General (4) Susana Barrios From:Jorge Gavino <jegavino1@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Public Comment for 9/26/23 - Cease all Funding to The Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Please include my comments as a public record for today's Anaheim City Council meeting on 9/26/23 -------------------------------------------------------- To the Honorable City Council, I am here today to request the immediate suspension of any funding, partnerships, or contracts with the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has a particularly incestuous relationship with the City of Anaheim and those who financially benefit from it. Previously led by Todd Amnet, the Chamber has continued under the leadership of his protege Laura Cunningham. Over the last week a Twitter page run by Laura’s husband, Matthew Cunningham, was caught liking and distributing incest porn on his OC Independant Twitter Account. This disgraced blogger is most prominently known as “PEDO-PRIEST PROTECTOR” as he was outed almost 10 years ago by Gustavo Arellano, now of the LA Times. Given the heinous nature of his tweets, this title seems to be on brand for him. Yes, he claims he was hacked, but considering the posts in question go back several months this defense doesn't work. Normally this man’s predilections for young Latina girls would not be city business, but it is when this man, his wife, and others are raiding the city's coffers that it becomes relevant. For those of you that do not know, Incest Porn Cunningham started his career as a peddler for hire when he and Todd Amnet started the Anaheim Blog in 2012 as an arm of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. Their goal was to publicly trash Chambers' enemies and support Ament’s interests. After Anaheim Blog, Anaheim Observer, and Anaheim Independent failed to get much traction or credibility, Incest Porn Cunningham hired his friends at Hashtag Pinpoint to set up and run his latest scheme the Orange County Independent. Is it a coincidence that Hashtag Pinpoint also counts the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce as a client? 1 Is it also a coincidence that OC Independent received $10,000 from the Santa Ana Police Officers Union and then immediately began publishing articles trashing Santa Ana Councilwoman Jessie Lopez? As you know Visit Anaheim and The Anaheim Chamber of Commerce do keep it all in the family since they all share the same office space. It is business as usual on the 6th floor of 2099 S State College Blvd. With such machinations is it truly possible to track where city funds have gone? We still do not know where 1.5 Million dollars have disappeared to. To the business community, I understand that Laura Cunningham may have deceived you, I know that many at the Anaheim Chamber are not pleased by her leadership so I offer you a warning, take back your organization. Do you want your organization funding an incest porn-liking blog? Once again I am calling for the city to cease all contracts with the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, I am calling for a full forensic audit and investigation of the chamber's use of public funds. To the honorable council, this is your chance to right this wrong, please do not make more excuses or enable further fraud, now is your chance to do right by the residents of Anaheim and fulfill your fiduciary and moral duty. I leave you with this if you have ever shaken hands with Incest Porn Matthew Cunningham I offer you this bottle of hand sanitizer. Thank You -- In Solidarity, Jorge Gavino Master of Public Policy Mobile: 2