66-033 - RESOLUTION NO. 66R-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND . AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING. OF ALL PLANTz LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION,' INCLUDING POWER, .FUE;L AND WA~R, AND PERFORMING" ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT,'AND COMPLETE. THE P10LlDWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT:" CONSTRUCTION OF STORk" DRAIN APPROXIMATELl" ~lU "~!;'J: SOUTH OF ORANGE- WOOD AVENUE. FROM STATE COLLEGE BOULEVARD TO THE SOUTHEAST CHANNEL. IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. JOB NO. 995. WHEREAS, th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin ,on December 30. 1965 and January 6, 1966, . a notice inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: Construction of a storm drain approximately 910 feet south of Orangewood Avenue, from State College Boulevard to the Southeast Anaheim Channel, in the City of Anaheim consisting of construction of 33- inch and 1S-inch R.C.P., catch basins, manholes, A.C. inlet, A.C. pavement and appurtenant work as more particu- larly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, Job No. 995. .-' in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and . WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposals for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 0'c10ck P.M. on the 13th day of January , 19 66 " for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfprming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- - . . par:tlcularl,.. .-:LODeeI ad deacrlbed. ad whlcb DOt1.c. did .tat. ... declar. 'that par.uant to the ~.lGll8 of 8ectiaa 1710 of the tailor Cod.i tb. CltHCouI\cll of the C:Lt, of ....hafa. bad ...taln" the ~..all r.t. of ...... t.D the loc.l:Lty in _leb tbl.. t". of labor . to be perfoZMd 1ft eech craft or t". of wor'kIIiID or .-cb...t~ needed to __ute the cGDtr.-:t, - _lch "... 80.1. I. OD flJ,e :lD the Offle.. of th. C1CJ' Clerk aDd City ...t.D..r. '. -'''-'', the Clt7 Clerk of the Cit,. of Mah.1II did I"ec.i". th. fo110w:Laa ...led ~opo..l. prloZ to .2:00 o'clock '.11. on the 13th Clal 'of ~, l' 66 . t.a re.... to the DOt1.ce .~ore..lil .lDVlttiil' ...led propo..a, 1:0 .vit: . - RALPH DE LEON CONSTRUCTION, INC. JAMES A. MORAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. M. L. GARTEN . DALE CASADA CONSTRUCTION CO. . SCOTT BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. FAR WESTERN PIPELINE, INC. CIty CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HAINES CONSTRUCTION FAMeO CONSTRUCTION CO. R.E.AND R.W.CRANE, INC. ROBERT E. SCHOLES McADOO WHITE . :mr&1I ~ICB $11,871.91 11,994.61 12,037.'50 12,720.00 13,955.85 14,432.30 14,758. 50 . 15,495.46 15,694.50 16,270.10 17,346.80 19,549.00 .............. AID ......, die Clt, _la_ did t.....pOIl .....". ... tabulate .aieI ...led pl'Opo..l. .. did r.~rt to th. Clt,. Coaac:L1 tb. re.alt of bie ..~_ht.t:l.oD .. ta1IialatlaD;. aDd V.._BA8. th. Cit7 Couacll fiDd. that the ...led ~..PO- ..1 .ubIr1tted bJ'. RALPH DE LEON CONSTRUCTION. INC.. 207 Cof.rman A enue Anaheim Call:1:0rn1a . . ..... 1'..". . 'propo.. eu I' ~. III of .11 . plat , 1.bOr. .em.c.., _terl.l. aDd ....u:L~.:l: .11 utll1tl.. ad tr..port.tlOD, lDclad:Laa pou-, fuel '. wt_ aDd ~fond.Dl .11_* Dec....~ to COD.tract _ c--.lete ill . ~ ad ~ikMD1:Lk. mama_, :Lia .tric:t .-:cordaDce vltb th. 8J8Clf1.c.tioa., pl.. aDd dr~ therefor OD fil..:I.D eM Offte. of the Clt, Clerk of tbe Clt,. of M..ta. the ~bl:LO .iIIpny....t ....:Laallovia _tlODed ad de_rlNd, _eth.. Wltla the ......rt.- '..... tllereto,. aDd .. .pec:Lfled. :I.D the DOt:l.ce llWltlDa ...led . ~~..1., ... that ..id '1'Opo..l of ..id above-ow..' iidder .baGld be taCc.pted aDd . .contract ..-rded to. ..id b:l.ddft III Mccmlaace th__lda, act . ..lIAS the City CoaDcil fiDd. that th. ....-.wtlaud Maled pl'Opo..l I. tba l....t r..poa.lb1. pr~..l .el". .... tbat tbe per.on, flna or corpor.tloD aabldttiirl ..141 ~po..l :L. . ~.poD.lb1. ~... fim or cor~r.tioD aBcI that tb. propo- u1 aaIIdtted i. the beat .ulted aacI fltted for the "'1:1.0 . 1IIp~ ...a't to be. c..cnated. . mil , . I'r UIOLVD bJ' th. Clty CouDcll of tile City of lUbeiaLtbAt the ...led propo..l ...bldtt'" ..,. .....i6W DE LEON CONS',L"KUCTION. INC. .. ~r tile banas..'id... o~ .~~1.8Dt. J.aDOI:. MMe.. _c_s.a~. ad 8Clal,...nt, .11 utlllt!... cr....porta- tlaD, laC1udlal pow_. fuel ad _t_. ad perfoad... .11 '1fO&"k -2- - Dec~..arI ~p construCt' and cOlllp"let.., in . loOd ad vor1aaaDl1ke MIlDer. D strict accord81lCe with the .~ificatloii.,' 'pl.. aDd dr..ias. tberefor on file in'the OffiCe of'tbe City Clerk of the City of AIlahe1m aDd tbe notice invitiDl ...led ,ro,o.a18 1 , the .- public work. ad improvemeDt bereiubove, lIor. particul.r ,. ..- tioned ancI de.cribed} toletber with the .,purteaance.' thereto. be. and the ... i8. bereby, accepted. and' that . cODtr~t for' tbe con8truction and completion of ..id publ:1.c' illpr~t be, ad the ... i. bereby. .ardecl to tbe. .~.id ab~-UMd bi~~. AID . IT ruRTIID DSOLVED that tb. .ucce..fal bidder' or bidder. UpoD uch contract .arded a. hereinabove .et' fo~tb .b.ll bel ad they are hereby required to _ecute a cODtraCt :lD "tiae re- ' qu red fon witb ,tbe City of Anabe:LIII upon the tena _d cOlUlitiOQ8 .pecified in the notice invitlna .e.led ,proposal. and the prope..l .u~tted by laid .ucceslful blader or bidders and to accordance with "):b_ plans and specifications for said public :l.mproVement be,:_- inabove described, and in ,accordance with the terM. cODditl~., and pzoovl.icm. of this resolution, and that .aid .ucce..fal b~dd.r or bidder. to whom each contract i. .arded .ha1l be r~uirecl to mr:- ni.b a .urety bond in an amount equal to ODe bUDdJ'ed 'per cent (1001) of the contract price for all labor'. _teri.1, aDd eq..ipl*lt to be - ~m:L.bed and performed. a. .et fortb iD the ...led pro,o..1 .ub- IIltted by .aid bidder for tbe conltructiom of .aid pm1ic ,improve- .-Dt, tolether witb the appurtenances thereto. or .ach portion tbfteof.... i8 covered b7 .aid contract. .. s_ur,it, for the faitb- ful performance of ...id contract ad a .e~Z'at. surety bond 10 aD' e.-..mt equal to one hWldred per cent (1001.) of the con.truction co.t of ..id public improvement covered by sald cODtret. .a .ecu- rit, for the payMl\t of,all persODs perfoNiD& l.bor and fl'.lmi.~ materu1 for ,8ald project. ' AID BE IT I1JRTBlI. IlSOLVID that s.ld .ucces8fa1 bidder: or bldder:. be. and they are bereby required to faml.b to the City of ADabelll in cOllp8niee satisfactory to the Citl of ADabei.. pub1lc 11ab1lit,. property d...... c0llp8llL.atiOD. ail otb_ lDl~rance in tbe .tIIOUnts and for the purpose. al 'set forth ad specified in the DOt:l.ce inviti. ...led propo8als. aDd 8ubject to the approval of tbe City Attome7 as to 'fom and .uff:Lciccy. AD BE IT I1JI.TBIR BESOLVID that the "-JOr and the Ci~y Cler:k of the City of Anabei. be, and they are hereby. autborized _d directed to laake, execute _d enter into, for aDd on behalf of tbe City of Anabe:l.m. a witten contract with .aid succe..ful b:l.clcler or bidders for the furnisbi. of all plant. labor} mate- , rlals, and equi~t and perfoZ'lDiIll all work. as beZ'eiUDOVe IIIOr. part:l.cu1arly descrlMc1{ for tbe cOD.truction. in.tallation and coaqt1etion of .aid pub ic i1BprovemeDt hereinabove described upon tbe t__ and condit:l.ons as specified in tbe notice illV1tiDl ...led prorsa18. the detailed, de.laD. p1._. profilel. dr_i.. .ad lenera specifieatiOD8 aDd detailed specifiCatiOD8 and dr..- ~s, and all addenda thereto. and all _dificatlOD' incorporated tberein ~rior to the elate of the op.i. of bids, on file in tbe Office of the Cit7 Clerk of the City of ADab.l. and in strict ~corclaDce with the terms. condition. and provieioli. of this re.olutioD, ad in accordance with .11 of the contr.:t document8 berein .pacified. , ftllOIIGODQ USOLUrIOR i8 slaDed and approved by - this 18th -7 of January . it 66 . .,,-- ~ / ( 0d' C~ b'~III - -3- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s s . CITY Of ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-33 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 18th day of January, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein NOES: COUNC ILMEN : None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim, approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-33 on the 18th day of January, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 18th day of January, 1966. (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-33 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 18, 1966. ~_I_ Ar: )b_;.-.- CITY CLERK -,