AHA - 2023/02/28 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 2023 The Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting of February 28, 2023 was called to order at 5:24 P.M. in the Council Chamber of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. in joint session with the Anaheim City Council. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on February 23, 2023. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ashleigh E. Aitken and Authority Members Natalie Rubalcava, Jose Diaz, Carlos A. Leon, Norma Campos Kurtz, Stephen Faessel, and Natalie Meeks. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Jim Vanderpool, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and Secretary Theresa Bass ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS (all agenda items): No electronically submitted public comments related to the Anaheim Housing Authority agenda. Paul Hyek expressed support for the item related to the new housing project and helping people get out of substandard units. He expressed concerns regarding Mercy House and having the City provide services. He spoke regarding the need for medical personnel and services for those in need. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Council Member/Authority Member Faessel requested the meeting adjourn in memory of Anaheim business owner, Daniel "Dan" Doller and Maria De La Luz Cruz, who tragically lost her life due to a fallen tree incident at Pearson Park. Council Member/Authority Member Kurtz requested that Anaheim resident Lupe Vega leave her contact information to join her on a neighborhood walk. She highlighted the rehabilitation of Boysen Park and thanked the Community Services Department for hosting three community meetings to receive residents' input to include in the rehabilitation plan. She displayed two options that included rehabilitated ball fields, increased green space, and splash pads. She encouraged the community to provide feedback and vote online for their preferred option at https://anaheim.net/boysen. Council Member/Authority Member Diaz highlighted and encouraged residents to visit Damisse coffee shop located at 3016 W. Lincoln Avenue. He announced that on Saturday, March 4 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. the Anaheim Police Department will be hosting a Bicycle Rodeo at Twila Reid Park. The event will consist of obstacle courses and instructions on safety techniques. He also announced a Business Watch meeting on Friday, March 8th at 6:30 P.M. at the West Anaheim Youth Center. Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chairperson Rubalcava reported her attendance at a Neighborhood Services Resource Fair at the Glen-Neighbors neighborhood in District 3. She announced four new exhibits at Muzeo including the National Geographic exhibit. She reported her attendance Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of February 28, 2023 Page 2 of 4 at the Anaheim Youth and Government Day and thanked the Community Services Department and Neighborhood & Human Services Manager Joe Perez for their work organizing the event. She featured local artist Carla Roche for her work on a mural commissioned by Dr. Yadira Moreno at Benito Juarez Elementary School. She highlighted the Anaheim YMCA youth basketball team the Role Playerz and Athletic Director Byron Reliford. She thanked staff for their assistance in clearing blight such as leftover garbage from areas in District 3 and urged the public to participate and provide feedback to the City. She also mentioned the tragic passing of Maria De La Luz Cruz and provided additional comments about her life. Council Member/Authority Member Leon congratulated the Magnolia High School Girls soccer team on their first ever CIF-SS championship and requested a recognition from the City Council to recognize their accomplishment. He thanked the Housing & Community Development, Public Works, and Police Departments for their continuous efforts to address homelessness throughout District 2. He mentioned that in collaboration with City staff they were able to address concerns near Energy Field and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. He reported that he contacted Union Pacific regarding neighbors' concerns and looks forward to meeting with them to address those concerns. He announced his attendance at Anaheim Union High School District's Black History Month. He mentioned his participation at Youth and Government Day and thanked the Community Services Department for organizing the event. He announced Sunland Flowers as District 2's local business of the month and highlighted their efforts in working with families with limited budgets on floral arrangements for their loved ones. Mayor/Chairperson Aitken highlighted her request to forward Youth Commission applications to participants at Youth and Government Day. She mentioned her first Mayor's office hours in District 1 at Glee's Donuts. She announced her attendance at an event at Chapman University celebrating the 30th anniversary of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's appointment to the Supreme Court. She thanked the Planning Department for providing her with a tour of the City to highlight future projects. She thanked Public Utilities General Manager Dukku Lee for a tour of substations and water stations in Anaheim Hills. She highlighted Assistant City Manager Greg Garcia, Deputy Director of Housing & Community Development Sandra Lozeau, and Housing & Community Development Director Grace Stepter for their assistance in providing support to residents during extreme weather situations. She mentioned her intent to agendize an item in the future to assist homeless individuals during those extreme weather situations. CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE: City Manager Vanderpool congratulated the Community Services Department on Youth and Government Day. He announced Anaheim Housing Authority will be opening applications for the Section 8 Housing Voucher program beginning March 6, 2023. Interested parties can submit applications online at anaheim.net/ApplySection8. Accommodations will be made for persons with a disability who may not be able to complete an electronic application. The waiting list will be open for 31 days, with waiting list positions determined by a lottery system. Preference will continue to be given to applicants who live or work in Anaheim, or in the case of individuals experiencing homelessness, can show a connection to Anaheim. He announced that city Emergency Management personnel conducted Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training for Spanish speakers that educated community members about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trained them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. He reported 18 community members completed the course and formed Orange County's first Spanish speaking CERT team. He announced the 14th annual compost Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of February 28,2023 Page 3 of 4 giveaway at Angel Stadium on Saturday, March 11 from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. He thanked the Anaheim Police Department and East Community Policing team for meeting with Girl Scouts Troop 5176 at East Station for information on an emergency preparedness project the troop is working on to earn a Silver Award. At 8:23 P.M., Chairperson Aitken recessed the Anaheim City Council to address the Anaheim Housing Authority agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 8:23 P.M., the Consent Calendar was considered. Prior to the vote, Authority Member Diaz expressed his support for down payment assistance programs. He stated that homeownership changes lives and communities and highlighted Agenda Item No. 1, which is $2,900,000 in affordable housing funds to support future homeowners. MOTION: Authority Member Faessel moved to approve the consent calendar as presented, in accordance with reports, certifications, and recommendations furnished each Authority Member and as listed on the consent calendar, seconded by Authority Member Meeks. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Chairperson Aitken and Authority Members Rubalcava, Diaz, Leon, Kurtz, Faessel, and Meeks); NOES — 0. Motion carried. 1. Approve a Preliminary Funding Commitment Letter, in substantial form, with Toll West AGR-14002 Coast, LLC to allocate up to $2,900,000 in affordable housing funds for first-time home AGR-14002.0.1 buyer down payment assistance for the 100 West Homeownership Affordable Housing Project located at 100-394 West Cerritos Avenue; authorize the Executive Director, or designee, to execute and administer the Preliminary Funding Commitment Letter on behalf of the Anaheim Housing Authority; and authorize the Executive Director, or designee, to enter into subsequent agreements necessary to implement the down payment assistance, provided that such agreements do not materially increase or extend the assistance provided by the Anaheim Housing Authority under the Preliminary Funding Commitment Letter. Approve a Cooperation Agreement, in substantial form, with the City of Anaheim to make available an amount up to $2,900,000 of Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods (BEGIN) Program Funds for the down payment assistance for the 100 West Homeownership Affordable Housing Project and authorize the Executive Director of the Housing Authority, or designee, to execute and administer the agreement (related to City Council Agenda Item No. 21). Amend the Housing and Community Development Department's FY 2022/23 budget by $2,900,000 (related to City Council Agenda Item No. 21). AHA177 2. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meeting of January 10, 2023. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to conduct, without objection, Chairperson Aitken adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority at 8:23 P.M. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of February 28,2023 Page 4 of 4 Respectfully submitted, - - B_.s, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority