General (4) Susana Barrios From:Bob Olea <bobbyolea070522@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Ashleigh Aitken; Natalie Rubalcava; Jose Diaz; Carlos A. Leon; Jim Vanderpool; Lauren Torres; Natalie Meeks; Norma C. Kurtz; Stephen Faessel; Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] \[ appears similar to someone who previously sent you email, but may not be that person. Learn why this could be a risk at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. I hope to see if the mayor can I have another staff member on her staff of anything it’s not fair that the council members have two staff members in the mayor gets one Sent from my iPhone 1