66-154 ,.- .-.... RESOLUTION NO. 661.-154 A RESOLUTION or THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY or ANAilEIM ACCEFl'ING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER rOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT! LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, ,.FUE;L AND WATF::R, AND PERFORMING' ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT." AND ',COMPLETE', T.RE "EOLtOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT:- THE' 'IMPROVEMENT OF" 'PORTIONS OF lCATELLA. AVENUE AND HARBOR BOULEVARD. IN THE CITY OF 4NAHEIMr JOB NO. 1006. WHEREAS, 'thl?! City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be i' ublished in a newspaper of general circulat,ion, printed, pub ished and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin ,on the 10th and 17th days of Februarl- 1966. a notice inviting sea ed proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the ,following public improvement, to wit: The improvement of Katella Avenue from approximately 573 feet west of Harbor Boulevard to approximately 168 feet west thereof, and the improvement of Harbor Boulevard from approximately 347 feet south of Katella Avenue to approximately 1074 feet south thereof, in the City of Anaheim, consisti~ of excavation, including haulaway, disposal and compacted embankment; con- struction of A.C. pavement, aggregate base, P.C.C. curb; installation of redwood header, paddleboards and traffic signs; adjustment of manholes and water valve boxes to grade; removal of A.C. pavement and P.C.C. curb; relocation of pull box (traffic), and appurtenant work as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifications on file:ln the Office of the" City Clerk or City Engineer, Job No. 1006. in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposal$ for said public imp~ovement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk .-.. of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 24th day of "Yebruary ,1966 ,for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, .al1 utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfprming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- --- paztlcalar1,. _tiODecI acI de8Czlbed. ad whicb DOtie. did state IIDd declare 'that' pursuant to tbe ~ov1.1oa. of 8ectloD 1770 of th. Labozo Cod.i tb. Clt!;CouDcl1 of the Clt, of -.twill .... uc_talDed the ~."al1 rate of .... lD the local1t7 in _lob tbl. t". of lDozo . to be perfo~ for ellCb craft or tn- of workllim or MCbaDlo Deeded to aecate the cODtZOllCt. IIDd wblob .... .ca1. 1. Oft file ift tbe Offic.. of th. Cle"Cl.rk aDd Cle, ....DMZ'. ...... th. Cltf Clerk of th. Clt7 of Aaab.ta did rec.l.. th. followlDa ...led pJ:opo.al. pz'lor to .2:00 ollclock .... OIl the 24th a&, ~f ~. l' 66 , ill r....... to the DOtic. a:tozoe..lil'1D.v1.ti.DI .~~.. propiiiti, ~o .vit: " R. J. NOBLE COMPANY . SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY GRIFFInl COMPANY ~ IJ\ICB $13,839.60 16,129.00 16,409.00 .. ..- ,AlD1IIPM8. tb. Clt, _lu_ did t....... ....eft. aDd tabulat. .aid ...led propo.a1. ad dlcl r.PCl>>rt to th.. Clt, Couacil tb. re.lilt of bi. .,.~ut1OD aDd tUia1atlaD~ .... ..,WU. the Clt, Coaac11 fiDd., that' tbe ...led propo- ..1 .a1IId.tted b7, R. J. NOBLE COMPANY. P.O. BOx 620. Orall2'e. California . . . ...t r..poIl. e . ,zoo,o...a tt zo e .. III of all 'plaDt. labor. .ent.ee.. _tRial. ad .....ul~t,.. all utiliti.. ad tr..port.tlOD, lDclac11Dl ..... fuel ~ .e. .... ~f~ all vozlt nec....~ to COD.truct ad c0IIp1et. ill a ~ aDd ~ikllaDllk. .-ner.' lia .trkt .:cordaDc. with th. ".-cificatloD.. pl._ ad dr,,-. tbeJ:.for OIl fil., ill the Offle. of th. Clt7 Clerk of tb. City of Aaabe:la. th. publlO .s..pny...t ........... MatiODeeI and deec:zo1bed. ~etb_ with tile .p~t.- .......... 'tIIer.to., &Del as .peclfled, ill the DOtiee iDritlila ...led . ~..1.. ... that ..1d propo.al of .aid, above-,,~' i1dde1' .baiald be IICCep~ed aDd a ,CODtract _neel'to ..lei bldd_ lD ' acccmlaac. thezo-.ltbi aruI "lIAS, the Clty CouDcll find. tut the ~-_tloaed sealed propo.al 1. the l....t r..poa.lbl. ~po.al no..t". ad tbat the per... fin.. cozopozo.tlOll .ubld.ttlill .aid ~po.al 1. . r~.POD.lb1. ~ZO.OD. fim or cor~ratloa aid that tbe propo- ..1 .8UbId.tted 1. th. be.t .alted ad fitted for tb. public ' ~._Ilt to be, COD.tnctal. ' .. . . IT aISOLVD b7 tile City CouDcl1 of Cbe City of 1Mb~&~1 tut the ...led pz'opo.a1 ...bldtted .,. R. J. .NOBLE COMPANY , .. ' MftI.C_. _1:_1.&1. aDd '::I'=t~t.~i:Ie:l~~::'.=~ ,tloa. :lacludial pouK. fuel ad .tR. ad perfoni" .11 :work -2- --- Dec....ry t~ construct and comp-1ete',' ln a lood aDd voz1aaaDlike Mniter it In' strict accorclance with tbe specification8,' plans and drawl.... ther.for 011 flle In' the OffiCe of'. the Clt, Clerk of the Cltf of Anabel. .Dd the notice inY1tl. ...led pJ:opo.al.I"tb. ..- pub lc work. ad illpZ'Oyemetlt ber.iuboVe. IIOZ. partic'ular 7 .-0- tloned ancI deacrlbecl.. tOletb.r wlth the .ppurteDaDCe.' th.zeto, be, and tb. _.... 1... lIereb" acce,ted, and' that . CODtl'ac,t fozo- the constructlOll aDd completion of .aid public' ialpZove.aDt -, ad the ._ i. bereby, .arded to th... .~.~d .bove-~ bl~~. .. ' - , , AIm II IT ruRTBBIt UIOLVID 'that tb. '.ucc...ful bidder or bldcler. upcna eacb contract _arded .. bereiaabove ..t forth" .b.ll be aDd they are bereby required to aecute a CODtl'aCt la tile r.- qulred fora with, the City of Anahelaa UpeD the t.nua and ccmclltlOQs .pecified In the notice invitina sealed pJ:oposal. aDd the propo.al .w.ttted'by s.ld succe.sful biader or bidders and in ~cozda1lCe wlth'th. plans aDd specificationl for .aid public ilDprovement here- inabove de.cribed, and in accordance with tb. ter_, conditl~,' and pJ:ovi.ionl of this resolution, and that said succe..ful bidder or bidder. to whoai eacb contract 1. .arded .hall be r~uir.ed to ful'- D1.h a .uJ:et,. bond in an aIDOUDt equal to one bUDctred 'per cent (1001) of the CODtZ'act ,rice for .11 labor, Mterial. aDd eq,-i,-nt to b. - fami.hed and perforaaed, as .et fortb In the ...led pn,o..l sub- _tted by .ald bldder for tbe cOllstructiOD of ..id pUbllc iapZ'OVe- ID8Dt, ~.tb.r with tbe appurtenances tbereto'o~ .uch poztlon tbu_f"AS is cOYezoed b,. .aid contract, .. secuzit,. foz tbe falth- fu1' performance of said contract and . .~p.rat. sazety bond in an ..-unt equal to one hanclred per cent (lOR) of the construction co.t of .aid public improvement coyezed by ..ld .c01ltrllCt, a. 88OQ.- rlty fozo the p.,.ent of all persons ,erfondq labor ad fuml.ld.. Mterlal for said projeCt. . , , . AID . IT lURTBlI. IESOLVID that s.ld .ucca..ful b:l.cIcI.z oz blcldezs be, and the,. are hereby required to fami.h to the City of ADabelaa in companle.s s.tlsfactory to th. Citl of ADab.ilD, public 11abllity, property d....., cOlDpellL.ation, ail other ill.ur~e In tbe ~mouDtS .Dd for the pazpose. .s 'set forth aDd specified In the notice lnvitias sealed proposals, and subject to' the approval of tbe C.tty Attorney as to form and .ufflciency. . AD 81 IT roItTIIIR USOLVED that the _YOZ' aDd the ,City Clezk of the City of Anahei. be, ad the, .re 'llereby, authorized ad dlzected to mike, execute and ateI' into, fozo aDd em beha1.f of th. Clty of Anaheim, a written contract w:l.tb'. .aid slICce.sfal bldcleZ' oz bidders for tbe fumi8hiaa of all p1aDt~. 1.borJ;....te- '. zolal., and equipaamt and perfanal. all work, as bereiDaoove IDOl'. pazoticulazl,. deSCrib"l for the ccmstructiou, installation and coagtl.tion of sald pub ic ilBproveaent her.inabove d..crlbed upon the tens and conditlcm8 a. .,ecifled ln the notice invit:l.D1 ...1ed pror.al., the detai.led. d..laD, plaDs,. pzooflla., drawiDl. acll_.zoa speclf:l.caticms .and detailed specifiCations and dz.- ~., ad all adclenda thezoeto, ancI all IIIOdific.ticm. incozporated tb.ein prior to tbe d.te of tbe opea:l.. of bicl., OIl file ln tbe Office of the Cit,. Clerk of the City of ADab.i. and ln stzict IICcorclanc. with tbe tel'll8, conclition. ad provi.ion. of this r..olutioa, _d in accordaDCa with .11 of tbe contract documents b.reln speclfledo TII IOllIOODG 'USOLtJ'lIOB i. slaDed aDd .,pzoOvecl by - tb:l.. 1st da,. of March , l' 66 . a. /r?:?e ~":-L- mil 01' TBB CIn or III -3- ,."-. Sf ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OOANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-154 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 1st day of March, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereofl AYES I COUNCILMEN I DUtton, Pebley, Chandler and Krein N OESI CClJNCILMEN I None ABSENT I COONCILMEN I Schutte AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-154 on the 1st day of March, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 1st day of March,' '1~66. (SEAL) .1, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby'certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-154 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on M.arch 1, 1966. Q-~~ ~. )~.. ~.~_-J CITY CLERK ~~..