AHA - 2023/01/10 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 2023 The Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting of January 10, 2023 was called to order at 5:09 P.M. in the Council Chamber of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. in joint session with the Successor Agency to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, the Anaheim Public Financing Authority, the Anaheim Housing and Public Improvements Authority, and the Anaheim City Council. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on January 5, 2023. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ashleigh E. Aitken and Authority Members Natalie Rubalcava, Jose Diaz, Carlos A. Leon, Stephen Faessel, and Natalie Meeks [One Authority Member vacancy] STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Jim Vanderpool, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and Secretary Theresa Bass ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS (all agenda itemsj: No electronically submitted public comments related to the Anaheim Housing Authority agenda. Aida Garcia addressed the tabling of the rent stabilization ordinance by Mayor Sidhu in 2019 and alleged that corruption had far-reaching affects on Anaheim residents, particularly the mobile home owners in Rancho La Paz. She asked the Authority to reach out to mobile homeowners and enact a rent stabilization ordinance retroactive to 2019. She also recommended the Authority work with Habitat for Humanity on housing problems. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Council Member Meeks wished everyone a Happy New Year and, as the City's representative on the Orange County Water District, provided an update on the rain and noted it is currently above average for the season, which is expected to continue. Council Member Faessel requested the meeting adjourn in memory of JoAn Burdick, Anaheim High School (AHS) Class of 1951, AHS Hall of Fame inductee, stage and screen star, and community volunteer. He thanked Larry Larsen and Vern Nelson for their online comments regarding Ms. Burdick. He displayed photos and highlighted the Anaheim Public Library's 3D Printing Program that started in 2019 as part of their STEAM program, including 40 classes held in 2022 with over 2,400 participating residents. He congratulated the Library and the Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim for helping expand the program. He reported that the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) elected a new Chairperson, Don Ortega, from Fullerton who represents San Fernando, who is the first Latino to hold the position in the 94-year history of the MWD. Council Member Diaz highlighted District 1 small business Hajime Ramen Bar located at 2717 West Lincoln Avenue, noting they serve ramen, soup, sushi, and teriyaki, and have been open for five years. He thanked Walmart for assisting with facade improvements and improving District 1 at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Beach Blvd. as well as their donations to the Anaheim Health Fair and the Anaheim Police Foundation. He thanked Mayor Aitken for touring Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of January 10, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Beach Blvd. with State Senator Josh Newman and was thankful for State partnerships, requesting that the next tour include Congressman Lou Correa. Council Member Diaz invited the public to a pop-up tent on Wednesday, January 11, 2:30 —4:30 P.M., at the corner of Beach Blvd. and Rome Avenue to ask questions and learn more about the Rebuild Beach efforts. Mayor Pro Tern Rubalcava thanked department heads and staff for their responsiveness to constituents, specifically Code Enforcement for their graffiti clean-up efforts near Patrick Henry Elementary School and Public Works for responding on a Saturday to address a tree removal issue. She announced an Orange County Young LULAC event on Sunday, January 15, 3:00 — 5:30 P.M., and thanked Community Services Director Sjany Larson-Cash for her assistance. Mayor Pro Tem Rubalcava stated they would share details of this event on her webpage. Council Member Leon wished everyone a Happy New Year in both English and Spanish. He reported his attendance at a tour of housing projects and meeting with the City's partners and thanked staff for their efforts. He reported his attendance at a Community Services Department holiday breakfast, an Anaheim Public Utilities (APU) team meeting, presentation, and tour, and a toy giveaway in the ABC neighborhood near Brookhurst and Crescent that several departments and the California Highway Patrol assisted with. He congratulated Kathy and Art from K&A Café for their Christmas Eve brunch and event along with Mayor Pro Tem Rubalcava. He thanked APU for their donation of water and resources to Buhos Marching Band from Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico that participated in the Rose Parade. He reported his attendance at a Dia de Reyes event in Circle Park and the swearing-in ceremony for the Orange County Board of Supervisors, congratulating Supervisors Chaffee, Sarmiento, and Foley. He reported that he has been working with staff on the Charter Review and would likely bring it to Council at the first meeting in February for consideration and thanked District 2 residents and neighbors for their comments and participation. Mayor Aitken thanked City staff for hosting and attending the Mayor's Open House. She noted her office was able to help support the Buhos Marching Band before the Rose Parade and thanked the offices of Congressman Correa, Santa Ana Mayor Amezcua, and Irvine Mayor Khan for their support, as well as Caterina's Club that delivered a meal during their practice and Anaheim Public Utilities. She thanked Council Member Diaz for the tour of Beach Blvd. with Senator Newman, thanked Yesenia Rojas for a Dia de los Reyes community event, and noted she was asked to swear in the executive board of the United Food and Commercial Workers and looked forward to their partnership with families in Anaheim. She highlighted Consent Calendar Item Nos. 17 and 18 and thanked the offices of Congressman Lou Correa and Assemblymember Avelino Valencia for helping bring funding to La Palma and Boysen Parks. Council Member Meeks thanked City staff and departments for their involvement with various toy drives and Christmas events for those in need. She stated her support for Council Member Leon's focus on homelessness and believed Council needs to the picture of Anaheim better to move forward and direct efforts. CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE: City Manager Jim Vanderpool congratulated and thanked the Community Services Department for their annual Adopt-A-Family holiday event that provide gifts and funds to 75 families in conjunction with the Anaheim Community Foundation, D.E.V.O.T.E., and participating staff and residents. City Clerk Theresa Bass provided an update on the City Council District 4 vacancy, noting that following direction received at the December 20, 2022 City Council meeting, the District 4 vacancy webpage was launched the next day including information about the vacancy, a Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of January 10, 2023 Page 3 of 4 downloadable application, and a community input form. Additionally, the Public Information Office has been sharing information via social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and NextDoor for District 4, with such postings continuing until the January 18 application deadline. She noted that information regarding the vacancy has also been provided on Anaheim TV Channel 3 and a bilingual postcard was mailed on January 9 to over 21,000 District 4 addresses. Further, information was included in the Citywide newsletter to over 10,000 subscribers, a message is displayed on the Anaheim Convention Center's marquee along Katella Avenue through January 18, and posters and flyers are on display at the Ponderosa Family Resource Center. She reported partnering with the Community Services Department Neighborhood Services team to provide the flyers and information to various community groups and volunteers. She encouraged residents to visit www.Anaheim.net/councilvacancy for more information and noted that applications and community input are distributed to City Council upon receipt and posted on the website. She shared that the deadline for submitting applications and input is January 18 to allow for inclusion in the agenda packet for the January 24, 2023 City Council meeting, noting that City Council reserved January 31, 2023 for a special meeting if additional time is needed. At 6:41 P.M., Chairperson Aitken recessed the Anaheim Housing Authority, Anaheim City Council, Anaheim Public Financing Authority, and Anaheim Housing and Public Improvements Authority to address the Successor Agency to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency agenda. Chairperson Aitken reconvened the Anaheim Housing Authority at 6:44 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 6:44 P.M., the consent calendar was considered. MOTION: Authority Member Faessel moved to approve the consent calendar, in accordance with reports, certifications, and recommendations furnished each Authority Member and as listed on the consent calendar, seconded by Authority Member Meeks. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES —6 (Chairperson Aitken and Authority Members Rublacava, Diaz, Leon, Faessel, and Meeks); NOES — 0. Motion carried. 7. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Overland, Pacific & Cutler, LLC, in an AGR-13921 amount not to exceed $100,000, for on-call professional services to provide relocation guidance and assistance to eligible parties impacted by development activities for a one- year term of January 10, 2023 to December 31, 2023, and authorize the Executive Director, or designee, to execute and administer the agreement. R100 8. RESOLUTION NO. AHA-2023-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY amending the dates and times for regular meetings of the Authority for the 2023 calendar year and rescinding Resolution No. AHA-2022-010 [rescheduling the meeting of March 21 to March 28, 2023]. AHA177 9. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meeting of December 20, 2022. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of January 10,2023 Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to conduct, without objection, Chairperson Aitken adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority at 6:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, There a Bass, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority