66-031 - RESOLUTION NO. 66R-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, . FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING' ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT.. AND'. COMPLETE THE POLEOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT:' THE SOutH StREET 'STORM DRAIN ~N VERH>NT AVENUE ~ EAST STREET. SANTA ANA S ET AND SOUTH STREET. IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. JOB NO. 5019. PHASE 1. WHEREAS, th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin , on the 30th day of Decembtt.s. 1965 and the 6th day of Januar~~ 1966 a notICe inviting sealed proposals for furniShing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipm~nt, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: The South Street Storm Drain, in Vermont Avenue from Avocado Street to East Street, in East Street from Vermont Avenue to Santa Ana Street, in Santa Ana Street from East Street to Haven Drive, and in South Street from East Street to Barnett Street, in the City of Anaheim, consisting of construction of 72, 45, 42, 39, 33 and 30-inch mainline R.C.P. and 30, 24, 21 and 18- inch lateral R.C.P., manholes, junction structures, brick and mortar bulkheads, including tight sheeting, trench resurfacing and appurtenant work as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, Job No. 5019, Phase 1. in accordance with. the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and - . . WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposa1s for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of.the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 13~h day of January , 19 66 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfQrming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- - pa~tieular17 _tloDed and de8O~ibed, aDd whieh DOtie. did .tat. ad declare 'that Cr.uat to th. ~ov:l..:l.oD. of lect:l.oD 1770 of th. LaIIo~ Cod., t . Cit!;Councl1 of th. Cit, of ~. bad ..uta:l.Ded the ~..al1 rat. of...... :l.D the locality 1D 1IIl:l.ch thi. tJP8 of labor . to be p..fo~ for ..h craft or t7P8 of wora.- or .-cbaD:l.c needed to __ute the c_t__t, aDd wblcb .... 8Oa1. i. _ file lD th. Offie.. of th. City Clerk aacI Cit7 _1_1'. . _...., th. Clt, Clerk of th. City of ~ab.1a did rec.i". the fol1ow:l.Da ...led lI1"opo.a1. prior to .2:00 o'clock .... _ the 13th .CIa,'of~. l' 66.:l.D n.~ to the DOt:l.ce afor..aiel 11l'V1tiDI .~led propiiiti. to ..s.t: ' - JAMES A. K>RAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 'KORDICH & SON, INC. AND MARTIN F. KORDICH, JOINT VENTURE R. J. THOMAS, CONTRACTOR STEVE DAL,' CORP. R.E. AND R.W. CRANE, INC. HARH>N T. MAY & SONS RALPH DE LEON CONSTRUCTION, INC. 'IODL aD $207,033.05 270,427.00 273,134.50' 289'~?~3.00 30~,.~42;~ 30 . ... ~ 337.,723.20 339,127.04 - AD ....... th. Clt, BqiDeu did t_-PDD ....... ad ta1Malat. .aid ...led propo.a1. aDd did r.port to th. City CoaDcl1 tb. reault of bi. ..........tloD aad tabialatloD. .... ".-IAI. th. Cit, COUDCi1 fllul. that the aealed propo- ..1 .ubII:l.tted by ~. K>RAN CONSTRUCTION. INC. 1915. North rae~a . . ...t r..poD. . 'propo.a.u t t . . . of all plaDt, labOr, ..n:l.Ce.. _tarial. ad' ..u:l.~t" a1.1 IItil1tl.. aDd tr..port.t:l.oD, :l.Dc1uc1iD1 "'1'. fuel ... .wcar aDd ~f01':lli.1Dl all work Dec....~ to ~OD.tZ'UCt aDd ooilp1et. ill a loOd &ad woi'1alan1:l.k. maner, ia .t~:l.ct acconaac. with th. 8pecif:l.catiOll.. pl.. aad d~awlI!I. therefor OR fi1. :La the Off:l.c. of th. Cit, Clerk of the Cit7 of Aubeill, th. public: . illpZOWI...t bere:l.aa1lOvia .-atlO1led aDd d.ac:ribed, toa.thel' W:l.tIa tile 'ap~te- ....... tbueto, aDCI .. .paclfled la th. aot:l.c. :l.av1tiDa ...led . ~~..1., ..... that ..id proposal of .aid above-w-..' ildder .boiald 'be acc.pted aDCI . .contract .arded to .aid b:l.ddu lD acccmla1c. th.r_ithi ad ..a.u the City CoaDc:l1 f1Dcls that the Uove-MDtioaed .ea1ed propo.a1 1. tM l...t ~..pOD.ibl. propo.al nOelVed ad that the per._. fin or corporatlOD .ubldttlila .aid ~po..11. a r~.poD.lb1. per._, fim or coZ'~rat1aD aDd that th. papo- aa1 .aullldtted 1. th. be.t .lIited ad fitted for th. pub1ie 1IIpn~...1l1: to be, c~.tncted. .. ~...DCIlB. . IT U80L9D .., th. City CouDc:l1 of the City of lUbeta, tut the ...led propo.a1 .lIbIIltted by JAMES A. K>RAN CONSTRUCTIO":; INC. '. m~ t Dlml....li'i o~ ai~~t, 1.aIIOr. MftIC... _cerUl. Del eqUl~t, all ui:iliti.. trali.pozta- tt._. 1acludiDI povR'. fuel aDd _tar. ad ,.foni. .111fOrk -2- - Dec....ry t~ construCt . and cOllp"lete'. in a food aDd worbtaD1:l.ke __er. in' strict accorcLmce with tbe epee ficatloDs,. p1.s and dr_i.e th.refor on file in'tbe Off:l.ce of' .th. City Clerk of ~h. City of ADabei. aDd the notice invitiDS s..led propo.a1.1 th. -.- public ~rki and illlprovemeDt ber.iuboVe. IIlOr. putlcula~ , ..- tioned ad deacr1becl.. to.eth.r with the appurtenaDC.. thereto, be, &Del the ._ is. bereby, accepted, ad:. that a cODtr_t for" " the cODstruct:LOIl ad cOIDpl.tion of .aid pUblic' :l.IIpr~t be. ' &Del the e_ i. hereby, ..rdecl to the ..id .bove-u.ed bidder. "..... . - . .".. --. -.. , . AID . IT ruRTBla DSOLVED that tbe '.acc...fll1 b:l.dcler or b:l.dcler. u~ eacb contract .arded .. bereiaabove .et. fo~tb, .b.1~ bel aDd tbe, are hereby required to a_ute a CODt~act ia tDe re- qu red fon with. the City of Anabe:l.m upon tbe t.nu1 and cODCIitiOQ8 .pecifi.d in tbe notiCe inv:l.tina s..led propos.le .nd the propo..l .u~tted by eaid successful bidder or bidders and :I.n ac;cordaace . with' the p1an8 and 8pecifications for said public :l.mprov_ent hel'e- iDabove de8cribed, and in accordance witb the terM, cODditl~,' and pzov:l..icm. of thi8 re8olution, and that said succee.fll1 b~dd.r or bidder. to wboaa each contract is .arded eh.11 be requir.ed. to fur- ni.h . auret)' bond :in an aount equal to one bimd,red 'per CeDt (1001) of the contract pr:l.ce for all laben', _terial. ad 8qu:iJll*lt to b. . fumi.hed and perfonaecl. a8 s.t forth in the ...1ed pro,oe.1 sub- II1ttecl by .aid bidder for the cODstruction of .aid ~lic improve- .-at, ~.th.r with the appll11:'teunces ther.to. or eacb portion thereof'..s is covered by .aid contract, .s lecuZ'lt, foZ' the faith- ful' perforunce of lald contract ad a .~paZ'ate 'suret, bond in - 81111DUDt equal to eme hwulred per CeDt (100'1) of the cOD.tructiOll co.t of e.id public improvement cov.red by said .cOIltract. .. seca.- rit, for the payment of all pe1:'lcms p.rfon:tDa labor and fumi.ld.. _ter:l.a1 for .aid ,projeCt. ABD . IT PUllTBIa USOLVED tbat laid .acee.sfu1 bidd.r or biddel's be. aDd they are bereb, requirecl to fumi.b to the City of Anabe:l.a in companies satl.factory to the Citl of ADabeim, public liability, propel't, d....., c0IDp8llLsation, ail otb.' illeul"~. in tbe amounts and for the pu~po.e. a. 'set forth 8Dd epeeifled in the IlOt:l.ce ioviti. 1..1ed proposals, .nd .ubject to thit approv.1 of the C,lt, Attone,. .. to fom &DCl .uffieienc,. ' aD BE IT IUaTIID USOLVED that tbe "'JO~ aDd the Ci~, C1e~k of tbe City of ADab.im be, aDd the, aZ'e ber.b" autbo~i.8d ad directed to Iaak., execute and ater iDto, for aDd on b.balf of tbe. City of ADabew, a witten contract with .aid eacc.s8fu1 b:l.dcler or bidders for the furoi.biDS of all p1aDt, labor, mate- rial., aDCl equipal8Dt and perfond.na .11 work, as bereiuDOVe amra part:l.cular1y descrl1Md{ for the cOIlLStructiOD. lnsta11ation and c.,letion of .aid pub ic illproveMDt b.Z'e:l.nabove de80ribecl upon tb. t.nae and condlt:l.cme a. specified in the notice iDVltiD& ...led pror.als, th. detailed, de.laD, p1_., profilea, drawt.. aDd ._.ra epacif:l.eattons.and detailed .pacifiCations and dl'.- ~., aDd .11 add_cia thereto, ad .11 lIIOdification. incorporated therein prior to the date of.ttie openi~ of bid.t on fi1.:Ln the Office of the City C1e1:'k of the City of ADabel. and in atr'ict KcordaDce .ith tbe terM, conditions &Del provis:l.cxi. of thia reso1utioD, ad in accorclance with all of the ccmtract cIocuments herelD .pacified. .,. IODGOUQ DSOLU'lIOR is alaDed and appl'oved by - thl. 18th cia,. of January , 11 66. . ~/'.:2- /Z:;z-' ..._ctfC-_... h~" ..Y"' - / ,-;'-.. . r . , .c.,.'- ), ~'-""""'" . . r !OR or 'fB CITY ...~ -3- .-. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-3l was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided bV law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 18th day of January, 1966, bV the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein NOES: COUNC ILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNC ILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mavor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-3l on the 18th day of January, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 18th day of January, 1966. (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-3l duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 18, 1966. ~~ ~~ ,.,...~ CITY CLERK -.