted the Angels are not proposing trams within the development but there are ideas and the Mayor's Transit Taskforce is discussing local transit opportunities to connect the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) and the site. He advised the Angels are looking forward to partnering with this City on it. In response to Council Member Kring's inquiries, Mr. White reported the City and Anaheim Elementary School District (AESD) have been working closely for many years about new housing on a citywide level. He noted this project would be subject to school fees to the AESD and the Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) to mitigate the impacts of the residential districts. He explained that if the maximum buildout happens, it would amount to about $26-27 million in school fees which are initially paid for by the developer. In response to Council Member Kring's inquiry, Mr. White explained the applicant would be the one to discuss collaborating with H&S Ventures at the Honda Center. Council Member Kring praised the concept of a transformative seven -acre park in Anaheim, even if it is not in her district, because everyone will be free to enjoy it. She advised the City could not afford to build anything comparable and noted the park is a win for everybody. She remarked that whether they are baseball fans or not, residents have said for many years they want the Angels to stay and this makes their wishes come true. Council Member Moreno addressed competing narratives between Mayor Sidhu's statement about how often he heard talk of keeping the Angels on his campaign and Council Member Barnes speaking to the deluge of emails against this deal. He reported local Assembly Member Daly and Congressman Lou Correa have criticized the deal's undervalue and limited community benefits. He addressed vote totals in the 2018 election and the priorities of voters. He stated one of the first things Mayor Sidhu let go of in the negotiations was a requirement for the team to be named the Anaheim Angels and show pride in the City. Council Member Moreno expressed concerns about the process being a potential Brown Act violation, citing the challenge of following discussions on the City Council teleconferences with their poor audio and video quality. He expressed support for Council Member Barnes' motion to postpone the item until there can be an in-person or video-conferenced public workshop. He stated the Angels' lease runs through 2029 and questioned the urgency of approving such a complicated item during a pandemic. He noted many of the letters of support were form letters. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 19 of 36 In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mayor Sidhu advised he met with the negotiating team many times over the past 10 months, but noted 80-90% of the legwork was done by staff and consultants. He explained his involvement was to make policy decisions and he was regularly involved with City staff and consultants working out the details. Mayor Sidhu advised the deal gets the Angels to stay in Anaheim at fair market value with community benefits and thousands of jobs. Council Member Moreno remarked there have been no agendized items to discuss the Council's desired community benefits from this sale since the December 2019 meeting. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Fabela reported messaging from past Council meetings was used as a basis for negotiations. He advised the flagship community park is an item the City has been looking at for a long time. He explained staff negotiates issues it believes are important to the City and it is up to the Council to decide if they are acceptable. He clarified, especially since December 2019, they have not negotiated as a committee but rather as a series of individuals depending on the topic. Council Member Moreno raised concerns about inappropriate communications by Council Members for staff to have obtained a consensus without a public City Council meeting's direction. He advised the community benefits component was supposed to come back to Council for direction after December 2019. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Fabela described the negotiation over community benefits as being very dynamic and done without formal proposals and counterproposals. He advised this would not be unexpected given the magnitude of a deal with so many components. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Garcia reported they did not do a Wage Distribution Analysis of the 45,000 permanent jobs. He advised there is a Project Labor Agreement he believes has been finalized with the applicant. He repeated there is no estimate of what wages will be when the 45,000 permanent jobs come online and noted he does not have a sense of what the job category breakdowns might be. He reported the agreement obligates for Type 1 construction but anything related to a Labor Peace Agreement would be a question for the applicant. He explained the City asked for an agreement and negotiated things from there. He stated he is unaware of a negotiation for a Labor Peace Agreement but conceded one may have happened and deferred to the applicant. He noted he does not recall if such a negotiation happened. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Garcia advised he believes there will be a multitude of community benefits from the project's amenities. He advised the flagship park was a major negotiating piece because of its benefit to the City. He explained it is unclear if the park will be exactly seven acres because the design process has not happened yet. He advised the City would prefer perimeter parking around the park and deferred to the applicant for more details but noted parking located at the park would be free. He reported, for comparison, Chaparral Park is roughly 10 acres in size including acreage for parking and La Palma Park, not including the stadium, is roughly 6-7 acres. Council Member Moreno referenced the City's Parks Plan detailing needed park upgrades throughout the City. He noted the City often depends on charity to upgrade parks for lack of funding. He criticized spending $46,000,000 to build a park for new residents instead of helping long-term residents. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 20 of 36 In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Kelley clarified the City is not paying for the park but rather the applicant is paying a portion of the purchase price by designing, constructing, and maintaining the park. He explained it is a policy decision between taking the park and its maintenance or cash. He advised it makes sense for a developer to build the park early on because it helps sell units and noted every amenity a developer provides helps sales. Council Member Moreno cited studies showing developers would build a park such as this themselves to make the property more valuable. He called the deal an insult to the City and stated the park is a private benefit to the developer and the City is paying for it by reducing the cash portion of the sale price. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Garcia reported the Anaheim Ducks Hockey Club, LLC has submitted a proposal for open space around the Honda Center but noted there is a difference between open space and park space. He advised the City is obligating the Angels to build a park and noted the Ducks have exciting plans but parks are not currently an obligation. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. White reported from his conversations with the Ducks they are planning on open space as a part of their ocV!BE project with no decision on how much of that space, if any, will be publicly -owned parkland. He advised the Ducks plan to make the spaces publicly accessible but not necessarily parkland. He reported it is too early in the development process to know if there will eventually be parkland but anything they do build would be significantly less than 20 acres. He clarified the City's fact sheet about the ocV!BE project uses "park" only in a general sense but promised to correct the fact sheet for accuracy. Council Member Moreno expressed concerns over the Stadium Land Appraisal, declaring the land is worth up to $650,000,000, the City was losing $20-30 million a year in market value by the Angels referring to themselves as the Los Angeles Angels instead of the Anaheim Angels, the City was paying $124,000,000 for affordable housing units which do not need to be completed for 25 years, and the City was paying $46,000,000 for a park which does not need to be completed for 15 years. He cited passages in the Stadium Land Appraisal accounting for his $650,000,000 figure, noting the land was never placed on the open market to value assessment. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, City Attorney Robert Fabela advised he did not recall City Council directing him to move from a Lease Agreement to a direct sale other than the December 20, 2019 City Council meeting where the original Purchase and Sale Agreement was approved. He clarified the appraisal is not an instruction as to how the City can gain the most value from the property but an explanation of how the appraiser reaches an estimate of fair market value. He advised it assumes neither the buyer nor the seller is in a particularly urgent push to transact. Council Member Moreno responded that there were many undiscussed components to the sale, which is why he had requested agendized items about the progress. He restated his counter -proposal the City Council did not accept in December 2019 including a final price of $539,000,000 in addition to the marketing value of the team readopting the Anaheim Angels moniker. Council Member Moreno outlined discrepancies between the appraisal and proposed site plan. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiries, Mr. Garcia confirmed no scenario brought the stadium appraisal's numbers up to the totals claimed by Council Member Moreno. He confirmed the high-end of the appraisal with baseball played on-site was $320,000,000. He confirmed the final sale price is $319,800,000. Mr. Fabela clarified the $319,800,000 is after carving out the land for the fire station, whereas it was previously $324,000,000. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 21 of 36 In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiries, Mr. Garcia confirmed the estimated revenue from park fees is $20-30 million. He advised his understanding was these funds would go towards parks in the Platinum Triangle, but this can be changed by the Council to redirect them to parks in other parts of the City provided it is done before the funds start to trickle into the Platinum Triangle's account. He confirmed this is a policy decision and can be amended. He confirmed the $46,000,000 figure attached to the flagship park was derived by estimating the value of the land, improvements, and maintenance. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiries, Mr. Garcia confirmed the figure for affordable housing delivery is $123,700,000 for a minimum of 466 units. Mr. Kelley clarified the figure was derived from average rents for a variety of income levels over the 55 -year term of the affordable covenant plus other factors. Mr. Garcia advised the $123,700,000 figure came from negotiations with SRB and is within the range of value placed by the City's consultants. He could not confirm it would cost the City the same sum to build the units because the City has not previously built inclusionary affordable housing in the manner proposed. He remarked that he believes this is the right price point. He confirmed the figure is based upon the minimum of 3,105 apartments and condominiums. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiry, Mr. Kelley confirmed if SRB builds up to the maximum 5,175 residential units, including the maximum 777 affordable housing units, SRB would be building the additional 311 affordable housing units at its own expense. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiries, Mr. Garcia clarified if the Angels' existing lease played out until 2029 there would be no issue with the pre -paid rent because the time would have played out. He clarified the Angels believe they should be able to recover $24,000,000 in prepaid rent if the item is approved because the full lease is not being fulfilled. He advised the Angels believe the City is required to reimburse them for $17,000,000 of club -funded capital improvements to the stadium, although the City disagrees. He advised both of these claims would go away as part of the deal. Mr. Kelley confirmed the claim to $24,000,000 in prepaid rent being forfeited by the Angels is not being factored into the purchase price. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiries, Mr. Garcia clarified if SRB were to parcel out the property in the future it could transfer development rights and obligations. He clarified the obligation to provide affordable housing and a flagship park will remain with SRB unless the sale is of the entire site to another developer. He confirmed obligations for a stadium to be on site and the Angels playing in it through 2050 would also remain with SRB even if the land is parceled out. He confirmed there is no scenario where SRB can flip out the entire agreement for strictly residential use. Mayor Sidhu opened the public hearing and invited the applicant to address the Council. SRB Management General Counsel Alex Winsberg thanked City staff for their tireless work on behalf of the residents of Anaheim along with SRB's consultants. He expressed SRB's excitement over the vision in this plan for the Platinum Triangle conceived in 1996 and formalized in 2004. He advised the plan meets the City's vision for a destination in the Platinum Triangle and a new civic epicenter in Anaheim accessible year-round and meshing with other area attractions. He reported SRB will provide an affordable housing component and large public park the City has been working towards for many years. He further advised SRB would create thousands of jobs, without subsidy, for either the development or the stadium. Mr. Winsberg explained this proposal is the result of years of negotiation with a City team guided by principles of fair market value for the land, keeping the Angels in Anaheim, and ensuring benefits for City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 22 of 36 the City including affordable housing, parks, open space, and a Project Labor Agreement. He noted SRB is humbled to be part of Anaheim's post -pandemic recovery by delivering economic opportunities at a time of need. Mr. Winsberg reported the site is a transformative opportunity for the City and region with a major transportation hub and connection point to the City's other major entertainment assets. He noted former Mayor Curt Pringle envisioned creating a space like this without dipping into the General Fund. He advised that development on the site has been limited for years by the terms of the lease, but this agreement will allow the land to more quickly transform into a significant driver of economic growth. Mr. Winsberg outlined the development plans, echoing what had been previously presented by City staff. He advised the entrances to the area will be marked with placards denoting people have arrived at a special and unique place. He noted public art would be a significant part of the plan, incorporating a halo theme throughout the site. Council Member Barnes remarked the slides were not clear enough on the meeting stream to be legible. Mayor Sidhu advised they were emailed to City Council Members and Mr. Winsberg advised the slides were available on the website for the public to view. Mr. Winsberg reported active and vibrant streetscapes are at the center of the site plan. He displayed a site plan detailing the mix of residential and commercial spaces, including the addition of a grocery store, dry cleaners, pharmacies, and entertainment centers like a movie theatre and bowling alley which help make for a great neighborhood. He reported the site will have a unified and distinct architectural style to connect the community. Mr. Winsberg reported the affordable housing plan is the first of its kind in Anaheim in how it will be interspersed throughout the site. He explained if the affordable units were not built, SRB would repay the price of those units to the City with interest. He noted up to 311 affordable housing units can be provided by the developer at no cost to the City and SRB has promised 15% of the housing on site will remain affordable units for working families. Mr. Winsberg reported, at full buildout, SRB anticipates 45,000 jobs on-site with an average annual income between $64,000 and $74,000. He noted the plan is flexible in regards to corporate spaces available depending on how office cultures evolve following the pandemic. Mr. Winsberg noted the flagship park is something the City has long -sought and will be open to the public year-round. He termed it a destination within a destination and will be designed in collaboration with the City. He noted it would rival the best parks of its size in the country, citing Tongva Park in Santa Monica, Bryant Park in New York City, and Millennial Park in Chicago as examples. He advised free parking will be available throughout the development to maximize the land space being set aside. He noted the park is larger than SRB suggested, at the City's request. He further advised the 5.2 acres of parks spread throughout the site will exceed guidelines set in the Platinum Triangle Plan and noted dog parks and walking paths will be included in the development. Mr. Winsberg reported all the development would enhance the tradition of a fan -first, family -friendly atmosphere at Angels baseball games through at least 2050. He detailed how a potential new ballpark could be built without disrupting the remainder of the development, including a pair of hotels. He described the planned fan experience area and entertainment district around the ballpark. He advised the flexible space could be used for a variety of community events while holding land for a potential new ballpark. He noted the entertainment district's vision is comparable to Fashion Island and The Grove in Los Angeles. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 23 of 36 Mr. Winsberg detailed parking and anticipated game day traffic flow to the stadium. He advised the thousands of added on-site jobs would benefit Anaheim residents. He reported the development would operate in conjunction with other nearby attractions, like Disneyland and the Honda Center, yet stand on its own. He concluded his presentation by stating SRB is proud of this project and excited to be working on transforming the stadium site for the City's benefit. He recommended City Council approve the item. City Clerk Theresa Bass reported that 269 public comments were received electronically prior to 10:00 P.M. related to Public Hearing Item No. 07, which were distributed to the City Council, posted to the City's website, and made part of the official record. [A final total of 274 public comments were received electronically and distributed to the City Council related to Public Hearing Item No. 07 and made part of the official record]. — See Appendix. Ms. Bass summarized that there were 11 general comments towards the agenda item itself with 106 in opposition and 152 in support. Mayor Sidhu closed the public hearing. MOTION: Mayor Sidhu moved to approve all items as listed on the agenda and in the staff report under Item 7.a and Item 7.b, seconded by Council Member Kring. DISCUSSION: In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mayor Sidhu advised he instructed Council Member Barnes to make her earlier motion after the public hearing. Council Member Barnes called for a point of order. In response to her inquiry, Mr. Fabela confirmed Mayor Sidhu said to make her motion during this discussion. He advised Mayor Sidhu could take the motion now or when it was her opportunity to speak. Mayor Sidhu declared Council Member Barnes was out of order as it was Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's turn to speak and she could bring her motion forward during her turn. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiries, Mr. Winsberg clarified the jobs during construction would have an average annual wage of $74,000 and the permanent jobs would have an average annual wage of $70,000 per year based on their economic analysis of the site. He explained these figures were based upon 2019 wages. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiry, Mr. Winsberg reported a grocery store is an important part of this project as one is sorely lacking in the Platinum Triangle area. He advised it will benefit both residents of the new development but also residents of the surrounding community. He noted he anticipates several community -focused retailers such as dry cleaners, pharmacies, and coffee shops which are scant in the adjoining neighborhoods. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel praised Mr. Winsberg for restoring some of the original vision for the Platinum Triangle. He reported many moved into the Platinum Triangle expecting something like this to happen eventually and he was pleased to see things were moving this way. He remarked there is a need for more parks in the area and this plan delivers them above the minimums required. He expressed his pleasure at everything he has seen so far, including the affordable housing component. He praised how the proposal arrived at the cost figure for the affordable housing speaking from his experience as a former Planning Commissioner. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 24 of 36 In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiry, Mr. Winsberg confirmed the Project Labor Agreement and Community Workforce Agreement is a discussion for SRB and the building trades as opposed to the City. He reported a commitment agreement has been reached and noted it is a clear requirement of the DDA. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Barnes moved to table the item until such time as the public can participate via video or in-person meeting, seconded by Council Member Moreno. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Moreno); NOES — 4 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Kring, and O'Neil); ABSTAIN — 1 (Council Member Brandman). Motion failed. DISCUSSION: Council Member Barnes reported the City Council received a letter today from the Kennedy Commission expressing an acute deficit of affordable housing and a surplus in above - market housing production. She advised the vast majority of housing units have been approved at moderate to above -moderate income levels. She called it irresponsible of the City Council to run non - debatable motions through without giving thought to its obligation in meeting quotas and continuously looking the other way. Council Member Barnes read from one public comment email stating the City should include a clause that if Mr. Moreno sells the property the City has the first right to buy it back at the current cost so he does not profit from the City's miscalculation. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiries, Mr. Kelley expressed his doubts SRB would purchase the property with this clause in the deal because SRB as a developer is looking to make money off the land. He advised it is not in the City's plan to be in the land speculation business and noted not having such a clause was not an oversight. He advised the City was wise when it put the Platinum Triangle master plan into place because it substantially raised the value of the property benefitting the City right now. He advised SRB is buying the property to develop it and profit so he reiterated his opinion SRB would not do the deal with such a clause and restated the City is not in the land speculation or land development business. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiry, Mr. Fabela reported SRB is a Delaware Limited Liability Company licensed and authorized to do business in California. He confirmed the ownership composition of SRB is Mr. Moreno, his wife Carole Moreno, and the immediate Moreno family. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiry, Mr. Winsberg stated SRB has maintained a world- class team of consultants to help with development. He advised SRB is intending to sign the agreements being presented so SRB is planning to be a developer. Council Member Barnes read another public comment inquiring why the Council is ripping off the citizens of Anaheim with back -door deals on the backs of taxpayers. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiries, Mr. Fabela advised it was a complete effort to tackle all of the components of this complex deal. He explained it was managed by the City Manager's office but included almost every department in the City, depending on which component was being negotiated, along with consultants. He advised Husch Blackwell was specifically chosen for its experience in stadium negotiations and noted Mayor Sidhu was also a part of the process at times. He reported the City had spent about $1,300,000 so far on the negotiating team but noted most of it has come from the Convention, Sports & Entertainment Department's budget. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 25 of 36 In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiry, Mr. Garcia clarified the funds to Visit Anaheim discussed earlier in the meeting came from the Convention Center Enterprise Fund and noted Visit Anaheim is funded with a self-assessment. Council Member Barnes expressed her surprise the City cannot take live comments. She read another public comment from a real estate broker decrying the deal, calling the sale price and term an atrocity. She advised the commenter stated Mayor Sidhu not allowing any other Council Members to be on the negotiating committee was part of a disastrous outcome and noted Mayor Sidhu was not acting in the City's best interests but rather should be part of Mr. Moreno's negotiating team. She also advised the commenter called the sale price inadequate and bemoaned the lack of transparency and opportunities for resident concerns to be heard. Lastly, she advised the commenter listed multiple factors overlooked in the unlikelihood of the Angels ever leaving Anaheim. Council Member Barnes advised she is concerned when she reads letters like this because it is not the standard of the City she wants. She stated she would love to have the Angels continue in Anaheim and questioned if Mayor Sidhu was prepared to go up against a billionaire like Mr. Moreno. She expressed support for improving the City through parks, jobs, and opportunities. She expressed support for the vision behind the Platinum Triangle. She remarked there is a crisis in the pandemic and yet members of the City Council were looking to pat themselves on the back for their careers. She lamented this could instead be the Council's folly. She urged the City Council to listen to the anger this proposed deal has created and expressed her hopes Mayor Sidhu would battle harder against his advisors in the future to make Anaheim a better city. Council Member Kring reported that when The Walt Disney Company bought the Angels, the City required the word "Anaheim" have a prominent place in the team's name. She advised Disney refused to comply and then Mayor Daly and the City Council did not push back. She noted Mr. Moreno should not be blamed for not including Anaheim in the team's name because of this precedent. Council Member Kring reported two appraisals requested by former Mayor Tait both arrived at the same figure of $320,000,000 and noted SRB agreed to pay $325,000,000. She advised the encumbrance of having a stadium and 12,500 parking spaces on the property reduces the value substantially. She explained that comparisons to the $4,200,000 per acre price for The George is an apples to oranges comparison because The George is a strictly residential property whereas the stadium site will be a more diverse development. She further advised former Mayor Tait's negotiations with the Ducks were out of the public view with little notice whereas this proposal has been public for almost a full year. She acknowledged the Kennedy Commission's assessment of a severe affordable housing need but noted they will have to find a developer to build it. Council Member Kring expressed her surprise Council Members Barnes and Moreno, along with former Mayor Tait, were disregarding appraisals they voted to commission. She stated Mayor Tait did not send out a Request For Proposal (RFP) because not many people can develop 150 acres and did not want to section off the property. She advised this was an acceptable price to a willing buyer and willing seller. Council Member Kring advised there is a tremendous amount of community benefit for the sale, including thousands of jobs and inclusionary affordable housing, and noted City Council should be cheering this sale. She reported Mr. Fabela has disclosed everyone who was on the negotiating team. She advised Mr. Kelley is well-known for his work with stadium projects. She advised the park fees can be reassigned to any district by the Council. She detailed an extensive list of things the City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 26 of 36 Angels do for the community including giving $1,200,000 to Angels game day employees who lost income due to the pandemic's impact on the team's home schedule. Council Member Kring reported Mr. Moreno is not a developer which is why SRB hired great people to develop the property. She advised the proposal is a win-win for the City, citing sales, property, hotel, and other taxes which will go into the City's General Fund. She noted it also gets the City out of being a landlord and paying for the aging stadium's repair. She advised Mr. Moreno would be responsible for potentially building a new stadium and expressed her support for the project. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Convention, Sports & Entertainment Executive Director Tom Morton confirmed Angels Baseball is responsible for keeping Angel Stadium at a first- class level under the current lease. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Winsberg confirmed the average annual wage for the 30,000 construction jobs is $74,000 and the 45,000 permanent jobs is $70,000. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Deputy City Manager David Belmer clarified the federal Department of Housing and Urban Planning (HUD) standard for very low income is up to 50% of Area Median Income and low income is up to 80% of Area Median Income. He explained the California Department of Housing and Community Development sets those numbers annually. He reported the maximum wage for a very low income is about $44,000 and for low-income is about $71,000. He advised there is an adjustment for family size which can bring the low-income threshold up to $82,000 for a two -person household and beyond for even larger households. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Winsberg replied it is a unique approach to affordable housing interspersing the affordable units with all of the units on the site. He noted the site development will draw a variety of job types and advised SRB will be providing 15% of all units as affordable housing units. He explained there is an assumption of two people per household, so household wages would be an average of $140,000. He advised he expects the workers to live throughout the City but noted it was too soon to specify the potential wages based upon job title. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Belmer reported there are approximately 6,000 people on the Anaheim Housing Authority Section 8 Housing Voucher waiting list. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Winsberg explained he cannot speak to the larger City housing policy but SRB made an agreement to build these affordable units and they are committed to building them. He advised the funds credited as part of the sale will be returned to the City with interest if the units are not built and noted any units built above the 466 minimum would be SRB's contribution to the City. He confirmed the Affordability Covenant would remain in place for at least 55 years and confirmed SRB would have ownership of the buildings. He advised a developer typically loses money and does not profit on affordable housing units and noted this sort of financial loss is being anticipated here by SRB. Council Member Moreno complimented Mr. Winsberg on the concept and design of the proposed development. He advised his inquiries were coming from the vantage point of whether or not this is the best business transaction for the City. Mr. Winsberg expressed pride in the number of jobs being delivered at a time when thousands of jobs are being lost. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 27 of 36 Council Member Moreno reported this is the City's largest land asset and needs to maximize the value of it in this time of civic need and explained this is why the City needs to be very tough in negotiations. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Kelley twice stated he did not perform the study leading to the City's stated expected impact totals listed in the fact sheet so he could not comment on the basis for those calculations. Mr. Garcia reported the City commissioned Mr. Kosmont to do an independent analysis of the economic impact as part of the 52201 report in addition to the SRB-commissioned Robert Charles Lesser & Company, LLC (RCLCO) analysis. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Kosmont confirmed he analyzed both assessed value and annual tax increases and his numbers were less than the RCLCO report's which are used on the City's fact sheet. He noted the discrepancies were not unusual for a 25 -year project because of differences in assumptions of distant future expectations. He advised both studies found there is economic opportunity in the sale from a property tax increase of over 15% and clarified the 52201 report includes both his study and the RCLCO study. He advised the numbers differ but they both demonstrate sufficient economic opportunity to satisfy state law. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Garcia explained the City used the RCLCO numbers because they had it in December 2019 when they started distributing information to the community. He advised the RCLCO report is still a realistic projection. He further advised the Kosmont study for the 52201 report is another independent study and noted both reports stand on their own and can be referenced. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Kosmont confirmed the 52201 report was completed in December 2019. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Garcia advised he was unsure if the Kosmont study had been published at that point and restated the City's fact sheet had RCLCO's numbers. He advised the RCLCO findings stand on their own and are achievable. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Fabela confirmed the 52201 report has to be published to the public 14 days in advance of the agenda item with two notices. Council Member Moreno expressed concern to staff for continuing to use the higher figures from the SRB-commissioned report and not figures from the City's commissioned report. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Kosmont clarified the economic analysis was meant to portray economic opportunity. He explained his analysis made some projections downward in part for the substitution effect of spending in the development which may have happened elsewhere in the City. He reported it is difficult to be detailed on this ahead of the project's construction. He advised the core conclusion of economic opportunity stems primarily from property taxes. He explained his assumptions are reasonable of how the project could be built out over the next 15-20 years. He advised his economic assessment is reasonable and a good benchmark but emphasized many things can change in 25 years. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to insert "in Anaheim, CA" after "or any replacement stadium therefor" in Section E., to insert "in Anaheim, CA" after "the Team will play its Home Games in the Stadium" in Section 2.2 of the Angels Commitment Agreement, and to amend the Sale/Purchase Agreement by removing purchase "credit" of $123,600,000 for 466 Affordable Housing Units and restore amount to full purchase price, removing purchase "credit" of $46,200,000 City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 28 of 36 for "Flagship Park" and restore amount to full purchase price, and for full final purchase price (amount as determined by Council vote) to be due within six months of sale closing, seconded by Council Member Barnes. DISCUSSION: In response to Mr. Fabela's inquiry, Council Member Moreno declined to remove the "in Anaheim, CA" portion of his subsidiary motion. He explained it was for extra clarification even though the agreement states a future replacement stadium would have to be built on the stadium site. He advised he would be willing to bifurcate the subsidiary motion into one addressing the "in Anaheim, CA" component and one addressing the components of the financial credits and accelerated payment timeline. Council Member Moreno bifurcated his motion. BIFURCATED SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to insert "in Anaheim, CA" after "or any replacement stadium therefor" in Section E. and to insert "in Anaheim, CA" after "the Team will play its Home Games in the Stadium" in Section 2.2 of the Angels Commitment Agreement, seconded by Council Member Barnes. BIFURCATED SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to amend the Sale/Purchase Agreement by removing purchase "credit" of $123.6 million for 466 Affordable Housing Units and restore amount to full purchase price, removing purchase "credit" of $46.2 million for "flagship park" and restore amount to full purchase price, and for full final purchase price (amount as determined by Council vote) to be due within 6 months of sale closing, seconded by Council Member Barnes. DISCUSSION: In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Fabela advised the most appropriate way to move forward with the least confusing debate was for Mayor Sidhu to consider the subsidiary motion at this time. Mayor Sidhu combined discussion on the main motion and the motions to amend. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiries, Mr. Fabela clarified there were two motions to amend on the floor. He confirmed questions could also be asked regarding the main motion. Council Member Brandman referenced a letter in December 2019 from his mentor State Senator Tom Umberg opposing the initial agreement and stated he agreed with some points of the letter. He reported he heard Senator Umberg speak alongside other former Anaheim Mayors and he liked the amenities of the deal and being able to enjoy the ballpark. He reported Senator Umberg stated the team name was water under the bridge but it was a point of contention and he had questions about the Project Labor Agreement. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiries, Mr. Winsberg confirmed he had never spoken to him through the entire process. He reported Inglewood's Project Labor Agreement at the core of the SoFi Stadium development was the basis for the Project Labor Agreement SRB is pursuing, including local hiring preferences. He reported there is a great relationship with local building trades and SRB has come to a Commitment Agreement for a Project Labor Agreement modeled after SoFi Stadium's agreement. He confirmed SRB's understanding of the importance of hiring locally and expressed his pride this community benefit would come at no cost to the City. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiries, Mr. Winsberg advised there are a host of commitments in the DDA for housing, parks, and retail and noted SRB intends to be a partner in all of it. He advised they may bring in some partners but the intention is for SRB to be a part of the process well into the future. He reported all of the risks and costs associated with development have shifted away from the City so it can sit back and enjoy the benefits of the development. He confirmed SRB City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 29 of 36 intends to be involved throughout the development and is excited to be part of this transformation, keeping Angels baseball in Anaheim for decades to come. Council Member Brandman advised when he was running for election in 2018, his constituents were clear about Disneyland, the Convention Center, and other attractions but he ran into a lot of gray about the Angels relative to the cost. He remarked he was unsure even this morning of what he would do for not fully knowing the Angels' commitment to a lasting partnership. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiry, Mr. Winsberg confirmed SRB Management and Angels Baseball would be true and lasting partners to the City of Anaheim. He compared it to the 39 Commons Project in West Anaheim District 2, stating even if extra partners were brought in for some components, SRB would remain a part of the project and be a true and faithful partner for decades to come. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiries, Mr. Garcia clarified 10 days after approval $45,000,000 goes into an escrow account joining $5,000,000 already in this account. He advised once the City closes the deal in a little over a year, the City would receive this $50,000,000 in cash and $100,000,000 paid over the following four years, with the first payment of $20,000,000 due immediately after closing and the remaining four annual $20,000,000 payments would be received plus interest. He advised, if they close on schedule, the City would have the $50,000,000 from escrow and the first $20,000,000 payment in the Fiscal Year 2021/22 budget. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiries, City Manager Jim Vanderpool reported it was typically a better use of one-time revenues to fund one-time expenditures such as infrastructure construction and improvements. He advised staff would be taking a deeper dive into the budget but, at this preliminary juncture, his thought was to present to City Council options to balance the budget while preserving portions of the funds for community benefits. He advised his recommendation would be a myriad of solutions for economic recovery but would include using some one-time revenues to fund projects in West Anaheim. He explained it would be trickier without this deal, but he believed the resources existed to balance the budget and fund some projects for West Anaheim. He advised the budget proposal should come to City Council in the next couple of months. He noted the influx of funds from this deal would provide the resources necessary to complete some projects. Council Member O'Neil reported the City received over 200 public comments via email, noting the mix of support and opposition were about even. He noted the majority of the opposition was rooted in speculation or misinformation. He advised many questioned the value of the land but noted this was a fair market transaction based upon the appraisal. He advised many expressed concerns this was a backroom deal but noted this matter had been discussed for over a year over several public meetings. He expressed his agreement with those lamenting the team's name not including Anaheim, but noted it was litigated long ago and the City lost. He remarked it was a property sale and land use item, not a naming game. Council Member O'Neil advised supporters see tons of positive components in the creation of thousands of jobs, getting the City out of the expensive stadium management business, ensuring the cost of a potential new stadium would not fall on the shoulders of Anaheim taxpayers, adding affordable housing in a time of enormous State pressure, creating tens of millions of dollars in new tax revenue from the development to support programs and services citywide, and keeping baseball in Anaheim through at least 2050. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 30 of 36 Council Member O'Neil advised his goal since this discussion began was to create a win-win situation for the City and team. He noted the deal accomplishes this and expressed his pride in helping the deal happen. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiry, Ms. Bass clarified the first subsidiary motion involved inserting "in Anaheim, CA" into a pair of Commitment Agreement clauses about a potential new stadium for clarity. She advised the second subsidiary motion calls for revising the PSA to remove credits for the park and affordable housing to restore the full purchase price and also for the full amount to be due within six months of closing. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiry, Mr. Fabela advised the inclusion of "in Anaheim, CA" would not be inconsistent with the intent of the parties. But he explained the language that the parties have agreed to will be more restrictive to the Angels than the change Council Member Moreno proposed because the intent of the parties and the language that will be inserted into the agreement will restrict the Angels to building a new stadium specifically on the project site as opposed to anywhere in the City. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiry, Mr. Winsberg concurred with Mr. Fabela's comments. He advised SRB has already agreed to the language as just summarized by Mr. Fabela, and that it was always the intention of the parties to limit the stadium to the project site. He advised combining the two is also acceptable to SRB and the Angels, theorizing perhaps someday the stadium site would not be considered Anaheim. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiry, Council Member Moreno declined to take back his motion stating nothing was binding until it was on paper. In response to Mayor Sidhu's inquiry, Mr. Fabela clarified that the parties have agreed to a provision that will be more restrictive to the Angels than the amendment proposed by Council Member Moreno, so Mr. Fabela's preference would be to rely on the more restrictive language. However, Mr. Fabela stated that the Council is also free to direct staff to amend the agreement in a different way. In response to Council Member O'Neil's inquiries, Mr. Fabela clarified he did not find Council Member Moreno's motion to be redundant, but rather he found it to be unnecessary. He advised that a provision restricting the stadium to the project site would be part of the agreement regardless of a Council vote on the issue, because it was always the intent of the parties, as confirmed by SRB on the record tonight. was Also, an addition to the language of the agreement limiting the stadium to the project site would be a non -substantive change because it could already be interpreted that way and it's what the parties intended. Council Member O'Neil reported he would abstain from a vote with the understanding the language would be added regardless. Council Member O'Neil advised his interpretation of the second subsidiary motion being to still mandate the flagship park and affordable housing while raising the price by $170,000,000. He expressed his opinion that this was ridiculous after all the work done on the agreement. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member O'Neil moved to call the question, seconded by Council Member Kring. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 31 of 36 DISCUSSION: In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiries, Ms. Bass confirmed this was a call - the -question vote for the two amendments brought forward by Council Member Moreno. She confirmed this was for both halves of Council Member Moreno's bifurcated subsidiary motion. Council Member Moreno requested clarification of how many Council Members have had a chance to speak to his subsidiary motion. Council Member O'Neil requested a point of order as there should be no discussion, debate, or explanation allowed over a non -debatable item. Mayor Sidhu overruled Council Member Moreno's inquiry. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member O'Neil moved to call the question, seconded by Council Member Kring. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 6 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 1 (Council Member Moreno). Motion carried. DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Faessel expressed his satisfaction with Mr. Fabela and Mr. Winsberg's action on the first matter. Council Member Moreno advised these things should be in writing, recalling how Mr. Moreno defied City Council previously to remove "Anaheim" from the team's name. Council Member O'Neil called for a point of order. Mayor Sidhu ruled in agreement and called for Council Member Moreno's vote. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Fabela clarified a point of order has been made and the Chair approved it and noted it could be appealed. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Council Member O'Neil advised the reason for his point of order was the debate had been closed on this item and they should proceed with an up or down vote. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Fabela read the procedures for voting on a motion including the provision permitting Council Members to explain their votes. Mayor Sidhu permitted Council Member Moreno to proceed with his explanation. Council Member Moreno restated the motion is to have this commitment to Anaheim in writing. He stated he sees a loophole allowing the Angels to play in another Orange County city as presently written. He believed Mr. Moreno would find a loophole if he wished and added a handshake was not worth a lot when discussing their fiduciary responsibility to the City. Council Member O'Neil remarked that City staff has made it clear the proposed amendments are moot. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to insert "in Anaheim, CA" after "or any replacement stadium therefor" in Section E. and to insert "in Anaheim, CA" after "the Team will play its Home Games in the Stadium" in Section 2.2 of the Angels Commitment Agreement, seconded by Council Member Barnes. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Moreno); NOES — 3 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel and Kring); ABSTAIN — 2 (Council Members Brandman and O'Neil). Motion failed. DISCUSSION: Council Member Barnes expressed sympathy to City employees who would not be coming back to their jobs or even getting a deserved raise. She advised the City would not be able to add police or fire staff or maintain services at the library and elsewhere for not having this money. She termed the deal a mess and stated it started at the top. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 32 of 36 Council Member Kring advised the Angels would not have to build the park or affordable housing without these credits. She reported SRB is willing to build the affordable housing Council Members are constantly stating a need for. She advised SRB is also willing to build a high-class park, noting this is being done without the City paying for construction or maintenance. Council Member Moreno advised he is making even more effort than normal to explain his vote because the question has been called limiting discussion. He decried how all of the Council Members are forced to explain their votes when there can be no discussion about the motion's merits. Council Member Moreno expressed his support for the motion because he supports affordable housing immediately and not built over the next 25 years. He explained he would rather have $123,600,000 come to the General Fund immediately and work with affordable housing developers. He advised the new Housing Plan calls for looking into ownership for low-income families and noted the $123,600,000 could provide a $75,000 down payment for 1,500 families. Council Member Moreno remarked a billionaire like Mr. Moreno would build these units on his own if his interest in affordable housing for his workers was so strong. Council Member Moreno noted both Mr. Winsberg and the City's consultant Mr. Kelley agreed the flagship park is also a benefit to the development. He questioned why the City is paying the full price for the park. He advised the City is also paying the full price upfront, yet the park and affordable housing does not need to be built for 15-20 years. He advised his preference to have the $170,000,000 in the General Fund now. Council Member Moreno explained that moving up the payment cycle on top of ending the credits would add $320,000,000 to the General Fund in about a year, doubling what the City is set to directly receive from this deal over five years. He advised, due to the pandemic's impacts, the City should be collecting as much as possible as soon as possible from this valuable asset to reinvest in its citizens and employees. He advised his amendment would mitigate the transfer of wealth to Mr. Moreno as much as possible within the structure of the deal. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to amend the Sale/Purchase Agreement by removing purchase "credit" of $123,600,000 for 466 Affordable Housing Units and restore amount to full purchase price, removing purchase "credit" of $46,200,000 for "Flagship Park" and restore amount to full purchase price, and for full final purchase price (amount as determined by Council vote) to be due within six months of sale closing, seconded by Council Member Barnes. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 2 (AYES: Council Members Barnes and Moreno); NOES — 4 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Kring, and O'Neil); ABSTAIN — 1 (Council Member Brandman). Motion failed. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to continue Public Hearing Item No. 07 until it might be heard at a meeting with live public participation, seconded by Council Member Barnes. DISCUSSION: Council Member O'Neil called for a point of order because there was already a motion to continue earlier in the discussion. Mr. Fabela clarified the previous motion was a motion to table. The point of order was withdrawn. Council Member Moreno believed there were potential lawsuits, the City Council was making uninviting commitments, and was working off of handshakes. He reported there have been concerns raised over the inability to comment live before the City Council and questioned whether or not the current meeting format complies with American with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations through the City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 33 of 36 lack of visuals. He noted tonight's meeting was also not being interpreted into Spanish or other languages nor have they been for six months, denying access to half the City's population. Council Member Moreno advised he was moving to continue the item until there could be a public workshop with live public engagement to better process their points. He questioned the truthfulness of items, including staff's interpretation of the appraisal's maximum value for the land. He remarked there had not been enough said about the lack of a parking encumbrance after 2029. Council Member Moreno noted there was no urgency or reason why the item needed to be approved tonight. He remarked the only reason for the urgency was to rush the process and exploit the pandemic to make this decision in the dark. Council Member Barnes reported City Council Members received an email during the meeting from a resident who could not read the presentation on Granicus so she emailed him the presentation. She reported the resident responded the presentation was not ADA compliant via Granicus and inefficient. She reported the resident stated the presentations should be made available to residents before the meeting along with better accommodations for residents to follow the meeting including more legible type fonts. Council Member Barnes reported she had difficulties following the SRB presentation with pictures coming up too slowly. She called it a failure and questioned why they were even having a meeting without this accommodation for the public they serve. She agreed the matter was being rushed so some of her peers could put the matter behind them. She advised the focus should be on the future of the City instead. She expressed hopes the reputation -damaging emails to the City Council were taken seriously and expressed her agreement with Council Member Moreno. She advised the Kennedy Commission weighed in along with a Senator, past Mayors, and others who were having their views dismissed. She advised the City Council would be hearing in the future from her whether she was sitting on the dais or across from it as a constituent. Council Member Barnes expressed her hopes either Ms. Bass or Mr. Vanderpool would show the diligence to get the Council meetings online with visuals. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to continue Public Hearing Item No. 07 until it may be heard at a meeting with live public participation, seconded by Council Member Barnes. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Moreno); NOES — 4 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Kring, and O'Neil); ABSTAIN — 1 (Council Member Brandman). Motion failed. DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Faessel remarked residents of Anaheim wanted the City to keep the Angels and they are with this agreement. He advised the City was able to obtain fair market value for the land which is confirmed in the appraisals, remove the City's liability for stadium maintenance and construction of a new stadium, add community benefits such as affordable housing, a park, and good -paying jobs, addition of other resident amenities, including a grocery store, and turn parking lots into the original vision of the Platinum Triangle. He expressed his support for the proposal and called it a spectacular day for Anaheim with the best long-term benefit for the community. Council Member Brandman reported he had ex parte communications with the applicant. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel reported he met for the first time with the applicant on September 23, 2020. Council Member Kring reported she met with the applicant for the first time two days ago. Council Member Barnes reported she met with the applicant for the first time this week. Council Member Moreno reported he has not met with anyone he is aware of with SRB but reported he met with the Angels City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 34 of 36 some months ago. Council Member Barnes clarified her meeting was with Angels Baseball President John Carpino. Mayor Sidhu reported constant contact for being part of the negotiating team. Mr. Fabela thanked the Council and restated he did not think this step was necessary because these were legislative acts but expressed his appreciation for the effort to be cautious and transparent. Council Member Barnes expressed deep regret at voting against the item for finding it not fiscally sound or part of her Oath of Office. Council Member Kring recalled the Honda Center deal two years ago had less detail and planning than this item. She noted the Angels deal happened over a year with three town halls over the past month and felt it has been transparent. Council Member Moreno reported he did not vote for the Ducks deal because the public did not get a chance to review the deal and offer input. He advised he could not support this deal for having so many unknowns including the value of the land with much more planned commercial development than what was in the appraisal. He remarked there was no way to know what fair market value for the land is since it was never put into the open market. He termed it a closed sale and echoed Assemblymember Daly calling it a manipulated deal. He advised the rush has not allowed the public to review reports or fact check. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Fabela confirmed there would be a second reading of the two ordinances at the next City Council meeting, if introduced. Council Member Moreno urged the public to check the facts. He advised the Economic Benefits Report is based on the Angels' report and not the City's which has lower figures. He compared this to Mr. Moreno negotiating Angels All-Star Mike Trout's contract by only listening to Mr. Trout's agent without a counter. He expressed concerns over potential lawsuits and the affordable housing being over 25 years when the City has urgent affordable housing needs. He restated his desire to see the money come upfront and for maximum value. He encouraged the public to organize and push the Council to do the right thing at the second reading. Council Member O'Neil remarked the arguments have no merit and are intended to derail a deal that brings a huge positive economic impact to Anaheim for political gain. He noted the critics include two former Anaheim Mayors, one of whom championed the 1996 lease which has brought the City little to no revenue and led to Anaheim being lost from the team name, and the other could not negotiate a deal with the Angels in eight years and led the team to exercise its lease opt -out. Council Member O'Neil credited Mayor Sidhu for immediately getting negotiations started after his election and making it clear he was looking for a deal like this. He praised Mayor Sidhu for succeeding where past members have failed. He called the deal a once -in -a -generation opportunity to shape the future of the City and benefit all residents of Anaheim for decades to come. Mayor Sidhu remarked it is a great deal and a new day in Anaheim for the Angels. MOTION: Mayor Sidhu moved to approve all items as listed on agenda and in staff report under Item 7.a and Item 7.b, seconded by Council Member Kring. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 5 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Brandman, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Moreno). Motion carried; two ordinances introduced. City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 35 of 36 At 1:33 A.M. on September 30, 2020, Mayor Sidhu recessed the Anaheim City Council to consider the Anaheim Public Financing Authority agenda and reconvened the City Council at 1:40 A.M. on September 30, 2022. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS (non-aaenda items): None COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS/AGENDA REQUESTS: Mayor Pro Tem Faessel congratulated District 5 business Ganahl Lumber for being recognized as #19 in the Top 200 Pro Dealers across the United States. He announced the Planning & Building Department was conducting virtual inspections, which worked satisfactorily and efficiently, and hoped this could further streamline inspection activities in the future. He reported that he and Susan recently assisted at a food distribution at Zion Lutheran Church. He announced that last week the City fulfilled part of the action taken in December 2019 by providing a surplus fire engine and two surplus utility trucks to government officials from Penjamo, Mexico, and thanked his colleagues for that action as good for Anaheim and for the community where many residents have family ties. He reported he joined with Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Barnes and O'Neil yesterday to recognize the first place winners of the 25th Annual Flag Day contest. He announced a virtual meeting on October 1 to obtain community input on a proposed river park south of Anaheim Coves. Council Member Barnes thanked Islands Restaurant for 1,200 meal donations, expressed appreciation for City staff working at food drives particularly at the Brookhurst Community Center, thanked John Machiaverna and Eldon Baber for providing meals from Caterina's Club at the West Anaheim Youth Center, and announced she had obtained over 300 pounds of meat for the food drive tomorrow. She thanked the Police Department for their quick response to recent incidents in west Anaheim. She thanked residents for continuing to provide feedback and encouraged them to reach out to their district representatives to help improve the City. Council Member Kring reported her attendance at the ground -breaking for St. Jude's at the Ponderosa property, noted it would help bring mental and physical medical aid to lower-income and young residents in the neighborhood, and thanked St. Jude's for sponsoring and supporting the facility and program. Mayor Sidhu thanked everyone involved with the Angels staying in Anaheim for years to come. For the October 6 Council meeting, he agendized a resolution recognizing October 7 as California Clean Air Day and a memorial resolution in honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Council Member Moreno announced tonight's decision will be revisited next Tuesday for a second reading, encouraged the public to express their thoughts about the deal, and asked Mayor Sidhu and the City Manager to considering providing Zoom conference abilities for the next meeting. He reminded residents that what he shared was based on facts from reports and staff briefings and encouraged them to review the information. He alleged the approved item transferred Anaheim's wealth by providing $650,000,000 in land value to Arte Moreno and SRB Management for $150,000,000 in cash, $12,000,000 - $30,000,000 per year to the City of Los Angeles for marketing of the team name, and $170,000,000 transferred to Arte Moreno for affordable housing and parks that will take 15-25 years to build out and would also serve as a private benefit to the developer. He shared his belief that the money could better address deficits over the next several years and assist City Council Minutes of September 29, 2020 Page 36 of 36 residents in need of food and looking for employment and expressed concern that the types of jobs created may result in additional housing needs. He announced he would host a Zoom meeting to obtain community input and residents could visit his Facebook page or send email to jmoreno(a)anaheim.net for more information, sharing his thought process was how the deal would benefit children throughout Anaheim. He hoped his colleagues would reconsider the item next week and encouraged all to participate in the November election. Council Member O'Neil requested an agenda item for October 6 to consider a resolution to oppose Proposition 15, the split -roll initiative (item agendized under Mayor Sidhu's authority). Council Member Brandman announced the Census deadline is October 5 and encouraged everyone to register/get surveyed to provide important City funding. He acknowledged staff efforts in addressing certain effects of homelessness in District 2 by providing care to those found in that situation abating and restoring areas in distress to their original conditions. He thanked District 2 residents who continue to reach out and report concerns and he thanked Mayor Sidhu for agendizing the resolution to honor Justice Ginsburg, noting the mark she left on the nation would not soon be forgotten. Mayor Sidhu stated it was great news that the Angels would stay in Anaheim, the land was sold for the fair market appraised value, and there would be community benefits including thousands of construction and permanent jobs and Project Labor Agreements. ADJOURNMENT: At 1:59 A.M. on September 30, 2020, with no further business before the Council, Mayor Sidhu adjourned the City Council meeting. _Respectfully submitted, 9—'aere Bass, CM;; City Jerk v-' Jennifer L. Hall From: Tamara Jimenez <tjimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 11:58 AM To: Loretta Day Cc: Public Comment Subject: Fwd: Item #3 From: Tamara Jimenez <tjimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> Date: September 25, 2020 at 11:00:15 AM PDT To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>, Harry Sidhu <HSidhu@anaheim.net>, Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>, Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>, Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>, Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>, Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Subject: Item #3 Good morning, Again I am writing to urge you to continue this item. It is quite clear that there has not been any thorough study done on the issue at hand. The way this ordinance is written is frankly quite callous. It is an attack on those seeking recovery and I am more than disappointed. The staff report given at the meeting on the 15th put our logo along with CCAPP & the Orange County Recovery Collaboration on a slide referring to us as stakeholders. I can assure you that none of us are stakeholders in this item nor were we ok with having our logos used in the presentation. I speak for all three groups when I say we are absolutely in strong opposition to this ordinance as it is written. It is nothing more than an attempt to push out recovery services in the City of Anaheim. Maybe none of you personally have any one in your lives right now that suffer from addiction but that doesn't exempt you from the responsibility as leaders to fully educate yourself on the subject matter before taking such drastic steps. https://www.whitehouse. gov/sites/whitehouse. gov/files/images/Final_Report_Draft_l 1-15- 2017.pdf https:Haddiction. surgeongeneral. gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-generals-report.pdf https://www. samhsa. gov/sites/default/files/housing-best-practices-100819.pdf https://narronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/l OlNational-Recovery-Residence-Quality- Standards-Oct-7-2015.pdf Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Jennifer L. Hall From: Deanna Perez Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 5:34 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Ordinance 6493 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged This email is in SUPPORT of Agenda 43 Ordinance 46493 "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment" Sincerely, Deanna Perez Anaheim resident Jennifer L. Hall From: Nick Muller Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 6:37 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Attention City Counsel Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged This email is to vote yes in SUPPORT of Agenda #3 Ordinance #6493" Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment. Nick Muller Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: gary radford Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 8:09 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: ordinance #6493 agenda#3 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged support this ordinance agenda#3 Gary Radford Jennifer L. Hall From: DON KENT Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:37 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Attention Anaheim City Councilmember This email is in SUPPORT of Agenda #3 Ordinance #6493 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged to: <.1...d.a.VCa.n.al:i.e i m n. e t.::.> Attention Anaheim City Councilmember This email is in SUPPORT of Agenda #3 Ordinance #6493 "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment" Sincerely, Don Kent Anaheim Resident Jennifer L. Hall From: Marcus Valadez Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 9:09 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Attention - Anaheim City Counsel to Vote Yes in support of the Agenda #3 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Agenda #3Ordinance #6493"Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment"This amendment will limit the maximum number of Sober Living Homs that can move into YOUR Neighborhoods to a Maximum of 1 with in a 2 block radius. These Sober living homes are popping up without limits in neighborhoods throughout the city. due partially because Anaheim doesn't have a limit, this amendment will amend the city regulations and basically is a copy of an amendment the city of Costa Mesa enacted that was challenged by the Sober Living Home Association, taken to court and the Courts upheld the limitations enacted by the costa Mesa City Counsel. SO PLEASE HELP GET THE WORD Out TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW REQUESTING THEY ALSO SUPPORT THIS AMENDMENT AND EMAIL THE Anaheim City Counsel member in their area and or to the Anaheim City Counsel Secretary so She can distribute to the councilmembers. City Council I Anaheim, CA - Official WebsiteCity Council I Anaheim, CA - Official WebsiteThe City of Anaheim aims to continually reinvent itself to be a better place for all who live, do business Attention Anaheim City Council memberThis email is in SUPPORT ofAgenda #3Ordinance #6493"Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment"Sincerely, I apologize for this scrambled mess but at I'm at work on a job site and just wanted you to know that I am not ok with these places popping up in our neighborhood. I don't even let me daughter play in the front yard because of so much rif raf now. Please help. Thankyou Jennifer L. Hall From: James Kline Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 9:56 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: SUPPORT AGENDA #3 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed PLEASE SUPPORT AND PASS ITEM # 3, ORDINANCE #6493 "UNLICENSED COMMUNITY CARE FACILITIES AND SOBER LIVING HOMES ZONING CODE AMENDMENT" THERE ARE TWO OF THESE PLACES ON MY BLOCK OF 14 HOMES AND THE DRUG USERS ARE RUINING THE NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY AND PROPERTY VALUES. JIM KLINE ANAHEIM Jennifer L. Hall From: Mark Christian Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:53 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Support Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed I support to enact agenda 43 ordinance 4 6493 Jennifer L. Hall From: Michelle Priest Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:29 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: IN SUPPORT OF Agenda #3, Ordinance #6493 To whom it may concern, I am a homeowner in District 5 Anaheim, 92806. 1 am very much in support of Agenda #3, Ordinance #6493. Our street of only 20 homes now has a home for the mentally and physically disabled and two homes one for homeless men and one for drug rehab --this is too much for one neighborhood to bear. We have had the mentally/physically disabled house for many years --we have done our civic duty to take in the less fortunate. I have a young daughter and now cannot let her ride her bike on our cul-de-sac street as there will be as many as 12-15 unknown individuals regularly on our street. This is unfair and unjust. These people are not vetted and are creepy at best. Again, we have done our civic duty to include the mental/physical home in our small community --two more homes is not right and the young girls on our street do not deserve to live in fear. Mahalo, Michelle Michelle Priest, MS (biology), EdD (science education) Anaheim, CA Motto: Don't sip from the Fountain of Knowledge, take huge big GULPS!! Jennifer L. Hall From: Michelle Priest Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:29 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: IN SUPPORT OF Agenda #3, Ordinance #6493 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed To whom it may concern, I am a homeowner in District 5 Anaheim, 92806. 1 am very much in support of Agenda #3, Ordinance #6493. Our street of only 20 homes now has a home for the mentally and physically disabled and two homes one for homeless men and one for drug rehab --this is too much for one neighborhood to bear. We have had the mentally/physically disabled house for many years --we have done our civic duty to take in the less fortunate. I have a young daughter and now cannot let her ride her bike on our cul-de-sac street as there will be as many as 12-15 unknown individuals regularly on our street. This is unfair and unjust. These people are not vetted and are creepy at best. Again, we have done our civic duty to include the mental/physical home in our small community --two more homes is not right and the young girls on our street do not deserve to live in fear. Mahalo, Michelle Michelle Priest, MS (biology), EdD (science education) Anaheim, CA Motto: Don't sip from the Fountain of Knowledge, take huge big GULPS!! Jennifer L. Hall From: Rondi Muller Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 6:42 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Attention city counsel Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged This email is to vote yes in SUPPORT of Agenda #3 Ordinance #6493" Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment. Rondi Muller Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Opposition to Item #3 - ccm 9/29 From: Tamara Jimenez<tiimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 9:00 AM To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Sherry Daley Dave Sheridan ; Mitch Cherness Loretta Day <LDav@anaheim.net> Subject: Re: Item #3 In addition to our previous comments, we would like to point out the quite obvious and overtly purposeful change in description of the item on agenda which can only be meant to completely mislead and deceive the public into even knowing what this item is regarding. Please take note that in the previous description it mentions community care facilities and sober livings but for tomorrow's agenda it does not. Hence another reason this item should be continued. It is the only fair decision to make for the public, especially since meetings are still not in person. It is quite shocking that you would allow this to be voted on tomorrow night as is. ./1 Verizon 1*1 11:19 AM 84% A® locaa.anaheim.net MOTION: Waive reading of all ordinances and resolutions and adopt the consent calendar. 2. Mi n .awIa�". NC M mMaM a N.O..... ..... ._.ORDINANCE ....... _.THE .I.To..` COUNCIL �E HEI a"neindua µ bp,gr10 )6 of 1"itle 1 o f „h .. ...alb .. ..work MMorder .p,,a, , ,. .... , ,. a . al....; .20, ltem Ido 2 .:. 3. ORDINANCE F: 1-FiE CITY OF (q, Fa�mrcIlare�a�w r pial ..PUrr g,a � w .. (q u a ry-f- �� �a� .... ,2(F3� Corridor (�3,_ Cal 4pm m m ammama ��m m� �mr� (.... ( .......0 .w. 3 ( .. µ, Q(r... ajppjg,qlental� e� a y...18 �,gf. an I _µ �a ._ �� P_ . .. 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Id MeWpj Q,tlt Staridard,$) p f the Anahek,n Mt.11 licip -3 d -de, errriinirl firidiriq,arl t ptIr prepare additional.. docume,ntation- pen"I'LaIdomia E.n..v,ir.c),nn...i..e.ntal.,,Qu.a.li A,QI-(C, Q 15Q(Q,(c)(,,.),,,,and 1506 resuft in a direct or reasony f rpq,sgeaWo k)dire,(,,t I ys,ical cha,�,Iq ri,e-rl-t-a—�1 i,dI,-,J-tI,-J-s, 111,91, a, p,pje,Qt, as defined in Section 15378 of the QED A de-ter,mbiation ttiat ..exe,rnp der....S, mc. ,tJ,u,rI.A.530,1 of-thit fac,flities and sob�er, Hying g,$ hist are i iot opp, irig. g m®m. .... ... tog �e t)pq� , eke, pir i, g n 24. Appro atiori ��,ty nblmian Dan HoHoway -s -pr, Q ......... . his exen ipj,�jry_sery�ce and ach�evernents to the corym`Wri�, 25. Revew the staff'to work with the A h I V . .. ... j —, 4, ., L & L�.A IS —P L. 0I m I A ,,. j Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. On Sep 25, 2020, at 11:00 AM, Tamara Jimenez <tiimenez o,lighthousetreatment.com> wrote: Good morning, Again I am writing to urge you to continue this item. It is quite clear that there has not been any thorough study done on the issue at hand. The way this ordinance is written is frankly quite callous. It is an attack on those seeking recovery and I am more than disappointed. The staff report given at the meeting on the 15th put our logo along with CCAPP & the Orange County Recovery Collaboration on a slide referring to us as stakeholders. I can assure you that none of us are stakeholders in this item nor were we ok with having our logos used in the presentation. I speak for all three groups when I say we are absolutely in strong opposition to this ordinance as it is written. It is nothing more than an attempt to push out recovery services in the City of Anaheim. Maybe none of you personally have any one in your lives right now that suffer from addiction but that doesn't exempt you from the responsibility as leaders to fully educate yourself on the subject matter before taking such drastic steps. https://www.whitehouse. gov/sites/whitehouse. gov/files/images/Final_ Report_ Draft_ 11-15- 2017.pdf https://addiction.surgeon eg neral.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-generals-report.pdf https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/housing best-practices-100819.pdf https:Hnarronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/l OlNational-Recovery-Residence-Quality- Standards-Oct-7-2015.bdf Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. 5 Public Comment From: Tamara Jimenez <tjimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 9:33 PM To: Denise Barnes; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Sherry Daley; Dave Sheridan; Mitch Cherness; Loretta Day; Public Comment Subject: Re: Item #3 Good evening, Another addition to public comment: Cities receiving HUD funds have an obligation to reduce housing barriers for disabled individuals, often termed their obligation to affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH). They are required to make semi-annual filings attesting to their efforts to do so. The "housing element" of that report is the part that focuses on how they are meeting their obligations in that regard. Like most other official documents, those filings are public records. Most cities don't think of recovery housing — or usually even licensed community care facilities — as disabled housing, so that capacity isn't included in their filings. However that also means that they don't report the capacity their actions cause to close. With all this being said, we would like to know if the numbers the put in the staff report on the agenda item are reflected in the housing element. Have they done an assessment to see how this ordinance will impact the loss of housing? Have they omitted sober living housing in the HUD reports? Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. On Sep 28, 2020, at 9:00 AM, Tamara Jimenez <tjimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> wrote: In addition to our previous comments, we would like to point out the quite obvious and overtly purposeful change in description of the item on agenda which can only be meant to completely mislead and deceive the public into even knowing what this item is regarding. Please take note that in the previous description it mentions community care facilities and sober livings but for tomorrow's agenda it does not. Hence another reason this item should be continued. It is the only fair decision to make for the public, especially since meetings are still not in person. It is quite shocking that you would allow this to be voted on tomorrow night as is. <image0.png> <imagel .png> Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. On Sep 25, 2020, at 11:00 AM, Tamara Jimenez <tjimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> wrote: Good morning, Again I am writing to urge you to continue this item. It is quite clear that there has not been any thorough study done on the issue at hand. The way this ordinance is written is frankly quite callous. It is an attack on those seeking recovery and I am more than disappointed. The staff report given at the meeting on the 15th put our logo along with CCAPP & the Orange County Recovery Collaboration on a slide referring to us as stakeholders. I can assure you that none of us are stakeholders in this item nor were we ok with having our logos used in the presentation. I speak for all three groups when I say we are absolutely in strong opposition to this ordinance as it is written. It is nothing more than an attempt to push out recovery services in the City of Anaheim. Maybe none of you personally have any one in your lives right now that suffer from addiction but that doesn't exempt you from the responsibility as leaders to fully educate yourself on the subject matter before taking such drastic steps. https://www.whitehouse. gov/sites/whitehouse. gov/files/images/Final_Report_Dra ft_l 1-15-2017.pdf https:Haddiction. surgeongeneral. gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-generals- report.pdf https://www. samhsa. gov/sites/default/files/housing-best-practices-100819.pdf https://narronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/National-Recovery-Residence- Quality-Standards-Oct-7-2015.pdf Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Public Comment From: KATHY CHANCE Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 7:11 AM To: Public Comment; Theresa Bass Subject: In FAVOR if Consent item #3, Ordinance No 64531 UNLICENSED COMMUNITY CARE FACILITIES AND SOBER LIVING HOMES ZONING CODE AMENDMENT Iam FAVOR °,Consent item #3, Ordinance No. 6493 on the Tuesday, 9/29/2020 Anaheim City Council agenda. Kathy Chance 30+ year Homeowner West Anaheim, District 1 3. (YIIwIC"YIINAINC. E IC'�� „ 649 SM ........(AIC"k��II� IC II��,IC� AICA ��II.�IC;kIIIC�AIC�C�I� ��II I IHI11- C�II..II..�, ��II AIC�AIHII�II1 a irTIEm'.11°�din ....0 1���IpV wig Iix..,.C��l �� Ii11�� 11�w II„ �irm�iIlIy [R E,1 iIdE,,��V.iIaI Zo �Cw�.. I ix.C�C� I ��IIVl.lpll�w II �;�Irm�iilly Ilw�wSiic1Em111Vii��ll ����lC'�.. 8 8 �C r�Irm:lirTIEwIl ii_C�II Zr nEl I II ��II�Iliir l��cl �, wriI��ll....11 L..[p 5�1 r�l��mwS�k l x. I�� �Ilw�w����II��V��i�U Il��mwll°irm�iiV��x...lix 2 ... p(!:3ro .�kI1�.�i� 1 Qoirm° ir'TIE.'Irr sial Corridor p( �Jccl �:���.wi� ��� ,...,�r�� ��.,m, qq. "l i'x C���1. ��r��.�,Or„I � A� ��.�lIE.Iiiirm� I:��0LAI�.w��;�i�d C�01�'Iriidol�i ��&:3Qgq 0. ......, :.... ...... ....., ..... 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U fliir; w� SE.1 l r oirrm irm°�U �iiV r��i��w 1�;i6 iil1k ii�wS and sr.�lbE.11� Illivii� �� 1 �oirmI�w� V:I�° al alr' w � �o 0 E,1i �V.iir°�� ��� �;� �ii� �� IlE.1 110LASEmIk�wEw lir"� .... ...... y... ..... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ........................ g.... ... p......... g il'); Ilr°�V.irr.�c,:l�.Ar,EKi at C.��.��. n(aill irTIEH.I iir���...of....� m..P' wirmIll"�E 1 �5x 2020,..11.:1E.1irm� INo, 2 SN,1.: Staff Report: http://local.anaheim.net/docs agend/guestys pub/27366/27396/27397/27654/27680/Staff%20Report 27680.pdf Public Comment From: kathy tran Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:34 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Theresa Bass Subject: Regarding Item # 3, Ordinance No 6453 Unlicensed Community Care Facilitates and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment Dear Mayor and all councils If we required to have fishing license when we go to fish, so why are you allow for those Community care facilities and Sober Living Home operate without licenses? Those are business and they MUST require to obtain A license to run their business in city of Anaheim. I am strongly in favor to support Item # 3, Ordinance No. 6493 on Tuesday 9/29/2020 Anaheim City Council agenda. Thank you . Kathy Tran, District 1. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Tracy Urueta Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:57 AM To: Public Comment; Theresa Bass Subject: My Comments Re: Consent Items On Agenda For Anaheim City Council Meeting To Be Held On 9/29/2020 Good morning Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Council Members. I would like to state for public comment that I am in favor of the following 3 Consent Items on the Anaheim City Council Meeting Agenda for 9/29/2020: Item # 3: Ordinance 6493 - To amend Title 18 zoning for the unlicensed community care facilities and sober living homes (code amendement). Items #7 & #8: For the sale of land by the City of Anaheim to SRB Management Company, LLC, for the purpose of future development of a new Angeles Stadium and surrounding areas, and all that this development entails, stated as such on these agenda items. Thank you for putting my comments on the record for tonight's City Council Meeting, 9/29/20. Tracy Urueta Anaheim, 92804 1 Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:31 AM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: Please Vote For Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance 6493 From: Larry Seabrook Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:18 AM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Please Vote For Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance 6493 Dear Honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am writing you today to ask you to please, please vote "YES" on item number 3 of your agenda for today's 3:00 PM meeting. Agenda item #3 is "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment", Ordinance Number 6493. Currently there are no laws restricting the density of such "home businesses". Also, I am personally affected by this issue because there are already THREE such business in our little street of Olmstead Way in District 5 of Anaheim. I reside at in Anaheim. Sincerely, Larry Seabrook 1 Public Comment From: Evelyne Seabrook Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:13 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Vote YES on AGENDA #3 at today's meeting Dear Honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am writing you today to ask you to please, please vote "YES" on ITEM NUMBER 3 of your agenda for today's 5:00 PM meeting. Agenda item #3 is "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment", ORDINANCE NUMBER 6493. Currently there are no laws restricting the density of such "home businesses". I am personally affected by this issue because there are now THREE such business in our little cul-de-sac of Olmstead Way in District 5 of Anaheim. I reside at in Anaheim. I would like to bring to your attention the fact that the drug rehab home backs right up to the field of South Junior High School, and the field of Juarez Elementary School is very, very close by as well. It is also right next door to a home occupied by a family with three small children on one side and Grandma's House of Hope on the other. And three doors up is a home for handicapped individuals (which has been here for many years now). Sincerely, Evelyne Seabrook Public Comment From: vickie eskew Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:16 PM To: Public Comment Subject: agenda item # 3 Dear honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council: Please on agenda # 3 today, at 5:00 pm vote "YES." It appears there are no laws governing so so many "home business." Even a law that could help space them out. Between daycares, senior living, sober living, and homes for the homeless, there is no room for good ole family life. Agenda # 3 is "unlicensed community care facilities and sober living homes zoning code amendment. Ordinance # 6493 Our address is Anaheim CA, 92805 .... since 1975. Let's keep the neighborhoods safe, and balanced. Thank you, Vickie Eskew Public Comment From: Sharlene Schwed Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:19 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda item #3 Dear Honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am writing you today to ask you to please, please vote "YES" on ITEM NUMBER 3 on your AGENDA for TODAY"S 5:00 PM MEETING. Agenda item #3 is "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment", ORDINANCE NUMBER 6493, Currently there are no laws restricting the density of such "home businesses". I reside at in Anaheim. Sincerely, Sharlene Schwed Public Comment From: marcelle Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:21 PM To: Public Comment Dear Honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am writing you today to ask you to please, please vote "YES" on ITEM NUMBER 3 of your AGENDA for TODAY'S 5:00 PM MEETING. Agenda item #3 is "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment", ORDINANCE NUMBER 6493. Currently there are no laws restricting the density of such "home businesses". I reside at <your street address> in Anaheim. Sincerely, Marcelle Kerl Public Comment From: marcelle Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:00 PM To: Public Comment Dear Honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am writing you today to ask you to please, please vote "YES" on ITEM NUMBER 3 of your AGENDA for TODAY'S 5:00 PM MEETING. Agenda item #3 is "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment", ORDINANCE NUMBER 6493. Currently there are no laws restricting the density of such "home businesses". I reside at <your street address> in Anaheim. Sincerely, Marcelle Kerl Anaheim, CA 92806 Public Comment From: ierose Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:07 PM To: Public Comment Subject: YES on Item Number 3 Dear Honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am writing you today to ask you to please, please vote "YES" on ITEM NUMBER 3 of your AGENDA for TODAY'S 5:00 PM MEETING. Agenda item #3 is "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment", ORDINANCE NUMBER 6493. Currently there are no laws stricting the density of such "home businesses". I reside at in Anaheim. Sincerely, Irene Rose Public Comment From: ey_oc _ Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:50 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Zoning Code Amendment - Ordinance 6493 Dear Honorable Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am writing you today to ask you to please, please vote "YES" on item number 3 of your agenda for today's 4:30 PM meeting. Agenda item 43 is "Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment". Ordinance Number 6493. Currently there are no laws restricting the density of such "home businesses". I have no issue with how these homes operate, but doubling the occupancy of both businesses in a cul-de-sac is a cause of concern for me. Also, I am personally affected by this issue because there are THREE such business in our little street of Olmstead Way in District 5 of Anaheim. I reside at in Anaheim. Sincerely, Erit, Ya -vv a uv_�w ---------------------------- The information in this email and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this message or attachment is strictly prohibited. We have taken precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses, but we advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this message. We cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses. If you believe that you have received this email in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the email and all of its attachments. Public Comment From: Julie Kline Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:53 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: agenda item 3 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged I am in SUPPORT of agenda 43 and ordinance 46493. Julie Kline Anaheim, CA 92806 district 45 Public Comment From: David Motts Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 7:08 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sober housing ordinance Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged To my Mayor and honorable council members. We don't want drug rehab homes in our neighborhood. We don't want homeless rehab homes in our neighborhood. Please vote YES on agenda 43. Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Tamara Jimenez <tjimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 11:58 AM To: Loretta Day Cc: Public Comment Subject: Fwd: Item #3 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged From: Tamara Jimenez <tjimenez@lighthousetreatment.com> Date: September 25, 2020 at 11:00:15 AM PDT To: Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>, Harry Sidhu <HSidhu@anaheim.net>, Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>, Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>, Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>, Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>, Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Subject: Item #3 Good morning, Again I am writing to urge you to continue this item. It is quite clear that there has not been any thorough study done on the issue at hand. The way this ordinance is written is frankly quite callous. It is an attack on those seeking recovery and I am more than disappointed. The staff report given at the meeting on the 15th put our logo along with CCAPP & the Orange County Recovery Collaboration on a slide referring to us as stakeholders. I can assure you that none of us are stakeholders in this item nor were we ok with having our logos used in the presentation. I speak for all three groups when I say we are absolutely in strong opposition to this ordinance as it is written. It is nothing more than an attempt to push out recovery services in the City of Anaheim. Maybe none of you personally have any one in your lives right now that suffer from addiction but that doesn't exempt you from the responsibility as leaders to fully educate yourself on the subject matter before taking such drastic steps. https://www.whitehouse. gov/sites/whitehouse. gov/files/images/Final_Report_Draft_l 1-15- 2017.pdf https:Haddiction. surgeongeneral. gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-generals-report.pdf https://www. samhsa. gov/sites/default/files/housing-best-practices-100819.pdf https://narronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/l OlNational-Recovery-Residence-Quality- Standards-Oct-7-2015.pdf Have a great day, Tamara Jimenez Community Relations Manager Lighthouse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 & 164 and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. The Federal rules prohibit any further disclosure of this information unless a written consent is obtained from the person to whom it pertains. The Federal rules restrict any use of this information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Public Comment Subject: FW: 2 in SUPPORT/ 1 Opposed re: Agenda #3, Ordinance #6493; ccm 9-29-20 From: Michelle Priest Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:55 AM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: IN SUPPORT - Agenda #3, Ordinance #6493 I am in support of this ordinance as I do not want nor like that we have a revolving door of between 12-15 on a dog -leg street with only 20 houses. This street has 5 young girls who now cannot ride, walk or be alone as we do not know who these people are. Mahalo, Michelle Priest MS, EdD Motto: Don't sip from the Fountain of Knowledge, take huge, big GULPS!! Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Reopen Orange County Attachments: Reopen Orange County; Reopen Orange County; Reopen Orange County; Reopen Orange County; Reopen Orange County -----Original Message ----- From: Loretta Day Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:53 AM Subject: FW: Reopen Orange County Mayor and Council: See below and attached for your consideration. -----Original Message ----- From: Omar Nuno Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 9:03 AM On Behalf Of To: governor@governor.ca.gov; govpressoffice@gov.ca.gov; Council <council@anaheim.net>; response@ocgov.com Subject: Reopen Orange County Dear Governor Newsom, County and City Leaders, Public health, data, and facts should drive COVID-19 decisions. We believe the central economic engine of Southern California, the Disneyland Resort, can demonstrate their ability to meet government healthcare guidelines and safely re- open. Disney has successfully done it in theme parks around the world, and they can do it in California too. The health and safety of guests and cast members have always been Disney's #1 concern. We're confident they can show you that is still their top priority. And the consequences of not giving them that chance are enormous. Unemployment in Anaheim is at a historic high of at least 15%. Almost 30,000 people are out work in the City. In Orange County, the number is almost 200,000 out of work. Thousands of small businesses are closed, many likely for good. As a result of Disneyland Resort being closed for nearly six months, the Anaheim City budget deficit is at $75 to $100 million and that grows by millions every week the Disneyland Resort is closed. Even more than the lost jobs and lost revenue, however, the greatest impact is truly the loss of hope. That damage is the most painful of all. Our leaders, from the Governor to local officials, have the power to continue to protect our health while giving us back our hope. Please give our local businesses, big and small, the opportunity to show that they can safely reopen. Judge them on their plans and their procedures and track record. That is all we ask. Please reopen the Disneyland Resort. We know they are ready and they can do it better than anyone else can. Sincerely, Ms Omar Nuno Jennifer L. Hall From: on behalf of David Steinbach Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 11:35 AM To: governor@governor.ca.gov; govpressoffice@gov.ca.gov; Council; response@ocgov.com Subject: Reopen Orange County Dear Governor Newsom, County and City Leaders, Public health, data, and facts should drive COVID-19 decisions. We believe the central economic engine of Southern California, the Disneyland Resort, can demonstrate their ability to meet government healthcare guidelines and safely re- open. Disney has successfully done it in theme parks around the world, and they can do it in California too. The health and safety of guests and cast members have always been Disney's #1 concern. We're confident they can show you that is still their top priority. And the consequences of not giving them that chance are enormous. Unemployment in Anaheim is at a historic high of at least 15%. Almost 30,000 people are out work in the City. In Orange County, the number is almost 200,000 out of work. Thousands of small businesses are closed, many likely for good. As a result of Disneyland Resort being closed for nearly six months, the Anaheim City budget deficit is at $75 to $100 million and that grows by millions every week the Disneyland Resort is closed. Even more than the lost jobs and lost revenue, however, the greatest impact is truly the loss of hope. That damage is the most painful of all. Our leaders, from the Governor to local officials, have the power to continue to protect our health while giving us back our hope. Please give our local businesses, big and small, the opportunity to show that they can safely reopen. Judge them on their plans and their procedures and track record. That is all we ask. Please reopen the Disneyland Resort. We know they are ready and they can do it better than anyone else can. Sincerely, Mr David Steinbach Jennifer L. Hall From: on behalf of Wendy Castillo Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 11:15 AM To: governor@governor.ca.gov; govpressoffice@gov.ca.gov; Council; response@ocgov.com Subject: Reopen Orange County Dear Governor Newsom, County and City Leaders, Public health, data, and facts should drive COVID-19 decisions. We believe the central economic engine of Southern California, the Disneyland Resort, can demonstrate their ability to meet government healthcare guidelines and safely re- open. Disney has successfully done it in theme parks around the world, and they can do it in California too. The health and safety of guests and cast members have always been Disney's #1 concern. We're confident they can show you that is still their top priority. And the consequences of not giving them that chance are enormous. Unemployment in Anaheim is at a historic high of at least 15%. Almost 30,000 people are out work in the City. In Orange County, the number is almost 200,000 out of work. Thousands of small businesses are closed, many likely for good. As a result of Disneyland Resort being closed for nearly six months, the Anaheim City budget deficit is at $75 to $100 million and that grows by millions every week the Disneyland Resort is closed. Even more than the lost jobs and lost revenue, however, the greatest impact is truly the loss of hope. That damage is the most painful of all. Our leaders, from the Governor to local officials, have the power to continue to protect our health while giving us back our hope. Please give our local businesses, big and small, the opportunity to show that they can safely reopen. Judge them on their plans and their procedures and track record. That is all we ask. Please reopen the Disneyland Resort. We know they are ready and they can do it better than anyone else can. Sincerely, Ms Wendy Castillo Jennifer L. Hall From: on behalf of Diana Kotler Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 6:14 PM To: governor@governor.ca.gov; govpressoffice@gov.ca.gov; Council; response@ocgov.com Subject: Reopen Orange County Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Governor Newsom, County and City Leaders, Public health, data, and facts should drive COVID-19 decisions. We believe the central economic engine of Southern California, the Disneyland Resort, can demonstrate their ability to meet government healthcare guidelines and safely re- open. Disney has successfully done it in theme parks around the world, and they can do it in California too. The health and safety of guests and cast members have always been Disney's #1 concern. We're confident they can show you that is still their top priority. And the consequences of not giving them that chance are enormous. Unemployment in Anaheim is at a historic high of at least 15%. Almost 30,000 people are out work in the City. In Orange County, the number is almost 200,000 out of work. Thousands of small businesses are closed, many likely for good. As a result of Disneyland Resort being closed for nearly six months, the Anaheim City budget deficit is at $75 to $100 million and that grows by millions every week the Disneyland Resort is closed. Even more than the lost jobs and lost revenue, however, the greatest impact is truly the loss of hope. That damage is the most painful of all. Our leaders, from the Governor to local officials, have the power to continue to protect our health while giving us back our hope. Please give our local businesses, big and small, the opportunity to show that they can safely reopen. Judge them on their plans and their procedures and track record. That is all we ask. Please reopen the Disneyland Resort. We know they are ready and they can do it better than anyone else can. Sincerely, Ms Diana Kotler Jennifer L. Hall From: on behalf of Elizabeth Davidson Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 4:25 PM To: governor@governor.ca.gov; govpressoffice@gov.ca.gov; Council; response@ocgov.com Subject: Reopen Orange County Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Governor Newsom, County and City Leaders, Public health, data, and facts should drive COVID-19 decisions. We believe the central economic engine of Southern California, the Disneyland Resort, can demonstrate their ability to meet government healthcare guidelines and safely re- open. Disney has successfully done it in theme parks around the world, and they can do it in California too. The health and safety of guests and cast members have always been Disney's #1 concern. We're confident they can show you that is still their top priority. And the consequences of not giving them that chance are enormous. Unemployment in Anaheim is at a historic high of at least 15%. Almost 30,000 people are out work in the City. In Orange County, the number is almost 200,000 out of work. Thousands of small businesses are closed, many likely for good. As a result of Disneyland Resort being closed for nearly six months, the Anaheim City budget deficit is at $75 to $100 million and that grows by millions every week the Disneyland Resort is closed. Even more than the lost jobs and lost revenue, however, the greatest impact is truly the loss of hope. That damage is the most painful of all. Our leaders, from the Governor to local officials, have the power to continue to protect our health while giving us back our hope. Please give our local businesses, big and small, the opportunity to show that they can safely reopen. Judge them on their plans and their procedures and track record. That is all we ask. Please reopen the Disneyland Resort. We know they are ready and they can do it better than anyone else can. Sincerely, Mrs Elizabeth Davidson Jennifer L. Hall From: on behalf of Carrie Carbajal Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 4:03 PM To: governor@governor.ca.gov; govpressoffice@gov.ca.gov; Council; response@ocgov.com Subject: Reopen Orange County Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Governor Newsom, County and City Leaders, Public health, data, and facts should drive COVID-19 decisions. We believe the central economic engine of Southern California, the Disneyland Resort, can demonstrate their ability to meet government healthcare guidelines and safely re- open. Disney has successfully done it in theme parks around the world, and they can do it in California too. The health and safety of guests and cast members have always been Disney's #1 concern. We're confident they can show you that is still their top priority. And the consequences of not giving them that chance are enormous. Unemployment in Anaheim is at a historic high of at least 15%. Almost 30,000 people are out work in the City. In Orange County, the number is almost 200,000 out of work. Thousands of small businesses are closed, many likely for good. As a result of Disneyland Resort being closed for nearly six months, the Anaheim City budget deficit is at $75 to $100 million and that grows by millions every week the Disneyland Resort is closed. Even more than the lost jobs and lost revenue, however, the greatest impact is truly the loss of hope. That damage is the most painful of all. Our leaders, from the Governor to local officials, have the power to continue to protect our health while giving us back our hope. Please give our local businesses, big and small, the opportunity to show that they can safely reopen. Judge them on their plans and their procedures and track record. That is all we ask. Please reopen the Disneyland Resort. We know they are ready and they can do it better than anyone else can. Sincerely, Ms Carrie Carbajal Public Comment From: David Mazer Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:41 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Dear Sirs: This is an urgent request to have the city of Anaheim to extend the moratorium on evictions until January 1st 2021. This would coincide with the Governor's date. This is becoming urgent matter and I think it should be taken very serious. The... Public Comment From: Pat D < Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:25 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment; Lucille Kring; Stephen Faessel Subject: Comments for 9/29 agenda Stop the sale of the Angels!!! As you prepare to address the many items on today's agenda, I must ask how can you have public hearings - item 7 -without the public? How can you make decisions on land use issues without the public in the room ? How can you make decisions on how we work with providers who house and treat those who seek help in care facilities and sober living homes without the public in the room? There are so many things you could do to include those of us who truly care about our community unlike you who are lining your pockets with resources with each and every decision you move forward! You have yet to use a zoom environment during which we can watch and participate through public comments. You indicate you want to open the city but you can't open the council chambers and allow folks inside to sit so not only watch but comment as the process moves along. You have yet to create an accommodation for those who would be unsafe in a closed space but would like to share their comments, their voices. You have an obvious fear and aversion of voices from those in dissent of your actions! Item 7 - Public hearing All the while you rush the sale of our city's greatest resource - the Angel's stadium and surrounding land. There is so much wrong with this process that lacks transparency, honesty, and accuracy in the valuation and sale arrangements. Once again the documents attached are intended to bury or misrepresent what is behind the sale. The Angels don't even have to stay in Anaheim. There have to be very questionable arrangements here and you know those will be discovered. Your hopes are you can get this done before you are exposed. You're very behavior highlights your actions and likely illegal practices in arranging for this mess of a give away. You have been elected, sworn, and indicate you will look out for the communities you serve. For several of you that's been in question since day one. Others of you offered some glimmer of transparency but that has long since gone. As to other chamber processes, I notice for item 5 -the COVID-19 update - there are no written materials to review and during the meeting the piss poor slides projected and presentation offer nothing but likely more inaccurate and unsafe representations of what's going on in our city. On item 6, as you review the 39 Commons plans again I must ask what are the low and very low income housing units planned if any and the numbers and dates they will be available? The chambers can't open soon enough. My hope is that by then most of you will be gone and not allowed to further rob from we the citizens of Anaheim. Pat Davis Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. Public Comment From: Glen Pleasant Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:51 PM To: Public Comment I'm a cast member of Disneyland and don't understand why Disneyland is only large hotels not open in the area. Why they haven't opened the main street and main entrance areas of Disneyland and California adventure parks for restaurants and stores like Knotts and sea world have done. Why California adventure didn't do the food and wine event like epcot did in Florida. And since now Knotts is doing a kids trick or treat event so why is California adventure still have their event canceled. Public Comment From: buddyfitz Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 10:30 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment for September 29 Council Meeting Attachments: Market Value above 3 million per acre.pdf Attached Public Comment for Agenda Items (Public Hearings) # 6, # 7, # 7a,7 # 7b. 9/26/2020 18 -acre Florae Depot property in Anaheim selling for $60 million I News Break �4 iii w irn,aad (V a Add Tc, t I nrpubhsk)ers Advr,rVser, About'Mission Careers Contact ® NEWS BREAK Home Local Classifieds Your cdtyorZIP, code Sign in r ., '418 -acre Home Depot property in Anaheim selling for $60 million HOME DEPOT LAND IN ANAHEIM IS BEING SOLD 18 ACRES FOR $60 MILLION DOLLARS THAT IS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS PER ACRE THE HOME DEPOT LAND IN . ANAHEIM IS A LONG DRIVE TO FREEWAY ACCESS WHILE OUR STADIUM PROPERTY HAS TWO DIFFERENT FREEWAY ENTRANCES JUST A FEW FEET AWAY. THE ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL AND ITS STAFF SHOULD BE SENT TO PRISON FOR SELLING OUR CITY STADIUM PROPERTY FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS PER ACRE. Public Comment From: Pat D < Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:25 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment; Lucille Kring; Stephen Faessel Subject: Comments for 9/29 agenda Stop the sale of the Angels!!! As you prepare to address the many items on today's agenda, I must ask how can you have public hearings - item 7 -without the public? How can you make decisions on land use issues without the public in the room ? How can you make decisions on how we work with providers who house and treat those who seek help in care facilities and sober living homes without the public in the room? There are so many things you could do to include those of us who truly care about our community unlike you who are lining your pockets with resources with each and every decision you move forward! You have yet to use a zoom environment during which we can watch and participate through public comments. You indicate you want to open the city but you can't open the council chambers and allow folks inside to sit so not only watch but comment as the process moves along. You have yet to create an accommodation for those who would be unsafe in a closed space but would like to share their comments, their voices. You have an obvious fear and aversion of voices from those in dissent of your actions! Item 7 - Public hearing All the while you rush the sale of our city's greatest resource - the Angel's stadium and surrounding land. There is so much wrong with this process that lacks transparency, honesty, and accuracy in the valuation and sale arrangements. Once again the documents attached are intended to bury or misrepresent what is behind the sale. The Angels don't even have to stay in Anaheim. There have to be very questionable arrangements here and you know those will be discovered. Your hopes are you can get this done before you are exposed. You're very behavior highlights your actions and likely illegal practices in arranging for this mess of a give away. You have been elected, sworn, and indicate you will look out for the communities you serve. For several of you that's been in question since day one. Others of you offered some glimmer of transparency but that has long since gone. As to other chamber processes, I notice for item 5 -the COVID-19 update - there are no written materials to review and during the meeting the piss poor slides projected and presentation offer nothing but likely more inaccurate and unsafe representations of what's going on in our city. On item 6, as you review the 39 Commons plans again I must ask what are the low and very low income housing units planned if any and the numbers and dates they will be available? The chambers can't open soon enough. My hope is that by then most of you will be gone and not allowed to further rob from we the citizens of Anaheim. Pat Davis Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. Public Comment From: buddyfitz Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 10:30 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment for September 29 Council Meeting Attachments: Market Value above 3 million per acre.pdf Attached Public Comment for Agenda Items (Public Hearings) # 6, # 7, # 7a,7 # 7b. 9/26/2020 18 -acre Florae Depot property in Anaheim selling for $60 million I News Break �4 iii w irn,aad (V a Add Tc, t I nrpubhsk)ers Advr,rVser, About'Mission Careers Contact ® NEWS BREAK Home Local Classifieds Your cdtyorZIP, code Sign in r ., '418 -acre Home Depot property in Anaheim selling for $60 million HOME DEPOT LAND IN ANAHEIM IS BEING SOLD 18 ACRES FOR $60 MILLION DOLLARS THAT IS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS PER ACRE THE HOME DEPOT LAND IN . ANAHEIM IS A LONG DRIVE TO FREEWAY ACCESS WHILE OUR STADIUM PROPERTY HAS TWO DIFFERENT FREEWAY ENTRANCES JUST A FEW FEET AWAY. THE ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL AND ITS STAFF SHOULD BE SENT TO PRISON FOR SELLING OUR CITY STADIUM PROPERTY FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS PER ACRE. Public Comment From: Ray Baca <ray.baca@ecasocal.org> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:31 AM To: Public Comment Subject: (Support) Agenda Item #7 Attachments: City of Anaheim DDA.pdf Good morning, Please find attached our letter of support for the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (Agenda item #7). Thank you, Ray M. Baca Executive Director Engineering Contractors' Association 2390 E. Orangewood Avenue, Suite 585 Anaheim, CA 92806 r . ® . ecas�ca/®cr Bus: 714-937-5000 Mob: BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS FUTURE President Brendan Slagle Vice President Garrett Francis Vice President Infrastructure Dev. Dave Sorem Treasurer Alan Ludwig Secretary Michael Prlich Affiliate Chair Scott Salandi Directors Michael Baker Mladen Buntich Anna Carno Barry Corea Gene Glassburner Kristion Grbavac Jordan Latimer Gus Madrigal Daniel Martin Anthony Niccoli Dan J. Peterson Brandon Pensick Lou Rendon Garrett Richardson Tim Rivard James Roland Elizabeth Torrez Nic Waldenmayer Government Affairs Dave Sorem Legal Committee Anthony Niccoli PAC Scott Salandi Safety Jordan Latimer Staff Executive Director — Ray M Baca Office Manager— Shelia Voss Admin. Asst. — Paulina Pantoja Editor — John Simpson { J ENGINEERING EONTRAEmRS' AssiuA Txw September 28, 2020 City of Santa Ana Subj : Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (Support) Dear Mayor Sidhu, and Anaheim City Council, On behalf of the members of the Engineering Contractors' Association, we respectfully urge you to vote in favor of approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub - Area A Project. This is an important step toward the advancement of the overall project, enhancing the appeal of the entire area with a balanced set of priorities, and providing for thousands of construction career opportunities for local area workers. As leaders in the construction industry in Southern California, we wish to express appreciation for your hard work, and urge your support for the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement. Sincerely, Ray M. Baca Executive Director (714) 937-5000 Fax (714) 937-5030 Email: info(o)_ecasocal.orp 2390 E. Orangewood Ave., Suite 585, Anaheim, CA 92806 www.ecasocai.org Public Comment From: Ray Baca <ray.baca@ecasocal.org> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:57 AM To: Public Comment Subject: (Support) Agenda Item #7 Attachments: City of Anaheim DDA (003).pdf Good morning, Please find attached the corrected version of our letter of support for the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (Agenda Item #7). Thank you, Ray M. Baca Executive Director Engineering Contractors' Association 2390 E. Orangewood Avenue, Suite 585 Anaheim, CA 92806 r . ® . ecas�ca/®cr Bus: 714-937-5000 Mob: BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS FUTURE President Brendan Slagle Vice President Garrett Francis Vice President Infrastructure Dev. Dave Sorem Treasurer Alan Ludwig Secretary Michael Prlich Affiliate Chair Scott Salandi Directors Michael Baker Mladen Buntich Anna Carno Barry Corea Gene Glassburner Kristion Grbavac Jordan Latimer Gus Madrigal Daniel Martin Anthony Niccoli Dan J. Peterson Brandon Pensick Lou Rendon Garrett Richardson Tim Rivard James Roland Elizabeth Torrez Nic Waldenmayer Government Affairs Dave Sorem Legal Committee Anthony Niccoli PAC Scott Salandi Safety Jordan Latimer Staff Executive Director — Ray M Baca Office Manager— Shelia Voss Admin. Asst. — Paulina Pantoja Editor — John Simpson { J ENGINEERING EONTRAEmRS' AssiuA Txw September 28, 2020 City of Anaheim Subj : Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (Support) Dear Mayor Sidhu, and Anaheim City Council, On behalf of the members of the Engineering Contractors' Association, we respectfully urge you to vote in favor of approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub - Area A Project. This is an important step toward the advancement of the overall project, enhancing the appeal of the entire area with a balanced set of priorities, and providing for thousands of construction career opportunities for local area workers. As leaders in the construction industry in Southern California, we wish to express appreciation for your hard work, and urge your support for the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement. Sincerely, Ray M. Baca Executive Director (714) 937-5000 Fax (714) 937-5030 Email: info(o)_ecasocal.orp 2390 E. Orangewood Ave., Suite 585, Anaheim, CA 92806 www.ecasocai.org Jennifer L. Hall From: Sergio Dimas Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 2:48 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Item 7 Agenda September 29, 2020 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hello City Coucil, I am deeply concerned with the negotiation process and ultimately the agreement that is now on the table before the council. As an Anaheim resident, I know having Angel Baseball is key part of our city's brand and image to the rest of the world. Having a Major League Baseball (MLB) team is a source of great pride, and I know many other cities would be eager to welcome the Angels into their fold. It is critical that our city negotiate a contract to keep the team playing here. It appears that the city council has achieved this, but it has been done behind closed doors and under unjust terms. I hope you are aware that contracts do not have to be negotiated in good faith, rather, only once you are in a contract you must act in good faith. Parties to a contract negotiate seeking to maximize their own benefit from the exchange at hand. Does the city council really think SRB has negotiated with the greater good of Anaheim in mind? For that manner, the Mayor has not always behaved himself in a manner that instills 100% confidence in his commitment to Anaheim's residents. It is disappointing that the city has not revoked their offer and reworked it in light of the current situation we are experiencing. The Disneyland Resort, Honda Center, Anaheim Convention Center, or Angel Stadium do not appear to be reopening any time soon. The budget shortfall will only grow with these huge economic drivers sitting on the sidelines. While, we cannot hope to get all that money back, even when these venues are all open, we can mitigate. The city is facing an estimated budget shortfall of 100 million dollars. The stadium deal presents a unique opportunity to recoup some of the losses. The current discount (through tax breaks etc.) the city is giving SRB, is approximately 175 million dollars from the original negotiations in December. This money is more than enough to address the currently reported budget shortfalls. If the shortfall grows, this kind of money will help keep the city's budget from falling into a deeper hole. If you must insist on granting the discount, you could reduce the amount, and still go a long ways to addressing the budget situation! Instead, of giving SRB (really Arte Moreno) a major discount, why not charge a fair price. The Samueli's (literally across the way from Angel Stadium) were certainly capable and willing to pay, why is SRB not willing to do so? It's time for the city council to stand for the people of Anaheim. You can keep our team, and address some of our budget issues in one go. Take a look at your problems, get creative and address them. You're elected to look after the public welfare, not private interests. Sincerely, Sergio Dimas Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Item 7 Agenda ccm Sept 29, 2020 Attachments: (System) 1:30 Voice Message -----Original Message ----- From: Loretta Day Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 9:50 AM Subject: RE: Item 7 Agenda ccm Sept 29, 2020 Mayor and Council - see below and attached for your consideration, Item #7. -----Original Message ----- From: Sergio Dimas Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 2:48 PM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Item 7 Agenda September 29, 2020 Hello City Coucil, I am deeply concerned with the negotiation process and ultimately the agreement that is now on the table before the council. As an Anaheim resident, I know having Angel Baseball is key part of our city's brand and image to the rest of the world. Having a Major League Baseball (MLB) team is a source of great pride, and I know many other cities would be eager to welcome the Angels into their fold. It is critical that our city negotiate a contract to keep the team playing here. It appears that the city council has achieved this, but it has been done behind closed doors and under unjust terms. I hope you are aware that contracts do not have to be negotiated in good faith, rather, only once you are in a contract you must act in good faith. Parties to a contract negotiate seeking to maximize their own benefit from the exchange at hand. Does the city council really think SRB has negotiated with the greater good of Anaheim in mind? For that manner, the Mayor has not always behaved himself in a manner that instills 100% confidence in his commitment to Anaheim's residents. It is disappointing that the city has not revoked their offer and reworked it in light of the current situation we are experiencing. The Disneyland Resort, Honda Center, Anaheim Convention Center, or Angel Stadium do not appear to be reopening any time soon. The budget shortfall will only grow with these huge economic drivers sitting on the sidelines. While, we cannot hope to get all that money back, even when these venues are all open, we can mitigate. The city is facing an estimated budget shortfall of 100 million dollars. The stadium deal presents a unique opportunity to recoup some of the losses. The current discount (through tax breaks etc.) the city is giving SRB, is approximately 175 million dollars from the original negotiations in December. This money is more than enough to address the currently reported budget shortfalls. If the shortfall grows, this kind of money will help keep the city's budget from falling into a deeper hole. If you must insist on granting the discount, you could reduce the amount, and still go a long ways to addressing the budget situation! Instead, of giving SRB (really Arte Moreno) a major discount, why not charge a fair price. The Samueli's (literally across the way from Angel Stadium) were certainly capable and willing to pay, why is SRB not willing to do so? It's time for the city council to stand for the people of Anaheim. You can keep our team, and address some of our budget issues in one go. Take a look at your problems, get creative and address them. You're elected to look after the public welfare, not private interests. Sincerely, Sergio Dimas Jennifer L. Hall From: Unknown <Unknown @COACPCH.anaheim.net> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 6:25 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: (System) 1:30 Voice Message Attachments: voice OOO.wav Public Comment From: Jaime Colclasure <jaimec@ibewoc.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:26 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Zoning Code Amendment, Angel Stadium Project - SUPPORT, IBEW 441 Attachments: Zoning Code Amendment SUPPORT IBEW 441.pdf Please see the attached letter of support ahead of tomorrow night's council meeting. JAIME COLCLASURE Executive Assistant, IBEW Orange County ,'714)939-3131 ®ibewoc.com 0309 N Rampart St, Suite M Orange, CA 92868 t ORANGE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 441 309 N. RAMPART STREET SUITE M ORANGE, CA 92868 (714) 939-3131 (714) 939-3132 FAX www.ibewoc.com NEAL H. LAUZON Business Manager Affiliated with: Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council State Building and Construction Trades Council of California California State Association of Electrical Workers California Labor Federation American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations Orange County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO VISIT Us ON FACEBOOK IBEW Orange County 441 September 28, 2020 Anaheim City Council Sent via email: publiccomment@anaheim.net Re: Zoning Code Amendment, DDA—Angel Stadium Project City Council Members, On behalf of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 441, 1 urge your support for the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). This project will provide thousands of construction opportunities for the hardworking men and women in Anaheim and the surrounding region, as well as hire priorities to veterans, both accomplished through a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles/Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council. The project will provide for increased Housing, including 15% of affordable units, much needed park and recreation space for local residents, and commercial space for retailers, restaurants, and hotels, providing revenue that will not only feed into the region's economy but also the general fund for the city of Anaheim. With anticipation, we strongly support the zoning amendment and DDA for this project and urge the Council's support. Thank you for your hard work and service. Sincerely, Neal H. Lauzon Business Manager :jc OPEIU #537/AFL-CIO, CLC Public Comment From: Ron Sikorski <r.Sikorski@iuoelocal12.org> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:47 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) Attachments: Angels Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA).pdf Hello, Please see attached letter for City of Anaheim Council Agenda on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Thank you. • On• •. • Union No. 12 and General Vice President 150 E Corson Street Pasadena, CA 91103 This communication, including attachments, is confidential, may be subject to legal privileges, and is intended for the sole use of the addressee. Any use, duplication, disclosure or dissemination of this communication, other than by the addressee, is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete or destroy this communication and all copies. Thank you Mayor and members of the City Council, I am writing as the Business Manager on behalf of Local Union, No. 12 urging support of the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). This project will provide for Thousands of high skilled, middle class construction career opportunities for hard working men and women in Anaheim and" the region. It will also provide veterans hire priorities allowing them to be rewarded for their service by earning good wages and benefits. These goals will be achieved through a: Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council. The project will also provide for increased Housing, including 15% of affordable units. Furthermore, it also will provide the City with badly needed Park and Open Space for the local residents. The Stadium Development will also provide commercial space for retailers, restaurants, and hotels, which shall provide revenue that will feed into the region's economy including revenue for the City's General Fund. Again, we urge the City Council to approve this Historic Project. Thank you for your hard work and service. Respectfully, S 1 .01 .107 �44710z&_AJ�- Ronald J. Sikors.('Business Manager I.U.O.E., Local Union No. 12 and General Vice President RJS:va 150 EAST CORSON STREET 0, RO, BOX 7109 11 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91109-7209 11 TELEPHONE: (626) 792-8900 Public Comment From: Jennifer Ward <jward@ocbc.org> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Jennifer Ward Subject: OCBC Support for 9/29 City Council Item Attachments: Angel Stadium Agreement -Support -Anaheim City Council.pdf God Afternoon, Please find attached for consideration by the Mayor and City Council Members, Orange County Business Council's (OCBC) comments in support of the recommended actions for Item 7 (Angels Stadium Property) on the September 29, 2020 City Council agenda. Thank you, Jennifer Ward Senior Vice President of Advocacy & Government Affairs Orange County Business Council 2 Park Plaza, Suite 100 1 Irvine, CA 92614 C: 1 0: 949.794.7215 1 jward@(.)( be .org Cel ebrattn9 25 Years aaar.r and et.tinet cs......... 1 BUSINESS COUNCIL 2 Park Plaza, Suite 100 ( Irvine, CA 926141 P 949.476.2242 ( F 949.476.0443 ( www.ocbc.org September 28, 2020 The Honorable Harry Sidhu Mayor City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, 7th Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 SUPPORT: The Sale and Development of the Angel Stadium Property Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Orange County Business Council (OCBC), the leading voice of business in Orange County, is proud to support the proposed agreement between the city of Anaheim and SRB Management, LLC for the sale and development of the Angel Stadium Property into a world- class entertainment and community asset. OCBC commends the City for its dedication to keeping the Angels in Anaheim. The Angels are both a county and city cultural landmark and icon. For over 50 years, residents across the region have come to watch Angels baseball and enjoy Anaheim's renowned attractions and dining. In 2019, more than three million fans visited Angels Stadium over the course of the season. The Angels are essential to Anaheim's economy and the proposed development project will be integral in revitalizing local tourism in Anaheim and associated regional benefits for Orange County as the COVID-19 pandemic subsides. OCBC also applauds the project's many public benefits, specifically the inclusion of at least 466 affordable housing units and a 7 -acre community park, to be developed by the applicant. The project has planned development of up to 5,175 homes, 1,750,000 square feet of commercial uses and 2,700,000 square feet of office uses that will positively impact community quality of life and economic investment for years to come. The Platinum Triangle will become an even more vibrant hub for jobs, tourism and recreation. Approval of the agreement will also bring increased revenue to the city, with estimates that the development will generate 45,000 permanent jobs and $1.2 billion in tax revenue by 2050. OCBC enthusiastically urges the City Council approve this landmark agreement and associated recommended actions. Sincerely, Lucy Dunn President and CEO LD:JW:ld cc: Councilmembers, City of Anaheim THE LEADING VOICE OF BUSINESS IN ORANGE COUNTY Public Comment From: BA North <banorth @ualocal582.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:05 AM To: Public Comment Cc: LuisAndres Perez; Ernesto Medrano; BA South Subject: The Angel Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement. Attachments: Letter to City of Anaheim Mayor and City Council.doc Good morning, Please see the attached letter for this evenings meeting. Thank you. Henry Hillebrecht Business Agent Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Office: 714-978-0582 Fax: 714-978-1582 Cell: V 10% ®ak" �P z d Orange County, C:ahforMa Local 582 Orange County, California Anthony Novello United Association of Journeymen and Business Manager; Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Financial Secretary, Treasurer Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada Mayor and members of the City Council, My name is Henry Hillebrecht and I am writing you as the Business Agent of Local Union 582 Plumbers and Steamfitters and Welders in the City of Orange, 1 mile away for the Anaheim Stadium. I am in total support of the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). I have always lived in the City of Orange 3 miles away from the Stadium, and as a kid would ride my bike to the stadium in the 1970s. As I grew up, I worked in the Los Angeles area 80% of my career. This project will provide thousands of high skilled jobs for the very hard-working men and women in the Anaheim and surrounding areas. The OC Building Trades are not just jobs, but we offer high skilled careers with a good middleclass wage and great insurance and a good retirement all at no cost to the Taxpayer. Our Unions are all self-funded. This project will also provide veterans hire priorities, allowing them to be rewarded for their service to our great country by earning a good wage along with benefits. All of this will be achieved through a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles/Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council. This project will provide much needed housing, including 15% of affordable units and will also provide something that the City of Anaheim is in great need of, (Parks and open space) for local residents. The Stadium Development will also provide commercial space for retailers, restaurants and hotel's in which will all bring in revenue to the City of Anaheim economy including the General Fund. Again, we are asking the City Council to approve this Historic Project. Also, please keep in mind that Union Trades will bring the projects in under budget and on schedule. Thank you for your hard work and service to the Great City of Anaheim. Respectfully Henry Hillebrecht Local Union 582 Plumbers and Steamfitters and Welders 1916 W. Chapman Ave., Orange, California 92868-2608 (714) 978-0582 FAX (714) 978-1582 United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fining Industry of the United States and Canada AFL-CIO Public Comment From: Katrynke Carpenter <kcarpenter@rosendin.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:18 AM To: Planning Commission; Public Comment Cc: John Messick; Cliff Thompson; Paolo Degrassi; Jerry D. Jordan; Kirstie Huntley Subject: Support of a Community Workforce Agreement Attachments: Rosendin Anaheim Community Workforce Agreement.pdf Thank you, I This mems qe carni cmy crttcwhrnerits rncry ccaritcalri ccarij'hh intended Is it ictly htrahibited. if vo�I have receival this e ll(atrinke Carpenter Office Manager 1.730 South Anaheirn Way, Anaheirn, CA 9280 D 657.2.76.0683 I F 657.2.76.0781 I<car.12ent��r ........................... n.1??. 0 601", »lollnr� h l9111 e[ ;iii l ii9� CALiconse ft14288 t rlthal ,widlGr pavilegecl rrlfwmca tic)n tot the so/e u e of the intended recipient(,), Any t evIe a w c istabu tic) rl by cmyonle Gthet Phcarl the /loon tot whom It tam otigmcdl y wssc,ge in error, please conk t the senile, cmd delete arll copies, CA License: 142881 September 29, 2020 Mayor and members of the City Council, 1730 South Anaheim Way Anaheim, CA 92805 T: 657.276.0600 F: 657.276.0781 www.rosendin.com LEAD. INSPIRE. BUILD. On behalf of Rosendin Electric, 1730 South Anaheim Way, Anaheim, CA 92805, I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Worl<force Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Rosendin, endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is obvious to almost any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Rosendin urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting Building Quality I Building Value i Building People° Rosendin 2of2 practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. Building Quality Building Value � Building People'"' Public Comment From: Jerry D. Jordan <JJordan@rosendin.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:21 AM To: Katrynke Carpenter; Planning Commission; Public Comment Cc: John Messick; Cliff Thompson; Paolo Degrassi; Kirstie Huntley Subject: RE: Support of a Community Workforce Agreement CON ST13 U Ilf SA ..�i� i�f nr lJl f, fv l "F� �'lo� % D h i , reit r a,,,, � i re AR 0 ul) I v v v ,v, r Thank you... Jerry D. Jordan National Director of IPre-Construction 1730 South Annhearn Way, Annheirn, CA 92805 D 657 2.76.6.. 669 I INA ., .....x..x iiordan@roscndin.coin r CA CorrLraaor, Lrcerse n142881 This rnessotae cmd Qtly crttcachrnerits rutty coritwn cori/uierithal taut/or htrlvlleaed rrifotmc tion /or the scale u e a}. t17v rriteruieri rncrfireri t(5J, Agee r evlew of distabuthari tie raryone tallier them the tier stvi tx whom It taros rarrrilruall y intended Is m ictlyhtrohibited. If ytamhave received this rnessotle in error, please coritcct the sendertout delete tall copies, From: Katrynke Carpenter Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:18 AM To: planningcommission@anaheim.net; publiccomment@anaheim.net Cc: John Messick <jmessick@rose ndin.com>; Cliff Thompson <cthompson@rosendin.com>; Paolo Degrassi <pdegrassi@rosendin.com>; Jerry D. Jordan <JJordan@rose ndin.com>; Kirstie Huntley <khuntley@rose ndin.com> Subject: Support of a Community Workforce Agreement Thank you, ll(atr fnll(e Carpenter Office Manager 1.730 South Anal eirn Way, Anaheirn, CA 92805 D 657.2.76.0683 I F 657.2.76.0781 kca rp� ntr� r�� rose nd i n.corn ... .................... rlt! tA1 1((A1�app �joll all+ars 1 �G,r�9J��k' ""tx,siF it vii l CAL.iconse 814288 t This rnesstatae carni Qtly crttcachrnerits rutty coritwn cori/uierithal Nrut/or pavlle{ed rrifwmcn tion /or the stale u e of the intended recvverit(5). Ary r evleN or distabuthari civ cmyorie other them the po stare for whom It rhos orrplruall y intended Is M ictlyhtrohibited. If yourhave received this rnesscacae in error, please coritcact the sende, taut delete call copies, Public Comment From: JACK ALVARADO Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:30 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Attachments: Anaheim Stadium letter 092920.pdf Hello, Please see attached letter Thank You, Jack Alvarado Business Manager Cement Masons Local # 500 CEMENT MASONs LoCAL No. 500 OR & C.M.I.A. — A.F.L.-C,1.0. 331 CORPORATE TERRACE CIRCLE - CORONA, CA 92879 OFFICE PHONE (714) 554-0730 - FAX: (714) 265-0780 www.cern,entmasons500.org FjnancW Secretary BUSiness Maniger Mayor and members of the City Council, I am writing as the Business Manager on behalf of Cement Masons Local Union SOB, urging support of the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), This project will provide for Thousands of high skifled, middle class construction career opportunities for hard working men and women in Anaheim and the region. it will also provide veterans hire priorities allowing them to be rewarded for their service by earning good wages and benefits. These goals will be achieved through a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council. The project will also, provide for increased Housing, including 15% of affordable units. Furthermore, it also will provide the City with badly needed Park andl Open Space for the local residents, The Stadium Development will also provide commercials pace for retailers, restaurants, and hotels, which shall provide revenue that will feed into the region's economy including revenue for the City's General Fund. Again, we urge the City Council to approve this Historic Project. Thank you for your hard work and service. Respectfully, Business Mlanager Local Union Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Importance: Forwarding - FYI ,4n,P7 �i Annie Mezzacappa Monday, September 28, 2020 5:21 PM Jennifer L. Hall Theresa Bass Fw: Anaheim Angel Stadium CCM 8/29 item 7 High Annie Mezzacappa Chief of Staff to Anaheim Mayor Harry S. Sidhu, P.E. Cell: a mezzaca ppa Ca)a na hei m. net From: Jeanette Saldivar Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 5:19 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; sfaessel@anahiem.net <sfaessel@anahiem.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net>; Ikring@anahiem.net <Ikring@anahiem.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; jbradman@anaheim.net <jbradman@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net> Subject: Anaheim Angel Stadium CCM 8/29 item 7 Dear Mayor and Council As a resident of Anaheim, all I care about the Angels deal is this ... as long as the entire cost of remodeling the Stadium or building a new one DOES NOT fall on the shoulders of Anaheim's local taxpayers then this is a great deal! Thank goodness Anaheim is doing the right thing! And the Angels are staying! Many other cities have sided with the sport team/organizations and built a stadium for the team by taxing and putting the burden on their residents/taxpayers. I say again - thank goodness Anaheim is doing the right thing!! Isn't it hypocritical for Councilmember Moreno to point fingers at this Angel deal?? Wake up Anaheim residents!! Take a long look at our Anaheim school districts and the countless bonds that Anaheim property owners must suffer when ALL of Anaheim Elementary, Junior and High Schools are the worst of the worst of All of Orange County! Anaheim schools have the lowest scores in Orange County. Yet ... Councilmember Moreno looks the other way. Councilmember Moreno's version of transparency is to protect his friends and allies on the school boards and ALLOW Anaheim students to suffer academically! So why do Anaheim taxpayers have to pay for the lawsuit that AESD chose to use to fight against parents who wanted better results in education for their kids? Funny how Councilmember Moreno doesn't say a word about that INJUSTICE FOR ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS. Oh, that's right... because those are his circle of friends and allies who he needs to protect. So, with that, I express my appreciation that Mayor Sidhu, MPT Faessel, CMs Kring, O'Neil, and Brandman are looking out for Anaheim. Thank you for NOT doing what Anaheim School Boards are doing to us!!! I am not the only one that thinks like this. Jennifer L. Hall From: Planning Commission Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:35 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Cc: David See; Susan Kim Subject: FW: Support for Community Workforce Agreement Attachments: 2020 - 09-28, Itr to anaheim city council for community workforce agreement.pdf From: Denell Giustorobelo <denell@ocneca.org> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:40 PM To: Planning Commission <PCommision@anaheim.net> Subject: Support for Community Workforce Agreement Planning Commission, Please see the attached letter in support for the Community Workforce Agreement. Thank you, DeneffGiustorobelo Office Manager Orange County Chapter, NECA 333 S. Anita Drive, Suite 780 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 634-8777 - office (714) 634-8582 - fax www_ 7CrI.e. a..o Orange County Chapter NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION September 28, 2020 Mayor and members of the City Council, On behalf of the 41 member employers of the Orange County Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, NECA and our partner, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, endorse and have implemented required national guidelines to build a Drug Free Workplace. As is obvious to almost any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many 333 South Anita Drive • Suite 780 ® Orange, California 92868 ® (714) 634-8777 ® Fax (714) 634-8582 www.ocneca.org established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, NECA and our partners urge the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. Sincerely, Tom Geller Executive Director Orange County Chapter, NECA Jennifer L. Hall From: Planning Commission Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:38 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Cc: David See; Susan Kim Subject: FW: Anaheim Stadium Project: Letter in Support of a Community Workforce Agreement Attachments: Ltr to Anaheim City Council 9-28-2020 (2).pdf From: Elaine Rogerson <erogerson@morrow-meadows.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:22 PM To: Planning Commission <PCommision@anaheim.net> Subject: Anaheim Stadium Project: Letter in Support of a Community Workforce Agreement On behalf of Morrow -Meadows Corporation, attached is our Letter of Support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. Thank you, Elaine Rogerson I Executive Assistant VIOFFI (AN WEA')a:'aVa/S (`,a: Fa FIa Fl A FKNI,I 231 Benton Court, City of Industry, CA 91789 0: (909) 598-7700 D: (909) 839-8051 rarer r�'C,,>irirarrravv iriear,$ow r;oiyii I IVHViC.; \Nel)<<J(e 1 Mayor and members of the City Council, CORPORATE OFFICE 231 Benton Court, City of Industry, CA 91789 Tel: 909.598.7700 License No. 230813-C10 On behalf of Morrow -Meadows Corporation, I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub- contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Morrow -Meadows Corporation, endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is obvious to almost any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Morrow -Meadows Corporation urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. Sincerely, MORROW -MEADOWS CORPORATION Robert E. Meadows President ELECTRICAL I DATACOM CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS Jennifer L. Hall From: Planning Commission Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:39 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Cc: David See; Susan Kim Subject: FW: Community Workforce Agreement Attachments: Anaheim Comm Workforce Agreement.pdf From: Ted Kristensen <tkristensen@enterprisecompany.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:59 PM To: Planning Commission <PCommision@anaheim.net> Subject: Community Workforce Agreement Mayor and members of the City Council, Please see the attached letter. Sincerely, Enterprise ctric I Since 1988 42625 Rio Nedo, Temecula, CA 92590 T: (951) 296-1530 F: (951) 296-1531 �.II<..r_u_5.� �..rp..s_�.i..... e iro t e r p r u s e c o m p a iro n� www.......... 2_�.iro__r.p r u s e c o m p a iro n� September 25, 2020 Mayor and members of the City Council, On behalf of Enterprise Electric, I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Enterprise Electric, endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is obvious to almost any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Enterprise Electric urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. Sincerely, r Ted M. Kristensen President Enterprise Electric Jennifer L. Hall From: Planning Commission Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:40 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Cc: David See; Susan Kim Subject: FW: Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property) Attachments: Anderson & Howard Electric, Inc..pdf From: Christine Moore <Christinem@aandh.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:21 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Annie Mezzacappa <AMezzacappa@anaheim.net>; Planning Commission <PCommision@anaheim.net> Cc: Greg Elliott <Grege@aandh.com> Subject: Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property) Good Afternoon, On behalf of Anderson & Howard Electric, Inc., please see our attachment concerning Community Workforce Agreements. Thank you, Christine Moore O 949.756.3375 AIHIII°1II1f�.IIRSOIH Il[10WAIII'tll[) 1.5 CIuryslleu rvune, CA 92611..2009 Estimating Coordinator 1 September 28, 2020 Mayor and members of the City Council, On behalf of Anderson & Howard Electric, Inc., I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on - budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Anderson & Howard Electric, Inc., endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is obvious to almost any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Anderson & Howard Electric, Inc. urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. Sincerely, Greg Elliott President Anderson Howard aandh.com 15 Chrysler wine, CA 92618-2009 P 949.250.4555 F 949.250.1918 A& Keeping Your Business LIVE TIM Jennifer L. Hall From: Planning Commission Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:40 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Cc: David See; Susan Kim Subject: FW: Community Workforce Endorsement. Attachments: Community Workforce endorsement.pdf From: Gregg Holt <Gregg.Holt@ApolloElect.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:27 PM To: Planning Commission <PCommision@anaheim.net> Subject: Community Workforce Endorsement. Please find attached Community Workforce Endorsement. Thank you, Gregg Holt Vice President APOLLO ELECTRIC 330 N. Basse Lane, Brea, CA 928211 Dir: 714.482.2492 1 Cell: 1 Licenses No. 290194 SINCE 1966 330 NORTH BASSE LANE BREA • CALIFORNIA 92821 (714) 256-8414 FAX (714) 671-9972 September 28, 2020 Mayor and members of the City Council, On behalf of Apollo Electric, I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub- contractors, communities, and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Apollo Electric, endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is obvious to almost any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. Page 1 of 2 In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Apollo Electric urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. Sincerely, Gregg Holt Vice President APOLLO ELECTRIC 330 N. Basse Lane, Brea, CA 928211 Dir: 714.482.2492 1 Cell: Page 2 of 2 Public Comment From: Ernesto Medrano <emedrano@laocbuildingtrades.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:50 AM To: BA North; Public Comment Cc: LuisAndres Perez; BA South Subject: RE: The Angel Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement. Thank you!. Respectfully, This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. If you received this message in error or are not the intended recipient, please destroy the e-mail message and any attachments or copies. From: BA North [mailto:banorth@ualoca1582.org] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:05 AM To: publiccomment@anaheim.net Cc: LuisAndres Perez <pd@ualocal582.org>; Ernesto Medrano <emedrano@laocbuildingtrades.org>; BA South <basouth@ualocal582.org> Subject: The Angel Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement. Good morning, Please see the attached letter for this evenings meeting. Thank you. Henry Hillebrecht Business Agent Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Office: 714-978-0582 1 Ernesto Medrano, Council Representative LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council 1626 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 C: "°o� T: 213-483-4222 F: 213-483-4419 m_ed_r_no.2 l_ocb_La.i.l_di n.gtrades.or� This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. If you received this message in error or are not the intended recipient, please destroy the e-mail message and any attachments or copies. From: BA North [mailto:banorth@ualoca1582.org] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:05 AM To: publiccomment@anaheim.net Cc: LuisAndres Perez <pd@ualocal582.org>; Ernesto Medrano <emedrano@laocbuildingtrades.org>; BA South <basouth@ualocal582.org> Subject: The Angel Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement. Good morning, Please see the attached letter for this evenings meeting. Thank you. Henry Hillebrecht Business Agent Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Office: 714-978-0582 1 Fax: 714-978-1582 Cell: Public Comment From: Alejandra Gallardo <agallardo@laocbuildingtrades.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:58 AM To: Public Comment; Annie Mezzacappa; Stephen Faessel; Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Ernesto Medrano Subject: Item #7 under the Public Heating section of the Agenda. Attachments: Letter to Anaheim Council.pdf Honorable Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Councilmembers: On behalf of Council Representative Ernesto Medrano, We hope that the attached letter of support to move forward with approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property) finds you in good health. Should you have any questions, please feel to contact Mr. Medrano at The Council. Respectfully, Alejandra "Alex" Gallardo, ADMIN ASSISTANT I....,A/0 Il.itUilOing "I'1rades Ca LAinc�H ,P0 1626 Beverly Boulevard , av yr Los Angeles, CA 90026 11": 213-483-4222 ext 102 IF:: 213-483-4419 F...: agallardo(cDlaocbuildingtrades.org f h!r, cml ll oncl ony ,rr chic cmI ni iy t,onhklcm iol r lc,g,ally I)Irlvl ,gct c`1 If you flh!,, n r;rrr r or arc; n i rh 11[roI[r.1i,i.1 rt, r;ll2r'IC,Ir7 rrlr,aS(, i.li,,,froy 71�rr, r, IIIo11 din,,,,, g(,-, o I[.1 I[y o7 u;F'rnn,II7,, 0r6,0 rr1(`;S, ` i " los 1616Ieve vBoulevard Ag(/�g�»�� Los Angeles, CA 90016.784 134. itdi g and'( onstr1d.c on Phone (111) 483 4111 'I'"a(?s C."C)1�1.2'�G_ d' (714) 8276791 I�� N Ib t`/1 I,"]ta Fax (11:i) 45'..1...4419 Affiliatedwatlr thel3a�aldir�g & i'ansle^a�ctian Ye^udes Dept., AFL-CIO EXeciaive 5ecretarv, September 25, 2020 Anaheim Mayor and City Council, I am writing on behalf of the 140,000 members of the 14 Trades and 49 affiliated organizations of the Los Angeles Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, urging your support for item 7 of the Public Hearing which is the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). The Trades Council is currently in discussions with SRB Management to reach a Community Workforce Agreement. This Agreement will provide for true preferential Anaheim Hire opportunities. With this true Local Hire component it will also provide preference to Veterans of the Armed Services. This Agreement will open up a pathway to middle class career opportunities in Orange County for men and women through our Joint Labor Management Apprenticeship Programs into the construction sector. Furthermore, the Agreement will provide a Skilled and Trained Workforce for the project with the highest safety and industry standards. This Community Benefit will bring life changing situations for many working families in the area. The next Community Benefit that this project provides is Housing. As we know, Housing is in high demand and the outcome of the development will be 5175 housing units both condos and apartments. As a part of the Housing, the Affordable Housing portion will be the 777 apartments to be affordable and integrated with the market rate units. Furthermore, the other Community Benefit component will be the Parks and Open Space that is also needed in the District. The Seven acre urban park in addition to another 5.2 acres of parks throughout the development area and the 11 acres of open flex space will be something that families can enjoy for a lifetime. And the best will be left for the end. The City will maintain the Angels Baseball team with a stadium as the anchor for the development. To keep the Angels in Anaheim is a great economic boom for the future as the nucleus of this development project is a great achievement. Again, as leaders of the Building Trades, we are excited at the opportunity to provide the workforce to build this project and urge the City Council to approve it. Respectfully, Ernesto Medrano Council Representative EM:ag.opeiu4537/afl-cio Public Comment From: Roy C. Afusia < roya@sprinklerfitters709.org > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Stadium Development Project Disposition Agreement. Item #7 The City of Anaheim City Council September 29th 2020 Item: #7 Public Comments Section Good evening Mayor and members of the City Council, My name is Roy Afusia writing as the Business Representative on behalf of Sprinkler Fitters UA Local 709 urging support for the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). This project will provide for Thousands of high skilled, middle class construction career opportunities for hard working men and women in Anaheim and the region. It will also provide veteran hire priorities allowing them to be rewarded for their service by earning a living wage and benefits. With a Community Workforce Agreement these goals will be achieved with the Los Angeles/Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council. The project will also provide for increased Housing, including 15% of affordable units. Furthermore, it also will provide the City with badly needed Park and Open Space for the local residents. This project will also provide commercial space for retailers, restaurants, and hotels, which shall provide revenue that will feed into the region's economy including revenue for the City's General Fund. Once again, we urge the City Council to approve this Historic Project. Thank you for your hard work and service. Sincerely, Roy C. Afusia Business Representative Sprinkler Fitters U.A. Local 709 W: (562) 698-9909 xt4121 C: www..spr A .lerfirt.ters709_._or �:�'�; �.. � �. ,� .. �e� ���� ��° x „�: II'�I�IGI I� � I - I I s ri 1 rt� i4 � x F I II IIIE � err � ' r � i � { � u i�u�ur� � ��� �� -:. nuui�m 4` d � �� y l��%,p��- m a+� p Public Comment From: LuisAndres Perez <pd@ualocal582.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:47 PM To: Public Comment Cc: UALoca1582 Manager; Ernesto Medrano Subject: Agenda Item 7 Attachments: Angel Stadium Development Public Comment Hello, I wanted to submit public comments on behalf of myself & Anthony Novello on agenda item #7 regarding the Angel Stadium development. Attached are the public comments. LuisAndres Perez Political Director M Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Office: 714-978-0582 FAX: 714-978-1582 Cell: ' 1 of Jouraneymenu. and Apprentices of the Phirnnbpng and Mpna Futtun g Industry elle` the United States and Canada Founded 1.$8 Anthony ovellb UA Loaaq 4tnoa: Bubiness aea erlFir. Sec,Treasuret Uettenzhoulla582 1916 W. Chapman,O,pCA, 9286 8 be confined to [4h: ("714) 978 0582 Fax" (°714) 978 1582 ... one subject 1::.:. °�aok manageir@Ua� ocav 582.oirg Plumbers, Steamfitters, Welders, & Apprentices Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Ave Orange, CA, 92868 September 29, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu & Council Members 200 S Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805 Mark McManus Grramvl Prefidraat 1nlrl aIkTL,'ltIlelt t;aart�;nal ,.r ctexwy� faa�rsn�m°aw Michael ell A, Pllcas<anunt A.ssiati stGeneraal Pre%idepad I am writing as the Business Manager on behalf of United Association Local Union 582 Plumbers & Steamfitters with over 1,000 members across Orange County, urging support of the approval of agenda item 7, including the mitigation plan, the purchase & sale agreement, the Disposition & Development Agreement (DDA), and along with the zoning code amendment. Pursuant to the DDA, the developer is committed to entering a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles -Orange County Building Trades Council. The Angel stadium development will provide for thirty thousand high skilled, middle-class construction career opportunities for hard-working men and women in Anaheim. It will also offer veterans hiring priorities, allowing them to be rewarded for their service by earning good wages and benefits. The stadium development will bring roughly $10 Billion dollars of development, including 5,175 market -rate units and encompassing 15% of affordable units where 466 units are designated for low and extreme low- income housing & an additional 311 units designated for moderate- and low-income housing. With the inclusion of a 7 -acre flagship city park that will take inspirational designs from New York's Bryant Park & Santa Monica's Tongva Park, an additional 5.2 acres in city required park space and an additional 11 acres of flexible open space. The development will also include 2.7 million square footage of office space and an additional 1.75 million square feet of retail, restaurants, and hotels that will bring in an additional 943 rooms. I am urging the council to approve the recommended actions of agenda item 7. This development is here now and tangible, pursuant land entitlements would not allow for nearly any development to occur until 2040 if you disapprove of this development. The delay in development would cost the city to lose nearly $1.2 Billion dollars in tax revenue, $652 in net city revenue, and $38,2 million in yearly revenue. Thank you for your hard work and service. Respectfully, Anthony Novello — Business Manager United Association Plumbers & Steamfitters 582 ly,1111111. pjr,- qyr VyGdl®Mn rye a %"f�yUl�Nlw'tl'V M1ti �" yS' T.J ITED ASSOCIATION of Journeyrrnena. sued Apprentices ofthe: V'lrarmbing and Pipe Fitting Industry off' the>CTudted Smtcs and Caa,:da Anthony ny Novelb Founded 1.889 Business ManagerlFln. Sec. Treasurer 1A Local U11'0n�a.882 �19�1�..6 W. Chapman, Orange, CA 92868 be con sllar 110 PIr (7°.0.4) 978 Cw:r�':'�2 Fax': (..714) 978 '1.582 �1G; c11IlIlff1PRt"4� I:nb e subject �S1A )Jec E.J nauU- mama ;elr@ uabcaV682.oirg Plumbers, Steamfitters, Welders, & Apprentices Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Ave Orange, CA, 92868 September 29, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu & Council Members 200 S Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805 Mark M.cMi.nrrs Gxr acro a/ I resar'ron Patrick 11, Kcflett General So(. reimy Tredrsurer �Michaell A. Pleasant r^'sss.aGaaw General President I am writing as the Political Director on behalf of United Association Local Union 582 Plumbers & Steamfitters with over 1,000 members across Orange County, urging support of the approval of agenda item 7, including the mitigation plan, the purchase & sale agreement, the Disposition & Development Agreement (DDA), and along with the zoning code amendment. Pursuant to the DDA, the developer is committed to entering a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles -Orange County Building Trades Council. The Angel stadium development will provide for thirty thousand high skilled, middle-class construction career opportunities for hard-working men and women in Anaheim. It will also offer veterans hiring priorities, allowing them to be rewarded for their service by earning good wages and benefits. The stadium development will bring roughly $10 Billion dollars of development, including 5,175 market -rate units and encompassing 15% of affordable units where 466 units are designated for low and extreme low- income housing & an additional 311 units designated for moderate- and low-income housing. With the inclusion of a 7 -acre flagship city park that will take inspirational designs from New York's Bryant Park & Santa Monica's Tongva Park, an additional 5.2 acres in city required park space and an additional 11 acres of flexible open space. The development will also include 2.7 million square footage of office space and an additional 1.75 million square feet of retail, restaurants, and hotels that will bring in an additional'943 rooms. I am urging the council to approve the recommended actions of agenda item 7. This development is here now and tangible, pursuant land entitlements would not allow for nearly any development to occur until 2040 if you disapprove of this development. The delay in development would cost the city to lose nearly $1.2 Billion dollars in tax revenue, $652 in net city revenue, and $38,2 million in yearly revenue. Thank you for your hard work and service, Respectfully, LuisAndres Perez — Political Director United Association Plumbers & Steamfitters 582 Public Comment From: John Hanna <jhanna@swcarpenters.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: John Hanna; Rich Gomez Subject: FW: Item No. 1 Zoning Code Amendment 2020-00171 and Development Agreement No. 2020-00002(DEV2020-00127 John R. Hanna Governmental Affairs/Special Counsel Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters 7111 Firestone Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 Office- (714)766-7140 Cell---- From: eII---- From: John Hanna Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 6:53 PM To: planningcommission@anaheim.net Subject: Item No. 1 Zoning Code Amendment 2020-00171 and Development Agreement No. 2020-00002(DEV2020- 00127 The Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters representing hundreds of carpenters who reside in Anaheim and 55,000 carpenters in our region, recommend that the Anaheim City Council approve the staff recommendations including but not limited to the zoning code amendment and development agreement. For the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project(Angel Stadium Property). This historic effort by the Council will cement Anaheim as the centerpiece of Orange County. Not only because it will ensure that Angel baseball will stay in Anaheim. Not only because we will see a new stadium that will bring in more fans and revenue. Its historic because the City is showing that public-private partnerships can work, can bring high quality projects to Orange County on time and on budget. It is doing this with a commitment to excellence in the construction with a community workforce agreement that will provide a skilled and trained workforce. This means on time and on budget construction. This means a drug free work force. This means a priority for Anaheim residents and graduates schools and community colleges that serve Anaheim. It means a priority for hiring Veterans. It will also provide a revenue stream to the City as well as an opportunity for local residents involved in the construction as well as in the operation of planned facilities to be able to work closer to home, improving their quality of life and minimizing the carbon footprint of the project. We do support the project and want to thank all involved, including Ernesto Medrano of the Orange County/Los Angeles Building trades Council. We encourage the Council to ensure that staff will continue to work with our union and the Building trades to ensure the entire project, much of it subject to prevailing wage requirements, will have a skilled and trained workforce. John R. Hanna Governmental Affairs/Special Counsel Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters 7111 Firestone Blvd. Buena Park, [A9U6Zl Office- (714)766-7140 DiscNainneir The infonmadon contained in this communication firnm the sender !is confidemdaL it ia iintended solely for use Uydhe recjpiertand cthens authorized to receive iit. Ifyou ape i the recipient, you ape hepeUy i that anydiac|oaupe, copying, disthUudon or taking action in relation of the contents of this infonmadon ia sthct|y pmhiUited and may Ue un|awfuL Public Comment From: Hart Keeble <hart@ironworkers416.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:52 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Ernesto Medrano Subject: For tonite meeting please Sincerely Hart Keeble Business Agent Orange County and South East Los Angeles County Ironworkers Local 416 Email harto,ironworkers416.org Office (562) 868-1251 Fax (562) 868-1429 13830 San Antonio Dr Norwalk CA 90650 "Representing the Best Reinforcing Ironworkers in the World" CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail contains confidential information which is the property of Ironworkers Local 416, intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized use or disclosure of this information is prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient, please immediately notify Ironworkers Local 416 and destroy any copies of this email. Receipt of this e-mail shall not be deemed a waiver by Ironworkers Local 416 of any of its legal rights or the confidential nature of the information. Please note that the information contained in this message and any files transmitted with it are privileged and confidential and are protected from disclosure under the law, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by replying to the message and delete the material from any computer. Thank you, Ironworkers Local 416 and Affilliates 3 C1 1 �s �"p #=s: �:d Public Comment From: Christian Betancourt Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:15 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Angeles Stadium Project Attachments: Suppor for Angel Stadium.pdf Plasterers' Union support the Angels Stadium Project -- Christian Betancourt Business Agent Plasterers' Local.200 celLi Fax:(909)865-9392 christianbetlocal200ggmail.com PLASTERERS3 LOCAL NO. 200 Operative Plasterers', Cement Masons' and Shop Hands' International Association, AFL-CIO Mayor and Members of the City Council I am the Business Agent that covers Orange County area for Plasterers' Union Local.200 I am urging support in the Zoning Code Amendment and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). This project will provide work locally for our skilled work force that reside in the City of Anaheim and surrounding Cities, it will also provide work for the youth threw apprenticeship programs. This project will also give Veterans in Orange County priority of work threw the Helmets to Hardhats program. The Stadium Development will also provide commercial space for restaurants, retailers and hotels which will provide important revenue to the City's General Fund. Again, we're urge the City Council to approve the Zoning Code Amendment and Development Agreement (DDA) (Angel's Stadium Project) and we would like to thank the City Council Members for there Hard Work. Respectfully Christian Betancourt Business Agent Plasterers' Local.200 1610 W. Holt Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768 — PHONE 909/865-2240 FAx 9o9/665-9392 o.Tr° 0 Public Comment From: Cesar C <cesarc@kennedycommission.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 5:24 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Item 7 - Opposition Letter to the Sale of Stadium Land Attachments: Ltr_Item 7 Anaheim Stadium Project_9.29.2020.pdf Please see attached the Kennedy Commission's letter in Opposition to the Sale of Stadium Lands, Item 47 Cesar Covarrubias Executive Director September 28, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council Members City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 www.kennedycoimnission.org 17701 Cowan Ave., Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92614 949 250 0909 RE: #7- Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171, Development Agreement No. 2020-0002 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council Members: The Kennedy Commission (the Commission) is a broad based coalition of residents and community organizations that advocates for the production of homes affordable for families earning less than $20,000 annually in Orange County. Formed in 2001, the Commission has been successful in partnering and working with Orange County jurisdictions to create effective housing and land -use policies that has led to the new construction of homes affordable to lower income working families. The Commission is opposed to the City's contemplated sale of 151 -acres of property generally located at 2000 E. Gene Autry Way and 2000 E. Katella Ave. of City -owned land (the "Land"). California Surplus Land Act The item before the Council today is a sale that is subject to the Surplus Land Act ("SLA"). As surplus land, the Land should be disposed of in accordance to the requirements of the SLA. 1. The Surplus Land Act Requires that Surplus Land Be Offered for Affordable Housing or Open Space The Act, Cal. Gov. Code, § 54220, et seq., requires that when a local agency wishes to dispose of land it no longer requires, the agency must send a written offer to sell or lease the property to certain entities for affordable housing or park purposes. In adopting the Act, the California Legislature declared, "housing is of vital statewide importance to the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of this state and ... provision of a decent home and a suitable living environment for every Californian is a priority of the highest order," and thus "surplus government land, prior to disposition, should be made available for that purpose." Cal. Gov. Code, § 54220(a). The City has not followed the Surplus Land process and has not given priority to affordable housing developers nor given priority for parks and open space. 2. The City's Proposed Sale of the Land Would Violate the SLA Here the City has ignored the requirements and the formal process of the SLA and is today considering the sale of City -owned surplus land as a result of these direct negotiation with SRB Management Company. The proposed sale of the Land is before the Council on September 29, 2020. The current proposal sale that is proposed to be approved with new terms and consideration. Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council Members September 29, 2020 The requirements of the California Surplus Land Act apply to this disposal of the proposed City surplus land. The City has an obligation to follow the Surplus Land Act requirement and make the land available first for the community priorities of affordable housing and open space as identified in the Surplus Land Act, before offering the property for sale on the market. We ask that the City not approve this sale and follow the state law and requirements to dispose surplus property. Affordable Housing Need in Anaheim Should the City Council move forward with the proposed project, the Kennedy Commission requests that the number of affordable housing units required of the project be at minimum 25% at the very low and low income levels and should be developed within the next five years to meet dire community housing needs for lower income working families; anything less is insufficient. The proposed project prioritizes economic development providing only the minimum amount of 466 of affordable housing units and open space while the vast majority of the 151 acres would be left for private development such as the Angel Stadium of Anaheim, hotels, and market - rate housing.1 Anaheim is in dire need of deeply affordable housing for lower income families and other public benefits such as open space; a rare opportunity of 151 acres should not be misused when there is so much need. As is evident by looking at the City of Anaheim's 2019 Housing Element Annual Progress Report for the 2014-2021 planning period, there is a dire need for affordable housing accessible to low- income families. The City has an acute deficit of affordable housing and a surplus in above market production of housing. The City has permitted over 7,477 housing units during the current Housing Element period and only 145 total have been in the affordability level of low and very low. The vast majority of the housing units, 7,332 have been approved at moderate and above moderate income levels. To -date, the City has outperformed and exceeded their above moderate -income RHNA requirement, constructing 7,182 or 287% of the 2,501 required.2 Meanwhile, only 124 or 10% of the 1,256 very low-income units and 121 or 13% of the 907 low-income units have been approved in the City.3 With a remaining total RHNA need of 1,950 lower income homes, it is important the City effectively encourage and prioritize the development of affordable homes for lower income households over above moderate housing. The project proposal being considered would only provide 466 units of affordable housing at the moment.4 These affordable housing units would be required to be built in the next 25 years. This amount does not come close to meeting Anaheim's housing production deficit at the very -low and low income level. Even if the 466 units were included in the City's RHNA requirement for the current 2014-2021 planning period that would still leave a deficit of 1,484 units at the very low and low income levels. Meanwhile, the project would add 4,709 market -rate residential units at the above moderate level.5 This would cause Anaheim to further exceed there RHNA requirement for 'City of Anaheim's City Council Staff Report, Item 7, p. 5, September 29, 2020. 2 City of Anaheim's 2019 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, p. 3, April 2020. s City of Anaheim's 2019 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, p. 2, April 2020. ' City of Anaheim's City Council Staff Report, Item 7, p. 8, September 29, 2020. City of Anaheim's City Council Staff Report, Item 7, p. 8, September 29, 2020. Page 2 of 4 Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council Members September 29, 2020 housing at the above moderate income level by 9,540 units. A new and larger RHNA allocation will be issued for the City when the new Housing Element planning period begins in 2021. To -date, SCAG predicts the total RHNA allocation for the very low and low income level for the upcoming cycle to be 3,757 and 2,391, respectively.6 While the total proposed affordable housing units is 15% of all units developed, or approximately 776 units, it is unclear when the rest of the affordable housing units will be developed. There is no assurance that they will even be available for the next planning period. Given the City's track -record of prioritizing above moderate housing on Housing Opportunity Sites identified in the current Housing Element as sites that can be used to meet the City's RHNA requirements at the very -low and low, the City will have a very difficult time meeting its current and upcoming RHNA allocation. For example, a 20- acre market -rate development by TRI Pointe Homes, Inc. was approved in two of these opportunity sites located in the Residential Overlay Zone. Upon its completion, the development will provide 546 residential units at the above moderate income level .7 The City must cease to prioritize above moderate housing production on city -owned land, like the land in question in this project proposal, and on the identified Housing Opportunity Sites and instead actively and effectively encourage affordable housing production. The sale of this Land would be an immense lost opportunity to the City to help meet its resident's needs. It is the Commissions strong belief that the City should not provide the developer with a credit at escrow of $123,677,843 for setting aside 466 of the total units for affordable housing and $46,233,094 for 7 acres of Community Benefit Park.8 The land the City is attempting to dispose of is city -owned, land, specifically surplus land as defined by the CA Surplus Land Act. As such, the City should require the developer to provide these community benefits at no cost to the City. The community benefits are not sufficient to meet the needs of residents and they are rendered even more inadequate when more City resources are used to pay the developer to provide them. The City should require an increase in the amount of affordable housing and park space proposed on the site at zero cost to the City. While the City's RHNA requirement is one indicator of the affordable housing needs of residents, there are various other indicators. For one, the homelessness crisis is worsening. According to the 2019 Orange County Point in Time count, 6,860 people experienced homelessness in Orange County on a single night in January 2019, which is a drastic increase from the 2017 Orange County Point in Time count which documented 4,792 homeless people.9 During the 2017 to 2018 school year, a total of 6,056 Anaheim Elementary and Anaheim Union High School District students in grades Pre -K through 12th grade were identified as homeless living in unstable environments in the Orange County school districts, and increase of 1,117 students from the previous year. 10 In addition, according to the recent release of the Cost Study of Homelessness, close to $300 million was spent to address homelessness in Orange County during 2014 to 2015. Studies have shown that housing coupled with supportive services is a cost-efficient intervention that will safely house individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. 6 "SCAG 6th Cycle Draft RHNA Allocation Based on Final RHNA Methodology & Final Connect SOCAL," September 3, 2020. http://www.scag.ca.gov/i)ro,uams/Documents/RHNA/RHNA-Draft-Allocations-090320-Updated.]2df City Council Agenda Report for Item 20, p.1, June, 2019. s City of Anaheim's City Council Staff Report, Item 7, p. 2, September 29, 2020. 9 Orange County Homeless Population Jumps to Nearly 7,000, Survey Shows, Los Angeles Tines, April 25, 2019. 10 Orange County Homeless Children and Youth District Enrollment Ratios 2017 — 2018, Orange County Department of Education, 2019. Page 3 of 4 Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council Members September 29, 2020 The city's workforce is predominantly comprised of occupations that cater to the service sector. 11 Of the top 15 principal employers in the City, ten provide entertainment, leisure, hospitality and health services 12. These jobs related to entertainment (Disneyland Resort, Angels Baseball, Honda Center), hospitality services (hotels), leisure (restaurants and retail) and health services (Kaiser, Anaheim Regional, and West Anaheim Medical) that greatly contributes to the City's tourism and service sector market typically offers lower wages. The average salary for occupations in the tourism market is approximately less than $30,000 a year13, which is not enough to rent an apartment home in the City without overpaying and being rent burdened. In Orange County a resident must earn at least $39.17 per hour to afford a two-bedroom apartment at a fair market rent of $1,876 a month. 14 Orange County renters paid an average of $355 more a month in the seven years prior to 2018 and rents are projected to continually rise. 15 During 2000 to 2015, Orange County's inflation-adjusted median rent increased by 28 percent while the median renter income decreased by 9 percent. 16 Anaheim residents cannot afford to live in the City or in other parts of Orange County. Given the housing insecurity residents face, the City must prioritize the production of affordable housing over above moderate housing, especially in City -owned land. It should not waste the opportunity that 152 -acres of city -owned land can provide to meet resident's needs. Thank you for your consideration of these concerns. We look forward to further conversation regarding this important matter. Please keep us informed of any updates and meetings regarding strategies to increase affordable homes for lower income households in the City. If you have any questions, please free to contact me at (949) 250-0909 or cesarc@kennedycommission.org. Sincerely, Cesar Covarrubias Executive Director 11 Multi -Family Anaheim Orange County Market, CoStar, p. 2, March 2019. 12 City of Anaheim's Comprehensive Financial Annual Report, p. 121, June 30, 2019. s OC Community Indicators 2018, p. 40, 2018. a Out of Reach 2019- The High Cost of Housing, National Low Income Housing Coalition, p.15, 2019. Southern Californians Scrimp to Get By As Average Rents Hit $1,900, Orange County Register, February 15, 2018. 16 California Rents Have Risen to Some of the Nation's Highest. Here's How that Impacts Residents, Orange County Register, February 15, 2018. Page 4 of 4 Jennifer L. Hall From: Ryan Hervey Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 11:50 AM To: Big A Subject: Please sell the stadium to the Angels If this deal falls through and Arte Moreno ends up moving the Angels elsewhere, Anaheim will ultimately lose. No other developer will want to build on that site the kind of housing the protestors are hoping for. There's no money in it. Affordable housing west of the Cleveland National Forest is a myth. Market forces dictate affordability, not government. Building low-income housing there in addition to what Arte Moreno has already agreed to will not add to the housing supply because most of the market doesn't want to live in a future crack den. Quite frankly, if this mayor and council want to be responsible for the Angels leaving, then you just submitted your resignations. Media is framing this as if Big Business is winning and the residents all want a better deal. I'm most confident that the Anaheim residents who pay the majority of the taxes prefer for the deal to go through as intended. Respectfully, Ryan Hervey Anaheim Resident Angels Fan Jennifer L. Hall From: wtcou rtney( Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:36 AM To: Big A Subject: Bad to Worse As an Anaheim Real Estate Broker for over 35 years, I am shocked that the City of Anaheim is willing to give away over $1 BILLION DOLLARS to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno, went from Bad to Worse. The property next door to the stadium parking lot recently sold for over $4 Million/acre and property along the 5 freeway in Anaheim recently sold for nearly $5 Million/acre, yet the city plans to sell the 153 acre stadium property to Moreno for $150 Million ( less than $1 Million/acre) and the deal includes the Stadium and the Grove Theatre for FREE! This is an outrageous give away of Anaheim taxpayer property, at a time when Covid-19 has caused an upside down budget for Anaheim. Plus, Moreno has the ability to sell the entire entitled property for a huge profit. The City should at least include a clause in the transaction that should Moreno decide to sell, the City has the first right to buy back the property at Moreno's cost, rather than allow him to profit at the City's miscalculations. The City states that this is the best deal and the only way to get more would be to nix the stadium and the Angels, But That is NOT True! The City didn't try to "get more"...they simply catered to Arte Moreno. Maybe the Samuelis/Ducks, or Disney, or a developer would have offered more for the property and then they could lease the stadium to the Angels. Then the City gets alot more $$$ and the Angels stay and play in Anaheim! But the City didn't ask for other offers ... they didn't even try! It seems that someone besides Moreno must be profiting from this deal. WALLY COURTNEY Jennifer L. Hall From: Sweeney, Karla <Karla.Sweeney@interstatehotels.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 4:19 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan I am writing this letter in support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This deal is not only a good one for the Angels, but it's an even bigger win for Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand new stadium. This development with amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists, and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. This will be the new place to shop, eat, drink, and of course watch the Angels play, along with many other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for our community include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,175 new housing units which will be built, including integrated affordable housing which Anaheim desperately needs. The development also means revenue generated for the city in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, hotel bed taxes, all of which will add up to $7 billion in total regional economic output every year, and $1.2 billion into Anaheim's general fund. Add to that over 30,000 jobs during construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trades jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post -construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable. And of course, this plan means the Angels will be staying in Anaheim until 2050, at least. I urge you to support this deal to support our community and it's residents. Karla Sweeney I I °",lrveeii rr�r, �� I A /dvea dhr`r°ara lov u y � " 782.0046 II u'': 7 � x.333 4553 f;llerneinbne p Notd & Suutes Anah61rn Couii yaua:i Anah61rn f:Res auf / Conrrenbon Cenfawu f;Ila-airneinbnellno/a-all a':oin Mau Mian// a.rni n/Ihaxad dhrrs con7n7unicalrnrr contains rr icirmafrr,arr from Interstate Hotels & Resorts that n7ay be confr nrrfra 1. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or / ^^ ] y na�rca�rr who receives this rrrfnrrra�lrnrr is crnhrfkufncd from disclosing, copying, distributing, r:indlor using if. If you rr� cx�, r���l r rrrrfhrnrr� r�rd ka r fhr� �.nrrrf�r, rrrr hr, -rare received this crxn7n7unic,-rfiorr in error, please rar7mediafely delete it r:in d arll copies, rand promptly notify fhrn sender. Nothing in this con7n7unicafiorr i intended to openrfe rr~ <u:rrr electronic signature, under rr/rclica ble law. CIpen:sheaf under licence from A/fr!irrnff frrfnrrr,-rtional. Jennifer L. Hall From: Vern P Nelson - Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 10:36 PM To: info@anahome.org; biga@anaheheim.net; Loretta Day; Public Comment; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes Subject: Note from Vern Patrick Nelson to your Facebook Page AnaHome Your Name: Vern Nelson, Anaheim resident, White Man of Anna Drive Phone Number: Your Question: 1. Is it true that when the Project Labor Agreement is settled and factored in, the price Arte pays for the property could go down even farther, to zero, or even to where WE owe HIM money? 2. How is the Brown Act lawsuit against this deal progressing? 3. What do Disney, Arte, and the Chamber of Commerce have against the proposed Anaheim Performing Arts Center, which Mayor Sidhu and the Council majority PROMISED would be taken into consideration in this deal? 4. It is true, isn't it, that Arte Moreno and his family will be perfectly able to turn around next year and flip this property for four times the price. This is good for Anaheim how? 5. Would we really, REALLY, have gotten an EVEN WORSE deal, if you guys hadn't negotiated it in secret, refused to publicize the appraisal, and given almost no time for public input? 6. If we're paying $170 million for low-income housing, does that mean Anaheim will own those units? No? Why not? Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Jennifer L. Hall From: Nadelman, David (ALICA) <david.nadelman@hyatt.com> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 7:37 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Baseball in Anaheim To whom it may concern: As a community, it is important to ensure that Angel's baseball remains in Anaheim. The positive revenue impact it has on our local hotels and restaurants is significant. The visiting teams, umpires, broadcast channels and fans all come into our community to utilize our services, which generates revenue and TOT taxes for our city. Not to mention the jobs it creates. Not only do we gain revenue during the regular season, the community can also be positively impacted if the Angels were to make the playoffs and continue to the World Series. It is extremely important that we are able to secure the Angels Stadium Project to ensure that the team remains in Anaheim. Thank you, David Nadefirnan Area Vice -President & General Manager, 1HYA'TT III I1::::: I1:::::NCY ORANGE COUNTY 11999 II N alrlboir IBou.ullev alyd, C` airy ein Grove, CSA 92840, USA r, ....1.7141 740.6001 II:: d_avid..:.ula deIMa I.�r�lhyatt.com orangecounty.hyatt.com L Ih IIIIIVIK ILII II >Il tll: YOU Il'll tIIIIV L Il'Ilr.tiase consider the e nvilro nunnr.rA Ibefore Ipr� nb ng tfa s e nnaiill (Featuring I4Q 5gil cis O1C 'oit,me rasinkecL I lya U I IoLeis in Llre <`100 I kes'L C;oiniloasinles Lc Work I:or" 2019 U S News I ravel ranks Gas one or Lh.nr. I "esL I IoLels in nirashelini I kIsineylcirc.i" 2019..1 11ncNlsorC;eitficaLeorI!CxcellenceI(all ofganie lIoLel,n:aCIkrewhouseasircL Iusc 2019 Careen I r ascLers .I.i,ilc ncNlsor 2019 California Green I ocLgln I::'ro rami, ql irviroici,nenLaslis�L I. evel 2019 Green Key I co I:CasLiir I:'ro rani irecoginton wth as 4 key radia 2019 (Dra inge C'ounLy IR:e isLer resL of (Dra inge counLy coffee houses sLasrloucks 2019 WecLcfing Wim, aswasrcL for Lcic venue 2019..1 ol 10IoLel for Social Fables Follow ars rare 11 Jennifer L. Hall From: Joseph Z Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 11:34 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: 28 year resident of Anaheim Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Joseph Zepeda 28 year resident of Anaheim! Sent from my Whone Jennifer L. Hall From: Brooke Bushart <bbushart@aochla.org> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 12:52 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Jerry Amante Subject: Stadium Development Support Letter Attachments: AOCHLA Stadium Development Plan Support Letter.pdf Hello, Please see attached for the Anaheim / Orange County Hotel and Lodging Association's support letter for the Stadium Development Plan. Best, SINBrooke Bushart I Director of Operations & Legislative Affairs Anaheim/ Orange Countv Hotel & Lodging Association 0: 714.253.3355 I C: P.O. Box 8008, Anaheim, CA 92812 , WLI N�- H/ORANGE COUNTY September 24, 2020 Dear Mayor Sidhu & Councilmembers, The Anaheim Orange County Hotel and Lodging Association stands in strong support of the Stadium Development Plan on Tuesday's agenda. Our Association represents hotels and vendors all throughout the Anaheim / Orange County area, we are excited about the plans in store. The City of Anaheim and the Angels have been working diligently on a deal that not only is great for the team but even better for the city. Anaheim is no longer responsible for any stadium renovations or building a new stadium, they will also get the tax benefit of the all the developments. These plans will fulfill the potential of the Platinum Triangle and the Anaheim Resort District. We are hopeful for the hotels that will be filled in the Platinum Triangle as well as those already built throughout the area. This development means more jobs, more restaurants, more entertainment. The Anaheim residents and our visitors will have an even larger variety of places to go and enjoy their city. We urge you to vote yes on the Stadium Development Plan on Tuesday, September 29' and hope you stand with us in support of this development. Anaheim will feel the benefit for decades to come. Sincerely, Jerry Amante Executive Director Anaheim Orange County Hotel and Lodging Association Jennifer L. Hall From: Camelot Sales <CamelotSales@golfland.com> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 12:15 PM To: Big A Subject: Angels Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are huge fans of the team and are so happy the city has negotiated a fair deal for taxpayers and the team. It's wonderful that the plan will include more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Libia Benavides Anaheim Resident Jennifer L. Hall From: Marsha Swann Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 12:20 PM To: Big A Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are huge fans of the team and are so happy the city has negotiated a fair deal for taxpayers and the team. It's wonderful that the plan will include more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Marsha Swann Anaheim Resident Marsha Jennifer L. Hall From: Sal Ortiz Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 12:32 PM To: Big A Subject: Angels Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are huge fans of the team and are so happy the city has negotiated a fair deal for taxpayers and the team. It's wonderful that the plan will include more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Sal Ortiz Anaheim Resident Jennifer L. Hall From: Kris Murray Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 12:45 PM To: Big A Subject: Support for Angels Agreement Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the City Council, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim for up to 55 years. The agreement negotiated by the city, in good faith with the team, is a win for taxpayers and based on fair market value of the Stadium property as evidenced by the city's appraisal. My family and I appreciate your leadership to secure the team for the next generation of families and fans, as well as to secure vital community benefits. The affordable housing, parks, open space, as well as direct and indirect funding to the City, totaling $320 million, will benefit Anaheim residents and taxpayers for decades. Please vote to secure Angels Baseball in Anaheim and capture the total economic value of the agreement. This agreement has my full support as former city official, resident, and taxpayer. Thank you again for your leadership. Kindest regards, Kris Murray Former Mayor Pro Tem and Councilwoman City of Anaheim Jennifer L. Hall From: Victor Gonzalez Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 1:07 PM To: Big A Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim! Dear Honorable Mayor Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, On behalf of West Coast Arborists, Inc., an Anaheim -based tree service contractor, and as President of the Peralta Hills Homeowners Association, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support of the Anaheim Stadium deal. The deal to retain Angels Baseball secures many community and economic benefits to the residents and business owners of Anaheim, Orange County and the Southern California region. The development of homes, offices, hotels, dining, shops, entertainment improves the economic vitality of this community which has been greatly affected by the current pandemic. There is no time better than the present to jumpstart the region's economy by creating an opportunity to inject new City revenue through property, sales and hotel tax. There is also a community benefit that will positively impact many people by creating more affordable housing, developing a flagship park, and creating a desirable location for retail, dining and entertainment. As an Anaheim business owner for over 48 years and a long-time Anaheim resident and Angels fan, I implore you to approve and support this plan and proposal for the greater good. Thank you for your leadership, Patrick Mahoney Presiden r West Coast Arborists, Inc. 1'f "IA ,1 ccs-(,(. tee E f ;omp my CA 0 ),S www.wcainc.com , fl ��) .'?.'? d d !)tJ0 O i ce "Tree care professionals serving communities who care about trees. " ANAHEIM • LOS ANGELES • RIVERSIDE • SAN DIEGO • VENTURA • FRESNO • SAN JOSE • SACRAMENTO STOCKTON • SAN FRANCISCO • INDIO • PHOENIX Jennifer L. Hall From: Tanya Bilezikjian Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:44 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium City Council, I cannot understand the reasoning or logic behind the plan to sell the Anaheim Stadium, and I strongly you to provide a defensible, transparent rationale for your approach and your intent. Knowing that there can be no such thing, you must immediately stop this process.. So far, your actions on this matter have shown that you feel you have no accountability or responsibility to the citizens of the great City of Anaheim. Your behavior causes me to wonder why this is being done under cover of COVID and without following the normal financial transactional process. What do you stand to gain by throwing the City under the bus? I look forward to finding out, and to stopping the planned sale. Remember, we elected you. We can unelect you too. Best, Tanya Bilezikjian Resident and Homeowner, City of Anaheim Jennifer L. Hall From: wtcourtney Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:47 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium The City should at least include a clause in the transaction that should Moreno decide to sell, the City has the first right to buy back the property at Moreno's cost, rather than allow him to profit at the City's miscalculations. The City states that this is the best deal and the only way to get more would be to nix the stadium and the Angels, But That is NOT True! The City didn't try to "get more"...they simply catered to Arte Moreno. Maybe the Samuelis/Ducks, or Disney, or a developer would have offered more for the property and then they could lease the stadium to the Angels. Then the City gets alot more $$$ and the Angels stay and play in Anaheim! But the City didn't ask for other offers ... they didn't even try! The property is being sold to SRB, not to the Angels, yet the deal includes a "promise" from the Angels to play in Anaheim for the next 30 years. What if the city sells to SRB, then SRB sells to someone else in 2,5,7 years from now, then the Angels decide to move to "where ever". What can the city do to force them to stay?? There are a lot more negatives than positives in this deal. The council should put the brakes on voting to approve this deal until many more terms are properly completed! Wally Courtney Ananeim, GA 9ZUU5 Jennifer L. Hall From: Daniel Salgado Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 5:19 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Stadium Concerns Can you clarify "affordable housing" because that term is very vague and the last time apartments were built near the stadium, residents near by were affected by rent increases and will the city establish rent control for current residents? Jennifer L. Hall From: Susan Montagnino - The Ranch <smontagnino@theranch.com> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 7:56 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Baseball in Anaheim... Sept. 29 Council meeting Please accept our support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. This will position our city alongside other U.S. with professional sports' teams. Additionally, the deal will improve the economy of business owners, residents, and the City of Anaheim. The development of housing, offices, hotels, dining, and shops will bring paying customers not just during the baseball season, but all year round, allowing stadium visitors and residents with plenty to do before and after games. All that economic activity will result in tax revenue for the city, and will support jobs locally. This proposal will go a long way to helping us boost our economy and support the creation of thousands of jobs. We look forward to having the Angels until at least 2050 and to continue working in a prosperous city. All our Best, Susan Susan Montagnino Executive Office Manager iHIE, P A N C iH RESTAURANT & SALOON 1025 E. Ball Rd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Office 714.517.6004 Mobile theranch.com Jennifer L. Hall From: president@extron.com Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 7:59 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Baseball in Anaheim... Sept. 29 Council meeting Please accept our support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. This will position our city alongside other U.S. with professional sports' teams. Additionally, the deal will improve the economy of business owners, residents, and the City of Anaheim. The development of housing, offices, hotels, dining, and shops will bring paying customers not just during the baseball season, but all year round, allowing stadium visitors and residents with plenty to do before and after games. All that economic activity will result in tax revenue for the city, and will support jobs locally. This proposal will go a long way to helping us boost our economy and support the creation of thousands of jobs. We look forward to having the Angels until at least 2050 and to continue working in a prosperous city. All our Best, Andrew Andrew Edwards President Extron Electronics Office: 714.517.6004 andrew(@extron.com Web: www.extron.com Andrew C Edwards President/Owner Entertainment & Marketing The Ranch 1025 E. Ball Rd. ........................................................................ .An_ hgj m.. CA 925 05. Office 7�4.5�7.6004 ................................................................ pros.% .................................. Web: www.theranch.com �faCci°r icicf (Y Coil f dcinflalfty, I Ills cicc.fruicic 'riessage hronsir•uu„wloic and all affac hrrlcicfs, c oni alas lic�furirlafluic fron'l I:A1,011 I Icc;hruicic s Willc;lc is c;uic�fdcinClal and Icrwilegerf I"'Ice licforirla�Eluic is for floc exclusive vlcwvli g 01' use of ffic Iicfcicrfcd rccalcicin� re If you aicof ffic Iicfcicrfcrf rccalcicin�, Ice aware flca�E airy disclosure copying, rfls rllvu�flon 01' use of �ffic r, c.oicfcinfs of Hills licforir la�Elon is Iurulrlluifcd If you Ir ave rec cherHill w cicc;hruicic. fraic„wrr•ussloin In error, Icica,wc ico�ffy floc sender ii°r 11'rlCdIa�cly by a "reply fo sander only” riessage and rtes roy all cicc.hruicic; and Irani c.olcic,, of floc c or�rrruinlc.a�Eluic, Including afflac;lcrr•icinCs Jennifer L. Hall From: Heather Heleloa <hheleloa@theranch.com> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 8:47 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter of Support for Angels Baseball Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Please accept our support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. This will position our city alongside other U.S. with professional sports' teams. Additionally, the deal will improve the economy of business owners, residents, and the City of Anaheim. The development of housing, offices, hotels, dining, and shops will bring paying customers not just during the baseball season, but all year round, allowing stadium visitors and residents with plenty to do before and after games. All that economic activity will result in tax revenue for the city, and will support jobs locally. This proposal will go a long way to helping us boost our economy and support the creation of thousands of jobs. We look forward to having the Angels until at least 2050 and to continue working in a prosperous city. All our best, Heather View a virtual tour of our Events Center: I:h� ranc h_.c orn�events ::..cenI.er/3c�..::a.our HEATHER HELELOA Director of Marketing, THE RANCH Restaurant & Saloon 1025 East Ball Road, Anaheim CA 92805 714.780.4042 1 fheranch.com Jennifer L. Hall From: Andre Mayen Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 1:53 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Do NOT Sell Angel Stadium for Pennies on the Dollar! I am a 22 year old Cal State Long Beach student, born and raised my entire live in the same house right here in Anaheim on La Palma and Euclid. I speak on behalf of our household of four well-educated Anaheim voters, that we do NOT want Angel Stadium to be sold for $150 million when it is painfully clear to all observers that this land is easily worth hundreds of millions of dollars more. Here is what we, as well as thousands of other Anaheim residents who are paying attention to this, demand from Harry Sidhu & our City Council: - Have an independent actor come and appraise the land for what it is TRUELY worth (because it is surely worth more than $150M+) - Either do not sell the land at all to Arte Moreno, or sell it for the amount it is truly worth AND market the team as Anaheim Angels - Demand affordable housing units to be built within the first 10 years, NOT 15-30 years My many peers at school, my friends in the city, and many of my neighbors are being informed by ME about what is going on, and I will mount a grassroots effort to REMOVE Mayor Sidhu, as well as ALL city council members, who support this Angel Stadium deal as currently constructed. Axe the deal as currently stands and renegotiate for the terms I listed. Andre Mayen Political Science student and Activist Public Comment From: randykraege Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 2:52 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium sale Please stop the sale of the stadium and the land around it, it is much much more valuable then what the sale price has been reported as. I'm a 50 year anaheim resident and property owner. Randy Kraege 92804 Public Comment From: Andolini Baniello Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 3:42 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Thank you for the Angels! Mayor Sidhu, As an actual taxpayer Thank you for keeping the Angels in Anaheim! That negotiation is priceless! Your vision for the future of Anaheim has my full support. Ciao, Andolini Baniello Public Comment From: bonmil Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:16 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Don't sell the stadium! Angel stadium belongs to Anaheim! If you're going to sell it, sell it for a lot more than $150 million at fair market value! And don't change the name! If it's in Anaheim it should be called Anaheim Stadium not Los Angeles! Public Comment From: KATHY CHANCE Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:48 PM To: Theresa Bass; Public Comment Subject: In FAVOR of selling Angel Stadium of Anaheim to SRB (PUBLIC COMMENT for Tuesday, September 29.2020 Anaheim City Council Meeting) PLEASE ADD MY PUBLIC COMMENT regarding the sale of Angel Stadium of Anaheim to SRB to the Anaheim City Council meeting Public Record for Tuesday, September 29, 2020: it Kathy Chance 1 Homeowner ` 4 W ri - District] 1 Public Comment From: Diane R. Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:21 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium To the Anaheim City Council: Do NOT sell Angel Stadium and surrounding property for less than market value! $150 million? Are you serious?! WHY would you even consider doing such a thing? It's worth hundreds of millions of dollars more than that! If you're going to sell, sell at FAIR MARKET VALUEH! And the name of the team should be ANAHEIM ANGELS, not Los Angeles Angels! Angel Stadium is in Anaheim, NOT Los AngelesM STOP the giveaway of Angel Stadium M Diane Rime Anaheim Public Comment From: Patty Gaby Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 8:57 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Selling Anaheim Stadium Don't give away our property... Get a real deal or walk away. The name Anaheim should absolutely be in their name. They don't play in LA! Know the true value. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Carol Kappler Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 11:31 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Please don't give the Stadium away - especially now. Isn't there any money left? Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Adrian T. Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 12:06 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Land scam giveaway Public Comment The very least, it should be put to the Citizens of Anaheim to say Yay or Nay on this Arte Moreno Giveaway. The whole deal stinks and smells of Council Corruption. If Mr Moreno is threatening to take his Los Angeles Angels (joke) away, so be it. We will not be blackmailed and the Council should not either. I do hope we don't have our own'Jose Huizar' representing Billionaire Arte. Be transparent and let the people decide on this City's major asset. Pigs get fat... Hogs get slaughtered! AT District 5 Public Comment From: Anjanette Willnecker Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 12:20 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium Let the Angels go. The deal is bad for Anaheim. Get Outlook for Android Public Comment From: Lois Jones Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 6:34 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Sale of Public lands - Anaheim Stadium. As a long tome Anaheim resident I recall opening of the stadium.. running outside to see if I could see the balloons fling up. I would prefer we the cite sins Reston ownership of the land. But if revenue is needed... the people's land MUST be sold at fair market value! Save our Anaheim... Lois Jones - Anaheim, CA 92808 Public Comment From: victoria Dumesni) Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 2:46 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anahome.org Subject: STOP the Stadium Giveaway! Attn: Anaheim City Council Council member Stephan Faessel: Gentlemen: You need to show RESPECT for us the people of Anaheim who have lived here for many, many years!! Mr. Faessel, you have NO right to sell the Stadium at a giveaway price. How abusive! ... and to billionaire Arte Moreno?! Who do you think you are! This has to be propose in a ballot for us the people of Anaheim to vote on. Get real! Ronald & Victoria Dumesnil Public Comment From: Carolyn Svensson Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 8:34 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel stadium As an Anaheim resident I believe that the costly effort to keep the Angles is misplaced. Let them go. And, don't give away the stadium. Charge a fair price when you lease the stadium to a new team. Carolyn Svensson 92807 Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Sue Schairer Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 4:30 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Hi I've been a homeowner in Anaheim for 46 years, and I am amazed that the Council would even consider "giving the stadium away" for such a paltry amount! Especially since the team is no longer called the Anaheim Angels! There was a semi -pro Los Angeles Angels that played, among other teams, the Hollywood Stars, at Wrigley Field in Los Angeles. Gene Autry is certainly "turning over in his grave". Stop the "give-away"; don't sell at 1940's prices! Susan Schairer Anaheim, CA 92806 Public Comment From: Michael Penn Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 8:50 PM To: jbrandman@anahim.net; Public Comment Subject: Something Smells Rotten Dear Anaheim City Council Why rush the sale of the stadium and 150 acres with no public appraisal in the middle of a pandemic? Why no live public comment? No zoom? Why do I have to put this in an email? Why are city council meetings only broadcast over the phone? Do this open and honestly and on camera. Why all the secrecy and backroom dealing? If it's a fair deal put it all out there and speak into the camera. The Angels aren't going anywhere and you need to protect the interests of ALL Anaheim residents, taxpayers and stakeholders, not just billionaires donors, the chamber and OC Business Council interests. Why are you playing ball in the dark with the public? Concerned resident, taxpayer and Angels fan since birth, Michael Penn Public Comment From: Tom Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 9:40 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Council mtg. Sept. 29, 2020, Item 7 - sale of stadium property September 27, 2020 To Anaheim Mayor and City Councilmembers: Because it is an outrageously one-sided deal, I am opposed to the pending agreement to sell the stadium property to a company apparently controlled by Angels owner Arte Moreno. It is my firm belief - shared by many expert professionals in real estate and city finance - that this deal gives away hundreds of millions of dollars of Anaheim taxpayer money. For residents outside of Anaheim, this deal looks like a sad joke of self-inflicted bumbling and false choices. It does them no financial harm. But for Anaheim residents - who own the valuable stadium property - this is a massive, historic giveaway costing at least $1,000 for every man, woman and child in the city. Here are just some of the problems with this deal: 1. Property Undervalued. In recent years, provisions of the Angels lease were manipulated so as to undervalue the property. Meanwhile, the city -sponsored appraisal of value was manipulated to lower the cost to the buyer. 2. Shrinking Sales Price. Why are Anaheim taxpayers reimbursing $169 million to the buyer/developer ("credits") for features such as a park and affordable housing, when these items are ALWAYS the responsibility of any developer (especially one who's receiving approval for 5,175 housing units!) 3. Mysterious Removal of City Manager. Under mysterious circumstances midway through the negotiations, the city manager was forced out of his job and paid a $475,000 buyout. 4. "Saving Baseball". Underpinning the negotiations has been a laughingly false narrative about "saving" major league baseball in Anaheim. Sensible folks know this is just leveraging and posturing. It's not too late to reconsider the price and terms, and avoid the embarrassment and lawsuits that are sure to follow this one-sided deal. Anaheim residents deserve a better deal, and a fair deal. Tom Daly State Assemblymember 69th District Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Public Comment From: Ashleigh Aitken Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:40 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Jordan Brandman; Stephen Faesse) Subject: Please STOP the Stadium Sale Dear Council - As a lifelong Anaheim resident, I implore you to rethink the terms of the Anaheim Stadium sale. As we face shrinking tax revenue from the 2020 Covid-crisis, we can not afford to dump our largest real estate asset for a fraction of its value. Further, a decision of this magnitude should not be made during closed council meetings. This decision should be delayed until council meetings are open to the public, either in-person or via an online platform like ZOOM. Please do the right thing and vote NO on this item. Yours truly, Ashleigh Aitken Of Counsel Aitken*Aitken* Plaintiff -only Trial Lawyers Yours truly, Ashleigh Aitken Of Counsel Aitken*Aitken*Cohn Plaintiff -only Trial Lawyers Public Comment From: Jason Young Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 9:35 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel's deal I am writing the council to insist that they go back to the drawing board on the Angel's deal. $150 million is a ridiculous price for a stadium, theater, and 158 acres of land. I also want Anaheim back in the ream name. This isn't LA. Jason Young 40 year resident Public Comment From: Juan Alvarez Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:00 AM To: Public Comment Subject: The Stadium Sale is NO Deal for Residents Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Council, I am appalled at the idea that you are even considering selling the stadium and the surrounding property so much below market value. That you would even try and fool the community into thinking that it would benefit us to have a park and low income housing included in the deal is shameful. You fail to be transparent and outline the real timelines in which the affordable housing would have to be built and you fail to mention that a park would actually benefit the developers looking to profit on the sale of properties in the area. The park is not for all residents. That aside, the fact that all of this is happening behind closed doors and that we as residents cannot participate in the process at council meetings is undemocratic. We should not be thinking about selling off our city's most valuable asset without the input of the residents. I urge you all to vote no on the proposed sale of the property until there is a process for including public input. A yes vote by Mr. Faessel and Mr. Brandman will be detrimental to their futures in Anaheim as elected representatives. The public is already organizing campaigns against Stephan Faessel and a move towards a recall of Jordan Brandman. We are watching and we are engaged. Again, please vote no on the proposed sale. Although I know that most of you will disregard this message, I thank you for your time. Juan Gabriel Alvarez Trustee, Anaheim Elementary School District Public Comment From: Doug Robbins <doug.robbins@dc36.org> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:38 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Developement Agreement for Angel Stadium Attachments: Anaheim City Council Letter of Support.docx Dear Mayor and City Council Members, please see support letter for Angel Stadium Development Agreement. Thank you, Douglas Roggins Local 1136 Business Representative Painters & Allied Trades DC 36 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, Ca 91754 626-548-1475 dogZ.robbins@dc36.org Dear Anaheim City Council Members, My name is Doug Robbins, I am a Business Representative for the Painters and Allied Trades. I Represent about 10,000 Painters, Drywall Finishers, Glaziers and Floor Covering Installers who make up the best trained workforce in Southern California. I urge you to support the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement for the Development of the Stadium District. The Community Workforce Agreement would insure that you put Local Residents to work on this project, where they will spend their money at Local Businesses which would further stimulate the Local Economy. And with many Cities facing fiscal shortfalls with the Covid 19 situation, I can't think of a better way to stimulate the local Economy. In addition, it will provide Veteran Hire Priorities putting our Veterans to work earning good wages, healthcare and a Pension. I urge you to approve this this Project! Thank You for your Consideration! Douglas Robbins Local 1136 Public Comment From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Please see attached. MDNIC.A I tRREA DFFICE MANAC�ER- 17495 I N tR-LEY 5T IND tSTRY CA'9)1 44 020- 04-2500 EXT 100 G 2G -9 �4 z9z9 FAX D{PEII, LDC.AL-#5S Monica Urrea <monica@ironworkers433.org> Monday, September 28, 2020 10:41 AM Public Comment emedrano@laocbuildingtrades.org letter of support for Angel Stadium letter of support for Angel Stadium.pdf 17495 HURLEY STREET EAST September 28, 2020 � ��~� Local a��� �� ������� ��0�)����m� �_-������M ������ International Association ofBridge, Structural & Ornamental Iron \Aorkers/LFL-C1O. EsEabUimh=d 1929 CITY (]FINDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA 91744 Mayor and members of the City Council, PHONE: (626) 964-2500 FAX:/62@964- l9U9 KEITH HARKEY Business Manager Financial Secretary -Treasurer I am writing as the Business Agent for Orange County on behalf of Ironworkers Local 433 urging support of the approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium, District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property). This project will provide for Thousands of high skilled, middle class construction career opportunities for hard working men and women in Anaheim and the region. It will also provide veterans hire priorities allowing them toberewarded for their service byearning good wages and benefits. These goals will be achieved thirough a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, The project will also provide for increased Housing, including 15% of affordable units, Furthermore, it also will provide the City with badly needed Park and Open Space for the local residents. The Stadium Development will also provide conmmercia:l space for retailers, restaurants, and hotels,, which shall provide revenue that will feed into the region's economy including revenue for the City's GemeraUFund. Agaiin, we urge the City Council to approve this H,istoric Project. Thank you for your hard work and service. Respectfully, Business Agent Local Union Public Comment From: Tracey MacDonald <tracey.macdonald@autismspeaks.org> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:57 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Angel Stadium Attachments: Draft support letter Angel Stadium 09.28.20.docx Please include the attached letter in the Councilmen's agenda packet for the Angel Stadium meeting. Sincerely, Tracey MacDonald l racey " ocll:: oinalN Area Executive Director Southern C CutJsrn Cluaalks 6330 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 401 1 Los Angeles, CA 90048 O: 323-297-4719 1 C: Coigige ct wk:lh us I he AuHsiin Il:Respucnse II eanin us here to tuclllr tuclllu�auQu,rir�.rlr�: al ..cr . September 28, 2020 IV„If"'IIII I1111::1l'1111 M Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, C "1111" "'R"''11A This Tuesday, September 29, you will have on your agenda the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. We fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course — the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least, working with a number of organizations like ours. Each year we host our Autism Speaks Walk, on the first Sunday in December, at Angels Stadium. With over 3,500 participants each year, there are few venues that can accommodate our crowd size and provide a contained, safe environment for our constituents. The Angels personnel have worked with us to develop a sensory and family friendly experience at this iconic location that our families look forward to year after year. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level, and it will ensure that an incredible community partner, Angels Baseball, stays in Anaheim and can continue doing good work for members of the community alongside us for decades to come. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. � r Tracey MacDonald Executive Director — Southern CA Chapter Autism Speaks Public Comment From: Fernando Baltazar Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:04 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium I am not in support of the sale of the angels stadium. It is an iconic Anaheim landmark Jennifer L. Hall From: fong david Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 9:03 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Anaheim Stadium While we copied the following text from an email we received, we completely agree with its points and are thus using it in our email to you: To the Mayor and City Council, As an Anaheim Real Estate Broker for over 35 years, I am shocked that the City of Anaheim is willing to give away over $1 BILLION DOLLARS to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno, went from Bad to Worse. The property next door to the stadium parking lot recently sold for over $4 Million/acre, yet the city plans to sell the 153 acre stadium property to Moreno for $150 Million ( less than $1 Million/acre) and the deal includes the Stadium and the Grove Theatre for FREE! This is an outrageous give away of Anaheim taxpayer property, at a time when Covid-19 has caused an upside down budget for Anaheim. Plus, Moreno has the ability to sell the entire entitled property for a huge profit. The City should at least include a clause in the transaction that should Moreno decide to sell, the City has the first right to buy back The property at Moreno's cost, rather than allow him to profit at the City's miscalculations. I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! YOU WILL BE VERY EMBARRASSED WHEN SRB/MORENO GET'S THESE ENTITLEMENTS APPROVED AND THEN SELLS THE PROPERTY FOR 100's OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS! THE TRANSACTION SHOULD AT LEAST HAVE A CLAUSE THAT ALLOWS THE CITY THE FIRST RIGHT TO PURCHASE AT THE BUYER'S COST SHOULD THEY DECIDE TO SELL. WHY SHOULD SRB PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS? As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER.... NAMELY, THE MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY ($150Mil for 153 acres, how much do the taxpayers get for the Stadium and the Grove? $0 ... that's how much!). Your NO VOTE CAN take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sincerely, David and Carole Fong Life long and 25 year residents of Anaheim, respectively. Public Comment From: Ahmad Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 5:35 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel stadium sale Good evening, I am a long time Anaheim resident and a business owner, I have supported mayor Siduh and the city council majority in every decision taken especially in the Resort district, I have proudly voted for mayor Siduh and my council district Kring. I appreciate all the hard work and decision made to improve Anaheim as a whole and the resort district. With all of my support to most Anaheim issues, the Angel stadium sale has honestly been a disappointment, please consider renegotiating the sale (even though if I was in charge, I would consider leasing not selling) I thought the original price tag of 325mil was undervalued, only to learn the actual cash is 150mil. When the city needed 2 acres of the land, the price was changed to 320. Why did we give back 2.5mil an acre when we are getting paid just about a million an acre? As a business man, I'd rather get the full price tag and we as a city can decide where and how big to build public parks and or affordable housing instead of having Arte Moreno deciding that for us (I personally do not support building affordable houses as it does depreciate the City's value) On another note, when I voted for our mayor and council, I had complete faith and trust to have the team's name to be Anaheim as a top priority. I am aware that we lost a law suit against the team, but at the time there was a loophole where they were able to call it LA, since we are working on a new agreement, I think the ball is in our hand to make it a must to be called Anaheim Angels or the bare minimum, the California Angels. Please consider renegotiating the deal and make us all proud. Because your opponents (who I do not support at all and I would hate to see them win the next election) are using this deal against you and general public care about sport news more than anything else. Thank you for reading and good luck Jennifer L. Hall From: Kathrine Vallarino Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 12:56 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of Anaheim Stadium: I cannot believe this reduced price for the sale of Anaheim Stadium is even considered. What is happening behind the backs of Anaheim residents as we stay in our cautious Covid 19 lives? I strongly encourage this to be stopped for the future of our city. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Jennifer L. Hall From: Gretchen Levesque Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 12:46 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Angel Stadium + Sale To the Mayor and City Council, My family has lived in West Anaheim for three generations. We are now raising our three daughters here—all five of us live, work and pay our taxes in Anaheim. We work in food service, at Home Depot, in non-profit education, and local real estate. We are a hardworking, Anaheim -loving family. Yet our side of town struggles to have the basic things provided to us; graffiti -free walls, clean public spaces, a descent public bench to sit on, green grass in our parks ... and the City wants to give away a billion precious, needed, hard-earned dollars in the sale of Angel Stadium and surrounding area to an already wealthy private individual? My heart sinks at the unfairness of this. We have worked SO very diligently to achieve one small step in our struggling neighborhood to improve it—a humble dog park added to Maxwell Park. This has taken years of petition, outright begging to achieve. When I heard about the Angel Stadium sale, the multiple millions of tax payer money that will be lost to Anaheim because of it, I felt utterly powerless at the injustice of it all. There's no logic in it. What could possibly motivate our City Council to do such a thing when our City's residents have such real and present needs? The unfairness of this sale to the individual tax paying residents of Anaheim is, I dare say, immoral. Where is the justice to us who have been so faithful and well meaning with every tax paying dollar we give to our beloved City? We are left behind in this deal. Our children are left behind. The beauty of this Great City is left behind. Please think of us, each of us, when you vote of the sale of Angel Stadium. We are real people who love our City. Thank you, Gretchen Levesque Jennifer L. Hall From: lenjan Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 3:31 PM To: Loretta Day; Jordan Brandman; stepher Subject: Anaheim Stadium Anaheim Mayor and City Council Don't do it! Do not give Arte Moreno everything he wants for a measly $150 million. Former Mayors Daly and Tait say this is a bad deal. Prominent Anaheim realtors Kott and Courtney say this is a bad deal. It's so bad it is not a deal --it is a giveaway. As an Anaheimer I expect you to represent me, not the Moreno family which does not even like the name Anaheim. Go back to the table and negotiate a real deal. Leonard Lahtinen Top News - Sponsored By Newser • Joe Montana, Wife Block Kidnapping Try of Grandchild • Amy Barrett Is in a Group That'Speaks in Tongues' • Biden Warns That Supreme Court Pick Is About One Thing Jennifer L. Hall From: Rya n Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 3:01 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of the Angel Stadium Hello, I totally agree with the outrage over this proposed plan. If the deal is to be set at 150$ Million to the owner, devaluing the property without factoring in the cost of the stadium itself, the Grove, nor the parking lot, is an egregious misuse of Taxpayer money, a disservice to those who paid to build that stadium, and the fans who go to watch the myriad of events hosted on that piece of property. I have lived in this city my entire life, and if this were to transpire I will have lost all hope in the Legal system of America, the last bastion of hope in this bleak political climate is local government, those who fight not for political clout, but for the benefit of their constituents, their neighbors, and themselves. I implore you to fight this motion with the upmost gusto, and show the Mayor we do not support the almost giving away of taxpayers money. Sincerely, Ryan Stekkinger Jennifer L. Hall From: Myrna Badua Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 11:32 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan To the Mayor and City Council, As an Anaheim Resident I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! Myrna Badua ANAHEIM CA Jennifer L. Hall From: Adam Koyanagi Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:23 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Angel Stadium After reading that the stadium land is potentially being sold at a deep discount, I would like to urge the mayor and council members to protect our tax dollars and set a fair price for the sale of the stadium and surrounding land. If the sale were to go forward at the current price, an amendment for a sharing of profit or right to buy back upon sale at an agreed upon rate would be a reasonable amendment. This proposal as reported appears to be potentially unethical, and I urge the council and mayor to reconsider the terms of the deal and to protect the interests of Anaheim taxpayers. Thank you, Anaheim resident Adam Koyanagi Jennifer L. Hall From: Betty Forbes Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:52 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Please vote no on the sale of Anaheim Stadium Please vote no on this sale of Anaheim Stadium. The amount is ridiculously low. I would love to purchase a large home in Anaheim Hills one day, but the only way I could afford it, is if I received the same low amount of this HUGE property is selling for. We all know— no one gets perks for being rich, male, female, who they know, their status, their position, etc. That would be immoral, but then again .... that is what this world is coming to unfortunately. Please do the right thing. Vote no. Do not sell to this billionaire. Thank you. E xtro n El[ecfuwo.�nu.cs W25 Easy Hm l Road, Link' WO, Arlah6m, CA 9280 is 3 714.491.1500 ext 4951 1 fax 714.780.4344 1 ..bfar bes@e..x[.12YI„c.o n]... �faCei°7 ieirf (Y Coil f dcir�lalf yy I Ills cloc.hroivlc 'I'lossage hrair.wi'llssloir and all affac;lrinrcirfs' c;oirfalns liv�fornraEloiv fron'l I:A1,011 I Icc;hroivic s vvlvlc h is c;oir�fdcinClal and (privileged I"'Ire livfurnra�Eloiv is for Hire exclusive vlevvli g or use of HireIirfcindcd rcc.ilvioin� ir If you are of HireIirfcirrferf rec.ilcieir�f�, Ice aware ffa�E airy disclosure, c;olvylirr rfls rllvu�fiuir or use of �ffic r, c.oirfeir�s of Hills lirfornra�Eloir is Iurolrlluiferf, If you Ir ave received Hills clec;hroiric frausin'llssioir lir error, Iclea,wc iro�fhfy ffc soirrfer ii°7�•u°7�rcdlafcly by a "reply fo soirrfer only" message and des, roy all elec.hroirlc; and Irani c.olcic,, of Hiro c;onrnruiric.a�Eloir, Including afflac;lhnrcinCs Jennifer L. Hall From: Gene Levesque Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 9:28 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Angel Stadium To the Mayor and City Council, As an Anaheim Real Estate Broker and agent for over 16 years, I am shocked that the City of Anaheim is willing to give away over $1 BILLION DOLLARS to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno, went from Bad to Worse. The property next door to the stadium parking lot recently sold for over $4 Million/acre, yet the city plans to sell the 153 acre stadium property to Moreno for $150 Million ( less than $1 Million/acre) and the deal includes the Stadium and the Grove Theatre for FREE! This is an outrageous give away of Anaheim taxpayer property, at a time when Covid-19 has caused an upside down budget for Anaheim. Plus, Moreno has the ability to sell the entire entitled property for a huge profit. The City should at least include a clause in the transaction that should Moreno decide to sell, the City has the first right to buy back The property at Moreno's cost, rather than allow him to profit at the City's miscalculations. I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER.... NAMELY, THE MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY ($150Mil for 153 acres, how much do the taxpayers get for the Stadium and the Grove? $0 ... that's how much!). Your NO VOTE CAN take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Gene Levesque Anaheim, CA Jennifer L. Hall From: Marc Timanus Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:16 AM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of Angel Stadium I have lived in Anaheim my entire 39 years. I have grown up watching the Angels play, celebrated the 2002 world series victory, watched the Rams play at Angel Stadium, and cried when they left for another city. I have been to multiple events at the Grove and I love my city. I understand that the city of Anaheim is now going to sell the land to Arte Moreno for a fraction of the actual value of the property. Not only selling the land the stadium sits on, but including the buildings on the site. I would ask who hired the appraiser to determine the value of the land and the buildings. If the potential buyer hired the appraiser, most likely the appraisal was biased. It is impossible to believe that the land is so undervalued, and that the buildings on the land hold no value. If nothing else, the experiences and memories of the Anaheim residents ought to hold some value. Arte Moreno is potentially the worst sports team owner we have had in the history of our city. He removed the city of Anaheim's name from the Angels. He has made multiple bad investments in players, refused to improve the stadium and the land it sits on, and increased prices on food and beverage even though he claimed he wouldn't. Why should the city reward him for what he has done by giving away the stadium and the valuable land it sits on? I would ask that the city council votes no on this sale. Not that the city refuses to ever sell the land, but that the city gets a fair price per acre, and includes a value for the existing structures. Have the property appraised again by a non -biased third party. The city needs every penny it can get right now with all of the business closures. Now is not the time to lose out on millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars. Arte Moreno threatened to leave Anaheim and take the Angels to another city. I say let him go, but don't let him take our stadium, our team, our name, and make billions of dollars off of a hurried and flawed strategy. Marc Timanus Public Comment From: Yakoob Habib Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:48 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jackie Delapaz < Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 5:39 PM To: Public Comment Subject: You really need to think of the residents of Anaheim . Anaheim is sinking fast and this Stadium deal is bad all the way around. You need to let the people vote on this. Not your back -door meetings. You need to hear the people. 1 Public Comment From: Gary Tsuruta _ Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:57 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: thomasdmelrose Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:57 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: James Brooms Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:58 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Maria Elena Vasquez Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:06 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle%2©Qs full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public %2©Qflagship park%2©Q and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Enviado desde Yahoo Mail para Android Public Comment From: Justin Hamilton Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:08 PM To: info@srbmanagement.com Cc: Public Comment Subject: Fwd: Phone information >> Hello, >> Where are you getting the phone numbers to text your development plan? >> Thank you Justin Hamilton >> Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Justin Hamilton Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:10 PM To: info@srbmanagement.com Cc: Public Comment Subject: Phone retrieval tactics Hello, Where are you getting the phone information to send out mass texts? Thank you, Justin Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Justin Hamilton Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:11 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Re: Automatic reply: Phone information The email provided on their mass text message to ask srb where they are buying the phone information is not a valid email. Thank you, Justin Sent from my iPhone On Sep 28, 2020, at 12:08 PM, Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net> wrote: The City is in receipt of your public comment. Your comment will be distributed to the City Council for their consideration and made part of the public record of the City Council meeting. Public Comment From: Vidal Aguilar Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:19 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Marilyn Moore < Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:45 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:44 PM To: Council Attachments: text txt Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim and creates jobs. Hands down yes!!! " -Mobile"', Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 51000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim and creates jobs. Hands down yes M Public Comment From: Kiabeth Verduzco Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 5:48 PM To: Public Comment Subject: STOP the Stadium Sale Hello, I am Kiabeth Verduzco, a constituent of Anaheim, and I demand that the city council open the meetings, stop the Stadium giveaway, and lastly an independent appraisal and fair market value sale for our largest asset. It is absolutely absurd to be practically giving away land that is worth much more to a billionaire, who has already manipulated the council into allowing him to do the bare minimum for the city, change the name, pay no rent, and have a horrible record of employee satisfaction. Not only is the price a concern in a time when the city has dipped into its reserve to give visit Anaheim $6.5 million, but the deal itself is unavailing. The flexibility being given in the affordable housing development is unacceptable, in the midst of a health crisis affordable housing should be of top priority. To give 15-30 years to build affordable housing to a billionaire and not have union contracts to guarantee fair wages to the construction workers is truly inhumane. I can not even begin to list the outrage on social media among my fellow colleagues who have gotten the following hashtags trending: #StoptheStadiumGiveaway #NOSubsidiesforBillionaires Once again, I demand that this stadium deal is stopped immediately as constituents are not only dissatisfied with it, but concerned over the back room deals occurring as no council meeting has taken place. Best, Kiabeth Verduzco Jennifer L. Hall From: Tommy J Torres Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:41 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Rory Zaks Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:42 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Jennifer L. Hall From: raeann mcnamara Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:42 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Marilyn Moore Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:45 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:44 PM To: Council Attachments: text txt Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim and creates jobs. Hands down yes!!! 14>aVvii 111, YOU l"�yd'� IAik)baIu"w�JliI Hliaflu". Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 51000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim and creates jobs. Hands down yes M Jennifer L. Hall From: Tommy J Torres Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:41 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Rory Zaks Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:42 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Jennifer L. Hall From: raeann mcnamara Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:42 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Rudy A Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:12 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Thanks, Rudy Alvarado Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Keith Young Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4:58 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Regards, Keith Young Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: John Randolph Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 10:17 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium vote I am respectfully requesting that the Mayor and City Council majority do what is right and fair regarding the disposition of the Anaheim Stadium property. The current offer is hundreds of millions of dollars low and the contract as is does not protect the rights and wishes of the city residents. Mayor Sidhu... we trusted you when we voted you into office. Please do not betray that trust. Thank you. John Verdone Anaheim Hills Resident John Verdone Public Comment From: Joy Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: maria fernandez Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kathy Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:51 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Kathy Spielman Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kimberly Loftis Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sincerely, Kimberly Loftis Public Comment From: Robin Wotipka Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. As I do support the sale must also set specific requirements of the new owners that monies generated will be used for Anaheim not sent out of state. Predicate that only 20% may be use for administrative purposes It is what health care plans, providers must do. Owners must have a stake in the improvement of city and be in accordance to the laws governing the city. Must provide a plan on how the sale will help during COVID, there plan of action to meet all COVID requirements in safety and protection. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Best Regards, Robin Wotipka Sent from iPhone. Public Comment From: Ana cervantes Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:03 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ana Alonso Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Diana Vo Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Diana Vo Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:38 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Diana Vo Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:38 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Theresa Bass Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 11:17 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Fwd: Thank you. Begin forwarded message: From: Bobby Olea Date: September 25, 2020 at 11:00:04 PM PDT To: Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>, Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>, Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>, "Harry Sidhu (Mayor)" <HSidhu@anaheim.net>, Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>, Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net>, Bobby Olea Shame on all a that's votes for the angels Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: To Whom This May Concern: Terri Benedict Monday, September 28, 2020 2:25 PM Public Comment Angels Baseball in Anaheim doc02062720200928142107.pdf Please include the following document in the councilmember's agenda packet. Kindest regards, TERRI BENEDICT, Volunteer Engagement & Operations Manager O. (714) 705-4536 M. W. miraclesforkids.org 5,e 8i 17848 Sky Park Circle, Suite C Irvine, CA 92614 `; Making miracles for critically -ill children and their families O C)�("U.Kfos September 28, 2020 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, This Tuesday, September 29, you will have on your agenda the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. We fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course — the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least, working with a number of organizations like ours. Miracles for Kids is beyond thankful to Angels Baseball for their ongoing support, especially with the Home Runs for Kids Program. This event not only creates lifelong memories for our critically -ill children but also allows their families to enjoy an extraordinary day away from doctors and hospital visits. In addition, a joint effort with local sponsors increases support for many other Miracles for Kids families with financial assistance, housing, wellness therapy and basic necessities during this time of crisis in their lives. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level, and it will ensure that an incredible community partner, Angels Baseball, stays in Anaheim and can continue doing good work for members of the community alongside us for decades to come. Thank yo our ership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. unr & CEO es r Kids Public Comment From: Mitchell Gilmore Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:26 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Mitchell Gilmore Jennifer L. Hall From: Rudy A Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:12 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Thanks, Rudy Alvarado Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Ania Hale Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:29 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Anaheim City Council, Christopher Walker Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:12 PM Council info@srbmanagement.net Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow up Flagged I support the City selling the Anaheim Stadium Property as proposed. Thankyou Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Barney's Blends Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:49 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Lori's Personal Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:49 PM To: Council Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: rcmilano Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:48 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Ilano family Seip( from my 'T...Mobilc 4G l.. ITF Device Jennifer L. Hall From: Lori Lopas Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:48 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Barbara Goss Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:39 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: 1n Liftracy, A'rtNG 10 CC LITERACY PROJECT beficyo dreom soar Sue Grant <sue@literacyproj.org> Saturday, September 26, 2020 6:08 AM Public Comment In Support of Angels Baseball Angels Baseball Endorsement 2 -City of Anaheim 092420.docx Sue Girant 11::buindeir 9497211319 : trace errs. September 22, 2020 Dear Members of the Anaheim City Council, On September 29 you will consider on your council agenda an important and historic opportunity in the history of the City of Anaheim, and for Orange County. The proposal in front of you for the sale of the stadium and property to SRB Management will make a great step for Anaheim bringing jobs, housing, and park spaces to Anaheim when it needs them the most. Like many, we at the Literacy Project are especially excited about the prospect of Angels Baseball staying in Anaheim until at least 2050 as a result of this deal. That is not just because we are fans of the team, but we are fans of what the Angels have done here in this community and what they do to demonstrate their commitment to Anaheim. Since 2014, Angels Baseball has sponsored and hosted our "Readers in the Outfield" event, which brings together over 100 underprivileged second graders in the Anaheim school system. This very special event honors and recognizes the graduates of the Literacy's Project's reading programs. Hosted at Angel Stadium, these amazing young people spend a Saturday afternoon with Angels alumni like Rod Carew, Bobby Grich, Chuck Finley, and Cylde Wright, as well as Angels Baseball Chairman Dennis Kuhl demonstrating and showing off their reading skills, which they are understandably very proud. Plus, each youngster gets a set of four tickets to an upcoming Angels game to share with their family. But that's not all. Over the course of the past six years, the Angels have funded our literacy programs in Anaheim schools for over 9700 elementary school students struggling with reading, funded to the tune of over $250,000. Because of that generosity and commitment, we are able to assist at -risk kids in our schools with our specialized 30 -hour reading program at absolutely no cost to either the child or their family, or to the school. So you see, making it possible for the Angels to stay in Anaheim doesn't just mean baseball stays in Anaheim, which is very important, yes. But more importantly to us, it means an incredible community partner in our mission to bring literacy to kids struggling with reading also stays in Anaheim. Please keep that in mind as you consider this proposal, and approve this deal so that the Angels stay in Anaheim and can keep doing the great work they do with us, and with so many others to make Anaheim a better place and improve the lives of Anaheim residents and students. Thank you. Sue Grant CEO, The Literacy Project Jennifer L. Hall From: Matt Lewis Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:33 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net; ahemusei Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Seip( flom my Verizon, ` amswig Galaxy smarlphone Jennifer L. Hall From: joseramos Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:30 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Seip( flom my "l Mobile 4G Q.. ITF Device Jennifer L. Hall From: earlcoke Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:24 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Seip( flom my "l Mobile 4G Q.. ITF Device Jennifer L. Hall From: Gold Star Plumbing Service Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:18 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my T -Mobile 5G Device Get Outlook for Android Jennifer L. Hall From: Jordan Keiter (US - Tax) Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:19 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Jordan Keiter PwC I Manager Los Angeles PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP pwc.com The content of this email is limited to the matters specifically addressed herein and is not intended to address other potential tax consequences or the potential application of tax penalties to this or any other matter. The information transmitted, including any attachments, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited, and all liability arising therefrom is disclaimed. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is a Delaware limited liability partnership. This communication may come from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP or one of its subsidiaries. Jennifer L. Hall From: Kamini Parikh Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:10 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Tomas Ponce Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 7:05 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Jennifer L. Hall From: Juan Zambrano Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:43 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Juan Zambrano Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:43 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: ca ptec Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:40 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Seip( from my Verizon, Samstmg Galaxy smarlphone Public Comment From: wtcourtney Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 10:44 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan? NO! Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! YOU WILL BE VERY EMBARRASSED WHEN SRB/MORENO GET'S THESE ENTITLEMENTS APPROVED AND THEN SELLS THE PROPERTY FOR 100's OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS! THE TRANSACTION SHOULD AT LEAST HAVE A CLAUSE THAT ALLOWS THE CITY THE FIRST RIGHT TO PURCHASE AT THE BUYER'S COST SHOULD THEY DECIDE TO SELL. WHY SHOULD SRB PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS? As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER.... NAMELY, THE MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY ( $150Mil for 153 acres, how much do the taxpayers get for the Stadium and the Grove? $0 ... that's how much!). Your NO VOTE CAN take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Jennifer L. Hall From: Kathryn Look Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 11:33 AM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: earldandme Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 12:50 PM To: Council Cc: info@srbmanagement.net Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Seip( flom my ` amswig Galaxy smartphone. Jennifer L. Hall From: Loretta Day Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:46 PM To: Theresa Bass Cc: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: In support - Angel Stadium Item #7 ccm 9/29 From: Rosa Felix Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:57 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: Angel Stadium #7 To whom it may concern, This email is in support of the sale of the Angel Stadium and want to thank the council. Happy that the Angel stadium will be out of the hands of the city of Anaheim and that the team is staying here. we will continue to enjoy the games with our families, but most of all it will not cost tax payers/residents any money to renovate the stadium. No tax bonds in our properties will be appreciated by ALL residents. Lets turn the page so we can see what the Angels will do to the stadium. sincerely, Rosa Felix 45 year plus resident of Anaheim 1 Jennifer L. Hall From: Victor Real Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:44 PM To: Harry Sidhu; Council; Victor Real Cc: Loretta Day; Amanda Edinger; Helen Myers Subject: Fw: The pending sale of Anaheim Angels Stadium Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Mayor Sidhu and Council members As a 50+ years resident of Anaheim and the other residents that opposed the sale of the Anaheim Stadium, We DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! https://www.anaheim.net/2527/Agendas Item 7 relates to Angel Stadium and the surrounding parking lot. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Respectfully, Vic Real WAND Member Anaheim Ca 92801 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Helen Myers <hmyers@anaheim.net> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020, 12:31:45 PM PDT Subject: The pending sale of Anaheim Angels Stadium Hello Residents and Friends of Anaheim, This email and information on the sale of Angel Stadium is sent to you from Denise Barnes, Anaheim City Councilperson District 1. The sale of Angel Stadium and the parking lot affects every resident of Anaheim. City Council Agendas I Anaheim, CA - Official Website City Council Agendas I Anaheim, CA - Official Website /, l "JJ 1,1g, (:fl :�'Ie (J: Item 7 relates to Angel Stadium and the surrounding parking lot. I ask that you read this message and send your comments to LDa a,anaheim. net by Tuesday, September 29, 12noon. She will forward your comments to the mayor and council. Please voice your reactions to this very troubling information. I have fought for you. I will continue to fight for our city. I needyour VOICE TO BE HEARD AT CITY HALL. " Councilwoman Denise Barnes To the Mayor and City Council, As an Anaheim Real Estate Broker for over 35 years, I am shocked that the City of Anaheim is willing to give away over $1 BILLION DOLLARS to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno, went from Bad to Worse. The property next door to the stadium parking lot recently sold for over $4 Million/acre, yet the city plans to sell the 153 acre stadium property to Moreno for $150 Million ( less than $1 Million/acre) and the deal includes the Stadium and the Grove Theatre for FREE! This is an outrageous give away of Anaheim taxpayer property, at a time when Covid-19 has caused an upside down budget for Anaheim. Plus, Moreno has the ability to sell the entire entitled property for a huge profit. The City should at least include a clause in the transaction that should Moreno decide to sell, the City has the first right to buy back The property at Moreno's cost, rather than allow him to profit at the City's miscalculations. I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! YOU WILL BE VERY EMBARRASSED WHEN SRB/MORENO GET'S THESE ENTITLEMENTS APPROVED AND THEN SELLS THE PROPERTY FOR 100's OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS! THE TRANSACTION SHOULD AT LEAST HAVE A CLAUSE THAT ALLOWS THE CITY THE FIRST RIGHT TO PURCHASE AT THE BUYER'S COST SHOULD THEY DECIDE TO SELL. WHY SHOULD SRB PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS? As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER.... NAMELY, THE MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY ($150Mil for 153 acres, how much do the taxpayers get for the Stadium and the Grove? $0 ... that's how much!). Your NO VOTE CAN take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Wally Courtney Anaheim, CA If you do not wish to receive future emails from Councilwoman Barnes, please reply with "'unsubscribe" in the subject line. Jennifer L. Hall From: randykraege Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 4:10 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Pending sale of Anaheim Stadium Dear Mayor and council, please stop this sale, it is a give away to a billionaire! STOP THE SALE NOW! Randy Kraege, 57 years resident, business and property owner in ANAHIEM Jennifer L. Hall From: Ronald Dunar Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 5:53 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Angels Stadium property/properties for sale Please vote NO to the sale of Angels Stadium and the properties surrounding the stadium. I Vote No to item 7 Ronald N Dunar Jennifer L. Hall From: Mary Holquin Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 6:18 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of Anaheim Stadium The City of Anaheim is making the biggest mistakes in its history. Who is running this financial catastrophe? I lived in Anaheim from 1991 to 2002, paid property taxes and sales taxes. I'm angry at the mismanagement of the City. Who sells property in Orange County, California for less than it's potential future value???? Idiots do. A class action lawsuit by Anaheim citizens past and present should be brought against the Mayor of Anaheim and all council members who voted in agreement of this sale. It is a theft and total embarrassment. In the history books, Anaheim will be laughed at and looked upon as fools. Shame on the Mayor of Anaheim and the City Council for allowing this debacle. Artie Moreno is a thief. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Jennifer L. Hall From: VICTORIA MICHAELS Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 7:29 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of Stadium Property Please forward the following to the mayor and council members: As a 25 year resident of the city of Anaheim, I am strongly in opposition to the sale of the stadium property as currently proposed. Mr. mayor, you should not have been on the negotiating committee, given the support you received for your mayoral campaign from the Angels Organization. As a member of the negotiating committee, you represented the residents of Anaheim. In my opinion, the agreement reached for the sale of the property does not represent us well at all. You should be ashamed you would dare allow such a deal. One I dare say would sell the property for far below its value! SRB could turn around the day after the sale and sell the property for the true value and make a huge profit. I wonder if whoever advised you, Mr Sidhu, is receiving a kickback from the buyer. I urge every council member to vote no on this ill proposed plan for the sale of the stadium property. It is not in the best interest of Anaheim! Victoria Michaels Jennifer L. Hall From: Loretta Day Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:51 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Theresa Bass; Jennifer L. Hall; Lauren Torres; Amanda Edinger; Annie Mezzacappa; Cynthia Ward; Daniel Fierro; Helen Myers; Justin Glover; Karen Romero Estrada; Maria Gonzalez; Mariso) Ramirez; Nam Bartash; Samantha Saenz; Sarah Bartczak Subject: RE: Angel Stadium Transaction - Item #7, CCM 9/29 Attachments: angel stadium letter_09282020_011235.pdf See attached for your consideration From: Paul Kott <paulkott@pkrealtors.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:32 PM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Cc: Lisa Hughes <LHughes@anaheim.net>; Jim Vanderpool <JVanderpool@anaheim.net> Subject: Angel Stadium Transaction Please distribute the attached letter to the Mayor and all of the City Council Members in conjunction with tomorrow night's meeting? Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email. Thanks so much, t.,ii I Kott I Broker IAU SU;9'M^C' wr'ItlM XI . ' ar,.XI MMI ,N`MP;7RAI- + ixs:t',[ nY"C'c %,t . m% n.i1"N4Au'�"WPT %D ji 122 °V.Ill li in c o I in A e n I wfi, A ire ahe ii rn, CA 92805 IP Ih oine 71 4) 7 72 00, ISE t. 111 IFax: ( 7 1 e TPaul t RESIDENTIAL_ • COMMERCIAL. • INDUSTRIAL ® INVESTMENT September 28, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu Anaheim City Council City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: Angel Stadium Transaction Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Although the proposed project renderings may have an attractive facade, this transaction represents one of, if not the largest travesties in the history of the City of Anaheim. I believe the City of Anaheim is being fleeced in an amount of over $500,000,000.00. The process of the deal is what is morally and perhaps criminally suspect. There are those who would want us to think that this is very complicated, but it really is not. Although there are some complexities, the short, simple version is that the Angels decided that they did not want to stay in Anaheim and play in Angel Stadium any longer. No one forced them to terminate their already incredibly favorable lease agreement with the City of Anaheim. They tendered a letter to the City of Anaheim exercising their option to effect said termination. The Appraisal that was completed was manipulated at the beginning of the process and at the end in order to "match" the agreed upon purchase price of $325,000,000 (now, $320,000,000). What a coincidence that the Appraisal just happens to identically match what was "negotiated" as the purchase price. This is absurd! There is data galore that indicates that the land alone has a value of at least $4,000,000 per acre and even with the Appraiser's low development assumptions (roughly 10% of the proposed development), two of our developers have estimated the value to be closer to $1 BILLION dollars! How can anyone associated with the City of Anaheim feel that selling what I refer to as, "the crown jewel" of all public assets, for a price point that is at least 25% of FAIR MARKET VALUE would be a good thing to do? Remember, your allegiance is to the City of Anaheim and its taxpayers and stake holders, certainly NOT to the Angels. 1225 WEST LINCOLN AVENUE • ANAHEIM, CA 92805 • (714) 772-7000 ^ FAX (714) 772-3372 RESIDENTIAL < COMMERCIAL o INDUSTRIAL • INVESTMENT WWW. PAU LKOTTREALTORS.COM Mayor Harry Sidhu Anaheim City Council September 28, 2020 Page 2 of 3 We have never needed to be more financially responsible than we do in today's times. As a city, we are bleeding money, dipping into our emergency reserves. Why would we sell an asset worth 4-5 times the proposed price point when we are already in trouble with no TOT replenishing our coffers. All city departments are being asked to cut back, including public safety, first responders at the level of 10-20%. Why would we jeopardize public safety just so the Angels can have a "sweetheart deal" to purchase our stadium? If this makes any sense to you, please let me know how. There are those who would want you to be so gullible to believe that future development would more than make up the difference over time (completion in 30 years!). Their numbers are projected, issued and incorporated into the "staff report" by the Chamber of Commerce. You know, the same people that told us that fireworks and cannabis would be good for Anaheim. I would ask you to trust your own good common sense that this type of development would occur anyway, if the Angels stayed or left (as THEY proposed doing). The false premise being erroneously proffered by the consultants is that the Angels would leave if the City of Anaheim wanted to sell the property at a fair price closer to market value. We cannot negotiate from a position of fear, but rather from a position of fairness. If we do, we will end up the losers! I do not want the Angels to leave, but that does not mean that we should allow them to "blackmail" us by staying ONLY if we give them one of our very valuable prized possessions which should be valued at certainly no less than $600,000,000. The difference of approximately $450,000,000 translates into an immediate benefit to the City of Anaheim of $10,000,000 a year IN PERPETUITY (4.00%) which further translates into incredible benefits for our city which includes increasing sworn police presence, increasing fire/emergency protection, enhancing parks and public places, having a clear financial pathway to fund the pension liability and more! I believe we would still realize every future benefit that is being proposed today with a similar development proposal on a one -of -a -kind property that has spectacular potential in the Platinum Triangle where 3 major freeways converge. When you were elected to your respective offices, you swore to defend and protect the City of Anaheim against issues that were detrimental to our city. This is one of them. As you are well aware, the Samueli's are proposing a fabulous "sister" project adjacent to this one, but without this incredible hardship to the City of Anaheim. We were promised that if the Stadium were to be sold, that it would be at FAIR MARKET VALUE. This is neither FAIR nor at MARKET VALUE. In fact, it is not even close. The fact that when the initial proposal was introduced on a Friday before a holiday weekend and then had the Planning Commission vote on this incredibly important matter, before they even had a chance to read it, digest it, investigate the legitimacy of the deal, inquire as to public input and more, they were asked to vote on approval. I am not sure why an issue of this magnitude is always rushed. This is one of the largest transactions ever before the City Council. Mayor Harry Sidhu Anaheim City Council September 28, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Please don't let consultants RUSH YOU into a foolish decision. I would recommend that we allow this project time to have adequate public input to see what the true merits of the project would be. Only then can we make a determination to see if we really need to "fire sale" our most valuable asset. With respect to the fact that you have already agreed to a 5 year escrow, you owe it to yourselves and more than that, you owe it to the people of Anaheim, to investigate a proposal of this magnitude for yourselves, without "consultant" or Chamber of Commerce interference, as to whether anything I mention merits further discussion or consideration. This does not pass "the proverbial smell test" on any level. I am always available to speak further on this issue, if desired. Respectfully, d _ 4 -T- P " Pa I T. Ki Pr sident Jennifer L. Hall From: Linda Burnett Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:43 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Stop sale of Anaheim Stadium to Arte Moreno Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed To the Mayor of Anaheim and City Council Members, I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! This is yet another ridiculous deal that does not help Anaheim taxpayers. At the very least take away his ability to re -sell the property that you plan to give away for free. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER.... NAMELY, THE MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY Your NO VOTE CAN take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Linda Burnett Anaheim, CA Jennifer L. Hall From: Jericho Fulgencio Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:40 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: NO to Sale of Anaheim Stadium Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed I am Jericho Fulgencio, a citizen of Anaheim in District 1 represented by Denise Barnes. I urge you to vote NO for the sale of Anaheim Stadium under the current plan! The current plan contains no provisions that benefit the citizens of Anaheim whatsoever, especially without the option for a buyback. This is blatant theft from the taxpayers of Anaheim, going into the hands of private interests. I urge the mayor and all council members go consider what is best for the citizens of our city. Think it through and do the right thing. Or we will remember come election time. Jennifer L. Hall From: Lisa Scott Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:02 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of stadium land Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed I do not support selling the stadium land based on the current proposal. This is a shady deal! Do the right thing, for goodness sakes. In a time when so few politicians are doing what is right for the people, vote no on the current proposal. Lisa Scott Resident of Anaheim for 46 years Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: William Mosconi Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:39 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Property sale to Moreno Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Few words, vote NO, Anaheim citizens are being taken for a ride, this should have never happened. Jennifer L. Hall From: Dee Luna Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 2:20 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of Angels Stadium. Why are we giving away billions of dollars. When the neighboring lot sold for $4 million an acre, why are you selling the Anaheim Stadium for less than a million an acre???? Especially with losing so much tourist money because of the pandemic, we can't afford to give money away. Vote no and rethink the sale for Anaheim's advantage, not SRB/Moreno. And add a clause to give Anaheim the first buyers right to purchase at the buyer's cost should they decide to sell. City Resident Dolores Luna Home of the Free because of the Brave. Jennifer L. Hall From: Susan E s Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 2:48 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Angel Stadium Sale To All Involved parties, investors, politicians: I am very much opposed to the sale of the properties and land owned by the City of Anaheim as the deal now stands. I believe the citizens of our community are not being adequately informed of the true value of the property. I believe the mayor and council members owe their constituents an honest and open disclosure of what is being offered up for pennies on the dollar. I believe if the common man, who is now distracted while being consumed with the responsibilities and losses created from current circumstances related to the pandemic, were to be informed of repercussions from this particular give away he would be sickened. The mere fact that the parties involved have so little regard for our unique and beautiful city that the name Anaheim is being removed from the stadium and the team is an unmitigated tragedy as well as another financial give away. Anyone who cares for the people and the welfare of our community should be shame stricken. The lure of personal gain and power is a true sickness which threatens the heart and soul of those who have been given the gift of trust from those they represent. Please delay moving forward with this travesty until the public has been adequately informed. We need transparency. We have a right to transparency. We demand transparency. Thank you for listening, Susan AndersonGohl Jennifer L. Hall From: David Flores DTM. District 100 Director Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 3:28 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: sale of community property As a resident of Anaheim over 60 years, am appalled that the city is considering the sale of Anaheim stadium property. Mr. Moreno is no friend of the citizens of Anaheim. He is a vulture stealing from the city in troubling times. The council should not sell such assets that belong to the citizens of Anaheim. Especially such a ridiculous price. It is up to the people to decide. I strongly oppose the sale Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Jennifer L. Hall From: Arianne Custer Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 3:48 PM To: Loretta Day Subject: Sale of Angels Stadium Parking Lot If you are going to sell the Angels Stadium Parking Lot, to include the Grove and the stadium itself, ensure that the property is sold at market value. The current proposed sale of $150 million is grossly under value and will prevent the City of Anaheim from gaining a fair compensation that will then allow for continued care of it's obligations to the residents, visitors, business owners and other constituents. We love Anaheim because of how well they run the city and care for it. Don't put the city at a loss in the future by pushing through a sale that isn't properly priced by millions of dollars. Thank you - A Custer Public Comment From: John Kincannon Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:31 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: renee medrano Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:46 PM To: Big A Subject: KEEP THE ANGELS IN ANAHEIM Please! The city loves their team and we need the jobs!! Thank you, Renee Medrano Public Comment From: amelia castro Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:58 PM To: Big A Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are huge fans of the team. I strongly support the deal the city has negotiated on behalf of the taxpayers. The deal is fair for both the taxpayers and the team. Our beautiful city will thrive with more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Amelia Castro Anaheim Resident Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: Susan Montagnino - The Ranch <smontagnino@theranch.com> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 3:29 PM To: Big A Subject: Letter of Support for Angels Baseball Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Please accept our support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. This will position our city alongside other U.S. with professional sports' teams. Additionally, the deal will improve the economy of business owners, residents, and the City of Anaheim. The development of housing, offices, hotels, dining, and shops will bring paying customers not just during the baseball season, but all year round, allowing stadium visitors and residents with plenty to do before and after games. All that economic activity will result in tax revenue for the city, and will support jobs locally. This proposal will go a long way to helping us boost our economy and support the creation of thousands of jobs. We look forward to having the Angels until at least 2050 and to continue working in a prosperous city. All our best, Susan Montagnino VP Business Operations iHIE, P A N C iH RESTAURANT & SALOON 1025 E. Ball Rd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Office 714.517.6004 Mobile theranch.com Public Comment From: Brad Purcha Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 3:48 PM To: Big A Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim Importance: High Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are huge fans of the team and are so happy the city has negotiated a fair deal for taxpayers and the team. It's wonderful that the plan will include more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Brad Purcha Anaheim Resident Yours truly, Brad Purcha Benefit Counselor, Colonial Life CA Lic #071605 Office: (714) 991-48551 Mobile: Fax: (714) 991-4851 Anaheim, CA 92801 Specializing in: Voluntary Benefits, Group & Individual Health, Dental, Life & Disability, Medicare, & True Freedom (an alternative to Long Term Care) 1 Public Comment From: Louie Cota Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 5:54 PM To: Big A Subject: Concerns about Angels development To whom it may concern, Thank you for sharing this information with Anaheim residents. It seems very throughout and well presented. Although I like what I see, I can't help but think about how this will affect those that live in this city. Although the price tag for this land is 320 million, more than half of that is NOT going to be paid by the potential new owner, Mr. Moreno.If the residents are going to be responsible for more than half of 320 million, we should have a say in this but means of voting. As the presenter for the Zoom meeting states, we are able to express our views on the subject, but that is MUCH different than having a vote on the matter. We should not have to take up the slack for someone who is more than capable of paying the full price. What is going to happen if the new owners want to make changes to the plans that benefit residents? Who is going to stop Moreno from making changes that benefit himself? Again, we should not be taking up slack for a billionaire. Another issue to consider, Anaheim is a BIG city and the residents of West Anaheim are not likely to see much change, such are property value. This plan should not be rushed and all residents should have a voice on this matter. Sincerely, Louie Cota Public Comment From: Ryan Swan Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 12:58 PM To: Big A Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Please strongly consider keeping the Angels in Anaheim where they belong. They have been my team for as long as I can remember (30+ years). Removing an attraction like this from the Anaheim area to be replaced with dense housing is a mistake. Over time the area will become depressed and a drag on Anaheim, just as many of the older surrounding neighborhoods have become. Besides Disneyland, Anaheim doesn't have much to offer. Please keep the Angels here. Thank you, Ryan Swan Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: MG Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 3:53 PM To: Big A Subject: Thank you! Thank you to all who voted to keep the Angels in Anaheim! You have my family's full support. Thank you for caring about our future and keeping the memories of this great city going. Public Comment From: Sue Farano Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 10:52 AM To: Big A Subject: Support for Angels Agreement Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Please support the city staff recommendation for the Angels agreement on Tuesday. The agreement is fully supported by my family. Thank you for your leadership on behalf of our city. Sincerely, Sue Farano Public Comment From: Tiffany Wilkins Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 10:54 AM To: Big A Subject: Support for Angels Dear Mayor and Council, Please support the Angels agreement on Tuesday. It is the best plan for our community and keeps the team in Anaheim! Please do the right thing for residents and vote YES. Sincerely, Tiffany Wilkins Public Comment From: Terri Crones Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 8:27 PM To: Big A Subject: Stadium redo To whom it may concern - I love this idea! Keep our Angels in Anaheim! I'm so sad the season is over, but I will forever look forward to next year. I believe our time is coming. Make this deal happen! Cheers - Terri Crones Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: paul gilmore Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 2:41 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment Subject: FW: Angel Stadium -----Original Message ----- From: Erin Ryan <ERyan@anaheim.net> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:15 PM To: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Angel Stadium -----Original Message ----- From: Teresa Hernandez Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 1:14 PM To: Big A <BigA@anaheim.net> Subject: Angel Stadium Hello, I am a homeowner at Anaheim Calif, . I am a big sports fan and especially the Angels. Anaheim is so lucky to have a MLB team located in its City walls. Please do not be fools like the City council was in San Diego when they let the Charges move to Los Angles, they lost thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue to the city. I urge you to vote to keep the Angels where they belong in Anaheim California. Thank you Teresa Hernandez Public Comment From: Kim Hay _ Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:23 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Leigh Ann Gilmore Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:27 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Best regards, Leigh Ann Gilmore Business Solutions Field Trainer Employee Benefits Division 1 Broker Division Specialist t 714.336.7570 1 f 775.806.2896 e LeighAnnGilmore@LegalShieldAssociate.com w www.Lei2hAnnGilmore.com r Specializing in Legal & Identity Theft Voluntary Benefits Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Rob Lester President Anaheim Firefighters Local 2899 president(cDafa2899.org Rob Lester <president@afa2899.org> Monday, September 28, 2020 3:51 PM Public Comment Anaheim Firefighters Stadiumsale.pdf ANAHEIM FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION 1AFT1,0CAL 2899 1293 N. Patt Street, Anaheim, CA 92801 O (714) 447-3899 ® F (714) 447-3898 ® www.afa2899.org EXECUTIVE Dear Mayor and Anaheim City Council, BOARD President The men and women of the Anaheim Firefighters Association serve Rob Lester this community every day providing vital public safety services, Vice President especially now, as we are on the front line against wild fires, Covid- Jim Ramirez 19, homelessness, and many other types of incidents. We also know Treasurer TonyManzo how important it is that Anaheim provides for the resources to Secretary enable our members to do their job, and to do it well while Nathan Petralia protecting our community. Director David Baker This is why the Anaheim Firefighters Association Local 2899 supports Director the Angels Stadium property sale and development agreement. We Alex Hale urge you to vote yes on its approval. As firefighters and public safety Director Joe Aldecoa professionals, we're encouraged to see in the details of the final plan Director that part of this property was exempted from the sale and will DennisYunk remain in city control. This allows our department to construct a Director new state of the art fire station at the stadium site and to server Tyler Bashaw everyone throughout the Platinum Triangle area. We're happy to see that this proposal will bring to Anaheim and the good paying union jobs that will be created. Also, the new revenue that will be generated will assist Anaheim in providing important city services like public safety. The retail, restaurant, and entertainment potential, plus hotels, allows visitors to flock to the venues before, during, and after Angels games. This will contribute greatly to Anaheim's economy, in conjunction with the sales and hotel bed taxes that will be generated to benefit Anaheim's general fund and ensure that residents throughout Anaheim are properly served. ANAHEIM FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION 1AFT1,0CAL 2899 1293 N. Patt Street, Anaheim, CA 92801 O (714) 447-3899 ® F (714) 447-3898 ® www.afa2899.org EXECUTIVE BOARD The planned commercial and office space will create more good President Rob Lester paying union jobs, based right here in Anaheim, alongside thousands Vice President of new housing units, including affordable housing. This will allow Jim Ramirez residents to live and work close to home without having to commute Treasurer TonyManzo and spend long hours away from their families. Secretary Again, you Anaheim Firefighters stand in support of this agreement Nathan Petralia Anaheim and SRB Management and urge you to vote in Directorbetween David Baker favor of this agreement. Director Alex Hale Thank you, Director Joe Aldecoa Rob Lester Director President Dennis Yunk Director Tyler Bashaw Public Comment From: Richard Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:57 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium. Giving arte the stadium is not good for our city. He doesn't even want to be here! LA Angles . If he was in earnest, it would be Anaheim Angles. Just raise the rent and leave it at that. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Marisela Santacruz Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:03 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jeff Farano Sr. (HQ Orange 0559) <jlfarano@sarecycling.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:38 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium deal. I am submitting this public comment in support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. SA Recycling has been operating a metal recycling business in Anaheim for over 30 years. The Anaheim recycling facility is located on 20 acres with millions invested in fixed equipment and provides employment for over 150 employees. SA is involved in the community and it has substantial interests in the financial conditions of the city of Anaheim. SA's owners feel that this deal is not only a good one for the Angels, but it's an even bigger win for Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand new stadium. This development with amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists, and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. And of course, this plan means the Angels will be staying in Anaheim until 2050, at least thereby providing long term assurance of income to the city general fund. We also believe that a city should be in the business of owning and operating stadiums, especially when private parties are willing to own and operate the facility. The stadium area will be the new place to shop, eat, drink, and of course watch the Angels play, along with many other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for our community include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,175 new housing units which will be built, including integrated affordable housing which Anaheim desperately needs. These benefits area only available if the city sells the property. The city invested in this property over 50 years ago and now it is able to reap substantial benefits for this investment. The development will add to over 30,000 jobs during construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trades jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post -construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable. I urge you to support this deal to support our community and it's residents. Jeff Farano Sr. Esq. Corporate Legal Counsel/Governmental Relations SA Recycling Cell Direct office. 714-632-2059 Public Comment From: Ross <ross@caistealbuilders.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:40 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. 2 Caisteal Builders, 3910 E. Coronado St. 4101 Anaheim, CA 92807 714/630-9922 714/630-9923 Fax www.caistealbuilders.com Public Comment From: john shimamura _ Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:45 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Sale of Anaheim Stadium Dear City of Anaheim, A 52 year resident in this great city of Anaheim. I grew up just a few miles down the road from Anaheim Stadium and attended as many Angel games as much as possible. As a member of the Junior Angels Club of 1968, 1 would like to voice my opinion on the sale of the Stadium. This stadium belongs to the people of Anaheim and should be kept under the cities domain. Do Not Sell. Let the Los Angeles Angeles move to LA and if you do sell, we should be asking for fair market value for the Stadium and surrounding land. Put the Stadium up for bid. I would rather see it go to Disney, that has done more for this city and put Anaheim on the map. Do Not Sell. Thank You, John Shimamura Anaheim Resident since 1968 Sent from my iPad Public Comment From: Peter Mitchell <peter@pmconsultinginc.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:08 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Good Afternoon! Please find a letter attached from the Anaheim Police Association (APA) for the City Council Meeting and upcoming item relative to the Big A Angels deal ............. Attachments: Anaheim Police Association (APA) Letter in support of Big A 2050 deal with SRB Mgmt and City of Anaheim to City Council dated September 28 2020.docx Importance: High Good Afternoon! Please find a letter attached from the Anaheim Police Association (APA) for the City Council Meeting and upcoming item relative to the Big A Angels deal.............tku so much for entering it in! pwm ******************************************* Peter W. Mitchell Executive Director Orange County Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (OC Cops) Consultant/Contractor Anaheim Police Association (APA) California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) P.O. Box 518 Brea, CA 92822 24 Hour Cell/Txt FAX (714) 459-7143 Email: p! tIgEC�P.p nsultin ;i_nc.co_m https://occops.org/leadership/ 1 � 1' 3156 E. La Palu'iia Avenue, Ste. B � Anaheim, CaVVforriva 92806 Telephone; (714) 635 0271 September 28, 2020 The Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers City of Anaheim (Sent via email) Re: SECOND letter in Strong Support -- Big A 2050 Project & Agreement; and Stadium Development Plan with SRB Management. Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Councilmembers, Staff and Members of the Community: On behalf of the men and women of the Anaheim Police Association (APA) who serve all for the great city Anaheim who live, work and visit here every day: we are proud to rise once again in strong support, and urge you to as well strongly support, the site plan proposal and development agreement reached between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. We are so proud this was approved by a 6-1 vote of the Anaheim Planning Commission during its special meeting on September 9, 2020! As our previous letter sent to the Planning Commission weeks ago stated and what you already know: The APA has consistently supported for almost the last twenty years economic growth, development and projects/businesses that benefit all while growing the budget, creating more opportunity and jobs for all. This specific project in question is excellent for so many reasons. It starts with some of the great community benefits, which include: • 777 affordable housing apartments integrated into market rate apartments in the planned total of 5175 units. • A seven -acre central urban park, publicly accessible for the use of resident and visitors, in addition to approximately five acres of additional parks spaces throughout the development area. We believe there is near total support citywide that keeping our beloved Angels Baseball team in Anaheim is a great thing, and this Agreement does exactly that: by committing the team to staying in this city until 2050, with options for up to another 25 years. Great for Anaheim, and great for those of us who are Angels fans and staff the events. Not to mention the businesses, children and families and more who also benefit and love our Anaheim franchises! Other benefits include but are not limited to: Opening up the 150 acres that the stadium is currently sited on to development opportunity means more opportunity for the city to enhance revenues thanks to new property taxes, sales taxes and hotel bed taxes collected. These and other new opportunities at additional revenues for the Budgets, help to fund city services like public safety, community programs, help for those in need and more. Supporting public employees, jobs and public safety is a top priority for not only us at the APA but consistently by all citywide! Next, the Master Site Plan for the proposed plan calls for: • 2.7 million square feet of office space. • 1.75 million square feet of retail, restaurant, and hotel space. • 943 hotel rooms. And other exciting benefits! This is once again great news for our local economy and regional benefits and jobs; for companies who want to bring new vitality to the area around the stadium; and for creating once again another world-class entertainment, retail and dining destination experience in Anaheim on the same level or hopefully better than L.A. Live has now. In closing, this once again means more benefit for all residents and businesses of Anaheim, and more revenue to support and boost programs in the city budget that serve everyone, like our parks and recreation, community services, fixing and maintaining streets, and paying for fire and police services to name just a few. Not to mention providing new business and revenue and opportunities for so many existing and future businesses. Covid-19 has been devastating to our businesses, our families, city budgets and more -- and we need to do all possible to enhance revenues immediately and provide as much relief and hope of future growth and opportunity. Again, as we did in our September 9 letter to the Planning Commission, the Anaheim Police Association strongly supports this proposal and urges the Anaheim City Council, to vote in strong and unanimous support of it as well! Sincerely, w, d � Edgar Hampton President Anaheim Police Association (APA) m Peter Mitchell Consultant, Anaheim Police Association (APA) Executive Director, Orange County Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (OC Cops) Public Comment From: Heather Heleloa <hheleloa@theranch.com> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 1:23 PM To: Big A Subject: Letter of Support for Angels Baseball Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Please accept our support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. This will position our city alongside other U.S. with professional sports' teams. Additionally, the deal will improve the economy of business owners, residents, and the City of Anaheim. The development of housing, offices, hotels, dining, and shops will bring paying customers not just during the baseball season, but all year round, allowing stadium visitors and residents with plenty to do before and after games. All that economic activity will result in tax revenue for the city, and will support jobs locally. This proposal will go a long way to helping us boost our economy and support the creation of thousands of jobs. We look forward to having the Angels until at least 2050 and to continue working in a prosperous city. All our best, Heather View a virtual tour of our Events Center: I:h� ranc h_.c orn�events ::..cenI.er/3c�..::a.our HEATHER HELELOA Director of Marketing, THE RANCH Restaurant & Saloon 1025 East Ball Road, Anaheim CA 92805 714.780.4042 1 fheranch.com Public Comment From: Lucas Walden Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 1:28 PM To: Big A Subject: Letter of support for Angels baseball Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are huge fans of the team and are so happy the city has negotiated a fair deal for taxpayers and the team. It's wonderful that the plan will include more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Lucas J. Walden Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Orlando Perez Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 1:28 PM To: Big A Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim! Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are huge fans of the team and are so happy the city has negotiated a fair deal for taxpayers and the team. It's wonderful that the plan will include more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Orlando Perez FIRM. T:ii1YAC:Caiii Orlando Perez - REALTOR® - Polar Realty - Brokered by: eXp Realty Commercial and Residential Cell: DRE 401960362 Click on my Polar Realty website 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Brokered with. jvd�,,exREALTY ARE HGI'fl 878277 Never trust wiring instructions sent via email. Always independently confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number. Never wire money without double-checking that the wiring instructions are correct. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This communication is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is addressed. It may contain information that is privileged or confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or return e-mail, delete the message from your computer system, and return any hard copies of the message to the sender by mail. Your assistance in maintaining the integrity of e-mail communications is appreciated. Public Comment From: serg Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:04 PM To: Big A Subject: Angels Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim, to do otherwise would be disastrous to not only Anaheim but to Orange County as well. All of you are already well versed in the details so there is no need to reiterate. My family and I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and hopefully longer. Friends of ours, many who do not reside in Anaheim but are long time Season Ticket holders, also wish to convey their hopes that this council body will do the fiscally wise and right thing and keep the Angels in Anaheim. Thank you for your leadership, Sergio E. Gonzalez Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Kacee Colter Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:08 PM To: Big A Subject: Keep Angels In Anaheim Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. I am a huge fans of the team and are so happy the city has negotiated a fair deal for taxpayers and the team. It's wonderful that the plan will include more than $320 million for General Fund and community benefits. I strongly support the deal negotiated by the city, supported by the city's Planning Commission, that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. Thank you for your leadership, Kacee Colter Managing Partner Fire + Ice Interactive Grill & Bar 1 Public Comment From: Linda Hurley Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:10 PM To: Big A Subject: Angels Please keep the Angels in Anaheim! Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Loretta Day Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:42 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Theresa Bass; Jennifer L. Hall; Amanda Edinger; Annie Mezzacappa; Cynthia Ward; Daniel Fierro; Helen Myers; Justin Glover; Karen Romero Estrada; Maria Gonzalez; Mariso) Ramirez; Nam Bartash; Samantha Saenz; Sarah Bartczak Subject: RE: Opposed - Anaheim Stadium Sale - Item #7 From: Andy Morales Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 1:33 PM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Anaheim Stadium Sale Hello, I am a life long resident of Anaheim for over 57 years, a second generation Anaheim business owner. I just wanted to express my extreme concern about the proposed sale of one of the City's biggest assets. I can't see in any way the how the proposed sale agreement as presented to the public is good for the City or it's residents. When I first learned that the stadium was to be sold for $350 million my first thought was " that price sounds really low for 150+ acres" in that location. In doing a little research my thoughts were indeed correct with surrounding parcels going for considerably more money. Then as this story unfolds the price has been lowered again by roughly half. The explanation being that he is going to build a park and some housing? I am not sure what the reason would be for the reduction, maybe to reduce property taxes? I don't see in this agreement that he is bound by any reasonable time frames to complete the housing or park. Or why are we reducing the price to have SRB/MORENO to design and construct. If the City is in need of a $170 million park and housing why doesn't the City do it on its own? So I guess my question would be is WHY? Why would the Mayor and the council vote to give a billionaire an iconic long time Anaheim asset for less then half price? This is the same billionaire that sued our City to REMOVE the Anaheim name from it's team name that it was contractually bound by when he purchased the team. Mr. Moreno has made numerous attempts to move the team to other locations when he doesn't get what he wants. The bottom line is Mr Moreno has no loyalty to Anaheim or it's residents. His actions in dealing with the City has proved this during his ownership of the team. Anaheim does not owe Mr. Moreno a dime for anything much less giving him this property for a fraction of its value. Mr. Moreno purchased a World Series winning team and much to my dismay, I have watched over the years how his stewardship of it has driven this team to the bottom of the league. I guess this proposed deal is a reward of several hundred million dollars from the City for something that I am not understanding. The past history of Mr. Moreno and his dealings with the City leads me to believe that he can't be trusted to live up to any agreement that he and the City would engage into. A few years down the road and he will be back at the table to renegotiate. This proposed convoluted arrangement is ripe for this to take place. And the City residents will be the ones that this impacts. Years of court and legal fees to come with this agreement as proposed in my opinion. Just as an example, what if after the SRB/MORENO group takes control of the property and they decide to sell some or all to another group or entity for a huge profit. That would make this City council's decision on this proposed agreement look even more foolish and irresponsible. In my opinion the structure of any agreement with SRB/MORENO group should be straightforward and should be a set price for the land and stadium and it be a done deal. No reduce the price for this or that or thresholds that have to be met. Very simple! Why should this sale be any different then any other land transaction by the City that would involve public discussions, appraisals and open market bidding for this property. There seems to be a very fast push to ram this deal through with little to no oversight. I don't believe the SRB/MORENO group are the only ones that would be interested in this property. I guess I could keep going on but I will stop with this. I believe the proposed agreement as it stands is a bad deal for Anaheim and should be flatly rejected with a "NO" vote by the City Council. Alex Morales Anaheim Resident and Business Owner Public Comment From: Jesse Magana Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 5:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Maricela Alvarez Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 7:08 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. �� HE Public Comment From: Reuben Franco <reubenfranco@ochcc.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 7:45 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Mayor Harry Sidhu and Anaheim City Councilmembers letter.docx.pdf Attachments: Mayor Harry Sidhu and Anaheim City Councilmembers letter.docx.pdf To Mayor Sidhu and the Anaheim City Council, Thank you for the opportunity to submit public comments. Sincerely, Reuben Franco Reuben Franco President & CEO Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 1 Banting Suite A Irvine, CA 92618 Office: (714)953-4289 Cell: September 25, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu and Anaheim City Councilmembers, 1 Banting Suite A, Irvine, CA 92618 www.ochcc.org T: (714) 953-4289 Cell: On behalf of the Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, which represents the interests of and provides access to the over 30,000 Hispanic owned businesses which call Orange County home, and a great number of those in Anaheim, I would urge your support for the Angel Stadium sale and property development deal which is on your agenda for September 29. Last December, the City Council took the first important steps in this process. What you have before you on your agenda will finalize that purchase and sale, and give approval to the development plans put forward by SRB Management. So what's in it for Anaheim? The deal points are not just simple, they represent an amazing milestone in the history of the Platinum Triangle, and of Anaheim: • $320 million purchase price for 150 acres of stadium property and Angel Stadium - $150 million in cash, and $170 million in community benefits to the City of Anaheim Those community benefits include: • Nearly 800 much needed affordable housing units integrated into the 5175 market -rate housing units in the proposed site plan • A seven -acre city park freely accessible to and for the use of the public, in addition to another five acres of parks as required under the existing zoning requirements And of course, with that property comes the potential for great development opportunities to help that site come alive with additional employment, sales tax generation, and hotel tax generation for Anaheim. Included in the Master Site Plan is approval for up to: • 2.7 million square feet of office space • 1.75 million square feet of retail, restaurant, and hotels • Up to two hotels with a total of 943 hotel rooms With an additional 11 acres of open flex space, which can be used for either additional future development, outdoor activities and uses, or be home to a future new stadium in the event the current stadium is replaces, we see an outstanding plan for the future of that site. I Banting Suite A, Irvine, CA 92618 www.ochcc.org ocrtcc T: (714) 953-4289 ORANGE COUNTY HI PAN X CHAMBER of COMMERCE Cell: And of course, on top of all that and of the utmost importance to Angels fans, the team commits to staying in Anaheim until 2050, 30 years from now. With options for extensions at the discretion of Angels Baseball, it adds another 25 years to that, meaning the Angels could be here up to 55 years from now under this agreement. All told, this is an incredible deal, and an incredible point in the history of Anaheim and Orange County. The chance here to open up this property to income generating potential and job creating potential that hasn't existed before is too good to pass up. The community benefits it provides to Anaheim and to all local residents is a testament to the ability of the city's negotiators and Angels' ownership willingness to work together for the improvement of the community. I urge your support of and vote for approval of finalizing this sale and approval of the proposed development agreement and site plan. Best Reuben D. anco President CEO Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Public Comment From: Brenda McGuire Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:11 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Brenda McGuire Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall From: Planning Commission Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:37 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Cc: Susan Kim; David See Subject: FW: Support to vote yes for SRB Management Angels Agreement Attachments: Letter -of -Support SRB Management Angels Agreement.pdf From: Cindy Smith <csmith@majesticgardenhotel.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:37 AM To: Planning Commission <PCommision@anaheim.net> Subject: Support to vote yes for SRB Management Angels Agreement Dear Sirs/Madams: I respectfully submit the attached letter to urge the City Council Members to vote yes in favor of the SRB Management/Angels Agreement. Warm regards, Cindy Smith Director of Sales & Marketing iFes 1.844.CASTL -5 dir 714.234.2405 fx 714.778-5666 CSmitlhCa)majesticgardenhotel.com 1 �pp� ANAHEIM R"� AJESTIC "4 GARDEN HOTEL 900 S. Disneyland Drive Anaheim, CA 92802 September 28, 2020 Anaheim City Council 200 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim CA 92805 Dear Sirs/Madame: I am writing this letter in support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This deal is not only a good one for the Angels, but it is an even bigger win for Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand-new stadium. This development with amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists, and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. This will be the new place to shop, eat, drink, and of course watch the Angels play, along with many other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for our community include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,175 new housing units which will be built, including integrated affordable housing which Anaheim desperately needs. The development also means revenue generated for the city in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, hotel bed taxes, all of which will add up to $7 billion in total regional economic output every year, and $1.2 billion into Anaheim's general fund. Add to that over 30,000 jobs during construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trades jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post -construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable. And of course, this plan means the Angels will be staying in Anaheim until 2050, at least. I urge you to support this deal to support our community and its residents. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Smith Director of Sales & Marketing Jennifer L. Hall From: Planning Commission Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:41 PM To: Jennifer L. Hall Cc: David See; Susan Kim Subject: FW: Angel Stadium Development Plan From: Kim Painter <kpainter@majesticgardenhotel.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:43 PM To: Planning Commission <PCommision@anaheim.net> Subject: Angel Stadium Development Plan September 28, 2020 Anaheim City Council 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Sir/Madame: I am writing in support of the important Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This deal is not only a good one for the Angels organization, but is an even bigger win for the city of Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand new stadium. This development will amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. This will be the new place to shop, eat, drink and naturally watch the Angels play, along with may other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for our community include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,000+ new housing units which will be built. This includes integrated affordable housing which Anaheim needs. The development also means more revenue generated for the city in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, hotel bed taxes, all of which will add up to $7 billion in total regional economic output every year and $1.2 billion into Anaheim's general fund. Add to that over 30,000 jobs during the construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trades jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable! Another great benefit to this plan is the fact that the Angels will be staying in Anaheim until at least 2050. I urge you to support this important plan to support our community and its residents. Thank you. Best regards, Kim Painter General Manager t - 714.234.2409 f - 714.254.2311 A NA HE1,NI' I(rwA , VrIn' of/d CI . R t), E110"TEL 900 South Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA 92802 www.Maiesticgardenhotel.com Jennifer L. Hall From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:28 AM To: Theresa Bass Cc: Jennifer L. Hall Subject: Opposition re: The pending sale of Anaheim Angels Stadium From: William Mosconi Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:42 PM Subject: Re: The pending sale of Anaheim Angels Stadium Vote NO. Should have never happened this way, the city and citizens are being taken advantage of once again. Public Comment From: Julie Showalter Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:29 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium To the Mayor and Council Members, I am outraged that our Council majority believes that it is ethical to sell city assets, as in the Stadium land, without consent of the citizens of Anaheim AND under value! All this done while the mayor will not allow in- person council meetings. I have lived in Anaheim for 33 years. I am proud of our city and volunteer my time to Love Anaheim, and as a board member on the public utilities. I conduct myself in a professional manner, representing the citizens of Anaheim. I expect the Council to do the same, especially considering the huge responsibility that you hold. I urge you to cancel the sale of the stadium property in the interests of all citizens of Anaheim. The stadium property is a huge asset to our city and public property should not be sold without full transparency to, and in agreement with, the residents. Respectfully, Julie Showalter Anaheim resident of 33 years Public Comment From: William Leming Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:38 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Staduim Subject: Sale of Anaheim Stadium Orange County Register Sunday, September 27, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, After reading the acritical that appeared in the Orange County Register, I am very concerned that the transaction favors the buyer and leaves the citizens of Anaheim on the short end of the sale. With over 45 years of Real Estate experience in the Orange County Real Estate market, this sale has undervalued the property. I would ask you not to approve the sale and give the community more time to review and ask questions such as, was an independent appraisal completed? Those who oppose the sale, can they complete an appraisal prepared by an independent appraiser at their cost? I do not see why we need to give billionaires a sweetheart deal at the expense of the citizens of Anaheim. If the owner wants to move to Long Beach let him, and he can go play at Dodger Stadium for a few years. With Regards, William ( Bill) Leming - RCCD J, Inc. Anaheim, CA 92807 Public Comment From: Bobby Olea Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:39 AM To: Public Comment Shame on Harry and rest of council selling the stadium. You don't care about the people. SHAME ON U Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: TatumDhnnenberg <tatum@aitken|aw.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 20'2O2O8:SOAM To: Public Comment Subject: STOP the Stadium Sale Attachments: STOP the Stadium Sa|e9df Sent on behalf of Wylie and Bette Aitken Tatum Drinnenherg Executive Assistant to Elizabeth & Wylie Aitken All"KEN ~AITKEN-(-'�OHN At 3MacArthur Place, Suite 800~Santa Ana, CA 92707 DiscNalimeir The infonmadon coir)tained in this communication firnm the aender!is conf1demdaL IN:: ia iir)tended ao|e|yfor use Uydhe recjpier)tand cthens authorized to receive iit. if you ape i the recipient, you ape hepeUy i that anydiac|oaupe, copying, disthUudon or taking action in pe|adon of the contents of this infonmadon ia sthct|y pmhili and may Ue un|awfuL Thiaemai| haa Ueen s(:anned for viruses and ma|wape, and may have Ueen amomadcaUyairchived Uy Kiiii III td, an innovatorin Software as Sen/ice (SaaS) for Uuainess. Pmviding a safeii-and ii usefuU place for yourhuman generated data. Specia|izing in; Security, archiving and comp|iance. To flnd out moire Chi k -He c�. Sincerely, Wylie and Bette Aitken September 28, 2020 WYLIFi A. AITKEN DARREN o. AiTKGN Dear Council Members: Ciiiiis'ronim R. Ail -KEN RIC.HARo A. COHN My wife and I have been residents of Anaheim for nearly 40 years. I have been an CASEY R. ]oF NSON Angels ticket holder since 1970 (50 years). MICHALL.A. PENN Even if you could possibly justify your support of the proposed sale (which when held to the light of day you can't) the process itself is fatally flawed. Closed door meetings, no public ArrIct,s N. wc<,MAN input, a mayor who appointed himself to be the sole negotiator, and a manipulated price and MEGAN c._ DEMSFIKI manipulated negotiations in secret is in strong contrast to a process that was in place before the AsiaFiIGH e. AITKFN Angels applied pure raw political power. Qf0a°,scl As the former chief negotiator for the city working with the city attorney and city manager and DEBORAH L. MILLER his chief assistant, we were working toward a fair and amicable resolution for the continuation Firm ` (hn " `st r" for of the Angels in Anaheim, beneficial to both the Angels and the city. Suddenly the Angels, without cause, walked away from the negotiations. Why? The meetings had been fruitful. The why soon became abundantly clear. Within a year, our then strong orange Comity mayor, Tom Tait, would be term limited out of office. If they could elect a majority under their 3 MacArthur Place, suite 800 P.O. Box 2555 thumb, they could then manipulate the flawed public plan without public hearings or public Santa Ana, California 92707 input. But still such a nefarious plan would not work without eliminating the ability to force the Tel: (714) 434-1424 Angels hand. g Fax: (714) 434-3600 The Angels then manipulated a one year extension of their option to stay so Sidhu and the Inland Empire Angels could proceed outside of any public scrutiny. This is all public knowledge. 7121 Magnolia Avenue, mite A What I learned through many meetings and a report we were working on to give to the full Riverside,925 Riverside, CA )25f)4 council is now protected against public disclosure. TeL I urge the council to make public the entire history of the negotiations. The citizens of Anaheim deserve no less than full and fair disclosure of both our negotiations and the negotiations undertaken by Mayor Sidhu. Instead, what we are now getting is a council except for Moreno or Barnes which refuses to allow public comment and blocks the truth from coming out by making an utterly false claim that they are not allowed to allow public comment due to an order in March made by Governor Newsom. Explain that when the rest of the county and the state is holding public meetings. Sincerely, Wylie and Bette Aitken Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ian Gee General Manager 1855 South Harbor Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92802 Marriott. com/S NAPS Ian Gee <igee@sheratonparkanaheim.com> Monday, September 28, 2020 5:38 PM Public Comment Letter in support of the Angels Stadium Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer.pdf Providing Supporl for our Associates & Communitios Control & click on the logo to contribute. Thank you! Wd2sIte ke us G;)n &;Ak)w us &;)n Mtteir 1 September 28, 2020 Honorable Mayor Sidhu Members of the Anaheim City Council Ladies and Gentlemen: am writing this letter in support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This deal is not only a good one for the Angels, but it's an even bigger win for Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand new stadium. This development with amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists, and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. This will be the new place to shop, eat, drink, and of course watch the Angels play, along with many other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for our community include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,175 new housing units which will be built, including integrated affordable housing which Anaheim desperately needs. The development also means revenue generated for the city in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, hotel bed taxes, all of which will add up to $7 billion in total regional economic output every year, and $1.2 billion into Anaheim's general fund. Add to that over 30,000 jobs during construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trades jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post -construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable. Importantly, this plan means we will be able to count on watching the Angels in Anaheim through 20501 urge you to vote affirmatively on this deal to support our community and its residents. Sheratonp 0,'°'''"hol Bl"d0,1101116ffi CA! 92802 General Manager F 971 3a:J6 p,fn,i a1: o Y I C,i r i, h,I 'ir,!'I Ir v s of^f. Public Comment From: Marla Myatt Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:12 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Angel Stadium Sale My question to city council is: 1. Why are you in such a rush to sign a deal without public approval?. 2 I have concerns regarding traffic bringing in over another 5,000 more residence to that area. 3. What are the perimeters for the affordable housing that you are trying to shove down the community? What kind if housing? More apartment living? Condo's? 4. How will this effect the current surrounding neighborhoods? Is there information on what has been proposed? Sincerely, Marla Myatt Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:14 AM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: Sales of Property to Arte Moreno is Bogus and does not serve Anaheim Residents justice - Item #7, ccm 9/29 RE: Item #7, ccm 9/29 -----Original Message ----- From: Trish Hachten Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 5:32 AM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Sales of Property to Arte Moreno is Bogus and does not serve Anaheim Residents justice To the Mayor and City Council, As an Anaheim resident for over 22 years, I am shocked that the City of Anaheim is willing to give away land and our stadium/concert venue to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno is a joke. What's next, city residents fund a new stadium for the guy! I heard that the property next door to the stadium parking lot recently sold for over $4 Million/acre, yet the city plans to sell the 153 acre stadium property to Moreno for $150 Million ( less than $1 Million/acre) and the deal includes the Stadium and the Grove Theatre for FREE! This is an outrageous give away of Anaheim taxpayer property, especially at a time when Covid-19 has caused an upside down budget for Anaheim. Proposed low budget housing units (what is low budget housing in OC, it will cost more to build than what can be recouped, no low income person can afford new buildings) will downgrade our city to the likes of Los Angeles, Chicago and Las Vegas, which will bring down our beloved city (if it truly is low income housing, which I doubt tremendously, Arte would not do that if he is smart and he is, that is why he is rich and manipulating). I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! YOU WILL BE VERY EMBARRASSED WHEN SRB/MORENO GET'S THESE ENTITLEMENTS APPROVED AND THEN SELLS THE PROPERTY FOR 100's OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS! THE TRANSACTION SHOULD AT LEAST HAVE A CLAUSE THAT ALLOWS THE CITY THE FIRST RIGHT TO PURCHASE AT THE BUYER'S ORIGINAL COST SHOULD THEY DECIDE TO SELL. WHY SHOULD SRB PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS? As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER.... NAMELY, THE MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY ( $150 Million for 153 acres, how much do the taxpayers get for the Stadium and the Grove? $0 ... that's how much!). Your NO VOTE can take Anaheim and their residents to the next level, which you should be thinking about Anaheim's taxpayers. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Trish Hachten Cory Hachten Lisa Kaliekau Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:17 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Opposition to Item #7 FW: Anaheim stadium sale CCM 9/29, Item 7 -----Original Message ----- From: Jennifer Klein Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 6:43 PM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Anaheim stadium sale Anaheim stadium And property is being massively undersold, about 25% of the value if the numbers I am reading are correct. This is a huge loss of revenue for the city and residents. I understand this will then be resold and generate taxes. Lets skip the middle man. Would you Sell you personal property for this cheap? Pretty sure you'd sit on it and wait for a better price. There are a lot of streets, programs, and small businesses who can use this money we are losing. Please don't steal this I corn from a city that needs it. Jennifer Lapointe West anaheim resident Public Comment From: Hector Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:26 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Sell of anaheim stadium Hello my name is Hector Mejia And i would like to make a comment re: the sale. As an Anaheim resident I would like to voice my opinion to say to please not sell the stadium land: It is worth much more and even at the right price its still not worth selling. Thankyou Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jonathan Hughes <hughesj@scag.ca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:27 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Kome Ajise; Kevin J. Gilhooley; Trevor O'Neil; Justin Glover; Susan Kim Subject: SCAG Support Letter - Anaheim Stadium Development Attachments: 2020-09-29 - SCAG Support Letter - Anaheim Stadium Development.pdf To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find a letter from Kome Ajise, Executive Director of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), regarding support for the proposed Anaheim stadium development. This letter is provided for purposes of public comment on this agenda item at tonight's meeting of the Anaheim City Council. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you need additional information. Thank you, Jonathan Joiiii tllli llli "'I Il a lllie , II IIS Regional Affairs Officer, Orange County 2020 Scholarship Progran': Fel (2 9 :J) 236 :9.997 I Cell hgghesj(d)scagca- ov OU TI91:RIN CAI ...I 01tINIA Az OCIATION O GOVI:.:RINMI::INTr OCTA Building, baa S. Main St., Ste. 711, Orange, CA 92.868 Anaheim City Hall REGIONAL coumm11-OFFICERS 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Prem die ,I IL Anaheim, CA92QO5 Rex Richardson, Long Beach Fin.viceProsiden, Clint mrimore,castve|e Subject: SUPPORT for Anaheim Stadium Development Proposal to Second vicrp[res/drn�r bring 5,175 housing units, including 777 integrated Jan mnmik'Riverside County affordable housing units to the region. Transportation Commission |mmediatePast President Bill 1ahn^Big Bear Lake Dear Mayor3idhu, Mayor Pro Tenn Faesse|, and Counci|nnennbers: [)nbeha|fofthe3outhernCa|�orniaAssoca�onofGovernnnents(3CAG) co����sscmwas ' ` '' sxccuuve/xdministouion | am pleased to write insupport ofthe Anaheim Stadium Development Rex Richardson, Long Beach proposal. Founded in 1965, 3CAG is a joint powers authority oflocal communilly^scnxom/cgovernment agencies serving as a forum for collaborative and efficient xumanocvc|opmcnt Jorge Marquez, Covina solutions to complex regional issues, including addressing the region's rnmrgymenvirvnmmt housing need. The Anaheim Stadium Development would bring 5,175 David Pollock, Moorpark housing units tothe City ofAnaheim, a significant benefitforAnaheinn— and the entire region—which disproportionately suffers from the Cheryl Viegas-Walker, El Centro impacts of our state's cost -burdened and over -crowding housing rates. On September 3, 2020 the 3CAG Regional Council voted to adopt the Connect 3oCa|,which isthe region's 2O2O-2O45Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy. Connect 3oCa| was the result of four years of planning during which the agency's elected leadership, member agencies, and staff heard the concerns and needs of numerous stakeholders as it pertained to issues such as long range mobility and housing needs, and balancing them with economic, environmental, and public health goals. 3CAG supports the Anaheim Stadium Development proposal due to its innovative solutions and the timely inclusion of so many progressive land -use elements, which the Connect 3oCa| also identifies as public policy priorities. SC,AG,m September 29,2O2O Mayor Harry 3idhu |NN0VN|NGFU8AUHTER[0Y0R8UW Mayor Pro Tern Stephen Faesse| Counci|nnennberDenise Barnes SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AssncoaromwofGOVERNMENTS Counci|nnennberJordan Bnandnnan pomWilshire e|vu,Ste. ,roo Counci|nnennberJose Moreno Los Angeles, cx9oov ' Counci|nnennber Lucille Kring n(oy)zaa-/ao^ wwwscag.ca,gov Councilmember Trevor O'Neil Anaheim City Hall REGIONAL coumm11-OFFICERS 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Prem die ,I IL Anaheim, CA92QO5 Rex Richardson, Long Beach Fin.viceProsiden, Clint mrimore,castve|e Subject: SUPPORT for Anaheim Stadium Development Proposal to Second vicrp[res/drn�r bring 5,175 housing units, including 777 integrated Jan mnmik'Riverside County affordable housing units to the region. Transportation Commission |mmediatePast President Bill 1ahn^Big Bear Lake Dear Mayor3idhu, Mayor Pro Tenn Faesse|, and Counci|nnennbers: [)nbeha|fofthe3outhernCa|�orniaAssoca�onofGovernnnents(3CAG) co����sscmwas ' ` '' sxccuuve/xdministouion | am pleased to write insupport ofthe Anaheim Stadium Development Rex Richardson, Long Beach proposal. Founded in 1965, 3CAG is a joint powers authority oflocal communilly^scnxom/cgovernment agencies serving as a forum for collaborative and efficient xumanocvc|opmcnt Jorge Marquez, Covina solutions to complex regional issues, including addressing the region's rnmrgymenvirvnmmt housing need. The Anaheim Stadium Development would bring 5,175 David Pollock, Moorpark housing units tothe City ofAnaheim, a significant benefitforAnaheinn— and the entire region—which disproportionately suffers from the Cheryl Viegas-Walker, El Centro impacts of our state's cost -burdened and over -crowding housing rates. On September 3, 2020 the 3CAG Regional Council voted to adopt the Connect 3oCa|,which isthe region's 2O2O-2O45Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy. Connect 3oCa| was the result of four years of planning during which the agency's elected leadership, member agencies, and staff heard the concerns and needs of numerous stakeholders as it pertained to issues such as long range mobility and housing needs, and balancing them with economic, environmental, and public health goals. 3CAG supports the Anaheim Stadium Development proposal due to its innovative solutions and the timely inclusion of so many progressive land -use elements, which the Connect 3oCa| also identifies as public policy priorities. The Anaheim Stadium Development proposal, sitting at the doorstep of the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC), offers an important mobility solution not only for those who will be new residents to the area, but also for those who will visit the new destination for work, entertainment or sporting events, or other planned commercial activities. In terms of public policy, Anaheim Stadium Development's proximity to ARTIC serves as a key component of local, regional, and state efforts to combat climate change and reduce congestion by providing an alternative to driving alone. In addition, the project location is also within short commute from many job opportunities within Anaheim and nearby cities. The Anaheim Stadium Development's inclusion of 5,175 housing units, including 777 integrated affordable housing units, makes this proposal stand out as a regional example. Housing in proximity to transit options and with easy access to jobs is a key strategy to achieve improved mobility for our existing infrastructure and to achieving our region's climate and greenhouse gas reduction goals. The addition of nearly 15 acres of total parkland, including a seven -acre urban park, further addresses and brings enhanced livability to the proposed development's new residents and guests. This development enhancement is consistent with the Connect SoCal's "Urban Greening" strategy, which supports projects that enhance and expand neighborhood parks, establish green streets and alleyways, develop non -motorized urban trails and provide safe routes between residences, workspaces, and commercial centers, and mitigate urban heat islands. For the reasons outlined above, SCAG supports the proposed Stadium Development Plan. This development would be beneficial to the City of Anaheim and the entire SCAG region as it fulfills important regional goals identified in Connect SoCal. Sincerely, Kome Ajise Executive Director Page 12 of 2 Public Comment From: John McCarthy <john@teamsmile.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:57 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support of Anaheim, by John McCarthy, TeamSmile Attachments: Support of Anaheim, by John McCarthy, TeamSmile.docx Anaheim City Council: Please see the attached letter in support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan. Thank you. John McCarthy Executive Director TeamSmile 1pha The Mission of Tea rnSmIle is to provide children in need a life -changing dental experience through the power of sports. U em APlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail. This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. The recipient should check this email message and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email message. 1 S,M] r.ecim I'o Providm��rf.�n W Need NOmU��airii,;�nq OeiOal Expmie,mp Through The Power of Spods 101113 -Ta M-9 IIIINNINIM My name is John McCarthy, and | serve as Executive Director ofTeannSnni|e . We're a national non-profit organization that works with the Angels to provide free dental care and oral health education to children in need in the Anaheim community. |annsubmitting this public comment insupport ofthe Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council tonight (September 29, 2020). This deal is not only a good one for the Angels, but it's an even bigger win for Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand new stadium. This development with amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists, and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. And of course, this plan means the Angels will bestaying inAnaheim until 2Q5Q,atleast. This will be the new place to shop, eat, drink, and of course watch the Angels play, along with many other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for the Anaheim community will include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,175 new housing units which will be built, including integrated affordable housing which Anaheim desperately needs. The development will add to over 30,000 jobs during construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trade jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post - construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable. John McCarthy Executive Director TeamSmi|e Public Comment From: Brianna lawrence Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:22 AM To: Public Comment Subject: 9/29 7.b public comment Hello Council, My name is Brianna and I am a resident of district 3 in Anaheim. I want to address the 7.b agenda items in regards to the Angel Stadium sale. I urge the council to reconsider the offer because of the evident disparities between it's actual value and what you plan to settle for. Anaheim has always given these larger companies a leniency in price and taxes and we should not continue to make the same mistake. The stadium is estimated to value from $650 million to $1 billion, but yet you are selling for only $150 million. We cannot enter another deal that allows our city's assets to be taken advantage of for a companies profit for the next 45 years. Public Comment From: Fred Brown <FredB@hansji.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:41 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Please Support Angels Stadium Development Plan! I am writing this letter in support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council tonight. This deal is not only a good one for the Angels, but it's an even bigger win for Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand new stadium. This development with amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists, and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. This will be the new place to shop, eat, drink, and of course watch the Angels play, along with many other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for our community include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,175 new housing units which will be built, including integrated affordable housing which Anaheim desperately needs. The development also means revenue generated for the city in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, hotel bed taxes, all of which will add up to $7 billion in total regional economic output every year, and $1.2 billion into Anaheim's general fund. Add to that over 30,000 jobs during construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trades jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post -construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable. And of course, this plan means the Angels will be staying in Anaheim until 2050, at least. I urge you to support this deal to support our community and it's residents. Thank you, Fred Fred Brown Vice President of Operations and Technology Hansji Corporation General Manager Desert Palms Hotel & Suites 631'X'est Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 office 714.399.0160 fax. 714.399.0161 cell. emall.FredBc�hansji.com «eh «r«r«.hansji.com I'M' IW-,O'-Nlilglmiw- How, 111.9 ... Ni"mlmliww--.Ili&No 'W-1 ROOM MAVA W1110,11INNIM, 11111 us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Thank you. Support Public Comment From: Harmon Ward Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:43 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Don't sell the Stadium Property Not all change is good. Don't sell the stadium property. We don't need higher density or more crowded conditions. Harmon Ward Born in Garden Grove, Anaheim resident since 1988. Public Comment From: Katharyn O. Muniz <komuniz@occorps.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:46 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Stadium Property Development Attachments: OCCC Public Comm.Anaheim09.29.20.pdf Please include the attached letter as public comment for tonight's Anaheim city council meeting. Thank you, Katharyn O. Muniz Chief Executive Officer G, k�a"�Y,GD4Y,ME0vONG0LIIR(X;��uI"^���4,V"rf Tel: 714.956.6222 x 302 www.occorps.org "I'he Orange C'ounly (7onservalion ('orj)s trans forms erre life al a lime through hared Werk crndI)ersonal re,sj)onsibility" PROUDLY SERVING OUR COMMUNITY lip ORANGE COUNTY _..........._ CONSERVATION CORPS ,..... ....------....................._ mm..............................................................�.......................................................�......��.��� ..............._.._ Earn... Learn... Serve... Tools to Green the Future! September 29, 2020 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the City Council: Your agenda for the Tuesday, September 29 meeting of the City Council contains a very important item, not just for the future of the City of Anaheim but for the residents in the city, and throughout Orange County. That of course, is the Angel Stadium property development deal which is before you today. As you may know, the mission of the Orange County Conservation Corps is helping young, at -risk adults obtain employment, training, and educational opportunities to help build their self-sufficiency. The community benefits from these efforts through the conservation driven projects that many of our young people work on. The results are meaningful and rewarding benefits to our communities and to the environment, as well as helping young adults onto the path towards good, stable career paths with skill sets and a work ethic they might otherwise not have had. However, the work that we do, and the things that we accomplish in cities like Anaheim and throughout the county, and for so many hard-working young people, can only be accomplished thanks to the support we have from supporters like Angels Baseball and the Angels Baseball Foundation. As just one example, the Angels have been instrumental in helping to supply critical personal protective equipment for Corpsmembers engaged in COVID-19 relief work. Without the Angels staying in Anaheim, we would have a tremendous hole in the hearts of our community and in that of baseball fans, yes, but we'd have an even larger one in our ability to accomplish our mission. This project is so important to Anaheim and the broader community, and I respectfully urge your aye vote and approval. Thank you very much, Katharyn niz Chief Executive Officer, OC Conn vation Corps 1853 North Raymond Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801 * (714) 956-6222 • www.occorps.org Public Comment From: Cathy Steele Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 5:48 PM To: Public Comment Subject: STOP THE SALE OF THE STADIUM As a citizen of Anaheim we demand that the stadium property be sold at a fair price. The property has an estimated value of $650 million and the Mayor wants to sell it for $150 million. It's insane. How can the council justify this when the city has taken a severe hit financially due to Covid. This defies logic. The council should wait until we can have open meetings and public hearings. Cathy Steele Public Comment From: Anthony Serna Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:52 AM To: Public Comment Subject: YES for Angel Stadium Development I support the Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council today. I grew up in Anaheim, and I continue to live in Anaheim. This city is DYNAMIC because leaders have made decisions that ensure the city continues to develop with distinction. This decision today will pay off for residents and the community for generations. No different than Field of Dreams — build it and they will come. Development will lead to more investment into the community. Let the Angels manage stadium renovations, and the building of a future stadium. Let the City and its residents take advantage of a financial agreement that pays off now, and continues to pay off with the Angels locked in until 2050, and likely beyond. This commitment gives other investors and businesses the confidence to develop new projects, new investments, and deliver new jobs for locals. This means more revenue to the city's bottom line for improvements and safety for every neighborhood in Anaheim. City council — set an example of teamwork, and get the deal done. Anthony Serna Public Comment From: Tracy Urueta Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:57 AM To: Public Comment; Theresa Bass Subject: My Comments Re: Consent Items On Agenda For Anaheim City Council Meeting To Be Held On 9/29/2020 Good morning Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Council Members. I would like to state for public comment that I am in favor of the following 3 Consent Items on the Anaheim City Council Meeting Agenda for 9/29/2020: Item # 3: Ordinance 6493 - To amend Title 18 zoning for the unlicensed community care facilities and sober living homes (code amendement). Items #7 & #8: For the sale of land by the City of Anaheim to SRB Management Company, LLC, for the purpose of future development of a new Angeles Stadium and surrounding areas, and all that this development entails, stated as such on these agenda items. Thank you for putting my comments on the record for tonight's City Council Meeting, 9/29/20. Tracy Urueta Anaheim, 92804 Public Comment From: Gina Pettrow Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 6:44 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: leslie.zaks Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 7:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ajesh Patel <apatel@prosperahotels.com> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 8:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Best regards, Ajesh Patel Sent from my iPad Public Comment From: June Mekker Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:37 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Oppose Anaheim Stadium Sale Dear City Council Members, First off I am appalled at the lack of transparency with the people of Anaheim. I, personally just found out about this 2 weeks ago. Being a resident, I feel some communication should have been sent out, however I have received NOTHING. Anaheim Stadium was purchased with bonds and belongs to the residents of the city, not to just the city council. During this pandemic you appear to be cheating the people you are suppose to represent. Especially now that people can't come to City Council meetings and voice their opinions. Right now I feel Mayor Harry Sidhu, Councilmembers Stephen Faessel, Jordan Brandman, Trevor O'Neil and Lucille Kring are selling out the people of Anaheim, I'm sure they are getting something from Arte Moreno for selling their soul, you appear to be corrupt city council members and should be ashamed. Also, this is not the time to be making major impacts to the city, when the residents are unaware and have NO VOICE to combat YOUR decisions. You fought Measure L, to help those working in Anaheim get a higher minimum wage, how was that choice helping your constituents? You fought district elections, because you appear to have wanted those with affiliations to Disney and Arte Moreno, your lost. You don't want this to go to the people to vote on as you know you will lose again. Remember we are the people that vote you into office and we are the same people that can get you removed. Do you think Mr. Arte Moreno will be helping you, think again, he will have already taken what he wants away from the residents and won't care what happens to you. Are 466 low income housing units worth 350 million dollars? WOW $751,000 per unit, worth way more than my house. What an elegant gift to those in the low income bracket. I agree we need low income housing, however at what price to the city. We also need this type of housing due to the fact that two of the largest employers in the city don't want to pay over minimum wage, maybe the council should spend time encouraging employers to raise their minimum pay to employees so that one day, maybe they can purchase a home in the city and have more positive involvement in the city. I am against the sell of the stadium at this time, however you have already entered into a legal sale without the people of Anaheim's knowledge. June Mekker Anaheim, CA 92801 Cell: Public Comment From: Usha Shah Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:39 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Al Jabbar Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:02 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Subject: Stop the stadium give away! Mr. Mayor, Council members Faessel, Brandman, O'Neal and Kring As we guessed, our pleas to stop this Angel deal fell on deaf ears in December of last year. You all moved ahead and as we expected and since have learnt that the city will only be getting $150 million dollars for one of the most treasured and valued property that City of Anaheim owns. How ever you cloak it, this deal is a bad deal for Anaheim residents and the taxpayers. Many Anaheim real-estate experts have pegged the land to be worth well over $600 million! You are not only selling the land, you are including the Stadium and the Grove Theater for a meager $150 million dollars. What are we getting in return? Affordable housing and the park ( that we tax payers are paying up front to up keep) that could be delayed over 15-25 years! If the price was not a slap in the face to the taxpayers of Anaheim, you egregiously have decided to drop the name ANAHEIM from the teams name! Shame on all of you. As a trustee representing Anaheim Union High School district students, families and taxpayers, I can only tell you that if you had allowed a fair process you would have netted upwards of $600 Million for this property. Our students, schools and our families could have used the funds not only for education and sports but many projects to invest in our youth of Anaheim. You have abdicated your duties and responsibility to us tax payers and residents of Anaheim! I urge you to stop this vote and begin a more transparent process to sell the property. ALjabbar Trustee, Anaheim Union High School District Sent from my iPhone Theresa Bass Subject: FW: Public Comment from Rep. Lou Correa in Opposition to Stadium Deal Attachments: Comment from Rep. Lou Correa opposing Stadium Deal.pdf From: Gallegos, Claudio <Claudio.Gallegos@mail.house.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:42 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Subject: FW: Public Comment from Rep. Lou Correa in Opposition to Stadium Deal Good Afternoon Mayor and City Council, Attached is Congressman Correa's letter opposing the Angels Stadium deal as currently proposed. Claudio W. Gallegos I District Director Office of Congressman J. Luis Correa (CA -46) 2323 N. Broadway, Suite 319 1 Santa Ana CA 92706 Tel: 714-559-6190 Claudio.Gallegosr, mail.house. oovv Follow us online: � �=_ Illlllllllllllfll '° "'° From: Gallegos, Claudio Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:37 PM To: 'publiccomment@anaheim. net'<publiccomment@anaheim.net> Subject: Public Comment from Rep. Lou Correa in Opposition to Stadium Deal Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please see the attached letter from Congressman Lou Correa in opposition to the Stadium Deal, including attachment of the letter from Assemblyman Tom Daly. We request this be read into the public record. If you have any questions, please call our office. Thank you. Claudio W. Gallegos I District Director Office of Congressman J. Luis Correa (CA -46) 2323 N. Broadway, Suite 319 1 Santa Ana CA 92706 Tel: 714-559-6190 Claudio.Gallegosr, mail.house. oovv Follow us online: J. Luis CORREA 46-m DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON OFFICE 1039 LONr.W()RTH HOUSIE OFFVGE BUILDING WAsUINo-DoN, D.C, 20515 (202) 225-2965 SANTA ANA DISTRICT OFFICE 2323 N. BROADWAY, SUITE 319 Cingreso of t4r 'Unlifeb $1ah"s SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (71x4)559 -61v90 Pause of Pa54inghill" September 29, 2020 Mayor and City Councilirlembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor SidhLi and Honorable City Councilmen-ibcrs, HOUSE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY SUOCOMMUTEF ON JMWGRKrION AND Cff2ENSHIP SLIEcommiTTEE.:. ON COURTS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE INTERNET VICE CHAIR HousE COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURII"Y o S J13COMMITTEF ON BORDER SECURITY, FACW-rwIGN, AND OPERATVONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPOHTATION AND MARITIME SECURITY CHAIR ,joining many of my Analiciril constituents of the 46"' District, irlCkidinl, Assemblyman Tolli Daly to express my concern and disapproval of the sale of the Stadium; and surrounding property L - to a company controllcd by Angels owner Arte MOrel­10, as it is Currently proposed. This deal is one-sided, is being I PUS111211 through too quickly Without proper vetting and leaves a lot of' quc,,6011S unanswered as to who benefits the most from this deal. My concern is this transaction is not in (lie best interest ofhard-working taxpayers ol'Anaheinl, Z7 After careful review of the deal, I haVC the f0l10Wil1,(1 issues that I feel need to be addressed: Is the property being undervalued? has been issues as to whether or not the value was manipulated due to provisions in the lease to lower the cost to the buyer. We need an independent appraisal to be completed and pUbliCiZCd for public review. Ensuring the Anaheim taxpayers get the rnost bang for their buck should be priority number one. 2. Should the city be charged for cointIll-illity benefits to the city when these costs have always been the responsibility of the developer? 3. 1 am predisposed to opposed to the "outright sale" of this City ol'Anaheim land. There are 11'101-e questions than answers with this deal, which is why I join Assern b -I y ni all Daly and many other of our Anaheim constituents in requesting the Anaheim City C01.11101 to stop tile, ,sale oil' this Anaheim property. I have attached Assemblyman Daly's letter and inform you that I agree with his statement and L-- join the Assemblyman, and many other Anaheim residents in Out. opposition to the Ileal ill its CLUrcrit Corin, Sincerely Ir J. Luis Correa Member of Congress CORREA. HOUIS E. GOV STATE CAPITOL PO BOX 9428,19 SACHAMEN10 CA911249-006P (9 G) 319 2069 FAX (916C j I 9- 169 MSPUCT OFRCE 24M FAS I' KATHAA AVEIq�JE, SUITE 640 ANAHE ' UA CA 92806 u 71 4( 9:39-8416 9 P A X{ -N 4 p 919 8986 Olztl I filrifin 14' rg i 5 1, alurr r E-MAI'L 'TOM DALY gov ASSPOBLYIMEMBER SV I li�MNI fhi MS I September 27, 2020 Mayor and City Councilrrici-nbers (;ity, ol'Amiheirn 200 South Anaheim) Boulevard Anaheinl' CA 92805 Anaheiin Mayor and C'11Y Counciln-lembers: COMMME 'ES C,11HANSU IR �RVJ('J- TRANSPiCWTAf �ON GOVEPNIML.11flAL OFV,AMZAT1ON VL 1FMNS AFFAMS f3ecaus'c it isax) outrageously one-sid.cd deal, I am opposed to the pending agreement to sell the stadiurn property to a company apparently controlled by Angels owner Arte N/lorenc). It is lily firm hell.cf- share(:[ by many expert professionals in real estate and city finance - that this deal gives away hundre(js ofaii1lions ofdollars ofAnaheirn taxpayer ITIOI)CY. For residents outsidc of,knaheim, this deal looks hke a sad. joke ofself-inflicted bumbling and false choices, It does them no financial harm. But fi)r Anaheim residents - who okkn the valuable sladiUrn Property - this is a massive, historic giveaway costingx at least $ [,000 for every man, avoniari and child in the city. Here are just sorrie of the problems with this deal: 1... Property Undervalued, In recent years, provisions of the Angels lease were manipulated so 'is to undervalue the property, Mcan"Ihile, the City -sponsored appraisal of'value was manipulated to lower (lie cost to the buyer. 2. Shrinking Sales Price, Why are Anaheiin taxpayers reimbursing $169 million to the buyer/developer ("credits") fi.)r f'catures such as a park and affbrdatfle 11CUSil1g, whell these iternS are ALWAYS the responsibility ofany developer (especially orae who's receiving apinoval fill. 5,175 housing units!) 3, Mysterious Removal elf' City MAnager, Under mysterious circumstances raidwaythrough the negotiations, the city inanager was forced out of his job and paid a $475,000 bUYOUL 4, "Saving 13aseball". (.Jnderpinning the riev ,odatioris has been a laughingly False nari-ative Pcopir O'S'imh� APm� Afmiwim' GardcClr(wc Ohl ( )1.020(1 In n ''S nt� too c tcCc'(-'nn�,> I( T I lc pirl,('e anG�o'ld a\ o��d 0 1 U I NCb II -,PI[ ml(j Y ,I v"',o I It t U1 cl to kdloo" um� dc�a� k"I dw, fnd ,l ;I, Public Comment From: Mariah Fernandez Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:07 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. -Mariah Fernandez Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:03 PM To: Public Comment Subject: CCM 9-29, Item #7 - FW: Letter to mayor & council re: Opposed to sale of Anaheim Stadium Attachments: lastditch base baII.docx CCM 9-29, Item #7 From: Neal Runsvold Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:53 AM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Letter to mayor & council re: sale of Anaheim Stadium Ms. Day, Please copy and distribute to Mayor and Council members asap. Sincerely, Neal Runsvold CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This electronic mail transmission and any attachment(s) are covered by the Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA), 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521, other applicable laws, is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and contains confidential and/or privileged information intended only for the person(s) named. Any unauthorized interception, review, distribution, copying, or disclosure by another person(s) is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail at and state that you have received the message in error and delete all copies of the original message and any attachment(s). Thank you. September 29, 2620 To Mayor Sid hu and City Council Members: Re: Proposed sale of out city owned land at the Angel Stadium I've lived in Anaheim since 1956. 1 was a member of the "Junior Angels" when the team relocated here. One of my aspirations was to become the best 2" baseman that ever lived. I attended multitudes of Angel Baseball games as a youngster and since. I was a real estate broker for 15 years as well. The sale of this land, as proposed, will leave Anaheim with the damning history equivalent to that of the Ku Klux Klan being in Anaheim nearly a century ago. The sale of this land to Arte Moreno and his group will cause a violent economic catastrophe for Anaheim residents and taxpayers for decades to come. The sale price and terms is an atrocity by all accounts. Appraisals are an art -form but the real value of a sale is based on a meeting of the minds with all known facts and agreed to by both sides. We've seen numerous professional teams such as the Los Angeles Clippers being sold for well over "appraised" valuations. Same with houses. The appraisal used in this Stadium deal is only that, an indication of value. Mayor Sidhu's dictatorship, not allowing any other Council members to be on the "negotiating" committee, is part of the basis for this disastrous outcome that is to be voted on again today. Mayor Sid hu IS NOT ACTING IN THE CITY'S BEST INTERESTS on this matter. Mayor Sidhu really should have been on Arte Moreno's negotiating team as this seems to be the effect of Mayor Sidhu's decisions. The sale price and terms of this land is grossly undervalued. This causes all types of lack of adequate transparency. Residents have not had ample, certainly not maximum and meaningful notice of meetings and opportunities to be heard on the sale of this property. Mayor Sidhu is annihilating the maximum future value of this property for residents and taxpayers in Anaheim. Mayor Sidhu didn't seem to take into account that Arte Moreno and the Angels Baseball team needed to stay in this geographic real estate market due to Major League Baseball rules. Arte was seemingly talking to Tustin, CA and Long Beach, CA. Arte Moreno, would have had to walk away from 3 million "built-in" visitors patrons that he was receiving in Anaheim had he decided to go to another city. 1n Long Beach it is doubtful Arte would have wanted to compete with Los Angeles Dodgers fans in LA County given the Dodgers have much deeper pockets and much longer history than the Angels. Mayor Sid hu didn't seem to take into account the extreme "motivation" for Arte's need to stay here with the billions of dollars of new development around Angel Stadium that Anaheim taxpayers have provided for that area. And to have Disneyland which provides 25+ million visitors only 4 miles away, and which Anaheim taxpayers have contributed mightily, is another factor Mayor Sidhu didn't seem to take into account. Mayor Sidhu is giving this land away for a song to Arte Moreno and his group. It is a complete 100% mistake to say this land can only be sold to Arte Moreno. This Angel Stadium has brought negligible amounts of financial or other 'benefit to the city of Anaheim over the past 55 to 60 years. The ability to say we have a major league baseball team in Anaheim brings about, in Anaheim's case, MINIMAL extra benefit of name recognition. We are blessed to have Disneyland which is known world -over. To be without a major league baseball team, we would be losing nothing in terms of name recognition. For Anaheim residents only to be able to have this land sold to ONE individual as opposed to opening up the bidding to all developers in our world of 7.8 billion people, is UNCONSCIONABLE and REPREHENSIBLE. ANY DEVELOPMENT that Arte's team will build upon that property is 100 time less beneficial to the city of Anaheim and future residents than if marketed to ALL COMPETING INTERESTS. Mayor Sidhu orchestrated a pian to allow Arte Morena TO HAVE NO COMPETITION in the bidding process. Arte Moreno and Harry Sidhu are RAPING the city of Anaheim and all residents currently and in the future, by not maximizing the value of the last golden value asset of real estate of this size in Anaheim. What Anaheim is receiving in return is peanuts compared to the real value. Anaheim will not be able to pay for our unfunded pension liabilities through the sale of this property. We get horrible value in return for the gem of this real estate. I support a lease of this property. The "price" of this property went up NO LESS THAN 81 times from 1964 to 2019. If it were only to go up another 81 times in the next 55 years it would be $2.5 billion, MINIMUM. The utility of this property for future generations would be better known in 55 years than presently. Mayor Sidhu is not thinking about the future value and utility of this property for future generations. He is like a little boy seeing grandmas golden coins and going to buy a candy bar with those golden coins. Magor Sidhu is irresponsible for looking out the hest interests of Anaheim residents. I ask that the Mayor and all members of the city council, for the sake of city residents now and into the future, vote to NOT ALLOW this sale to go through as structured. Tell Arte Moreno to lease this land or find another location for his failing baseball team. Anaheim residents should not be giving Arte Moreno a gift of public lands in which he can then finance a successful baseball team. Anaheim residents and children, some yet to be, need more responsibility from our Mayor and city council that what they are now getting if this sale is voted for. Please vote NO TO THIS SALE TO ARTE. Since 1956 1 have never seen or felt as passionate about a measure in the city of Anaheim as this is. THIS IS FRIGHTENING if this sale goes through. Sincerely, Neal E. Runsvold Public Comment From: Patrick Sharples <psharples@kwcommercial.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:07 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Sale As a long time resident of the city of Anaheim, I can say that the California Angels, Anaheim Angels and now the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have been a main staple in my backyard. I grew up going to a number of Angels games. I witnessed a lot of great wins as well as some heartbreaking losses. I remember the stadium being "open", then being closed for the Rams coming to town and then reopened and remodeled after the earthquake that knocked down some of the scoreboard. I know the history of the Angels with the city of Anaheim and that is why I feel it is important to have my voice heard. The owners of the property (city of Anaheim tax payers) are being robbed by the city of Anaheim City Council and Arte Moreno, the owner of the Angels with the deal to purchase the stadium and the surrounding land for only $150MM. The owner of the Angels' position is that the structure is in bad condition and needs a complete remodel. This may be true. In fact, isn't this why the Angels have only been paying $1/year for rent to utilize the building. This is also why they don't pay any taxes to the city on parking revenues or concession sales ... which was part of the deal when they acquired the property. I have been in the real estate industry since 1998 and have specialized with commercial property sales and leasing since 2007. I am very familiar with how property evaluation works as well as how to value a property for development. This sale, from the city of Anaheim City Council to the owner of the Angles doesn't take any of these standard measures and competencies into account. This is the only development deal in Orange County I have ever heard of where the buyer of the property is given a below market value for the property (roughly $350 million) and then is able to subtract the costs to remove the current structure (which is the only valid part of the equation being used), but then able to reduce the purchase price by environmental study costs, parking study costs, other area studies, etc. Even in the most corrupt city, Los Angeles, developers haven't gotten such a sweet deal by the city council. Doing an actual true evaluation of the stadium and the land around it, the value of the property should be much closer to $900 million, yet the city council wants to give it away to an ownership group that doesn't even supportthe city that supports his team for a GIFT of $150 million dollars. This is a farce! This is taking advantage of the true owners of the property (city of Anaheim tax payers) and is not in their best interest. I know the concern is that if this deal isn't done, that the Angels will move to another city. While that may be true, the city of Anaheim tax payers would still make out better financially if the Angels left the city than putting this deal together for only $150 million. There are plenty of developers that would be willing to purchase this A+++ location of land in central Orange County and bring more revenue to the city than this deal does. I implore the city counsel of Anaheim to do the right thing as the face of city of Anaheim tax payers. Will your legacy as a city council member be that you were able to put a win-win deal together, one which was mutually beneficial to the city of Anaheim taxpayer as well as Arte Moreno's huge corporate entity or will your legacy be that you were responsible for giving the most valuable real estate in Anaheim away? The choice is yours.... and people WILL remember. Sincerely, Patrick Sharples, resident of the city of Anaheim since 1972 Have a blessed day, Patrick Sharples I Director I Lic # 01245463 G & S Group I KW Commercial N Corporate ID # 01947193 (LA) and 01898399 (OC) Offices in DTLA and OC Available Listinvs Member of International Council of Shopping Centers Please Call for a Complimentary Analysis of Your Property and to Discuss Future Investment Opportunities. Public Comment From: Sammy Francis Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:27 PM To: jbradman@anaheim.net; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Samantha Saenz; Helen Myers; Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Public Comment Subject: Tuesday agenda item sale of 153 acres around Angels Stadium and Grove to SRB/Art Moreno????? VOTE NO Mayor Sidhu, Hello my name is Sammy Francis and I live in district 2 next to John Marshall park in Anaheim Shores community. On the subject on agenda item for the decision on the sale of Angel stadium and Anaheim Grove area land to Art Moreno's company SRB Tuesday 29th please consider our plea to vote No by the city councilTo not approve THE SALE under the current terms and reconsider negotiation for a higher per acre sale Closer to market price or consider an alternative lease plan that will generate annual income to the city. This sale Of angels land to Art Moreno's company Srb at $150Million for the 153 Acres land is a gift not a sale. When the market is at $4 million per Acre for such property. That is a 75% discount , how can we sell it so low and not have The requirement Of SRB to build a 7 acre park and 466 affordable units in this Area shouldn't cost $170 million to build . It seems that only 7% of total units being built in this area will be affordable housing. It is unclear who will foot the bills for affordable housing. It is not proper to have affordable housing in the platinum triangle that is too expensive. What is needed is to build cheap low housing structures or take over Motels or apartments in similar low income areas of the city, and convert to low income units and make them all affordable similar to the motel on la palma bordering Buena Park. The 7 acre park for the public will not be utlilized by the rest of the city if there are no free and ample parking since it is in the stadium area so then it will be essentially a private park for those that live within walking distance and paying customers of the stadium , restaurants and businesses in area. Meanwhile the whole city's money is being used for this park??? Regardless of the facts we feel as your constituents that this decision is super rushed and has not been fully tranparent to the public and residents of Anaheim. The terms in this deal definitely faver SRG and Art Moreno tremendously and not favoring Anaheim at all. They could sell in future for much more and reel in the profits , are there any clauses that prohibit that or return to city at purchase price? As I read the agenda it seems to indicate that expense for the stadiyum and Grove are exceeding income for lease. I understand part of deal is to keep Angels here for a number of years but we should not give away the farm just to have a team here besides it is not called Anaheim Angels. The name change should be part of the deal to return to Anaheim. So please vote NO at this time and come up with a better deal that benefits and profits for Anaheim and it's taxpayers. The residents need a better explanation of this deal and demonstrate why we are making this deal and not considering other options like leasing or selling at market price. Thanks Sammy Francis Anaheim Shores HOA Anaheim CA 92801 Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: DAVID DURAN Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Stephen Faessel; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Kelly Aviles; nsantana@voiceofoc.org; scustodio@voiceofoc.org Subject: Public Comment - 9/29/2020 Thank you for helping, "We the public," ...please know that along with the media, attorneys, and the Nation, 'We the public" are able to document the ongoing corruption that the Mayor and his cronies have colluded to act upon for their own personal gain. Your unlawful and malicious actions to eliminate the public from providing live public comments is 1) unlawful 2) unlawful and 3) unlawful in accordance with the Brown Act. This so-called mayor, in unlawful collaboration with his city council cronies, including the city manager and city attorney is unlawfully disallowing live public comment so he and other corrupt bought and paid for city council members (Brandman, Faessel, Kring, O'Neil) can collaboratively act, negotiate, and racially discriminate against the public and other city council members. In the end, a judge WILL decide; however, in the meantime, please know that this corrupt council's trail of corruption, along with the external players and stakeholders that are funding, supporting, and orchestrating this council's actions is continuing to be documented, recorded, and used to pull back the curtain of deceit. "We the public" will come to know the truth about the corruption, inequities, and racial discrimination that continues to be witnessed during EVERY city council meeting. You have only a few options...... 1) STOP and CANCEL talks and negotiations to sell the Anaheim Stadium and the property attached to the stadium 2) continue the unlawful talks and negotiations to sell the Anaheim Stadium and the property attached to the stadium 3) fold up your tent and resign or 4) provide the malicious evidence that the public, media, attorneys, senators, former mayor, and soon the judge will soon discover in order to do what is right/just on behalf of the taxpayers of the City of Anaheim. 5) Wait for the upcoming election and/or wait to learn what a judge has decided regarding your guilt and the guilt of this council. I DEMAND that this council IMMEDIATELY REOPEN the city council chambers, with proper COVID precautions/sterilization for public comment! Q. Does the "Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act" mean anything to you? David L. Duran Orange County, California cell: email: Breach of confidentiality & accidental breach of confidentiality This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:17 PM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: CCM 9/29, Item #7 Supportive - Angels Baseball & Community Investment CCM 9/29, Item #7 -----Original Message ----- From: Debbie Herman Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:59 PM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Angels Baseball & Community Investment Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, I am writing to you today in support of the sale of the land and having Angels baseball in our city for years to come. I feel that many people are focused on the fair market value of the land itself, and are not thinking about the plan established years ago for the platinum triangle, the temporary and permanent jobs it will bring to our City, the benefits of having a Major League Baseball team in a tourist destination, and the positive impact on our local businesses, restaurants, and hotels for years to come. In addition, it is fun for our communities's Angels fans, who love sports and the sense of pride that comes form supporting your "hometown team"! I have been following the pros and cons of this sale, and everything I have read allows be to believe this is very beneficial for Anaheim. I did however read that the Mr. Moreno could turn around and sell this property after the deal for a profit. I do not believe this would happen, as I feel he is invested in this project. If there is any truth to this statement, I strongly suggest adding the first right to purchase the property back for the sale price to the contract under consideration. This may be in the contract already. By bringing this up and getting it out to the public, I feel our community would be more comfortable with the sale of the land. Another thing that would get more Anaheim residence on board with this whole project is renaming the team, or rather eliminating the words "Los Angeles" from the title. We are Anaheim, and not Los Angeles. In all honesty it's kind of confusing :-) The stadium is known as the "Big A" - and I don't even think people would be upset if the team was just called the "ANGELS"with no specific city attached. It is our team in our city. When you attend or watch the games it's just "TIME FOR ANGELS BASEBALL" Thank you for taking the time to read my comments. Personally, I see nothing but positive things coming from this sale for our community.. I stand with the City Council Members supporting this Great opportunity for Anaheim, Debbie Herman Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Theresa Harvey <THarvey@nocchamber.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:23 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support For Stadium Proposal Attachments: AngelStadium-Support.pdf Please see attached letter in support of the item on tonight's agenda. Please share with councilmembers and interested parties. Thank you for your consideration. Theresa Harvey President & CEO North Orange County Chamber 714-871-3100 www.nocchamber.com Sent from Mail for Windows 10 /A r% NORTH ORANGE COUNTY CHAMBER September 29, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu & City Councilmembers City Hall 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Faessel, and Councilmembers, The North Orange County Chamber of Commerce would like to express its support for items 7 and 8 on tonight's Anaheim City Council agenda. Together these items will secure the sale of Angel Stadium and the approximately 150 acres it sits on, as well as approve of the Master Site Plan and Disposition and Development Agreement proposed by SRB Management for the future of the stadium and property. While Angels Baseball has called the City of Anaheim home for decades, Angels fans can be found throughout North Orange County and beyond, including Buena Park, Fullerton, La Palma, Stanton, and many more. The love that baseball fans have for the Angels knows no political boundaries, and the incredible benefit that having Major League Baseball in Anaheim and Orange County is practically incalculable. When our major employers look to expand, or new ones consider North Orange County as a place to expand or launch a new presence, one factor they look at is the economic development potential and desirability. Clearly, with "America's pastime" located right here in Orange County, the Angels are an important factor in making the entire region a more desirable, more high profile, and more marketable destination for workers, job creators, industries, and for tourism, all of which are important to the economic health of the cities in North Orange County, not just Anaheim. The proposed public benefits of the plan are commendable, and will be not just a great addition to the Anaheim and the Platinum Triangle, but create a new regional hub that will activate the property to support jobs, visitors and tourism, and recreational activities year round, not just during the baseball season. As you move forward this evening considering these important issues, we hope you will bear in mind the historic opportunity and agree that the potential here is too good to pass up, and this plan is truly a "home run" for Angels Baseball, for Anaheim, and all of Orange County. Sincerely, Theresa Harvey President/CEO North Orange County Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 529, Fullerton, CA 92836 1 100 W. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 205, Fullerton, CA 92835 1 (714) 871-3100 1 NOCC@NOCChamber.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee Cherry Li -Bugg, Ph. D, Chair NOCCCD April Barnes, Chair Elect Speech & Language Development Center Josee Minero, Vice Chair @Work Personnel Services Jim Ripley, Vice Chair, Finance RAI Wealth Management Sueling Chen, Ed.D., Member at Large Arborland Montessori Michael Williams, Past Chair Williams Insurance Company Board Members Alex Burrola FSB Public Affairs Kerri Clark Rowntree Gardens DruAnn Copping St. Jude Medical Center Jessica Fernandez Southern California Edison Co. Emily Grant Southern California Gas Company Stan Kwak Volt Real Estate Services Andrea Reyes American First Credit Union Katie Savant CSU Fullerton Javier Solis Holiday Inn Buena Park Danielle Thomas Professional Search Group Katie Wonamaker The Source OC Public Comment From: Pat D Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:25 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment; Lucille Kring; Stephen Faessel Subject: Comments for 9/29 agenda Stop the sale of the Angels!!! As you prepare to address the many items on today's agenda, I must ask how can you have public hearings - item 7 -without the public? How can you make decisions on land use issues without the public in the room ? How can you make decisions on how we work with providers who house and treat those who seek help in care facilities and sober living homes without the public in the room? There are so many things you could do to include those of us who truly care about our community unlike you who are lining your pockets with resources with each and every decision you move forward! You have yet to use a zoom environment during which we can watch and participate through public comments. You indicate you want to open the city but you can't open the council chambers and allow folks inside to sit so not only watch but comment as the process moves along. You have yet to create an accommodation for those who would be unsafe in a closed space but would like to share their comments, their voices. You have an obvious fear and aversion of voices from those in dissent of your actions! Item 7 - Public hearing All the while you rush the sale of our city's greatest resource - the Angel's stadium and surrounding land. There is so much wrong with this process that lacks transparency, honesty, and accuracy in the valuation and sale arrangements. Once again the documents attached are intended to bury or misrepresent what is behind the sale. The Angels don't even have to stay in Anaheim. There have to be very questionable arrangements here and you know those will be discovered. Your hopes are you can get this done before you are exposed. You're very behavior highlights your actions and likely illegal practices in arranging for this mess of a give away. You have been elected, sworn, and indicate you will look out for the communities you serve. For several of you that's been in question since day one. Others of you offered some glimmer of transparency but that has long since gone. As to other chamber processes, I notice for item 5 -the COVID-19 update - there are no written materials to review and during the meeting the piss poor slides projected and presentation offer nothing but likely more inaccurate and unsafe representations of what's going on in our city. On item 6, as you review the 39 Commons plans again I must ask what are the low and very low income housing units planned if any and the numbers and dates they will be available? The chambers can't open soon enough. My hope is that by then most of you will be gone and not allowed to further rob from we the citizens of Anaheim. Pat Davis Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. Public Comment From: Norma Herbe) Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:26 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Sale of 150 acres Angel Stadium. I am writing to ask City Council to please postpone or continue the vote tonight that will largely cement the deal to sell Angel Stadium and acres around it. The residents of Anaheim should have an opportunity to attend Council meeting to share their concerns. According to the Orange County Register three of our previous mayors commended on the sale. Mayor Tom Daly (Mayor 1992 to 2002) "urged council to reconsider the $320 million deal and "avoid the embarrassment and lawsuits that are sure to follow this one-sided deal". An article in Orange County Register today said one of Mr. Tate's ( former Mayor of Anaheim 2010 to 2018) concerns : City leaders are lobbying the state to allow Disneyland to reopen, but they won't open public meetings to the public. He was quoted as saying " Why would you sell the city's largest asset during the middle of a pandemic when your council meetings are done by phone? If it was a good deal, you wouldn't have to sneak it through during COVID". Not sure how Mr. Curt Pringle( former mayor 2002- 2010" ) feels. He discussed history but no opinion. I understand the owners of the Honda Center have plans to build similar project around Honda Center. Article in paper (OCRegister) said they did not ask the City of Anaheim for any money back for their project. Thank you for this opportunity to express my concerns. I believe SRB Management is not paying enough for the acreage and stadium. We the residents are really the ones taking a loss. Sent from my iPhone 1 Public Comment From: Alicia Gis Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:30 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Council Meeting Regarding Stadium Deal Dear Council People and Mayor, I urge you to re -start the negotiation process on the stadium property rather than forcing the current negotiation through. Every part of the current negotiation process has left Anaheim taxpayers and the minority council in the dark. Based on the current lawsuit and what I've read in local papers (Voice of OC & OC Register), the stadium deal and process may even be illegal and in violation of the Brown Act. Here are some additional reasons myself and other taxpayers want to re -start the negotiations with more transparency: • There is nothing stopping SRB Management from turning around and selling the property. SRB is practically incentivized to sell the property considering we are giving it to them for $170 million when it's easily worth double or more. • This will create more low-wage jobs in Anaheim that will require more low-income housing. Yet, the current deal doesn't require the development of low-income housing for decades. Even if that housing came sooner it's not enough units and there are serious questions about who would get those units. • It's really shady and in poor taste that Arte Moreno has financed the mayor's campaigns and now the mayor is leading an effort to give Arte Moreno's SRB Management the stadium property for less than half of its worth. - We aren't even able to weigh in during Council meetings at this time. Other cities & representatives have made a point to use a platform like Zoom to allow for live public comment. Until Anaheim can resume in-person council meetings or can find a way to give adequate opportunity for the public to weigh in, we shouldn't be moving this negotiation forward at all. • Anaheim doesn't even get its name in the Angel's team name. Very Respectfully, Alicia Gibbs Anaheim Resident of District 5 Public Comment From: Gallegos, Claudio <Claudio.Gallegos@mail.house.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:37 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment from Rep. Lou Correa in Opposition to Stadium Deal Attachments: Comment from Rep. Lou Correa opposing Stadium Deal.pdf Importance: High Good Afternoon, Please see the attached letter from Congressman Lou Correa in opposition to the Stadium Deal, including attachment of the letter from Assemblyman Tom Daly. We request this be read into the public record. If you have any questions, please call our office. Thank you. Claudio W. Gallegos I District Director J. Luis CORREA 46TH DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON OFFICE 1039 LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHNOTON, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-2965 SANTA ANA DISTRICT OFFICE 2323 N. BROADWAY, SUITE 319 Congress of t4p pnliftb 5tates SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 559-6190 Ponse of Aepriesentaffino pno4ington, PC 20515 Septernber 29, 2020 Mayor and City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu Lind Honorable City COUnCilmenibers, HOUSE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY SUDCOMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE ON COURTS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE INTERNET VICE CHAIR HOUSE COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SEcuArry SUBCOMMITTEE. ON BORDER SECURITY, FACILITATION, AND OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND MARITIME SECURITY CHAIR I am joining many of my Anaheim constituents of the 46"' District, including Assemblyrnan Toni Daly to express my concern and disapproval of the sale of the Stadium and Surrounding property L to a company controlled by Angels owner Arte Moreno, as it is Currently proposed. This deal is one-sided, is being pushed through too quickly Without proper vetting and leaves a lot of' qLICI,ti . onS unanswered as to who benefits the most from this deal. My concern is this transaction is not in the best interest of hard-working taxpayers ol'Anaheim, After careful review of the deal, I have the following issues that I feel need to he addressed: Is the property being undervalued? There has been issues as to whether or not the value was manipulated due to provisions in the lease to lower the cost to the buyer. We need an independent appraisal to, be completed and publicized for public review. Ensuring the Anaheim taxpayers get the most bang for their buck. should be priority number one. 2. Should the city be charged for community benefits to the city when these costs have always been the responsibility of the developer? 3. 1 am predisposed to opposed to the "outright sale" of this City of Anaheim land, There are more questions than answers with this deal, which is why I join Assemblyman Daly and many other of our Anaheim constituents in requesting the Anaheim City Council to stop the sale of this Anaheim property, I have attached Assemblyman Daly's letter and inform You that I agree with his statement and join the Assemblyman, and many other Anaheim residents in our opposition to the deal in its current form. Sincerely ;; ly J. Luis Correa Member of Congress CORREA.HOUSE.GOV STATE CAPITOL RO13OX 942849 SAC HAMENTO CA 942 M 0069 (916 30-P069 FAX (9 16 p 319-2169 DISTRICT OFFICE 2400 FAST KATEI.LA AVENUE, SUHL 640 ANAHEM, CA 92806, (714) 939-8469 FAX (714) 939 8986 ASSPIUITIL� E-MML 'TOM DALY ALsomWynnember. Daly (�'as:Semdy ca,gov ASSEMBLYMEMBER SIXIYMNTHDISTRW�r September 27, 2020 Mayor and City Council.mernbers ( I lity of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 Anaheim Mayor and City Councilmerribers: COMMITTEES (.>MRMSURANG'L TRANSPOR TAT 0N GOVERNMEN IAL (DRGAWATION VEJEHANS AFFAJRS, Because it is art outrageously one-sided deal, I am opposed to the pending agreement to sell the stadiLJI-n property to a company apparently controlled by Angels owner Arte Moreno. It is my firm belief - shared by many expert professionals in real estate and city finance - that this deal gives away hundreds of millions of dollars of"Anaheirn taxpayer money, I°or residents outside of Anaheim, this deal looks like a sad joke of self-inflicted bumbling and Ealse choices. It does there no financial harrn. But for Anaheim residents - who own the valuable stadium property - this is a massive, historic giveaway costing at least $ 1,000 for every man, woman and child in the city. Here aTejLISt Some of the problems with this deal: 1- Property Undervalued. In recent years, provisions of the Angels lease were manipulated so as to undervalue the Property, Meanwhile, the city -sponsored appraisal of'value was manipulated to lower the cost to the buyer. 2. Shrinking Sales Price, Why are Anaheim taxpayers reimbursing $169 million to the buyer/developer ("credits") for features such as a park and all'ordable housing, when these items are ALWAYS the responsibility of any developer (especially one who's receiving approval for 5,175 housing units!) 3. Mysterious Removal of City Manager, Under mysterious circumstances midway through the negotiations, the city manager was forced out of his Job and paid a $475,000 buyout,, 4. "Saving, Baseball". Underpinning the negotiations has been a laughingly false narrative � va ving firs M%q,plc of sonta Ana, A millcint, G�jrdoi Grouc nud Onm,, , c print6d On M?CYC/f)(j F),4 ger � .H too hIlc td -o a�o�Kd 01L. ,md Y UM� �,(,,k2id dc�a� d 1"Clk'I dk%a! ;Ind sl 6-\ 0SI i I C" Public Comment From: matt mariscal Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:15 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel stadium My name is Matthew Mariscal. I have lived in Anaheim all my life and pay taxes. The stadium & land the council, led by our overly corrupt mayor Sidhu, is getting ready to sell to an out- of- state billionaire is nothing but another corporate subsidy that has diseased our city and its politics. The reality is, we the people, own that stadium. The reality is, the council was "hired" by We the People to represent us- the city residents, not a billionaire that don't even live within the city. This is nothing but a heist. In a time when anaheim bas a deficit of over $700million, we cannot afford more corporate welfare. Not only this, but the fact that Mayor Sidhu won't allow us, the people, to attend meetings and make comment, either In person or via zoom, is criminal and shady governmental practice at best. Any council member, including our mayor, who voted to allow this should expect to be voted or recalled out of office. Public Comment From: kevinboethling Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:45 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium sale Good afternoon. As a long time resident of the city I am dead set against the present deal. I don't understand the urgency in getting the sale done now. What is Arte Moreno going to do? He isn't going to move the team. Where would he go? There isn't a city especially in this economic climate that would be able to give him hundreds of millions in public funds to build a new stadium. I also hate to break it to you but baseball is on the decline. Both attendance and tv ratings are on a downward trend. What is the downside in waiting until next year and getting a new evaluation? From the amount of cash the city is receiving I think this is a bad deal. Thank you, Kevin Boethling Sent from Windows Mail Public Comment From: Heather Sievers <heather@anaheimchamber.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:09 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter of Support for Angels Baseball Attachments: Sept 29 Itr_Angels Baseball.pdf Please see attached letter of support from the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. Best Regards, On behalf of Todd Ament Heather Sievers Director of Events Anaheim Chamber of Commerce 2099 S. State College, Ste. 650 Anaheim, CA 92806 he:�the.rC�2A_n heimch mber.:_org 714.758.0222 September 29, 2020 The Honorable Harry Sidhu, Mayor Members of the City Council City of Anaheim 200 S Anaheim Boulevard, 7th Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Phone: 714-758-0222 2099 S. State College, Ste. 650 Anaheim, CA 92806 www.anaheimehamber.org On behalf of the members and Board of Directors of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, I would like to state our enthusiastic support for Agenda Items 7 and 8 on this evening's City Council agenda. As you know, these items represent the next step forward for the completion of the sale of Angel Stadium and the stadium's approximately 150 -acre property to SRB Management, and approvals for the development plan as proposed by SRB for the future of the stadium property. After many months of hard work and negotiations between SRB leadership and the City's negotiating team, led by Mayor Harry Sidhu, have proposed a great deal for both Angels Baseball and for the City of Anaheim. In fact, the Anaheim Planning Commission agreed, and gave the development plan a decisive 6-1 vote of approval at its September 9 meeting. There's much in the plan that Anaheim can be proud of and look forward to in the coming years, including: • Millions in additional combined property, sales and hotel bed tax revenue to the City, projected to be $6.6 million in 2025 and reaching $38.3 million by 2050. • Over 30,000 construction -related jobs, most in partnership with the building trades and many utilizing local hire programs to prioritize Anaheim workers. • Over 45,000 permanent jobs throughout the development site at full build out. • A combined $7 billion in total economic output in the region per year. • $320 million sale price for Angel Stadium and the property - $150 million in cash plus $170 million in community benefits. We can all be grateful to the Mayor and the negotiating team for the incredible community benefits which they fought for and which SRB Management agreed to deliver. This is what truly makes this entire deal a winner for Anaheim residents. Those benefits include: Build a Strong Local Economy - Promote and Brand the Anaheim Community Create Networking through Business Development Opportunities Represent Business Interests in Government - Political Action ANAH�EIMAnaheim, Phone: 714-758-0222 2099 S. State College, Ste. 650 CA 92806 www.anaheimehamber.org OF COMMERCE 5175 total additional housing units, including apartments and condos, of which 777 will be affordable housing units fully integrated into the market -rate community. A seven -acre flagship city park, fully open to and available to the public, which the developer will retain responsibility for management and maintenance of. An additional 5.2 acres of parks through the development, plus 11 acres of open flex space for recreational use. And this plan moves Anaheim forward in the long-awaited vision of fulfilling the original vision of the Platinum Triangle, creating a destination like L.A. Live at the Staples Center, or around Petco Park in San Diego. The plan envisions 2.7 million square feet of office space for businesses, plus 1.75 million square feet of commercial space for the retail occupants, restaurants, and hotels that will bring this property to life, create jobs, and generate income and tax benefits for the City of Anaheim year round, not just during the baseball season. Speaking of which, there is of course what many regard as the most important part of this deal: It means that the Angels will stay in and keep playing here in Anaheim until 2050, at least. Again, the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce is glad to see this long process and the hard work of the negotiators produce this great deal for the City of Anaheim and we encourage the City Council to follow the lead of the Planning Commission and vote in favor. Sincerely, Ross McCune Chairman of the Board Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Todd Ament President & CEO Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Build a Strong Local Economy - Promote and Brand the Anaheim Community Create Networking through Business Development Opportunities Represent Business Interests in Government - Political Action Public Comment From: Carolyn Scott Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:12 PM To: Public Comment Subject: City Council Meeting 9/28 To all members of the city council: It is irresponsible for Mayor Sidhu and those city council members who have not open the council meetings to be live to the public on the major sale of the stadium at such an insulting price. Have you forgotten your fiduciary responsibility to the people of Anaheim? Where is the transparency, the trust, the best and sound economic decision in this business transaction. This city is not in the business of subsidizing a sports team by handing its owner millions of dollars and the council has lost site that the land is considered acreage in the "platinum triangle" with access to transportation arteries, soon a mass transit regional station, exceptional climate, shopping centers, beaches, Disneyland, the Honda Center, and a viable workforce. The pandemic has had a devastating effect on the state, the city, the small businesses, the tax base, the famililes, our psychic. The lack of money is a global disaster. We find it difficult to believe that Mr. Moreno's company and/or his beneficiaries will be capable of building the affordable housing in 25 years. It has been 14 years and the Angels have not done well. He has fired his GM so that will take time for selection and to rebuild his team. Another season without fans, therefore no income. Hasn't hid company suffered financially too? Don't you think that before any fire station, park, or housing be built, Mr. Moreno's projects will come first? We resolve that you accept the advice of our former Mayor Tait. Carolyn Scott, District 4 Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Public Comment From: Julie Tena Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new parklands will be paid for and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good -paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burdens of renovating an old Stadium or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Julie Tena Loan Officer - NMLS #354271 1st Realty Funding Inc. 925 N Unruh Ave., Ste. 3 La Puente, CA 91744 p: (626)712-5625 e: itena(&1strealtyfunding.com This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notes the sender. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notes the sender immediately by e-mail ifyou have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. Ifyou are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Public Comment From: Anas, Nick <Nick.Anas@sen.ca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:57 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter from Senator Umberg - Items 7 and 8 of tonight's Anaheim City Council Meeting Attachments: Senator Umberg Letter - Anaheim City Council 9-29-2020 Item 7.pdf Nick Anas District Coordintor, Senator Tom Umberg, 34`h District Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center 1000 East Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 220B Santa Ana, CA 92701 Tel: (714)558-3785 rat1. t�AI`'11 IU1 HiUm 30/6 '4 u34 I� ) V, t I J,FP E N I I A 0 E P V September 29, 2020 Cr"'Ififorttin I, Late '�*"rnate Mayor and Councilmembeirs City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 733 Anaheim, CA 92805 SENATOR THOMAS J. UMBERG "I"HIRTY-FCA JRTH SENATF I-PS'TRICT' Re: Agenda Item 7 for the September 29, 2020 meeting of the Anaheim City Council Dear Mayor and City Counciii-nernbers, ._I P11 [111 I h- 1- 11 ELFt, 11 a\Nl -IOI�JIA , AMLNI M i'4 '"IFI BLAME I '!�NLJ Y-IE,UAL REVIiVV q 0 S � I I'l U fj I C I A W, I I I �P; I IRT A 11 K 3 N V11 011 A A F I A I 11, '� 611MGFI SIXRC()IVINIII N -F o.9 On December 19, 201.9, Assemblymember Tom Daly and I sent a letter to you -- the Anaheim City Council -- regarding the sale and development of the Angels Stadium Property, While some of the questions and concerns Outlined in that letter were indirectly answered in recent months, 11 continue to have the following questions that have not been adequately addressed: 1) Will the $150 million cash payment(s) to the City of Anaheim be final if this agreement is passed? Is it possible for the buyers/developer(s) and City Council to seek and approve further discounts to the sale price for additional community benefits? 2) Under this agreement, is it possible for the buyer to sell the property or portions of the property? 3) Does the City of Anaheim need to approve the sale of the property, or any portion of the property? 4) Will the buyer need to seek assistance from the state or federal government (e.g. CE1QA exemptions, housing Subsidies, affordable housing requirements adjustments) to complete this project as envisioned? 5) What is the status and scope of the Community Workforce Agreement? I hope that the City will address these questions, preferably in writing, prior to making its final decision, Thank you for your attention to these matters. Sincerely, Thornas J. Umberg Senator, 301 District Public Comment Subject: FW: Thoughts on the Big A -----Original Message ----- From: Andy Murphy Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:18 PM To: Big A <BigA@anaheim.net> Subject: Thoughts on the Big A Hello Mayor and members of the city council, I am a resident in your district and wanted to write to give my thoughts on the upcoming vote at tomorrow night's meeting regarding the sale of the Angel stadium and surrounding property. Some members of the council are concerned about the reduction in price from the 325 million in December to the estimated 150 million. If this of concern, I would suggest the council release the demands that low income housing and park space be part of the plan. You can also find another property near by to build a new fire station and recover that money. Then you should be able to get the full 325 million asking price. This is alarge parcel of land that the city owns. However, as it is, the city gets virtually nothing for its investment. There is no property tax revenue since it is a city owned property. As you are aware, the cost to upkeep the stadium exceeds the ticket return value that the city receives under the current lease. I feel that the city should not be in the property management business. It is best to sell this property and let a developer bring more value to the city. Once the parcel is built out and individual condos and businesses are sold, the city will receive loads more value as it is developed in the form of property taxes. This is a win for the city as it is a continuing annuity that will keep giving back to the city. The stadium (or new stadium if that may be) will define Anaheim for the next 50 years or more. Without a baseball team, the land is worth significantly less. Just look how much of the platinum triangle construction has been on hold pending the outcome of the stadium deal. Once the stadium deal is confirmed, you will see a great increase in activity and investment in and around the platinum triangle. Many times it has been mentioned that members of the council are upset over the naming of the "Los Angeles" Angels. I am disappointed too, but a business owner has the rite to name his or her business however he or she feels inclined. The city lost millions of dollars battling to keep the Anaheim name with the team in court, and the city lost. Note that other teams are named after the larger greater area but their stadiums are actually located in a different city (New York Jets, New York Giants, Atlanta Braves, Las Vegas Raiders, Miami Dolphins, Los Angeles Rams, Los Angeles Chargers, and I am sure there are many more that I am not aware of. 3 of these are in new stadiums that opened in the last month). In conclusion, I support the sale of the Anaheim Stadium property to the development group. Lets please stop the delays and get this exciting project going in Anaheim ASAP. Thank you, Andy Murphy Anaheim Resident 1 Public Comment From: Mike Capuano Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 5:42 PM To: Big A Subject: Angel Stadium Response BigA, I am not happy with the ton of buildings that get added to the Angel Stadium parking space if the Anaheim City sales it to the Angels owner and group. I have always been a huge Angel fan forever. Getting into the Angel games has always been so easy, and the parking was always so great. I am sure there will be a huge change to getting into the Angel Stadium if all of those things get added to the Angel parking area. If you compare the Angel parking to Dodger parking, they both currently have tons of space, and it is best for the fans. But when all of those buildings get added to the Angel parking, it will be a huge change, and getting into the stadium will be much difficult. And traffic in that area will grow so bad. Between me and most of the Angel fans, we would love for the City of Anaheim to continue to own the Angel Stadium, and keep it the way it is now. If the owner wants some updates to the Angel Stadium, that would be okay for the Angels. But selling it to him, and all of those huge increases are not good for all of us fans. Selling it to him would be okay if he never adds more buildings in the parking area. But, if the city does sell it to him, make sure no more buildings are added, and he changes the name of the team from Los Angeles Angels back to Anaheim Angels. That is the team that was the championship in 2002, and the team was owned by Disneyland. They did a huge change to the stadium when they owned it, which is how beautiful it is now. The owner should focus on better pitching then adding more buildings in the parking area. Mike Trout, who is the greatest baseball guy in MLB, will never get a championship unless the Angels get much better pitching. That should be what Arte Moreno should focus on instead of buying the Stadium and parking area. Mike Capuano Public Comment From: William Leming Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:35 AM To: Big A Subject: Anaheim Stadium Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Subject: Sale of Anaheim Stadium Orange County Register Sunday, September 27, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, After reading the acritical that appeared in the Orange County Register, I am very concerned that the transaction to seem to favor the buyer and leaves the citizens of Anaheim on the short end of the sale. With over 45 years of Real Estate experience in the Orange County Real Estate market this sale has undervalued the property. I would ask you not to approve the sale and give the community more time to review and ask questions such as, was an independent appraisal completed? Those who oppose the sale, can they complete an appraisal prepared by an independent appraiser at their cost? I do not see why we need to give billionaires a sweetheart deal at the expense of the citizens of Anaheim. If the owner wants to move to Long Beach let him, and he can go play at Dodger Stadium for a few years. With Regards, William ( Bill) Leming - RCCD J, Inc. Anaheim, CA 92807 1 Public Comment From: Tony Serna Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:59 AM To: Big A Subject: Yes, get the Angel deal done! Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Our Anaheim family of 5 supports the Angel Stadium Development Plan coming before the City Council today. No different than Field of Dreams — build it and they will come. Development leads to more community investment. Let the Angels manage renovations, and the building of a future stadium. Let the City and its residents take advantage of a financial agreement that pays off now, and continues to pay off with the Angels locked in until 2050, and beyond. This commitment gives other investors and businesses the confidence to develop new projects, new investments, and deliver new jobs for locals. This means more revenue to the city's bottom line for improvements and safety for every neighborhood in Anaheim. I was raised in Anaheim, and I'm now raising a family in Anaheim. City council — set an example of teamwork, and get the deal done. Tony Serna 106 W. 41h Street, Suite 406 Santa Ana, CA 92701 o 1877.526.0411, x8817 m� w CEN Q CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email communication and any attachments may contain confidential marketing plans, trade secrets and/or legally privileged information for the exclusive use of the designated recipients named above. Any unauthorized review, use, storage, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you for your compliance. Public Comment From: Andrew Dayton Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:01 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: YAHOO!7 WEB Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:20 AM To: Public Comment Subject: selling stadium Don't sell our statium 1.5 mill is too cheap 600 + Public Comment From: Stefanie Leal Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:05 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Artie should have to pay at least 50% of market value for the stadium and parking lot Why are you ripping off the citizens of Anaheim. What back door deal have you done now on the backs of the tax payers. City of Anaheim should be ashamed of themselves. MARKET VALUE should be the price tag. You're stealing!!!!!!! What are you getting in return? Stefanie Leal, Realtor www.StefanieLeal.com I (Text or Call) / BRE Lic. 01184099 Keller Williams /Yorba Linda office With over 800 homes listed and sold in my 23 year career, click here to see my 5 Star Reviews! http://www.zillow.com/profile/Stefanie-Leal/?rx=trtie �oe� Public Comment From: conniejimenez Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:28 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Marietta M Weyand Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:34 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Sale of Anaheim Stadium NO SELL!!!!!!! Marietta M Weyand Public Comment From: Gloria Slater Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:36 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: kathy tran Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:39 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Theresa Bass Subject: Item 7 and 8 I am in favor of the sale of stadium, the sale of this land between the city of Anaheim and SRB Management LLC and the development of this land for purposes of the new stadium and surrounding areas. Kathy Tran District 1. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jennifer L. Hall Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:46 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Phone Comment Mayor and City Council, We received a phone call today from Nedi, where she requested the following comments be conveyed to you: She asked that you not hold the meeting tonight but postpone it until it can occur with open doors fairly in the light of day. She expressed that she and others are heartsick that a sale this large was being done in this way, without public representation, and that it was not right. Assistant Cita Clerk Office of the City Clerk City of Anaheim 714-765-5166 Public Comment From: Konstantinos Roditis Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:54 AM To: Public Comment Subject: SRB Management - Item # 7 This is a terrible deal and this not a private -public partnership, this is a textbook definition of cronyism. The City initially sold 150 acres for $320 million. If we use the initial sales prices SRB Management is coming back to the City and residents of Anaheim and saying. From the 5,175 residential dwelling units, we will build, the City of Anaheim will pay us $123 million for 466 affordable homes. That means we are paying $2,673,913.04 so SRB Management can provide discounted rent. SRB Management also wants you to believe that renters and/or owners just want a home and having something like a park to accommodate the fifteen to twenty-five thousand residents that will live here. They need to provide something like a park, so they are asking Anaheim residents to pay them $46 million for a 7 -acre park. SRB Management will also be able to take advantage of state and federal funds, which is good for them. This should be taken also into consideration. As I have warned you in December this deal would turn out something like this and the residents would get angry and you would be sure to have three things. 1. Lawsuit (Happening) 2. Recall (Recall effort against the Mayor is underway) 3. Ballot Initiative (Pending) As you may know, I co-chaired a statewide ballot initiative and many people have asked me to do a ballot initiative to reverse this deal. I am well experienced in doing this. If I do take this task on here is the basic premise of the ballot initiative. The deal would be canceled as it never happened. The land if sold would have to go to a competitive bid, and voters would decide on the winner. Finally, any development, sports, entertainment venue, etc. Must include Anaheim in its name and no other locality or municipality, including but not limited to Los Angeles can be used or utilized. Therefore, I would reject this deal. If you believe this is a good deal. Then let the citizens of Anaheim vote on this and approve it. With hundreds of millions of dollars in unfunded pension liability, giving up $170 million would not be wise. Also, let me remind you this is Anaheim, in Southern California. When the Chargers left San Diego, the City didn't suffer. Our land is more valuable without a team there. Therefore, if we want the Angels to stay in Anaheim then it should be a mutually beneficial arrangement. This only benefits SRB Management, not the City of Anaheim. So please do the right thing while you still can. Konstantinos Roditis Public Comment From: Katrina Valadez Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Linda Lehnkering Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Kelly Aviles Subject: Public Comment re Agenda Item Nos., 7, 7(a), 7(b), and 7(c) Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and City Council Members, The City Council should not proceed with this item. This action suffers from the same Brown Act problems and lack of transparency that resulted in the prior approval of the Sale Agreement. Tonight's action is nothing more than a rubber stamp of the inappropriately negotiated agreements developed by the Negotiating Team, who were required to meet in public in compliance with the Brown Act. This is even more egregious because the Council refuses to face the public to hear its comments, as required by the Brown Act, and continues to withhold public records of communications between the City, SRB, the Angles, and other people influencing this transaction. If the Council has any respect for its citizens, it will pause this action until all information about the backroom deals has been disclosed, the transaction is able to be fully vetted, and the public is able to participate in the meeting in real time. Sincerely, Linda Lehnkering People's Homeless Task Force Orange County V......iiin d a IV.....ehirilkerm rig ...... 1i...lhe irnoiriey was aIIII apprqprm ated for t:he top iiri tIr e hopes tl,iat it WOUld b1cI IIS. dowri to t Ih e ineedy., (Pres�. int) II......N oov r 'ii in't: Ikriow t: Ih a t it n o it i ey b1dkled U Ip . Ge 'ii t to t Ih e Ipeople at tIhe Ibot to it n arid i t: he Ipeople at tIhe top wfld Ihave it before rflIh t, a it iylh o . I U t it wfld at-, IIeast have IC assed tJ1r`0U I11 tIr e Ipoor fellow'ss hairi s," .... Wfld IRogers Public Comment From: Georgia Denkers Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:09 PM To: Public Comment Subject: NO!!! Anaheim Stadium Sale Please do not sell the stadium. Especially at a ridiculous lowball price. Georgia Denkers Dan Denkers Trevor Denkers Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gallegos, Claudio <Claudio.Gallegos@mail.house.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:12 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment in Opposition Attachments: Letter in Opposition to Stadium Deal.pdf Good Afternoon, please enter this letter into the record instead. We found an error in the first one we sent. Thank you. Claudio W. Gallegos I District Director IIIIIIIIV� :j J. L,ui�s CORREA 46TH DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON OFFICE 1039 LoNGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.G. 20515 (202) 225-2965 SANTA ANA DISTRICT OFFICE 2323 N BROADWAY, SUITE 319 Tongrewo of t4t �Vnlitrb $tates SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 559-6190 Pouse of �Rrprmmtaffilvo pw54irtgtou, September 29, 2020 Mayor and City Councilmembers City of Anaheirn 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 9280'5 Dear Mayor Sid[ILI and Honorable City Councilmenibers, HOUSE CommiTTEE ON THE JUDICIARY SuRcommaTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE ON COURTS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE INTERNET VICE CHAIR HOUSE CommiTTEE ON! HOMELAND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE ON BORDER SECURITY, FACILITATION, AND OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND MAHITIME SECURITY CHAIR am joining many of my Anaheim constituents of the 46"' District, including Assemblyman Toni Daly to express my concern and disapproval of the sale of the StadiU111 and surrounding property to a company controlled by Angels owner Ane Moreno, as it is currently proposed. This deal is one-sided, is being pushed through too quickly without proper vetting and leaves it lot of questions unanswered as to who benefits the most from this deal. My concern Is this transaction is not in the best interest of hard-working taxpayers of Anaheim. After careful review of the deal, I have (lie following issues that I feel need to be addressed: Is the property being underval Lied? 'I I here has been issues as to whether or not the value was manipulated due to provisions in the lease to lower the cost to the buyer. We need an independent appraisal to be completed and publicized for public! review. Ensuring the Anaheim taxpayers get the most bang for their buck. should be priority number one. 2. S1101.11d the city be charged for community benefits to the city when these costs have always been the responsibility of the developer? 1 1 am predisposed to oppose to the "oUtFight sale" of this City of Anaheim land. There are mitre questions than answers with this deal, which is why I join Assemblyman Daly and many other Of our Anaheim constituent~ in requesting the Anaheim City Council to stop the sale of this Anaheim property. I have attached Assemblyman Italy's letter and inform you that I agree with his statement and join the Assemblyman, and many other Anaheim residents in our opposition to the deal in its current form. Sincerely', IP e,111111-)1:1�4141 1. -,uis, Correa Member of Congress CORREA.HOUSE.GOV sTA:rE CAPITOL P0 Box 9428,1q SAGRANIENTO CA 94249 0069 (916) 319-2069 FAX (916) 319 2169 MSTRICT OFFICE 2400 FAST KATFIJ A AVENUE, SU T E 640 ANAHEIV CA 92606 �7114u 939-p/t(3� FAX (714) 939-8996 6difurnin rgishifurr E-MML 'roM DALY A,L',G�crit.)yniernberDi„lygasserri�t)Pyr,,,i gov ASS EMBLYMEMBER, S0< I Y NINTH DIS P RICT September 27, 2020 Mayor and City Councilmenibers City of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard A-naheirn, CA 92805 Anaheim Mayor and City Councilmembers: COMM"rTEES CHAR W;UFWJU.i rRANSPOHINHON GOVEMMENIAL, onciArINZATION VE7 ERANS AFFAIRS Because it is an outrageously one-sided deal, I am opposed to the pending agreement to sell the stadium property to a corripany apparently controlled by Angels owner Arte Moreno, .It is iny firm belief - shared by many expert professionals in real estate and city finance - that this deal gives away hundreds of ixii1lions of dollars of Anaheim taxpayer money. 1`01residents Outside of Anaheim, this deal looks like a sad joke ofself-inflicted burnbling and. talse choices, It does them no financial harm. But for Anaheim residents - who own the valuable staditirn property - this is a massive, historic giveaway costing at least 51,000 for- every mart, wonian and child in the city. Here areJUSt sorne of" the probleinswith this deal: 1. Property Undervalued, In recent years, provisions of'the Angels lease were rnanipulated so as to undervalue the property. Meanwhile, the city -sponsored appraisal of value was manipulated to lower the cost to the buyer. 2. Shrinhiing Sales Price, Why are Anaheim taxpayers reimbursing $169 million to the buyer/developer ("credits") for features such as a park and affordable 110LISing, when these items are AltaWAYSthe responsibility ofany developer (especially one who's receiving approval for 5,175 housing units!) 3. Mysterious Removal of City Manager, Under mysterious circumstances midway through the negotiations, the city manager was forced Out of his Job and paid a $475,000 bUy0LIt, 4, "Saving Baseball", Underpinning the negotiations has been laughingly false narrative SVrVi'P,° 111c Pcojjlcof'SanPl An a, Anahci;a, G' ardor I oiv told 01,0000 Prolted on Ryc,(W Paper IT nol too lhe v'm and an"A -v'oid thc Anrd,k,'Ml) dcn 1, 'J,c�,�c l o"N 69 kjus Public Comment From: Hector@TeamARGHomes.com Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:12 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new parklands will be paid for and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good -paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burdens of renovating an old Stadium or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Kind regards, 'ttf.ec..toir A.gui.flax,Realtor° Aguilar Realty Group Homes, Relax Top Producers A, 61€3 N Diamond Bar Blvd, Diamond Bar, (A 91765 P 909-590-8853 M E Hector @TeamARGHomes.c0m W www.AgtiilarRealtt..GrotipHomes.com Ca. &°e He * 0125766€3 Real Estate Market Trends Where Are Home Values Headed Over the Next 12 Months? Curious About Your Home's Value? Click Here! "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt. Public Comment Subject: FW: Anaheim should retain ownership of Angel Stadium From: Sandy Milo Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:51 PM To: Big A <BigA@anaheim.net> Subject: Anaheim should retain ownership of Angel Stadium The City of Anaheim should retain ownership of Angel Stadium for our long term stability. I think it is short sited to sell it. Sandra Milo Anaheim, CA 92805 Public Comment Subject: FW: Keep the Angels in Anaheim From: William O'Connell <williamoconnell@stovallsinn.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:47 PM To: Big A <BigA@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net> Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am writing to urge your support to keep the Angels in Anaheim. My family and I are season ticket holders and lifelong Angel fans. We support the deal negotiated by the city that will keep the team in Anaheim until 2050 and longer. The $320 million for Anaheim Taxpayers will go a long way to help the citizens of Anaheim. The commercial development of the land surrounding the stadium will help create retail space, restaurants, and hotels. The property and sales tax dollars generated by these businesses will benefit the citizens of Anaheim. The creation of additional office space will help attract new businesses to the city and housing units will provide much needed housing in the community. Parks and recreational space will address the needs of our youth and help to keep them active and healthy. Lastly, the creation of approximately 45,000 permanent jobs is much needed as we begin to rebuild our city after the devastating effects of our resort closure due to the covid pandemic. This closure has affected up to 80,000 workers who are dependent on Disneyland and the convention center. What originally began as an attempt to flatten the curve and keep people safe has now morphed into an economic crisis. This prolonged closure and the governor's unprecedented refusal to issue theme park guidelines has had a catastrophic impact on our city. The job creation and the hiring of locals and veterans will help people get back on their feet! Thank you. William R. O'Connell III General Manager (05185) Best Western PLUS Stovall's Inn 1110 W. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 office: + 714.778.1880 ext. 1164 direct: + 714.944.4024 fax: + 714.778.3805 williamoconnella-stovallsinn.com www.stovallsinn.com Public Comment From: Matthew lantorno Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:32 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stop the Sale of Angel Stadium Land To Whom it may concern, Please stop the sale of the angel stadium property for $150 million, When its worth $600 million. Don't be Stupid ! Don't sell us out for a mere $150million. Better yet Rent it out and Keep the Land!!! Land is Land and we will never be able to re -buy that much land around here ever again. Regards, Matt lantorno Anaheim, Ca 92804 Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Public Comment From: Teresa Fitzpatrick Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:42 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium give away Shame on you for selling OUR stadium to a billionaire at a $500 million dollar discount. This is wrong. We deserve better! Anaheim tax payers should have a say on this ridiculous give away at the expense of our residents. You are giving away what does not belong to you for dirty donations from a billionaire. History will not look kindly on you and if you aspire to higher office this will be your legacy. Teresa Fitzpatrick Disgusted Anaheim resident Public Comment From: marlene hansard Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 2:44 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Voting on Stadium Property Anaheim Mayor & City Council --- I was born/raised in Anaheim and say "NO" to the the sale of the Stadium property to SRB Mgt. and Artie Moreno. I hear the mayor and city council tell us they work for US and OUR best interest ... well put the sale of the property on the BALLOT and not the sale behind close doors and phone conversations. This property belongs to the Citizens of Anaheim and NOT what the mayor and city council wants!! PUT THE SALE OF THE STADIUM ON THE BALLOT SO CITIZENS OF ANAHEIM CAN VOTE FOR THE SALE Marlene G. Hansard Anaheim, CA 92805 NOTE: My address is my home now, originally when born I lived at 602 N. Los Angeles St. (now Anaheim Blvd.) I often wondered how many council members where born in Anaheim and long they've in Anaheim (I believe there may be one). I see many comments on Facebook of people who were born/lived here and moved away and have returned and "wonder happen to Anaheim and especially "Downtown"!! P.S. I know you will receive this note to late ... but I just want to speak up. Majority of past/present Anaheimers miss Anaheim! 1 Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:16 PM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: No Deal CCM 9/29, Item #7 CCM 9/29, Item #7 From: Annemarie Randle-Trejo Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:12 PM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Fwd: No Deal Hoping this gets through. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Annemarie Randle-Trejo Date: Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 11:55 AM Subject: No Deal To:<www.pub liccommentsganaheim.net> To the Mayor and City Council, As an Anaheim Resident for over 30 years, I am shocked that the City of Anaheim is willing to give away over $1 BILLION DOLLARS to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno, went from Bad to Worse. We the city of Anaheim are going to be the laughing stock of the nation if we let this go through. Please be mindful of the decision you are making. If you are ignorant of the consequences that makes you a bad representative. If you are knowingly participating in this deal for your own gain then you are a really bad representative for the seat you hold. The property next door to the stadium parking lot recently sold for over $4 Million/acre, yet the city plans to sell the 153 acre stadium property to Moreno for $150 Million ( less than $1 Million/acre) and the deal includes the Stadium and the Grove Theatre for FREE! This is outrageous!!! To do this deal in the middle of a pandemic is also outrageous! Where is the transparency? Where is the public input? I've never received a survey about this nor any correspondence. We deserve to weigh into this matter because it is city owned property! I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! YOU WILL BE VERY EMBARRASSED WHEN SRB/MORENO GET'S THESE ENTITLEMENTS APPROVED AND THEN SELLS THE PROPERTY FOR 100's OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS! You are putting trust in a man who doesn't even respect us! He wouldn't even keep our town's name!! As our leaders, we expect you to keep this city sacred and protect it from those who would exploit us. We are in no way getting fair market value for the property and the timeline for all these proposed retail and housing promises isn't going to help us out for YEARS!! HAVE YOU NOT READ THE FINE PRINT? We have and the devils in the details. I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER and vote No! Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim and it's residents. Do the right thing. Annemarie Randle-Trejo Anaheim, CA Public Comment From: Gavin Kentle Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: byron vandeveer Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:23 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle%2©Qs full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public %2©Qflagship park%2©Q and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Kevin Hogan Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:31 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Annie Mezzacappa; Stephen Faessel; Lucille Kring; Jose Moreno; Jordan Brandman; Trevor O'Neil; Denise Barnes Subject: Please Vote NO On Current Angels Deal Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers: As a resident and property owner in Anaheim, I urge you to vote NO on the sale of Anaheim Stadium to Arte Moreno's organization in its current form. This deal already unnecessarily enriches Moreno at the expense of Anaheim citizens. Now that our city is facing a severe fiscal crisis, gifting hundreds of millions of dollars to a billionaire is unconscionable. • To begin: Moreno was already getting a substantial discount over the property's appraised value (without a stadium in place), because the Council was proceeding from the flawed premise that keeping Angels Baseball on the property was the only possible use for this land -- and that doing so was more important than securing the best price for this once-in-a-lifetime, centrally -located parcel for Anaheim and its citizens. • In a city that can't/won't replace playground equipment until we can persuade Disney or some other sponsor to slap their name on it, giving Moreno's organization a $46.2 MILLION credit for a park on his property is simply obscene. This is an amenity that increases the value of his property; public access will be far more limited than to a neighborhood park. If Moreno wants to build a playpark for drunken adults in the middle of his complex, then let him pay for it with his own money. • The Covid crisis has shown us the problems with having a city economy centered on one particular industry. It is likely that the sports, entertainment, and leisure sectors will go through long-term changes that we do not yet understand. Let's start working towards a diversified civic economy, rather than going with a deal that doubles down on tying the welfare of our city and its citizens to the well-being of one particular industry. Please do the right thing for our city by saying NO to this deal in its current form and going back to the drawing board for a new deal that values the welfare of Anaheim and its citizens over that of the Angels and Arte Moreno's bottom line. Sincerely yours, -- Kevin Hogan Public Comment From: Beverly Hence) Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Tina Riley <triley@theanaheimhotel.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:58 PM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: Scanned image from MX -4071 Attachments: TAH Scanner_20200929_150556.pdf -----Original Message ----- From: tahscan@theanaheimhotel.com <tahscan@theanaheimhotel.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:06 PM To: Tina Riley <triley@theanaheimhotel.com> Subject: Scanned image from MX -4071 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Reply to: TAH Scanner <tahscan@theanaheimhotel.com> Device Name: Not Set Device Model: MX -4071 Location: Not Set File Format: PDF MMR(G4) Resolution: 200dpi x 200dpi Attached file is scanned image in PDF format. Use Acrobat(R)Reader(R) or Adobe(R)Reader(R) of Adobe Systems Incorporated to view the document. Adobe(R)Reader(R) can be downloaded from the following URL: Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Adobe PDF logo, and Reader are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries. https://gcc02.safe l i n ks. protection.outlook.com/?u rl=http%3A/ 2F % 2Fwww.adobe.com % 2F&a m p;data=02%7C01%7Cpu bl iccomment%40anahei m. net%7Ca0661855c769484164e708d864cb2857% 7C74c3739c502a49c68d212bbc30f56f22%7C 1%7C0%7C637370171016041805&amp;sdata=BIRUS3nPBraTLSrWPBF5928pfmBeK%2BbROYXB22zZtvw%3D&amp;reser ved=0 September 29, 2020 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Today, September 29, you will have on your agenda the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. We fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course — the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least, working with a number of organizations like ours to bring tourism dollars to the destination. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level, and it will ensure that an incredible community partner, Angels Baseball, stays in Anaheim and can continue doing good work for members of the community alongside us for decades to come. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Tina Riley Corporate Director of Public Affairs Wincome Hospitality Public Comment From: Kenny Villiami Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:36 PM To: Public Comment The identity of the city needs to be preserved. I feel the name Anaheim stadium shouldn't be changed Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:54 PM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: The pending sale of Anaheim Angels Stadium - CCM 9/29, Item #7 CCM 9/29, Item #7 From: Greatscottrev Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:41 PM To: Helen Myers <HMyers@anaheim.net>; Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Re: The pending sale of Anaheim Angels Stadium Apologies for sending this past noon. In case the matter continues I will provide my feed back I have followed the Angels since my dad took me to a game in Los Angeles. When they moved to Anaheim, we were in OC and came to Monday night family night to watch Nolan Ryan for $1 in the view section. My parents are now both gone, but my daughter takes me to a game every year for Father's Day. Will the Angel legacy of family continue? I thought so as I used to take church groups to games. This team owner is not from that era. Anaheim and this owner should have come to an agreement that benefited everyone. They should have sat down with Disneyland and come up with a resort plan that made the monorail more than an attraction, and would run to ARTIC +. His threats to leave the city should be met with a firm goodbye, as I am no longer sure this team has my loyalty. Maybe rather than trying to steal the stadium for the people, Mr Moreno should focus on the team. During his tenure his pitching staff, and minor league system have become among the worst in baseball. Does he really want to leave a city with a Convention Center that has few if any rivals? Does he want to leave a resort area that includes Disneyland, Honda Center, and extends to Knott's Berry Farm? This deal does not appear to be in Anaheim or the citizen's long term best interest. How are the workers at the Stadium paid and who is looking out for them? I have seen many "attractions" come and go in So Cal as my father, being in gunite construction, had a hand in building many if not most. Then, even Disneyland treated the workers and people much better. If the Angels want to leave or steal the stadium then those of us who have followed them longer than Mr. Moreno has been owner should turn in our jerseys, t -shirts, and hats from many years and many designs. This is a bad deal for everyone, and if this team doesn't get some attention it will get worse. How long will players like Mike Trout and up and coming players like David Fletcher stay with the focus on a billinoares development shcemes instead of the team? Sincerely, Rev. Gregory Douglass, pastor Native American United Methodist Church 800 S Lemon St Anaheim, Ca 92805 & Anaheim Resident -----Original Message ----- From: Helen Myers <HMyers anaheim.net> Sent: Sat, Sep 26, 2020 12:31 pm Subject: The pending sale of Anaheim Angels Stadium Hello Residents and Friends of Anaheim, This email and information on the sale of Angel Stadium is sent to you from Denise Barnes, Anaheim City Councilperson District 1. The sale of Angel Stadium and the parking lot affects every resident of Anaheim. https://www.anaheim.net/2527/A eg ndas Item 7 relates to Angel Stadium and the surrounding parking lot. I ask that you read this message and send your comments to LDa a,anaheim. net by Tuesday, September 29, 12noon. She will forward your comments to the mayor and council. Please voice your reactions to this very troubling information. I have fought for you. I will continue to fight for our city. I need your VOICE TO BE HEARD AT CITYHALL. " Councilwoman Denise Barnes To the Mayor and City Council, As an Anaheim Real Estate Broker for over 35 years, I am shocked that the City of Anaheim is willing to give away over $1 BILLION DOLLARS to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno, went from Bad to Worse. The property next door to the stadium parking lot recently sold for over $4 Million/acre, yet the city plans to sell the 153 acre stadium property to Moreno for $150 Million ( less than $1 Million/acre) and the deal includes the Stadium and the Grove Theatre for FREE! This is an outrageous give away of Anaheim taxpayer property, at a time when Covid-19 has caused an upside down budget for Anaheim. Plus, Moreno has the ability to sell the entire entitled property for a huge profit. The City should at least include a clause in the transaction that should Moreno decide to sell, the City has the first right to buy back The property at Moreno's cost, rather than allow him to profit at the City's miscalculations. I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR THE ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS!!! YOU WILL BE VERY EMBARRASSED WHEN SRB/MORENO GET'S THESE ENTITLEMENTS APPROVED AND THEN SELLS THE PROPERTY FOR 100's OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS! THE TRANSACTION SHOULD AT LEAST HAVE A CLAUSE THAT ALLOWS THE CITY THE FIRST RIGHT TO PURCHASE AT THE BUYER'S COST SHOULD THEY DECIDE TO SELL. WHY SHOULD SRB PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF ANAHEIM TAXPAYERS? As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan DOES NOT OFFER.... NAMELY, THE MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY ($150Mil for 153 acres, how much do the taxpayers get for the Stadium and the Grove? $0 ... that's how much!). Your NO VOTE CAN take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Please do the proper thing and VOTE NO. THIS IS NOT a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Wally Courtney Anaheim, CA If you do not wish to receive future emails from Councilwoman Barnes, please reply with "'unsubscribe" in the subject line. Public Comment From: Ross Romero Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 5:21 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Sale of Anaheim Stadium Hello my name is Ross P. Romero. I worked as a Real Estate agent in Anaheim for over 25 years. I would like to go on record as saying that the deal for the proposed sale of the stadium is a very bad deal price wise. Even at the price of $300 + million that is probably far below the value of the stadium property. That price could possibly be $100's and $100's of million dollars below it's true market value. This property is one of the greatest assets that the people of Anaheim have and this sale is not fair to them, your constituents. Isn't the obtaining of the best price for this property your responsibility to the people of Anaheim. Please reconsider this deal for the sale of the stadium property. Public Comment From: Phuong Vo Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 5:25 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stop the sale of our stadium Dear Anaheim City Council, My family has been living in Anaheim for almost a decade now, and I am disturb to find out that the city plans on selling our stadium without notifying and getting the public's consent. I demand that the city stops the sale, and discuss first with its citizens and constituents why and to whom and for what it is selling the stadium. Best, Phuong Vo Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 7:19 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Fwd: Angels Stadium CCM 9/29, Item 7 Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: No Toll Road 2020 Date: September 29, 2020 at 7:02:58 PM PDT To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Angels Stadium To the Mayor and City Council, To see the taxpayer abuses continue at your City is shocking. That the City of Anaheim is willing to give away over $1 BILLION DOLLARS to a Billionaire! The latest proposal to sell the stadium property to Angels owner, Arte Moreno, went from Bad to Worse. This is an outrageous give away of taxpayer property and we are tired of the corruption that originates in Anaheim and is contagious throughout the entire county. You are elected to represent us - not your buddies. Just stop. I DO NOT support the City selling the Stadium property with the current plan. VOTE NO, AND WORK ON A FAIR DEAL FOR TAXPAYERS!!! Not My Toll Road Public Comment From: Elizabeth Sheehe Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 7:45 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Hallie Fleming Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:12 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Angels Stadium Hello, My name is Hallie Fleming, I'm a resident of district 6. I'd like the council to know that I'm heavily against the sale of this land to the Angels at this price, and I consider it a huge abuse of power to sell this land at such a disadvantageous price. Best, Hallie Fleming Public Comment From: Quinlyn Tesar Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:53 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Sale (Live) Affordable housing is not a discussion for later, for political gain, or as some idealistic notion. People are homeless here in extreme numbers. Those who aren't struggle to keep from becoming so. Sooner is better than later. People are in crisis now. Sports stadiums are now an inextricable part of our local economy, but this price is not conducive to a stable economy. The people dying in the streets are just as human as those in penthouses looking over your stadium. Quinlyn Tesar, from district 6, firmly against the current price and conditions. Public Comment From: Francisco Belmonte Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:47 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Edgar Arellano Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:11 PM To: Public Comment; Denise Barnes; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Lucille Kring Subject: Dev presentation I cannot read via granicus. Please link where we can access the presentation so we can follow along Public Comment From: Edgar Arellano Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:23 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Theresa Bass; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Lucille Kring; Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Subject: Re: Dev presentation Thank you for providing the link via email. I hope the rest of the public are reminded again and again and again, where they can access that during these meetings if we are to self accommodate. The presentation is hardly ADA compliant via Granicus. It seems insufficient for me to accommodate myself with multiple screens to follow along. If this is a public meeting, then the presentation should be made available via the meeting with accomodations for the public to follow along. Thanks, I guess, for the lead. For future public meetings I request that all types/fonts/kerning be made more legible. It's a quick formatting issue. Do better. On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 10:13 PM Public Comment <pub liccommentganaheim. net> wrote: Mr. Arellano, The presentation is available at: www.anaheim.net/biga. Select SRB Presentation. Assistant Cita Clerk Office of the City Clerk City of Anaheim 714-765-5166 From: Edgar Arellano Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:11 PM To: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net> Subject: Dev presentation I cannot read via granicus. Please link where we can access the presentation so we can follow along Public Comment From: Edgar Arellano Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:32 PM To: Public Comment; Denise Barnes; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Lucille Kring; Big A Subject: Re: Dev presentation That is a boring vision for the area. Was the 7 acre park gonna stay to being a grass field for taco trucks? Disappointing whether that is true or not. It's so small. Anyways. I agree with Barnes' & Moreno's comments with this item. I look forward to further public hearings. ADA compliant ones. Do better. On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 10:11 PM Edgar Arellano wrote: I cannot read via granicus. Please link where we can access the presentation so we can follow along Public Comment From: Edgar Arellano Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:20 PM To: Public Comment; Denise Barnes; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Lucille Kring; Big A Subject: Re: Dev presentation Not a win win On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 10:31 PM Edgar Arellano - wrote: That is a boring vision for the area. Was the 7 acre park gonna stay to being a grass field for taco trucks? Disappointing whether that is true or not. It's so small. Anyways. I agree with Barnes' & Moreno's comments with this item. I look forward to further public hearings. ADA compliant ones. Do better. On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 10:11 PM Edgar Arellano wrote: I cannot read via granicus. Please link where we can access the presentation so we can follow along Public Comment From: Edgar Arellano Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:42 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Theresa Bass; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Denise Barnes; Lucille Kring; Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil; Big A Subject: Re: Dev presentation The jobs you promise are reliant on tourism and normal business carried out. There's a pandemic that we haven't cleared and it's so shortsighted to continue building up those industries on taxpayer dime. Adapt. We need diverse industries to be supported in Anaheim. This vision of an economy based on visitors is huge speculation. Even in the 20 year time frame that this may take to build out. Corporate welfare to entertainment is small minded. The city should not sell to angels and instead put out an RFP for infotech business campus or sustainable affordable housing. The vision from SRB is tacky and tired. Do better. On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 10:23 PM Edgar Arellano wrote: Thank you for providing the link via email. I hope the rest of the public are reminded again and again and again, where they can access that during these meetings if we are to self accommodate. The presentation is hardly ADA compliant via Granicus. It seems insufficient for me to accommodate myself with multiple screens to follow along. If this is a public meeting, then the presentation should be made available via the meeting with accomodations for the public to follow along. Thanks, I guess, for the lead. For future public meetings I request that all types/fonts/kerning be made more legible. It's a quick formatting issue. Do better. On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 10:13 PM Public Comment <pub liccommentganaheim. net> wrote: Mr. Arellano, Assistant City Clerk Office of the City Clerk City of Anaheim 714-765-5166 From: Edgar Arellano Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:11 PM To: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net>; Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net> Subject: Dev presentation I cannot read via granicus. Please link where we can access the presentation so we can follow along Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: RE the miss representation of my letter to Council about Angels Baseball & Community Investment -----Original Message ----- From: Loretta Day Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2020 11:33 AM Subject: FW: RE the miss representation of my letter to Council about Angels Baseball & Community Investment FYI -----Original Message ----- From: Debbie Herman Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2020 3:36 AM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net>; Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: RE the miss representation of my letter to Council about Angels Baseball & Community Investment Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, It was brought to my attention that my name came up at the Council meeting Tuesday evening regarding the letter I wrote below. I was unable to watch the council meeting live due to prior commitments, I was informed by people who did watch the meeting that this happened. I was able to watch the council video Wednesday evening, and in all due respect to councilmember Barnes, I am very disappointed in the way my letter was presented. I have been questioned by members of the community regarding my stance on the Angels project because of this. All of the other letters that were read to the public, whether they were long, short or paraphrased, did not have their name specifically mentioned. I feel if you are going to read a letter from a concerned Citizen you should read the entire letter to the public... not pick out one sentence that was clearly taken out of context. In my letter I started and ended by fully endorsing this project. I named all the reasons I thought this would be so beneficial for our community and an asset to a tourist destination. Out of this whole letter this was all that was read: > I strongly suggest adding the first right to purchase the property > back for the sale price to the contract under consideration If you read before this one sentence in my letter, there is a longer paragraph in FULL support of this project and I am very happy that it passed! In the paragraph with this one sentence, I was merely stating what I have heard on blogs, from other citizens, and in an email I received bringing up the possibility of turning around and selling the land for a profit. What was not mentioned was I personally do not believe that Mr. Moreno would do this and that he is very invested in this project. I thought bringing this up to other citizens might help squash any misconceptions and help people hearing all of these same things get on board with this beneficial project. It was merely a suggestion and after listening to the city attorney, I also understand why a businessman would not want this in his contract. I now realize that I should not have left the opportunity for this to be taken out of context with my words. It was meant to be a suggestion for the community... Nothing to do with how I feel about this project personally. The same thing about changing the name, which I also brought up. This was clearly defined by councilmember Kring with the red lining of that portion of the contract years ago. Something I have never heard about previously, nor do I believe that the general public knows about, If I had known that, I would have never even brought that up. Once again, it was a suggestion to get more people on board. This is not a concern for me, as I fully support this project 100%. I hope you will all take the time to read my ENTIRE letter. I now know I should not have used the words "strongly suggest" because that made it sound very definitive, when I was just giving suggestions to get all of these arguments over and the project moving forward. I have definitely learned my lesson and I will be more mindful of my words in the future. I have also learned that if I have something specific to say, I will contact a councilmember in person. I am very disappointed with the process of writing letters to the Council, how it was used, and how it turned into something like this. My only saving grace at this point is that the meeting took so long. A lot of people had gone to bed however several more watched it on Wednesday. The snippet of my entire letter and my name are now a matter of public record that people can look back on at any time by watching the video. I now know how politicians feel when one little sentence can be misconstrued into something that affects your life... Not a lesson I wanted to learn! I am clearly disappointed. Congratulations on passing this amazing project for our city... I am a proud citizen, and by no means did I mean to stir up any controversy! Thank you for your time, Debbie Herman > -----Original Message----- > From: Debbie Herman > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:59 PM > To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> > Subject: Angels Baseball & Community Investment > Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, > I am writing to you today in support of the sale of the land and having Angels baseball in our city for years to come. > I feel that many people are focused on the fair market value of the land itself, and are not thinking about the plan established years ago for the platinum triangle, the temporary and permanent jobs it will bring to our City, the benefits of having a Major League Baseball team in a tourist destination, and the positive impact on our local businesses, restaurants, and hotels for years to come. In addition, it is fun for our communities's Angels fans, who love sports and the sense of pride that comes form supporting your "hometown team"! > I have been following the pros and cons of this sale, and everything I have read allows be to believe this is very beneficial for Anaheim. > I did however read that the Mr. Moreno could turn around and sell this property after the deal for a profit. I do not believe this would happen, as I feel he is invested in this project. If there is any truth to this statement, I strongly suggest adding the first right to purchase the property back for the sale price to the contract under consideration. This may be in the contract already. By bringing this up and getting it out to the public, I feel our community would be more comfortable with the sale of the land. > Another thing that would get more Anaheim residence on board with this > whole project is renaming the team, or rather eliminating the words > "Los Angeles" from the title. We are Anaheim, and not Los Angeles. In > all honesty it's kind of confusing :-) > The stadium is known as the "Big A" - and I don't even think people would be upset if the team was just called the "ANGELS"with no specific city attached. It is our team in our city. When you attend or watch the games it's just "TIME FOR ANGELS BASEBALL" > Thank you for taking the time to read my comments. Personally, I see nothing but positive things coming from this sale for our community.. > I stand with the City Council Members supporting this Great > opportunity for Anaheim, > Debbie Herman > Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Weijie Huang Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 7:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: No on Prop 16 Dear Anaheim City Council, elected official, etc, My name is Wei. I am a concerned resident. On November 3, 2020, voters are being presented with a proposition that goes against our city. That is proposition 16. Proposition 16 eliminates language in the California Constitution, Prop 209, that says government cannot discriminate based on race or gender. With Prop 209, Californian are seeing diversities prevailing year over year involving many different aspects, as long as one works hard, one will get lots of opportunities here, which is the reason why California leads and prospers not only in the US but in the world. I am proud to be a Californian. With Prop 16, it will lead California to a totally opposite direction, a WRONG direction. We don't want to go back to the historical dark age of inequality & injustice. Prop 16 will inevitably encourage government bureaucracy and corruption and will cost the taxpayers billions of dollars to clean up the foreseeable mess it creates. This country is a great land of opportunity for everyone. The people have said "NO!" to SCA5 in 2014, and we need to say "NO!" again this November to stop this racist proposition becoming law. Sincerely, Resident, Wei Public Comment From: Alan Song Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:26 AM To: Public Comment Subject: City Council Meeting - Public Comments Attention all Californians. Your ballots will come out around October 5, 2020. The ballots are due on November 3, 2020. On the ballot is a very tricky proposition. Proposition 16 is being sold to the public as helping minority groups. That is not what proposition 16 does. Proposition 16 is to eliminate California's constitutional protection against discrimination on the basis of race or gender, without providing any substitute language. In short, Proposition 16 is to legalize discrimination, and we must vote it down. Please vote no on proposition 16. Public Comment From: Larose, Helen Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:48 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Car Racing The Ralph's parking lot at the corner of Ball and Brookhurst as become the mecca for loud cars and street racing. Everywhere you look there are burn outs in the streets and in the businesses. As residents we are being woken up at all hours of the night by the insanely loud nitro cars. They meet and drink publicly and when the APD responds they send out 2 cars for sometimes 60 — 70 cars. There are weeks they meet nightly and Jack in the Box is inundated with cars doing doughnuts around their building. We need this stopped. Our complex has working people and seniors who can't sleep at night because of revving engines, backfires and tire screeching. My daughter is a nurse and is constantly being awakened after long shifts because of this nuisance. Sincerely Helen La Rose, President, Brookmore Arms HOA Jennifer L. Hall From: Ashley Owen Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:25 AM To: Public Comment Subject: City council meeting - general comments Dear city council members, I'm a concerned resident. My name is Ashley Owen. I will vote no on proposition 16. Proposition 16 gives the government power to discriminate its own residents based on race and gender. This is clearly illegal and we urge our elected officials to take a stand against it. Supporters of proposition 16 state that it may benefit people of color in education and government contracting. Yet, proposition 16 merely eliminates the California constitution that prohibits discrimination based on race or gender. The majority of voters of our city are against proposition 16. We must defend our constitution. Thank you for your attention. Jennifer L. Hall From: Teame Ozeqbe Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:37 AM To: teameozegbe@gmail.com Subject: No prop 16 Dear city council member, Lately there were many rallies organized by residents throughout California to oppose proposition 16. Civil Rights activists, law professors, elected officials, students and parents all spoke passionately against Prop 16 in those rallies. Why was that? I learned that Prop 16 was proposed by the state assembly woman Shirley Webber, aiming to repeal Prop 209, part of California constitution, which clearly prohibits the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. Yet the state wants to repeal it. If Prop 16 passes in the Nov election, it means we the Californians allow the state to discriminate against all of us based on our race, gender or color and allow special treatment by the state in college admissions, jobs and contracting. This is totally unconstitutional and against the American value of equal rights. Furthermore I have learnt that the ballot label was written in a very misleading fashion. It says Prop 16 allows diversity as a factor in public employment, education and contracting decisions. The legislators are playing word games with the voters. They replaced the word "discrimination" with the word "diversity'. This is discrimination in the name of "diversity". Let's all not be misled by the ballot label. We should all say no to discrimination and most of all discrimination from the state level. Please vote NO on Prop 16 in Nov! Thank you. iea'Tie 0 z e q Jennifer L. Hall From: Sue Zhao Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 2:50 PM To: Public Comment Subject: City Council - Public Comments Dear City Council, My name is Sue Zhao. I'd like to express my feeling about Proposition 16 and urge anyone who disgusts racial discrimination to vote against it on November 3rd. Proposition 16 is against the law and is legalizing discrimination! Please help to stop discrimination of any race in our community and in our state. I believe we should treat everyone equally; give them the opportunity to become successful in this great state. Vote NO on Prop 16! Thank you for your consideration! Best regards, Sue Zhao Jennifer L. Hall From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Anaheim City Council, Taylor Crouse <taylor@heliosenergyca.com> Friday, September 25, 2020 1:47 PM Public Comment president@stcatherinesacademy.org Anaheim NEM 1.0 Extension As you know, we've lost AT LEAST 6+ months of this year's business due to COVID-19. 2020 was the'proposed' final year of Anaheim Public Utilities NEW 1.0, which maintains an equal cost kWh exchange of 1:1 for all new Solar installations. January 1 st, 2021 is the current set date for NEM 2.0. There are multiple Anaheim businesses, schools, and churches that were in process of getting approved & installed for solar this year, but due to COVID-19 had to SHUTDOWN. Now as they start to come back online, it's too late to finish before year's end, as NEM 2.0 essentially renders Solar no longer financially advantageous. NEM 1.0 should be extended an additional 12 months to love businesses the chance to finish what they started. California mandated a shutdown for many months, granted extensions on taxes, eviction relief, business payroll relief, etc. in response to the global pandemic. If everything else was frozen in time, would it not make sense for NEM 1.0 too? We know you care about your community and Anaheim businesses. If you decide to grant this 12 -month NEW 1.0 extension it will allow businesses and homeowners alike to flourish after struggling through one of the most difficult times I personally have ever experienced. Thank you all sincerely for everything you do for our community. We appreciate you. Sincerely, Taylor Crouse Helios Energy *NEM Explanation: Anaheim Public Utilities (along w/ SCE, LAD", SDG&E, etc.) provides a service known as Net Energy Metering (NEM). NEM occurs as commercial or residential Solar system's create excess electricity during the day, they SEND/SELL that electricity back to the grid, and then at night when the sun's not out, they RECEIVE/BUY that power back. NEM 1.0 When YOU RECEIVE/BUY Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, you pay $1.00 When YOU SEND/SELL Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, they'll pay you $1.00 NEM 2.0 When YOU RECEIVE/BUY Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, you pay $1.00 When YOU SEND/SELL Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, they'll pay you $0.33 Best Regards, Taylor Crouse Energy Consultant Helios Energy, Inc. (mobile) www.HeliosEnergyCA.com E N E R G Y Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Anaheim City Council, Alexander Black <alex@heliosenergyca.com> Friday, September 25, 2020 2:41 PM Public Comment Anaheim City Council to extend Solar NEM 1.0 deadline As you know, we've lost AT LEAST 6+ months of this year's business due to COVID-19. 2020 was the'proposed' final year of Anaheim Public Utilities NEM* 1.0, which maintains an equal cost kWh exchange of 1:1 for all new Solar installations. January 1 st, 2021 is the current set date for NEM 2.0. There are multiple Anaheim businesses, schools, and churches that were in process of getting approved & installed for solar this year, but due to COVID-19 had to SHUTDOWN. Now as they start to come back online, it's too late to finish before year's end, as NEM 2.0 essentially renders Solar no longer financially advantageous. NEM 1.0 should be extended an additional 12 months to love businesses the chance to finish what they started. California mandated a shutdown for many months, granted extensions on taxes, eviction relief, business payroll relief, etc. in response to the global pandemic. If everything else was frozen in time, would it not make sense for NEM 1.0 too? We know you care about your community and Anaheim businesses. If you decide to grant this 12 -month NEM* 1.0 extension it will allow businesses and homeowners alike to flourish after struggling through one of the most difficult times I personally have ever experienced. Thank you all sincerely for everything you do for our community. We appreciate you. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Alexander Black <alex@heliosenergyca.com> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 3:07 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim City Council to extend Solar NEM 1.0 deadline As you know, we've lost AT LEAST 6+ months of this year's business due to COVID-19. 2020 was the 'proposed' final year of Anaheim Public Utilities NEW 1.0, which maintains an equal cost kWh exchange of 1:1 for all new Solar installations. JanUary est, 202 is the current set date for NEM 2.0. There are multiple Anaheim businesses, schools, and churches that were in process of getting approved & installed for solar this year, but due to COVID-19 had to SHUTDOWN. Now as they start to come back online, it's too late to finish before year's end, as NEM 2.0 essentially renders Solar no longer financially advantageous. NEM 1.0 should be extended an additional 12 months to give businesses the chance to finish what they started. California mandated a shutdown for many months, granted extensions on taxes, eviction relief, business payroll relief, etc. in response to the global pandemic. If everything else was frozen in time, would it not make sense for NEM 1.0 too? We know you care about your community and Anaheim businesses. If you decide to grant this 12 -month NEW 1.0 extension it will allow businesses and homeowners alike to flourish after struggling through one of the most difficult times I personally have ever experienced. Thank you all sincerely for everything you do for our community. We appreciate you. Sincerely, Taylor Crouse Helios Energy *NEM Explanation: Anaheim Public Utilities (along w/ SCE, LADWP, SDG&E, etc.) provides a service known as Net Energy Metering (NEM). NEM occurs as commercial or residential Solar system's create excess electricity during the day, they SEN D/SELL that electricity back to the grid, and then at night when the sun's not out, they RECEIVE/BUY that power back. NEM 1.0 When YOU RECEIVE/BUY Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, you pay $1.00 When YOU SEND/SELL Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, they'll pay you $1.00 NEM 2.0 When YOU RECEIVE/BUY Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, you pay $1.00 When YOU SEND/SELL Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, they'll pay you $0.33 Sent from my iPhone On Sep 25, 2020, at 2:41 PM, Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net> wrote: The City is in receipt of your public comment. Your comment will be distributed to the City Council for their consideration and made part of the public record of the City Council meeting. Jennifer L. Hall From: David Mazer Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:05 AM To: City Clerk Subject: EVECTIONS Dear Sirs: This is an urgent request to have the city of Anaheim extending moratorium on evictions until January 1 st 2021. This would coincide with the Governor's date. This is becoming urgent matter and I think it should be taken very serious. The city has presidents over the state and federal government when it comes to the moratorium on evictions. Anaheim Residence are fully protected when the city has its own moratorium as it applies to all the evictions. If we let it expire again, it would fall to the state and then the federal government. The problem being that the state and federal government well I only those renters if they do not pay their rent on time . It will not protect them from any other type of eviction which a Coalition of attorneys are working on now against Anaheim renter's for any other reason other than non- payment of rent. They can be evicted for a small violation of a lease, having someone stay over without the landlord's permission, having a pet they should not have, being a nuisance, and 30 other reasons other than non-payment of rent. Most Anaheim residents will not be ready for this to happen on October 1 st, evictions can proceed for any reason other than non-payment of rent starting on October 5th. I believe in Anaheim should do the same thing that I just said which other Cities are starting to look at and that's extending their own moratorium on evictions until January 1 st 2021. To protect the large number of renters in Anaheim, Anaheim must maintain in effect it's on moratorium on evictions for the next several months. As stated earlier the state and federal moratorium on evictions will only protect renters for non-payment of rent. I already know that several attorneys are planning on using anything --but the non-payment of rent as a cause for eviction which may proceed right away. Thanking you, I remain, Sincerely, David M Mazer Public Comment From: Max Steel Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 7:53 AM To: Public Comment Subject: funds To the Anaheim City Council: My name is Max. I am writing in deep concern for the health of the greater Anaheim community. It has become more than clear that a radical shift in our concept of policing and community health must take place at the local level. Police violence in Anaheim has disproportionately affected Black and Brown residents and that must come to an end. The United States does not have a national healthcare system. Instead, we have the largest military budget, and some of the most well -funded and militarized police departments in the world. Anaheim is no different: the 2019-2020 budget allocated $153.8 million to law enforcement and only $1 million to community development. Anaheim is the 9th most violent police department in the U.S. From 2003-2016, Anaheim Police Department killed 33 people during the process of arrest, and nearly 40% of them were unarmed. Since 2014, the rate of arrest -related deaths caused by Anaheim PD exceeds that of LAPD, NYPD, and San Fran PD and is 74% higher than the average for police in California. I demand that the city council not approve "Resolution 19" that would spend $700,000 dollars of taxpayer money on surveillance technology of anti -police brutality protests and that any future projects related to surveillance be halted. I also demand that the council not approve "Resolution 5" that will use $100,000 to improve 10 police vehicles. Instead, invest that money in creating programs that benefit and enrich the community especially during a global pandemic. I am calling on our elected officials to stop criminalizing our community members. We as a concerned community refuse to remain silent on the use of technology to further terrorize our community. Public Comment From: David Mazer Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:03 AM To: Public Comment Subject: EVECTIONS Dear Sirs: This is an urgent request to have the city of Anaheim extending moratorium on evictions until January 1 st 2021. This would coincide with the Governor's date. This is becoming urgent matter and I think it should be taken very serious. The city has presidents over the state and federal government when it comes to the moratorium on evictions. Anaheim Residence are fully protected when the city has its own moratorium as it applies to all the evictions. If we let it expire again, it would fall to the state and then the federal government. The problem being that the state and federal government well I only those renters if they do not pay their rent on time . llt will not protect them from any other type of eviction which a Coalition of attorneys are working on now against Anaheim renter's for any other reason other than non- payment of rent. They can be evicted for a small violation of a lease, having someone stay over without the landlord's permission, having a pet they should not have, being a nuisance, and 30 other reasons other than non-payment of rent. Most Anaheim residents will not be ready for this to happen on October 1 st, evictions can proceed for any reason other than non-payment of rent starting on October 5th. I believe in Anaheim should do the same thing that I just said which other Cities are starting to look at and that's extending their own moratorium on evictions until January 1 st 2021. To protect the large number of renters in Anaheim, Anaheim must maintain in effect it's on moratorium on evictions for the next several months. As stated earlier the state and federal moratorium on evictions will only protect renters for non-payment of rent. I already know that several attorneys are planning on using anything --but the non-payment of rent as a cause for eviction which may proceed right away. Thanking you, I remain, Sincerely, David M Mazer Public Comment From: Betty Wilkison Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 10:32 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Sound on council meeting. Please check! We are unable to understand council members. Sent from my iPad Public Comment From: Dan Burley Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:46 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Re: Anaheim City Council Comments Just checking to see if my comments were included in the recent or upcoming city council meeting. Dan Burley Program Coordinator, Orange County YPR - Young People in Recovery On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 2:57 PM Dan Burley wrote: The purpose of the following comments is to make the Anaheim City Council aware of free recovery communities dedicated to helping adults of all ages, but particularly young adults succeed in their long-term drug and alcohol recovery. Drug and alcohol addiction have become epidemic in America and particularly in Orange County with the explosion of the Opioid crisis. There are multiple paths to drug and alcohol recovery available in Orange County and many resources are free. 12 Step Programs, Faith Based, Smart Recovery and Medical Assist are some of the pathways. Young People in Recovery or YPR is a nonprofit organization in Orange County dedicated to administering free resources for long term recovery to anyone in Orange County. Recovery support communities such as YPR and The Phoenix Organization based in Newport are dedicated to helping young and older adults thrive and live a drug and alcohol -free lifestyle. L Dan Burley Program Coordinator, Orange County YPR - Young People in Recovery Public Comment From: DAVID DURAN Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 6:20 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Kelly Aviles; Trevor O'Neil; Stephen Faessel; Lucille Kring; Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; nsantana@voiceofoc.org; scustodio@voiceofoc.org Subject: Re: Public Comment Received Please reply with transcripts and slide presentations because the audio is extremely difficult to understand and because ALL the slide/presentations are illegible. Thank you, Dave Duran PS. All of these types of requests could be eliminated... all the city has to do is OPEN UP MEETING CHAMBERS TO THE PUBLIC! On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 12:32 PM Public Comment <pub liccommentganaheim. net> wrote: The City is in receipt of your public comment. Your comment will be distributed to the City Council for their consideration and made part of the public record of the City Council meeting.