66-065 ,RESOLUTION NO. 66R-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 783 , WllDEAS', t;h,. City Planning Couaisslon of the City 'of , Anaheim did recel~e,a request for a Conditional'Use Permit' ~rom DONALD E. ~nd ALICE JEAN PIEROTTI,. 50~ ,St. John Way, P1acentia, California, ~o' establish a medi.cal hospital and center, with ..: related uses, OQ the foll~tDg described property situated in the City of Anaheim,' 'County of Orange, ,State' of, California, to wit: That. portion of, t~ West half of the northwest quarter of ' Section 4,' T~ship 4 South, Range 9 West, of tlie San , Bernardino Meridian; in the City of __heim, CoUnty of Orange, State of California, as per the Official plat of said land ,filed in the Distr~ct Land ~ffice March 23, ,1875, described as follows: " , Beginning at a point on the West line of said northwest', . quarter 345.18 feet'south of the northWest corner thereof; : thence South 723.80 feet .1ong said 'West ,line to a point, 1570.84 feet North of the'southWest comer' of said north-" west quarter; thence North 87. 51' 'East ,1154.72 feet to the northeast corner of the land described as Parcel No. 2 in the deed to J. W. Walls et ux.:, recorded NoVember 1, 1928 in Book 208, page 421, Official Records,; thence North'87. 51' East 9.81 feet; thence North~725~96 feet parallel with the west line of said northwest quarter to a point on the North line of the, land conveyed to John Walter Walls et ux." by deed recorded February 7,' 1923" in. Book, 453, page 263, Deeds; thence'South 87~ 43.5 feet West 1164~6 f~et along said NOJ;th line to the point of, beginni~,. . ,~ .1 .: .. . , , ' , '.' . AD WBP.IAS, the QitI .l8lllliDl'ee-l..ioD did. ,bold' 'a ,public hearing at the City .. 1 i1,\ the City of, Aaaheiaa :upOJl ..id r~es,t ~ November ~65 . .' notic.... 'of, which . '..id putilic heari~, .er. auljllVen a. required 'by 1... _ the .... .:.;B:.s~~~=~, ~f: ~tle.: 18~ ~pter 18.76' of the hWi1llllllic,lpal' . I ' , . WHlRlAS,' "said Comdsslon, after due inspection 1~- ve.t~tion,and studies made by itse1~ and in its behal~ and aft.. clue consieleration of all evidence and reports offered at .: said heaZ"laa, did adopt its Resolution No. -1MS.clg1~ts----._ , J,9~S-66r aenving' , CODClltional Use p~ ' " , ; '.Ii - .. ~-... WREBEAS, thereafter. within twenty-two (22) days from ,tbe date of the adoption of said resolution, a written appeal ,was file~'with the City Council protestilig the actiOn of the, ' City Planning CODIIli.siOD, 'ill denyiua said Conditional Use 'ermit and .~id '~pp..l was set for public hearing on . '.~ '-1-' . - December 14 , 19 65 ,at the City Hall, in' the City _.' of Anaheim, and notices of such public hearing were duly given . as required by law and the provisions of Title 18, Chapter 18.76 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such hearing and did give all persons interested therein an oppor- tunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports; and WHEREAS, the "City Council does find, after careful consideration of the re~ommendations of the City Planning Commission and all evidence and reports offered at said hear- ing, that Conditional Use Permit No. 783 should be denied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the action of the City Planning Com- mission den.!ig Conditional Use Permit No. 783 be, and the same isnereby sustained , and that the request of Donald I. and Alice Jean Pierotti for a Conditional. Use Permit .to establish a medical hospital and center, with related uses, on tbe property hereinbefore described, be, and the same is hereby denied. . THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved .and signed by me this 25th day of , 19 66 . ~. ~ - . ;tr~ ERK F' {M .- -2- - - STATI 01' CALUODIA ~ comrn 01' OlWfGl '8. . .CITY OP AlWIIDI . ...-... . . 1. DIII'M. WILLUIfS. Cit:y Clerk of tbe City of Aaahelaa. do 1\ereby certify t;_t lhe foreao1aa re.01Qt1oD was 'fa8sed aDel adOpted at a ':' -- . :..... . 'r~1&l" ".et1lll of the City COU1lCil.Uld 011' the ~5tll' . itiiiof" Januar . . 19 66 . by the f0110ilDl vote":of:.;t:be r8 t : A~: BOiS : ABSIIf: C~ILMII: COURCILMIII: . . COURCILMBR: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte,. Cbandler andICrein NODe N~.~. - - ." . c. AIm ~.' luaTIIII. carm: tbat ~tb8. .~r ..f"dle.. City of Anab.im approved 'atld 8iped. .aid. re801utlcm oa 'tM1 25't=b day of Januarv' . 19 .~6. '.. '" . 11f WIDmSS WRD.IoP.-.I have her8UDto. ..t...., bad and aff:lxecl. the ...1. of. the City of hahei.. thi. ~ day of .January.". 19 6~ . (8W.)" M~~." - .l1tIi . " W wam.; I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, d~ hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution 'No. 66R~65 duly passed and adopted by.the Anaheim City. Council on January 25, 1966. ~~, . _"=i_ A-t.. ~.~'I.c~ CITY CLERK . -...., "