66-123 -, RESOLUTION NO. 66R-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, ,.FUEL AND WA~R, AND PERFORMING' ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT :'AND ,COMPLETE' THE EOLWWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT :' INSTALLATION OF SMIT ltJ;GRTING IN DACT NO. Za76. JOB NO. 993. , WHEREAS, 'th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bu).letin ,on the 27th of .Januarv ~ fhA 1f.d of w~~. 19t6 a not ce nvit ng sea e proposa s for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, _teria1s and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to CODStruct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the CitI Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the fo lowing public improvement, to wit: Furnishing and installing complete in place, in Tract No. 2876, in the City of Anaheim, 13 Dead End Standards No. 730DE, per City of Anaheim Design No. 730, four Dead End Standaras No. 731DE, per City of Anaheim Design No. 731, and special provisions, including concrete foundations, aDchor bolts, pole t~adaPters, arm assemblies, cable, lUlllinaires, 18mps, h h voltage signs, iiDS, insulators, and appurtenant wor as more particu ar1y set forth in the plans and specifications 'on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Job No. 993. in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposals for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk ._, of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the ~Oth day of February ,19 66 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, ,all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfprming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- - paEticular1, _tlODed and deacribecl. and wb:lcb DOt:lc. did .t.t. aad declar. "that pur.ua1lt to tb. ~ov:l.:I.oD. of 8eet:loll 1770 of th. LUoE Cod., tb. Cit!i;ouDCi1 of the Cit, of ~"'III .... aacerta:I.Ded the ~fta:l1 E.te of ..... :lIa the localitJ ia _:Lob tM. tJP8 of 1aboE . to be perfonad for ucb craft or t". of _1'.... or ..badt!. ueded to __ute the CODt~act. aMI wblcb .... ac.1. i. OR f:L1. :I.D tbe Off:lc.. of th. Cic, C1edt aDd CitJ "iIl..r. '. ....... tb. C:Lt:r Clerk of th. CitJ of Aaab.1II did I'ec.i". th. fo110ldDa ...led propo..1. prlor to .2:00 0 · clock .... OIl the 10th ial '~ruar\-ea . l' 66 , ill n.~ to the DOtk. .foE..aid' t ... propiiiti, ~o .wit: . .. ~ plCl ~. D. JOHNSON & CO. SMITH ELECTRIC SUPPLY STEIRY AND MI'lCBEL. IRC. $7,742.00 $8,160.00 $10,421.00 : " . ., ., . . ... . -.. .- AID WlDIAI. the Clt, _iu_ did t__poD ......... ad tabulat. .aid ...led propo..l. ad did r.~rt to the. Cit, CouDci1 ~ E..ult of hi. ...~...t:l.oD ad taIIiI1.tiaD; aMI .....I!!"IU. tha Citf Coaacll f:Lad. that the ...led pzopo- ..1 .allllitted. bJ lL D. .TnHNSnw ~ r.n.. . P. o. 'Rfty #29, AnAhAimr . a ...t r..poIl' a . pEOpo'. .U I' .' D8 of .11 'plaDt. 1.bor. ..m.c... _teri.1. aDd ....Ul~ci" .11 uti1iti.. ... tl'a.port.tloa.. :LacludUs ,.... fuel ..ter aDd ~fond.q .11 work Deceli.a~ to ~OD.tnat ad aoilpleta :I.D a ~ &ad. ~n.aal:lka maD". :lia ~trict .cordaaca witb th. ....ific.tiOD.. p1... aDCI dr-', theEafor OD fil. :lD th. Off:lc. of th. Citf Clerk of tbe Cltf of Aaabe:la. th. pab1:lc . iIIpny....t ber.iaa.... .-tiOD" aacl deacriNd. ~eth_ with the '.p~t.- ....... .tII.eto. aacI .. .pecified ill th. DOtlee :I.a9ltlDa ...led . ~~..1.. ... that ..:Ld propo..1 of ..id abaft..,""'" it.tW. .baiald 'be acc.pted aacI . .cODtract .-rded to aaf.cl b:lclder .la acccmlaac. tharewlChi ... .ealed p=:tll. t~_ Ct2.~~~~~t. t:::"'C::l-=:i;:t=ed tbat tha perIOD. fin or corpor.tloa aubldttlila ..id ~po..l :I.. a ~'poD.ibl. ~r.OD. lim or cor~rat:l.oD aDd that tile propo- ..1 .lUid.tted i. th. be.t .uited ad fitted for th. public illpZ'ftI.a.t to be. COD.tncted. . BOIl ~DCIlI. . IT UIOLVD bJ th. City CouDci1 of tb. Clef of lUb.:Ia. tbAt the ...led propo..l .w.ltted It7 . 11:- D. ~~ of a1~kal:, 1AIIolW, aenI.C_. _ter2.a~. ad 8qul..-nt. .11 uti itia. tr..porta- tioa, lacludiDI .... fuel aDd _ta'l aDd perfoad... 811 'work -2- - Dec....rI t,o construCt ,.nd complete', in a tOod aDd workmanlike ..mier ~ D strict accordance with tbe spec; ficatioDs.. plaas and drawi.. tberefor on file in' tbe Office of'. tbe City Clerk of the City of ADabei. aDd tbe notice invitiDl lealed p~oPO'.lll" the --- public ~rk. and 1aapro~t ber.iubove. liar, particu1.r ., MD- tiODed aDd delcribed} together with tbe 'ap~rteDaDcel'tbereto, be, and tbe ._ is.. nereby, accepted, and tb.t a cODtr~t for' th. conltructlOD and cOllpletioll of lald public' illpr~t be, aDd tbe 1_ i. bereby, .arded to tbe.. ,..id ab~-UMd l!idcl~..... ..- , . am _ IT ruRTBEI. IlSOLVID .that tbe 'Iuccellful bidder 'or bidders upon each contract .arded a. bereinabove set. fOZ'tb, sb.ll be aDCl tbey are hereby required to aecute a cODtract in tae re- quired fon with, the City of AD.abeiDa upon the tenaa _d cOlUlitiOQ' specified in tbe notice invitiDl sealed proposal. and the propolal silblaitted by said 8ucces8ful blCkler or bidders and 10 accordance with ."the plans and specification. for .aid public iDaproV8ID8Dt here- inabove described, and in accordance with the ter., cODditi~., .and pJ:ovi'ions of this resolution, anci that said successful bidder 'or bidders to wboll each contract 1s .ardecl sh.ll be required. to fur- Dilb . surety bond in an &1DCHmt equal to one bimd~ed 'per cent(lOO1) of the contract pr10e for all labOr, _teri.1. _ eq..i~t to be - famished aDd perforMCi, as set forth in the s..led propos.l sub- Idtted by said bidder for the construction of' _id pUblic .illlprove- aaeDt. ~etber witb the apPlllrtenanc:es thereto. or such portion , th_eof..... is covered by said contract, .. secal'ity for the faitb- fu1' performance of ..1d contract aDd . s~pa1!'.te surety boDd in aa. .lIIN,I1\t equal to em. bandred per cent (1001) of the cOD8truct101l cost of said public im.p>rovement covered by .aid .ccmtr8Ct, .e .ecu- rity for the paJlll8Dt of all perIODS perfo1:la1n& labor 'and fumisbl.. _tRial for .sald projeCt. ' AIm . IT ruRTBlI. RESOLVED that ..id successful bidder or bidders be, and tbey are bereby required to fumish to the City of Anabelal in coaapanies satisfactory to the Cltf of ADabei., pub11c liability, property d....., c0lDp8lllsatiOD, ail otb_ iuur~e in the amounts and for tbe purpose. as '.et fortb and specified in the notice lnvitilll sealed proposa18, amd .ubj ect to the approv.1 of tbe C.ity Attone)' a. to fon and sufficiency. .aD II IT ruB.TBI1l RlSOLVID that tbe .YOI:' md the City Clerk of the City of Anahei. be, AlIld the, are bereby, authorized ad directed to luke, aecute and enter luto, for and on behalf of tbe. City of ADabei., a written contract with 'sa~d .ucc.ssfu1 bidder or bidders for the famisbiDS of all plat, labor} lllate- rials, aDd equipmeDt and perfond.DI all work, a. bereiuDove Il101'. particularly de.crilMd1 for the construction, installation and c0llp1etion of laid pub ic illprov-.eDt hereiuabove described upon tbe tens and conditlcms a. specified in tbe DOtiee inv:LtiDl se.led pror.all, tbe detailed. des laD , .plan8, profile., dr_i.s 'ad a_era specif1c:atiODs and detailed specification8 and draw- l~s, aDd. .11 addencla thereto, and all modifications incorporated tberein prior to tbe date of the op.i. of bids. on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of ADabe:l.a and in strict _cordaDce with the terms, ccmclitions aDCl provisions of this reso1utioD, _d in accordance witb all of tbe contract cIocwaent. berein specified. DB rouaoUG UsourrIOB is slaDed and approved by - tbis ~day of Februarv , It 66 . e~'~~~ MAYOR 01' TBI CI . AlWIIDI -3- - - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) .-.... I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-123 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 15th day of February, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein NOES: COtm::ILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNC ILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-123 on the 15:th day of February, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 15th day of Februa~y, 1966. ~ ~ 2l7a-~ ~or-.; CI CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-123 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on . Feb,ruary 15, 1966. ~'L~~ ~ ~..: ~" CITY CLERK ..-..