AHA-2022/01/11ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 2022 TELECONFERENCE NOTICE Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953, Subdivision (b), the regular meeting included teleconference participation by Authority Member Jose Diaz from: 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Seventh Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805. This Notice and Agenda was posted at the teleconference location. Public comment on the agenda from this address was allowed pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.3. The Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting of January 11, 2022 was called to order at 5:57 P.M. in joint session with the Anaheim City Council, Anaheim Industrial Development Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on January 6, 2022. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Harry Sidhu and Authority Members Trevor O'Neil, Gloria Sahagun Ma'ae, Jose F. Moreno, Avelino Valencia, and Stephen Faessel (in person), and Jose Diaz (via teleconference). STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Jim Vanderpool, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and Secretary Theresa Bass ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: Secretary Theresa Bass reported staff requested the continuance of City Council Public Hearing Item No. 21 to January 25, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. and she encouraged the public to visit www.anaheimredistrictinq orra to view all submitted draft district maps. PUBLIC COMMENTS fall agenda items): No in-person or electronically submitted public comments related to the Housing Authority agenda. CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE: None At 6:18 P.M., Chairman Sidhu recessed the Anaheim Housing Authority, the Anaheim City Council, and the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency to address the Anaheim Industrial Development Authority agenda. Chairman Sidhu reconvened the Anaheim Housing Authority at 6:20 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 6:20 P.M., the consent calendar was considered. MOTION: Authority Member O'Neil moved to adopt the consent calendar as presented, seconded by Authority Member Ma'ae. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Chairman Sidhu and Authority Members O'Neil, Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia, and Faessel); NOES — 0. Motion carried. AHA177 1. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meeting of December 21, 2021. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 3 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 8137.1 5. RESOLUTION NO. AHA -2022-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM AGR- HOUSING AUTHORITY authorizing the execution and delivery of its Multifamily Housing 13285 Revenue Notes in one or more series in a cumulative and aggregate principal amount AGR- not to exceed $22,850,000 for the purpose of financing the acquisition and construction 13285.0.1 of the Salvation Army Anaheim Center of Hope Apartments Multifamily Rental Housing AGR- Project; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of any and all documents 13285.0.2 necessary to execute and deliver the Notes, substantially in the form approved hereby, complete the transaction and implement this Resolution, and ratifying and approving any actions heretofore taken in connection with the Notes (1455 S. Salvation Place and 1340 S. Lewis Street). Interim Director Grace Stepter explained the item is a Housing Authority resolution authorizing the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Notes for the Salvation Army Center of Hope Apartments, in an amount not to exceed $22,850,000, for the purpose of financing the construction and acquisition of the permanent supportive housing that will be co -located at the Center of Hope. She explained this is one of the final steps in a multi-level financing program for the project so that the Salvation Army has everything they need in order to break ground, which is currently scheduled for January 31, 2022. She noted a Preliminary Funding Award Letter was first brought to the Housing Authority Governing Board on December 17, 2019 and the project would be 100% affordable for persons whose income is at or below 30% of area median income, for the neediest population and those leaving homelessness. She explained that the Salvation Army Anaheim Center of Hope Apartments is a California limited partnership comprised of the Salvation Army Corporation and the project's tax credit investor. Further, on April 27, 2021, the Governing Board of the Authority approved a resolution regarding its intention to issue tax-exempt bond obligations and the City Council conducted the required TEFRA public hearing. Ms. Stepter explained the resolution would authorize the Authority to proceed and issue up to $22,850,000 in bonds to secure the financing needed to begin the construction of this exciting project. She noted there would be no budgetary impact as the Housing Authority was not incurring any obligation to pay the Notes, but the bond debt would be paid by the developer from project revenues. DISCUSSION: Chairman Sidhu noted this is a great project with this final step of financing to help it move forward, with no obligation to the City, and expressed his excitement for the ground breaking. Authority Member Faessel noted the project is located in District 5, stated he had been following it since its inception, shared his advocacy with the Salvation Army and helped with some financing from the Orange County Finance Trust, and stated the project could not be done fast enough and he looked forward to receiving the groundbreaking invitation. MOTION: Authority Member Faessel moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. AHA -2022- 001 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY authorizing the execution and delivery of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Notes in one or more series in a cumulative and aggregate principal amount not to exceed $22,850,000 for the purpose of financing the Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of January 11, 2022 Page 3 of 3 acquisition and construction of the Salvation Army Anaheim Center of Hope Apartments Multifamily Rental Housing Project; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of any and all documents necessary to execute and deliver the Notes, substantially in the form approved hereby, complete the transaction and implement this Resolution, and ratifying and approving any actions heretofore taken in connection with the Notes, seconded by Authority Member O'Neil. DISCUSSION: Authority Member Moreno expressed gratitude to the Salvation Army for helping provide housing for the unhoused and for being a partner to the City. He expressed his support for the project. He also thanked Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk -Silva for her efforts at the State level providing attention to the project, as well as to other legislators and City staff. MOTION: Authority Member Faessel moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. AHA -2022- 001 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY authorizing the execution and delivery of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Notes in one or more series in a cumulative and aggregate principal amount not to exceed $22,850,000 for the purpose of financing the acquisition and construction of the Salvation Army Anaheim Center of Hope Apartments Multifamily Rental Housing Project; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of any and all documents necessary to execute and deliver the Notes, substantially in the form approved hereby, complete the transaction and implement this Resolution, and ratifying and approving any actions heretofore taken in connection with the Notes, seconded by Authority Member O'Neil. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Chairman Sidhu and Authority Members O'Neil, Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia, and Faessel); NOES — 0. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to conduct, Chairman Sidhu adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority at 6:29 P.M. ly submitted, mesa Bass, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority