2023_Q2; SMITH PUBLIC AFFAIRS; REINHARDT, CRAIG City of Anaheim DATE STAMP OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RECEIVED: August 3, 2023 LOBBYIST’S QUARTERLY By: City of Anaheim Office of the City Clerk REPORT OF ACTIVITY Reporting Period Q1: January 1 – March 31 Q3: July 1 –September 30 (Due April 30)(Due October 31) 3134 Q2: April 1 –June 30Q4: October 1 –December 31 Year: 5 (Due July 31) (Due January 31) Lobbyist Information Name of Lobbyist (Last, First, M.I.):Name of Lobbying Firm (if applicable): SFJOIBSEU-DSBJH-S/TNJUIQVCMJDBGGBJST Business Email: Business Phone:Alternate Phone: DSBJHATNJUIQVCMJDBGGBJST/DPN)825*:39.5335 Business Address: City: State: Zip Code: 2628XFTUCSBEFODPVSUPSBOHFDB:3979 Lobbying Activity/ Campaign 5 No Lobbying Activity Client Disclosure ReportContribution Report Did not participate or engage in any Schedule A: Report any form of Schedule B: Report any form of lobbying during the lobbying by the lobbying firm/ contributions made during the reporting period. lobbyist of the City of Anaheim or reporting period to the Mayor or any regional agency in which any City Council Member by the Anaheim has a voting role during lobbying firm/lobbyist during the LOBBYIST ACTIVITY the reporting period.reporting period. By my signature below, I certify that I have reviewed Section 1.11.070 (Lobbyist Registration, Reporting, and Regulation) of the Anaheim Municipal Code and declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that this form is subject to review and any knowing or intentional errors or omissions may be subject to criminal penalties. Print Name of Lobbyist:Name of Lobbying Firm (if applicable): DSBJHSFJOIBSEUTNJUIQVCMJDBGGBJST VERIFICATION Signature:Date: 1901403134 Mail, Email or Fax to: Mail: Office of the City Clerk 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 217 Anaheim, CA 92805 Email: Theresa Bass, City Clerk (tbass@anaheim.net) Fax: (714)765-4105 Office of the City Clerk · 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 217, Anaheim, CA 92805 · (714) 765-5166 CC 1009 Rev 10/22 - Lobbyist Quarterly Report of Activity Page _____ of _____