10/06/2020ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR AND REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 2020 The regular meeting of October 6, 2020 was called to order at 3:00 P.M. and adjourned to 4:30 P.M. for lack of a quorum. The regular adjourned meeting of October 6, 2020 was called to order at 4:32 P.M. telephonically, pursuant to Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-29-20 (superseding the Brown Act related provisions of Executive Order N-25-20) in response to COVID-19. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on October 1, 2020. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Harry Sidhu and Council Members Stephen Faessel, Denise Barnes, Jordan Brandman, Jose F. Moreno, Lucille Kring, and Trevor O'Neil (all via teleconference). STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Jim Vanderpool, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and City Clerk Theresa Bass ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: City Clerk Theresa Bass reported that no public comments were received electronically prior to 2:30 P.M. related to the Closed Session agenda. [A final total of 13 public comments were received electronically and distributed to the City Council related to the Closed Session agenda and made part of the official record]. — See Appendix. CLOSED SESSION: At 4:35 P.M., Mayor Sidhu recessed to closed session for consideration of the following: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Eisinger v. City of Anaheim et al, OCSC Case No. 2018-01035258 At 5:14 P.M., Mayor Sidhu reconvened the Anaheim City Council. INVOCATION: Council Member Lucille Kring FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Jordan Brandman PRESENTATIONS: Recognizing the 2020 Community Services VolunTEENS Acceptance of Other Recognitions (To be presented at a later date): Recognizing October 18 - 24, 2020, as National Friends of the Library Week Recognizing October 25 - 31, 2020, as County of Orange Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Recognizing October 12, 2020, as Indigenous Peoples' Day City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 2 of 20 At 5:20 P.M., Mayor Sidhu called to order the Anaheim Housing Authority (in joint session with the City Council). ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: City Clerk Theresa Bass reported that 367 public comments were received electronically prior to 2:30 P.M. related to City Council agenda items and matters within the jurisdiction of the Anaheim City Council. [A final total of 387 public comments were received electronically and distributed to the City Council related to City Council agenda items and matters within the jurisdiction of the Anaheim City Council and made part of the official record]. — See Appendix. CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE: City Manager Jim Vanderpool reported the timeframe for responding to the 2020 Census has been extended to October 31, 2020 and local Census workers would continue to collect data in the City. He shared that City staff would be assisting the Census Bureau with their Mobile Questionnaire Assistance Operation to answer resident questions and provide assistance at the West Anaheim Youth Center on Wednesdays 3:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., Ponderosa Family Resource Center on Tuesdays 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., and the Miraloma Family Resource Center with schedule to be determined. Additionally, he shared that the self -response rate for the City is currently 73.5%, the County is 76.3%, and the State is 69.3%, with more information available at www.2020census.gov. He reported a virtual community meeting was held last Thursday to obtain resident input for the initial planning phase for the new River Park, all residents are encouraged to provide input as the City seeks grant funding and goes though the design phase, and additional information could be found at www.anaheim.net/planningforparks. Mr. Vanderpool further reported that Anaheim Fire & Rescue Department personnel were deployed to several fires across northern California and, with potential rain over the weekend, their demobilization and return home could start next week, further thanking them for their service. At 5:24 P.M., Mayor Sidhu recessed the Anaheim City Council to address the Anaheim Housing Authority agenda and reconvened the City Council at 5:38 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 5:38 P.M., the consent calendar was considered with Mayor Sidhu pulling Item Nos. 09 and 19 and Council Member O'Neil pulling Item No. 15 for separate discussion and consideration. MOTION: Council Member Kring moved to waive reading of all ordinances and resolutions and adopt the balance of the consent calendar as presented, in accordance with reports, certifications, and recommendations furnished each city council member and as listed on the consent calendar, seconded by Council Member Barnes. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. 8105 4. Receive and file minutes of the Budget, Investment and Technology Commission meetings of January 29, 2020, March 11, 2020, May 28, 2020, and June 10, 2020; the Library Board meeting of August 10, 2020; the Public Utilities Board meeting of August 26, 2020; and the Sister City Commission meetings of February 24, 2020 and March 23, 2020. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 3 of 20 D180 5. Accept the bid from Waxie Sanitary Supply, in the amount of $94,530 plus applicable tax, for the as needed purchase of Tork Advanced Matic paper towels for the Anaheim Convention Center for a one year period with four one-year optional renewals; and authorize the Purchasing Agent to exercise the renewal options in accordance with Bid #9412. 6. Accept the lowest responsive bid of Haaker Equipment Company, in the amount of $73,800 D180 plus applicable tax, for the as needed rental of trucks for street sweeping and sewer cleaning for a one year period with up to four one-year optional renewals; and authorize the Purchasing Agent to exercise the renewal options in accordance with Bid #9434. D180 7. Waive the sealed bid requirement of Council Policy 4.0 and approve a master agreement with West Coast Arborists, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $140,000, for tree trimming services throughout the City on an as needed basis while a new scope of work and bid package is developed, solicited and awarded; the agreement will be effective through December 31, 2020 or will end as soon as a new agreement is in place for the services. D180 8. Waive the sealed bid requirement of Council Policy 4.0 and authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a Master Agreement to Multimedia Integrated Technology, Inc. dba Integrated Technology, in an amount not to exceed $108,000, for telephone system maintenance and repair services for a one year period. AGR- 10. Accept the Ending the HIV Epidemic Grant Award from the Orange County Health Care 12296 Agency, in the total grant award amount of $450,000 over five years, to expand the City's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Rental Assistance Program; authorize the Director of the Community & Economic Development Department, or designee, to execute and administer the agreement; and amend the Community & Economic Development Department's Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget by $50,000. D175 11. Determine that the Active Transportation Program Cycle 4 Citywide Sidewalk Gap Closure Project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Title 14, Section 15301 of the California Code of Regulations. AGR- 12. Approve an Engineering Services Agreement with GHD, Inc., in an amount not to exceed 12297 $252,000, for the design of the Alley Sanitary Sewer Improvement Program 2020 - South of North Street between Sabina Street and Pauline Street; and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the agreement and any related documents, and take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreement. D159 13. Designate a one-story Craftsman style residence located at 631 South Walnut Street as a citywide "Historically Significant Structure." AGR- 14. Approve a Notice of Intent with the County of Orange, in the estimated cost of $3,451,512 for 14581. animal care and shelter services for the period of July 1, 2020 through June, 30, 2021. 0.5 16. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-121 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE P124 CITY OF ANAHEIM accepting certain deeds conveying to the City of Anaheim certain interests in real property (City Deed Nos. 12413 through 12441) [in connection with the provision of utility services; City Deed Nos. 12413 (235 S. Beach Blvd.); 12414 (1240 S. Beach Blvd.); 12415 (160 Toby Ln.); 12416 (4960 E. Crescent Dr.); 12417 (1750 S. State College Blvd.); 12418 (108 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12419 (136 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12420 (162 S. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 4 of 20 Eucalyptus Dr.); 12421 (200 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12422 (185 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12423 (175 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12424 (165 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12425 (157 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12426 (150 S. Trish Ct.); 12427 (160 S. Trish Ct.); 12428 (185 S. Trish Ct.); 12429 (151 S. Trish Ct.); 12430 (165 S. Trish Ct.); 12431 (7615 E. Silver Dollar Ln.); 12432 (7625 E. Silver Dollar Ln.); 12433 (7635 E. Silver Dollar Ln.); 12434 (7685 E. Silver Dollar Ln.); 12435 (7675 E. Eucalyptus Way); 12436 (7685 E. Eucalyptus Way); 12437 (109 S. Eucalyptus Dr.); 12438 (2121 S. Manchester Ave.); 12439 (1858 S. Westside Dr.); 12440 (1221 N. Lakeview Ave.); and 12441 (702 N. Ethan Way)]. P124 17. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-122 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM accepting certain deeds conveying to the City of Anaheim certain real Properties or interests therein [for public right-of-way purposes; City Deed Nos. 12401 (212 E. South St., B (Second Unit)); 12402 (260 S. Euclid St.); 12409 (2595 W. Lincoln Ave.); 12442 (1237 N. Evergreen St.); and 12443 (1065 N. Pacificenter Dr.)]. F130.2 18. Deny the request for rehearing of the City Council's action on September 15, 2020, granting nonexclusive franchises for the operation of 205 taxicabs in Anaheim for the remainder of the current ten-year term ending June 28, 2022. ORDINANCE NO. 6495 (ADOPTION) AN UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM granting a non-exclusive franchise to Cabco Yellow, Inc. dba California Yellow Cab, for the purpose of operating taxicab service in the City of Anaheim (155 taxicabs; Introduced at Council meeting of September 15, 2020, Public Hearing Item No. 28). ORDINANCE NO. 6496 (ADOPTION) AN UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM granting a non-exclusive franchise to American Ground Transportation, Inc. and American Ground Transportation, LLC dba 24/7 Taxi Cab, for the purpose of operating taxicab service in the City of Anaheim (50 taxicabs; Introduced at Council meeting of September 15, 2020, Public Hearing Item No. 28). END OF CONSENT CALENDAR: AGR - Approve the Transient Occupancy Tax Agreement with Disney Vacation Development, Inc. for 12259 payment of TOT -in -lieu revenue to the City for Disney timeshares, authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the agreement and any other related documents, take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreement, and authorize changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreement as determined by the City Attorney. Finance Director Debbie Moreno reported Disney Vacation Development is looking to add a new timeshare hotel at the Disneyland Hotel site, which will not be operated as a traditional hotel, necessitating an agreement on the methodology used to calculate the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). Ms. Moreno reported the new hotel would be 332 rooms, equating to 34% of Disney's current hotel room total. She explained the existing Disneyland Hotel was used as the basis for the proposed TOT - in -lieu payment calculations. She advised the timeshare's TOT for the first year would be based on 34% of the Disneyland Hotel's TOT from the prior year with an inflation factor of 3.2% over each year of the 50 -year operating period. She noted the 3.2% is based on Anaheim hotels where the average daily rate is greater than $150. She advised the City's other timeshares are based on the Consumer City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 5 of 20 Price Index (CPI), which has only had a compound annual growth rate of 2.2% over the last 20 years and noted this methodology will be more equitable to the City. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu reported he pulled the item to point out there is light at the end of the pandemic tunnel for the City's tourist industry and the resort's long-term prospects are strong. He noted the tourism industry has been the hardest hit by the pandemic, hurting the tourism -rich City in particular. Mayor Sidhu advised this item is important because timeshare owners are technically not transients under the TOT ordinance so a separate agreement must be negotiated. He advised this agreement shows the City has learned from its other timeshares and allows Anaheim to realize even more revenue. He noted Disney has been a great partner for the City for 60 years and is the City's biggest source of jobs and tax revenues and expressed his support for the item. MOTION: Mayor Sidhu moved to approve the Transient Occupancy Tax Agreement with Disney Vacation Development, Inc. for payment of TOT -in -lieu revenue to the City for Disney timeshares, authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the agreement and any other related documents, take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreement, and authorize changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreement as determined by the City Attorney, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. DISCUSSION: In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiry, Ms. Moreno clarified, under the Lease Payment Measurement Revenues (LPMR), Disney's TOT includes everything above a certain base established in 1996. She reported only 20% of the TOT goes to LPMR at non -Disney hotels. She advised the City no longer has to pay the entire increment on new properties due to the elapsed time and expansions since the agreement. She reported the General Fund will receive immediate benefits from the 80% TOT -in -lieu. Council Member Barnes praised Ms. Moreno for her creativity on this item. She advised the 12 -story timeshare would open in 2023 and praised both the look of the new building and its landscaping along Walnut Street. She encouraged City Council to approve the item as the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan does not allow for this many timeshare units. She praised the Planning Commission for its community outreach and noted the project is expected to be done with a unionized workforce, ensuring better -paying jobs. She praised staff for negotiating this equitable agreement, which will benefit the General Fund, unlike most Disneyland -related revenue and noted the project is being built without public subsidy. She acknowledged Disney Parks Chairman Josh D'Amaro and hoped this was the beginning of a new collaborative relationship between the City and its largest employer. Council Member Moreno echoed Council Member Barnes and Mayor Sidhu's comments on the importance of the project. He also praised staff and Disney for what the hotel will add to the resort and City. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Ms. Moreno confirmed comparable cities charge an in -lieu amount comparable to their TOT rates. She noted Long Beach, Newport Beach, Palm Springs, San Diego County, and others do not charge the TOT rate if owner -occupied. She advised there was only a limited time to perform this research but the City might be setting a standard. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Ms. Moreno confirmed the City's standard TOT rate is 15%. She confirmed the timeshares are paying 15% but based upon just 34% size of the Disneyland Hotel and clarified the City collects the TOT only when the timeshares are used. She reported Disney expects the occupancy rates to be over 90%. She stated she could not offer a City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 6 of 20 General Fund revenue estimate due to confidentiality agreements with hotels but believed it would be significant. She further explained this information cannot be shared for a single property in a public setting. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, City Attorney Robert Fabela confirmed there are legal protections for this information. He advised he will investigate whether or not this information could be provided offline. Ms. Moreno reported projections on the property are included in the five- year Revenue Plan. Council Member Kring echoed Council Member Barnes and Mayor Sidhu's praise for the item, complimented staff's creativity, and expressed her support for the item. Council Member O'Neil expressed his support for the item. MOTION: Mayor Sidhu moved to approve the Transient Occupancy Tax Agreement with Disney Vacation Development, Inc. for payment of TOT -in -lieu revenue to the City for Disney timeshares, authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the agreement and any other related documents, take the necessary actions to implement and administer the agreement, and authorize changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreement as determined by the City Attorney, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. R100 15. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Fire Chief, or his designee, to accept a no -match grant award on behalf of the City of Anaheim from the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2019 Staffing For Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) and to execute all required grant documents (grant funds in the amount of $6,035,688). DISCUSSION: Council Member O'Neil noted that fire protection and safety are top priorities for him and congratulated Fire Chief Pat Russell and his team for securing the grant to help ensure Anaheim residents receive world-class public safety. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel thanked Fire Chief Russell's staff for pursuing the grant, which restores half of the firefighters the City has lost over the years. He noted it would add greatly to civic safety and expressed his pleasure in supporting the item. MOTION: Council Member Kring moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Fire Chief, or his designee, to accept a no -match grant award on behalf of the City of Anaheim from the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2019 Staffing For Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) and to execute all required grant documents (grant funds in the amount of $6,035,688). seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu complimented Fire Chief Russell and his team for winning the grant. He advised the City Council authorized the application in May and five months later received $6,000,000 to boost fire and rescue staffing without having to pay for it from the General Fund. He deemed it a blessing for the City and expressed his pride in the Fire Department. He expressed his support for the item. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 7 of 20 MOTION: Council Member Kring moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Fire Chief, or his designee, to accept a no -match grant award on behalf of the City of Anaheim from the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2019 Staffing For Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) and to execute all required grant documents (grant funds in the amount of $6,035,688). seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. C280 19. Determine that the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171 and Development Agreement No. 2020-00002 were adequately analyzed in the Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment approved in conjunction with the project on September 29, 2020. ORDINANCE NO. 6497 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving Development Agreement No. 2020-00002 by and between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City. (Development Agreement No. 2020-00002) (DEV2020-00127) [The Disposition and Development Agreement extends for a term of up to 55 years and would permit the applicant to develop the project site with uses and densities consistent with the General Plan, PTMLUP, and PTMU Overlay Zone; it also obligates the applicant to construct 466 affordable housing units pursuant to the Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement credit at escrow of $123,677,843, dedicate 15% of for -rent housing to affordable units, and to construct and maintain a Community Benefit Park, pursuant to the Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement credit at escrow of $46,233,094; Introduced at Council meeting of September 29, 2020, Public Hearing Item No. 7a.]. ORDINANCE NO. 6498 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapters 18.20 (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone) and 18.36 (Types of Uses) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code To allow arena/stadium use with a Conditional Use Permit within the Arena and Stadium Districts of PTMU Overlay Zone (Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171) (DEV2020-00127; Introduced at Council meeting of September 29, 2020, Public Hearing Item No. 7a). DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu provided opening remarks and thanked the public for paying so much attention to the future of the Platinum Triangle and Angels Baseball LP (Angels). He advised the path forward would be clear after this second reading of some of the deal's components. He praised the community benefits of the proposed development, highlighting that the integrated affordable housing units included in the deal would be paid for by the developer. He noted the developer would be paying for the construction and maintenance of the flagship park along with five other acres of park space included in the development. He lauded the opportunities of the flexible space east of Angels Stadium. Mayor Sidhu noted the Development Agreement ensures partnership with skilled building trades on the 30,000 construction jobs the property will generate with Anaheim residents, Orange County residents, and returning military veterans receiving hiring preference. He noted these construction jobs will span 30 years. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 8 of 20 Mayor Sidhu reported that transitioning from public to private ownership of the stadium marks a historic moment for Anaheim and noted the City would not see many community benefits without this agreement. Planning and Building Director Ted White reported the item presents two ordinances related to the Angels Stadium property sale and future development. He clarified for the public the difference between the introduction of an ordinance and the second reading for adoption. He advised there is a 30 -day period before the ordinance becomes effective. He reported the Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA), Angels' Commitment Agreement, and the Stadium Lease Agreement were approved by the Council on September 29, 2020 by resolution or motion and do not require a second reading, as they are considered approved and final. Mr. White reported the first ordinance is for the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) between the City and SRB Management (SRB) to purchase and develop the stadium property. He advised the second ordinance is for an amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code (AMC) to permit stadiums approved by Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in the zoning district. Mayor Sidhu expressed his pride that this project was moving forward after so many years. MOTION: Mayor Sidhu moved to approve Item No. 19 as presented, seconded by Council Member Kring. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu reported he pulled the item to celebrate it and acknowledged other Council Members would like to discuss it. He noted there was a seven -hour discussion of the matter at last week's meeting and thus asked Council to limit discussion. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Faessel's inquiry, Mr. White clarified the AMC amendment would allow a land use for an arena or stadium as a conditionally permitted use in the Platinum Triangle and noted it identifies an arena or stadium as something that can be built or operated in certain areas of the City. He advised a CUP is a discretionary action that allows the City a choice of approving or denying a permit, with conditions if necessary. He reported a CUP is a common tool in California to ensure development and land uses are compatible with their surroundings. He clarified a CUP is considered by the Planning Commission at a duly noticed public hearing and confirmed there will be several public hearings before the Planning Commission at various stages of the development, including a CUP for the existing stadium and the eventual site plans and building designs. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel expressed support for the item. City Attorney Rob Fabela advised the consultant and Husch Blackwell Partner Kevin Kelley were available for questions, if needed. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiries, Mr. White advised the DDA allows for buildout over 30 years with milestones to be met along the way. He reported the phasing could see components of the property developed over decades, depending on market conditions. He reported a significant portion could also be built out within the next decade, depending on market conditions. In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiries, Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia clarified the payment schedule emerged from negotiations for the PSA. He advised the City would receive the $45,000,000 in escrow at closing, another $20,000,000 shortly thereafter, and then $20,000,000 per year for the next four years. He explained this gives the City more cash earlier due to having an accelerated closing. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 9 of 20 In response to Council Member Barnes' inquiry, Mr. Fabela cautioned, from a Brown Act perspective, there are two items on the current agenda and requested Council keep the discussion to those topics. Council Member Barnes decried the lack of reporting, disclosure, and a workshop about the sale and its negotiations. She noted public comments requested reconsideration of the deal for the price being too low and the payment window being too lengthy. Mayor Sidhu echoed Mr. Fabela's comments limiting discussion and questions to the DDA and Zoning Amendment. Mr. Fabela also urged caution in discussing what was disclosed in closed session. Council Member Brandman called for a point of order because the discussion was getting close to inciting a lawsuit for non-compliance with Mr. Fabela's advice. Mayor Sidhu granted the point of order and instructed Council Member Barnes not to discuss the PSA at this time. Council Member Barnes asked, if when responding to emails, it was wrong to state no replies were provided by the negotiating team due to the Brown Act. Mr. Fabela disagreed and explained there have been multiple City Council briefings and town halls, along with a meeting where this was agendized. He clarified his concerns were over having only the DDA and Zoning Amendment agendized. He advised that, while they are interrelated discussions, discussing what was already approved is not permitted due to the Brown Act. He clarified the Brown Act lists what can be discussed in a properly noticed meeting and noted he was attempting to protect the City. Mr. Garcia offered to discuss some of these issues with staff outside of the meeting and assist Council Member Barnes in how to respond to messages she has received from the public. Council Member Barnes noted the process was not properly thought out and she was dealing with the consequences of being uninformed. She explained the flagship park is not for the whole City to enjoy, noted the City's existing parks are overcrowded and require upgrading, and believed this deal will propagate overcrowding elsewhere in the City. She expressed skepticism over the construction beginning soon. She expressed surprise that Mayor Pro Tem Faessel was not requesting more amenities for residents of his district. She reported she would not sign off on something where the City does not receive more money upfront. She cited public emails stating this deal and the process behind it were a disservice to the community. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Fabela confirmed the $170,000,000 in credits to SRB are discussable as they are included in the agenda item. City Clerk Theresa Bass explained to the public how to access PowerPoint presentations on the City's website. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Garcia confirmed economic consultant and Kosmont Companies CEO Larry Kosmont was not available at this meeting. Mr. Garcia noted Mr. Kosmont was on for the full discussion at the last meeting but staff did not believe he would be needed for the DDA and Zoning Amendment discussion tonight. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Kelley reported the proposed site plan has a cost of $320,000,000. He advised the DDA does add value to the land but Council Member Moreno was misunderstanding the prior entitlements. He explained the zoning has not been changed but the DDA locks in the existing zoning and it creates the obligation timeline for delivery of the affordable City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 10 of 20 housing and the park. He confirmed the DDA adds value to the land but noted the bump in value is being captured and noted the original appraisal includes the zoning situation. He explained the notation on the PowerPoint presentation for the parking space requirements was inaccurate because this does not end in 2029. He clarified that SRB can apply to reduce the parking obligation after 2029, but would require the City's approval. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Convention, Sports & Entertainment Executive Director Tom Morton explained the number of parking spaces used on game days varies depending on factors such as the day of the week and he could not offer an overall average. Council Member Moreno reported the stadium uses an average of 7,000--8,000 parking spaces per game with increases for higher -profile opponents. He discussed a variety of parking options detailed in the land appraisal. Mayor Sidhu noted discussion of the appraisal and land value are a Brown Act violation, per Mr. Fabela's advisement, and clarified they can discuss the dollar amounts but not how they were reached. Mr. Fabela clarified the issue of parking is included in the DDA but the argument of how parking requirements relate to the PSA is too far for the Brown Act to permit. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to amend the Disposition and Development Agreement to remove purchase "credits" of $123,600,00 for 466 affordable housing units and $46,200,000 for 7 -acre "flagship park" and restore amounts to the full purchase price, seconded by Council Member Barnes. DISCUSSION: Council Member Kring remarked that this is a fabulous project creating a city within the City. She advised former Mayor Tom Tait previously served as the lead negotiator with the Angels, so it was not unusual for Mayor Sidhu to have served in this role. She explained the money from the project goes to the General Fund and would be spread all over the City benefitting all districts including a grocery store currently lacking in the Platinum Triangle area. She noted most of the affordable housing developments in the City are affordable housing -specific and not integrated as this one will be. She believed this was good for the community and children who would live there and expressed support for the project. She disagreed with Council Member Moreno's fiscal numbers and valuation of having "Anaheim" be included in the team's name. Council Member O'Neil reported this is a good fair -market deal for getting appraised value for the land and creating jobs, affordable housing, park space, and new revenue. He advised his colleagues were arguing over the technicality of a second reading and expressed support for the item. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel expressed support for the project and its residential amenities. He advised residents in his Platinum Triangle district are very supportive and noted this unlocks the value of the land. Council Member Barnes cited an email stating the affordable housing units were insufficient and would take too long to build for a City with an affordable housing waiting list of 6,000 and growing. She advised this project's timeline would not immediately solve overcrowding in the City and noted the park would not be completed soon, causing other parks to suffer. She criticized the Chamber of Commerce's template letter of support, Mayor Sidhu for putting Angels' owner Arte Moreno first, and the lack of review time for the agreement, which she stated is not the intended "win-win." She reported she was unable to celebrate the agreement for its lack of short-term assurances and urged Mayor Sidhu to listen more intently to more than his voters. She extended her disappointment to staff City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 11 of 20 and believed this was being pushed too fast for voters who believe the City is making poor choices. She urged putting on the brakes and attempting to redo the deal. Council Member Moreno reported he watched the City of Inglewood's Zoomed City Council meeting discussion about the new arena being built for LAC Basketball Club, Inc. (Clippers). He advised that it was enlightening to see what the developers are paying for community benefits and noted the City should look at some of those comparisons. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Kelley clarified the DDA does not provide any financial credits but simply an obligation for SRB to deliver affordable housing and parks. He added it also provides an obligation for 12,500 parking spaces. Mr. Fabela clarified there is a reference to the PSA's credits in the DDA. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Kelley clarified payment of the purchase credit is by delivery of the affordable housing and parks. He advised it is included in the DDA, in the event SRB fails to deliver, and noted the purpose of the DDA is to detail the development obligations. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Garcia confirmed the stadium itself was part of the appraisal and is not a purchase credit. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Kelley clarified the appraiser assigned no value to the stadium because the highest investment point is not there. Council Member Moreno expressed concern that there was only one bidder for the property, allowing the current stadium to show not having any value. He stated there is a value to the existing stadium and it should be counted as a purchase credit. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Fabela clarified the gift of public funds is legally defined as giving something of value to a private party with no public benefit. Council Member Moreno remarked Mr. Moreno is the only one who could use the existing stadium so it is a gift of public funds, which courts should decide. Council Member Moreno questioned whether current council members would be around once the affordable housing is built out in 25 years and stated the housing could be built faster through the City's regular developers. He noted SRB should be building the affordable housing units itself. He criticized the amenity of the park and stated the funds should be spent citywide. Council Member Moreno attempted to add to his subsidiary motion having the purchase credit be paid six months after closing. He termed loaning Mr. Moreno the funds was fiscally irresponsible at a time of budget deficit. Mr. Fabela expressed legal concerns about the amendment as the agenda does not mention amending the PSA. Council Member Moreno retracted this amendment and stated it was a moot point because the deal would have to be renegotiated anyway to reflect the other two amendments in his subsidiary motion. Council Member Kring remarked former Mayors Tom Tait and Tom Daly are not infallible, noting they were around when The Walt Disney Company removed "Anaheim" from the team's name. She believed that neither could negotiate an agreement like this in the past. She expressed agreement City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 12 of 20 with Council Member Moreno on the need for more affordable housing, but noted the City has land constraints and expressed surprise he was not more excited by this component. She theorized SRB would want to build it sooner rather than later and not in the maximum window permitted. Council Member Kring advised she requested the City Clerk to amend the minutes from last week's meeting, due to the misquoting of a public comment. Mr. Fabela advised Council Member Kring to stay on topic. Council Member Kring expressed her support for the project. Council Member Brandman stated he made his views known at the last meeting and would follow Mr. Fabela's advice. Council Member O'Neil questioned Council Member Moreno's knowledge of real estate appraisal. Mayor Sidhu explained the appraisal could not be discussed at this time. Council Member O'Neil stated the overwhelming majority of the many public comments about the deal were in favor of it and noted comments were received from many organizations and not just residents. He believed the opposition was politically motivated and noted the organizations supporting the project see it as an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shape the future of the City. He expressed support for the item. Mayor Sidhu granted Council Member Moreno a point of personal privilege. Council Member Moreno urged a re -reading of the appraisal report and the City's fact sheet detailing the parking options. He remarked this was business and not politics. He expressed doubt on whether the City was getting the true value as stated in the appraisal report. He offered to discuss policy and budget with Council Member O'Neil. SUBSIDIARY MOTION: Council Member Moreno moved to amend the Disposition and Development Agreement to remove purchase "credits" of $123,600,000 for 466 affordable housing units and $46,200,000 for 7 -acre "flagship park" and restore amounts to full purchase price, seconded by Council Member Barnes. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Moreno); NOES — 4 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Kring, and O'Neil); ABSTAIN — 1 (Council Member Brandman). Motion failed. DISCUSSION: Council Member Barnes remarked the City would not see its parks or neighborhood overcrowding improve. She believed housing density would increase because this was not the best agreement and housing properties may suffer as a result. She stated the Anaheim First project would not be revived without more General Fund money. Council Member Moreno praised SRB, the Angels, and Mr. Moreno on the deal they negotiated. He wished them the best of luck and noted the people of Anaheim were depending on them. He remarked he never contested the value or beauty of the project or how it will add to the City. He advised he questioned if there was a substantial return to the City and he does not see it. He reported he could not support it because it was being done undercover and over teleconference calls, which are hard for public engagement. He decried not opening up the City Council Chambers or establishing a Zoom call for such a consequential vote. He explained the letters of support were form letters from SRB, the Chamber of Commerce, and special interests. He reported many remain unaware of the deal's details. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 13 of 20 MOTION: Mayor Sidhu moved to determine that the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171 and Development Agreement No. 2020-00002 were adequately analyzed in the Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment approved in conjunction with the project on September 29, 2020; adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6497 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving Development Agreement No. 2020-00002 by and between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City. (Development Agreement No. 2020-00002) (DEV2020-00127) [The Disposition and Development Agreement extends for a term of up to 55 years and would permit the applicant to develop the project site with uses and densities consistent with the General Plan, PTMLUP, and PTMU Overlay Zone; it also obligates the applicant to construct 466 affordable housing units pursuant to the Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement credit at escrow of $123,677,843, dedicate 15% of for -rent housing to affordable units, and to construct and maintain a Community Benefit Park, pursuant to the Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement credit at escrow of $46,233,094]; and adopt ORDINANCE NO. 6498 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapters 18.20 (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone) and 18.36 (Types of Uses) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code To allow arena/stadium use with a Conditional Use Permit within the Arena and Stadium Districts of PTMU Overlay Zone (Zoning Code Amendment No. 2020-00171) (DEV2020-00127), seconded by Council Member Kring. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 5 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Brandman, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Moreno). Motion carried. D116 20. Update on the City's response to COVID-19. Mayor Sidhu thanked staff for its diligence in informing residents and praised the new website. He advised the City continues to balance public health and safely reopening the economy. Mayor Sidhu reported the State delayed issuing theme park reopening guidelines last week. He expressed hope that Governor Gavin Newsom would come to Anaheim to see the protocols proposed by Disney and speak with impacted small business owners. Mayor Sidhu explained the biggest variable in ongoing budget revision updates is when the resort will once again begin generating sales tax revenue. Chief Communications Officer Mike Lyster reported a late -September uptick in cases both countywide and within Anaheim. He advised it was a subtle uptick post -Labor Day, unlike the pronounced July uptick, and has stabilized in recent days. He reported Orange County remains in the Red Tier with the next chance for assessment being October 20. Mr. Lyster explained zip code -level data lagged by seven days but reported six of the City's seven zip codes were up for case rates, while 92808 was flat. He advised five of the seven zip codes were up for positivity rate, while 92807 and 92808 were both slightly down. He reported the City's average daily cases were down by 28 (20%) from a week ago and noted the City remained cautiously guarded but encouraged by the stable trend over the past week. Mr. Lyster reported California has introduced the Health Equity Measure as a new metric to assess counties. He clarified it looks at the lowest quartile of census tracks. He reported Orange County's positivity rate in this measure is 6.6% and will need to be at 5.2% to move forward. DISCUSSION: In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Lyster clarified the issue of health equity has been discussed for some time but the formal introduction of the measurement came a week before, with the first data coming today. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 14 of 20 In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, Mr. Lyster reported no theme park guidelines were released last week but there was some discussion between the industry and the State. He clarified the County believes the theme parks could safely reopen in Tier 3 based upon what it has seen but is still pending direction from the State. He reported he and other City officials have seen and toured what Disney has put in place at Downtown Disney and will soon see what has been put in place at the parks. He reported what they saw at Downtown Disney is among the best they have seen in terms of health checks, facemask requirements, and other protocols and deemed it very thorough. He advised Disney's reopening plan is part of an industry -wide plan through the California Attractions & Parks Association (CAPA) and noted it has been shared with the State but not yet with the City. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mayor Sidhu reported he has not reviewed any written plans from Disney but believed they would be shared once approved by the State and Orange County. He explained Orange County Health would help guide the City. Council Member Moreno expressed concern at how long it took to get data by zip codes, ethnicity, age, and other variables to confirm Anaheim and Santa Ana are the County's hotspots. He applauded the work of staff to get these numbers into a better situation. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiry, Mr. Lyster explained reporting of cases from a reopened Disneyland would generally be done directly to Orange County. Additionally, he advised cases brought to the City's attention would be passed along to the County, but noted employers are obligated to share case data with the County. Council Member Moreno requested the City receive a direct report from Disney if there is an outbreak at Disneyland. Mayor Sidhu advised they are awaiting the State's guidelines, after which the City will engage with Disneyland to ensure a safe opening. In response to Council Member Moreno's inquiries, City Manager Jim Vanderpool reported Visit Anaheim would spend $3,000,000 by the end of the calendar year. He reported the amount spent to date was not contained in Visit Anaheim's report. He advised the report stated Visit Anaheim has ongoing campaigns, which would continue through the end of the calendar year, and can ascertain this represents the remaining $3,500,000. Council Member Moreno asked to agendize this matter noting how many residents are struggling due to the pandemic. Council Member O'Neil remarked that Disney parks all over the world have reopened, demonstrating it could be done. He called for Governor Newsom to issue his guidelines so the economy can get back on track. Council Member Kring remarked that City Council members are not experts on safely reopening a theme park. She echoed Council Member O'Neil's statement about other parks safely reopening and expressed a trust in Disney not wanting to jeopardize health. She reported Downtown Disney is open and doing well. Informational item - No action taken. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 15 of 20 R100 21. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in honor of United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu remarked the monumental Supreme Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away recently. He thanked Council Member Brandman for requesting this item. Council Member Brandman advised he did not wish to take credit ahead of his colleagues. He stated they could all agree this was the passing of a monumental figure of the utmost consequence in American history. He believed it was appropriate for all of them to acknowledge it and honor her contributions to the country. Council Member Barnes remarked she was a small person but mighty and extended her appreciation for the President who nominated her and felt she was worthy of the calling. She noticed it was wonderful to appoint young Supreme Court Justices and see them blossom over decades. Council Member Kring remarked that Justice Ginsberg made a great impact, will be missed, and her rulings will live forever. She expressed support for the item. MOTION: Council Member Brandman moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in honor of United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. DISCUSSION: Council Member Moreno thanked Mayor Sidhu for agendizing the item and Council Member Brandman for making the request. He expressed his appreciation for the resolution which captures why she should be honored. He reported she was the first Jewish female justice and cited her landmark decisions around desegregating by gender. Council Member Moreno requested a friendly amendment to the motion for the resolution to include her quote "a woman's place is wherever decisions are made" which he felt was important because so many prior laws assumed a woman's place was in the kitchen. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiry, Council Member Moreno stated the additional whereas clause should read, "Whereas Justice Ginsberg most notably stated `a woman's place is wherever decisions are made."' He then suggested combining this quotation into the final existing whereas clause. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiry, City Attorney Robert Fabela stated he believed City Clerk Theresa Bass was combining them to match the intent. Council Member Brandman approved the friendly amendment. Mayor Sidhu praised Justice Ginsberg's towering intellect and inspiration to millions of women who sought to have their voices heard. He cited her friendship with the late Justice Antonin Scalia as a lesson they could all learn about disagreeing without being disagreeable. MOTION: Council Member Brandman moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in honor of United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as amended, to add language to the final Whereas clause: "and is also remembered for her reminder to all of us as she is quoted by saying "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made", seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. ROLL City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 16 of 20 CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. R100 22. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-124 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in support of California Clean Air Day and its goals. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu reported October 7 is Clean Air Day in California. He thanked Council Member Brandman for bringing the item forward and thanked Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia, Anaheim Public Utilities General Manager Dukku Lee, and staff for preparing the resolution. Mayor Sidhu thanked Council Member Brandman for starting to think of ways the City can support clean air every day. Council Member Brandman expressed his appreciation to Mayor Sidhu for the resolution being agendized. He reported the City Council, and other cities, received an email from Yorba Linda Mayor Pro Tem Carlos Rodriguez requesting Clean Air Day be acknowledged. He advised Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez is the Orange County representative on the Air Quality Management District Board. He noted other City Council Members emailed Mayor Sidhu about this as well and they should all agree on the resolution. He remarked he was proud of Anaheim's Greenhouse Gas reduction progress over the past 10 years. MOTION: Council Member Brandman moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-124 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in support of California Clean Air Day and its goals, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Faessel expressed support, noting both he and Council Member Brandman sat on Anaheim's Public Utilities Board and have a clear understanding of the great work being done for the City's clean air goals. Council Member Barnes reported students periodically write to City Council urging them to acknowledge green matters and she was happy to move forward on something demonstratively. She thanked Council Member Brandman for bringing the item forward. Council Member Moreno remarked he was pleased with the resolution and extended appreciation for it coming forward. Council Member Kring expressed support for the item. Mayor Sidhu expressed support for the resolution and remarked they all need to think of a way they can improve air quality, as it has a significant impact on community health. MOTION: Council Member Brandman moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-124 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in support of California Clean Air Day and its goals, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 17 of 20 R100 23. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-125 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in opposition to Proposition 15, the split roll property tax initiative. DISCUSSION: Mayor Sidhu reported Council Member O'Neil requested this item during the September 29, 2020 meeting and he supported the request. Council Member O'Neil reported the opposition to Split Roll Property Tax is of fundamental concern to small business owners, commercial property owners, and industrial manufacturing facilities throughout California. He remarked the business community has already suffered catastrophic losses during the pandemic and he believed Anaheim's unemployment numbers would remain staggering if businesses continue to struggle. Council Member O'Neil reported the initial cost of Split Roll Property Taxes would cause more job loss and reduced wages. He advised prices for goods would rise as businesses pass the cost to consumers. He believed it would magnify the housing crisis, increase the cost of doing business in the City, and leave homeowners vulnerable to the elimination of Proposition 13's protections. Council Member O'Neil reported Proposition 15 is a massive $12 billion tax increase being presented at a time when people can least afford it and believed it was incumbent as a Council to take a position. MOTION: Council Member O'Neil moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-125 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in opposition to Proposition 15, the split roll property tax initiative, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Faessel stated he wished to protect all facets of Proposition 13 including those for business owners. Council Member Barnes expressed her agreement as a property owner and businesswoman. She thanked Council Member O'Neil for bringing the item forward. In response to Council Member Brandman's inquiry, Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia clarified there is no formal City Council policy on resolutions advocating for or against State ballot measures. He reported staff could not find any comparable resolutions from his 15 years with the City. He advised a previous City Council had an informal policy not to take up State ballot measures. He reported the City Attorney's office confirmed cities can take formal stances but he reiterated it had not been a practice in Anaheim during his tenure. Council Member Brandman expressed his opposition on Split Roll Property Taxes and noted his support of Proposition 13 was clear from his past voting history. He clarified this legislation was being placed before the voters and not the State's legislatures. He believed it was a good practice of this and previous City Councils to not issue such resolutions and stated his intention to abstain from voting. Council Member Moreno remarked there is a consensus across ideologies that the State, through Proposition 13, consolidated more local property tax dollars for it to distribute instead of keeping it local. He advised this leads to less investment in local schools. He noted Proposition 15 is looking to create a more nuanced and relevant tax policy for the State. Council Member Moreno reported he wrote to a non-partisan legislative analyst's office for better understanding. He stated Proposition 15 would tax commercial and industrial land and buildings City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 18 of 20 based on how much they could be sold for as opposed to the original purchase price. He noted this provision does not apply to residential housing and noted the changes would not apply until 2025. He believed the economy would be robust and well past the pandemic by then. He reported Proposition 15 only applies if the owner has more than $3,000,000 of commercial land and buildings, which excludes many small business owners. He advised Proposition 15 decreases the taxable value of each businesses' equipment by $500,000 starting in 2024 and all property taxes on business equipment will be eliminated based on businesses meeting certain rules and having 50 for fewer employees. Council Member Moreno reported the $3,000,000 clause means Proposition 15 would only impact 8- 10% of businesses statewide. He noted statewide property taxes on business equipment would likely be several hundred million dollars lower each year under Proposition 15 and believed money would be set aside by the State to pay the costs of the measure. He noted Proposition 15 would create between $6.5-11 billion per year in new property taxes, with 60% going to municipalities and 40% going to schools and community colleges. Council Member Moreno noted California ranks in the bottom third nationally for state and local businesses taxes as a share of the economy and noted public investments suffer because of this. He reported Proposition 15 is supported by educators, small business owners, non -profits, and others. He stated Orange County would receive $783,100,000 from Proposition 15, the City would receive $20,500,000, local schools would receive $64,000,000, and local community colleges would receive $15,700,000. Council Member Moreno reported Proposition 15 creates a fair tax system, maintains Proposition 13's protections for homeowners, protects small businesses, and focuses on larger commercial properties which have benefitted for 40 years from frozen tax rates. He did not understand why anyone would be opposed to it, noting the City is funded by taxes and Anaheim is in debt. He advised he would not be supporting the motion. Council Member Kring remarked this was not just fear -mongering. She cited Propositions 47, 57, and Assembly Bill 109 as being touted to help schools but which turned out to be disasters. She remarked that Proposition 15 is the first step towards an ultimate goal to get rid of Proposition 13. She noted their property taxes would be transferred to the State to be redistributed to other counties, with Orange County already giving more to the State than it receives, effectively making it a donor state. Council Member Kring advised costs to consumers would rise and noted business would eventually be impacted. She expressed support for the resolution and believed the State would come for residents when commercial properties do not generate enough revenue. Mayor Sidhu remarked Proposition 15 is a massive property tax increase on businesses at a time when the State should be helping them survive the pandemic. He advised California is competitive with other states on property taxes due to Proposition 13. He encouraged passing the resolution in opposition to Proposition 15. Council Member Barnes stated she was in favor of the resolution but would abstain from voting for it. MOTION: Council Member O'Neil moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2020-125 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM in opposition to Proposition 15, the split roll property tax initiative, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Faessel. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 4 (Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Kring, and O'Neil); NOES — 1 (Council Member Moreno); ABSTAIN — 2 (Council Members Barnes and Brandman). Motion carried. City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 19 of 20 REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS (non-aaenda items): None COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS/AGENDA REQUESTS: Council Member Barnes expressed gratitude for fall, the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration, and the end of the year coming soon. She thanked everyone she'd been meeting and for voting for her first term and was grateful for the opportunities, challenges, successes, and growth afforded her through her position as Council Member. She thanked the many non -profits in the City for their work. She looked forward to the upcoming Halloween Parade and thanked City staff for all their efforts and hard work, specifically noting Community Services Director Larry Pasco. She thanked her staff and the people who volunteered time and efforts on commissions and boards and learned to work with others to accomplish things citywide. She thanked volunteers for their selflessness and for demonstrating the Anaheim Way. She asked all to show more love and kindness and food on the table and roof overhead to hopefully see better days ahead. Council Member Brandman reminded everyone to get a flu shot to keep themselves and those around them as safe as possible, with information on where flu shots were available at www.covidl9.ca.gov. He encouraged all to stay vigilant and protect themselves, addressed the ongoing anxiety and worries ongoing through the pandemic, and stressed the importance of keeping healthy by wearing masks, keeping six-foot distance, staying home as much as possible, washing hands, and getting tested if experiencing symptoms. Council Member Moreno hoped the community was paying attention to the meeting and expressed concern with campaign activities and pressuring Governor Newsom to visit Anaheim and allow Disneyland to re -open when the Council Chamber remained closed to the public. He stated the fiscal outlook and economy could not recover until the health outlook recovered. He addressed the theme park industry negotiating with the Governor on guidelines and expressed concern with non-interest in reviewing a public health plan for the Resort, including protocols and reporting of outbreaks, further expressing concerns with how the County was handling the pandemic. He noted that Zip Codes 92805 and 92806 were hot spots and there was a need for transparency so the City could use funds to help protect residents and contain the spread and so residents would know if COVID was in their neighborhood so they could not go out, congregate, and be diligent with hygiene. He also shared his belief that the City agreed to give away a stadium and a theater without determining their true value, as they were not put onto the market, a possible gift of public funds. He disagreed with the City Council's opposition to a tax measure that he hoped would pass to bring millions of dollars to the City, school districts, and community college district. He stated the proposition could be very fruitful to the local economy and student education due to the population of low-income children in Anaheim. He addressed the timeline of the Development Agreement and its value to the entire City when other neighborhoods struggle to get amenities such as dog parks and speed humps. To recoup funds, he requested an agenda item at the next meeting for discussion and possible action to request Visit Anaheim return unused funds to be used in the General Fund for rent relief, food distribution, and supporting employees laid off by Disney, concurred by Council Member Barnes (request failed for lack of a second concurrence). He encouraged the public to review votes, actions, and campaign contributions of Council Members and to vote in the November election. Council Member Kring announced the Anaheim Fall Festival was upcoming, and while different this year, would still be a celebration for the entire family to enjoy by visiting www.anaheimfallfestival.org for live concerts at 7:00 P.M. every Friday in October, online themes contests and crafts, and a Drive- Thru Halloween parade on October 24. She also announced the Anaheim Family YMCA had opened City Council Minutes of October 6, 2020 Page 20 of 20 registration for youth sports and recreation, great opportunities to begin safely getting back into recreation classes especially for those sitting in front of a computer more than ever. She noted that financial assistance was available and referred to www.anaheimymca.org for more information. Council Member Kring showed maps of where Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control would conduct truck -mounted treatments to address West Nile Virus between 10:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. on October 6-8 near Dad Miller Golf Course and October 13-15 in neighborhoods near Brookhurst/Harbor/Ball/Orangewood. She stated notices would be delivered, more information was available at www.ocvector.org, and encouraged everyone to take safety precautions of wearing bug spray and tip and toss standing water. She stated the length of City Council meetings was unfair to staff, families, City Council, and those listening and requested an agenda item to consider limiting the discussion to 15 minutes for any item pulled from the Consent Calendar, removing the ability to explain votes, and for Council Communications to be limited to announcements unrelated to the agenda, concurred by Council Member O'Neil (request failed for lack of a second concurrence; Mayor Sidhu offered to speak with her separately). Council Member O'Neil addressed Proposition 15 and that any protections for small businesses did not offset a $10 billion real property tax increase. He disagreed with comparing the re -opening of the Resort to the re -opening of City Hall due to disparities in outdoor vs. indoor venues and the length of time people spend in each place and their proximity to others. Regarding Visit Anaheim, he stated the economic assistance and recovery package was about protecting future revenue streams, a return on investment has already been realized, and funding would still be required to bridge a gap between re -opening and recovery. He requested the meeting adjourn in memory of guitarist Eddie Van Halen, who previously played several sold -out shows at the Honda Center and Angel Stadium Mayor Pro Tem Faessel recognized Community Services Director Larry Pasco who just announced his retirement effective in December. He acknowledged Mr. Pasco's advocacy for parks, the Parks Plan, libraries, and the City and noted it would be a significant loss to the City of a good man, executive, and leader. Mayor Pro Tem Faessel hoped he would find time in the future to visit Mr. Pasco in Arizona and stated he would be fondly remembered and missed. Mayor Sidhu acknowledged Larry Pasco as one of the City's greatest assets and noted it would be difficult to replace his level of experience, knowledge, and passion to serve the community. He asked the community to continue wearing masks, keeping six-foot distancing, washing hands, staying home as much as possible, and being aware of situations to keep safe. For businesses that may re -open soon, he stressed the priority of safety for employees, customers, and others around the businesses. He stated this was a historic day in Anaheim, with the Angels staying in the City until 2050 or 2075 and the future revenue and development that was approved by the majority of the Council. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:07 P.M., Mayor Sidhu adjourned the City Council meeting in memory of Eddie Van Halen. r­R46—speeklly submitted, - 5a ass, CMC City :ler Public Comment From: Dayna Williams Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:18 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: Orange Pd Hello, My name is Dayna and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Public Comment From: Tanya Navarro Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:18 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: ACTION FOR CHRIS Hello, My name is Tanya and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Public Comment From: Kristofer Hall Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:18 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: JUSTICE 4 CHRIS Hello, My name is Kristofer Hall and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Public Comment From: Karla Navarro Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:18 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: Press Charges on all 5 Hello, My name is Karla and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Public Comment From: Sofia Ramirez Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:18 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: JUSTICE 4 CHRIS sofiar1735 Hello, My name is Sofia Ramirez and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Wynter Incitti Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:18 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: concerns Hello, My name is Wynter and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gabriel Ambroson Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:19 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: JUSTICE 4 CHRIS Hello, My name is Gabriel Ambroson and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Gabriel Ambroson Public Comment From: Marcie Mathieu Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:19 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: WR DEMAND JUSTICE 4 CHRIS Hello, My name is Marcie and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. It is unacceptable that nothing has been done for the justice of Chris. He was murdered and we are done having killer cops on the streets. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Erin Garvey Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:20 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: JUSTICE 4 CHRIS Hello, My name is Erin Garvey and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Erin Garvey Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Brandon Hall Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:22 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: JUSTICE 4 CHRIS Hello, My name is [Brandon Halll] and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Brandon Hall Public Comment From: Eunice Park Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:19 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: JUSTICE 4 CHRIS in OC Hello, My name is Eunice Park and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Public Comment From: Brian Garvey Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:18 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: My friend needs Justice Hello, My name is Brian and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Brian Garvey Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Angela Hall Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 7:03 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); media@da.ocgov.com; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; dbarnes@anahem.net; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Ask Subject: JUSTICE 4 CHRIS Hello, My name is [Angela Hall] and I am a resident of Orange County, California reaching out to you in regards to the death of Christopher Eisinger. In 2018, Christopher Eisinger was killed by five Anaheim police officers while walking down a sidewalk. The five officers held him down for over 5 minutes with their knees on his head, neck, and back until he suffocated. They exerted so much force on Christopher that he ended up with five fractures in his face and his eye out of his socket. Once Christopher stopped breathing, not one officer attempted to save his life. Instead, they stood by and waited over 8 minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Christopher was an unarmed Black man who deserves to still be here with us today. Since his death, none of the officers who murdered him have been charged or reprimanded for their actions, and are still working. Anaheim PD has a long and dark history of brutality, and as long as these officers continue to have their jobs, innocent killings of more Black people will continue to happen. I demand that Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer reopen the investigation into the death of Christopher Eisinger. Todd Spitzer must press charges against all five officers and Anaheim PD must fire and remove the mentions of all officers involved in the killing of Christopher Eisinger, including the training officer. The Eisinger family will never truly have justice because a son, father and brother was taken from them but the city of Anaheim and Orange County must take responsibility for their actions against one of our own. I demand action now! Angela Hall Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Anvinh Nguyen Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:00 AM To: Council Subject: Anaheim Firefighters: YES ON 15 Hi, I am a firefighter paramedic with the Anaheim Fire Department. It would help our city and department out tremendously if you vote yes on 15. Thank you for all your hard work and what you do for our city. Sincerely, Anvinh Nguyen Public Comment From: Robert Aguilar Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:54 AM To: Council Subject: Agenda item 15- Thank you for your support lI ,:. ire 111 reg suppart it rn Illi fleet u 1 111e vote yes an agenda liter II i�� it it ..sir �n 1 5. I t M1I1 Ih611 , the Anah&hrn mare safdy pit li e fir flee safety ofthe I...IhiNk you, [Rdbert AguIi 4r, III:: li ireCaptalhn . Public Comment From: David Loya Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:30 AM To: Council Subject: Agenda item 15 support Thank you for the support of agenda item 15, the safer grant! Please vote yes! David Loya Anaheim Engine 2 dloya@anaheim.net Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone Public Comment From: alex mistuloff Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:31 AM To: Council Subject: Safer Grant We really appreciate your vote to accept the safer grant and add badly needed staffing. This will provide for better firefighter safety and service to our community. Alex Mistuloff Seip( from my Verizon, Samswig Galaxy smartp7hone Public Comment From: Jade Morgan Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:27 AM To: Council Subject: Yes Safer Grant Agenda 15 Hello, I hope this message reaches you healthy and happy, We are fully aware that this year has created many challenges for everyone on a personal and a professional level. Anaheim has faced many challenges in the past and will face many in the future. Frontline responders are at the tip of the spear when helping our community in times of need. It takes professionally trained and dedicated firefighters to respond to the different type of emergencies that face the city. The unique thing about the response to 911 calls... is that it takes people. People are needed. Firefighters are needed to meet the national consensus standards for minimum staffing levels. This standard specifies that "at least" four firefighters per responding apparatus are needed to help mitigate incidents. The SAFER grant will help meet this standard. We are wading through the waters of an unknown future in regards to this national crisis. The federal government is willing to grant money to help. Lets use this money to help the citizens of Anaheim and the fire service as a whole. Please vote "YES" to the SAFER Grant Program and get more people helping people. Thank you for your consideration, J. Morgan Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Station 3 "C" Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:03 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment; Gregory Garcia; Lylyana Bogdanovich; Lauren Torres; Amanda Edinger; Annie Mezzacappa; Cynthia Ward; Daniel Fierro; Helen Myers; Justin Glover; Karen Romero Estrada; Maria Gonzalez; Mariso) Ramirez; Nam Bartash; Samantha Saenz; Sarah Bartczak Subject: RE: Support Agenda Item #15 - CCM 10.6.20 Attachments: Anaheim Firefighters: YES ON 15 ; Agenda item 15- Thank you for your support ; Agenda item 15 support; Safer Grant; Yes Safer Grant Agenda 15 Please see email below from Shane Walton, and five (5) emails attached for your consideration regarding support for Agenda Item 15, CCM 10/6. Loretta From: Shane Walton <SWalton@anaheim.net> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 10:21 AM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: Agenda 15 Support. Council, lI Brei suppart it inn and lI Ilk�hl!�n u tI� IIIc e vote yes an CNS I� i�� na.nir na.n it ..sir � I agenda Item "15 Thank You, Shane Walton Anaheim E6 swalton o,anaheim.net 1 Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:40 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment; Gregory Garcia; Lylyana Bogdanovich; Lauren Torres; Amanda Edinger; Annie Mezzacappa; Cynthia Ward; Daniel Fierro; Helen Myers; Justin Glover; Karen Romero Estrada; Maria Gonzalez; Mariso) Ramirez; Nam Bartash; Samantha Saenz; Sarah Bartczak Subject: RE: Support Agenda Item #15 - CCM 10.6.20 Mayor and Council, For your consideration. -----Original Message ----- From: Ryan Herr <RHerr@anaheim.net> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 12:28 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: Thank you! Dear Council, Thank you for all the support! This grant for staffing will make a huge difference in our ability to increase, coverage, response times and serve our citizens! Your continued support is so appreciated by all of us! Thank you, Ryan Herr Captain AE1 Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: James Ramirez Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:02 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Robert Lester PM Subject: Yes on Item 15... grant funded fire staffing Dear Mayor and Anaheim City Council, Please vote yes on Item 15, The SAFER grant will add a much needed fire company (12 firefighters) to the city of Anaheim. The Anaheim Fire Department (Anaheim Fire and Rescue) has always been a busy department, throughout my 23 years here as a firefighter, we run more and more calls each year. In 2009 and 2011 we lost fire companies (24 firefighter positions), taking us back to lower staffing levels than we had in the 80's. Only 3 of the 24 positions have been restored as of today. The Fire engine that this grant will pay for is much needed in our community. The men and women of the Anaheim Firefighters Association serve this community every day providing vital public safety services, especially now, as we are on the front line against wild fires, Covid-19, homelessness, and many other types of incidents. We also know how important it is that Anaheim provides for the resources to enable our members to do their job, and to do it well while protecting our community Please vote yes to accept this grant that will cover the cost of 12 much needed firefighters for the next 3 years. Your Anaheim Firefighters appreciate your support. Jim Ramirez Vice President, Anaheim Firefighters Sent from my iPad Public Comment From: Heather Sievers <heather@anaheimchamber.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 3:05 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda Item #15 - SAFER Grant for Anaheim Fire Department Attachments: October6_Fire_Rescue_letter_of_support.pdf Please see attached letter of support for Agenda Item #15 — SAFER Grant for Anaheim Fire Department. Thank you! Best Regards, Heather Sievers Director of Events Anaheim Chamber of Commerce 2099 S. State College, Ste. 650 Anaheim, CA 92806 he:�the.rC�2A_n heimch mber.:_org 714.758.0222 October 6, 2020 The Honorable Harry Sidhu, Mayor Members of the City Council City of Anaheim 200 S Anaheim Boulevard, 7th Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Phone: 714-758-0222 2099 S. State College, Ste. 650 Anaheim, CA 92806 www.anaheimehamber.org On behalf of Anaheim's business community, the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce applauds the City, the Fire Department, and Chief Pat Russell for the successful application for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant. With $6 million in federal funding, this grant will fund the costs of 12 firefighters over the next three years staffing the future Fire Station 12. As development gets underway in the Platinum Triangle, this grant will enhance public safety while that area expands the tax base that will eventually fund these firefighters. On May 12, 2020, the City Council voted 7-0 to authorize the Fire Chief to apply for the SAFE grant. Since then, the federal government has waived the local match requirement, so instead of $3.7 million in federal taxpayer money and $2.3 million in Anaheim taxpayer money, the entire amount $6 million will come from federal funds. Approval of agenda item 15 will accept the grant, thereby completing the Council's action of May 12 authorizing the application. Indeed, with this agenda item, the grant has turned out to be even better than what the Council authorized on May 12. This grant strengthens public safety and saves taxpayers $6 million. The Anaheim Chamber of Commerce respectfully requests your approval of agenda item 15 to authorize the Fire Chief accept the SAFER grant. Sincerely, Ross McCune Chairman of the Board Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Todd Ament President & CEO Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Build a Strong Local Economy - Promote and Brand the Anaheim Community Create Networking through Business Development Opportunities Represent Business Interests in Government - Political Action Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:03 PM To: Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment; Gregory Garcia; Lylyana Bogdanovich; Amanda Edinger; Cynthia Ward; Daniel Fierro; Helen Myers; Justin Glover; Karen Romero Estrada; Mariso) Ramirez; Nam Bartash; Samantha Saenz; Sarah Bartczak Subject: FW: CCM 10.06, Item 15 - SAFER grant For your consideration. -----Original Message ----- From: Todd Needle Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 5:00 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: SAFER grant As a firefighter of over 18 years in the City of Anaheim, I'd like to thank you in advance for what I hope will be a vote to accept this opportunity for the SAFER grant. During my career in Anaheim, I've seen our staffing levels decrease while our annual calls for service nearly double. These calls, along with the added risk of the huge daily influx of tourists visiting Disneyland, the Convention Center, Angel Stadium, and the Honda Center stretches our fire department resources very thin. Additional staffing that would be financed with this grant is much needed and I hope will be supported by this city council. Respectfully, Todd Needle Fire Captain/Paramedic Fire Station 4 Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 8:21 AM To: Public Comment; Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Lucille Kring; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Gregory Garcia; Lylyana Bogdanovich; Amanda Edinger; Annie Mezzacappa; Cynthia Ward; Daniel Fierro; Helen Myers; Justin Glover; Karen Romero Estrada; Maria Gonzalez; Mariso) Ramirez; Nam Bartash; Samantha Saenz; Sarah Bartczak Subject: FW: Safer Grant, CCM 10.06 Item #15 Attachments: Fire Department Safer Grant For council consideration. See email below and one attached. -----Original Message ----- From: Jeremy Kunkle <JKunkle@anaheim.net> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 7:27 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: Safer Grant To the Anaheim City Council, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation for your support of public safety during this difficult time. This Safer Grant will help provide the citizens of Anaheim with necessary and essential resources to continue providing the highest level of service expected when the call is made for a response from the Anaheim Fire and Rescue. Our department needs to continue growing and changing to meet the needs of a diverse city. More personnel and facilities/units are exactly what our department needs to meet the demands of protecting the lives and properties of the residents and visitors in our great city. Again, thank you for your support of this vital grant! Jeremy Kunkle Firefighter/ Paramedic Anaheim Fire and Rescue Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Justins 2nd Email Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 8:58 PM To: Council Subject: Fire Department Safer Grant Thank you so much for supporting the safer grant to increase our daily firefighting staffing. In a time where we are having the worst california wildfire season on record, it is truly needed. Take care......... Justin Balint Public Comment From: Elizabeth Sheehe Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 7:14 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Keith Moses Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 8:59 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Prospera Hotels Letter of Support - Angel Development Plan Attachments: Angels Development Plan.pdf Good afternoon, On behalf of Prospera Hotels, I have attached a letter in support of the Angel Stadium Area development plan going in front of the city council. I appreciate your review and hope all passes successfully as this will a boon not only for the City of Anaheim, but Orange County as a whole! Thanks, Keith Moses Vice President - Hotel Operations Prospera Hotels, Inc. 333 City Blvd. West, Suite 2000 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 399-9303 (Office) (Cellular) (714) 399-9301 (Fax) wvwv.prosperahotels.com THS MESSAGE fS WENDED ONI Y FOR THE USE OF THE WiPfV0U1. OR f'fNi"f' Y TO WIlfCll H fS ADDRESSED AND Y CONTAW Wf'ORMATi ON i"f°l i" f PRWHEGED, COWDENTW. AND EXEMPT FROM MSCIOSURE UNDER APWCABIE IAW, ff 1'he yeadef of this dnessoge is not 1'he rn1'ed ded fecipient of the xdnplatyee of the oagent fesponsable [spa delivefing the dnessoge 1'o the intended feciprent you oye heaeby notiftec91'hot ony disseninotion, dis1'aabution, Of copying orthis sr=d°naNnicotion is stficl'ly paohibited, Receipt sof this dnessoge in effoy does not wvoive ony s onfic9entiolly of pfivileges, his e..d.noil is non ..binding unless ssnd until o deft wiliirx wxdillen a:ontfsscl between the fseww#ies is fully exwsa:aNled, fl you hove as^a:wslved this dnessoge in effoa: pleose idtr medic Lely delete it on d oil copies off it ff os n ) ouf systedn on d notify the ss^ndef, hA Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail PROSPERR HOTELS September 28, 2020 Anaheim City Council 200 Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA. 92805 Re: Angel Development Plan Dear Anaheim City Council, On behalf of Prospera Hotels portfolio of hotels, which includes the Hyatt House Anaheim Resort, Hyatt Place Anaheim Resort, Homewood Suites Anaheim Resort, Hampton Inn and Suites Anaheim Resort, Cortona Inn and Suites, and Doubletree Guest Suites Anaheim Resort, I am writing this letter in support of the Angels Agreement (item No. 1) coming before your commission on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. The development program would be a huge win for the city of Anaheim and surrounding community. Not only would this remove the city of Anaheim for the huge financial burden of being responsible for paying for stadium renovations and/or a new stadium, it would amplify what Anaheim has to offer to its residents and tourists. Orange County is currently missing a true county center destination similar to what Los Angeles has to offer with LA Live. This would change this and the overall perception of not only Anaheim, but the entire county. The destination would provide an electrifying place to gather for locals and tourists to enjoy hotels, restaurants, and sports teams. The project would also provide 5,175 new housing units which Orange County desperately needs. I stron ly urge you to support this for our community. Best ards, Keith Moses Vice President Hotel Operations Prospera Hotels 333 City Blvd. W. Suite 2000 1 Orange, CA 92868 1 Tel: 714.399.9300 Fax: 714.399.9301 1 www.prosperahotels.com Public Comment From: Juan Ahumada Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 9:32 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle%2©Qs full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public %2©Qflagship park%2©Q and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Leslie Martinez Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 9:59 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Public Comment From: Rick Delrosario Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 1:10 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock The Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will also support this, and vote in favor. As you are aware, the proposed plan includes over 5,000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement , there is great potential to generate a lot of money to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. Also, Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support will take Anaheim and their residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the City of Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gibran E Stout Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 3:59 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium Sale - As with all things in life, "value" is a VERY subjective, and EVER CHANGING thing PLUS in a NORMAL world, Real Estate values constantly fluctuate & cycle. However, in the current crazy world & economy, we need to take a breath & step back. Clearly the value of such a venue has plummeted in in the current pandemic economy. However, the old adage "bird in the hand" also holds true. I think that there needs to be some broader, more creative problem solving here. By selling an (income/revenue) producing asset below "value", with incentives/guarantees of future revenue guarantees could very well be a brilliant strategy given the very real possibility that the future of large gathering (& stadium value) is so SO uncertain... Public Comment From: Nicholas Gumina Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 10:56 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Renegotiate the Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully oppose the City selling the Stadium property at an extremely undervalued price, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim would be nice, robbing the residents of Anaheim to do this is wrong. I hope you will also realize this, and put the appropriate value on the land. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer and what a reasonable offer would actually include. Your support of this giveaway will destroy any faith Anaheim residents have in the city leadership. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the buyer and a huge mistake for the City of Anaheim. Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: RE the miss representation of my letter to Council about Angels Baseball & Community Investment -----Original Message ----- From: Loretta Day Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2020 11:33 AM Subject: FW: RE the miss representation of my letter to Council about Angels Baseball & Community Investment FYI -----Original Message ----- From: Debbie Herman Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2020 3:36 AM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net>; Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: RE the miss representation of my letter to Council about Angels Baseball & Community Investment Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, It was brought to my attention that my name came up at the Council meeting Tuesday evening regarding the letter I wrote below. I was unable to watch the council meeting live due to prior commitments, I was informed by people who did watch the meeting that this happened. I was able to watch the council video Wednesday evening, and in all due respect to councilmember Barnes, I am very disappointed in the way my letter was presented. I have been questioned by members of the community regarding my stance on the Angels project because of this. All of the other letters that were read to the public, whether they were long, short or paraphrased, did not have their name specifically mentioned. I feel if you are going to read a letter from a concerned Citizen you should read the entire letter to the public... not pick out one sentence that was clearly taken out of context. In my letter I started and ended by fully endorsing this project. I named all the reasons I thought this would be so beneficial for our community and an asset to a tourist destination. Out of this whole letter this was all that was read: > I strongly suggest adding the first right to purchase the property > back for the sale price to the contract under consideration If you read before this one sentence in my letter, there is a longer paragraph in FULL support of this project and I am very happy that it passed! In the paragraph with this one sentence, I was merely stating what I have heard on blogs, from other citizens, and in an email I received bringing up the possibility of turning around and selling the land for a profit. What was not mentioned was I personally do not believe that Mr. Moreno would do this and that he is very invested in this project. I thought bringing this up to other citizens might help squash any misconceptions and help people hearing all of these same things get on board with this beneficial project. It was merely a suggestion and after listening to the city attorney, I also understand why a businessman would not want this in his contract. I now realize that I should not have left the opportunity for this to be taken out of context with my words. It was meant to be a suggestion for the community... Nothing to do with how I feel about this project personally. The same thing about changing the name, which I also brought up. This was clearly defined by councilmember Kring with the red lining of that portion of the contract years ago. Something I have never heard about previously, nor do I believe that the general public knows about, If I had known that, I would have never even brought that up. Once again, it was a suggestion to get more people on board. This is not a concern for me, as I fully support this project 100%. I hope you will all take the time to read my ENTIRE letter. I now know I should not have used the words "strongly suggest" because that made it sound very definitive, when I was just giving suggestions to get all of these arguments over and the project moving forward. I have definitely learned my lesson and I will be more mindful of my words in the future. I have also learned that if I have something specific to say, I will contact a councilmember in person. I am very disappointed with the process of writing letters to the Council, how it was used, and how it turned into something like this. My only saving grace at this point is that the meeting took so long. A lot of people had gone to bed however several more watched it on Wednesday. The snippet of my entire letter and my name are now a matter of public record that people can look back on at any time by watching the video. I now know how politicians feel when one little sentence can be misconstrued into something that affects your life... Not a lesson I wanted to learn! I am clearly disappointed. Congratulations on passing this amazing project for our city... I am a proud citizen, and by no means did I mean to stir up any controversy! Thank you for your time, Debbie Herman > -----Original Message----- > From: Debbie Herman > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 12:59 PM > To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> > Subject: Angels Baseball & Community Investment > Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, > I am writing to you today in support of the sale of the land and having Angels baseball in our city for years to come. > I feel that many people are focused on the fair market value of the land itself, and are not thinking about the plan established years ago for the platinum triangle, the temporary and permanent jobs it will bring to our City, the benefits of having a Major League Baseball team in a tourist destination, and the positive impact on our local businesses, restaurants, and hotels for years to come. In addition, it is fun for our communities's Angels fans, who love sports and the sense of pride that comes form supporting your "hometown team"! > I have been following the pros and cons of this sale, and everything I have read allows be to believe this is very beneficial for Anaheim. > I did however read that the Mr. Moreno could turn around and sell this property after the deal for a profit. I do not believe this would happen, as I feel he is invested in this project. If there is any truth to this statement, I strongly suggest adding the first right to purchase the property back for the sale price to the contract under consideration. This may be in the contract already. By bringing this up and getting it out to the public, I feel our community would be more comfortable with the sale of the land. > Another thing that would get more Anaheim residence on board with this > whole project is renaming the team, or rather eliminating the words > "Los Angeles" from the title. We are Anaheim, and not Los Angeles. In > all honesty it's kind of confusing :-) > The stadium is known as the "Big A" - and I don't even think people would be upset if the team was just called the "ANGELS"with no specific city attached. It is our team in our city. When you attend or watch the games it's just "TIME FOR ANGELS BASEBALL" > Thank you for taking the time to read my comments. Personally, I see nothing but positive things coming from this sale for our community.. > I stand with the City Council Members supporting this Great > opportunity for Anaheim, > Debbie Herman > Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Ed Portillo Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 8:41 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium Deal Good Afternoon Mayor and City Council, Please reconsider this deal. The sale price is too low. Even if you consider going with the sale at least get the money up front and not over a 5 year period. Thanks, Ed Portilo Public Comment From: Jackie Perez Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 9:28 PM To: Public Comment; Jordan Brandman; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) Good Afternoon Mr. Brandman, I am a resident of your district, and I am emailing in response to the vote for the stadium deal. I don't think that it's a good deal for Anaheim and frankly I am dissapointed that the city council voted to go through with it. I know that there is another vote coming up soon and I hope that you reconsider your approval. It seems like the deal is being rushed and large concerns are not being addressed with the public. As a resident of your district, I would like to know your thoughts. I have many concerns with the deal, but these are my top 5: 1. It is a disservice to the community that the city of Anaheim did not commsion their own independent analysis of the benefits of the deal. We should have our own study and our own apraisal to base our decisions. The study that is listed in the website was commisioned by the Angels. We cannot fully trust the data given by the same people that are trying to buy the land. 2. We are not selling it for enough money and we are not having them pay upfront. I guarantee you that Arte Moreno will sell off the land as soon as he can for more money than what he will be buying it from us. He will be making a fortune all out of this. Arte is just looking out for himself, and we should look out for the city. 3. 466 affordable housing units is not enough. Specially because they don't even have to build the units right away. They have 25 years to build the units while we currently have a housing crisis in the city. There are 6,000 people on the paiting list for Anaheim Housing currently. I am sure that with COVID- 19 we will have more people added to that list, as well as people added to our homelessness. 4. The park doesn't have to be built for 15 years. 5. Are there any green initiatives in this deal? I didnt see anything about electric charging stations or efficient buildings. We should require this in our plans. I would just like to see the deal be reviewed more carefuly through the eyes of the Anaheim resident. I understand that the jobs and tax revenue numbers are tempting, but if the deal is as good as they say, the numbers are not going to change by just slowing down the vote on this. I know that many counsil members are up for re-election and would just like to see the deal go through, but please think about the effects on our city. This deal can have many reprecussions in our future. I urge you and the mayor to have a zoom / facebook live meeting with the public to speak to us directly about the issues. The people of Anaheim have a right to hear directly from you and ask you live questions. Mr. Brandman -- your facebook page doesn't even have one mention of the Stadium deal. There are many ways to communicate and it's shady that this deal is being done in the middle of the night and without public questioning. Please Mr. Brandman re -consider the vote until the concerns of the residents are heard. Please feel free to email or call me to discuss further. I would love to hear back from you on what your thoughts are. Thank you, Public Comment From: Glenn Santa Cruz Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 8:43 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium property Attachments: 10022020084311-0001.pdf _2accd o250 1 I'll W01 11 fA'Z0(,'i]N STEAM - REFRIGERATION - AIR CONDITIONING - PIPE FITTERS, WELDERS, AND APPRENTICES GkENNJI SANTA CRUZ OF THE UNITED ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA 3w,ii ess Ma i agor/ Affifiat AFL-CIO F11 "m cial Soc'y I reas BEN Cli I ON Asst�;Ianl Bumoss Vanaqo HUDY RODRiGUIEZ, SR 18356 SOUTH FIGUIEROA STREET, GARDENA, CA 90248-4217 PAC Chairman i Mgt (310 660-0035 / Fin. Sec'y (310) 660-0042 / Ref Div, (31 U) 660-0045 S.F.Appen. (310) 323-4475 / ReI Appren, (213) 747-0291 Fax (310) 329-2465 October 2, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, Business Representatives RAY CAIVIAGI 10 HECTOR CARBAJAL OSCAR i DAVID GRIGGS I IERB KLFEMAN FOM MORTON BRANDON MOIFITOPFF G1._JS1CHI:IL�S Organizers CRYSIAL i_FWIS RUDY HODIHIGUEZ, SR NA -1 WILLIAMS I am writing on behalf of our 6,500, members of the United Association Local Union 250 and as a part of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, thank you: for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep, the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open! the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opporturi The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as well as preferences for returning veterans, of the U.S. Armed Forces. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. The Trades have been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project throughout Anaheim over the years, and we will be proud to do so again here. Thank you! Sincerely, Glenn J'. Santa Cruz Bus. Mgr/Fin-Sec'y-Treas. GJS/sm opeiu537/afl-cio Public Comment From: BA North <banorth @ualocal582.org> Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 9:36 AM To: Public Comment Cc: LuisAndres Perez; Ernesto Medrano Subject: Item #19 on the Agenda Anaheim City Council Meeting Attachments: City of Anaheim Letter Oct 2020.pdf Good morning. Please see the attached letter for Tuesdays Oct 6 1 Council Meeting. Thankyou Henry Hillebrecht Business Agent Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Office: 714-978-0582 Fax: 714-978-1582 Cell: Orange County, GallfornW Local 582 Orange County, California United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim Ca 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, Anthony Novello Business Manager, Financial Secretary, Treasurer 19 Good morning, I am writing you all this letter this morning on behalf of all our members from Local 582 Plumbers and Steamfitters on Orange Ca. and as part of the LA/OC Counties Building Trades and Construction Trades Council. I want you all to know that we really appreciate your vote during the Council meeting of September 29 2020 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium properties to a large amount of development opportunities. With the City Council's vote in support will move SRB Management's proposal much closer to reality. The Trades Council is currently in discussions with the SRB Management Company to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will require local hire preferences for Anaheim Residents as well as preferences for returning Veterans of the US Armed Forces. As this Item comes back for its second reading Tuesday, Oct 6, we encourage all of your votes in support again to finalize these proceedings and to get this project moving forward. The Building Trades have been a major component and a great partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project through out the years and we will be proud to so again here at Angel Stadium. Thank you Henry Hillebrecht Business Agent Local 582 Plumbers and Steamfitters 1916 W. Chapman Ave., Orange, California 92868-2608 (714) 978-0582 FAX (714) 978-1582 United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada AFL-CIO Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Letter in support of Item #19 MDNIC.A LtRREA DFFICE M4NAC�ER- 17495 I N tR-LEY 5T IND tSTRY, C.4917 44 020- 04-2500 EXT 100 G 2G -9 �4 z9z9 FAX C) DPEIL,� LDC.AL-#53j Monica Urrea <monica@ironworkers433.org> Friday, October 2, 2020 11:37 AM Public Comment Item #19 Item #19.pdf 17495 HURLEY STREET EAST October 2, 2020 Ironworkers Local ^����� �� ~~�mm ����� ��»�^� �� m�mn�°��wy�� -m���� International Association of Bridge, Structural & Ornamental Iron Workers A.F.L-CJ.O. Established 1929, CITY OF INDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA 91744 Mayor Harry Sidoand Anaheim City Commci|members City mfAnaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, [A928OS Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members PHONE: (626) 964-25iOO KEITH H/\RKEY Business Manager Financial Secretary-TreaSUrer I am writing on behalf of our mem,bers from Ironworkers Local 433 and as a part of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plain that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reo|ity. The Trades Council ispnesentlyindiscussions with 5RB Management tofinalize aCommunity Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as weli, as preferences for returning veterans ofthe U.S.Armed Forces. Aathis item returns for its second reading atthe council meeting onTuesday, October 6,weencourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. The Tradeshave been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project throughout Anaheim over the ye,ars, and we will be proud to do so again here, Sincerely, Paul Moreno Business Agent Public Comment From: Lee Brown Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 2:09 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) Attachments: Dynalectric Anaheim Stadium District CWA support.pdf Please see attached letter from Dynalectric L.A. I KDC Systems regarding the Stadium Development Project Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) CWA support. Thank you and please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or comments. Earnest Lee Brown President & CEO Dynalectric I KDC Systems 4462 Corporate Center Drive I Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Direct: Mobile: Ibrown@emcor.net This message is for the named person's use only. It may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the sender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient. � Dynalectric L.A. ,w. KDC Systems Misom of KOC Inc. An EMCOR Company.... October 2, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, 4462 Corporate Center Drive Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Office: 714-828-7000 On behalf of Dynalectric L.A., I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Dynalectric L.A. urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. Sincely, Earnest Lee Brown President & CEO Public Comment From: scott@giIbertandstearnselectric.com Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 4:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: 'Denell Giustorobelo' Subject: Angels Stadium Project letter Attachments: letter-0959.pdf To whom it may concern, Please see attached letter. Thank you, Scott Kingsmill Gilbert & Stearns, Inc. 130304 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 office: 7.14 547 7695 x 106 or 949 713 2800 x 1061 fax: 949 713 2877 1 cell: R.S. KINGSMILL SINCE 1928 30304 ESPERANZA PHONE (949) 713-2800 FAX (949) 713-2877 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688-2118 October 2, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, On behalf of Gilbert & Stearns, Inc, I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Gilbert & Stearns, Inc. endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is apparent to any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Gilbert & Stearns, Inc. urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. Sincerely, i Scott Kingsmill Gilbert & Stearns, Inc. 130304 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 office: 949-713-2800 x 1061 fax: 949-713-2877 1 cell: Public Comment From: Theresa Harvey <THarvey@nocchamber.com> Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 4:14 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Stadium - Thank you and continued support Attachments: AngelStadium-Support-2.pdf Please see attached letter in support of item #19 on the October 6 Anaheim City Council agenda. Thank you for your continued anticipated support. Theresa Harvey President & CEO North Orange County Chamber 714-871-3100 www.nocchamber.com Sent from Mail for Windows 10 NORTH ORANGE COUNTY CHAMBER October 2, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu & City Councilmembers City Hall 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Faessel, and Councilmembers, On behalf of the North Orange County Chamber of Commerce, I would like to express our thanks for your support for the sale of Angel Stadium and 150 acre property, as well as the Master Site Plan and Disposition and Development Agreement for the future of the stadium and property which you voted on September 29. In my earlier letter to you, I explained our belief that the presence of the Angels and Major League Baseball was good not just for Anaheim, but for the entire Orange County region. We reiterate that stance as you consider this item one more time as item #19 at your October 6 meeting. We encourage you to support this great project again at its second reading and look forward to thirty more years of Angels Baseball, and to the exciting next chapter of history at Angel Stadium. Sincerely, Theresa Harvey President/CEO North Orange County Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 529, Fullerton, CA 92836 1 100 W. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 205, Fullerton, CA 92835 1 (714) 871-3100 1 NOCC@NOCChamber.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee Cherry Li -Bugg, Ph.D, Chair NOCCCD April Barnes, Chair Elect Speech & Language Development Center Josee Minero, Vice Chair @Work Personnel Services Jim Ripley, Vice Chair, Finance RAI Wealth Management Sueling Chen, Ed.D., Member at Large Arborlond Montessori Michael Williams, Past Chair Williams Insurance Company Board Members Alex Burrolo FSB Public Affairs Kerri Clark Rowntree Gardens DruAnn Copping St. Jude Medical Center Jessica Fernandez Southern California Edison Co. Emily Grant Southern California Gas Company Stan Kwok Volt Real Estate Services Andrea Reyes American First Credit Union Katie Savant CSU Fullerton Javier Solis Holiday Inn Buena Park Danielle Thomas Professional Search Group Katie Wonamaker The Source OC Public Comment From: Stephanie Rebollar <srebollar@healthysmilesoc.org> Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 7:09 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Development Plan Public Comment Hello, The following public comment is sent on behalf of Ria Berger. As a partner of the Angel's Baseball Foundation, we are happy to support the Stadium Development Plan. This plan creates more than 20 acres of park space, restaurants, and entertainment all in one place. The Angels are a foundation to the community and this development creates a safe place for families to bring their children and enjoy all what Anaheim has to offer. I encourage you to vote yes on Item No. 19 during your council meeting. Anaheim and all the surrounding communities will benefit from this wonderful project. Sincerely, Ria Berger Chief Executive Officer Con idenflahtys INoflm TIMs e=nrol and its attachments may contain prMllrc=,ged and n onfidrc=nt4ll Horrnatk)n and/car protected health Horrnatk)n (I11-iI) �ntended solely for the use of the �ntemded redp ent(s), If you are not the �ntemded rrcsdp�ent„ or the employee or agent resat onshle for dellrwrrc=ftg tMs message to the �ntemded redp�ent„ you are Ihrc=,rrc=by motffied that any rev, ew, neo s.src=,n&atk)n, a rstHbu. tk)n„ a: fttm ng or e:opy� ng M t1hrs e=nrol message and/car any attachments r s ^stHollly proMlbrted If you (have ren.m=,r`wred this transmrs^sk)n �n error, please notHy ^src=,mder �rnrn da atelly by ftrc=plly�ng to t1hrs e=nrol (plllease ensure that you do not ftrc=plly /MIIII) and then permanently delete t1hrs e=nrol and any attachments. Public Comment From: jodiemosley Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 8:18 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel's deal Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim city council members Anaheim City Hall 200 s. Anaheim blvd. Anaheim, Ca 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, I'm writing to you today to say thank you for voting on favor of the stadium deal. We ALL want to keep the Angel's in Anaheim!!!! I support this till the end. Great job! Thank you again! Proud Anaheim resident, Jodie Mosley `semi on my Virgin Mobile [hone. 1 Public Comment From: tkestr61 Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 6:36 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent vice (lie Samstmg Galaxy S20 5G, an A"I & T 54. smar(phone Public Comment From: Shervin Mirhashemi <smirhashemi@legends.net> Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 7:15 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda Item 19 Attachments: Support Letter - Legends.docx Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, By way of quick background, I have been involved in Los Angeles sports and entertainment for the last 20 plus years, and during that time I have gotten to know the Angels ownership and management team. More recently, I have had the distinct pleasure to work with them as well. As the CEO and President of ends, a global experiences company and hospitality partner of the Los Angeles Angels for the past 7 years, I am writing to express our support for the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. The Stadium Development plan will provide long term economic and employment opportunities for the community where our staff live and work. We believe this is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, especially as it relates to economic development and job creation within the hospitality industry. This has been difficult year for all businesses so we are happy to see City Leaders approving projects that will bring more jobs and much-needed revenues and investment to Anaheim. We look forward to continuing to work with the Angels in the City of Anaheim and ask you to vote YES on Agenda Item 19 and continue to support this important proposal. Thank you. Shervin Mirhashemi ° Shervin Mirhashemi I President & CEO I LEGENDS O: 310.237.4114 1 C: smirhashe .�r�legends.net 3830 Clarington Avenue I Culver City, CA 90232 The information contained in this message and any attachment(s) may be privileged, confidential, proprietary or otherwise protected from disclosure and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this message and any attachment is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please notify me immediately by replying to this email and permanently delete the message from your computer. Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, By way of quick background, I have been involved in Los Angeles sports and entertainment for the last 20 plus years, and during that time I have gotten to know the Angels ownership and management team. More recently, I have had the distinct pleasure to work with them as well. As the CEO and President of ends, a global experiences company and hospitality partner of the Los Angeles Angels for the past 7 years, I am writing to express our support for the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. The Stadium Development plan will provide long term economic and employment opportunities for the community where our staff live and work. We believe this is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, especially as it relates to economic development and job creation within the hospitality industry. This has been difficult year for all businesses so we are happy to see City Leaders approving projects that will bring more jobs and much-needed revenues and investment to Anaheim. We look forward to continuing to work with the Angels in the City of Anaheim and ask you to vote YES on Agenda Item 19 and continue to support this important proposal. Thank you. Shervin Mirhashemi President & CEO - Legends Public Comment From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: October 3, 2020 City of Anaheim 201 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA. 92805 John Machiaverna <jmac@theboysandgirlsclub.org> Saturday, October 3, 2020 10:45 AM Public Comment Jolly, Molly Angel Support email and attached Angel Support Letter.docx Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, My family and I totally support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. We have been Anaheim residents for over 55 years, and this is very important for keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while also realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. This will ensure economic growth in our City for years to come, creating jobs, open spaces, and creating a sense of community while giving the residents a shared vision, creating a positive sense of community and giving people something to rally around. It is past time that we support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police & Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Your support for this project shows vision and leadership while focusing on the future where we as the public should direct our energy for something that will benefit the city for years to come. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, . . . ..� J( iii I'!V! a c a v e in a QIhIii-,offIIExe.cutive.o Of iiiceour Watch how our Clubs do ... Whatever it takes to Build Great Futures. 'oy: 8 G�ds C: iI�s of Gie,:iC. i, A nr llr6rn rbyi"ne s 1260 North Riviera Street Anaheim, CA 92801 Front Desk: (714) 491-3616 Direct Line: Cell www www bg r yg u; rro::g Tax ID # 001,00C) h&Iplining oine Il eirsoi i mlliiigtirt not dhainge the worid, but lii[t codd dhainge the worid for oine Il eirsoi m. BO", GMLS G ANAHEIM -CYPRESS October 3, 2020 City of Anaheim 201 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA. 92805 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, My family and I totally support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. We have been Anaheim residents for over 55 years, and this is very important for keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. This will ensure economic growth in our City for years to come, creating jobs, open spaces, and creating a sense of community while giving the residents a shared vision, creating a positive sense of community and giving people something to rally around. It is past time that we support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police & Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Your support for this project shows vision and leadership while focusing on the future where we as the public should direct our energy for something that will benefit the city for years to come. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, X'11111� �_ ---- I John Machiaverna CEO the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim -Cypress Public Comment From: Sue Grant <sue@literacyproj.org> Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 11:21 AM To: Public Comment Subject: For your consideration and a reminder of Angels Baseball importance to us! Attachments: Angels Baseball Endorsement 3 100220.docx Thank you for the consideration of this letter. We are grateful to the Angels Baseball organization for providing critical literacy services to the struggling students of Anaheim for the past nine years! In Liftracy, ukt- LIT ERACY PROJECT believe dreem soar 1b, 64"Uo'l ['hep"N",'.V Sue Girain't 11ouindeir '1': 9497211319 �I II trace errs. f INNIX''t 1 October 2, 20202 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Thank you for your actions at the public hearing on Tuesday, September 29 in support of the Angel Stadium agreement. We were encouraged to see this great next step take place and are excited not only by the great possibilities for development at the stadium site, but also for Angels Baseball to remain here in Anaheim. As I described in my previous letter, the Angels have been tremendous friends and partners to the Literacy Project, sponsoring and hosting event like our "Readers in the Outfield" and funding literacy programs in Anaheim schools for over 9700 of Anaheim elementary school students. The presence of the Angels and their commitment to the community they call home makes that possible. We look forward to this stadium deal being voted on again, approved, and finalized at the October 6 second reading and we urge you to again stand in support of us, and of the Angels. Thank you, �,;z a&t— Sue Grant Founder & CEO, The Literacy Project Public Comment From: Christopher Walker <cwalker@cpwalkerlaw.com> Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:38 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Christopher Walker Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ruperto Huerta Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:38 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: William VanDalsem Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:45 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Yes Public Comment From: Michael Saparto Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:47 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Peter Baccaro Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:48 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, Pleter Baccaro, President, CKD, CBD Baccaro Construction Co., Inc. CSLB Lic 4425570 www.BaccaroConstniction.com Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, BRE Lic. 401879152 Pbaccarogmsn.com Baccaro-HomeFinder. com Cell Fax (714) 870-6843 Public Comment From: Michael Saparto Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:49 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Yes on Agenda Item 19 Public Comment From: karen letter Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Dianne Hickman Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:55 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dianne Hickman Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:56 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dianne Hickman Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:56 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gerene Bisesi Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:57 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dianne Hickman Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gerene Bisesi Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dianne Hickman Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Dianne Hickman Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dianne Hickmar Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Sue Boozier Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dianne Hickman Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 2:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Sherri Ricker Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sherri Ricker Public Comment From: Robert Walters Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan I am not fir this. Too much reward for the developer fir low rent housing . BibWalters Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: barry slafkes Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Yours truly Barry Slafkes Anaheim Ca 92804 Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Phil Hotsenpiller Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:10 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Phil Hotsenpiller Public Comment From: Miguel Guerrero Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:14 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Jolynn Mahoney Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you, Jolynn Benn Mahoney Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jordan Godoy Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:17 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Daniel Condon Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:17 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan. I've been an Angel fan Since 1969, when my dad was a cotch for xxxA Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: heathermakinsc Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Heather Makins Public Comment From: Loreta Pecbot Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:20 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Aylex B Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:25 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully don't support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. Public Comment From: david groves Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Stadium property. This is a complete waste of money and resources. The stadium should be demolished and made way for low cost homes and rehabilitation, and job training for the homeless and for people who have lost their jobs due To Governor Gavin Newsoms unconstitutional edits and orders. No on 19 and no on all of you! Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Arnold Vasquez _ Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ronnie Batino Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:31 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: maderrico Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent vice (lie Samstmg Galaxy Sip, an 'AT&T .54. Evolution capable smar(phone Public Comment From: Gin Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gin Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Patrick May Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:50 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Richard Laird Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:55 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: None support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully disagree with the bullshit deal and offer to sell the cities land to the owner of the angels for so cheap this is a bullshit deal from start to finish without this deal we still get the jobs and housing from other developers I will sue if the city moves forward with this deal period Sent from Richard Public Comment From: Scott Tipton Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, My family are huge Angels fans! But, what does it matter if we can't even afford to go to a game? Allow me to explain... My company has gone bankrupt and I am losing my home due to over -reaching paternalistic tyranny, which has arbitrarily closed my business and many others like it. By closing our clients many doors, then limiting our customers freedom of choice, you have destroyed us and big chunks of the middle-class along with us. I can't even get unemployment assistance due to a "back -log". Even now my children sit in their rooms ALL DAY with zero social or physical interaction. They are FAILING online school and have no supervision all day. No sports, no real activity. Basically we work and they stare at a screen all day. You have created hell on earth for my family, even after loads of scientific evidence has shown effective treatments for the low mortality levels ESPECIALLY IN YOUTH the schools remain closed. The blatant data showing the uselessness of masks and forced closures, yet masks and limitations on business remain here. You have created an Orwellian nightmare that, even if I hadn't had my business closed by the self appointed "autocrat" of California, Gov. Newsom, I wouldn't stay if you paid me. What did Anaheim due to protect us from this egregious attack upon our civil liberties by Sacramento? Pardon my language, What the hell do I care about Angels stadium and your taxes when I can't even feed my children because Sacramento took away my means of survival? It's too late for me, hopefully you open up soon before it's just the UBER RICH and the UBER POOR because historically, that's when violent revolutions happen, good luck California! I'll miss everything except the corrupt politics, crime, homelessness, and taxes on the ridiculous cost of living! Public Comment From: bettyckua n i Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dale Hillyer Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 4:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Also, Jose Moreno and his minions are not good for Anaheim. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Mike Valencia MTV -MC Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 4:11 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. I am MTV -MC Orange County Productions Owner, Mike Trout is in Representation to Me with Art Moreno. Public Comment From: Cindy RR Email Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:41 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Bob Windhauser Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 4:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Eric Bui Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: David Connor Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 4:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Tomas Diaz Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 4:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Maria Elena miranda Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 4:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Enviado desde mi iPhone Public Comment From: CHARLES WAIMRIN Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 4:55 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Thanks John, much appreciated Kuhl, Dennis <Dennis.Kuhl@angels.com> Saturday, October 3, 2020 5:12 PM John Machiaverna; Public Comment Jolly, Molly RE: Angel Support email and attached Semi ftom my Verizon, ` amstmg Galaxy smartphone Original message -- From: John Machiaverna <jmac@theboysandgirlsclub.org> Date: 10/3/20 1:45 PM (GMT -05:00) To: publiccomment@anaheim.net Cc: "Jolly, Molly" <Molly.Jolly@angels.com> Subject: Angel Support email and attached October 3, 2020 City of Anaheim 201 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA. 92805 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, My family and I totally support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. We have been Anaheim residents for over 55 years, and this is very important for keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while also realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. This will ensure economic growth in our City for years to come, creating jobs, open spaces, and creating a sense of community while giving the residents a shared vision, creating a positive sense of community and giving people something to rally around. It is past time that we support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police & Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Your support for this project shows vision and leadership while focusing on the future where we as the public should direct our energy for something that will benefit the city for years to come. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, A". � . . . .,.,,,, ..� J( iil la QIhk-,.o ff Ilii' c-ztj lii c - o Watch how our Clubs do ... Whatever it takes to Build Great Futures. 'oy: 8 G�ihs C: iI�s of Gir,::i r� i, Ain' alr6rn €byi"ne s 1260 North Riviera Street Anaheim, CA 92801 Front Desk: (714) 491-3616 Direct Line: Cell: www www bg r yg u; rro::g Tax ID # 001,00C) [1u6Ipl�ing o in e II e irso ini iurnl ling ti t not ctlainge Ittle vvoiriId, IIbut lii[t coUId ctlainge Ittle vvoiriId l'o r o in e II e irso in . Public Comment From: Richard Rogers Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 6:20 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over Public Comment From: Mai Le Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 6:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Victoria Alba Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 7:17 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Elaine Rogerson <erogerson@morrow-meadows.com> Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 7:56 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Project: Letter in Support of a Community Workforce Agreement Attachments: Anaheim City Counsel 10-2020.pdf On behalf of Morrow -Meadows Corporation, attached is our Letter of support for the Anaheim Community Workforce Agreement. Thank you, Elaine Rogerson I Executive Assistant VIOFFI (AN WEA')a:'aVa/S (`,a:'al'I'a al \ la al`,I 231 Benton Court, City of Industry, CA 91789 O: (909) 598-7700 D: r i'og r,n@)irirar'ow iriear,$ow r;oiyii I IVHViC.; \Nel)<<J(e MORROWCORPORATE OFFICE E�D®� 2311 Benton Court, City of Industry, CA 91789 Tel: 909.598.7700 CORPORATION Liceinse No. 230813-C10 October 3, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, On behalf of Morrow -Meadows Corporation, I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub - Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Morrow -Meadows Corporation endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is apparent to any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Morrow -Meadows Corporation urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. Sincerely, MORROW -MEADOWS CORPORATION 64 Robert E. Meadows President ELECTRICAL I DATACOM CONTRACTORS AND ENIGINEERS Public Comment From: Marnie Larson Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Marnie Larson Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kathy sullivan Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 8:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Kathy Sullivan Public Comment From: Kathy sullivan Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 8:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Mark Middaugh Public Comment From: Darryl Reilly Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 6:35 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Nathan Gee Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 5:09 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Srikrishna D. Tanukonda Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 6:20 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Srikrishna Devarayalu's iPhone Public Comment From: Shannon Maddox Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 7:40 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: cw.ac Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 7:44 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Semi ftom my Verizon, Samstmg Galaxy smartphone Public Comment From: chuck wells Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 7:45 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Jeff Hutchings Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 10:30 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: MO Fern Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:09 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Signed, Mauricio Fernandez Anaheim, Scut from my l'...Mobilc 5G Device Public Comment From: AnaHome via Change.org <change@t.change.org> Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 3:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: New petition to you: Last Chance to Stop the Stadium GIVEAWAY! AnaHome started a petition on Change.org and listed you as a decision maker. Learn more about AnaHome's petition and how you can respond: AiraNoir e us Ipe lfloirnliing Steve II aesssrll 1 City of Anaheim is facing economic crisis with COVID 19 and City Council Majority has taken the first vote to sell the City's largest Asset, Angel Stadium, Anaheim Grove and the surrounding land, for a fraction of its value for... F,III A""'III""Y 0 'uwU C A IN 1) 0 1. View the petition: Learn about the petition and its supporters. You will receive updates as new supporters sign the petition so you can see who is signing and why. 2. Respond to the petition: Post a response to let the petition supporters know you're listening, say whether you agree with their call to action, or ask them for more information. 3. Continue the dialogue: Read the comments posted by petition supporters and continue the dialogue so that others can see you're an engaged leader who is willing to participate in open discussion. C IIS°III A IN G IIF 0 IIR G IIF 0 IIS. IIC) IIF C III S III 0 IIIN IIS A IIS IIF IIS. S On Change.org, decision makers like you connect directly with people around the world to resolve issues. Learn more. C..Ianlis notification was seireI I the addir ass Ilisted as the decision ri naII<eir. )rovacr y Ipoyll!Icny We'd Iluov: to IVru:ar tiroin.0 you.uN Contact us through our Ilrr:llp cneinteir. N Chongeorg 548K3orketSt#2QQQ3.SonFnsnciaco.C4Q41O4-54O1.USA Public Comment From: Andrea McCormack Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 4:49 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Andrea McCormack'# Public Comment From: Armando Diaz Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2020 8:43 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Alejandra Gallardo <agallardo@laocbuildingtrades.org> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 8:28 AM To: Public Comment; Public Comment; Annie Mezzacappa; Stephen Faessel; Denise Barnes; Jordan Brandman; Jose Moreno; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Ron Miller; Ernesto Medrano Subject: second reading on The Angels Stadium Development Project Disposition Attachments: Anaheim -finalize the DDA.pdf Honorable Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Councilmembers: On behalf of Executive Secretary Ron Miller and Council Representative Ernesto Medrano, We hope that the attached letter of support to move forward with approval of a Zoning Code Amendment and the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property) finds you in good health. 2nd Read. Should you have any questions, please feel to contact Mr. Medrano at The Council. Respectfully, Alejandra "Alex" Gallardo, ADMIN ASSISTANT I....,A/0 Il.itUilOing "I'1rades Ca LAinc�H 1626 Beverly Boulevard , av yr Los Angeles, CA 90026 II: 213-483-4222 ext 102 IF:: 213-483-4419 F...: agallardo(cDlaocbuildingtrades.org f h!r, cmloll oncl ony ,rr )chiinm, ,,,s ni,y r,onhklcmfial r lc,g,ally I)Irlvl ,gct cl If you flh!,, n r;rrr r or arc; n i rh 11[�oI[.1(,t1 rt, r;ll2r'IC,I[7 rrlr,aS(, i.li,,,froy 71�rr, (,-, IIIo11 din,,,,, g(,-, o I[.1 I[y o7 u;F'rnn,II7,, 0r6,0 rr1(`;S, Los Angeles / Orange Counties Building and Construction Trade Council .. Iffiliated with the Building & Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO R N II;LER Executive Secretary October 2, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, I am writing on behalf of our hard-working, honest essential members of the Los 1626 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 901126-5784 Phone (213) 483-4222 ('714) 827-6791 Fax (213) 483-4419 Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, to thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as well as preferences for returning veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. This project brings with it three important Community Benefits; Housing of which is approximately 770 plus inclusionary affordable units, open park space and the Community Workforce Agreement that will be an impetus to for the local hire and career opportunities. We urge your reaffirmation on Tuesday, October 6, to finalize the Disposition and Development Agreement and the Zoning Code Amendment. The Trades have been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim. Our members are about to complete the Westin Anaheim Resort, we built the Convention Center Expansion, the Canyon Power Plant, we have recently rebuilt some of your local schools, and every construction project at Disney since 1955, just to name a few and we will be proud to do so again here. Thank you! Sincerely, Ron Miller Executive Secretary RM/EM: ag/0PEIU#537/afl-cio Ernesto Medran 6 Council Representative :o Public Comment From: Connie Rodriguez <CRodriguez@girlscoutsOC.org> on behalf of Vikki Shepp <VShepp@girlscoutsOC.org> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 9:09 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Baseball October 2, 2020 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I am the CEO of Girl Scouts of Orange County, a leading nonprofit organization that serves nearly 18,000 girls and 12,000 volunteers and adult members from every zip code in Orange County. As you prepare to vote on Agenda Item 19 on Tuesday, October 6, 1 want to take this opportunity to share Angels Baseball's outstanding support of girls in our community. Angels Baseball and Girl Scouts of Orange County have a long history of working together to prepare Orange County girls for a lifetime of leadership. Together, we have been serving communities across Orange County for more than 100 years. Angels Stadium opened in 1966 and Girl Scouts of Orange County formed in 1968. Angels Baseball is a highly engaged supporter of Girl Scouts of Orange County's vision to create the best leadership development experiences for every girl in Orange County. Through the years, Angels Baseball has financially supported many Girl Scout events and initiatives, enabling us to build strong, confident, and resilient girls who dream big and do bigger. In addition to financial support, we partner with Angels Baseball each year to bring hundreds of Girl Scouts and their families together at Angels Stadium for an evening game and celebration of the more than 500,000 hours of service Girl Scouts provide communities across Orange County every year. Molly Jolly, Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration with Angels Baseball, is a Gold Award Girl Scout, longtime Board Member of Girl Scouts of Orange County, and current Chair of Girl Scouts of Orange County's Board of Directors. And just last year, Girl Scouts recognized Carol Moreno, Co -Owner of Angels Baseball, as our G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk -taker, and Leader) honoree at our 10th annual Celebrate Leadership event for fueling Angel Baseball's longtime commitment to local communities through programs that promote education, healthy living, and arts and sciences. As the Council considers a vote that could keep Angels Baseball in Anaheim for several more decades, I thank you for this opportunity to share the club's profound support of Orange County youth and our desire to continue the important work that Angels Baseball and Girl Scouts of Orange County have been doing together to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Never before has this been more important. If I can provide further insight, please feel free to reach out to me at /__purlScoutsoc.or� or 562.243.5690. 1 welcome the opportunity to talk with you. Warmly, lv�- Vikki Shepp Vikki Shepp CEO lavIfhI innIuirir:A.aIirk E BELIEVE IN THE POWERA U` "G, Reinew youiir Girl Scow irneir mllk ur llrmliip at Public Comment From: tinnie bui Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 9:11 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: gail eastman Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 9:52 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter to Mayor & City Council members Attachments: Letter to city council.docx I would like to submit the attached letter to Mayor Sidhu and Council Members as part of the public comment at the October 6, 2020 council meeting. Please confirm receipt. Thank you, Gail Eastman Mayor Harry Sidhu October 5, 2020 Anaheim City Councilmembers City Hall — 7th Floor 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Councilmembers, As a former Mayor Pro Tem and Councilmember, I'd like to congratulate and thank you for your support of the agreement reached between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management at the September 29 City Council meeting. This important milestone in Anaheim's history will open up the Angel Stadium property for amazing development opportunities, and at last puts to rest long lingering questions about the future of Angels Baseball in Anaheim. During my service on the Anaheim City Council, I was one of several councilmembers who tried to work with team owner Arte Moreno to come to a deal that would keep the Angels in Anaheim. Unfortunately, our then -mayor's inability to work in good faith and partnership eventually left those negotiations fruitless. Thanks to the negotiating team led by Mayor Sidhu, Anaheim now has a great opportunity in front of it for a seven acre centerpiece park plus 5.2 acres of additional park lands and 5,175 new housing units, including affordable housing. Up to two new hotels, and millions of square feet of commercial space for offices, entertainment, retail, and restaurants, all of this will contribute much needed additional tax revenue to the City. Plus the City will no longer be in the stadium ownership business with its inherent risks of ownership. In addition to those ongoing benefits the city receives additional cash and release from ongoing responsibility for that property. Possibility most important to Anaheim baseball fans, the Angels will stay in Anaheim for at least the next three decades. That's great news for the enjoyment of Angel's fans and baseball lovers throughout Anaheim, Orange County and beyond. But also good news for city wide community organizations and non -profits that the Angels have been such strong generous supporter and partners with over the years. The entire community will continue to be blessed through their presence in our city. I urge you to continue to stand strong and support this great proposal on October 6 when it comes back to you for its second reading. Thank you, Gail E. Eastman Anaheim City Council, 2010-2014 Mayor Pro Tem, 2012-2013 Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: The City of Anaheim Council October 5th 2020 Item #19 Roy C. Afusia < roya@sprinklerfitters709.org > Monday, October 5, 2020 9:55 AM Public Comment The City of Anaheim Council Meeting Item #19 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, My name is Roy Afusia, I am writing on behalf of our members from Sprinkler Fitters UA Local 709 and as a part of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 291h in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as well as preferences for returning veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. The Trades have been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project throughout Anaheim over the years, and we will be proud to do so again here. Thank you again Mayor Sidu and The Anaheim City Councilmembers for your time and dedication to the city of Anaheim. Thank you, Roy C. Afusia Business Representative Sprinkler Fitters U.A. Local 709 W: (562) 698-9909 xt421 C: Public Comment From: aaron s Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:44 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Benjamin Hernandez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Christine Hamblin Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Genah Mullen Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:03 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Yisma Prizmic Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:01 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Suong Nguyen Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: James Liker Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:02 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Maria Elena Vasquez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:05 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Enviado desde Yahoo Mail para Android Public Comment From: Paul Eltiste Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Paul Eltiste Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Maria Elena Vasquez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:09 PM To: Public Comment I agree with the plan and support you Enviado desde Yahoo Mail para Android Public Comment From: Melita Plumb Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:10 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Jason Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:11 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jamie Eltiste Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:11 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Annabel Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Regards, Annabel Dean Services Consultant WWT Public Comment From: To: Subject: Ross <ross@oaistea|bui|ders.com> Monday, October S'2O2O216PM Public Comment Letter of Support for the Angles Stadium Plan ANGELS SUPPORT LTR 10-6-20 [|TY[DUN[|Lpdf 714/630-9922 714/630-9923 Fax CAIST-F=AL BUILDERS INC. October 5, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Councilmembers Anaheim City Hall 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim and give the Platinum Triangle a chance to have all the entertainment and services the City needs. Moreover, the new development will infuse thousands of jobs to our already battered City and keep visitors in town investing in local businesses. During the second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving forward. Proud to have the Angels in town! Sincerely, Ross McCune President Public Comment From: Joan Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Joan Public Comment From: Joan Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:17 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Joan Public Comment From: Robert Medders Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I DO NOT support the selling of Anaheim's property. The owner of the angels is a greedy self center person who only wants to line his pockets on the backs of the loyal angel supporters. If Mayor Sidhu goes along with the sale I and many others will do our best to see that he is either recalled or not re-elected. An Anaheim resident that VOTES. Thank you....... The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: christinegkwak Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Semi ftom my Verizon, ` amstmg Galaxy smartphone Public Comment From: Donna Lazarescu Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:19 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Donna Lazarescu Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Lou Dancy Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:19 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Victor Gonzalez <vgonzalez@wcainc.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:22 PM To: Public Comment Subject: In support of our Angels team Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, On behalf of West Coast Arborists, Inc., an Anaheim -based tree service contractor, and as President of the Peralta Hills Homeowners Association, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support of the Anaheim Stadium deal. The deal to retain Angels Baseball secures many community and economic benefits to the residents and business owners of Anaheim, Orange County and the Southern California region. The development of homes, offices, hotels, dining, shops, entertainment improves the economic vitality of this community which has been greatly affected by the current pandemic. There is no time better than the present to jumpstart the region's economy by creating an opportunity to inject new City revenue through property, sales and hotel tax. There is also a community benefit that will positively impact many people by creating more affordable housing, developing a flagship park, and creating a desirable location for retail, dining and entertainment. As an Anaheim business owner for over 48 years and a long-time Anaheim resident, I implore you to approve and support this plan and proposal for the greater good. I thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Patrick O. Mahoney President West Coast Arborists, Inc. Public Comment From: Heidi Marie Coles Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:22 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Todd Rolph Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:30 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Deal I support the deal. Resident of District 5 and Anaheim resident for 53 years. Just want the Angels to win and don't care what the name is. I would like to see the Moreno Group put something on that property for the AngelsRBI program which benefits youth in the area. Love the revenue stream. Coach Rolph Sent from "The Coach" Mobile Edition Public Comment From: Lynda Favilla Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: John Bishop Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. I wholeheartedly support this. Thank you Mr. Mayor for your hard work. John Bishop Public Comment From: Yoorim Choi Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:35 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Eunice Choi Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: jaz; Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Yes Seip( from my Verizon Samstmg Galaxy smartphone Public Comment From: Ashley Cook Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:41 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Darlene Steddum Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:42 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our resid I am not in support of this plan. Public Comment From: Evelyn Villegas Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:20 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ashur Elkhoury Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:48 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Rev. FR. Ashur Elkhoury- RA, NCARB, icc, MSA, PhD Public Comment From: jasonlshaver Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:52 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, Jason Shaver Sew vice (lie Samstmg Galaxy Nole9, an AT&T 54. Evolution capable smartp:ahone Public Comment From: Vanessa Esparza Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Lisa Fau) Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Maricela Martinez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:02 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Maricela Martinez Public Comment From: Jaime Colclasure <jaimec@ibewoc.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:03 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter re: Item #19 for Anaheim City Council Meeting 10/6 Attachments: Angels Stadium Development Project ACC 10.6.2020.pdf Please see the attached letter from IBEW 441 re: Item 19 on the meeting agenda 10/6 and regarding the Angels Stadium Development Project. JAIME COLCLASURE Executive Assistant, IBEW Orange County '714)939-3131 ®ibewoc.com 0309 N Rampart St, Suite M Orange, CA 92868 ORANGE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 441 October 5, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu and Anaheim City Council City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, On behalf of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 441 and as a part of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, I thank you for your recent vote in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open up the Angels Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. 309 N. RAMPART STREET The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to SUITE M reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to ORANGE, CA 92868 finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences (714) 939-3131 for Anaheim residents as well as preferences for returning veterans of the U.S. (714) 939-3132 FAx Armed Forces. www.lbewoc.com As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we again encourage your vote in support of finalizing these proceedings NEAL H. LAUZON to get this project moving. The Trades have been an important component and Business Manager partner with the City of Anaheim in every major project throughout the city over the years, and we will be proud to continue the tradition with the stadium development. Affiliated with: Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council State Building and Construction Trades Council of California California State Association of Electrical Workers California Labor Federation American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations Orange County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO VISIT US ON FACEBOOK IBEW Orange County 441 Thank you! Sinc rely, Neal H. Lauzon Business Manager :jc OPEIU #537/AFL-CIO, CLC Public Comment From: Maria Elena miranda Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:05 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Enviado desde mi iPhone Public Comment From: Joe Costa Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. May the LORD bless your day! Public Comment From: Michael Blackwell Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:10 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Brenda Graves Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: John Machiaverna <jmac@theboysandgirlsclub.org> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:13 PM To: Kuhl, Dennis; Public Comment Cc: Jolly, Molly Subject: RE: Angel Support email and attached Your welcome! J( iil la QIhk-,.lr"IIExe.zuflveo OIr"II"iiioeour Watch how our Clubs do ... Whatever it takes to Build Great Futures. ,oy: 8 G�ds C: iI�s of Gie,:iC. i, A nr llr6rn Cyi-�I, ess 1260 North Riviera Street Anaheim, CA 92801 Front Desk: (714) 491-3616 Direct Line: Cell: www www bg r ypu; g g Tax ID # 001,00C) h&Ipliiirig ourme II eIrsoirmi mlliiigtirt uriat dhairige the worid, but lii[t codd dhairige the worid for ourme II eIrsoiri. From: Kuhl, Dennis <Dennis.Kuhl @angels.com> Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 5:12 PM To: John Machiaverna <jmac@theboysandgirlsclub.org>; publiccomment@anaheim.net Cc: Jolly, Molly <Molly.Jolly@angels.com> Subject: RE: Angel Support email and attached Thanks John, much appreciated Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Gallaxy srnartphone -------- Original message -------- From: John Machiaverna <jmac@thebo s�_n_d.g!rlsclub.org> Date: 10/3/20 1:45 PM (GMT -05:00) To: pUbliccomment� n heim:_n_e.t Cc: "Jolly, Molly" <Mo11 JoI .y@n_ngels.com> Subject: Angel Support email and attached 1 October 3, 2020 City of Anaheim 201 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA. 92805 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, My family and I totally support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. We have been Anaheim residents for over 55 years, and this is very important for keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while also realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. This will ensure economic growth in our City for years to come, creating jobs, open spaces, and creating a sense of community while giving the residents a shared vision, creating a positive sense of community and giving people something to rally around. It is past time that we support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police & Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Your support for this project shows vision and leadership while focusing on the future where we as the public should direct our energy for something that will benefit the city for years to come. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, � . . . .,.,,,, ..� J( iil la QIhk-,.off Ilii' c-ocu lii c -o f' liic�our Watch how our Clubs do ... Whatever it takes to Build Great Futures. ,oys 8 G�ds C: iI �s of Gie,:iC. i, l\ini lh6rn €byi:ne s 1260 North Riviera Street Anaheim, CA 92801 Front Desk: (714) 491-3616 Direct Line: Cell: www Tax ID # 001,00C) h&Iplining oine Il eirsoi i mlliiigtirt not dhainge the worid, but lii[t codd dhainge the worid for oine Il eirsoi m. Public Comment From: Fred Brown <FredB@hansji.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:14 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Please Support Angels Stadium Development Plan! Good afternoon Anaheim City Council Members, Thank you for supporting the Angel Stadium Development Plan at the last City Council Meeting! At tomorrow's City Council meeting, you will be asked to finalize this item and I urge you to again vote in support of the Angles Stadium Development plan. This deal is not only a good one for the Angels, but it's an even bigger win for Anaheim. The city will no longer be on the hook to pay for stadium renovations or for the construction of a brand new stadium. This development with amplify what Anaheim has to offer its residents, baseball fans, and tourists, and fulfill the vision for the Platinum Triangle. This will be the new place to shop, eat, drink, and of course watch the Angels play, along with many other entertainment and sporting activities. The benefits for our community include over 12 acres of parks and open space, along with 5,175 new housing units which will be built, including integrated affordable housing which Anaheim desperately needs. The development also means revenue generated for the city in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, hotel bed taxes, all of which will add up to $7 billion in total regional economic output every year, and $1.2 billion into Anaheim's general fund. Add to that over 30,000 jobs during construction, many of which will be good paying, highly skilled building trades jobs, as well as 45,000 other permanent jobs post -construction, and the economic development case for this proposed plan is undeniable. And of course, this plan means the Angels will be staying in Anaheim until 2050, at least. I urge you to support this deal to support our community and it's residents. Thank you, Fred Fred Brown Vice President of Operations and Technology Hansji Corporation General Manager Desert Palms Hotel & Suites 631'X'est Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 office 714.399.0160 fax. 714.399.0161 cell. emall.FredBc�hansji.com «eh «r«r«.hansji.com I'M' IW-,O'-Nlilglmiw- Now, 11162 ... Ni"mlmliww--.IlilNwo 'W-1 ROOM MAVA W1110,11INNIM, 11111 us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Thank you. Support Public Comment From: Marco Martinez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Marco Martinez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Anne -Marie Kirchner Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Anne -Marie Kirchner Anaheim, CA 92805 Public Comment From: karolinejohns Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:19 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Semi ftom my Verizon, ` amstmg Galaxy smartphone Public Comment From: Michelle Samsor Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:21 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ronnie Batino Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:24 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: John Ortiz Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com; Denise Barnes Subject: Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I do not support the current plan of selling the Stadium property for the following reasons: Appraised Value City leaders claim the appraised value is a fair number. City leaders should be focused on attaining the highest price per acre possible. City leaders have blinders on and they are only focused on one scenario; giving Arte Moreno the absolute best deal possible because they are scared the Angels will leave. Instead, city leaders should be focused on getting the best price per acre for residents. In today's real estate market, the market should drive the price that Arte Moreno pays for the property not the other way around. City leaders have succumbed to being told what price they will accept. How many times have you heard of a property being priced at a specific price only to be sold at a higher amount due to dueling bidders? Real Options The Angels say that in order for them to compete they need a new Stadium however their new plan gives them the option to renovate or build a new stadium. The primary reason for selling the property to the Angels is to give them the opportunity to build a billion dollar stadium so they can compete. Now, they want to renovate a 54 year old stadium? I guess a renovated stadium is good enough for them when they have to pay for it. City leaders should instead implement a plan where these four scenarios are proposed for the sale: Plan A: All 153 acres are sold to one buyer on the open market with a starting purchase price of $460 million. Result: This plan would generate $135 million more than Arte Moreno's sweetheart deal and it would get Anaheim out of the stadium business. It should be noted, Anaheim made money during the deal plus increased the value of the property substantially since 1966. Plan B: Sell the stadium and a section of the property for a parking garage to the Angels at $3 million per acre (total 53 acres) and permit them to renovate or build a new stadium. The remaining 100 acres would be sold to the highest bidder or in sections. Result: The Angels would spend less and be able to move more quickly on either renovating the Stadium or building a new one plus the City would secure a higher price per acre for the remaining 100 acres because of the value being so close to a new or renovated stadium. Plan C: Allow the current lease to end and lose the Angels in order to develop the entire property for much needed housing, Performing Arts Center and commercial office (possible Amazon regional headquarters). Homebuilders throughout the nation would outbid each other to bring in the highest price per acre. It would be a great housing solution adjacent to ARTIC. Result: It would provide for much needed housing at all income levels plus it would increase riders for ARTIC. Plan D: Present the entire property to Disney and see if they are interested in building a third amusement park that can be connected with a monorail. Result: It would increase the stay for visiting tourists all year long plus it is a greater tie in to the Convention Center plus Disney would be able to tie all the properties together with a monorail making Anaheim the technology center of Southern California. City leaders do not know if any of these plans are possible because they did not invest any effort in determining if they were possible and if they did they never shared it with Anaheim residents. They were just focused on selling to Arte Moreno and his elusive SRB Management. Lack of Transparency The first hint of the lack of transparency was the last minute rush to approve a deal the week before Christmas in 2019. City leaders extended the lease in order to negotiate yet they never considered extending the purchase deal 60 -days in order to not rush the deal. City leaders keep hoping that if they keep saying it is a competitive deal it will somehow make it a competitive deal. Well, a lawsuit is now under way and we all know that the City of Anaheim does not have much luck with lawsuits; when they are related to the Angels. This whole deal seems like a sweetheart deal for a billionaire. Required Protections I am unaware if there are any requirements that prohibit City Leaders and their families from securing contracts or employment with any entities associated with this project, now or in the future. Generating Taxes Plans A - D will all generate taxes, construction jobs and generate millions of dollars in new revenue to pay for street maintenance, police and fire stations plus assist Anaheim residents. Any of the plans would reduce the proposed SRB Management 30 year plan significantly thus generating taxes sooner rather than later. The most prudent solution would have been for the City of Anaheim to place it on the ballot in November and let the residents decide. Unfortunately, our current city leaders decided to rush it through and now a lawsuit is pending. Please vote NO on Agenda Item 19. This is a deal that lacks transparency and will lead the City of Anaheim into a lawsuit; wait it already did. John Ortiz P.S. Arte Moreno threatened the City of Anaheim that the Angels would leave Anaheim, and city leaders rewarded him with a sweetheart deal. Where would he had gone? Tustin? Long Beach? How about Los Angeles? Any move would have taken at least 5 years to complete, and we would have had options. What would have been the result? We would have a stadium that we could offer to MLB for an expansion franchise for either NL West or AL West since both only have 5 teams. The MLB would jump at the chance of having a new team in the Southern California market owned by the same billionaire that owns the Ducks! Worst case, we get to sell the property to a host of home builders and the City of Anaheim builds a mini -Irvine near Disneyland! Either way, the residents win. Public Comment From: Tim Burk Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Tim Burk HVAC Specialist Lucky Air We are committed to your comfort!!! Public Comment From: stan.orlowski Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:31 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, As a resident of Anaheim for 30 years. I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you, Stan Orlowski Anaheim Hills, California Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: stan.orlowski Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Regan Phillips <rphillips@casaoc.org> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:31 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Letter from CASA re: Agenda item 19 Attachments: City of Anaheim Support Letter October 20.docx Hello, Attached please find CASA's letter in support of the Stadium Development Plan; agenda item *19 for tomorrow's meeting. Thank you, Regan Regan Dean Phillips, M.S.W., J.D. (she, her, hers) Chief Executive Officer CASA of Orange County O. 714.619.5150 1 F. 714.619.5152 Emergency Phone #: 1505 E. 17th Street, Suite 214 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705 r.casao" Follow CASA -OC on SocialMedia: El El CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. October 5, 2020 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. The Council's decision is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. As the CEO of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA OC), a local nonprofit whose mission is to create a powerful voice and meaningful connection for children in the foster care system - many of whom reside in the city of Anaheim — I endorse this plan to invest in the community and to create greater opportunity for those who live within its borders. Moreover, we are strongly in favor of keeping the Angels baseball organization local. In addition to the team's long-standing and beloved relationship with this community, they provide important support to local nonprofits, to include CASA OC, the impact and benefit of which is immeasurable and holds critical value. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police & Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you, Regan Phillips, Esq., MSW CEO CASA OC C505 r Ana, CA 92705 714.619-5151 - 714.619-5152 F www.ca,saoc.org Public Comment From: Jodean Haxton Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:44 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Jodi's iphone Public Comment From: Jeniffer Boggs Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you Jeniffer Boggs Public Comment From: Vincent Camacho Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:40 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Semi ftom my ` amstmg Galaxy smartphone. Public Comment From: Dottie Decker Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:44 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: mackiestjoesa Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Semi ftom my Sprini Samstmg Galaxy S(JP) 6. Public Comment From: John Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. John Public Comment From: Duleep Samaranayake Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jan Garsee Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gloria Smith Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:57 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Brad Grams Sent: Monday, October 5, ZUZU 1:56 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thanks, Brad Grams Newsong Media Anaheim CA 92802 Public Comment From: Gin Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:57 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Becks T. Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:56 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I Do Not support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property at the absurd price where we would lose money. It's very sneaky to fast track without proper vetting and allowing the citizens to vote. VOTE NO on Agenda Item 19. This is not a good decision for Anaheim and our residents. Mayor, I will remember you during your re-election. Public Comment From: Jaspe Ibarra Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:56 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: PENNY KING Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:55 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: James Ramirez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Jim Ramirez Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: John Avila Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. GO ANGELS!!! Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: sean craighead Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Best Regards, Sean Craighead Public Comment From: David Bates Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dianna Howard Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:52 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: ping coquia Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:48 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhoneprc Public Comment From: Brandon Richardson Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:48 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Domenica Garcia Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:48 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, Domenica N Garcia Anaheim Resident Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Joielle Layman Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:47 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jolynn Mahoney Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:44 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you, Jolynn Benn Mahoney Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Diana Segovia Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:43 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. I am Anaheim born and raised! I am proud of where I come from. I am 24 and have two little sisters who are 11 and 8. 1 would like to see them grow up going to games and have the same excitement of living in Anaheim, as I have. Best Regards, Diana Segovia Public Comment From: TONA CORNELIUS Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:43 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kerry Mahoney Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:43 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I do not support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. I along with so many others are agaisnt this sale. You are giving away the stadium and land to Arte who is a billionaire. Anaheim has really made some poor choices and decisions but this is the biggest. Such a disappointment. Its shocking what you are giving him. I'm so surprised that you as a Mayor Mr. Sidhu, and many of you on the Council want this!! Why!! Curt Pringle started this years ago and now you are voting for it. Beyond Crazy! The Platinum Triangle should have been a decision we Anaheim'ers, the CommUnity should be involved in & allowed to vote on. I'm sure if we were allowed to, this project would not be moving forward this way. Arte is dishonest & I'm thinking many of you are too or are getting some silent money & kickbacks. This whole project is fishy. Anaheim should be selling bonds and investing Disney money into this venture and doing it on their own. You owe the City of Anaheim affordable housing by 2021. This plan is promising affordable housing many years from now. Your giving him a loan that he can take 20 years to pay back. Completely insane. That alone makes the city liars, out of compliance and cheating the people. The land can be sold be Arte months later and he'll make a huge profit. He's laughing at you all! This land is worth more per acre than the whole deal in the long run. Shame on You All for doing this. None of you up for reelection have my vote!! Many in the Community are not voting for you that are up for reelection and recalls are going to be made. In fact, I hope the Homeless Task wins in court against you and you get your Karma. As it is, if you didn't let go or remove two council members earlier this year who are against this project, than (1) you'd be saving money as your paying them a 6 figure salary still and they are not on the council cause you removed them. (2) that money could have went to building the Plantium Triangle by the City of Anaheim which is what should be happening. Or to thecafforable housing that was promised by 2021. Who makes bad decisions like this? Anaheim is going down the drain quick. Wrong people are making bad decisions. City of Kindness I think not! The so called park that is in the plans is in front of the Stadium. What a joke! So Arte makes money of those sales too. Affordable housing. Nothing is really affordable. And the units promised are not much by any means. The housing list is way longer than what is promised. I see greed written all over this and you as the majority on our council. A Recall is what many of us want. You did this behind closed doors during COVID and that itself is shady and speaks volumes about the majority of you. Who on the board was born and raised in Anaheim besides Ament? Shaking my head in disbelief! Not for this at all. Other ways this can be done and should. Your sending out this email with false words, twisting things around, broken promises and you know it. Arte and Mayor Sidhu your best friends right, so selling to him is all wrong, unprofessional and illegal. What's in it for you? Arte can move the Angels to any County. It says that exactly in your documents on this deal. He does not have to keep his Los Angeles Angles in Anaheim. Bring back the soccer team the California Waves. Get a new Baseball team. The Ducks have a new home at the Great Park. Years from now what is Anaheim going to own and be known for? Think about the mistakes your making!! Don't make this city a disgrace! Hopeful to win in court against you and this deal. Thank You, 52 years in Anaheim Public Comment From: TONA CORNELIUS Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:43 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Carlos Souza (Sales) <csouza@bubblecommunications.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:41 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Carlos Souza Account Executive Direct Number: Bubble Communications, Inc. Customer Service: 833.9.Bubble Float on over to the Bubble! Public Comment From: Galina Yunak Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:39 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Galina Yunak Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:39 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Christopher Fordham Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:39 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. YES on Agenda 19. I fully support the growth and keeping the funds within our city providing more jobs ultimately changing the bad parts of the inner city. Public Comment From: Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:38 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Zach Shallcross Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Doug Robbins <doug.robbins@dc36.org> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:36 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support Letter for Anaheim Stadium Development Attachments: Support Letter for Anaheim Stadium Development.docx To whom it may concern, please see attached letter of support for tomorrow night's City Council Meeting. Douglas Roggins Local 1136 Business Representative Painters & Allied Trades DC 36 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, Ca 91754 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, I am writing on behalf of our members from the Painters and Allied Trades. We represent about 10,000 Painters, Glaziers Drywall Finishers and Flooring Installers. Thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as well as preferences for returning veterans. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. The Trades have been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project throughout Anaheim over the years, and we will be proud to do so again here. Thank you! Douglas Robbins Business Representative for the IUPAT Public Comment From: acxtwo Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:35 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Aimee Calderon Public Comment From: Essie Brown Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:35 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. E. Renee Brown Public Comment From: Limon Gutierrez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Nick Juliani Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. Is it the perfect sale? Probably not. However it will bring a lot of jobs to the area that was previously an asphalt parking lot. Homeowner in Anaheim -Cory Granillo Public Comment From: Dominador Viernes Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:31 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Dominador Viernes Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Soo Wong Park Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jose Ochoa Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Soo Wong Park Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Grace Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Noel Serrano Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Grace Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Josh Dam Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:25 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Thank you ! Thank you. We need this! Also, open up businesses... Open Disneyland. Some many families are hurt from shutdown. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Bryan Duran Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:09 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. -Bryan Duran Public Comment From: Laurel Warren Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:24 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Laurel Warren Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kimberly Ngo < Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:24 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Bob < Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:22 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Janice Hemmingsen Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:21 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Nicole DeMaria Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:21 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Whitney Boetel Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:19 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Whitney Boetel Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:19 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jesse Young Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Best Regards, Jesse Young General Superintendent Colonial Electric, Inc 14981 Telephone Ave, Chino, CA 91701 909-393-3141 Public Comment From: marc Meza Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:17 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: marc Meza Sent: Monday, OCioper 5, LULU is i i rivi To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: marc Meza Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:17 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: marc Meza Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:17 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: emikouchiumi Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. iPhone/T, b 1� Public Comment From: David Carter Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: David Carter Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Shaheen Shokrgozar Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Susan Manavi Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Susan Public Comment From: David Carter Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gail Leonard Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: BC Vaught Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone. Typos may happen indeed... Public Comment From: Ruperto Huerta Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:12 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Derek Bui Gmai) Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:12 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Derek Public Comment From: James Raymond Sent: Monday, October 5, ZUZU 1:11 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android device Public Comment From: Stephanie Winningham Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:09 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Loreta Pecbot Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:09 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: albert perez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:09 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Get Outlook for Android Public Comment From: Dennis Tate Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:14 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan My name is Dennis Tate, I live at and I'd like to give my support. I can only believe this would add to the revenue that Anaheim brings in annually. Anaheim is a great city and i believe this project will only make it better. Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Sharon Chan Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sharon Chan Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Peter Nguyen Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Maxsouvage Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, The Angel stadium has been an iconic landmark representing the city of Anaheim for decades. A solution should be found to preserve it for future generations. It is the hopes of many of your constituents that you will make the right decision regarding this landmark. I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: James Williams Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:06 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Jim Williams Public Comment From: Karen Munar Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:05 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Brandon DeCapite Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:05 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jeanette Saldivar Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:05 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android device Public Comment From: Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Jeri Shipe Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Travis Palmer Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Travis Palmer Public Comment From: Bob Sheppard Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Shelby lynn Sanderson Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:03 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: marilyn castillo Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:03 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: David Gregorio Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:02 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Peter Baccaro Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:02 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sincerely, Pleter Baccaro, President, CKD, CBD Baccaro Construction Co., Inc. CSLB Lic 4425570 www.BaccaroConstniction.com Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, BRE Lic. 401879152 Baccaro-HomeFinder. com Cell , Fax (714) 870-6843 Public Comment From: Lori Lopas Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Troy Byington Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 12:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable unitsare throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Troy Public Comment From: Sherri Ricker Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 12:56 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sherri Ricker Public Comment From: Bob Windhauser Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 12:56 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 12:35 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels To Mayor Sidhu and the Anaheim City Council, I continue to support the Stadium Development Plan and the Angels remaining in the City of Anaheim. I urge the City Council to continue forward with finalizing the deal with Mr. Moreno and his group. History will show that this was the best move for Anaheim and the County of Orange. This opportunity will never present itself again. Thank you, Sergio E. Gonzalez Anaheim resident. Public Comment From: LuisAndres Perez <pd@ualocal582.org> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 11:24 AM To: Public Comment Cc: UALoca1582 Manager; Ernesto Medrano Subject: Agenda Item 19 -Public Comments Attachments: Angel Stadium Development Public Comment-Oct6.pdf Hello, I wanted to submit public comments on behalf of myself & Anthony Novello on agenda item #19 regarding the Angel Stadium development for the Anaheim City Council Meeting on October 6 1 2020. Attached are the public comments. LuisAndres Perez Political Director M Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Office: 714-978-0582 FAX: 714-978-1582 Cell: UNITED ASSOCIATION of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe :Pitting Industry of the United ,States and Canada Anthony Novello founded 1889 business ManagerlFin..Sec. 'Treasurer fined [JA local Union: Business 191L6 W. Chapman Orange, CA 02866 be con betters need ttoo Ph (714) 078...0582 Fax: (714j 079-1582 one subject Subject: (Email manager@ljalocal582.org Plumbers, Steamfitters, Welders, & Apprentices Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Ave Orange, CA, 92868 September 29, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu & Council Members 200 S Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805 Mark McManus Gen tread President Vail 6c r Ih. 1 If , Y a V l a o 111 Gmer al °rea r,vea "y d reewirP'0e Mic'hacV A. Pleasant: Asi-.share General Presrcsdeatt8 I am writing as the Business Manager on behalf of United Association Local Union 582 Plumbers & Steamfitters with over 1,000 members across Orange County, urging support of the approval of agenda item 19, including the mitigation plan, the purchase & sale agreement, the Disposition & Development Agreement (DDA), and along with the zoning code amendment. Pursuant to the DDA, the developer is committed to entering a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles -Orange County Building Trades Council. The Angel stadium development will provide for thirty thousand high skilled, middle-class construction career opportunities for hard-working men and women in Anaheim. It will also offer veterans hiring priorities, allowing them to be rewarded for their service by earning good wages and benefits. The stadium development will bring roughly $10 Billion dollars of development, including 5,175 market -rate units and encompassing 15% of affordable units where 466 units are designated for low and extreme low- income housing & an additional 311 units designated for moderate- and low-income housing. With the inclusion of a 7 -acre flagship city park that will take inspirational designs from New York's Bryant Park & Santa Monica's Tongva Park, an additional 5.2 acres in city required park space and an additional 11 acres of flexible open space. The development will also include 2.7 million square footage of office space and an additional 1.75 million square feet of retail, restaurants, and hotels that will bring in an additional 943 rooms. I am urging the council to approve the recommended actions of agenda item 19. This development is here now and tangible, pursuant land entitlements would not allow for nearly any development to occur until 2040 if you disapprove of this development. The delay in development would cost the city to lose nearly $1.2 Billion dollars in tax revenue, $652 in net city revenue, and $38,2 million in yearly revenue. Thank you for your hard work and service. Respectfully, a' Anthony Novello — Business Manager United Association Plumbers & Steamfitters 582 Em UM10N GaaUNITED ASSOCIATION of p®rrrneymen aqui Apprentices of the F'lev nbing and Pipe & iuinghich"try of Gi the Uniteri Stites and (..anacia Anthony Novel to Pounded 1889 Business 6t<anageVFin. Sec. Treasurer UA I ocal Unic�n;5,92 19.1.5 W. Chapman, Orange, CA 92£35£3 Letters should Ph: (714) 978-0582 I:`ax: ( 7.1.4) 97£3-.1.5£32 be confined to one srabjecr. Subject: .mauG: manager@ualocal582.org Plumbers, Steamfitters, Welders, & Apprentices Local 582 1916 W. Chapman Ave Orange, CA, 92868 September 29, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu & Council Members 200 S Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805 Mark McManns C rrzrr rrd President dent Patrick 11 Kellett C.euerrrf st"" nnay Drasy"'er Mic,hae➢ k Ple.usant. Asuit aaat Gvmeveed Pr°esaadeur I am writing as the Political Director on behalf of United Association Local Union 582 Plumbers & Steamfitters with over 1,000 members across Orange County, urging support of the approval of agenda item 19, including the mitigation plan, the purchase & sale agreement, the Disposition & Development Agreement (DDA), and along with the zoning code amendment. Pursuant to the DDA, the developer is committed to entering a Community Workforce Agreement with the Los Angeles -Orange County Building Trades Council. The Angel stadium development will provide for thirty thousand high skilled, middle-class construction career opportunities for hard-working men and women in Anaheim. It will also offerveterans hiring priorities, allowing them to be rewarded for their service by earning good wages and benefits. The stadium development will bring roughly $10 Billion dollars of development, including 5,175 market -rate units and encompassing 15% of affordable units where 466 units are designated for low and extreme low- income housing & an additional 311 units designated for moderate- and low-income housing. With the inclusion of a 7 -acre flagship city park that will take inspirational designs from New York's Bryant Park & Santa Monica's Tongva Park, an additional 5.2 acres in city required park space and an additional 11 acres of flexible open space. The development will also include 2.7 million square footage of office space and an additional 1.75 million square feet of retail, restaurants, and hotels that will bring in an additional'943 rooms. I am urging the council to approve the recommended actions of agenda item 19. This development is here now and tangible, pursuant land entitlements would not allow for nearly any development to occur until 2040 if you disapprove of this development. The delay in development would cost the city to lose nearly $1.2 Billion dollars in tax revenue, $652 in net city revenue, and $38,2 million in yearly revenue. Thank you for your hard work and service. Respectfully, LuisAu ndres Perez —Political Director United Association Plumbers & Steamfitters 582 Public Comment From: this2shallpas<_ Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Monica Serrano Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Monica Serrano Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Marco Escobar Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 5:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Katherine Osuna Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 5:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Katherine Osuna Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 5:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Katherine Osuna Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kayla Parks Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 5:20 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Paul Cummings Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 6:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Evonne Paceley Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 6:12 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I do not support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. We do not need more houses. We need community-based sports. The Stadium Development Plan will not help with the crime that runs in our city. You should focus on adding and supporting police and getting crime off our streets as well as the homelessness I see every day in a different way. The stadium is an icon and should be preserved. What will you sell when the money runs out again? Please vote NO on Agenda Item 19. This is not a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you Ms Paceley Public Comment From: Latham, Chad Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 6:32 PM To: Public Comment Subject: NO I do not support billionaires fleecing the City of Anaheim. The public officials in this deal should be held to account and answer to why they are neglecting their fiduciary duty. Jobs and stimulus to economy = YES Robbing Anaheim = NO Trickle-down economics does NOT work! Chad Latham Anaheim CA Public Comment From: Doug Shively <DougShively@iskcpa.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 6:49 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Property This just needs to be done! Pass the second vote on this. Housing units, jobs for Anaheim, and even wonderful parks for all of the Anaheim citizens. Doug Shively, CPA Business Results Consultant & Partner Inouye, Shively, Klatt & McCorvey Certified Public Accountants, LLP 23041 Avenida de la Carlota #310 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1531 949-586-6640 Cell dougshivelVa_iskcpa.com www.iskcpa.com Send files to us at this Dropbox link: https://www.clientaxcess.com/sharesafe/#/InouyeShivelyandKIattCPAsLLP CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This communication is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain information that is privileged or confidential and/or exempt from disclosure. Any unauthorized disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or return e-mail and delete the message from your system. Your assistance in maintaining the integrity of e-mail communications is appreciated. [revl.00_05032020] Public Comment From: Al Asyan Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:12 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: elsie tinio Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 7:08 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council%2©Qs decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Richard Rogers Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 7:10 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over Public Comment From: Tommy J Torres Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 7:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. KEEP THE ANGELS IN ANAHEIM!!! WE do NOT need more apartment buildings! Especially when I've seen some construction has started on some, and yet have stopped development. What's that all about??? Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Christopher Zwickl Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 7:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone I fully endorse this message !! As a resident and Angels fan since 1960 Public Comment From: Patrick Sharples <psharples@kwcommercial.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 7:39 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Baseball Public response As a long time resident of the city of Anaheim, I can say that the California Angels, Anaheim Angels and now the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have been a main staple in my backyard. I grew up going to a number of Angels games. I witnessed a lot of great wins as well as some heartbreaking losses. I remember the stadium being "open", then being closed for the Rams coming to town and then reopened and remodeled after the earthquake that knocked down some of the scoreboard. I know the history of the Angels with the city of Anaheim and that is why I feel it is important to have my voice heard. The owners of the property (city of Anaheim tax payers) are being robbed by the city of Anaheim City Council and Arte Moreno, the owner of the Angels with the deal to purchase the stadium and the surrounding land for only $150MM. The owner of the Angels' position is that the structure is in bad condition and needs a complete remodel. This may be true. In fact, isn't this why the Angels have only been paying $1/year for rent to utilize the building. This is also why they don't pay any taxes to the city on parking revenues or concession sales ... which was part of the deal when they acquired the property. Do you understand that Mike Trout is receiving $426.50 MILLION over the next 16 years and yet you believe selling the land to the owner of the Angels for a measly $150 MILLION dollars is a fair and just package for Anaheim tax payers and residents? I have been in the real estate industry since 1998 and have specialized with commercial property sales and leasing since 2007. I am very familiar with how property evaluation works as well as how to value a property for development. This sale, from the city of Anaheim City Council to the owner of the Angles doesn't take any of these standard measures and competencies into account. This is the only development deal in Orange County I have ever heard of where the buyer of the property is given a below market value for the property (roughly $350 million) and then is able to subtract the costs to remove the current structure (which is the only valid part of the equation being used), but then able to reduce the purchase price by environmental study costs, parking study costs, other area studies, etc. Even in the most corrupt city, Los Angeles, developers haven't gotten such a sweet deal by the city council. Doing an actual true evaluation of the stadium and the land around it, the value of the property should be much closer to $900 million, yet the city council wants to give it away to an ownership group that doesn't even supportthe city that supports his team for a GIFT of $150 million dollars. This is a farce! This is taking advantage of the true owners of the property (city of Anaheim tax payers) and is not in their best interest. I know the concern is that if this deal isn't done, that the Angels will move to another city. While that may be true, the city of Anaheim tax payers would still make out better financially if the Angels left the city than putting this deal together for only $150 million. There are plenty of developers that would be willing to purchase this A+++ location of land in central Orange County and bring more revenue to the city than this deal does. I implore the city counsel of Anaheim to do the right thing as the face of city of Anaheim tax payers. Will your legacy as a city council member be that you were able to put a win-win deal together, one which was mutually beneficial to the city of Anaheim taxpayer as well as Arte Moreno's huge corporate entity or will your legacy be that you were responsible for giving the most valuable real estate in Anaheim away? The choice is yours.... and people WILL remember. Have a blessed day, Patrick Sharples I Director I Lic # 01245463 G & S Group I KW Commercial W Corporate ID # 01947193 (LA) and 01898399 (OC) 311da-zi ff I a # I MM a M Available Listinvs AIA,G 004 Member of IntGrnallonal Council of Shopping Conters Please Call for a Complimentary Analysis of Your Property and to Discuss Future Investment Opportunities. Public Comment From: Juan Orozco Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 7:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Cory Alder Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 8:01 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Long time resident of Orange County. Angels are sense of pride. Not to mention the economic benefit to all residents of Anaheim. Tons of jobs, public improvements. No brained before Covid but even more important now. We are lucky to have angels, ducks and Disney. We can help our lower end communities more if we are smart. But without these engines there is no chance! Vote yes! Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jessica W. Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 8:08 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Glenna B Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 8:24 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Glenna Buttrey Public Comment From: Michael Bilby Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 8:34 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Melissa Ruble Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gregory Martinez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 8:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Candy Jester Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 9:24 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I do not support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote No on Agenda Item 19. This is a bad deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Cydney Eltiste Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 9:41 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. Public Comment From: Tuan Phan Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 10:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iphone Public Comment From: Wesley Frater Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 10:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Ray Zuniga Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 10:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Regards, Ray Zuniga Sales Agent and Industry Consultant Mobile: Public Comment From: anthony liberio Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I do not support the plan to sell the stadium land. It is one of Anaheim's greatest assets and would be a terrible deal for the city and the citizens of Anaheim. Please do not vote yes on this. Thank you, Citizen of Anaheim Public Comment From: Lucy Hernandez Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 1:14 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: tmhusted Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:16 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I DO NOT support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with NOT SELLING the Stadium property or build bus ines s structures. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050. We need to redesign a better stadium or build more business development to create more jobs. Now that Disneyland has laid off 28,000 employees. They need jobs not homes. There were already an enormous amount of people unemployed. We need to create jobs, not homes! The Stadium Development Plan will bring more wasted home development in already expensive rental charges and with so many unemployed they cant afford to pay high rents. I vote NO on agenda item 19!! The jobs needed for that development requires special licensing that most unemployed today dont already have that. We dont even have the patrolling now by our city police. Creating more housing does not create more police jobs. They are being cut back due to the current Covid-19 issues. We need to redesign Anaheim Stadium or build more business structures for jobs. The jobs they are saying will be created by building multi -family homes are temporary, not permanent. When the development is completed so are those so called new jobs. Please vote NO on Agenda Item 19. Tina Husted Anaheim, CA Powered by Cricket Wireless Public Comment From: Jae Lee Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:52 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Comment regarding Angels Stadium As for me, it is imperative so much more now than ever, that we, as City do invests tax payers money into a project that brings revenue in abundance not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively as well. Angels stadium is a landmark of this City and hallmark to many citizens of Anaheim through all demographics; young and old. I just hope that the City would do her due diligences and use the property to enhance the lives of all tax payers by exhibiting its stewardship responsibly. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: e c < I e Y V i i, e we Geneva/ managev iw� 7 � 4 782 0045 �� 7 � 4 535 7626 Uerneinbine i Notd & Sitdtes Ainah6rn Vancleave, Beckley <Beckley.Vancleave@interstatehotels.com> Monday, October 5, 2020 4:38 PM Public Comment Anaheim Stadium Development Plan #19 Clementine Hotel pdf 700 S Uerneinbine St Ainah6irn, CA 92802 p'ea�Jdey rc.oirn C Il e i e in t in e h o t e I a.oirin GereralVaroger Advisor)/ Cour�cil lVernber 7hfs con7n7unicatiori contains infdrmatiori from Interstate Hotels & Resorts that n7ay be confldential. Except for personal use by the intended recipient, or ris expressly r:iuthorlzed by the sender, r:iny persori who receives this inibm7atiori is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, r:indlor using it. Ifyou have received this con7n7unicatiori in error, plerise in7mediate/Y delete it r:ind r:ifl copies, rain promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this con7n7unicatiori is intended to open:ite �::is r::iti electronic signature under <::ipplicable law. 4, 11 � 0 1L.. & S U III I.. III° S A, II"ill A III 1 IlE Ih 111 October 5, 2020 Members of the Anaheim City Council, Thank you for you vote on September 291h in favor of the Angels Stadium Development Plan. With your vote on the second reading of the Development Plan, the Angels will be here till at least 2050. The Big A is a foundational mark in our city, and i am so happy to have it stay. The development plan brings around 943 hotel rooms, along with that brings jobs, increased TOT revenue for the city and more. As part of the hospitality industry, we cannot think of a better opportunity to bring growth to our city. Thank you, please vote yes on Item No. 19 on October Will'. A nk"ou, Wvi Beckley Van Cleave General Manager Clementine Hotel & Suites Anaheim 16... II11111111. V' ""p"" III IN Illlw Ih°1, °1" IIII?I III ...- Q' 1170101 S :: N I HIIS E S '�" IN A II+I°,.If V'A CA928012-, 7 4 53'31355!) Public Comment From: Elza Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:54 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you for your consideration! Elza Gousseva-Nezlin Anaheim Resident since 2009. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Elviever Enriquez Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:03 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Elviever Enriquez Public Comment From: Holly Wuestenfeld Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:35 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Allijway J Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:55 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Attachments: IMG_20201005_110942281 jpg Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. If what you stand for is and still continues to be ... , US The Residents of Anaheim then deciding the best possible outcome that benefits all should not be in question. . Why are we asking you to vote favorably for what is clearly an opportunity of advancement for all . How can We The people see it and you have doubts. This has been a long standing relationship we've had were a city that brings visitors from all walks of life who come and spend there entire vacations and money here . Jobs , the attractions Baseball ( a first for many) we have all this and more . CIMMUNITY STRONG is what we are. Many don't compare to what we've been blessed to have. How can you even think any other way. for you to even consider not keeping our beloved Angel stadium is simply devestating . Jobs much needed Jobs housing and much much more we stand to gain this gives stability, and makes self supportive able body tax paying citzens , reducing the strain of public assistance. Without doubt Crime would go down, Homelessness will start to change, . Without costing but thru providing the jobs and affordable housing needed .and that is what this will bring . How could this not be good ? If what we are told and understand is correct then why wouldnt we all be on the same page What are we not being told. Why must bills be created with hidden personal adgendas How do one justify We the People are who each of you are repersentating . Hear the People remove the personal and stand for what is good KEEPING OUR ANGLES HOME K.I.S.S KEEPING it SIMPLE SOMETIMES A concern Resident AlliJ Public Comment From: Sal Ortiz Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 7:20 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Best Regards, Sal Ortiz, Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Support letter for Angels Stadium MDNIC.A I tRREA DFFICE MANAC�ER- 17495 I N tR-LEY 5T IND tSTRY CA'9)1 44 020- 04-2500 EXT 100 G 2G -9 �4 z9z9 FAX 4• DPEIL,t LDC.AL-#5S Monica Urrea <monica@ironworkers433.org> Tuesday, October 6, 2020 7:22 AM Public Comment support letter for Angels Stadium - #19 on the Agenda support letter for Angels Stadium -#19 on the Agenda.pdf 17495 HURLEY STREET EAST October 6,ZO20 Ironworkers � � � ���°� �_���=��� ������ International Association o[Bridge, Structural & Ornamental Unom\A/brkersA.FL,C].{l Established 1929 CITY C}FINDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA 91744 Mayor Harry Siduand Anaheim City Couinci|members City ofAnaheim 280S.Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, PHONE: (6Z6)964 -25O0 FA}( /626\'964-1919 KEITH HARKEY Business Manager Financial Secretary -Treasurer l am writing on behalf of our members from Ironworkers Local 433 and as a part of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as well as preferemoesfmr returning veterans ofthe U.S.Armed Forces. Asthis item returns for its second reading at the council meeting omTuesday, Oictobe,rG,weencourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. The Trades have been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project throughout Anaheim over the years, and we will be proud todo so again here. Thank you! Sincerely, Paul Moreno Business Agent Ironworkers Local 433 _,', ep�~ Public Comment From: Cory Johnson Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 7:30 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Christy Blackwell Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 7:31 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Terry Hughes <terry@becsca.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 7:56 AM To: Public Comment Subject: agenda item 19 Attachments: Angels support letter.pdf Please see our letter of support Terence Hughes CEO at the Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area 1304 Calle Valle San Clemente, CA 92672 www.becsca.org 949.484.0199 - Office - Cell BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF THE SOUTH COAST AREA October 2, 2020 Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, As the Chief Executive Officer of the Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area, I wanted to let you know what a positive impact Angels Baseball has had on the children we serve. Angels Baseball as well as Angels Baseball Foundation partner up with local Boys & Girls Clubs throughout Orange County area to help support our programs surrounding youth and education. Over the last few years, the Team and Foundation have supported over 20 Clubs including the South Coast Area Club. This year we are proud to say that the Angels and Angels Baseball Foundation awarded one of our San Clemente High School graduates a four-year scholarship to the University of Southern California where she is majoring in Civil Engineering. Ms. Ramos was one of 24 high school students this year to receive a four-year scholarship with the Angels Scholars Award program. This annual program is instrumental in giving our youth the ability to achieve their goals of a higher education and we are honored to partner with the Team and Foundation. While COVID-19 impacted the popular Angels RBI program this year, it has been an important program for our youth over the last six years. The Angels RBI League provides underserved youth an opportunity to play baseball and softball while also learning leadership skills, character development and life skills that help build a sense of belonging and empowerment. We look forward to continuing our participation in this vital program for years to come. The Boys & Girls Club mission is to ensure every child has mentors and champions in life. The Angels live our mission through their personal involvement, in-kind donations, programs and grants and we are lucky have them. We are happy to see that the City is working to keep the Angels in Anaheim and Orange County for decades to come. Sincerely,^,.. Terence Hughes Chief Executive Officer Public Comment From: RENE WILKS <rwilks@elecnor.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 8:01 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Project - CWA Attachments: Community Workforce Agreements Ltr - 10-6-20 (ag).pdf On behalf of Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc., see attached letter of support for the use of Community Workforce Agreement. Thank you, Rene' Wilks Contracts Admin. & Exec. Assistant Fleenor Belco Electric, Inc. 14320 Albers Way Chino, CA 91710 Phone: (909) 993-5470, Ext. 245 Fax: (909) 993-5476 E-mail: rwilks ,elecnor.com The information and any attachments contained in this email message may be privileged, confidential, and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination or copying is strictly prohibited. If you think that you may have received this email message in error, please notify the sender at the email address above. If you have received this email in error, you are instructed to delete all copies and discard any printouts without reading the information contained within. 1 b 1co elecnor group October 2, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, On behalf of Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc., I write to you today to urge your continued support in approving the Zoning Code Amendment and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of the Stadium District Sub -Area A Project (Angel Stadium Property), through a Community Workforce Agreement. A Community Workforce Agreement is sound policy that offers all participants in the electrical construction industry, including owners, contractors, and employees, the safety and peace of mind needed to advance the industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the nation. For decades, Community Workforce Agreements have proven to be a time -tested method towards ensuring that projects are completed on-time and exceeding quality construction standards, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars. Community Workforce Agreements help ensure that contractors, sub -contractors, communities and workers agree to working conditions, ensuring coordination for smooth project completion. Training requirements, coupled with fair compensation and benefits, save taxpayer dollars by ensuring on- time and on -budget completion of projects. It is important to note that Community Workforce Agreements can support other components of your agenda, such as cracking down on undocumented workers. These agreements are an important tool that ensures projects are completed by legal, documented employees and discourages the utilization of unskilled and undocumented workers. No system can prevent all abuse, but the use of established hiring methods under a workforce agreement goes a long way to assure that identities and skills claimed by workers are valid. Similarly, Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc., endorses and have implemented area -wide drug testing programs for our company. As is apparent to any governmental body, we must face and overcome the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction. Community Workforce Agreements support the many established programs in the construction industry to help identify and rehabilitate those workers caught in the deadly spiral of drug abuse. 14320 Albers Way �belco Chino, CA 91710 elecnov gvnu65 (909) 993-5470 Office www.elecnor.com (909)993-5476 FAX CA License 738518 • Page 2 October 6, 2020 In support of your effort to revitalize Anaheim, Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. urges the continued implementation Community Workforce Agreements as a useful tool for advancing responsible contracting practices and for guaranteeing the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of construction projects. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. Sincerely, ELECNOR BELCO ELECTRIC, INC. *ZZ Garcia President/CEO /rw Public Comment From: Cheri Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:45 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kimberly Ellison-Dyas Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 8:11 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. * Anaheim Angels *California Angels Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: amelia castro Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 8:31 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium October 6, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Councilmembers Anaheim City Hall 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, As a mother and resident of Anaheim, I was thrilled when I heard that the Platinum Triangle's development is finally moving forward. I want us to have a place where families can relax, eat, and have fun before and after the games, and the plan will benefit the community and tourists alike. The development is a WIN WIN. Angels Baseball, entertainment, food, fun family and community gatherings, plus tax revenue! Please, continue to support the plan during the second reading and keep the Angels playing in Anaheim. Thank you for your leadership! Regards, Amelia Castro Anaheim Resident 1 Public Comment From: Peter Mitchell <peter@pmconsultinginc.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 8:45 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Good morning please find letter to be submitted for tonight's City Council Meeting for second reading consent agenda item #19: Big A Project and Agreement.... Attachments: Anaheim Police Association (APA) third Letter in support of Big A 2050 deal with SRB Mgmt and City of Anaheim to City Council dated October 5 2020.docx Importance: High Good morning please find letter to be submitted for tonight's City Council Meeting for second reading consent agenda item #19: Big A Project and Agreement..............from the Anaheim Police Association. Thank you! pwm ******************************************* Peter W. Mitchell Executive Director Orange County Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (OC Cops) Consultant/Contractor Anaheim Police Association (APA) California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) P.O. Box 518 Brea, CA 92822 24 Hour Cell/Txt FAX (714) 459-7143 Email: p! tIgEC�P.p nsultin ;i_nc.co_m https://occops.org/leadership/ 3156 E. La Paiu,iia Avenue, Ste. B � Anaheim, CaNforriva 92 306 Telephone; ( 14) 635 0211 October 5, 2020 The Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers City of Anaheim (Sent via email) Re: THIRD letter in Strong Support — Big A 2050 Project & Agreement; and Stadium Development Plan with SRB Management Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Councilmembers, Staff, and Members of the Community: The men and women of the Anaheim Police Association (APA) thank you for your support, once agaign, during the previous deliberations — previous outcomes well done! Especially the city council meeting of September 29, 2020 in support of the previously mentioned and above referenced site proposal and development Agreement negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. Thank you again for your efforts to -date. Your approvals, along with that of the Planning Commission on September 9, illustrate the tremendous level of support this plan has among Anaheim residents, businesses, families and fans throughout the City of Anaheim and the region. As we stated in our earlier letters to both the Planning Commission and to you the City Council prior to the public hearing on September 29: the Anaheim Police Association (APA) has consistently supported economic growth, development, and projects that benefit Anaheim while growing the city's budget and creating more opportunity and jobs for all. This is another marvelous opportunity to continue in this tradition especially during such difficult times for all in the country with Covid-19. This project accomplishes the previous mentioned while greatly increasing the revenue available to the city thanks to but not limited to: increased property taxes, sales, and hotel bed taxes that will be paid by visitors along with other multiplier effects. Those revenues and more ensures that vital services and programs important to Anaheim residents, including public safety, are fully funded and/or least impacted. Lastly and most importantly after the economic, jobs and morale boost: the closure and final approval of this deal means that Angels Baseball stays in Anaheim! The City Council agenda for October 6, 2020 includes this project's required second reading as number #19 on the consent agenda/calendar. As before, we strongly support this proposal and urge your vote in favor again of bringing this project home. Please do not leave any fans in the stands or runs on base! Enthusiastically and Most Sincerely, er Edgar Hampton President Anaheim Police Association (APA) m Peter Mitchell Consultant, Anaheim Police Association (APA) Executive Director, Orange County Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (OC Cops) Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Best, Caesar Borjas Business Agent Teamsters Local 986 1430 E. Holt Ave Covina, Ca 91724 (626)350-9860 Ext.131 cborjas@teamsters986.org Caesar Borjas <cborjas@teamsters986.org> Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:06 AM Public Comment Anaheim Stadium Loca l986_Sca n_140728. pdf CHRISTOPHER S. GRISWOLD Secretary -Treasurer SEAN P. HARREN President AL UNION N0.986 � �,• AFFILIATED WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS 6�eiteral Z'emusters, Airline, Aerospace and Allied 61uplopes, Warehousenteit, Drivers, Boitstructtoit, Rock alid Smut October 6, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, I am writing on behalf of our members from Teamsters Local 986 and as a part of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as well as preferences for returning veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. The Trades have been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project throughout Anaheim over the years, and we will be proud to do so again here. Thank Caesar B Business Main Office: 1430 E. Holt Avenue • Covina, CA 91724 • PHONE (626) 350-9860 • FAX (626) 448-0986 Regional Office: 300 Shadow Lane • Las Vegas, NV 89106 • PHONE (702) 385-0995 • FAX (702) 385-4410 Regional Office: 204 N. Broadway • Santa Maria, CA 93454 • PHONE (805) 922-7875 • FAX (805) 922-3885 www.local986.org ..1 K.J Public Comment From: Joe McNicoll Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:11 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: George Adams (HQ Orange 0572) <gadams@sarecycling.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:10 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Deal Mayor and Councilmembers, Thank you for your support on the Angel Stadium Development Plan. As a member of the Anaheim community and a Board Member for the Anaheim Chamber, I am happy to support this development. I urge you to vote in favor of Item No. 19 on October 6th, this development plan is a huge win for all of Anaheim. In a year with everything on pause, it is wonderful to hear about future developments in our city. Please stand with me in support this development plan. Thank you, George Adams. SA Recycling Public Comment From: on behalf of Landy Barber Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:15 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Last week, the Anaheim City Council took an historic opportunity vote to keep the Angels in Anaheim for decades, unlock the untapped economic potential of the Angel Stadium site, and generate tens of thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions to fund vital public services. On October 6, 1 urge you to bring this agreement across the finish line and vote "yes" on Item 19. The Angels are an integral and valued part of our community. The people of Anaheim want the Angels to stay, and this agreement keeps them here until at least 2050. Selling the stadium site to SRB Management at the appraised, fair market value of $320 million in cash and city - requested community benefits, gets the city out of the stadium business. The financial burden for a new or renovated stadium will rest on Arte Moreno — no taxpayer subsidies. Development as an exciting mixed-use destination of residential, office, entertainment, retail and hotels will finally tap the full economic potential of the stadium site - generating tens of thousands of good -paying jobs and more than a billion in tax revenues over the next 30 years. It will also bring much needed housing development, including 777 affordable housing units — most of which will be targeted to low and very -low income families. Also, SRB commits to building and maintaining a 7 -acre flagship park above and beyond he minimum park requirements and payment of millions in park fees to the city. This agreement is a win-win for Anaheim and the Angels. Please vote "Yes" Sincerely, Landy Barber Public Comment From: on behalf of Melanie Gillett Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:22 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Last week, the Anaheim City Council took an historic opportunity vote to keep the Angels in Anaheim for decades, unlock the untapped economic potential of the Angel Stadium site, and generate tens of thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions to fund vital public services. On October 6, 1 urge you to bring this agreement across the finish line and vote "yes" on Item 19. The Angels are an integral and valued part of our community. The people of Anaheim want the Angels to stay, and this agreement keeps them here until at least 2050. Selling the stadium site to SRB Management at the appraised, fair market value of $320 million in cash and city - requested community benefits, gets the city out of the stadium business. The financial burden for a new or renovated stadium will rest on Arte Moreno — no taxpayer subsidies. Development as an exciting mixed-use destination of residential, office, entertainment, retail and hotels will finally tap the full economic potential of the stadium site - generating tens of thousands of good -paying jobs and more than a billion in tax revenues over the next 30 years. It will also bring much needed housing development, including 777 affordable housing units — most of which will be targeted to low and very -low income families. Also, SRB commits to building and maintaining a 7 -acre flagship park above and beyond he minimum park requirements and payment of millions in park fees to the city. This agreement is a win-win for Anaheim and the Angels. Please vote "Yes" Sincerely, Melanie Gillett Public Comment From: on behalf of Katie Henry Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:29 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Last week, the Anaheim City Council took an historic opportunity vote to keep the Angels in Anaheim for decades, unlock the untapped economic potential of the Angel Stadium site, and generate tens of thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions to fund vital public services. On October 6, 1 urge you to bring this agreement across the finish line and vote "yes" on Item 19. The Angels are an integral and valued part of our community. The people of Anaheim want the Angels to stay, and this agreement keeps them here until at least 2050. Selling the stadium site to SRB Management at the appraised, fair market value of $320 million in cash and city - requested community benefits, gets the city out of the stadium business. The financial burden for a new or renovated stadium will rest on Arte Moreno — no taxpayer subsidies. Development as an exciting mixed-use destination of residential, office, entertainment, retail and hotels will finally tap the full economic potential of the stadium site - generating tens of thousands of good -paying jobs and more than a billion in tax revenues over the next 30 years. It will also bring much needed housing development, including 777 affordable housing units — most of which will be targeted to low and very -low income families. Also, SRB commits to building and maintaining a 7 -acre flagship park above and beyond he minimum park requirements and payment of millions in park fees to the city. This agreement is a win-win for Anaheim and the Angels. Please vote "Yes" Sincerely, Katie Henry Public Comment From: John McCarthy <john@teamsmile.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:34 AM To: Public Comment Subject: TeamSmile support of Item #19 Attachments: John McCarthy, Team Smile - Angels & Anaheim support.docx Dear Anaheim City Council: Please see my attached letter in support of Item #19..... Thank you. John McCarthy Executive Director TeamSmile 1pha The Mission of Tea rnSmIle is to provide children in need a life -changing dental experience through the power of sports. U em APlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail. This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. The recipient should check this email message and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email message. 1 01��Ui��muu�HrRix ,'4'�gVhlal���pllilllullf!rlfr»lf1fP��ul� Sn rn,ed1,.ah,M,, 6 //'/GLff7lflflll�ff To Provido Childr n In Need With a Lire- hangl gii Dental ExperWou Through The Power f Sports October 6, 2020 Dear Members of the Anaheim City Council: As the Executive Director for Team Smile, our organization has worked with the Angels to provide free dental care or oral health education to children in need in the Anaheim Community. As a partner with the Angels, I am in strong support of Item No. 19 on tonight's agenda. I encourage you all to vote in favor of the stadium agreement. With the Angels staying in Anaheim till 2050 we will be able to serve your community with the Angels for the years to come. The community will benefit from this agreement. Please vote yes on Item No. 19. Thank you, John McCarthy Executive Director Team Smile www.tearnsrnHe.or Public Comment From: Jessica Perez quintero Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:46 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Heather Sievers <heather@anaheimchamber.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:38 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Baseball Letter of Support from the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Attachments: October6_Angels Baseball_letter_of_support.pdf Please see attached letter regarding Item #19 for tonight's City Council meeting. Thank you. Best Regards, Heather Sievers Director of Events Anaheim Chamber of Commerce 2099 S. State College, Ste. 650 Anaheim, CA 92806 he:�therC�2A_n hei_mch mber:_org 714.758.0222 n October 6, 2020 The Honorable Harry Sidhu, Mayor Members of the City Council City of Anaheim 200 S Anaheim Boulevard, 7th Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Phone: 714-758-0222 2099 S. State College, Ste. 650 Anaheim, CA 92806 www.anaheimehamber.org Thank you for your votes last week in support of the Angel Stadium sale and plans for the development of the stadium property. We are excited to know that this great proposal for the future of the stadium property is one step closer to becoming a reality. The plan will transform the Platinum Triangle and bring to fruition the vision originally planned 15 years ago. The community benefits, including over 12 acres of parks and another 11 acres of open flex space, 5,175 units of housing that include 777 units of much needed affordable housing, will be great for Anaheim. There will be nearly 30,000 construction work job opportunities for the men and women of the building trades who will prioritize Anaheim local hires and veteran hiring, plus over 45,000 permanent job opportunities with the full build out of the property. This new opportunity for Anaheim means millions of dollars every year in new revenue for the City of Anaheim. New property, sales, and hotel taxes will culminate in over $38 million per year in revenue for the City at full build out. New monies that will benefit Anaheim residents from every corner and part of the City, funding our police, fire, and paramedic services, street maintenance and repairs, community and parks services, and much more. Best of all — it means Angels Baseball STAYS in the City of Anaheim. Again, thank you for your vote in support of the Angels and the stadium development plan. When this returns as agenda item #19 at the City Council meeting on October 6 for second reading, I urge you to support it again so we can get this project moving forward. Sincerely, Ross McCune Chairman of the Board Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Todd Ament President & CEO Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Build a Strong Local Economy Promote and Brand the Anaheim Community Create Networking through Business Development Opportunities Represent Business Interests in Government Political Action Public Comment From: Tracy Nowakowski <tnowakowski@lnuni.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:47 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel's stadium agreement Attachments: Angel Stadium agreement.pdf Please see attached letter for the Angel Stadium Development Plan. Thank youO Tracy Nowakowski President L&N 1602 E Edinger Ave. Santa Ana, Ca 92705 (714) 558-3743 Ex. 203 (Office) (714) 558-1503 ( Fax) (Cell) October 6, 2020 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Thank you for your support last week on the Angel's Stadium agreement, as a member of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, I could not be more excited. As the development comes before you for its second reading on October 6 Ih, I urge you to vote yes. This development is going to change the landscape for Anaheim, bringing millions in revenue, thousands of jobs, affordable housing and more. Please vote yes, keeping the Big A in Anaheim. Best, Tracy Nowakowski President L&N Costume Service Public Comment From: Jeff Farano Sr. (HQ Orange 0559) <jlfarano@sarecycling.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:20 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium. Mayor and Councilmembers, Thank you for your support on the Angel Stadium Development Plan. As a member of the Anaheim community and a Board Member for the Anaheim Chamber, I am happy to support this development. I urge you to vote in favor of Item No. 19 on October 6th, this development plan is a huge win for all of Anaheim. In a year with everything on pause, it is wonderful to hear about future developments in our city. Please stand with me in support this development plan. Thank you, Jeff Farano Sr. SA Recycling Jeff Farano Sr. Esq. Corporate Legal Counsel/Governmental Relations SA Recycling Cell Direct office. Public Comment From: Caesar Borjas <cborjas@teamsters986.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:41 AM To: Public Comment; Ernesto Medrano Subject: Anaheim Stadium Attachments: Local986_Scan_140728.pdf Best, Caesar Borjas Business Agent Teamsters Local 986 1430 E. Holt Ave Covina, Ca 91724 (626)350-9860 Ext.131 cborjas@teamsters986.org CHRISTOPHER S. GRISWOLD Secretary -Treasurer SEAN P. HARREN President AL UNION N0.986 � �,• AFFILIATED WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS 6�eiteral Z'emusters, Airline, Aerospace and Allied 61uplopes, Warehousenteit, Drivers, Boitstructtoit, Rock alid Smut October 6, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidu and Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, I am writing on behalf of our members from Teamsters Local 986 and as a part of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, thank you for your vote during the council meeting of September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan that will keep the Angels playing in Anaheim, and open the Angel Stadium property to a number of development opportunities. The City Council's vote in support moves SRB Management's proposal closer to reality. The Trades Council is presently in discussions with SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement that will include local hire preferences for Anaheim residents as well as preferences for returning veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. As this item returns for its second reading at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6, we encourage your vote in support again to finalize these proceedings and get this project moving. The Trades have been an important component and partner with the City of Anaheim and every major project throughout Anaheim over the years, and we will be proud to do so again here. Thank Caesar B Business Main Office: 1430 E. Holt Avenue • Covina, CA 91724 • PHONE (626) 350-9860 • FAX (626) 448-0986 Regional Office: 300 Shadow Lane • Las Vegas, NV 89106 • PHONE (702) 385-0995 • FAX (702) 385-4410 Regional Office: 204 N. Broadway • Santa Maria, CA 93454 • PHONE (805) 922-7875 • FAX (805) 922-3885 www.local986.org ..1 K.J Public Comment From: Scott Pennington <ScottP@BrewXco.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:46 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Support letter from Brewery X - 100620 Attachments: Bx support letter CP 100_20201006114226.pdf Please accept our letter of support the Angel Stadium Development Plan. Best regards, Chris Pennington Brewery X, LLC Anaheim, CA Brewery X 3191 East La Palma Avenue Anaheim, California 92806 (657) 999-1500 September 9, 2020 Dear Anaheim Councilmembers, As a business owner in Anaheim I am thrilled to hear about the Angel Stadium Development Plan. I encourage you all to move in the right direction and vote yes on Item No. 19 at Tuesday's council meeting. The city of Anaheim is a hub for travel, and the more we can offer those that come into our city the better it is. Our residents get to experience all that Anaheim has to offer, developing the space surrounding the stadium will create a place for all of us to gather again. The sooner we get this development approved the sooner we all get to enjoy it. Please vote yes on the stadium plan. Chris Penningt67n Owner Brewery X, LLC Public Comment From: renee medrano Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:52 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Support Hello! As a resident born and raised in Anaheim I would love the Angels to stay in Anaheim!! Not only do we love our home town team but all the residents and surrounding businesses need the business that the Angel games bring! So please stay Angels! Thank you, Renee Medrano Public Comment From: Ryan Vogt -Lowell Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:55 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Baseball in Anaheim I'm very supportive of the City's approval of the development plan and adoption of Ordinance Nos. 6497 and 6498 to secure the future of Angels Baseball in Anaheim for at least the next 30 years. The City of Anaheim has been significantly and disproportionately affected by the COVID pandemic and the governmental responses and orders in response thereto. So keeping the Angels in town as a valued community partner supporting dozens of non-profit causes and organizations that work to make Anaheim a better place and improve the lives of Anaheim residents is particularly critical at this time. The benefits are countless: $38 million per year in net city revenues to help fund police, fire and paramedic services, street maintenance & repairs, community services, parks & recreation; 5,175 new housing units of apartments and condos, including 777 units of much needed affordable housing apartments; over 30,000 good paying jobs in construction, many in partnership with the building trades which will prioritize hiring veterans and local Anaheim residents; more than 45,000 permanent jobs, separate from those at the stadium; and a 7 acre centerpiece park open to all Anaheim residents, plus another 5.2 acres of parks throughout the development, plus 11 acres of open flex space. The City of Anaheim is a critical junction in 2020 and the City has the opportunity to take action to ensure the City's continued success for years to come. Ryan A. Vogt -Lowell General Counsel Nexus Development Corporation/Central Division 1 MacArthur Place, Suite 300 Santa Ana, CA 92707 Direct Line: Main Office: (714) 546-5600 x206 Fax: (714) 546-5660 Email: rvl(&,nexusd.com Public Comment From: JAEL TANTI Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9:57 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. "Move Towards The Direction of Your Dreams and Live the Life You Have Imagined• "Jael Tanti. Public Comment From: Scott Pennington <ScottP@BrewXco.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:01 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Brewery X Item #19 support letter - 100620 Attachments: BX Anahiem support SP It_20201006120125.pdf Please accept out support letter for item #19 Scott Pennington Brewery X, LLC Anaheim, CA Brewery X 3191 East La Palma Avenue Anaheim, California 92806 (657) 999-1500 September 9, 2020 Dear Anaheim Councilmembers, As one of the growing business in Anaheim, I am thrilled to hear about the Angel Stadium Development Plan. I encourage you all to move in the right direction and vote yes on Item No. 19 at Tuesday's council meeting. The city of Anaheim is a hub for travel and offers an enhancing experience for the local economy, and the more we can offer to those that come into our city the better. Our residents and visitors get to experience all Anaheim has to offer, so developing the area surrounding the stadium will create an environment like no other and for us to all gather again. The sooner the development is approved, we can all reap the benefits and enjoyments Of it. Please vote yes on the stadium development plan. Che r Scott Pennington Brewery X, LLC Public Comment From: mmdabear Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:03 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Regards, Maureen Mitchell Seip( from my Verizon, Samstmg Galaxy smartphone Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: GENERAL MANAGER qit x g x i.^....x Fairfield by Marriott Anaheim Resort 1460 S Harbor Blvd I Anaheim, CA 92802 T 714.808.6913 �_ h�sirfi�,�l€1 Y4/V�srric;rlt'.ccrrn Lorton, Karen <Karen.Lorton@marriott.com> Monday, October 5, 2020 4:48 PM Public Comment Angels Stadium Development Plan Karen Lorton Fairfield.docx This communication contains information from Marriott International, Inc. that may be confidential. Except for person al use by the intended recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives this information is prohlblteo from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under applicable law. 1irl iel Rk MARRk 07 V Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Thank you, members of the Council, for your support on the Angels Stadium Development Plan. As a member of the Anaheim community, I support the stadium development plan and hope you vote yes on Item No. 19 on October 61n As a hotel operator, I am excited for this development. Our community is reliant on people traveling to Anaheim, not only will there be new places to eat, shop, and enjoy, baseball fans from all over get to enjoy Angels Baseball. After this year, we are happy that someone is investing in our community for everyone to benefit from. Please consider all the great things the Stadium Development Plan has to offer and vote yes on October 6th Thank you, Karen Lorton -Vella General Manager Fairfield by Marriott Anaheim Resort Public Comment From: Glenn Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:49 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Moni Serrano Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 4:52 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: Angels in Anaheim -----Original Message ----- From: Loretta Day Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 11:42 AM Subject: FW: Angels in Anaheim Email regarding Angels for your consideration. -----Original Message ----- From: Fernando Ramos Sent: Monday, October 05, 2020 8:32 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject: Angels in Anaheim To whom in my concern, The Angels MUST remain in Anaheim. Over the years, they have been become a staple of the OC community. The area of the ARTIC, Honda Center, and Angels Stadium is one that is booming with business, and seeing one of those 3 leave would be devastating. Without the Angels, Orange County would be left without a baseball to support that is actually based in the area. Fans would be heartbroken, and your positions on the council would be in jeopardy for allowing them to leave. Please make the right decision and help the Angels stay where they belong. Fernando Ramos Public Comment From: Yvette Stromsodt Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:02 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: on behalf of Vivian Rico Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:37 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Last week, the Anaheim City Council took an historic opportunity vote to keep the Angels in Anaheim for decades, unlock the untapped economic potential of the Angel Stadium site, and generate tens of thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions to fund vital public services. On October 6, 1 urge you to bring this agreement across the finish line and vote "yes" on Item 19. The Angels are an integral and valued part of our community. The people of Anaheim want the Angels to stay, and this agreement keeps them here until at least 2050. Selling the stadium site to SRB Management at the appraised, fair market value of $320 million in cash and city - requested community benefits, gets the city out of the stadium business. The financial burden for a new or renovated stadium will rest on Arte Moreno — no taxpayer subsidies. Development as an exciting mixed-use destination of residential, office, entertainment, retail and hotels will finally tap the full economic potential of the stadium site - generating tens of thousands of good -paying jobs and more than a billion in tax revenues over the next 30 years. It will also bring much needed housing development, including 777 affordable housing units — most of which will be targeted to low and very -low income families. Also, SRB commits to building and maintaining a 7 -acre flagship park above and beyond he minimum park requirements and payment of millions in park fees to the city. This agreement is a win-win for Anaheim and the Angels. Please vote "Yes" Sincerely, Vivian Rico Public Comment From: Michael Gonzalez Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:47 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Mariah Fernandez Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:52 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Susan Martin <Susan@feedoc.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:50 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda Item 19 - We Support the Angels! Attachments: Agenda Item 19 - Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County.pdf Support Letter Attached. Warm Regards, Susan Martin Project Manager & Executive Assistant to CEO Harald Herrmann Map and Directions Second IHairvest IFood Bank of Orange County 8014 Marine Way I Irvine, CA 92618 Direct: Maim 949.653.2900 x1 501fax: 949.6 3.0700 u s.q.q(tb F e e do 00 Cu. o r Working to end hunger in Orange County. 1 ORANGECOUNTY p:,1:: fl':': I'1� 114 G A mem�.e� C,NIE Ilk CA October 6, 2020 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, A community centric partnership has existed for close to two decades between the Angels organization and Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. We have worked together to lift up others through food drives and advocacy and we have been the recipient of much needed monies over many years thanks to fundraising efforts by members of the Angels organization and via extended family members and vendor partners. Our most recent pre-COVID event was a day of thanks. A day at the park where we were invited to thank and acknowledge our many pantry partners, volunteers and staff. We are excited to see the proposed development opportunities coming to life in Anaheim and specifically those of the Angels organization as we believe that there will be a measurable lift in our local economy as a result. The Angels organization has been a difference maker and a change agent for Anaheim and Orange County and we value their partnership and their strategic plan for the future. On behalf of Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County please accept our endorsement of The Stadium Development Plan and greater Platinum Triangle. This master plan will undoubtedly lift Anaheim, Orange County and all who live within our community. This is a job creator and revenue generator. This is a place for Orange County residents to gather in open space and to engage in events of all kinds. We need a core, a hub and an engine that drives community pride, much needed jobs and revenue all of which can lift the very population we are humbled to serve. support and in celebration of innovation and progress for our County, Harald Herrmann CEO Second Harvest Food Bank 8014 Marine Way, Irvine, CA 92618 •949.653.2900 • www.FeedOC.org Feil 17x JD# 32-0362611 Public Comment From: Luan Dai Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:55 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Luan Dai Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:55 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kim Painter <kpainter@majesticgardenhotel.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:55 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium Development Dear Members of the Anaheim City Council: As a member of the Anaheim community, I encourage you all to vote in favor of the Stadium Development Plan as it comes before you for a second reading. The Platinum Triangle has great potential, and this development plan makes it come to life. The hospitality industry here in Anaheim is always looking to expand, and as the area around Disneyland fills the Platinum Triangle would be a great place to go. I am happy to have the opportunity to be a part of this growing community as we build toward the future. The job opportunities that will come during and after the construction will be immense and will help our city tremendously. Members, I ask you to please vote "yes" for Item No. 19 today. Our community is very much in need of this development. Thankyou! Kim Painter Public Comment From: on behalf of Dianne Troge Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:08 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Last week, the Anaheim City Council took an historic opportunity vote to keep the Angels in Anaheim for decades, unlock the untapped economic potential of the Angel Stadium site, and generate tens of thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions to fund vital public services. On October 6, 1 urge you to bring this agreement across the finish line and vote "yes" on Item 19. The Angels are an integral and valued part of our community. The people of Anaheim want the Angels to stay, and this agreement keeps them here until at least 2050. Selling the stadium site to SRB Management at the appraised, fair market value of $320 million in cash and city - requested community benefits, gets the city out of the stadium business. The financial burden for a new or renovated stadium will rest on Arte Moreno — no taxpayer subsidies. Development as an exciting mixed-use destination of residential, office, entertainment, retail and hotels will finally tap the full economic potential of the stadium site - generating tens of thousands of good -paying jobs and more than a billion in tax revenues over the next 30 years. It will also bring much needed housing development, including 777 affordable housing units — most of which will be targeted to low and very -low income families. Also, SRB commits to building and maintaining a 7 -acre flagship park above and beyond he minimum park requirements and payment of millions in park fees to the city. This agreement is a win-win for Anaheim and the Angels. Please vote "Yes" Sincerely, Dianne Troge Public Comment From: Diana Flores Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:02 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Angels Attachments: Diana Flores.docx Hello, Please see attached document for tonight's council meeting. Thank you. Diana Flores October 6, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu and Councilmembers Anaheim City Hall 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Mayor Sidhu and Councilmembers, Thank you for voting in favor of the stadium development plan last Tuesday. The new development will bring tremendous economic benefits to the community, plus Anaheim residents will have a place to enjoy with the family. Lastly, I would like to add that Anaheim residents are proud to have a Major League Baseball team playing in their backyard, so please continue supporting this deal during the second reading today. Go Angels! Best wishes, Diana Flores Public Comment From: Wendy Carey Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:13 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Orange resident, I want you to know that I fully support the Anaheim selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring residents in Orange and the surrounding cities. And of course, possibly best of all — the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Orange residents — and Go Angels! Sincerely, Wendy Carey Orange Resident Public Comment From: Faith Niles Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:02 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Ray Baca <ray.baca@ecasocal.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:23 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda Item #19 (Support) Attachments: City of Anaheim.pdf Good afternoon, Attached is our letter in support of Agenda Item #19 for this evening's council meeting. Thank you, Ray M. Baca Executive Director Engineering Contractors' Association 2390 E. Orangewood Avenue, Suite 585 Anaheim, CA 92806 r . ® . ecas�ca/®cr Bus: 714-937-5000 Mob: BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS FUTURE President Brendan Slagle Vice President Garrett Francis Vice President Infrastructure Dev. Dave Sorem Treasurer Alan Ludwig Secretary Michael Prlich Affiliate Chair Scott Salandi Directors Michael Baker Mladen Buntich Anna Carno Barry Corea Gene Glassburner Kristion Grbavac Jordan Latimer Gus Madrigal Daniel Martin Anthony Niccoli Dan J. Peterson Brandon Pensick Lou Rendon Garrett Richardson Tim Rivard James Roland Elizabeth Torrez Nic Waldenmayer Government Affairs Dave Sorem Legal Committee Anthony Niccoli PAC Scott Salandi Safety Jordan Latimer Staff Executive Director — Ray M Baca Office Manager— Shelia Voss Admin. Asst. — Paulina Pantoja Editor — John Simpson { J ENGINEERING EONTRAEmRS' AssiuA Txw October 6, 2020 City of Anaheim Subj : Agenda Item 419; Development Agreement (Support) Dear Mayor Sidhu, and Anaheim City Council, On behalf of the members of the Engineering Contractors' Association, we want to thank you for your vote at the council meeting on September 29 in favor of the stadium development plan. This truly was an important step toward the advancement of the overall project, enhancing the appeal of the entire area with a balanced set of priorities, and providing for thousands of construction career opportunities for local area workers. As this item returns to the council on October 6 for a second reading, we once again encourage your vote in support of the development agreement. Sincerely, Ray M. Baca Executive Director (714) 937-5000 Fax (714) 937-5030 Email: info(o)_ecasocal.orp 2390 E. Orangewood Ave., Suite 585, Anaheim, CA 92806 www.ecasocai.org Public Comment From: Itorgerson Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Thank you! Dinah Torgerson Seip( from my Samstmg Galaxy smarlphone. Public Comment From: Keep the Angels in ANAHEIM!!! It's so important to so many people! Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 -Joseph Hyams Public Comment From: Florica Sferdian Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:08 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: James Ramirez Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:12 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support of item 19 Attachments: Stadiumsale.pdf Anaheim Firefighters support the stadium property sale. Sent from my Wad ANAHEIM FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION 1AFT1,0CAL 2899 1293 N. Patt Street, Anaheim, CA 92801 O (714) 447-3899 ® F (714) 447-3898 ® www.afa2899.org EXECUTIVE Dear Mayor and Anaheim City Council, BOARD President The men and women of the Anaheim Firefighters Association serve Rob Lester this community every day providing vital public safety services, Vice President especially now, as we are on the front line against wild fires, Covid- Jim Ramirez 19, homelessness, and many other types of incidents. We also know Treasurer TonyManzo how important it is that Anaheim provides for the resources to Secretary enable our members to do their job, and to do it well while Nathan Petralia protecting our community. Director David Baker This is why the Anaheim Firefighters Association Local 2899 supports Director the Angels Stadium property sale and development agreement. We Alex Hale urge you to vote yes on its approval. As firefighters and public safety Director Joe Aldecoa professionals, we're encouraged to see in the details of the final plan Director that part of this property was exempted from the sale and will DennisYunk remain in city control. This allows our department to construct a Director new state of the art fire station at the stadium site and to server Tyler Bashaw everyone throughout the Platinum Triangle area. We're happy to see that this proposal will bring to Anaheim and the good paying union jobs that will be created. Also, the new revenue that will be generated will assist Anaheim in providing important city services like public safety. The retail, restaurant, and entertainment potential, plus hotels, allows visitors to flock to the venues before, during, and after Angels games. This will contribute greatly to Anaheim's economy, in conjunction with the sales and hotel bed taxes that will be generated to benefit Anaheim's general fund and ensure that residents throughout Anaheim are properly served. ANAHEIM FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION 1AFT1,0CAL 2899 1293 N. Patt Street, Anaheim, CA 92801 O (714) 447-3899 ® F (714) 447-3898 ® www.afa2899.org EXECUTIVE BOARD The planned commercial and office space will create more good President Rob Lester paying union jobs, based right here in Anaheim, alongside thousands Vice President of new housing units, including affordable housing. This will allow Jim Ramirez residents to live and work close to home without having to commute Treasurer TonyManzo and spend long hours away from their families. Secretary Again, you Anaheim Firefighters stand in support of this agreement Nathan Petralia Anaheim and SRB Management and urge you to vote in Directorbetween David Baker favor of this agreement. Director Alex Hale Thank you, Director Joe Aldecoa Rob Lester Director President Dennis Yunk Director Tyler Bashaw Public Comment From: Gloria Maae Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:13 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Development Plan I am in support of the Angel Stadium Development Plan. Please vote yes! Gloria Ma'ae Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Annemarie Randle-Trejo Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:21 PM To: Public Comment Subject: No to sale Mayor Sidhu and Council, I wish to express my extreme concern for the SRB management deal placed on this agenda and urge a NO VOTE!! I was opposed to this last meeting, in December and you and the city staff have done no more to persuade me. I believe then and now more than ever this will not be good for the city. Let me be clear because people were misinformed when I spoke out about this before. I love Angels baseball. I loved attending games! I attended my first concert at the stadium. It holds many fond memories. However, the sale is bad with SRB management who is Arte Moreno (we all know). He has made a significant amount of money here in Anaheim and has shown little or no affection to the residence except for council members who receive campaign donations. Is this why you are willing to sell the last large land mass owned by the people for peanuts? Do you really believe that people do not see right through all the loopholes and openings in this deal? Retail and Affordable housing is not obligated to be built for upwards of 15-25 years! The Olympics is coming in 2028 and it won't be ready! We need affordable housing now! The fact that you are allowing SRB to pay the bill in installments is also laughable. He is a billionaire! You all know what you are doing and what you have signed up for and we all know who to blame. It is so apparent when there are only two council representatives doing their job in asking significant questions. We all see who is in line step with this crooked deal. The points are made and we hear and see. It is so shameful what some of you have sold and I am not talking about land. I pray that you come to your senses and realize this is not good for the city. Please vote NO on the SRB management sale of the stadium land! Annemarie Randle-Trejo Public Comment From: Steve La Motte <slamotte@biasc.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:29 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Item 19 City Council Agenda Honorable Mayor and City Council, Thank you for your leadership as it relates the Angels Stadium development and plan. This project will not just benefit the City and its residents, but all of Orange County, ensuring that Angels Baseball will stay in Anaheim, as well as create jobs, housing units, and economic vitality. Please confirm your vote this evening and say yes to this project. Thank you, Steve LaMotte Buidling Industry Association, Orange County Chapter Executive Officer Public Comment From: John Hanna <jhanna@swcarpenters.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:29 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Public Comment in SUpport of Item 19 on the October 5, Anaheim City COuncil Meeting My name is John Hanna and on behalf of the 55,000 members of the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters I encourage the members of the Anaheim City Council to approve the second reading of Item #19, the Zoning Code Amendments and Development Agreement 2020-00002. The Council took a major step on September 29 to ensure that Anaheim would not only retain the Angeles but would lock in this area of Anaheim as the economic and entertainment hub of Orange County. With the significant economic hits Anaheim has had to absorb as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, your actions have laid the groundwork for economic recovery for decades to come. There are many programs that Anaheim residents need that will get funding as a result of the revenue generated by your support of this item on the second reading. We also encourage SRB Management to finalize a Community Workforce Agreement with the Building and Construction Trades Council that will also include the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters. We support ensuring a priority for hiring Anaheim residents and attendees of schools and colleges serving Anaheim as well as veterans. We anticipate that a final agreement will ensure a skilled and trained workforce for the entire project. We thank Ron Miller and Ernesto Medrano of the LA/OC Building Trades Council as well as SRB Management, the Angeles , City staff and the City Council for their hard work in making this vision for Anaheim come alive. John R. Hanna Governmental Affairs/Special Counsel Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters 7111 Firestone Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 Office- (714)766-7140 Ce I I ---- IV,; sciali i Il the iiinfoirin atiioin :.:ointalined in this coirnin7uvuiniicatiioin firoirn the sender its confiidentiiall. It its iiintended solely for use Icy the ireciil:rilent and others authorized to receive ii q:. lif you arae i the rec!!plient, you arae Thereby i that ainy diiscllosuvuire, copyiiing, diistiriibuvutiioin or takling action in relation of the contents of this iiinfoirin atiioin its stiriictlly pirolhiibiited and may IDe uvuinllawfuvull. Public Comment From: on behalf of Penny OBrien Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:41 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Last week, the Anaheim City Council took an historic opportunity vote to keep the Angels in Anaheim for decades, unlock the untapped economic potential of the Angel Stadium site, and generate tens of thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions to fund vital public services. On October 6, 1 urge you to bring this agreement across the finish line and vote "yes" on Item 19. The Angels are an integral and valued part of our community. The people of Anaheim want the Angels to stay, and this agreement keeps them here until at least 2050. Selling the stadium site to SRB Management at the appraised, fair market value of $320 million in cash and city - requested community benefits, gets the city out of the stadium business. The financial burden for a new or renovated stadium will rest on Arte Moreno — no taxpayer subsidies. Development as an exciting mixed-use destination of residential, office, entertainment, retail and hotels will finally tap the full economic potential of the stadium site - generating tens of thousands of good -paying jobs and more than a billion in tax revenues over the next 30 years. It will also bring much needed housing development, including 777 affordable housing units — most of which will be targeted to low and very -low income families. Also, SRB commits to building and maintaining a 7 -acre flagship park above and beyond he minimum park requirements and payment of millions in park fees to the city. This agreement is a win-win for Anaheim and the Angels. Please vote "Yes" Sincerely, Penny OBrien Public Comment From: Andy Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:09 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Angels Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Andy Howard Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Ed Verdugo Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:50 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Gareth Goetz Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:23 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Please approve the Angels staying . Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all — the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Also the moments we have had with my family is unforgettable! Gareth Goetz Bluewater Instruments Fax -949-682-2247 Public Comment From: Ashleigh Aitken <ashleigh@ashleighaitken.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:25 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Please STOP the Sale of the Stadium Dear Mayor and Councilmembers- I am writing to strongly urge you to reverse course on the Anaheim stadium deal. My concerns fall into the following categories: • Fair Market Value: Local real estate experts have cast doubt that the city is receiving fair market value for the land. The city should slow down the attempt to sell, and have an independent appraiser reassess the value of the property given the new plans for development. An appraisal that gives $0 value to the stadium and the Grove is not an accurate appraisal. • Transparency: This deal was put together outside of public view, with the Mayor as the only councilmember involved in the negotiations. There were rarely any agendized items in 2019 or 2020, and the details that were released came during a pandemic, when the city council chambers were closed to the public. This deal should be reexamined in the light of day and with full neighborhood and community input. • Developer Extractions: Affordable housing, community parks and schools are all assets that developers in any other city would offer to get their development deal approved. Why is Anaheim paying for SRB's developer impacts, when it should be factored into its cost of development, and will, in the end, make its projects more attractive to end buyers? • Anaheim Branding: While in the end its the owner's right to change the team name after 2005 decision and the lawsuit that followed, it could have been a bargaining issue to include Anaheim into more of the Angel's branding. It is a tragedy that the Mayor described the issue as a "distraction." The foregoing are a few reasons this deal should not go forward. Please reconsider this decision, and start the negotiations for the sale in an open and transparent manner. Ashleigh Aitken Of Counsel, Aitken Aitken Cohn O: (714) 434-1424 aslileih(rx>aslileiha,itkera. c®m Public Comment From: Erin Lawrence Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:35 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During the council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Orange County resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring local residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Orange County home. Also, we taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its local residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many local residents — and Go Angels! Sincerely, Erin Lawrence Orange, CA 92869 Public Comment From: susie spanos Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:37 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel Stadium Development Dear Citizens of Anaheim, I strongly urge you to support the Angel Stadium Development. It is a lifeline the city of Anaheim needs. The city will become recognized as a leader in opportunity and a fantastic quality of life place to live and work. This is a wonderful opportunity for Anaheim to become the jewel of the west. This is the hope for the future. Please pass this. Sincerely Susie Spanos Public Comment From: on behalf of Amanda Stewart Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:46 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, Last week, the Anaheim City Council took an historic opportunity vote to keep the Angels in Anaheim for decades, unlock the untapped economic potential of the Angel Stadium site, and generate tens of thousands of good jobs and hundreds of millions to fund vital public services. On October 6, 1 urge you to bring this agreement across the finish line and vote "yes" on Item 19. The Angels are an integral and valued part of our community. The people of Anaheim want the Angels to stay, and this agreement keeps them here until at least 2050. Selling the stadium site to SRB Management at the appraised, fair market value of $320 million in cash and city - requested community benefits, gets the city out of the stadium business. The financial burden for a new or renovated stadium will rest on Arte Moreno — no taxpayer subsidies. Development as an exciting mixed-use destination of residential, office, entertainment, retail and hotels will finally tap the full economic potential of the stadium site - generating tens of thousands of good -paying jobs and more than a billion in tax revenues over the next 30 years. It will also bring much needed housing development, including 777 affordable housing units — most of which will be targeted to low and very -low income families. Also, SRB commits to building and maintaining a 7 -acre flagship park above and beyond he minimum park requirements and payment of millions in park fees to the city. This agreement is a win-win for Anaheim and the Angels. Please vote "Yes" Sincerely, Amanda Stewart Public Comment From: Pat D Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:52 PM To: Public Comment; Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel; Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Jordan Brandman Subject: Angel stadium sale and public access The majority of you are on such a crash course in racing to complete the illegal and ill advised sale of the Stadium and land so very valuable to your citizenry. The community should benefit from this sale - not just your cronies and contributors. Staff appear to be complicit though trying to do their job. Unfortunately it is at your guidance they represent you with misinformation and incomplete details. Having a job in the time of COVID-19 is so valuable. I don't begrudge them working but must wonder at what time their conscience and any honorable principles they hold dear might kick in and challenge their actions and behavior. I urge you to stop this deal and open the negotiations and details to the public. Unfortunately we are not allowed in the room nor are our comments read into the record. That plus not at least seeing and hearing you on Zoom during this shutdown period only increases my belief you have so much to hide and are deeply dishonest. Hopefully you who are lining your pockets with this and many prior "deals" will be removed from office in the near future. The legalities of your actions will be handled in other settings. Pat Davis Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. Public Comment From: Carolyn Cavecche <carolyn@octax.org> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:54 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda Item 19 10/6/2020 Anaheim City Council Mtg Attachments: Anaheim Stadium Letter.pdf Attached please find letter in support on Agenda Item 19 on this evening's City Counci meeting. Please distribute copies to Mayor and Members of the City Council. Carolyn Cavecche President and CEO Orange County Taxpayers Association PO Box 5881 - Orange, CA 92863 Office Tel: 714-289-1092 Mobile Tel: Email: carol n(coctaxeorct Fighting to make taxes fair, understandable, cost-effective, and good for the economy. v wA. octax.orc� or visit us on Facebook Orange CourtyTaxpayers Assoaatan P.O. 13ox 5£3£31, Orange, CA 92863 phone (949) 115-5539 ° www.octa)(.org October 6, 2020 Mayor Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, A study by Georgia State University's Center for Sport and Urban Policy showed that from 2006- 2018 54 ballparks, arenas, and stadiums in North America received $11 billion in public funding. I have been holding my breath for years wondering if Anaheim taxpayers would be included in that list. So many cities are ponying up tax dollars, this Big A deal will stand out as a victory for the residents of Anaheim. There is finally a deal on the table that makes sense and gets the taxpayers of Anaheim out of the stadium business. It will also keep the stadium area as an entertainment centerpiece in the Platinum Triangle along with the Honda Center. The vision of the Platinum Triangle Mater Plan has always been to be an entertainment, hotel, housing, and business center for not only Anaheim, but also all of Orange County. More importantly, there would be no city funding of a new stadium or stadium improvements. This would fall on the team owners. The Orange County Taxpayers Association is pleased to finally be able to support a stadium plan. Sincerely, Carolyn Cavecche CEO and President, Orange County Taxpayers Association OCT'ax: Fic)htinc) to make taxes fair, Understandable, cost-effective and rjood for the 000norny! Public Comment From: Florica Sferdian Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Anthony Serna Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:14 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support the Stadium Development Plan Dear Councilmembers, History is clear Anaheim has become dynamic and distinct through developments and forward -thinking decisions from councils in the past now is the time for you to support the Stadium Development Plan and continue the city's legacy by building a better tomorrow for all of Anaheim. This development creates space for all residents to enjoy in any season (not just baseball season), and keeps the Angels here to stay till 2050. There are more than 19,000 cities and towns in the U.S., and there are only 30 teams in Major League Baseball Anaheim has one; that's another quality that makes our city so distinct. Don't throw it away. This plan invites developers to come and invest into our city; this is a huge win for Anaheim. Thank you for your support in late September, and I strongly encourage you to take it all the way home and vote yes on Item 19 during the council meeting on Tuesday, October 6 (TODAY!) Sincerely, Tony Serna Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Jennifer Liu Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:23 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Stadium Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, As an Orange County resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I have been a life long Angels fans and I want to keep them here in Orange County! I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim as well as Orange County residents! GO Angels! Public Comment From: DAVID BERKSON Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:23 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Angels Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Thank you - David Berkson Public Comment From: Josh lagatta Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:27 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Keep Angel Stadium TWIMC Please keep Angel stadium and our Angels in the city of Anaheim!!! It's a staple in our city and provides many jobs and economy. I have many friends, family and colleagues that would be very saddened if a relocation took place. Please help and keep our angels here in Anaheim!!! Josh LaGatta Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jaclyn Kornely Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:28 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Keep the Angels in Anaheim Here is a sample email Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Me Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 11:31 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support of Angles in Anaheim Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Thanks, Hanan Public Comment From: Gloria Ohta Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Gloria Ohta Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 4:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Gregory Lawrence Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:19 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Approve the Stadium Plan!!!! Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim business owner, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Regards, Greg Lawrence President Demolition Services, Inc. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: JOHN KIRKPATRICK Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:29 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim stadium Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! From Jack Kirkpatrick Public Comment From: Jerry Liu Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:36 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Angel stadium Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all — the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Sincerely, Jerry Liu Public Comment From: Todd Prochnow Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:39 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Angels and Stadium plans Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all —the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Thanks! Todd Prochnow Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Abdul EL Baba Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:42 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Stadium Development Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, During tonight's council meeting you will consider the second reading for the historic Stadium Development Plan that has been negotiated between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management. This was voted on and approved last week, September 29. The Planning Commission also gave its approval to the development aspect of the plan on September 9. As an Anaheim resident, I want you to know that I fully support the City selling the Stadium property in order to unlock the Platinum Triangle's full potential, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim through 2050 and beyond. I hope you will vote in favor again tonight. The proposed plan includes over 5000 new, and desperately needed, housing units. Up to 777 fully integrated affordable units will give families the chance to live in, work near, and be a part of, this community. Plus, a seven -acre public "flagship park" and over five acres of new park lands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer. There will be tens of thousands of good paying construction jobs for the building trades, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. Because of this agreement, there is great potential to generate revenue to go towards education, street maintenance, police and fire services, and more. This is a key factor for those of us who, like Angels Baseball, call Anaheim home. Also, we Anaheim taxpayers will receive the many positives of having this new development, and not have any of the financial burden of renovating an old Stadium, or building a new one. And of course, possibly best of all — the plan means the Angels stay in town until 2050 at least. As our city leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer. Your support for this project will take Anaheim and its residents to the next level. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue to me and many Anaheim residents — and Go Angels! Public Comment From: Reuben Franco <reubenfranco@ochcc.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:05 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Mayor Harry Sidhu and Anaheim City Councilmembers.pdf Attachments: Mayor Harry Sidhu and Anaheim City Councilmembers.pdf Reuben Franco President & CEO Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 1 Banting Suite A Irvine, CA 92618 Office: (714)953-4289 Cell: October 6, 2020 Mayor Harry Sidhu and Anaheim City Councilmembers, 1 Banting Suite A, Irvine, CA 92618 www.ochcc.org T: (714) 953-4289 Cell: On behalf of the Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, which represents the interests of and provides access to the over 30,000 Hispanic owned businesses which call Orange County home, and a great number of those in Anaheim, thank you for your support for the Angel Stadium sale and property development deal which you voted on at the September 29 meeting of the City Council. In our earlier letter to you, we stated our support for the proposed deal reached between the City of Anaheim and SRB Management based on its tremendous potential for development that would result in new incoming revenue sources for the City, community benefits that include affordable housing and new parklands and open space, and of course keeping the Angels in Anaheim. We remain supportive of this deal, and urge your support to finalize the sale and approval of the development agreement and site plan at the second reading on October 6. Thank you, Reuben D. anco President CEO Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Public Comment From: Melody Robinson Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:56 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Public Comment From: Melody Robinson Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:57 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Qq Public Comment From: Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:27 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings new jobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. lEdgair Bairilreira 1I IReaIltoir IReaIlty Masters & Associates RRIVINFOWNPAR. M, lEdgair Bairilreira Serving,,,,Rh i i u ire iity Since 199T. Download Your Free Buyer Guide I Seller Guide Public Comment From: Aracely Giron Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Aracely Giron Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Aracely Giron Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@srbmanagement.com Subject: Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully support the Council's decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. This is a critical step forward to keep the Angels in Anaheim through 2050, and beyond, while realizing the vision for the Platinum Triangle without spending any General Fund Dollars. The Stadium Development Plan will bring over 5,000 much-needed new housing units, 777 of which will be fully interspersed affordable units throughout the property; allowing families at all economic levels the opportunity to live and work in Anaheim. In addition, a new signature seven -acre park along with over five acres of parklands will be paid for, and maintained by, the property developer and available to all residents. Now is the time to support a project that brings newjobs and revenues to help the long-term recovery of our City. This project creates tens of thousands of construction jobs, many of which will prioritize hiring Anaheim residents. It will also generate millions of dollars in new revenues to help the City pay for Street Maintenance, Police and Fire Services, and more. I am proud to see our City Leaders focus on approving projects that will strengthen not only the future of Anaheim, but the futures of our children as well. Please vote YES on Agenda Item 19. This is a great deal for Anaheim and our residents. Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Grant, Emily <EGrant1 @socalgas.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 5:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: City Clerk Subject: Public Comment from SoCalGas - Item 22 10.6.2020 City Council Agenda Attachments: SoCalGas Emily Grant Public Comment Anaheim 10.6.20.pdf Hi there, Please see attached letter to be submitted as Public Comment for the 10/6/2020 meeting of Anaheim City Council. As you'll see in the letter, this is for public comment on item 22. Thank you! Emily Grant Sr. Public Affairs Manager SoCalGas ,t: (714) 388-4889 PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: MSoCalGas SoCalGas A Sernpra Energy Utility Emily Grant Regional Public Affairs 1919 S. State College Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92806 Email: egrantl@�om October 6, 2020 RE: Council Agenda Item 22 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF CALIFORNIA CLEAN AIR DAY AND ITS GOALS Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim City Councilmembers, I am writing to provide public comment on the Resolution in Support of California Clean Air Day and Its Goals (agenda item 22). As your utility partner providing services to the residents of Anaheim, we offer our enthusiastic support and congratulations on your consideration of this resolution! Many of our 7,500 employees and their friends and family have also taken the Clean Air Pledge as part of Clean Air Day on October 7. My family made seven pledges including buying more produce locally, planting a succulent in our home garden, and utilizing the automatic engine shutoff feature on our vehicles. SoCalGas especially appreciates the city's recommendation to conserve energy and would encourage the City Council, staff, and residents to visit socalgas.com for tips and tricks to help. On our website, customers can register for The Smart Home Optimization Program to receive a FREE smart thermostat and water controller. SoCalGas also offers rebates on hundreds of home appliances and products that help conserve energy and reduce costs. Together, these tools will make Anaheim homes more efficient and help our air. I'm pleased to report that SoCalGas is reaching even further to reduce California's greenhouse gas emissions, while providing affordable, reliable energy. We are proud of our vision to become the cleanest gas utility in North America, by replacing 20% of our traditional natural gas with green gas by 2030. Green gas will be a key component of California's energy future because it captures more greenhouses gases than it emits, making it a carbon -negative fuel. And unlike other sources of renewable energy green gas does not need the sun to shine or the wind to blow. Waste material can be converted into deliverable, renewable energy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once again, thank you for your leadership addressing this important issue. SoCalGas looks forward to our continued partnership with the City of Anaheim and bringing affordable, reliable, clean gas supply to your residents and businesses. As always, I am here for you if you have questions. Take care and stay safe. Sincerely, (5 c Emily Grant SoCalGas, Regional Public Affairs Public Comment From: Grant, Emily <EGrantl @socalgas.com> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 5:35 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Re: Public Comment Received Hi again - since this is on an item, is there a way to have it read out loud? Thanks for considering! Get Outlook for iOS From: Public Comment <publiccomment@anaheim.net> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 5:16:08 PM To: Grant, Emily <EGrantl@socalgas.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Public Comment Received The City is in receipt of your public comment. Your comment will be distributed to the City Council for their consideration and made part of the public record of the City Council meeting. This email originated outside of Sempra Energy. Be cautious of attachments, web links, or requests for information. Public Comment From: Loretta Day Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 3:47 PM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: CCM 9/29, Item #3 -----Original Message ----- From: Lori Lake Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2020 11:42 AM To: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net> Subject: Please send a copy of this via cut and paste into an email from You attention Anaheim City Counsel to Vote Yes in support of the Agenda #3 Or Iday@anaheim.net she is the City Counsel secretary requesting distribution to the counsel members your vote of Agenda #30rdinance #6493"Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment"This amendment will limit the maximum number of Sober Living Homs that can move into YOUR Neighborhoods to a Maximum of 1 with in a 2 block radius. These Sober living homes are popping up without limits in neighborhoods throughout the city. due partially because Anaheim doesn't have a limit, this amendment will amend the city regulations and basically is a copy of an amendment the city of Costa Mesa enacted that was challenged by the Sober Living Home Association, taken to court and the Courts upheld the limitations enacted by the costa Mesa City Counsel. SO PLEASE HELP GET THE WORD Out TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW REQUESTING THEY ALSO SUPPORT THIS AMENDMENT AND EMAIL THE Anaheim City Counsel member in their area and or to the Anaheim City Counsel Secretary so She can distribute to the councilmembers. City Council I Anaheim, CA - Official WebsiteCity Council I Anaheim, CA - Official WebsiteThe City of Anaheim aims to continually reinvent itself to be a better place for all who live, do business in, o ... to: Iday@anaheim.net <Iday@anaheim.net>Attention Anaheim City Council memberThis email is in SUPPORT ofAgenda #30rdinance #6493"Unlicensed Community Care Facilities and Sober Living Homes Zoning Code Amendment"Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Annemarie Randle-Trejo Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:11 PM To: Public Comment Subject: open meetings Mayor Sidhu and Council, I and several people now have tried to impress upon you to hold open meetings or to use a zoom type platform. We have tried to impress upon you the important significance of not only allowing your constituents to address you on the phone or to read the several correspondences aloud you receive at each meeting. This allows voices to be heard. This allows for the democratic process of government to occur. Instead we are left to make up our own minds about what you think of the residents. We cannot see your faces when you speak nor are you truly allowing others to know where people stand. When you make these significant decisions without input from the whole community it says you do not care. You are not in touch with the residents and other entities are more important. We are in a crisis right now and I cannot think of a better time to conduct business differently. I a way that draws the public closer not further away. We are looking to you for leadership and you are saying we are conducting business the way we want. -Not what is right. Many local government agencies are doing the zoom type meetings and allow people to give one -minute responses toward items on or off the agenda. We at AUHSD hold our meetings on zoom and we have our district counsel read our items put forth. People want to see your faces and to be able to look at you while casting your vote. This could work in an incredibly positive way for you. As of now many are very suspicious and are making claims which could be false or true. Put it this way. You want to be able to say you have done all you could to gain the trust of folks. Please correct this as soon as possible. Conduct meetings in a more inclusive manner. Best, Annemarie Randle-Trejo AUHSD Board President/Constituent/Candidate for Council District 4 Public Comment From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: LATINO UMMUNITY FOUNDATIGN 11111 11 11111 October 6, 2020 Anaheim City Council 200 S Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Anaheim City Council: Eduardo Garcia <egarcia@latinocf.org> Tuesday, October 6, 2020 3:45 PM Public Comment Christian Arana Public comment: In support of Schools and Communities First AnaheimCCPropl5.pdf On behalf of the Latino Community Foundation, I write in support of the Schools and Communities First initiative, or Proposition 15 as it will appear on the General Election ballot. Prop 15 is a once -in -a -generation opportunity to change the way our schools and communities are funded by ensuring that corporations with large industrial properties pay their fair share in taxes. It is estimated that the City of Anaheim will reclaim more than `$20.._million if California voters approve the initiative. That would mean more funds for local services, including housing and homelessness prevention services, job training, youth programs, and domestic violence shelters. It would also improve quality of life services, from libraries to street and sidewalk repair, and public parks maintenance. These dollars are critical as the city works to recover from its $100 million pandemic -induced budget shortfall. The passage of Prop 15 would also provide a boost in funding for Anaheim's K-12 public schools. For example, the Anaheim Union High School District would reclaim 22._mi,l,l .on annually, which would provide the district with additional funds for teachers, classroom aides, books, computers, and supplies for in-person and distance learning. According to the most recent data, 70 percent of AUHSD students participate in the free and reduced lunch program. These resources would also provide breakfast and lunch for millions of students who would otherwise go hungry. I respectfully ask that you support Proposition 15 to ensure that Anaheim's students and residents can access well - funded schools and community services. This will help Anaheim achieve an equitable and speedy recovery from the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. LCF is the premier statewide foundation focused on unleashing the civic and economic power of Latinos in California. The foundation has the largest network of Latino philanthropists in the country and has invested $10 million to build Latino civic and political power and leadership in the state. Sincerely, Eduardo Garcia Senior Policy Fellow Latino Community Foundation LATINO COMMUNITY FOUNDATION IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII October 6, 2020 Anaheim City Council 200 S Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Anaheim City Council: On behalf of the Latino Community Foundation, I write in support of the Schools and Communities First initiative, or Proposition 15 as it will appear on the General Election ballot. Prop 15 is a once -in -a -generation opportunity to change the way our schools and communities are funded by ensuring that corporations with large industrial properties pay their fair share in taxes. It is estimated that the City of Anaheim will reclaim more than $20 million if California voters approve the initiative. That would mean more funds for local services, including housing and homelessness prevention services, job training, youth programs, and domestic violence shelters. It would also improve quality of life services, from libraries to street and sidewalk repair, and public parks maintenance. These dollars are critical as the city works to recover from its $100 million pandemic -induced budget shortfall. The passage of Prop 15 would also provide a boost in funding for Anaheim's K-12 public schools. For example, the Anaheim Union High School District would reclaim $22 million annually, which would provide the district with additional funds for teachers, classroom aides, books, computers, and supplies for in-person and distance learning. According to the most recent data, 70 percent of AUHSD students participate in the free and reduced lunch program. These resources would also provide breakfast and lunch for millions of students who would otherwise go hungry. I respectfully ask that you support Proposition 15 to ensure that Anaheim's students and residents can access well -funded schools and community services. This will help Anaheim achieve an equitable and speedy recovery from the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. LCF is the premier statewide foundation focused on unleashing the civic and economic power of Latinos in California. The foundation has the largest network of Latino philanthropists in the country and has invested $10 million to build Latino civic and political power and leadership in the state. Sincerely, LATINO COMMUNITY FOUNDATION IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Eduardo Garcia Senior Policy Fellow Latino Community Foundation Public Comment From: DAVID DURAN Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 3:57 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Trevor O'Neil; Lucille Kring; Stephen Faessel; Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno Subject: RE: Public Comment ( October 6, 2020) Political corruption means the abuse of political power by the government leaders (Sidhu, O'Neil, Kring, Brandman, & Faessel) to extract and accumulate for private enrichment, and to use politically corrupt means to maintain their hold on power. Political corruption takes place at the highest levels of the political system, and hence it can be differentiated from administrative or bureaucratic corruption. It can also be distinguished from business and private sector corruption. This form of political corruption is one in which extracted resources (and "public money") are used for power preservation and power extension purposes. This usually takes the form of favouritism and patronage politics. It includes a favouritist and politically motivated distribution of financial and material inducements, benefits, advantages, and spoils. All of these examples, and more, can be found in the actions of this dais. The actions of this political majority (Anaheim City Council) in this dais has been witnessed, documented, and shared with the public, the media, and the courts. I have some unexpected good news for the political majority. It's not too late to undue some of the damage that might be used against you. It's not too late to take back some/all of the $6.5 million you gave away to Anaheim First, it's not too late to stop negotiations and/or undue any agreements that have "unlawfully" led to the "unlawful" sale of the Angel Stadium and its property. It's not too late to resign from the city council and it's not too late to act with ethic and fiduciary responsibility on behalf of the residents of Anaheim. Soon, much of what I have mentioned and proposed will be made public. You still have the opportunity to save yourself and your political career. OR .... if you choose to ignore these proposals, you're on your own and you could be the victim of your own greed and neglect. I wish you all well ... I wish you all success; however, I DO NOT accept the corrupt means that are being regularly practiced by this city council. Refusing to allow "live" public comments is NOT the result of covid but is just another means of using covid as an excuse to conduct the peoples business without the people so that this dais majority can serve themselves, their campaigns, increase their income, gain unlawful favor with other entities while the public is silenced by their inability to participate in the decisions, operations, and negotiations of the city they reside. 1 Peace be with you .... UNLESS, you choose to continue your corruption. David L. Duran Orange County, California cell: email: Breach of confidentiality & accidental breach of confidentiality This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.